1969-10-06 Regular Meeting~3~1~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 15, 1969 (CONTINUED) CLEARING OF GRASS FRO~ RIGHT-OF-WAY OF HIGHWAYS - Mr. Williams called attention to the hioh grass on the right-of-ways around the County and sugg,ested contacting the State Highwa~y and requesting they endeavor to do something about it. By common consent Mr. Hall will check with the Highway Department. INSPECTION OF THE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS - I~Ir. Hall advised the Commissioners that inspection of the Volunteer Fire Departments will be held on ~onday Evening, October 6 at 7:00 P.M. The Commissioners will meet at the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department and go from there. WORKING HOURS OF COUNTY EMPLOYEES - Mr. Bowden brought to the Soard's attention that a County Employee is now working through her lunch hour and leaving an hour earlier in the afternoon. Mr. Bowden pointed out that the Personnel Plan, as it stands now, a Department Head has the authority to set hours of employees in his department. By common consent the Commissioners asked Mr. Bowden to m2ke amendment to the Personnel Plan; requiring an employee to take his lunch hour and get off work along with other employees in the afternoon. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. ~otion carried. Respectfully submitted, Ha2e1 Savage Cle"r,k to the Board NINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 6, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held • on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman d:. ~: Ha:L1; Jr,.:; Vice-Chairman.~eares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Narks, Serry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Auditor Perry Shepard was absent. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. J. Phillips Williams, Pastor, Price Cathedral A.M.E. Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - On Page tS, under heading "X-Ray Buiiding James Walker Hospital'~, fifth sentence should' read: "Mr. Metts suggested getting Mr. John Wood to check the electrical wiring arid the Plumbing Inspector to check the pipes." Also, the last sentence should refer to "a boiler'~ instead of "the boiler". After making the above corrections, Mr. Narks moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, tfiat the minutes b`e approved as corrected. Motion carried unamimously. REPORTS - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, presented his report on taxes collected to date to the Board of Commissioners. Also, Mr. Johnson presented his report on Delinquent Personal Property taxes collected to date: Mr. Johnson advised the Commissioners that before bills for 1969 taxes can be mailed, pre- payments must be posted. This was begun in Mr. Shepard's office this morning. ZONING ORDINANCE - Mr. Graham Herr appeared before the Board of Commissioners with approximately 257 names signed to a petition opposing adoption of proposed zoning ordinance. Their petition read as ' follows: "We, the undersigned citizens of New Hanover County are opposed to the proposed zoning ordinance and hereby petif.ion the County Commissioners NOT to adopt it. This ordinance would take away another of our few remaining rights - the right to use our property - that many of us have owned and paid taxes on for years - as we see fit. It would also require us to go to the building inspector, get his permission, and pay for a permit before we could do anything. This would give the building inspector absolute power of a dictator as far as using our own property and cause undve hardship on the average property owner in addition to depriving us the use of our property." Chairman Hall said the Board would accept the pet•ition, but wished it pointed out specfically the things that are objectionable. Mr. Hall said we would have to have a zoning ordinance to protect people from having objectionable things being put next to them. Mr. Hall said he was aware of people being fearful or apprehensive that it will get out of hand, but the same Board that passes the ordinance will be sensitive to anything that gets out of line. Mr. Metts pointed out that only one section is being zoned at this time (Masonboro). Mr. Hall assured Mr. xerr that before any other sections are zoned, there wili be ample advertising before a public hearing is held. 392 MIVUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 6, 1469 (CONTINUED) TAX RATIO - N1r. H. C. Wallace appeared before the Board to express his opposition to increasing the tax ratio from 50~ to 100~. He said he realizes the need for money, but felt like consideration should be given to other avenues of possible revenue rather than increasing property tax. Mr. Hall told Mr. Wallace other things had been considered. Mr. Hall said, generally speaking, the Board is in favor of ttie i% sales tax and that this seems to be the only other source of revenue now. ]'4r. Hail said the Board foresees things coming up that will require funds and that the only choice is tax on property unless the 1% Sales Tax passes. Mr. Metts said he was opposed to increasing the ratio to 100%; that it ti~as suggested by the City and not the County. He said he thought 60~ would be sufficient. Mr. Hall pointed out that other municipalities vrould have to be heard from before a fi.n~i decision is reached. Mr. Hall said there is a possibility of getting same thing done without increasing the tax ratio, if the 1% Sales Tax passes. Mr. Harriss said that everyone knows that the arowth we are experiencing has created a demand for services but not producing revenue at same pace which is two or three years behind services needed. Question was raised by Mr. Metts as to whether decision could be delayed until after the vote on the sales tax. Mr. Bowden said it would take approximately five weeks to get tax abstract forms printed. Mr. Williams pointed ou Wilmington is in a bind, the ~ with present ratio. He said it nor was he opposed to it, need some relief to carry on t question of increasing tax ratio came about because City of City officials are unable to do job they are elected to do only hope is if sales tax passes; he said he was not support!inc but leaving it to the people to decide. He said the City ufill their services. Mr. Williams 5aid he was the Commissioner Mr. Wallace had said was in favor of the 100~ ratio. He said in his opinion it would cut the tax rate in half barring some un- foreseen expense. Increasing it to 1C0% could be done with a minimum of confusion. He said taxes wouldbe easier to figure at 100%; wouid have less figuring to do. He said to increase it to 609 would almost guarantee the tax ratio would go up again. Mr. Metts pointed out the ratio remained at (~0% for ten years and 60% would probably hold for another ten years. Mr. Marks said he had talked to a number of people opposing the increase because they did not understand the County's budgeting process and he felt it should be explained in detail. He then pointed out that each department's budget is an2lyzed, some increased and some decreased; then they are totaled, plus a reasonable cushion:. This is done before a tax rate is decided on. Mr. Netts pointed out a very large percent of other counties' tax ratios are under 100%. Mr. Harriss said the real problem is in City General permitted. He pointed out services are demands of people of realtors proposed to the Board of Commissioners that a said if this were done $20,000 would be needed for salary the tax rate. This is a legitimate request but the Board expense. Fund; tax rate has reached limit He pointed out that a number County Engineer is needed. He which would add almost ld to backed off because of the Mr. Metts said consensus is nothing wiii be done about changing ratio until after November election on the Sales Tax. Nr. Wallace asked that he be notified if subject is to be discussed at the next meeting. UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA ~r. Herb N1cKim appeared before the Commissioners requesting the Board endorse the Charc~ber of Commerce efforts in establishing a University of America. He said it would not cost the County any money or time. He said four or five years ago a man came to Wilmington with a proposition to establish in Br2zi1 a University of America. He chose Wilmington because he had worked here as an interchange. The Chamber has talked with the State Department, the Governor, Chancellors of Wilmington and North Carolina 5tate Universities and Deans who are all enthusiastic. Mr. McKim said this had real possibilities for Wilmington; main thing it would create an international image. The Chamber has endoresd it. McKim said full approval of governments is necessary. He pointed out $250,000 has been raised in Brazil to support this undertaking. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks that the Board of Commissioners endorse wholeheartedly the Chamber's efforts in the project and assure them of its help in any way it can. Motion carried unanimously. BID OPENING, CARS FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - Mr. Bowden informed the Board only two bids had been received and the Sheriff had re- quested bids not be opened. By common consent it was agreed inasmuch as only two bids were received they be rejected. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that the Board advertise for bids with modified specifications. Motion carried. Mr. McHeithan of Tom Reich Chevrolet was present and said his company always bid whether in line with exact specifications or not and felt other dealers could do likewise. Mr. Hall said in event specifications cannot be met it wnuld be permissible to bid if they so desired. Mr. Metts suggested getting M'r. Bowden to oversee writing modified specifications. ?393 MINUTES OF THE MEETING-OCTOBER 6. 1969 ~CONTINUED} ROAD PETITIONS: N. CRESTld00D DRIVE, N. C. STATE ROAD 1526 ~T'~'RTLE GROVE,) HORNDALE DRIVE ` AND FLEMING STREET (FLEMINGTON) Road petitions requesting the State to add N. Crestwood Drive, N. C. State Road 1526 (Myrtle Grove), Horndale Drive, and Fleming Street were presented to the Board of Commissioners for approval. The petitions had the approval by the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission. Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the standard resolution be adopted and the petitions forwarded to the State Highway Commission with request that North Crestwood Drive, N.C. State Road 1526, Horndale Drive, and Fleming Street be added to - the Secondardy Road System for maintenance by the State. Motion carried. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board of County Commissioners: 7-Eleven Food Stores, Masonboro Loop Road; Jones Bros. Grocery, 702 Castle Street; Sunset Strip Club, Rt. 1, Box 191, Castle Hayne, N.C.; Village Inn Pizza Parlor, 3617 Market Street; and Ft. Fisher Country Club &Golf Course, River Road. I~lr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff's Department for their investigation. Motion carried unanimously. SUBDIVISION PLAT= SECTION 6i CRESTWOOD - - Mr. Neil Mallory, Staff Planner, Wilmington-New Hanover Planriing Department, presented a Subdivision map of Section 6, Crestwood and advised the Commissioners that it had been approved by the Planning Commission who recommedned the Commissioners approve it. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. I~larks, the Board approve this plat and the Chairman be authori2ed to sign on behalf of the County. Motion carried. ADOPTION OF ZONING ORDINANCE - Mr. Nallory said the Planning Department had met with representatives of the Mobile Home Dealers and Board of Realtors, and it appeared all problems in the ordinance had been ironed out and the Planning Department and Planning Commission recommended its adoption. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Nr. Metts, that the Board adopt the Zoning text and map of Masonboro, effective October 15, 1969. Motion carried. Mr. Metts said another section had been requested to be included. Mr. Mallory said this would be done as soon as possible; that he wanted to work with the Building Inspector and Board of Adjustments. Mr. Mallory said the Commissioners will need to create a Board of Adjustments; it is not recommended the Planriing Commission sit in this capacity. Mr. Mallory said he would try to have another section worked up by November 1. Notice of public hearing with regard to the adoption of the ordinance here in after mentioned having been pubiished on the 29th day of August, 1969, and public hearing in regard thereto having been held on the 15th day of September, 196g, be it resolved, upon motion duly made and seconded, that the Board of Commissioners herewith enacts an ordinance entitled; AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR CERTAIN AREAS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AND PROVI-ING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT, AND AMENDNfENT THEREOF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVI5ION5 OF NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTES 153-~66.1o THROUGH 153-266.22 INCLUSIVE, AND FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE~n~ITH. ~ A copy of said ordinance shall be kept on file by the Clerk to the Bozrd of Commissioners. FORMAL APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO JURY COMMISSION Prior to the meeting a poll was taken of the Commissioners regarding appointment of a member to serve on the Jury Commission. The Commissioners at that time voted unanimously to reappoint Mr. J. D. McCarley for a period of two years to serve on this Commission. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. McCarley be appointed formally to serve on the Jury Commission for a term of two years. Notion carried. CHANGING BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE - Discussion was held on proposed change in Schedule of Building Permits which Mr. Register recommended in his memo, copy of which was furnished each Commissioner on September 25th. Nr. Bowden said he recommended going along with the recommendations of Mr. Register even though the Building Inspector~s office is operating in the black. Nr. Harriss said he feels .the City and County Inspectors (Building, Electrical, and Plumbing) could very well be combined; which would .give better service to the public. People would have to go to one office only and this would permit more uniform inspection, and also feels it would effect a saving. By common consent it was agreed that the Board request Mr. Bowden to discuss with Mr. Brandon the desirability and practicability of combining the services. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williamst, that we go along with the recommendations of Mr. Register. Notion carried. Mr. Williams pointed out that even though the books show the Building Inspector's office is slightly in the black, there are a number of hidden charges in the over-all administration. OPENING BIDS FOR AIRPORT WORK (ELECTRICAL) - Mr. John Talbert advised the Board that the bids were due on Friday, but due to the fact that only two bids were received for the electrical work before the hour set for opening, they were not opened, and after the opening two bids came in. Mr. Bowden secured permission of the two bidders that were on time to open their bids this morning and the two which came in late also agreed to the opening. He also informed the Board of Dickerinson ~~ias the low bidder on paving in amount of $!}20,733•50 and Colter & Chappell was the low bidder on the Electtical Work in amount of $30,892.07. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Nr. Metts, low bids on paving and lighting, sub~}ect to tabulation of bids and subject to approval of engineer and concurrence of F.A.A. in issuance of grant for construction of these two items, be accepted. Motion carried. I 394 ; MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 6, 1969 (CONTINUED} OPENING BIDS FOR AIRPORT WORK (ELECTRICAL) -(CONTINUED) - Mr. Talbert said F.A.A. would need a letter from the County which he will provide furnishing tabulation of bids. ~r. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the County proceed with sale of bonds as outlined by the Attorney and that the North Carolina National Bank be the co-payee, in view of fact that they were low bidders on our last bonds. Motion carried. Discussion of transfer of funds, which may be needed before sale of bonds, was held. Mr. Harriss suggested that the Board authorize the transfer of sufficient funds as may be necessary up to $50,000 from suitable sources for purpose of funding this project sub,ject to sale of bonds. This will be replaced 4~hen bonds are sold. ~ Nr. Williams mentioned possibility for applying for 1G% federal aid which County hopes it is entitled to. By common consent Mr. Williams was requested to investigate this matter. RATIFICATION OF LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVEI~NMENTS BY-LAWS - •- Mr. Williams advised the Board the changes in the by-laws of the Lower Cape Fear Council of Local Governments are made in order to make it apply more to the local situation. The by-laws originally adopted were to get organized and are not tailored to the needs of this area. The committee on by-laws were unanimous in thinking these more practical and the Council unanimous in approval. These by-laws will permit taking in other counties. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. ~etts, that the Board of Commissioners ratify the by-laws of the Lower Cape Fear Council of Local Governments. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss said he questioned using Federal census in determining County~s representation; it should be on a more realistic basis. Mr. Marks said the County had more to lose than to gain by ooing back requesting other basis for population count. Mr. Williams said this is a tremendous imporvement over what the County h~d. RECOGNITION OF FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK AS AN AUTHORIZED DEPOSITORY OF COUNTY FUNDS - Request from the First Union National Bank that the Board of Commissioners pass a resolution distinquishing the First Union National Bank as an authorized depository of County funds was presented to the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the First Union National Bank be recognized as an authori2ed depository of County funds. Motion carried unanimously. FORMAL'APPROUAL OF CONTRACT WITH STAR-NEWS FOR ADVERTISING - Prior to the meeting the Commissioners had been polled regarding contract with the Star- News for advertising from October 1, 1969 to October 1, 1g70. The Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the contract and authorized Chairman Hall to sign. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that formal approval be given at this time. Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF LOTS, LOVE GROVE SECTION - ' Mr. Bowden discussed his memo of September 19 relative to reqvest of Carolina Forest Products, Inc. to purchase two lots in the Love Grove Section for a price of $700 each. The lots had been appraised at $600 each. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the lots be sold to Carolina Forest Products, Inc, for $700 each. Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF LOTt MARSTELLAR STREET -. Request of Mr. ,1. E. L. Wade, Realtor, for the County to sell his client, E. F. Loftin, Jr., a lot on Marstellar Street was presented to the Board. A discussion followed as to whether or not this lot was on a spur of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad. Mr. Garry McDaniel, Tax Appraiser, was called to the meeting and it was determined this lot is not a spur of the railroad. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that approval of the sale of this lot be given, price to be charged being appraised value of $990, sub,ject to approval of the City of Wilmington. Motion carried unanimously. FORMAL APPROVAL CHANGING JAIL FEES - Prior to the meeting the Commissioners were telephoned, after receiving request from Sheriff Millis for permission to increase jail fee from $2.50 to $3.00. Majority of the Commissioners approved this increase by telephone, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that formal approval be given at this time. Motion car'ried unanimously. LEASE PROPERTY TO HUMANE SOCIETY Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the lease which Ntr. Fox had prepared leasing 0.1~5 acre of county farm land for $10.00 per year, payable on or before the lst day of October of each year. Property is to be used for the purpose of constructing an animal shelter by the Humane Society. USE OF COMMIJNITY HOSPITAL NURSING HOME Mr. Marks advised the Board that he had taken the liberty of stepping off the space requested by Opportunities, Inc., and it amounts to approximately 11},000 square feet. Mr. Marks feels the request is out of order. They now have only four offices. Mr. Marks said he would.like to defer handling of this matter until a more realistic request for space is received. Also, he pointed out he had not observed any ruling from the State Insurance Inspector saying whether or not it is suitable for office space. Mr. Marks felt the Board should clear structural changes before the County leases the property to them. , Mr. Harriss stated it seems that by leasing anybody anthing the Board is not guaranteeing anything and thought this could be handled by authorizing the lease; subject to approval by State for this purpose. Mr. Metts moved that the Board approve this lease subject to approval of Mr. Marks after he has investigated the space usage. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Marks moved changing description on Page 1 of lease after t~fr. Bowden has ascertained exact need for space. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. N:arks pointed out mention of parking lot in the lease and said it inferred use of entire parking area. Mr. Marks said there was a definite need for the building formerly used for food stamp office. It is contemplated this building will be used for a day nursery and if so, parking space will be needed for this. 3~5 ~ NINUTES OF THE NEETING OCTOBER 6, 1969 (CONTINUED) USE OF CON~P4UNITY HOSPITAL NURSING HONfE -(CONTINUED) By common consent it was agreed to request Mr. Bowden and Mr. Marks to make an investigation of the space needed and parking area required for Opportunities, Inc., meeting with its Chairman and Acting Director. APPROVAL OF CHAiJGE IiV PERSONNEL MAiNAL - WORK WEE}i - A discussion was held on the section in the Personnel Manual pertaining to County employees' work week which Mr. Bowden had amended. Mr. Harriss questioned the wording, and I~fr. Bowden suggested wording it as follo~as: "The Work Day. The work day for office personnel and similar employees is eight hours per day. A one hour lunch period is to be taken in the mid part of the work day. Where sufficient staff is'available, lunch hours should be staggered for some of the personnel to keep the office open for the public. "Any policy deviations will be requested through the Department Head, the County Administrator, and acted on by the Board of Commissioners before implementing." Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the change be approved as worded. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Harriss abstained. TW~.NSFER OF MENTAL HEALTH FUNDS - Mr. Marks stated the Mental Health Board does not have authority to make decision of whether or not to transfer funds. The Mental Health Board should receive permission from the Board of Commissioners, after which they should notify their staff. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Netts; that Mr. Bowden be asked to call the Mental Health Advisory Board's attention to the chain of responsibility and that any request for this type of transfer will have to follow the chain of responsibility. Motion carried. Mr. Narks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the request for transfer of $3,000 (lessor amount if Psychologist does not qualify for the higher salary of between ~9,216 and $9,660) from salary budgeted for position of Psychological Assistant to that of Psychologist be approved after explaining what steps are to be taken in the future before. authorization of transfers will be given. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Harriss voted "PJo". Mr. Harriss said this action is not consistent with previous motion. ' TRANSFER OF FUNDS, WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Mr. Marks discussed transfer of funds from one salary to another in the Social Services Department which is required due to fzct persons have completed three years of employment which means they have to go one step below the standard pay plan. The employees affected are: Carol Silsby, Phillip Hoffman, Virginia Peterson, and Moses Wilson. Miss Hall explained in her letter to Mr. Hall, dated October 1, the reasons why these were not included in their budget for 1969-70; one was thinking of resigning, one was going to enter school, one thought she was pregnant, and one will not have three years experience until March, 1970. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by i~Ir. Marks, that the request be approved. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Williams voted "No". Nr. Harriss said he was not opposed to complying with requirements, but if he recalled correctly, it was expressed very stronely during budget sessions that raises between budget years~ought not be extra budgeted because this may well lead other departments to come baclt for raises. Mr. Metts said he felt very strongly like Mr. Harriss, but when someone changes classification it is an exception. Mr. Harriss said he voted '~Yes" but wanted to reiterate he is not in favor of granting raises between budgets. Mr. Wiiliams asked Nr. Marks if these four had resigned would it have been necessary for the Social Services Department to come to the Board requesting increases in these par- ticular positions. Mr. Narks said if they hired persons who were classified in these categories they would have. Mr. Williams said, "That shot a hole in his object"ion." Mr. Williams then changed.his vote to "Yes", thereby making the motion pass unanimously. APPROVAL OF TAX ABSTRACT - Discussion of tax abstract for 1970 was discussed. Mr. Bowden said it would be necessary to continue using the same general form and size of abstract because of the computer program. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the County Administrator be au(thorized to proceed as he has requested bearing in mind the Board must approve the changes that seem necessary. Notion carried. • COOK AT PRISON FARM - Mr. Bowden pointed out the Prison Farm does not have a cook; it depends on the prisoners to do the cooking. He requested $1,300 for the Prison Budget to pay salary of a cook for remainder of budget year. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. la'illiams, that a cook be employed for $t}0 per week, plus room and Board, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. REQUEST FROM NEW HANOVER MENiORIAL HOSPITAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR BOND ISSUE FOR INTERN QUARTERS - This had been voted on prior to meeting and the Commissioners voted to inform Chairman Longley that a bond issue at this time would not`be feasible. Letter was written by Chairman Hall to Mr. Longley. The Board wished to confirm and record their feelings at this meeting. . J I 396 MEETINGS OF THE ~EETING OCTOBER 6, 1969 tCONTINUED) - OCEAN HI-WAY NEETING ON HIGHWAY 17 I~Ir. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts; that since Mr. Harriss is on the Highway Committee, he be authorized to attend the Ocean Hi-Way Meeting on Highway 17 in Savannah, Georgia, on October 19 and 20, or if he cannot attend; he appoint someone in his place to attend at County expense. Motion carried. BOARD OF REALTORS LETTER ON TAX RATIO - Chairman Hall called attention to letter he had received concerning proposed increase in tax ratio and asked that letter be written expressing thanks for their interest in the tax ratio. CAPE FEA.R REGION MARINE RESOURCES PROGRAM - . Nr. Williams called attention to memo, dated September 26, addressed to the County Commissioners and City Council from Mr. H. V. Reid, Executive Vice-President of the Chamber of Corr~merce requesting endorsement of the Cape Fear Region Marine Resources Progr2m before they can proceed further. NiAINTENANCE-SHOP. AT-AIRPORT - Discussion was held on whether to continue the maintenance of County eqvipment at the airport shop. Mr. Metts was of the opinion that during budget discussions it was decided this would be discontinued. Mr. Harriss said this places a burden on Mr. Westbrook. Mr. Bowden said he had talked with l~r. Westbrook, and Mr. Westbrook said he would be able to continue working on equipment as he had in the past. By common consent it was agreed the Airport Committee and County Administrator meet with Mr. Westbrook to determine what can be done concerning this matter. OUTSIDE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES. - Mr. Marks said he wanted to make the Commissioners aware of the fact that Miss Lela Moore Ha11 is teaching sociology this quarter at the University of North Carolina- Wilmington. He said she notified the Board of Social Services at their last meeting she was teaching. ~r. Marks said he was not present at the last meeting of the Social Services Board and did not learn about it until later. He said he was embarrassed that he had not known ,before. Mr. Bowden said the Personnel Manual excludes Department Heads. Mr. Marks said he was aware the Board of Commissioners could not do anything at this meeting, but felt a policy should be established. The matter was discussed, but no action taken by the Board. NATIONAL CAR RENTAL CONTRACT - Mr. Harriss called attention to the fact that today was the time set for the contract between County and National Car Rental to be executed. Mr. Ntarks moved, seconded by Mr. 4lilliams, that the contract be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign same, subject to approval of the Airport Committee. Motion carried. JAIL - Mr. Harriss said he would like for the Chairman to appoint a committee; not just from the Board of Commissioners but one or two others, to find out once and for all whether the County is going to need a jail in the near future. Ntr. l~~illiams said eventually the County will need such a committee but suggested holding off until the Planning Department has completed its study on the County's need of space in the Court House. Nr. Harriss said he felt the Board should take it upon themselves to make a ruling on the Jailer's quarters or form a committee. HELP IN COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR~S OrFICE Mr. Bowden advised the Board he was having a difficult time in finding help for his office at the present salary and requested permission to increase the salary one step. Mr. ~arks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that salary be increased from $3,819 to $4,023. Motion carried. Mr. Metts and Mr. Harriss abstained. ILLNESS OF N~ft. JOHN WOOD, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR - Mr. Bowden informed the Board Mr. John Wood, Electrical Inspector, would undergo major surgery on October 8 and would probably be away from his job at least eight weeks. He pointed out temporary full time help would be needed for this period. Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that an additional Assistant Electrical Inspector be hired on a temporary fuli time basis for the purpose of heiping out in the office until the Electricai Inspector returns to work at salary not to exceed present Assistant Electrical Inspector, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Notion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board