1969-09-02 Regular Meeting~ ~ 384 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - SEPTEiNBER 2, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly roeeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr „ Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Ja_., Commissioners H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, ~lerk to the ~oard. Commissioner John Van B. ~etts, Jr. was absent. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meetfng to order and asked Rev: J. A. Humphrey, Pastor, Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - On Page 5, under heading "Blast Fence At Airport", first sentence should read as follows: "Mr. Harriss inquired of Mr. Fox whether or not it would be necessary to get bids on a blast fence and passenger baggage facility estimated roughly to cost $1,000." After making the above correction, Mr. Wiliiams moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - No reports were due by or through the County Commissioners. APPOINTN~NT OF TAX COLLECTOR - Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Mr. Sam Johnson be reappointed to serve as Tax Eollector for a term of two`years. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR- Mr. Sam Johnson gave his report on back tax collections through June, 1969. Mr. Johnson said this year had been the largest year in ~collection of back taxes in 22 years. Mr. Marks asked for a list of delinquent personal property taxes. Mr. Johnson will try to have this list before the next meeting. Mr. Johnson was thanked for appearing. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS, OPPORTUNITIES, INC. - This was deferred until a later date. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUEST - A.B.C. Permit Request from Richardson Grocery, 18 N. 30th Street, was presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that this request be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for consideration. Motion carried. REGULATIONS - RENT AND PARKING AT AIRPORT - Mr. A. A. Canoutas, Attorney at Law, and his clients (private owners of aircraft), appeared before the Board protesting rent and parking regulations recently placed on owners of private planes parked at the airport. Mr. Canoutas told the Board they objected to parking their planes on the grassy area assigned to them for several reasons; there is a greater danger of fire, malicious damage, and windstorm damage. He said his clients felt $15 per month charged for rent is steep; that there was no upkeep involved of the concrete area where they are now parking, and he felt they should not be charged more than $1 or $5 at the most. Mr. Fox said, in his opinion, the County has the right to charge any reasonable rental and enforce any regulations in controlling the safety of the airport. Mr. Fox said the airport is definitely County property. Mr. Harriss said the master plan, which is not public yet, for the airport is the cause of relocation of the parking area. Mr. Harriss said the airport committee will be glad to study the matter further. Mr. Canoutas said unless the master plan is forthcoming soon, he does not see why the aircraft cannot be tied down in the area where it'is now. Mr. Hall said there might be a possibility of using the present area on a temporary basis. If it is found to be incompatible with future plans, the parking area will have to be moved. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the matter be referred to the Airport Committee for further study, and that they report back to the Board of Commissioners their recommendations. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss told Mr. Canoutas the Airport Committee would be glad to have a representative from his clients to meet with them. The Board pointed out to Mr. Canoutas any action taken by the Commissioners will be retroactive from July 15, 1969. DAVID ALEXANDER, DIRECTOR, SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Mr. David Alexander, newly appointed Director, Southeastern Economic Development Commission, appeared before the Board to get acquainted. Mr. Alexander said he hoped to work closely with the Commissioners; he said one of the important things is gradually to draw together resources. He said the area is one of two growth centers and is under special consideration by the Federal Government. Mr. Alexander mentioned the Coastal Plains Regional Commission is a State program which will be right in the middle of the activity. He said another agency he is looking very closely at is the Department of Local Affairs. Mr. Alexander said Eastern North Carolina is an area that is going to be developed; this is where the manpower is. He said he would try to cultivate these two organizations. ~ , ~ . e~igJ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - SEPTENIBER 2, 1969 ~CONTINUED) DAVID ALEXANDER, DIRECTOR, SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (CONTINUED). - Mr. Hall suggested to Mr. Alexander that he, Mr. Alexander, might be in a position to guide the Commissioners as to the next step in getting funds for the proposed water supply for New Hanover County. Mr. Alexander said he had recently gone with EDA representatives to five places in Robeson and Columbus Counties and found that water-sewer is a problem of great concern to these communities, and hoped that Coastal Plains will be involved in this. Mr. Hall said that the County has been searching to find Federal assistance for a water supply project that will cost several million dollars, and that $500,000 is the most the City and County can get from.HL1D. Mr. Alexander said he would investigate to determine if funds are available, keeping New Hanover County in mind. RENOVATION OF S 8 H GREEN STAMP BUILDING - ' At its last meeting the Commissioners requested the firm of Ballard, Mcl{im and Sawyer to review the specifications it had prepared for renovation of the S 8 H Green Stamp Building and eliminate all items possible to reduce the cost. Mr. John Jefferies, Architect, appeared today with the list of possible deletions. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board advertise for bids with foilowing alternates: (1) without underground service and (2) deletion of two private toilets. Mr. Marks said he did not think the Board 4ras ready to ask for bids as stipulated. He said he thought the Board should have a firmed up plan of over-a21 usage of courthouse space before anything is done. Discussion was held on the possibility of renting office space, A figure of $3.00 per square foot was mentioned. Mr. Marks said he had a building he rented, and $3.00 per square foot is substantially higher that what he receives for his building. Mr. Harriss felt that the cost of renovating could be amortized based on estimated cost of rent. Mr. Williams said it appears that it is estimated the life use of the renovated building would be from five to ten years at the most, and according to the estimate of Mr. McKim, the cost of new construction would prcbably be less than double. Mr. Williams said he thought it would be better to build from the ground up, finding a place where the County could leave the building. He said he questioned the wisdom of investing $50,000 for five to ten years~ use when $80,400 could be spent for a building with from forty to fifty years~ use. Mr. Harriss withdrew motion with understanding some action be taken within 30 days. Mr. Jefferies said bids could be obtained which would save time, should the Commissioners decide within the next 30 days to renovate the building. By common consent, it was agreed to put the subject, Renovation of the S& H Green 5tamp Building, on the agenda for meeting of 5eptember lsth. By common consent, it was agreed to request the County Administrator to ask the Pianning Department to look this entire area over and suggest a location for a permanent office for the Commissioners. Mr. Hall said he could not see contemplating putting a new building on the lot. Mr. Williams said the Board should explore idea of building separate building to house these offices or a phase of another building. Mr. Harriss s~id it was costing $500 a month to delay and the Commissioners would be criticized for spending that kind of money. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board invite bids with following alternates: (1) deletion of underground service and (2) deletion of private toilets, and that bid opening be held on October 2. Mr. Harriss said he based his motion on contractors' willingness to bid even though the Board is not sure whether the building will be renovated. Mr. Harriss also said he was not trying to force action at this time, but would like to have complete information when the subject comes up on the agenda. Motion failed, Messrs Harriss and Hall voting "Yes" and Messrs. Marks and Williams voting'"'No." i Mr. Marks said he voted no because (1) he did not feel the contractors would bid as closely when there is doubt the work will be done, (2) not satisfied that the Board has evaluated total usage of space as much as it could, and (3) not satisfied renovation would be adequate as required by the courts' needs. Mr. Harriss pointed out that Mr. Bowden had discussed plans for the additional court room with Judge Mintz, and Judge Mintz had agreed it would be adequate. CONSIDER REQUESTING HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TO PLACE A TRAFFIC LIGHT AT SUNNYVALE DRIVE AND CAROLINA BEACH ROAD - Mr. Williams said he had had several people approach him concerning traffic ,~ams at the intersection of Sunnyvale Drive and Carolina Seach Road when the various plants in that area are changing shifts. Mr. Williams said with a trip switch on Sunnyvale Drive it would permit the light on the Carolina Beach Road to remain green until someone wanted to get off of Sunnyvale Drive. Mr. Williams suggested the State Highway be requested to make a study of the problem, especially at peak traffic periods. By common consent it was agreed that the State Highway be requested to make the study. CIVIL DEFENSE RESOLUTION - A letter from the Civil Defense Director enclosing Joint Resolution No. 4 was brought to the Board~s attention for adoption. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that if the resolution had not been previously adopted or signed, that it be adopted and the Chairman authorized to sign it. Motion carried. RESCIND ACTION TO RELOCATE JUDGES' SECRETARY - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Nr. Harriss that action previously taken to ask that the person occupying office in the courthouse first designated to be used by District Solicitor Walker be rescinded, and that she be permitted to occupy the office, but that it be noted that before any department heads occupy any new space in the courthouse building, it must be ~ brought before the County Administrator. I 386 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 (CONTINUED) PAYMENT OF RENT FOR OFFICE SPACE FOR DiSTRICT COURT SOLICITOR WALKER - By common consent it was agreed to continue to pay $35 per month rent for office space for District Court Solicitor Waiker, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. BOARD OF EL'ECTIONS' BUDGET FOR NOVEMBER ELECTION - Budget for the Board of Elections for the November !~ Tax Referendum was discussed. Mr. Williams said at one time during budget discussions the Board considered whether to pay the Chairman, Mr. Pridgen, salary of $2,400 per year and $600 for each special election. At a later meeting it was decided that since this would be a permanent registration office, with a full time secretary, the Chairm2n would not be required to spend as much time working with the elections, and it was decided to pay him only $200 per month. Mr. Hall said he thought consideration should be given for special elections. By common consent it was agreed Nr. Pridgen be paid $600 for this special election only. Mr. Williams said since it had been decided to pay Mr. Pridgen for this special election, he thought it would be in line to pay the other Board members. By common consent it was agreed that the other two board members receive ~120 each for this election. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the budget be adopted with the above changes. Motion carried. LEASE OPPORTCTNITIES~ INC. - A letter from Mr. Mullins of the State Insurance Department was with the Opportunities, Inc., request to use the Nurses' Home at the Mr. Mullins~ letter specifically said the building could not be used it is a two story building. By common consent it was agreed to writ them of this and requesting clarification of what they intend to use discussed in connection old Community Hospital. for a school, since e Opportunities advising the bUilding for. AIRPORT PERSONNEL - Mr. Harriss discussed with the Board the need for additional personnel at the Airport. As it is now, and has been for a long time, the Airport Manager and Maintenance Foreman take turns being on 24-hour call seven days per week. The tower calls them when they are needed. Nr. Harriss said additional personnel should be hired to relieve these two men. Nr. Harriss said an additional person should be authorized at a salary not to exceed Mr. Grady' Mr. Bowden pointed out it would take at least a year to train a man. Funds for paying this person was discvssed. Mr. Shepard suggested using funds appropriated for position of Assistant to Mr. Westbrook which has not been filled. By common consent this was agreed to. Mr. Williams suggested a job classification be prepared and Mr. Harriss suggested position be called Assistant to Maintenance Foreman and salary to start at grade comparable to $7,000. Nr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the person be sought to perform duties of Assistant Airport,Maintenance Foreman and be paid on Classification of either 17-5 or 17=6. Motion carried. Mr. Williams inquired whether progress had been made toward filling new position created at the airport for Assistant to Mr. Westbrook. Mr. Bowden said two people had been interviewed. Mr. Harriss said progress was being made. APPOINTMENT OF PERSON TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INFORMATION ON FEDERAL GRANTS - Nr. Williams discussed his memo to the Commissioners dated August 6 in which he suggested appointing the Planning Director to be responsible for information concerning Federal Grants. By common consent it was agreed Messrs. Williams and Marks will discuss the matter with Mr. Timothy Wood, City-County Planning Director. JAIL' NEEDS - Mr. Harriss discussed the need for jail renovation and the need for consider3ng a new jail. He reminded the Board that it had been recommended by the State authorities that a new jail be considered and he suggested that a committee be appointed to proceed ~•rith preliminary study on renovating present jail and construction of a new facility. Mr. Harriss said the present jail is fast becoming obsolete. He suggested the Chairman appoint someone to work with the Administrator and perhaps some outside person to come up with a plan. Mr. Hall said he would like to think this over and would come up with a plan. AIRPORT RESTP.URANT - Mr. Harriss discussed correspondence dated August 25, 1968 from W. G. Clark, Chief, Maintenance Operations Branch, relative to proposed terminal building, including airport restaurant. SALARY INCREASE FOR INSECT 8 RODENT CONTROL EMPLOYEES IN HEALTH DEPARTMENT - hir. Bowden adOised the Board that salary increases had been arranged for these employees who were due them, retroactive to July 1. RESIGNATION OF i~7RS. SAAtDRA ~OORE, CLERK-STENOGRAPHER IN COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE - The Board expressed its regrets to ~rs. Moore who resigned, effective September 5 to be with her husband and son, and wished her well in the future. AIRPORT RUNWAYS - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board proceed with recommendetions of Nr. John Talbert for amending the County~s application for paving assistance at the airport to a stub taxiway instead of apron overlay at the terminal. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Bbard, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Nr. Hali, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Ha2e1 Savage Clerk to the Board T ,