1969-10-20 Regular Meeting~f :~'7 ' ,: ,..; liINUTES OF TIiE MEETITdG - OCTOBER 20, 1969 . ASSEP'bBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bot~den; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., was absent due to fact he was in Savannah, Ga., on October 19 and 20, at the Board's request, attending the Ocean Highway Regional Meeting. County Auditor Perry Shepard was absent because he was working with Data Processing. INUOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. I,. R. Dumas, Pastor, Warner Temple A.M.E. Zion Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF NINUTES - Mr. Fox suggested the following be included in the minutes on Page 4 unde~ the heading "Ad.option of Zoning Ordinance". Mr. Marks moved, seconded by ~r. Metts, that the woriiing be included. Motion carried. "Notice of public hearing with regard to the adoption of the ordinance hereinafter mentioned having been published on the 29th day of August, 1969, and public hearing in regard thereto having been held on the 15th day of September, i959, be it resolved, upon motion duly made and seconded that the Board of Commissioners herewith enacts an ordinance entitled; AN ORDINANCE ESTABZISHING COMFtcnn~ivaIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR CERTAIN AREAS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEN~I~IT, AI~TD AMENDMENT THEREOF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH TF~ PROVISIONS OF NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTES 153-22•10 THROUGH 153-266.22 INCLUSIVE, AND FOR THE REPEAI, OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFZICT HEREWITH. "A copy of said or.dinance shall be kept on file by the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners." On Page 6 under heading "Opening Bids for Airport Work (Electrical)" add the following to the first sentence: "in view of fact that they were low bidders on our last bonds". On Page 9 under heading "Transfer of Funds, Welfare Department" add to last par2graph: "Mr. Williams then changed his vote to "Yes", thereby making the motion pass unanimously." After making the above corrections, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unariimously. REPORTS - There were no reports by or through the Commissioners at this time. DR. THOMAS L. I,INTON, DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION & DEVEZOPMENT - Dr. Thomas L. Linton, Commissioner, Division of Commercial ~ Sports Fisheries; Mr. Douglas Ringer, Biologist, Division of Commercial & Sports Fisheries, Department of Conservation & Development, Raleigh; and Mr. James T. Brown, Chief, Estaurine Studies Program, Division of Commerical & Sports Fisheries, Morehead City appeared before the Board relative to Ratified House Bill 1101 which directs the Commissioner of Commercial and Sports Fisheries to make a comprehensive study of the estauries of North Carolina with a view to the preparation of a comprehensive and enforceable plan for the conservation of the resources of the estuaries, the development of their shorelines, and the use of the coastal zone of North Carolina. Mr. Metts asked what the Board could do on the local level to further this study. Dr. Linton said it could provYle them with planning and zoning documents. Dr. Linton inquired whether or not the County had a Planning Board. Mr. Metts said New Hanover did have a Planning Board and thought it would be well for Dr. •Linton to talk with Mr. Timothy Wood, Planning Director. Dr. Linton said they liked first to talk with the Commissioners then the Planner. Dr. Linton was asked if they had contacted the Southeastern Economic Development Commission and he said yes. Mr. Williams assured Mr. Linton this Commission would be glad to work with them in anyvray they can. Mr. Williams said he would like to know specifically what the Commissioners can do now. Dr. I,inton said they were simply asking for cooperation of the Board of County Commissioners in this program. Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners endorse enthusiastically and pledge wholehearted support to 'this project. Motion carried. Mr. Gilliam K.-Aorton, member of the Conservation,and Development Board, was also present and said he was very interestd in this program, and had talked with members of the legislature when they were in session concerning,this. He said the oldest industry in North Carolina is the fishin~ industry and it should be preserved. WELFARE LIEN PRESENTED BY MR. FOX - Mr. Fox presented Resolution which he had prepared for the County to accept $b1,850 for property of Cecil Meares, deceased, known as 51'7 Surry Street, on vrhich the County has held a lien since June l, i954. Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board of County Commissioners, accept the sum of $1,850 and release the property from the lien. Motion carried. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR ISSUANCE OF AIRPORT BONDS - Mr. r'ox requested action to authorize issuance and sale of the Airport Bonds. 1 / I 398 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR ISSURANCE OF AIRPORT BONDS -(CONTINUED) Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr., moved that the follozaing resolution be adopted: WFIEREAS, the bond order hereinafter described has taken effect and the Board of Commissioners desires to make provision for the issuance of the bonds authorized by said bond order: NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as (County) shall issue its bonds at this time of the aggregate principal amount of ~395,000 pursuant to and in accordance with the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of ~6395,000 Airport Bonds of the County of New Hanover; adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on September 3, 1968. (2) Acting pursuant to Section 153-80 of the County Finance Act, the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that the life of each of the improvements descri.bed in said bond order is thirty years, computed from June l, 1969- (3) The bonds shall be esignated "Airport Bonde'!, and shall be o£ the denomination of $5,000 each, shall b'e numbered from 1 to ']9, inclusive, in the order of their maturity, and shall be dated December 1, 1969. Each bond shall bear interest from its date at a rate which shall be herea£ter determined by resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the County following public sale of said bonds. Such interest shall be payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1. (4) The bonds shall be payable in annual installments on June 1 in each year as follows, viz.: $25,000 in each o£ the years 19`71 to ~985, inclusive and $20;000 in the year 1986. (5) The bonds shall be coupon bonds, registrable as to principal only, and shall be si~ned by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the County and the clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County. The Corporate Seal of the County shall be affixed to each of the bonds. Each of the interest coupons to be attached to each of the bonds, shall be avthenticated by the facsimile signature of said Clerk. Both principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable at the principal office of Chemical Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, or, at the option o£ the holder, at North Carolina National Bank, in the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, in any coin or currency e£ the United States of America which at the time o£ payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. (6) Eack~ of the bonds and the interest coupons representing the interest payable thereon and the provisions for the registration of the bonds for the approval of the bonds by the Secretaxy of the Local Government Commission to be endorsed thereon, shall be in substantially the following form: (Form of Bond) No. No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NORTH CAROZINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AIRPORT BOND ~ ~ THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER (hereinafter referred to as "County"), a county of the State of North Carolina, for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer of this bond, or, if it '6e registered, to the registered owner, the principal sum of DOLLARS ($ on JUNE 1, 19 , and to pay interest thereon from the date of this bond until it shall mature at the rate of per centum ( %) per annum, payable semi--annually on June 1 and December 1, in each year, upon presentation and surrender of the coupons therefor attached hereto, as they severally matur.e. Both principal of and~.interest on this bond are payable at the principal office of Chemical Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, or, at the option of the holder, at the office o£ North Carolina National Bank, in the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. This bond may be registered as to principal only by the holder in his name on the bond register of the County kept in the office of the Bond Registrar of the County, and such registration shall be noted hereon by said Bond Registrar. If so registered, this bond may be transferred on said bond register by the registered owner.in person or by attorney, upon presentation of this bond to the Bond Registrar with a written inst~umment of transfer in a form approved by said Bond Registrar and executed by said registered o~aner. If this bond be so registered, the principal shall thereafter b2 payable only ' to the person in whose name it is registered, unless this bond shall be discharged from registry by being registered as payable to bearer. Such registration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons, which shall continue to pass by delivery. This bond is issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina, and a bond order duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on September 3, 1968, in accordance with said Act, and is issued by the County to finance the improvement of the New Hanover County Airport, including terminal building e~rpansion and the improve- ment of runrrays, taxiways and apsonx, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands. The issuance of this bond and the contracting of the indebtedness evidenced thereby have been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the County voting at an election duly called and held in said County on November 5, 1968. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1969 (CONTINUED) - ADOPTION OF RESOZUTION FOR ISSUANCE OF AIRPORT BONDS -(CONTINUED) It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the State of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have been performed and have happened, and that the amount of this bond together with a11 other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and o~ther limit prescribed by said Constitution or statutes. The faith and credit of the County are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond according to its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County, and the corporate seal of the County to be hereunto affixed, and the annexed coupons to bear the facsimile signature of said Clerk, and this bond to be dated December l, 1959. Chairman of Board of Commissioners Clerk of Board of Commissioners (Form of Coupon) No. ~ On the first day of June/December, 19 , the COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, a county of the State of North Carolina, wi11 pay to bearer DOLI,~IRS ($ at the principal of£ice of Chemical Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of IJew York, or, at the option of the holder, at the office of North Carolina National Bank, in the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which is then legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, being the semi-annual interest then due on its Airport Bond, dated December 1, 1969. Clerk of Board of Commissioners (Endorsement on Bond) The within bond has been registered as to principal only, as follows: , . . Date of ; Name of Registered Signature of Re~istration 1 Owner : Bond Re~istrar The issue hereof has been approved under the provisions of the Local Government Act. H. E. Boyles Secretary of the Local Government Commission Bv Designated Assistant . ('J) The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to provide a suitable bond register for the registration of said bonds and to act as Bond Registrar in registering the bonds and to carry out the provisions set £orth in the bonds for the conversion o£ the bonds into re~istered bonds and for the transfer thereof. (8) The Local Government Commission of North Carolina is hereby reauested to sell said ~3g5,000 Airport Bonds, in the manner prescribed by the Local Government Act of North Carolina, and to state in the netice of the sale of said bonds given pursuant to Section 1`J of said Act, that bidders may name one rate of interest for part of the bonds and another rate or rates for the balance.of the bonds. The bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may be named in the proposal to purchase the bonds which shall be accepted by said Loca1 Government Commission in accordance with said Act. 39y ~ 400 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1969 (CONTINUED) - ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR ISSUANCE OF AIRPORT BONDS (CONTINUED) - (9) The Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to cause the bonds to be prepared and, when they shall have been duly sold by said Local Government Commission, to execute the bonds and to turn the bonds over to the State Treasurer of North Carolina, for delivery to the purchaser or purchasers to whom.they may be sold by said Commission. Commissioner H. A. Marks seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr. H. A. Marks Berry A. Williams NAYS: None EI,IGIBILITY FOR 10% SUPPI~EMENT THROUGH THE EDA TO SUPPLEMENT FAA GRANT - Mr. Williams said months ago this area was designated as a groiath center, and it was notified it is entitled to 10% supplem~nt through' the Economic Development Administration. Mr. Williams said he had talked with Mr. Charles S. Edwards, Economic Development Specialist, today and Mr. Edwards said the County is eligible to apply for the 10%, however, application should have been made at the same time the application was made to the F.A.A., and might present a problem. Mr. Edwards suggested whoever is going to make application do so immediately, and the person get in touch with him, and he will urork with him on the exact form. Mr. Williams suggested getting in touch with Mr. John Talbert who said he would be glad to assist in making the application. Mr. Williams further suggested this should be directed to the Airport Committee or Mr. Bowden to follow through. Mr. Hall said this was administrative, and Mr. Bowden should handle. TAX RATIO Mr. Herbert Fisher appeared as business man and Real Estate Salesman, requesting the Board consider very carefully their actions before increasing the tax ratio. Mr. Fisher said he had been told the tax rate would be reduced if the ratio is increased, but he feels there would be a chance o£ an increase. Mr. Metts informed Mr. Fisher that action has been delayed on this until after the November 4 election on the 1% Sales Tax. Mr. Metts pointed. out the County would stand to gain a substantial amount from the sales tax if it passes on November 4. CI~PE FEAR TECH REQ.UEST TO PAVE ROAD TO PIER - Prior to the meeting the Commissioners had been polled to determine if they were agreeable for the Cape Fear Tech Institute to pave the road to the pier, £unds coming from $2500 remaining of the $10,000 which was budgeted for paving the parking lot. Mr. McLeod said it cost approximately $1500, and permission was requested in order to do the work Urhile the contractor was still there. Approval was given by a PSajority of the Board when polled. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks that this be formally approved at this time. Motion carried. APPOINT~T TRUSTEE RELIEF FUND WRIGHTSBORO VOI,UNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - Request from the Wrightsboro Volunteer N'a_re Department, Inc., to reappoint Mr. E. R. Lane for another two year term as trustee of their fund for relief was presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Metts, moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. Lane be reappointed as requested. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTII~NT MEMBERS TO ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS - Discussion was held on need of forming a Zoning Board of Adjustments as set out in the Zoning Ordinance which the Commissioners recentl~ adopted. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Narks, that the Chairman be authorized to make appointments to the Board. Motion carried. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Yermit Requests from the following were presented to the Board: Tomfoolery Pizza Parlor, 6536 Market St.; Club Inferno, 714 Castle St.; Flower's Open Market, 4912 Market St., Scottie's Cash Grocery Rt. 3, Box 5, Masonboro; and 7-Eleven Food Stores, King's Grant. Mr. lailliams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff for his investigation. Motion carried. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS - LOCAL GOVERNN~,TdT RETIREMENT SYSTEM - " Nir. Bowden advised the Board that the General Assembly had liberalized the Retirement System to include a death benefit which is available on an optional basis at an additional cost. The additional benefit amounts to one year's salary which would be paid to an employee's beneficiary upon his or her death. Additional cost to the County will be $5,022.60 for the fiscal year retroactive to July 1, 1969. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Shepard had advised no additional appropriation is necessary £or this payment. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County participate in the additional benefit to the employees. Notion carried. The following resolution was adopted. : MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 20, i969, (CONTINUED) - ADDITIONAL Br:ivr.rITS - LOCAL GOVERIdMENT RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CONTIN[TED) - RESOLUTION TO ENTER AGREEMENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA LOCAI, GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM TO PROVIDE EMPLOYEE DEATH Br.iv~rITS . WHEREAS, the i969 General Assembly amended the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System laws so as to permit agreements i'or providing death bene£its for employee members pursuant to G. S. 128-27(1); and wt~,tt~AS, the governing body of this Unit realizes the desirability o£ providing its employees wi'th the protection provided by a plan for death benefits; and WHEREkS, Article 3 of Chapter 128 of the General Statutes of North Carolina provides that any employer governmental unit desiring to provide death benefits for its employee members must execute an agreement therefor with the Director of the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE New Hanover County Board of Commissioners in regular session, 1. That the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby elects to secure , death benefits for its employees in the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System. 2. That the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby agrees to comply with all provisions of the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System as defined in Article 3, Chapter 128 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, and to make such increased employer's contributions as the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System may determine to be necessary in order to provide employee death benefits. 3. That the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is hereby ordered and directed to execute on agreem:ent orith the Director of the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System to implement the employee death benefits of G. S. 128-2~(1). Upon motion of H. A. Marks and seconded by John Van B. Metts, Jr., the above resolution was introduced for passage. The following number voted in the affirmative: Four (4) - 1 Member Absent. The £ollowing number voted in the negative: None. GENERATORS - AIRPORT - Discussion was held on the two generators which the Weather Bureau had given to the Airport. The University of North Carolina-Wilmington o£fered to put both of them in working conditions and install one for the County for which they would in turn receive the other for their use. Mr. Boiaden said the Counl;y Prison Farm did not have a generator at this time and suggested one could be installed there. Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the County give one to the University and they in turn put the County's in working order and install it. 401 Later in the meeting it o7as pointed out that the Airport wished to keep one of the generators which the Weather Bureau had turned over to them, and they in turn would give the generator they are now using to the Prison Farm. Therefore, the University will install one of the generators received from the Weather Bureau at the Airport and will receive the other for their use. RECESS - At 10:05 the meeting recessed in order for the Commissioners to attend dedication ceremonies of the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge. Meeting reconvened at 2:05 P.M.' with the same persons present as were present earlier with the exception of the County Attorney. PLANNING DEPkRTMENT - DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAI, ZONING MAPS - Mr. Neil Mallory of the Planning Department and Mrs. I,ois LeRay, Register of Deeds, appeared before the Board to have Official Ordinance Map designated. By common consent the Chairman o~as authorized to sign the map presented by Nr. Mallory, attested by the Register of Deeds, and the Seal of New Hanover County was placed thereon. MEETING RECONVr~v~L REQ.UEST FOR SPACE BY MENTAI~ HEALTH CENTER - Mr. Marks presented request of the Mental Health Center that they be permitted to rent a portion of the Crouch Clinic building at Tenth and Grace Streets. The Board was infbrmed that Dr. Crouch ~aould like a lease assuring minimum two year occupancy. Cost of lights, heat, and water is estimated at $112.50 per month, and repairs and care of floor averages $3'7.00 per month. Money necessary for renovations would be supplied by the County. The County would be responsible for repairs and maintenance of the interior not to exceed $50 per item in need for repair. Dr. Crouch would maintain the building's exterior. Dr. Crouch has suggested a monthly rental of ~300-$35~• ~'. Marks said the Executive Committee and 0££icial Board each had had meetings to discuss this matter and out of the ttao meetings came recommendation that the request be brought to the Board of County Commissioners for_.their recommendations. Mr. Marks said he would recommend that Mr. Bowden get an estimate of renovation of the Crouch Clinic Building. Also, he said some understanding should be had o£ whether or not the X-Ray Building of old James Walker Hospital should be used. He said if the X-Ray building is not to be used, it might be well to get estimated figure on renovating the Crouch Clinic and then negotiate the rent with Dr. Crouch. It was pointed out that when the subject of renovating the X-Ray Building for the Mental Hea3th Clinic came up, the State people were asked to inspect the building a~3d at that time they gave a larger fi~ure for renovation than had been estimated by the Arch=tect and seemed to think it more practical to build a new building. "By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Marks get in touch with Ballard, McKim, and Sawyer and obtain estimate for renovation of the Crouch Buildin~;:.. Also, Mr. Narks w s r~guestec~.to ask Mr. McKim to check with Nir. William F. Henderson, Executive Secretary, North ~aro ina Meaical ~ I 402 NINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 1969 ~CONTINUED~) REQUEST FOR SP.ACE RY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER (CONTINLTED) - Commission, Raleigh, and determine if the cost estimate figures £or renovating the north wing of the old James Walker Memorial Hospital, furnished with his letter of July 9, 1969, are not exorbitantly high." S&H BUILDING - Mr. Herb McKim and Mr. John ~effries of Ballard, McKim and Sawyer appeared to discuss contract reductions on the proposed renovation of the S&H Building. The final figure arrived at to renovate the S&H Buildin~ was $32,115, after the reductions were subt~acted from the low bid. Mr. Bowden pointed out the bid does not include any £loor covering and that he had received a price of $6 per square yard. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Narks, that the Board accept the negotiated bid o£ Boone Construction Company in amount o£ ~32,115. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Williams voted, "No". ~y common consent Mr. Bowden is to formulate a plan for moving the Commissioners' office to a temporary of£ice, if necessary, before completion of the renovation of the S&FI Building. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Administrator and the Chairman be authorized to work out the move and proceed., Motion carried. Mr. Bowden presented proposal on pre-engineered building proposed to be located in the Parking I,ot at a price of approximately $G36,000. No action was taken on the proposal. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the firm o£ Ballard, McKim and Sawyer be instructed to proceed with plans for converiing the Commissioners' Room into a Court Room. Motion carried. OPPORTUNITIES, INC. LEASE - Mr. McCluey Hewett, Acting Executive Director, Opportunities, Inc., was present at the meeting relative to Leave of the Nurses' Home at the old Community Hospital to Opportunities, Inc. for office space. Mr. Hall discussed the fact that the lease had been drawn and was ready for signature, but the Board of Commissioners ~•ranted to know what Opportunities, Inc., is going to be re- funded thereby having funds with which to operate. Mr. Metts pointed out that they were in a place nooa which they did not have to heat and they would be in a bad situation if they were to move and havenno funds with cahich to renovate and to furnish heat. ~r. Hewett said he had not thought about that. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. has been given evidence that funds ar authorized to sign the lease. Motion Mr. Metts suggested that excerpt present them to the proper' authority are re-funded. Williams, that the lease be approved when the Board ~ av~ilable to renovate and that the Chairman be caried. of the minutes be given Mr. He<<~ett so that he can showing that the County is leasing the space if they AGRICUI,TURAI, EXTENSION AGENT - Mr. Durwood Baggett, Agricultural Extension Chairman, along with Miss Verna Be1L Lowery, Home Economics Agent, Mrs. Marie McMillan, Mrs. Cleopatra Bennett and Mrs. Allie Marie Parket, Nutrition Aides, appeared before the Board to give the Commissioners a report on the Nutrition Program vahich his department is conducting and vrhich is funded entirely by the Federal Government. I~fiss Lowery pointed out the purpose o£ the program; to teach people in the low income group to plan and cook meals, not to throw away any food, and to stimulate them to improve their home life. Mrs. McMillan, Nrs. Bennett and Nrs. Parket are now working with 105 families (3'75 people - 138 children) of oahom 46 have less than 'Jth grade education and 9b2~ is the average spent on food. Miss I,owery said malnutrition does exist; she pointed out they lacked milk and protein. Each of the three workers gave a report on their activities; one worked on reports, field trips to difSerent organizations, radio programs; one worked with families who said there was a big problem of first getting the places cleaned and rid of rats and roaches and other worked with groups teaching meal planning. Mr. Baggett said the program was re-funded in July and that he £elt it was really reaching the peopla Mr. Hall commended the employees for the very fine work they are doing and said it really does take getting to the people and working iaith them to accomplish the goal. Mr. Marks pointed out the Social Services Department has two workers doing this kind of work also. REPORT ON UNIT~D FUND - P'ir. Baggett, who is in charge of collecting for the United ~nd advised the Board that New Hanover County, as of this date, had 14~.2 of its goal. CAR RENTAZ CONTRACTS - Mr. Metts discussedla~~i.efly the car rental contracts which the County presently has and suggested they all have the same e~iration date; he suggested. they expire on expiration date of the la~est one expiring. CIV3L SERVICE COMMISSION Discussion was held on status of the Civil Service Act. Mr. Bowden said until the Act is repealed, the Act is still in effect and Civil Service Hearings will still be held to certify employees for all offices, including the Sheriff and Register of Deeds. By common consent the Chairman is requested, therefore, to proceed with appointment of Civil Service Commission members; the terms of the ones presently servin$ have expired. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams; that the Personnel Manual be changed to reflect the change in the Civil Service Act. Motion carried. ,- MINtTTES OF THE MEETING October 20, 1969 (CONTINOED) - .:4C3~ MOONLIGHTING - Discussion was held on County Department Heads moonlighting and Mr. Max~ks said it was urgent that a policy be established because the County is negotiating now £or a psychiatrist. Mr. Metts said the policy would have to include the present employee who is working; that it should apply to all county employees. M'r. Williams suggested that the County Administrator be requested to give the Board a proposed addition to the personnel r~le and that suggestions be given in writing prior to the next meeting. Mr. Metts suggested Mr. Williams work with Mr. Bowden. Mr. Bowden pointed out department heads are not now included in the Personnel Manual and this should be kept out o£ the Manual. Messrs. Marks, Metts and Williams said it should be in the Manual. Mr. Williams said he did. not feel working during lunch hour should be permitted. Mr. ~arks said maybe there should be a limit on amount of outside work; he felt possibly limiting it to one auarter. Mr. Hall said he did not see too much objection to outside work if the department is being well managed and he was willing to give serious consideration to the matter. DEUTSCH FILTORS, INC. WASmE DISPOSAL FACIZITIES - Nr. Bowden brought to the Board's attention a letter he had received from Mr. Henry M. von Oesen, pointing out difficulties Deutsch Filtors, Inc., is experiencing in establishing a waste disposal system. Mr. von Oesen requested a conference be scheduled with County officials looking toward establishment of a permanent system. By common consent it was agreed that the County is not ready to go into this at this time, but authorized P1r. Bowden to conduct conferences, to include the Airport Engineering Firm, the idea in mind being to develop the interest of other groups witii a possibility of the County getting 50% in matching funds as their share. TAX SLrr.xJISOR'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAVEL FUNDS - - Mr. Bowden advised the Commissioners ~200 is needed for travel for persons attending the Assessment School in Chapel Hill during the week of November 10. This request is made necessary due to fact so much traveling has been required in connection with Data Processing and the travel fund has been exhausted for the Tax Department. Mr. Bo~~rden said they are now in the red in amount of $189.00 for this travel and requested $G500 be put in the regular travel fund plus the $200 requested above. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that this request be approved, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REQUEST - - Mr. Bowden advised the Board of a letter received from Mr. Hardy Wessell, Executive Secretary, Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee, requesting amendments be made to Section B, Subsection 3 of the By-I,aws. Mr. Metts suggested this be brought up at the next meeting of the Board. RE9,UEST OF DR. JACK HILL - FEDERAL RESEARCH PROGRAM - Mr. Hall advised the Board he had received a call from Dr. Jack Hill, Dunn, N. C., requesting that he be allowed to pick up, £or research, large do~s that the County has to dispose of. Nr. Bowden suggested Mr. Fox be consulted regarding law on this and by common consent this was agreed to. TAX ABSTRACTS - Discussion was held on printing of tax abstracts. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. Bowden be authorized to have the abstracts printed when the proper changes have been made. Motion carried. ADJOURNNIENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board oi' Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room vaith the following present: Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Pletts, Jr., H. A. ~arks, Berry A. 47illiams, County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bovaden and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. was present before the meeting was called to order, but vras called away for a brief time. He later joined the meeting. ~ County Auditor Perry Shepard oras absent because of his work with data processing in connection with the Tax Department.' INUOCATION - Vice-Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. E. T. Smal1, Rector, Church of the Good Shepard, to give the invocation. APPROUAI~ OF MINUTES - On Pa~e 5, Mr. Marks requested the 4th'paragraph re2d as follows: "By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Ma~ks get in touch with Ballard, McKim, and Sa*nryer and obtain estimate for renovation of the Crouch Building. Also, Mr. Marks was requested to ask Mr. McKim to check with Mr. William F. Henderson, Executive Secretary, North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Raleigh, and determine if the cost estimate figures for renovating the north wing of the old James Walker Memorial Hospital, furnished with his letter of July 9, 1969, are not exorbitantly high." * On Page 408 ~