1969-08-18 Regular MeetingI , 3 8 O• MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 4, 1969 (CONT~D) ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET (CONT~D~ "Be it further resolved that the Budget be adopted in detail and spent only in amounts appropriated fo~ each item unless changes are approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the above resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Metts requested the minutes refiect that although he voted for adoption of the budget, he was opposed to the tax rate. Mr. Harriss expressed the same feeling. Mr. Hall made the following comments: We feel that the people of New Hanover County know that the Board of Commissioners have worked long and hard to provide a budget which, in our opinion, provides necessities for the government of New Hanover County. We have tried to take into consideration, in our ,judgement, things needed to be done, and that while we ail realize a tax increase at this time is not popular, we have tried to meet the demands that have been imposed upon local government and needs that have accumulated over a period of time. Mr. Marks said the Board~s task of estabiishing the tax rate this year was made more difficult by the previous Board~s reducing the rate last year. He said if the last Board had not borrowed amount equal to eight cents of tax rate and had added the eight cents to the rate instead of reducing it five cents, this Board wouid not have been put at such a dis- advantage. Mr. Marks said the record will bear this out. SCHOOL BOARD REQUESTS, LEGAL FEES A letter dated July 24 from Dr. Bellamy stating need for an additional $7,000 in Legal Expense and requesting it be allocated from the School Surplus Account was presented to the Board. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Dr. Bellamy~s request be approved. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MINUTES AND JOINT CITY-COUNTY BUDGET NINUTES Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the budget discussions minutes h¢ld by the Board of Commissioners and the minutes of the Joint City-County be approved. Motion carried. PAYMENT OF BILL FOR $50 TO VICTOR G. SNEEDEN FOR RELOCATION OF VOTING MACHINES Bill of Victor G. Sneeded in amount of $50 for relocating voting machines sometime ago was presented to the Board. By common consent it was agreed this be paid from the Board of Elections.Budget. FINAL PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR RENOVATING WELFARE BU,~ILDING Mr. Marks advised the Board the Welfare Board is having difficulty in getting the work finished at the Welfare Building and suggested withholding payment of bills until such work is completed. By common consent the Board agreed to this. INSPECTION OF VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS Mr. Metts reminded the Board that it was aimost time for the yearly inspection of the Volunteer Fire Departments and suggested sometime in September. Mr. Hall said sometime in October would be more.convenient for him. Mr. Metts asked Mr. Hall to choose the day in October and let the Commissioners know. ROAD PETITIONS - HOLIDAY HILLS DRIVE AND ANOTHER UNNAMED RQAD NEAR MASONBORO SOUND The above road p.etitions were presented to the Board. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board follow the usual procedure in sending them to the State Highway Commission, sub,~ect to approval of the Planning Commission. Motion carried, ADJ OURNMEN T There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the.meeting ad,fourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 18, 1969 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held n the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioner Berry A. Williams County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr. and H. A. Marks were absent. INVOCATION Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. D. Morrison, Pastor, A.M.E. Church to give the invocation. 381 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 18, 1969 (CONT'D) APPROVAL OF MIMITE5 The following corrections were made to the minutes of ineeting of August 4, 1969: On Page 4, first paragraph, third line, name should be Mr. Moses instead of Mr. Mosely. On Page 4, first paragraph, second sentence should read: ". .., and the budget of the Division of Outdoor Recreation is from four hundred to six hundred million dollars this year." On Page 4, under '~Landfill Operation" before last sentence of first paragraph this sentence should be added: "By common consent this.was agreed to." After making the above corrections, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried. REPORTS No reports were due by or through the County Commissioners. NURSES' HOME, CON~lUNITY HOSPITAL Nr. Harriss discussed with the Board members present, question of Opportunities Incorporated being permitted to use the Nurses~ Home of the old Community Hospital. He reminded the Board that this had been discussed by the Board at one time, but nothing had been done because it was found renovation of the quarters would cost the County a great deai of money. Mr. Harriss said now it appears that Opportunities Incorporated are in a position to do the renovation 'themselves at no expense to the County. Mr, Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the County lease the Nurses~• Home of the old Community Hospital to Opportunities Incorporated on a year to year basis for $1.00 per year with the understanding they do any renovation necessary subject to the Commissioners~ approval, and the maintenance of building, at this time, be at their expense, and the building be turned back to the County in as good condition or better as it is at present, and that the County be free of. any liabilities which might occur. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Fox, County Attorney, said he would prepare the lease. DRAINAGE, TRAILER PARH, GORDON ROAD (MRS. DON DAVIS) Mrs. Don Davis, owner of a trailer park on Gordon Road, appeared before the Board requesting something be done to relieve them of excess water at her trailer park. Mr. Williams suggested this problem be referred to the County Administrator for investigation with Mr. Cranford and the State Highway. By common consent this was agreed to. CHECK FOR INTANGIBLE TAX Chairman Hall announced receipt of a check from the State Department of Revenue in amount of $335,387.86 which re resents intanoible tax due New Hanover County. ~ 3 3 J~ 3Sl yr'~6 7~'.an/ Cd..~.~W R+. i, 2C-t~•yNle1. /t.c~ a.i~ ,ak" Z a yc $ au8., /8~ ~9L Rj QauC. 7K ~ f/.Y" 4/ RA.Y , T,n.w w~n'tw24~.f_.~'/,I~Ct./ /S; / P ~ 9 SCHOOL BOARD REQUEST, FUNDS FOR SOCIAL SECURITY & RETIREMENT ~~ s~~ B-zf"- 7c Request of the School Board to increase Item 626 - Vocational Salaries of the Regular Budget in amount or:°$33,800 was reviewed by the Board, The increase is necessary due to reccnt information received by the Board of Education that they will be r~quired to pay matching retirement and social security contributions. They will be reimbursed for same by the State. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the School Board~s request be granted, funds being transferred from the Anticipated Revenue within the School Budget. Motion carried unanimously. • HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQUEST, SALARY INCREASE FOR INSECT E RODENT CONTROL EMPLOYEES Request from the Health Department for increase in salaries of employees in the Insect 8 Rodent Control Departm¢nt was presented to the Board. The Health Department felt that since the Board of Commissioners had granted 10% increases to the Drainage employees, same should be ~ranted the Insect and Rodent Control employees. The Board had been advised that the $50 required to do this would come from Part Time Salary-Insect and Rodent Control which had already been appropriated. Mr. Harriss moved the matter be deferred until there is a clarification of extra help, and if it can be worked out, the ten per cent be given. It was noted that one of the employees had already been given more than a 10% raise. Mr. Harriss withdrew his motion. By common consent it was agreed than an investigation be made as to what effect this increase will have on future part time help. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS A.B.C. Permit Requests from Bradshaw~s Self-Service Station, Castle Hayne, N. C. and Terry~s Breakfast Bar, 509 MacRae Street, Wilmington, N. C. were,~presented tothe Commissioners. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr, Williams, that these requests be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for consideration. Motion carried. SALE OF CITY-COUNTY OWNED LOTS Mr. Harriss moved, secbnded by Mr. Williams, that in view of the fact no offers had been received since the Commissioners~ last meeting to purchase lots at that tim¢, that the Board act in the manner authorized by the motion of the last m¢eting, and notify the City of this decislon, and that the Board authorize Chairman Hall to sign the deeds when they are prepared. Motion carried. DRAINAGE, GREEN MEADOWS Mr. Harriss discussed the drainage petition which had been received by the Commissioners from property owners in Green Meadows Subdivision at their last meeting. Mr. Powell, Intern working in the Commissioners~ Office, had investigated with Mr. Cranford and Mr. Mint2. Mr. Cranford said there had been no serious problems in this subdivision and Mr. Mintz said he had been told not to go into subdivisions; that the State Highway should be called . Mr. Harriss -and-Mr. Metts rode through the Green Meadows subdivision on the day the petition was presented and saw no water. The area has been sprayed for mosquitoes by the Health Department. 382 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 18, 1969 (CONT'D) EMPLOYP~NT, HELP COUNTY FARM Mr. Harriss advised the Board that last week when t~e~Chairman and Administrator were out of town an emergency came up at the Prison Farm. The night watchman resigned on short notice and it was necessary to employ someone on a temporary basis. The person employed was recommended by Mr. Mittt2. He was employed on a temporary basis unti2 Mr.""Bowden and Mr. Mint2 can confer on the matter. Mr. Harriss brought this matter up for approval of the Board By common consent the Board approved Mr. Harriss~ action. APPROVP.L OF PURCHASE OF AERIAL MAPS Mr. Harriss advised the Board that he had, in the absence of the Chairman and County Administrator, authorized the purchase of 5 aerial maps. Mr. Harriss said these maps will be ~raluable in establishing ownership, drainage, etc „ and will g.ive better representation of our County in tying in with the land survey. Mr. Williams asked if we~are going to have maps included in the soil survey. Nr. Hail sugges~.ed that the Board fund out whether these maps would be heipful in the study of the shoreline. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Nr. Harriss' action in ordering maps be approved. Motion carried. Mr. Wfli:fams recommended the County Administrator investigate obtaining maps for study of the shoreline. MEETING OIV NiAPPING By common consent it was agreed to authorize Mr. Laurence 0. Bowden, Tax Supervisor, to attend meeting to be held on mapping August 19-21. Also, The Board asked Mr. Bowden to get maps of the unincorporated area south of Carolina Beach berm. The maps will assist in establishing zones for assessing the beach properties in this area from the ocean front inland. PARKING OF P1ANE5 AT AIRPORT AND RENT THEREFORE Copy of a lett•er from Nr. A. A. Canoutas, Attorney, who,-has been retained by various pil ts using the Airport was discussed at the m¢eting. Mr. Harriss wanted two things checkd; namely, (1) whether the airpl~anes are listed and (2) whether rent was paid for July. Mr. Harriss suggested Mr. Fox talk with Mr. Canoutas and explain the matter in detail to him. Mr. Hall said he felt the pilots woed rent from the time they were written that rent would be charged until they cease parking their planes at the airport. CIVIL DEFENSE REQUEST - STORAGE SPACE AT COMNNNITY HOSPITAL Request from the Civil Defense Director for storage space at the old Community Hospital for storing Civil Defense fallout shelter supplies was discussed briefly. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that request of the Civil Defense Director for storage space at Community Hospital be granted, sub~ject to holding the County blameless for any liabilities arising from this storage, and with the concurrence of the County Administrator as to the sect3on of the hospital to be used. Motion carried. UNTAXES AUTOS A letter, dated August 13, from Mr. Lloyd S. Elkins, Jr., Attorney at Law, relative to unlisted autos which are prfncipally garaged in New Hanover County was discussed. Mr. Williams said it is his recollection that in the late fifties the law on this was that the auto, etc., would be taxed where it was stivated on Jan uary 1, and if law has been changed, should work to get it changed back. Mr. Williams said if the auto is used in New Hanover County, taxes should be paid here. By common consent it was agreed to ask Mr. Bowden to write the State of North Caro lina for list of autos, and Mr. Harriss suggested a list of mobile homes also be obtained. ~ Mr. Williams said the Tax Supervisor is going to tax school shortly and suggested that he talk with Mr. Henry Lewis about this matter. Also, it was agreed, by common consent, that Nr. Bowden take the two tax Assesstors to the school when it is held. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Eiliins be commended for takina such an interest in the County, and a letter be written thanking him. RENOVATION OF 5&H GREEN STAMP BUILDiING Mr. Ydilliams said he questioned the wisdom of spending money to renovate the S8H Green Stamp building since the YMCA building had recently been purchased. Mr. Harriss said he was of the same opinion; he said he was not willing to spend money for usage of less than ten years and said he had suggested to Mr.Bowden he find a way to cut down the cost of renovating. At this time, Mr. McHim and Mr. Jeffries, Architects employed to prepare plans and specifications, appeared at the meeting to make their presentation. Discussion was held on whether it is thought advisable to proceed with the renovation or to rent. Mr. Harriss advised Mr. ~cKim of the purchase of the YMCA building and said everyone knows that sooner or later a County Government or City-County Government building has tobbe built; the hodgepodge has to be resolved. Mr. Harriss said since this is in the foreseeable future, he does not wish to see the County spend itt excess of $50,000 to renovate a building. He wanted to know if there is an alternate way to fix the 58H Green Stamp building or would it be better ro rent' space temporarily. Mr. McKim siad it would probably cost from $3.50 to $4.00 per square foot to rent and for the same amount of space as is in the S8H Green Stamp building it would cost approximately $11},000 per year to rent. , ~83 NINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 18, 1969 tCONT~D) RENOVATION OF S8H GREEN STAMP BUILDING (CONTINUED) Mr. McKim said $3,000 can be deducted from his estimate of cost because this had been added for tying into electrical service at the,courthouse. The original estimate was $53,000. Mr. Harriss suggested receiving Mr. McKim's report at this time and with the idea not to wait too long Defore coming to a decision because of the rising costs. He suggested bringing~.the matter up for dec~iSion at the next meeting on September 2, 1969. Between n w and the next meeting Mr. McHim will giye the Board a sketch advising what can be cut out and the absolute minimum renovation cost. BLAST FENCE AT AIRPORT Mr. Harriss inquired of Mr. Fox whether .;or not it would be necessary to get bids on a biast fence and passenger baggage facility ~stimated roughly to cost $1,000. Mr. Fox said formal bids are not required. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Bowden get two informal bids and go ahead with the construction. Notion carried. USE OF NURSES' HOME AT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL BY OPPORTUNITIES, INCORPORATED Mr. Mcl{im was advised that approval had been granted Opportunities, Incorporated to use the Nurses~ Home at Community Hospital. Mr. McKim said he thought heating the building would be the only renovation undertaken by Opportunities, Incorporated at this time. BIDS ON HEALTH INSURANCE Discussion of whether or not to open the bids submitted by various insurance companies for Health Insurance for County employees was discussed again. Mr. Fox said it was entirely up to the Commission. The Board was hesitant in taking action until the legality is clearly established. Mr. Harriss said he regretted extrememly that the Board had put a number of people to the trouble of bidding, but does not see how u~e can in the face of the County Attorney's opinion act in any other mariner. The Board now reimburses the employees $4 per month on their own choice of insurance. Nr. Harriss said if the Insurance Committee wants to recommend a plan for persons concerned, and if employees did adopt a plan, it would be out of their own pocket and there would be no probiem. If this is the case, the committee could open bids and ma}ie recommendations and in no way involve the Commissioners. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the Board inform the Insurance Advisory Committee that we regret deeply the touble to which they have gone in obtaining this information, but we find that our legal position is such that we cannot make any change at this time and that the bids be returned unopened to the Committee with request that they be returned to the various companies. Motion carried. BOARD OF ELECTIONS BUDGET FOR NOVEMBER 1i., 1969 TAX REFERENDUM Mr. Wiiliams brought to the attention of the Board amount Mr. Pridgen has sho~on in budoet for his services for the November 4, 1969 Tax Referendum and suggested the matter be referred to the County Administrator for clarification with Mr. Pridgen of what the County has budgeted for the fiscal year 1969-70 for his services. By common consent this was agreed to. UNFINISHED WORx, WELFARE BUILDING A letter from Mr. Altobellis relative to unfinished work by Conrad Mechanical Company was discussed. Mr. Aitobellis said he'~~had requested this Company a number of times to correct or finish work at the Welfare Building on which they had been contracted, but he could get no response. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the County Attorney take this matter up with the Bonding Company. Notion carried. TITLE TO YNCA BUILDING Mr. Fox said there was a small gappage in title to the YNKA property and he suggested having the land surveyed to estaTiiish the true line. i~lr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr.'Williams, that survey suggested by the Count:y. Attorney be conducted in order to provide legal ownership, and the Chairman be authorized to complete sale of this property. Motion carried. SDJOi~RNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meet3ng adjourn. i~7otion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Ha2e1 Savage Cl~erk to the Board ~