1969-11-17 Regular Meeting~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING November '17, ~969 409 ~~- A,SSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on • the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman J.M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H.A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bo~aden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. E~gene Templeton, Pastor, Gregory Congregational Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - On Page 4, under heading "Openin$ of Auto Bids, Sheri£f's Department", Mr. Metts requested last paragraph, first sentence read: "Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that bid of Cape Fear Motor Sales, Inc., be accepted since it was less than Port City Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., and less than Tom Reich on depreciated basis, since Tom Reich Chevrolet had quoted on 1969 models instead of 19'70; acceptance subject to approval o£ the Sheriff. Mr. Harriss suggested in the future request for bids speci£y model number and any other descriptions which would tend to clarify what is being bid on. Mr. Bowden requested £ollowing changes on Page 6: Deletion of "had" in first sentence of second paragraph under heading "Moving Plan - Court House Offices". First sentence of fifth paragraph under this heading should read: "Mr. Marks reminded the Commissioners of a recent meeting arranged by Judge Mintz at which time the Judges and the groups were unanimous in their judgrnent that the present Juvenile Court should not be relocated." Mr. Bowden requested last paragraph under heading "Pay for Jury Commission" on page 9 read as follows: "Mr. N[arks ~oved, seconded by NLr. Metts, the Jury Commission be paid $20 per day, totaling ~1,200, £unds to come from the General EYnergency Ftznd. Motion carried." After making the above corrections, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded b~ Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - There were no reports due by or through the Commissioners at this time. APPROPRIATION - AIRPORT BUDG~T - Mr. 73owden advised he vaas in receipt of a letter from Mr. John A, idestbrook, Airport Manager, requesting the $1,500 cut from the Airport Budget during Budget Discussions because the Commis- sioners were discussing the possibility of closin~ the County Farm, be added at this time for County Farm Labor. Mr. Shepard recommended the $1,500 come from Unanticipated County Farm Revenue. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that $1,500 be added to the Airport Budget, funds coming from Unanticipated County Farm Revenue. Notion carried unanimously. CONTRACT - DATA PROCESSING Mr. Bowden advised the Board the present contract with Data Processing would carry through ~ the printing of abstracts after which it will be up for renewal. Mr. Bowden said he felt Mr. Shepard is more qualified to say whether or not this contract shoul'd be renewed, since he is the CooxY3inator. Mr. Metts was of the opinion recommendation should come from Mr. Shepard, Mr. Bowden, and Mr. Sam Johnson, or one of them. Mr. Hall was interested in knowing whether other data processing firms would come up with same problems; whether the present firm has gotten its mistakes behind it or whether it is not operating properly. Mr. Williams expressed agreement with idea to ask persons more directly involved to make recommendations. Mr. Williams said he would suggest definite consideration be given other offers to bid or submit proposals. He said he had heard for the past several months that Independent Data Processing was ~oing to get the bugs out and definitely felt others should be permitted to submit proposals. Mr. Shepard said the County could not go further this year with Tndependent Data Processing, unless programs are revised or new programs written, whichever is applicable. These programs cannot be patched up; a new program will have to be started. Mr. Shepard said the program worked £ine the first year. '_ Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that in the interest of time the Chairman be authorized to appoint a committee to ask Data Processing Companies for proposals or give them opportunity to submit proposals and to make recommendations. Mr. Harriss suggested Mr. Bo~aden and Mr. Shepard be on this committee. Mr. Marks said if the Board considers renewing this contract with Independent Data Process- ing Company, the Board should have the benefit of the top personnel of this firm appearing explaining errors and assuring the Board they will not occur again. The Commissioners should be assured and convinced Independent Data Processing can handle the program. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. Mr. Hall appointed Mr. Bowden, Mr. Shepard, and Mr. Sam Johnson to this committee. CIVIZ DEFENSE REQUEST - EMPIAY RELIEF I~LP - Mr. Bowden presented request of Civil Defense Director, Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., dated November 10, i959. Mr. Harriss requested permission to employ a person pending termination of W.D. Griffin and terminal payment for thirty (30) days annual leave for W.D. Gri£fin. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Harriss requests be approved, subject to approval of the City. Motion carried. 410 ~INUTES OF THE MEETING November 1~, 1969 (Continued) RECONCILIATION OF PREPAID TAXES - Mr. Shepard presented the Board with a statement of Reconciliation o£ Prepaid Taxes collected in advance. MEMENTOS FOR VISITORS TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY - Mr. Henry Bost appeared before the Board with suggestions for appropriate mementos for presentation by the Commissioners to visitors to New Hanover Covnty. Mr. Bost said he did not think the Count~ would care to present a Key because the City does this. He said cost of the key to the City is $6.20, plus engraving. I`rir. Bost suggested a medallion with the County Seal on both sides and embedded in lucite plaster . He said Mr. Bowden, Mr. Marks and he iaere of the opinion this would make a handsome desk piece. This would cost around $5.00 plus the die. He also suggested a gold plated pocket card similar to the credit card which would cost $5.00 also. Mr. Harriss moved that the Board purchase 100 of each. Mr. Metts said since people get so many credit cards, he felt that anyt}iing resembling a credit card would not be as impressive. Mr. Harriss withdrew first motion and then moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that 100 embedded medallions and the die be purchased, funds coming from the Commissioners' Advertising Account. Motion carried. INTEREST RATE AND DENOMINATIONS - AIRPORT BONDS - Mr. Fox presented resolution for establishing interest rates and denominations for the Airport Bonds. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the following resolution be adopted. "Meares Harriss, Jr. moved that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Zocal Government Commission of North Carolina has informed the Board of Commissioners that it has sold in the manner prescribed by law, the ~395,000 Airport Bonds of the County of New Hanover, dated December 1, 1969, authorized to be issued by a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on October 20, 1969, and that the contract of sale contemplates that said bonds shall be of such denomination and shall bear interest as hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said bonds shall consist of seventy-nine bonds of the denomination of $5,000 each and shall be numbered from 1 upwards in the order of their maturity. BE IT FURTHER RESOZVED that said bonds shall bear interest as folloV~s: Bonds payable in Bonds payable in Bonds payable in Bonds payable in Bonds payable in Bonds payable in each the each each each each of ~ea of of of of the years 1971 and 1972, '7'~ per annum, c 19'73, 6% per annum, the years 19'74 to 19~9, inclusive, 5 fP/ per annum, the years 1980 and 1981, 5.60% per annum, the years 1982 to 1984, inclusive, 5.70'~ per annum, the years 1985 and 1986, 5.']5°o per annum. ~ H.A. Marks seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted, Messrs. Hall, Harriss, Metts, Marks, a..nd Williams voting for the resolution and no one voting against it." WELFARE AIR CONDITIONERS IN BASEMENT OF COURT HOUSE - Mr. Marks informed the Commissioners that at the last meeting of the Welfare Board, they had discussed the air conditioners which the Welfare Department had left in the basement of the Court House when they moved, and had agreed that $20 per each unit would be equitable. Mr. Williams said in view of assuming there is not a whole lot of demand for used air conditioners, he felt the price was too high. Mr. Marks said should the County pa~ the Welfare Department ~220 £or the air conditioners a certain amount would be distributed back to the County. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the County offer the Wel£are Department $10 each and leave them where they are. Mr. Marks said the Welfare Department needed a sidewalk and anticipated spending the money from the sale of the air conditioners for this. He said maybe they could get CFTI to do the work with money they receive from the sale. Mr. Bowd"en said.he did not think the air conditioners would take care o£ the basement area due to the present renovation. ~ Vote was called on the motion. Motion carried £our to one. Mr. Marks voted "no". ~ REQ,UEST TO THE N.C. WILDZIFE RESOURCE COMMISSION FOR SPEED CONTROLS AT LOCAL MARINAS - Mr. Harriss discussed with the Board need for controls for boats passing marinas in this County. Mr. Harriss said he had discussed this problem with Mr. Musselwhite of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission who had suggested that the Board of Commissioners request them to investigate the situation. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that due to reports of damage caused by the ~~akes of boats passing marinas in New Hanover County at excessive speeds, we respectfully request the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to investigate this situation, and make recom- mendations for establishing proper controls for boats passing marinas in the County. Motion carried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMIT REAUEST - HERITAGE DINNER THEATRES, INC., aLF~ANDER DRIUE - A.B.C. permit request of Heritage Dinner Theatres, Inc., 5523 Oleander Drive, was presented to the Board. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the request be referred to the Sheriff's Department for its consideration. Motion carried. ,._ i 4 :~ 1 MINUTES OF THE MEETING November 1'], 1969 (CO:TTINUED) ROAD PETITION - CHEROKEE TRAIL - Road Petition requesting the State to add Cherokee Trail to the Secondary Road System was presented to the Board. Prior to the meeting this request had been forwarded to the Planning Commission for its recommendations. Mr. Wood informed Mr. Bowden the Planning Department had no objections and recommended approval. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the standard resolution be adopted, and forwarded, along with petition, to the State Highway for its consideration. Motion carried. CIVII, SERVICE COMMISSION - Mr. Hall advised the Board that the following had been appoi.nted to the Civil Service Commission for terms of four years, effective November 1, 1969: Leon F~ztrelle ' George Chadwick Marvin Johnson ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTP'fE[dT - 17r. Hall advised the Board that the following had been appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, effective November 15, ~969: B.B. Wil~loughby - 3 years Ralph M. Smith - 3 years C.E. Hartford - 2 years I,loyd Hanson - 2 years Ted Glod - 1 year •The following tiaere appointed as alternate members for terms of three years: J.C. Parker, Sr. R.L. Coble, Sr. COUNTY ZONING IN NE47 AREA Mr. Timothy Wood, Director o£ Planning, and Mr. Neil Mallory, Assistant Director of Planning, appeared before the Board advising they had completed plans for zoning another area; Coastal and Inland properties between the already zoned Masonboro District and 4lrightsville Beach. Mr. Mallory pointed out the area on the map and explained each type of zoning; R-10, R-15, R-20, Residential; B-1 and B-2 Commercial. Mr. Mallory requested the Board to set a date for a public hearing on the area to be zoned. Glasgow Hicks of Shandy Point Development Company appeared requesting the proposed zoning he waived in regard to a development on Greenville Sound which he has started. He is within the R-20 district in the proposed area to be zoned. He said he would lose ei~ht lots which would cause extreme financial loss. Mr. Wood asked Mr. Hicks ~ahether he planned to record the map of the plat. Mr. Hicks said he did not know. Mr. Wood pointed out if plat is not recorded, property will be sold by metes and bounds, and the development would not come under sub-division ordinance. It 4~as pointed out if this were done, the County would have no jurisdiction whatsoever over the sub- division. Mr. Hicks advised the Board he intended to put private roads in the development. Mr. Williams pointed out there is a likely possibility that in the future the ,5tate might be requested to keep up the roads. Mr. Wood advised the Board that the Planning Department Staff is sorry it was not aware of the situation, but they knew nothing of this development and feel strongly that the sub- division ordinance, which has just been passed, will considerably help this County. He pointed out it is sti11 legal to sell sub-divisions by metes and bounds and that need for good sub-division regulations is critical. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that a public hearing be held on the proposed zoning o£ this area as recommended by the Planning Department on Monday, December 15, 1969, after proper advertising. Motion carried unanimously. SUB-DIVISION - BRANDYWIlVE, SECTION 1 - (OGDEN) - ~ Mr. Mallory presented plat of Brandywine, Section 1, Sub-Division, which had been approved by the Planning Department with understanding certain restrictions will be complied with. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the plat be approved by the Commissioners, subject to the restrictions referred to by Planning Department being complied with and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat. Motion carried unanimously. PIRATES COVE SUB-DIVISION (Gts~,r.ivVIZI,E SOUND ROAD) - Mr. Wood said this developer had worked closely with the Planning Commission and that Cameron-Brown assures money has been set aside for complying with regulations. The plat had been approved by the Planning Department. Mr. Metts moved,, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Commissioners approve the plat and authorize the Chairman to sign it. Motion carried unanimously. After checkin~ a letter £urnished by Cameron-Brown, Mr. Fox advised the Board it was not a letter of credit and did not secure the County. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, upon finding this is not a letter of credit, that the approval already given be held in abeyance until proper letter of credit is approved by the County Attorney. Motion carried. At the noon session o£ the Board of Commissioners' meeting, Mr. Wood, Mr. Mallory, and Mr. Taylor, from Cameron-Brown Company, came to the meeting to discuss the above decision o£ the Board. Mr. Wood said the developer of this sub-division had cooperated 101% down the line and the Planning Department had recommended the approval of the plat based on letter of credit. Mr. Wood said he felt the name and reputation of the mortage company should have some merit J 41~' MINUTES OF THE MEETING November 1~, 1969 (CONTINUED) PIRATES COVE SUB-DIVISION (Gxr.~,ivJILLE SOUND ROAD) -(Continued) and should have some bearing with the Board. To ~require an irrevocable letter of credit would be very difficult for Cameron-Brown. Mr. Metts questioned what is purpose of letter now. Mr. Wood said to assure that funds have been set aside for improvement. Mr. Metts said he wanted guarantee the County would be protected in case something should happen to Mr. Fowler. Mr. Ta~lor said if anything should happen to Mr. Fowler, Cameron-Brooan would own the sub-division. Mr. Taylor said a land loan of ~239,000 had been set up for Mr. Fowler, but it would not be dispensed unless improvements are properly put in the sub-division. Checks are given based on amount of work done and final check is held until everything has been done and they have a letter from the State Highway that everything is in order. Mr. Harriss read letter from Cameron-Bro~an and sug~ested the word "proof" be changed to "guarantee" or "surety". Mr. Harriss said the Board could not accept this letter because the County is bound by law and the County Attorney had advised the letter furnished is letter of intent, not letter of credit and suggested they con£er wi.th the County Attorney and determine what he would consider satis£actory. Mr. Metts suggested Mr. Wood sit in also and find out vahat form of letter is required. Mr. Metts said Mr. Fowler should be commended on the fine work he did in helping to ~et the 1% Sales Tax passed. EDUCATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mrs. Homer Davis appeared before the Board on behalf of the National Federation o£ Republican Women requesting endorsement of their project "Operation Lend an Ear". The project is a non-partisan, public service to learn the educational goals at the grass roots level. Mrs. Davis said they would be calling on the City Council and Board o£ Education also requestin~ them to issue a resolution or proclamation to show that they have confidence in this survey. She said they would then go to Civic Clubs, shopping centers and canvass door to door. She said answers will be tabulated State wide and then National. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board endorse as a non-partisan project the survey to seek solution of problems in the educational field. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION FOR COURT HOUSE RENOVATIONS Mr. Bowden called attention to the fact ~95,000 was budgeted in the 1969-']0 budget for purchase of the YMCA Building and renovation oE the S& H Green Stamp Building. He requested 5% o£ the contract price, amounting to $1500, after purchase o.f the YMCA Building and renovation of the S& H Building, plus ~61500 Contingency Fund, be transferred to Court House Renovation. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that ~61500 be set up as Contingency £or renovation of the S& H Building and the balance left, be transferred to Court House renovation and used as necessary for Court House Renovation. Motion carried. APPLICATION FOR GRANT FOR JAIL - Mr. Bowden discussed whether or not the Board wished to file application for grant for Jail. He said the General Assembly has appropriated 9$200,000 for such grants for entire State, and he had been advised that the State had received requests amounting to millions as result of it, but.this should not deter request of New Hanover County. Mr. Williams said he felt it ~•rould be well to authorize the County A~m~nistrator to proceed with the application. Mr. Bowden said he had talked with the Social Service people, and New IIanover County's Jail problems are typical vaith other Jails throughout the State. Mr. Bowden said the Jail people are not going to take it lightly if the County does not do something. Discussion was held on proposal of moving the Jailer's quarters away from the Jai1. Use of his quarters was discussed. Mr. Harriss said this would not satis£y all the Jail needs, but would provide a Juvenile Holding area and would provide a place for women, and he thought the plan should be considered favorably at this time, pending recommendation from the County Administrator at the next meeting and statement of what actually can be accomplished. Mr. Bowden said if Mr. Johnson is permitted to move out a maximum of 6"4-man" pre- engineered cells could be installed i:ncluding plumbing for an estimated Sb2500 each. PYr. Hall said the Prison Farm is not being utilized as it should be. IS the prison farm is continued as a prison, the County raill need a Jail capacity of 100. If the prison farm is closed, the County will need no less than Jail capacity of 125. The greatest need is space for s:eparation of prisoners. Mr. Bowden advised the Board that if the Jail people in Raleigh had some assurance that the County is planning to build a local government complex in the very near fui,izre; a positive approach which would mean beginning of a space study with engineers or a fund being set aside or some other tangible evidence in the making, they would hold up on this, but this should be evidenced within 9o days. Mr. Bowden said Mr. Craig wished to convey his appreciation to the Commissioners for their concern over the Jail problem and wished to assure them of his willing- ness to help in any way he can. Nir. I3arriss pointed out that it had been recommended that the Jail not be located in the Court House. Also, Mr. Williams, Architect, was of the same opinion, Jail should be separate from Court House. Mr. Harriss said Mr. Montague said, when he met recently with local people to discuss court space, it should be in the Court House. It oaas pointed out Ralei~h is completing a very large complex which will house a Jail and maybe the Commissioners should look into this. It o~as the feeling of the Board they could not advise Mr. Crai~ within 90 days whether a 1oca1 government building is contemplated in the ver~ near future. Mr. Metts said if the County can come through with a neoa building, he does not see how it can possibly be done before five years and questioned whether the County should fix the Jail or the Prison Farm. ~ Mr. Williams sug~ested closing the Prison Farm, since there is no law req~ring the County maintain one. 413 , MINUTES OP THE MEETING November 1'7, 1969 (CONTINUED) APPLICATION FOR GRANT FaR JAIL -(CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams suggested the Board authorize the Jailer to move, go ahead and authorize the County Administrator to proceed with plans for new cells which were outlined, indicate to Department of Corrections that we are going ahead with plans for a new and adequate £acility, and in addition would suggest that the Board agree among themselves to set aside a portion of the required money for building, and that with State and Federal funds this should enable the County to pay cash for a complex and get on a pay-as-you-go basis. Mr. Williams reminded the Board the interest rates are so high, it would certainly be better to do it this way. Nir. Harriss said immediate problem is use of space created by move of Mr. Johnson. Mr. Bowden su~gested using present trust1es' quarters £or Juveniles and provide space for trusties in Jailer's quarters. Mr. Hall suggested getting a sketch of what space can be used for. Mr. Harriss said it was not possible to make determination of cost until we can see what we can do with this area. Mr. Williams suggested the Board authorize the Sheriff, County Administrator and Jailer to proceed with plans to satisfy the Department of Corrections. Mr. Harriss said sketch should be discussed with Commissioner Craig after which the County Administrator would be able to make a solid recommendation to the Board. Mr. Bowden requested use o£ an architect. Mr. Metts said he felt preliminary plans should be made first. Sheriff Millis, who was present, was asked for his recommendations regardin~ the Jailer moving out. He recommended the Jailer be authorized to move and that the Board proceed i~rith plans for enlarging the Jail. By common consent it was agreed it is considered opinion that Nir. Johnson should be alerted to move, provided his apartment is feasible for additional Jail space, but not to be finalized until the Board comes to a decision. RENOVATION OF COMMISSIONERS' ROOM FOR COURT ROOM - Discussion was held on whether to remove back wall in the present Commissioners' Room. Mr. Bowden pointed out that it would be difficult because it was a vault wall, and he was never aware of any plan to remove it. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Bowden talk with the archi- tect and advise him the wall remains. AIRPORT LIMOUSINE SERVICE - Mr. Harriss advised the Board that Mr. the City, has agreed to extend this service Seashore Transportation has agreed to diver Airport before coming into town. Mr. Harriss said he had discussed this Airlines who raas delighted to learn of this very pleased about the service. Woodrow Prid~en, who provides limousine service in to Camp Lejeune £or $3.50 per person. Also, the t, if necessary, their early morning bus to the service with one of the top officials of Piedmont service. The officers at Camp Lejeune are also Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that (1) inasmuch as it will be necessary for Mr. Pridgen to purchase equipment and other expenses that the Commissioners agree to forego the 10'~ charge on the companies' gross receipts until June, 19'70, when their contract will be renegotiated, (2) that counter space, when required, be provided at the same rent as the other agencies are charged, (3) that announcement and advertising of schedules of limousine service be allowed to stand on easel in lobby vaithout charge, and (4) Mr. Bowden be authorized to advise the following by letter that this service will be available December 1, 1969: Piedmont Airlines: Mr. Gordon Brown and Mr. Bill Dolan, Sales Manager Camp I,ejeune Transportation 0£ficers: Hart, Graves, and Gurganus Camp Lejeu.ne Transportation Commanders Mr. Pridgen (thanking him for providing service) Seashore Transportation: Mr. 0'Brien Motion carried. , Mr. Harriss said provision of this service could result in additional 50,000 persons passing through Airport and that he was extremely grateful to Mr. Pridgen for his fine public spirit in providing this service and would like publicly to commend the Chamber of Commerce Aviation Committee, and in particular, L.L. Doss, Jr., for his active and unselfish role in setting up the service. Mr. Marks suggested by common consent a letter be written the Chamber of Commerce thanking them for their service. EXTENSION OF TIME FOR COUNTY AUDIT - Mr. Bowden asked that the Board confirm the extension of time £or Mr. William C. Barfield, CPA, to complete his audit for the County. The extension was unofficially authorized November 3, 1969. The extension requested was to December 3, 1969. Mr. Hall moved, seconded b~ Mr. Williams, that the extension be granted. Motion carried. Mr. Marks abstained. MEETING RECONVENED - Meeting reconvened at 2:00 P.M. with all the Commissioners, the County Administrator, and Clerk to the Board present. REGISTER OF DEEDS - Letter from the Register o£ Deeds, dated November 14, requesting $2,000 be placed in her budget for purpose o£ retaining part-time help, which was to have been terminated October l, 1969, and to increase another employee one step. Money is in her budget to increase the employee one step. By common consent it was agreed to defer this until the County Administrator has an • opportunity to make an investigation. 414 MINUTES OF THE MEETING November l~, 1969 (CONTIPNED) WAIVER OF S~ATE LISTING PENAIIrY - CHARLES J. C02,LINI - Mr. Bowden advised the Board of request from Mr. Charles J. Collini for waiver of late listing penalty o£ $16.45. By common consent this request was denied. REBUEST OF WILLIAM J. HARGROVE FOR INSPECTION OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS - Mr. Bowden advised the Board that Mr. William J. Hargrove had requested an inspection of his household furnishings since receiving his tax bill. When he listed his taxes he indicated he would accept 10 times his monthly rent as value of his furnishings and signed abstract to that effect. By common consent the Commissioners agreed not to ~rant the request. POI,ICY ON OUTSIDE EMPTAI'P'IENT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS - Discussion was held on establishing policy governing employees accepting outside employment Mr. Williams had prepared a resolution which he proposed the Board adopt, and Mr. Marks read a list of suggestions which the Mental Health Board had furnished him. It was suggested that the resolution, proposed by Mr. Williams, include the suggestions furnished by Mr. Marks. Mr. Williams said he was agreeable to this. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION Governing Outside Employment - Department Heads WHEREAS, the I3oard of County Commissioners has established rules governing outside employment for all full time county employees except department heads, and WI~REAS, the Board of County Commissioners feel that all county employees, including department heads, should adhere to the same policy governing outside emplo~ment, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that all department heads over whom the County Commission- ers have jurisdiction shall not engage in outside employment without the specific written approval of the County Commissioners, BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, that the following policy is hereby established governing outside employment £or Department Heads: 1. No outside work alloored before or during regular office hours or lunch time. 2. Maximum weekly permissible outside employment not exceedin~ 7'/z hours during regular work week. This `7~/z hours does not include attending meetings in connection with agency's community responsibilities. 3. Al1 outside employment with full details must be processed through the County Administrator and approved by the Commissioners before accepting employment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Health, Board of Social Services and all other Boards vaho have jurisdiction over employees who are paid wholly or in part with county funds are hereby requested to adhere to the policy adopted by the County Commis- sioners relating to outside employment for other full time county employees, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be made a part of the personnel rules and that a copy be sent to all of the aforementioned departments and department heads. Dated this 1']th day of November, 1969• Chairman Vice-Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Motion carried. REPORT OF MR. MARKS ON VISIT TO RALEIGH.. RELATIVE TO RENOVATION OF X-RAY BUII,DING, JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - Mr. Marks advised the Commissioners that he and Mr. McKim went to Raleigh last week to confer with Mr. Henderson, relative to the vast difference in their estimate and Mr. McKim's estimate on renovation of the X-Ray Room at James Walker Hospital for use by the Health Department and Mental Health. Mr. Marks said when the people in Raleigh were presented with figure of ~6.50 per square foot compared with their fi~ure of $25 they £inally conceded they could be in error. It was brought out at the meeting in Raleigh the State would not participate in renova- tion o£ the 3rd floor of the X-Ray Building for Mental Health due to size of area; they cannot with only 12,000 square feet. They said, however, they would participate on a basis of 40'/o if entire building is renovated for the Health Department. Also, it was learned no funds are ~ available at this time and none will be available until July, 19~0. ~ 4~:~ MINUTES• OF TFIE MEETING November 1'7, 1969 (CONTINUED) REPORT OF MR. MARKS ON VISIT TO RAI~EIGH RELATIVE TO RENOVATION OF X-RAY BUILDING, JAMES WALKER HUSYITAL - (CONTINUED - Mr. Marks said the Mental Health Board has negotiated further with Dr. Crouch concerning the renting of his former office building for $400 per month. Dr. Crouch was advised County is not able to invest in renovation, and would like for him to consider renovating, and charging Nental Health several months rent in advance. Mental Health would recommend rent of $250 per month; owner being responsible for all exterior repairs and inside repairs over ~5o- Dr. Crouch reconsidered and said he would go along on basis of $250 per month, makin~ the necessary alterations. Mr. Marks said Executive Committee and full Mental Health Board authorized him to recom- mend to the Commissioners that they accept this offer for a minimum of 24 months. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the offer be accepted as recommended by the Mental Health Board and as presented by Mr. Marks; funds for additional rent to come from repair item in Bud~et for renovation of the X-Ray Building at James Walker Hospital. Motion carried. SPECIFICATIONS FOR CARGO, BAGGAGE. AND F.l~.A. BUILDINGS - Mr. Jefferies brought in specifications for the Cargo, Baggage, and F.A.A. Buildings at the Airport. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the matter be referred to the Airport Committee and if specifications are satisfactory, to authorize the architect to advertise for bids. Motion carried. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING NEW APPROACH TO TAXATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES - Letter from Mr. Roddy M. Ligon, Jr., enclosing resolution adopted by the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners concerning new approach to taxation of motor vehicles ~aas brought.before the Board by NLr. Bowden. By common consent our legislators will be advised the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports this resolution. ADJOURIQMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn: Motion carried. Respectfully submitted Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING December l, 1969 ' '~ A,SSEP"iBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman J.M. Ha11,Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H.A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator I,aurence 0. Bowden, and Patricia Bowman, Acting Clerk to the Board. Mrs. Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board, was absent. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Wayne Barkley, Pastor, First Assembly of God Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - On Page 2, under heading "Contract-Data Processing," Mr. Shepard requested first sentence in 6th paragraph read; "Mr. Shepard said the County could not go further this year with Independent Data Processing, unless programs are revised or new programs written, whichever is applicable." On Page 2, Mr. 4Jilliams requested deleting "Mr. Williams questioning the motion", under heading "Civil Defense Request-Employ Relie£ Help", the last sentence. On Page 8, Mr. Williams requested changin~ the word "trustee" to "trusties" under heading "Application for Grant For Jail", Paragraph 9, sentence 2. On Page 11, Mr. Metts.requested last paragraph under "Report of Mr. Marks on visit to Raleigh relative to renovation of X-Ray Btzildin~, James Walker Hospital", should reflect "Mr. I`ietts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks." In Paragraph 2, under heading "Resolution supporting New Approach to Taxation of Motor Vehicles, Page 12, sentence should read: "By common consent our legislators will be advised the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports this resolution." Mr. Marks requested the word "approved" be added to the Resolution on Outside F~ployment in the stipulations. The 3rd stipulation should read "All outside employment with flzll details must be processed through the County Administrator and approved by the Commissioners before accepting employment." This resolution will appear in the Personnel Manual. A£ter makin~ the above corrections, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried.