1969-11-03 Regular Meeting,- MINtTTES OF THE MEETING October 20, 1969 (CONTINOED) - .:4C3~ MOONLIGHTING - Discussion was held on County Department Heads moonlighting and Mr. Max~ks said it was urgent that a policy be established because the County is negotiating now £or a psychiatrist. Mr. Metts said the policy would have to include the present employee who is working; that it should apply to all county employees. M'r. Williams suggested that the County Administrator be requested to give the Board a proposed addition to the personnel r~le and that suggestions be given in writing prior to the next meeting. Mr. Metts suggested Mr. Williams work with Mr. Bowden. Mr. Bowden pointed out department heads are not now included in the Personnel Manual and this should be kept out o£ the Manual. Messrs. Marks, Metts and Williams said it should be in the Manual. Mr. Williams said he did. not feel working during lunch hour should be permitted. Mr. ~arks said maybe there should be a limit on amount of outside work; he felt possibly limiting it to one auarter. Mr. Hall said he did not see too much objection to outside work if the department is being well managed and he was willing to give serious consideration to the matter. DEUTSCH FILTORS, INC. WASmE DISPOSAL FACIZITIES - Nr. Bowden brought to the Board's attention a letter he had received from Mr. Henry M. von Oesen, pointing out difficulties Deutsch Filtors, Inc., is experiencing in establishing a waste disposal system. Mr. von Oesen requested a conference be scheduled with County officials looking toward establishment of a permanent system. By common consent it was agreed that the County is not ready to go into this at this time, but authorized P1r. Bowden to conduct conferences, to include the Airport Engineering Firm, the idea in mind being to develop the interest of other groups witii a possibility of the County getting 50% in matching funds as their share. TAX SLrr.xJISOR'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAVEL FUNDS - - Mr. Bowden advised the Commissioners ~200 is needed for travel for persons attending the Assessment School in Chapel Hill during the week of November 10. This request is made necessary due to fact so much traveling has been required in connection with Data Processing and the travel fund has been exhausted for the Tax Department. Mr. Bo~~rden said they are now in the red in amount of $189.00 for this travel and requested $G500 be put in the regular travel fund plus the $200 requested above. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that this request be approved, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REQUEST - - Mr. Bowden advised the Board of a letter received from Mr. Hardy Wessell, Executive Secretary, Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee, requesting amendments be made to Section B, Subsection 3 of the By-I,aws. Mr. Metts suggested this be brought up at the next meeting of the Board. RE9,UEST OF DR. JACK HILL - FEDERAL RESEARCH PROGRAM - Mr. Hall advised the Board he had received a call from Dr. Jack Hill, Dunn, N. C., requesting that he be allowed to pick up, £or research, large do~s that the County has to dispose of. Nr. Bowden suggested Mr. Fox be consulted regarding law on this and by common consent this was agreed to. TAX ABSTRACTS - Discussion was held on printing of tax abstracts. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. Bowden be authorized to have the abstracts printed when the proper changes have been made. Motion carried. ADJOURNNIENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board oi' Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room vaith the following present: Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Pletts, Jr., H. A. ~arks, Berry A. 47illiams, County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bovaden and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. was present before the meeting was called to order, but vras called away for a brief time. He later joined the meeting. ~ County Auditor Perry Shepard oras absent because of his work with data processing in connection with the Tax Department.' INUOCATION - Vice-Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. E. T. Smal1, Rector, Church of the Good Shepard, to give the invocation. APPROUAI~ OF MINUTES - On Pa~e 5, Mr. Marks requested the 4th'paragraph re2d as follows: "By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Ma~ks get in touch with Ballard, McKim, and Sa*nryer and obtain estimate for renovation of the Crouch Building. Also, Mr. Marks was requested to ask Mr. McKim to check with Mr. William F. Henderson, Executive Secretary, North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Raleigh, and determine if the cost estimate figures for renovating the north wing of the old James Walker Memorial Hospital, furnished with his letter of July 9, 1969, are not exorbitantly high." * On Page 408 ~ I 404 MINUTES OF T,HE MEE^lING NOVEMBER 3, 1969 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - (CONTINUED) - Mr. Bowden suggested the minutes reflect that County Auditor Perry Shepard was absent from the meeting on October 20 because of his working with Data Processing. After making the above corrections,Mr. Marks moved, seconded by P1r. Williams, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, appeared before the Board and presented statement of Tax Collections for New Hanover County through October 31, i969. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the report be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. FISHING REEFS - Mr. Harriss advised the Commissioners that he had received communication from the Department of the Army with reference to application for establishment of two artificial fishing reefs. He said when the original application wae made, agency making the application included elaborate system of buoys and the Coast Guard came back requiring rider that buoys be lighted which would have cost aoproximately $G30,000. He said he got in touch with the Coast Guard who advised it would not be necessary to have buoys on the ree£s. Mr. Harriss pointed out this would save ~$30,000 which would have come from Federal Funds and would also save the County from having to match this from funds on our part. Also, there would be a time. element involved of nearly toro years starting if another application had to be processed for the lighted buoys. Mr. Harriss said County could go ahead now; only expense will be insurance against liability of County in moving tugs. Mr. Harriss said he would like authority from the Commission to proceed in determining what cost of insurance will be. Mr. Metts said he did not believe authority is required until payment for the insurance is needed. Mr. Harriss said of£er of three tugs, plus volunteer labor, has been received and there is on hand between ~800 and $~900 from other reefs that were contemplated. This will hold county's part to nominal figure. OCEAN HIWAY REGIONAL MEETING - Mr. Harriss discussed report on the Ocean Hiway Regional Meeting held in Savannah, Ga., on October 19 and 20 which he attended and copy of which had been furnished the Commissioners. He called attention to seLeral slight corrections in the report. He advised the Board the Philadelphia Inquiry had had a representative there covering the meeting, and he had received a letter noting his presence there and assuring the County of favorable publicity. WATER SEWERAGE PI~ANT, SOUTHERid Pt1RT OF WILMINGTON - Nir. Bowden advised the Board rr. E. C. Brandon, City Manager, had requested a resolution from the Board of County Commissioners endorsing the construction of a seoaerage treatment plant by the City of Wilmington in the southern part of Wilmin~ton. Mr. Bowden presented the following resolution: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER RESOI~UTIOI~T Wf~REAS, the City of Wilmington in the County of New Hanover plans to construct a sewerage treatment plant in the southern part of Wilmington, and Wf~REAS, the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County will benefit by the elimination of pollution of the river, and Wf~REAS, construction of the plant will enhance,economic development in the Southern part of the City and County, THEREFORE BE IT RESOI,VED, that the County of New Hanover endorses said construction of the sewerage plant. Dated at Wilmington, N. C. this 3rd~day of November, ig59. Chairman Vice-Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks,that the resolution be adopted and copy ' furnished Mr. E. C. Brandon. Motion carried unanimously. AIGH SCHOOL CROSSING (NEW HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL) - Mr. Harriss discussed with the Board need for an overhead crossin~ at New Hanover High School to relieve the hazard of children having to cro~ss bus~ ~I~rket ~treet. M~r ~Iar~ri~sshs~ he would like to offer resolution ~o support request o Dr. e amy, uperinten en o c o~~, and Mr. Scott9.Principal of New Hanover High School, in requesting the State look favorably on '405 ~., . ~:~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1969,(CONTINUED) HIGH SCHOOL CROSSING (NEW HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL) CONTINUED) - the request in alleviation of this problem. Mr. Williams reminded the Board this crossing had been discussed by the Commissioners in their budget discussions, but it was not approved because o£ lack of funds. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the resolution be adopted, subject to it being raorded to reflect that it will not cost the County anything; wording of the resolution to be by Nr. Harriss. Motion carried unanimously. ~rr~vlivG OF AUTO BIDS~ SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - The following bids were received and opened: FROM PORT CITY CHRYSLER-PZYMOUTH, INC.: "We submit for your approval the following bid on three (3) 1970 Plymouth Fury 1, four (4) door sedan as per your specificGtions: #8,364.30 100.00 Car 54 - 196'] Plymouth Fury Sedan 250.00 Car 52 - 196'7 Plymouth Fury Sedan 260.00 Car 53 - 1968 Chevrolet Biscayne fb7, 75'+. 30 FROM CAPE FEAR MOTOR SALES, INC.: 1970 Ford Custom 4 door Sedan with 428 cubic inch Interceptor 360 horsepower engine with four barrel carburetor. $2736.46 x 3 $82og.38 Less Trade-in: 1968 Chevrolet ~~53 ~350.00 196'7 Plymouth #52 300.00 196'7 Plymouth 100.00 ~#54 (wrecked) ~~50.00 $7459•38 North Carolina Sales Tax 164.19 A3ternate Bid: 19'70 Ford Custom 4 door sedan with 429 cubic inch Cruiser 320 horsepower engine ti•rith to.o barrel carburetor and power steering: 9623:00 additional per unit or $69.00 over 428 engine price. Delivery Time: 45 to 90 days after receipt of bid. All units bid vaith power disc brakes normally supplied with Police Packages. Tires furnished are equivalent to 8.55 x 15 tires. FF,ON TOM REICH CHEVROLET, INC.: "We are pleased to submit bids on these units for the Sheriff's Department as per specifications: (1) 1969 Chevrolet, 4 dr. $2~57•87 Less 196'] Plymouth, 4 dr. Serial ~}PL41L74253163 "400.00 m2357.87 (1) 196g Chevrolet, 4 dr. 2757•87 Less 196'] Plymouth, 4 dr. Serial #PL41L'741']44g3 400.00 2357•~7 (1) 1969 Chevrolet, 4 dr. #154118Y148935 ~75~'87 Less 1968 Chevrolet, 4 dr. Serial 500.00 ~2257,87 Delivery can be made in approximately 45 days." Discussion was held on the bids in which it was pointed out that bid from Tom Reich Chevrolet quoted priced on i959 models; also their bid bond was based on net amount of bid instead of full amount. Also, Port City Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. based their bid bond on net price instead of £ull price. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that bid of Cape Fear Motor Sales, Inc., be accepted since it was less than Port City Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., and less than Tom Reich on Depreciated Basis, since Tom Reich Chevrolet had quoted on i959 models instead of 1970, subject to approval of the Sheriff. Motion carried. SHERIFF'S REQUEST FOR RECLASSIFICATION OF DEPUTY Mr. Millis discussed with the Board his letter of October 24 in which he requested re- classifying Deputy Sheriff B. R. Padgett £rom the Patrol Division to the Detective Division. He said he felt Deputy Padgett would make a good investigator; he is now making $5,538 and he requested he be increased to ~65,971 m*hich is the pay one of the other deputies was making when he ceased being a Deputy Sheriff. Mr. Millis pointed out $5,971 is considerably less than the other deputies make in the Detective Division. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board comply with the Sheriff's request and increase Deputy Padgett's salary from $5,538 to %,971. ~otion carried un2nimously. DISCUSSION OF TAX RA^lI0 Col. David Gnau, 'Pown Clerk, Wrightsville Beach, appeared and advised the Board that the Aldermen of Wri~htsville Beach wished an extension of time for discussion of the tax ratio. They feel they would be in position to discuss it after their meeting on November 13, 1969. By common consent it was agreed to comply with their request. ._ . 406 MINUTE6 OF THE MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1969 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF TAX Rt1TI0 - (CONTINUED:) - Mr. Robert I,amb and Dick Batson from Carolina Beach were also pr.esent to discuss the tax ratio. Nr. Zamb expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to appear and express the feelin~ of Carolina Beach officials. He said the Carolina Beach councilmen are in favor of increasing the tax ratio; that he sees no alternative if the 1%.Sales Tax.fails to pass. He said his council had discussed it at length and had come up with this decision. Mr. Harriss asked Nr. Lamb did he anticipate that with amount Carolina Beach would receive from the 1% Sales Tax if it passes, they could get along without increasing the ratio and T'Ir. I,amb said yes. Mr. I,amb said the total tax rate at Carolina Beach is 9b2.15, of which $1.50 goes to their general fund. REQ,UEST OF WIZMINGTON - NEW HANOVER C~TINTY INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO AMMEND THE BY-I,AWS - Request from the Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee to make the following changes in Section B, Subsection 3, of the By-I,aws was discussed: A-1 increase from 5 to 6 points B-1 increase from 2 to 4 points ~oith an 8 point maximum C-6 change to "less than $5,000" C-'7 eliminate this item D increase from 14 to 20 points It was pointed out that this is a matter of pro£it distri.i~ution. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the changes be permitted. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO WILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - In line with request from Nr. Hardy Wessell, Executive Secretary, Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee, by common consent it was agreed to reappoint Mr. Bruce DesChamps to the Committee, effective June 8, i959 for a term of three years. TRAILER INSPECTION FEES Mr. Bowden discussed with the Board the necessity o£ inspecting mobile homes and trailer parks in the zoned areas and suggested a fee of $5.00 be charged for each trailer on a private lot. Nr. Bowden suggested 9b1.00 be charged for each space in a trailer park with a maximum charge of $100; no additional charge for over 100 spaces. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. ~arks, that the County place an inspection fee of ~p5.00 on individual Mobile Homes on private lots for a one time inspection. Notion carried. A discussion was then held on trailer parks, and Mr. Bowden explained that when a person applies £or approval of a park, it is usually planned for a certain number of spaces and the approval covers the speciiied,number of spaces. $1.00 inspection fee would be charged for each space with a maximum of 4~100. If and when the trailer park increases in size, the owner Urould be required to obtain permission for enlarging bases on additional spaces and then again ~1.00 inspection fee tiaould be charged for each space up to maximum of$1.00. Mr. Bowden pointed out when questioned, that spaces cannot be added to a trailer park without first obtaining permission from the Health Department and other agencies, and when this permission is granted, the trailer park is inspected and charged for a number of spaces added at this particular time. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that with the explanation ~iven by Mr. Bowden concerning spaces in trailer parks-, fee of 9~1.00 per space, maximum $100, be approved. Motion carriede . . MOVING PZAN - COURT HOUSE OFFICES - Mr. Bowden advised the Board that Mr. Marks had done quite a bid of much appreciated~~ "leg work" in assisting him in the proposed moves o£ the various offices. Mr. Bowden read list of proposed moves to the Board. Mr. Harriss advised the Board of a meeting he and Mr. Williams had with Jud~e Burnett, Chief Deputy Jarrell, and Mr. Bowden relative to relocation of the Jailer's Quarters to provide additional space in the Jail for pr,isoners. Mr. Harriss said he would like concurrence o~' the Commissioners in seeking held from the State Department of Corrections in determing approximate cost and practice of making these changes. Nr. Marks said he was not invited to the meeting the day it was held and wanted to know what was planned. Mr. Harriss said they orould not know until discussion was held with State officials. Mr. Marks said he was aware of one change contemplated; that of relocating the Jailer's Quarters to the present Juvenile Court Room, and there are some reasons to leave the court undistrubed, if possible. Mr. Harriss reminded the Board that at the present time prisoners tivere not bein~ separated as they should be due to lack of space. . Mr. Marks reminded the Commissioners o£ a recent meeting arranged by Judge Mintz at which time the Judges and the groups were unanimous in their judgment that the pr.esent Juvenile Court should not be relocated. Mr. Marks said.he was not saying they are right, but they m~ere in one accord. Mr. Marks said no one questions the need of rearrangement in the Jail and this may. be the only answer. He said the Board had come along with the first thing; getting out of the Commissioners' Room as quickly as possible. Mr. Marks said he felt Jail space need will be reduced with the additional court. He said, in the meantime he is very much reluctant to talk about question of Jail space in the face o£ Judge Mintz's and others, he preferred not putting the State to any trouble of getting committad. Mr. Marks said he felt the Board can get estimated costs from an.architect and wished to see this delayed until t•re see the new court in operation. Mr. Hall said he oaas in agreement vaith this due to the feelings of the majority of Judges and would hesitate to do anything at this time. Mr. Bowden said the new Court should definitely decrease number of prisoners in the Jail. Mr. Metts suggested using the County Farm facilities and wait to see results of the Court. Mr. Harriss said the average prisoners in Jail oer day durin~ October was 45. ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1969 (CONTINTTED)- MOVING PLAN - COURT HOUSE OFFICES - Mr. Harriss said the State had offered to help on an informal basis to consult with the Commissioners. He said some prisoners had been in Jai1 since July as a result of cases being continued and some have never been tried. Mr. Harriss said tvith the number of Court Rooms the County now has, Monday could be set aside for Juvenile cases and the Court Room used rest of time for other court. Mr. Harriss said Court Rooms are not utilized 100% o£ the time. 4 0'7 ~ Mr. Williams said the need to do something is urgent. He pointed out that even thinking that with n~w court the County will be getting faster servic~ and quicker trials, the County is growing by leaps and bounds, and with additional court, he feels the size of the Jail is far from adequate. He said any change that is made in the Jail will have to be approved by the State Department of Correction. He said he felt it would be well to ask someone £rom the State Department of Corrections to come down, and he thought the County Administrator would be the proper one to do so. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the County Administrator be requested to ask an o£ficial of the State Department of Corrections to come down to assist the County and make recommendations. Mr. Metts requested that in this discussion consideration be given as to what the Prison Farm can be used for. He said he had noticed recently where three counties are buildin~ a Regional Jail and from this he did not see why distance from the Court Ho~ would be a problem. He said it would be well for Mr. Harriss to be on the Committee, since he is on the County Farm Committee. Vote was called on Mr. Williams' motion and it carried unanimously. CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Mr. Hall announced he would appreciate it if the members would be giving,consideration to appointment of someone else for Chairman between now and the first meeting in December. He said he had been Chairman off and on for nine years and he felt someone else should serve next year. CARGO AND F.A.A. BUILDING AT AIRPORT - Nlr. Harriss discussed memo from Mr. Bowden concerning construction of Cargo and F.A.A. Buildings at the Airport. Mr. Harriss said in interest of ~etting these two prdj~cts started, he would like to r~commend the Commission instruct the County Administrator to request bids on these two buildings. Mr. Metts suggested that Mr. Bowden might be able to work up specifications on these buildings. Mr. Bowden said he did not have time. It was mentioned that possibly Mr. McKim had been instructed previously to provdie the specifications and Mr. Bowden will check on this. Mre Harriss moved, seconded-tiy Mr. Met~s; ~hat the.'.Board secure,.bifls withrSp~cifications to be draian by person"who has•been retained, if this iS case; -ai~d.if~~notcretained',~ M.rb _Bowden to put out general,specifications; enough.for builders to bid on. Motion carri~d. ~ EDUCATION I,EAVE FOR SOCIAL SERVICES Er7PL0YEES - Mr. Marks discussed Education leave for workers in the Department of Social Services. He said th~ New Hanover County Board of Social Services at its meeting on September 24, 196g, unanimously approved that for employees on Educational Leave, attending accredited schools of Social Work, b~ allowed $100 per month of their approved salary to supplement their Educational Grant and to obligate the person to return to New Hanover County. The student would be obligated to the CountY for one and one-half months for each month that the person received the supplement and upon returning after graduate training, the F~deral Government pays 100% and 65% thereafter. If the employees do not return to the County, they are required to immediately repay the grant in full or shall sign a note for repayment of funds iztilized. It was pointed out that th~ Fe.deral Government pays salary the first year after th~se persons return to work, also Federal and State pay 9649 0£ the $100 allowance while they are in school; count~ 9G51. Mr. Williams said private industry is doing this. r1r. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board approve the procedure r~quested by the Department of Social Services for these employees, with appropriate.contract being signed. Mr. Metts said he would go along taith the motion on basis that Mr. Marks has throughly investigat~d it. Mr. Harriss said he w*as not opposed per se, but c~rould like to know if the individuals returning to the County will receive a high~r salary. Mr. Marks said if they get a degree they would. Vote was called on Mr. Mark's motion and it carried unanimously. APPOINTMETTT PTF1'YBERS TO P'iENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD - Mr. Marks advised the Bar°d that four members' terms had expired on the Mental Health Advisory Board and submitted the following names for appointment: Mr. Ben Graham, Mr. William Morrison, Mrs. Jam~s Cath~ll, and Mrs. Inez Richardson. PSr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the four persons mentioned be appointed to serve on the Mental Health Advisory Board. Motion carried unanimously. DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL AFFAIRS - Nr. Ha11 called attention to series of statewide informational meetings beginning November 11, 1969, scheduled by th~ Department of Local Affairs, and suggested members of the Board attend one to be held on December 8, 1969, in the Pender County Court Room, Burgaw, N. C. TAX ABSTRACT - Mr. Plarks said th~ tax abstract had been prepared in keeping with the recomm~ndations received and is ready for printing. OUTSIDE II`~1'ZOYMENT - DEPARTMENT HEADS - Nr. Marks said he would like a chance to submit a memo to th~ Commissioners setting out J 40~ NINUTES OF THE MEETING NOVEMB~R 3, 1969 (CONTINUED) - OUTSIDE EMPLOYMRNT - DEPARTMENT HEADS - (CONTINUED) - - reco~endations the l~lental Health Board has suggested in connection with outside employment of Department Heads. Mr. Marks suggested that other Commissioners offer their suggestions in writing in order for each one to have the benefit of everyones thinking before the policy is set. By common consent it was agreed action on this will be d~ferred. CIVIL DEFENSE PERS~ivivr,L PAY PI,AIV - Request dated OctobEr 20, 1y69, from Mr. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Director, Civi1 Defense, for approval of their revised staffing plan providing for downward .modification to onE step b~low the present State Standard Grade-Step 1, July l, 1959, was brought to the attention of the Board by Mr. Bowden. By common consent it was agreed to authorize Mr. Hall to si~n the forms approving the plan. REGIONAL SEMINAR BY AGENCY COMMITTEE ON LAW AND ORDER - Mr. Williams advised the Commissioners of a regional seminar by Agency Committ~~ on Law and Order to be held in Wilson, N. C., on November 4, 1959, at 10:00 A.M. He said h~ was going to try and work it in his schedule and attend. CONTRACTS - nTCKERS~N; T~IC,. M~~VROE. N_ C__ AIRPORT PROJECT - Mr. Harriss said the Board had received executed contract between Dickerson, Inc., and New Hanover Count~ £or paving at the Airport. Mr. Fox advised the Certificate of Insuranc~ showing the Liability Coverage and the Build~r's Risk Policy covering the improvement were not received. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Nir. Metts, that the contract be accepted, subject to Dick~rson, Inc., furnishing the Insurance Certificate and Builder's Risk Policy and that Mr. Metts review the insurance and if acceptable, the contract be signed bv the Chairman. Motion carried. PAY FOR JURY Mr. J. G. pay the Jury years ago. COMMISSION - McKeithan, Clerk of Court, appear~d at the meeting requesting appropriation to Commission. He advised that the Jury Commission were paid $12.50 per day two Mr. Marks moved, s~conded by Mr. Pletts, the Jury Commission be paid y~20 per da9, totaling $1,200, funds to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. F.A.A. GRANT OFFER - Mr. Harriss advised the Board that he had Mr. David C. Kell~y, Chief, Atlanta Airports enclosing original and three copies of Grant dated October 15, 1969, for Fed~ral-aid Airp~ County AirpoTt, Wilmington, North Carolina. received a letter, Operations Branch, 0£fer issued in ac ~rt Program Project The grant offer is dated October 31, 1969, from Federal Aviation Administration, ~ordance with Project Application 9-31-020-~004 at New Hanover in amount of $273,250. Mr. Harriss said h~ was disturbed at one of the special conditions; namely, "No payment under Grant until approaches are cleared." He talked with Mr. DeLoach of Mr. Kelley's o~ffice and was advised the F.A.A. would accept the 40.1 glide slope if the Commissioners would authorize signing of this grant offer by the proper person orith stipulation that it be signed i,rhen the F. A. A. issues waiver on Runway 16. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the proper person be authorized to sign this grant offer with stipulation that h~ sign when the F.A.A. issues a waiv~r changing 50.1 glide slope r~quirement to a 40.1 glide slope r~quirement on Runway End 16, and that resolution be recorded and sent to the F.A.A. Motion carried. RESOLUTION ZOOSE-LEAF REGISTRATION SYSTEM - Mr. Bowden advised he had been requested by Mr. 0. K. Pridgen, Chairman Board of Elections, to furnish a resolution adopted by the Commissioners approving and authorizing a full time and permanent registration system in New Hanover County pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 163 0£ the General Statutes of North Carolina. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that such a resolution be adopted. Motion carried. Mr. Bowden will prepare resolution and it t~rill be copied in Minute Book. RE9UEST TO RENT SPACE AT THE COUATTY PRISON F~ - Mr. Bowden said he had received request from the New Hanov~r Garden Council to rent space in ~~ahich to store their equipment. This was deferred until it can be determined whether the County needs the space for its use. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further businESS to come before the Board, Nr. Metts, moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn and the Board inspect the YMCA Building immediately there- after. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board * Should be on Page 403 On Pag~ 1, Mr. Harriss requested that the minutes r~fl~ct that he was absent from th~ October 20 meeting due to fact he was in Savannah, Ga., on October 19 and 20, at the Board's request, att~nding the Ocean Highway Regional Meeting. H~ also requested that in the future the minutes reflect reason for person's absence when they are attending other County business or County functions. ,