1970-01-05 Regular Meeting4-;~ 5 MINUTES OF THE IYiEETING DECEMBER 15, 1969 (CONTINUED) OFFICE FURNITURE FOR NEW COMMISSIONERS ' OFFICE - Mr. [dilliams reminded the Board that the Commissioners' Office will soon move and it will be necessary for new furniture to be purchased. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the purchase oi the neia office furniture be left to the Chairman and Administrator Mr. Williams sug~ested table be long enough for Auditor and County Attorney. APPROPRIATIOIQS - P1r. ]3owden presented the following requests for appropriations: l. Appropriate Sb395,000 bond proceeds Airport to F.A.A. Project #9-31-020-04, Article 11.443 from unanticipated revenue from sale of bonds. Mr. GIilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the request be approved. Motion carried. 2. Appropriate to C:F.T.I. Notor Vehicle operations from unanticipated revenue from 1~forth Carolina State ~v116.00 (no County funds involved.) 3. Appropriate to County Aid Community Hospital from General Contingency Fund $200 to pay Mr. Butler's 20% commission for sale of articles (junli) and other payables to Carolina Business Service. 50% collection. Mr.__rIarks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be approved. Motion carried. NATIONAL RIVERS AND HARBORS CONGRESS - Mr. Hall called attention to the 5'7th Annual Convention to be held Narch 1']-20, 1970, at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D. C. AUDIT REPORT - Mr. Boivden brought Mr. W. Barfield`s Bill £or the County Audit in the amount of $7,973.50 to the attention of the Board. No action ~•aas taken. Mr. Metts said he had asked the County Auditor today if he could determine ar~y reason ~ahy the Board should not accept the Audit presented by ~r. Barfield. Mr. Shepard said it was in order as far as he was concerned and saw no reason not to accept it. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, that the Audit be accepted. Motion carried. MEETING OF COMl1ITTEE ON LOCAL GOVERi~II`'IENT - Mr . Metts informed the Board that he and Messrs. Williams, Marks, and Hall attended a meeting of this committee in Burgaw and suggested each one present return the sheet in the book indicating group of counties with Urhich you would like to be associated. ARMY LEAVE FOR COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR - By common consent it was a~reed Mr. Bowden take his milita~y leave of two weeks beginning June 28. ADJOURI\TMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, PTr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, (Mrs.) Haze1 5avage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF TFi'~ MEETING JANUARY 5, 19']0 ASSEMBI,Y - The regular semi-monthl~ meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners iaas held on the above date and ti~ae in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: C~iairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Administrat'or I,aurence 0. Bovrden, County Attorney James C. Fox, Mrs. Elizabeth Edens, of the Auditor's Office; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., and County Auditor Perry Shepard were absent from the meeting. INVOCATION - Chairinan Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. A. L. McGee, Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Williams requested the following changes be made in the minutes of December 15, 1969: On Page 5 under "3" at top of page, last sentence should read: "Motion carried, all five Commissioners voting affirmatively." On Page 5 under heading "Approval of Subdivision Map - Farmington, Section 2", second sentence should read: "Motion carried unanimously." Mr. Narks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. COMP'iISSI0NER5 SERVING ON VARIOUS COMMITTEES - Mr. rTetts stated that the Commissioners had been appointed to serve on various conmittees and that he thought everyone should be aware of the different committees each are serving on, including the news media. 426 MINUTES OF THE MEETII~TG JANUARY 5, 1970,(CONTINU~D) - REPORT OF I~1R. SAM JOHNSON, TAX COLLECTOR - l~ir. Sam Johnson presented statement of 1969 taxes on real estate collected for New Hanover County through December, 1959, totaling $2,']82,~3'].91. His statement shows collection of back taxes on real estate to date in amount o£ ~b61,24'7.88 and collection of 1968 personal propert'y taxes in amount of y~7, 702.']8. Mr. Metts asked Mr. Johnson what had been done on the delinquent tax list which he had submitted to the Board in December and which had been returned to him for revision. Mr. Johnson said his office had been so busy nothing had been done. Mr. Hall inquired whether or not additional personnel for collection of the back taxes would be justi£ied. Mr. Johnson said collection of real estate taxes last year ~aas the largest year since 194'7. More than $114,000 was collected in back taxes last year. Mr. Marks asked Mr. Johnson about the garnishee; whether or not it had been abandoned. Mr. Johnson said his office had been unable to get back to it this year. Mr. Marks suggested getting garnishees in the mail by whatever means it takes. . Mr. Metts suggested Mr. Bowden check o~ith Mr. E. C. Brandon, City Nanager, about additional help for this purpose before the next Cit~ Council meeting and be prepared to make report at this Board's next meeting. By common consent this was agreed to. . EXTENSION OF TAX LISTING TIP'tE FOR CORPORATIONS AND BUSINESSES - Mr. Bowden said the Tax Listing Office is receiving requests from corporations and businesses for extension o£ time for listing their taxes. Mr. Bowden suggested corporations and businesses submit a"Tentative" listing and when they get thsir books closed to file a "Final listing." Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board establish polic~ of not granting extensions to businesses or corporations ti~*ithout prior written requests and the filing of a"Tentative" listing within the prescribed time limit. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON OFFICIAL BONDS OF COUNTY OFFICIALS - P1r. Fox, County Attorney; requested his report on Official Bonds of County Officials be deferred until next meeting in order that he might have an opportunity to hear from all the persons involved. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Yermit Requests from Jesse James Bar and Grill, Carolina Beach and Hotel Pool Room, Carolina Beach, were presented to the Board. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff for his investigation. Plotion carried unanimously ROAD PETITION - CHEROKEE TRAII, - , Road petition requesting Cherokee Trail be added to the State Maintained Road S3=stem was presented to the Board. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by P1r. Hall, that the standard resolution be adopted and the petition be forvrarded to the State Highway Commission. Motion carried unanimously. INVENTORY OF TAX FORECZOSED PROPERTY Mr. Williams said £rom time to time people co.me in asking about what is available in tax foreclosed property and no one can tell them. He said he felt it would be to the interest of the County to get such property sold and back on the tax books as quickly as possible. Mr. Williams suggested the Tax Supesvisor work with the City, if they are interested and willing to pay their share of the cost, to prepare an inventory of all tax foreclosed property and the list be kept current at all time. Mr. Hall said there is a list already of tax foreclosed property. PTr. Metts su~gested Mr. Bowden locate the list and bring it up to date. By common consent this was agreed to. DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL P1AP FOR ZONING AREA II Mrs. Lois LeRay, Hegister o~ Deeds, and Mr. Neil Mallory of the Planning Department, appeared before the Board requesting the Board to designate Official Map for Zonin~ Area II, area having been zoned e££ective Decenber 15, i959. Mr. Mallory said the changes made in the zoning map presented at that time had been incorporated in the map presented today. Mr, ulilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to si~n the map and it be made th~ Official Map for Zonin~ Area II. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF A PROPOSED MOBILE AND TRAV.EL_TRAILER FARK ORDINANCE - Mr. Timoth3r Wood and P1r. Neil Mallory of the Planning llepartment presented a proposed Niobile Home and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance and recommended it be adopted under poi•rers of ne~r authority ~ranted the Board of Commissioners by the last General Assembly. Mr. Mallory said first reading of the ordinance does not have to be advertised, second reading has to be advertised 15 days before reading and a public hearing to be held after the second reading must be advertisec~ 30 da3rs before it is held. Mr. Hall pointed out the Mobile Home dealers were distur~ed sometime ago because they had not been notified of changes and that the Board had told them that before any other changes were made in the future, they would be notified. r~1r. Mallory said he had ndafied them. Mr. Metts said he would ask Mr. Bowd~n to write the Mobile Home Dealers that readin~ Vaill be held. Mr. Fox said he would like to review the law before advising the Board on a public hearing. Mr. Metts su~gested setting the first reading at the next meeting of the Commissioners and in the meantime the County Attorney make a thorough study of ths law concerning the public hearing and inform the Board at 'th~ next meeting of his findi;ngs. The proposed ordinance was accepted by the Board for study. BILL OF bdII,I,IAM C.BARFIELD, CPA, FOR COUNTY AUDIT - Bill in amount of $~,y'73.50 from William C. Barfield, CPA, for audit of accounts and records of the County for fiscal year ended June 30, 1969 was presented to the Board for authorization to pay. It was pointed out that th~ bill hadbeen approved by the Director of of Local Government, Edl•ain Gill. Mr. Marks said he had met with Nr. Barfield for nearly thr~e hours, and discussed the audit oaith him and found nothing to indicate it was not in order. Mr. Metts asked Mrs. Edens, who was representing the County Auditor at the meeting v MINUTES OF TIiE P~iEETING JANUARY S, 1970, CONTINUED - BILL OF WILLIAM C. BARFIELD. CPA~ FOR COUNTY AUDIT(CONTINUED)- if there was ar~y reason why the bill should not be paid, and Mrs. Edens said she saw no reason vrhy it should not be paid. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Barfield's bill be paid. Motion carried unanimously. It was pointed out that only 9D~,000 had been bud~eted for the audit. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that amount in excess of the 9~~,000 come from the General E~ergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. BILL OF BALLARD, MCKIPI & SAWYER - Bill in amount of $1,38y.53 £rom Ballard, McKim and Sawyer, for work done on study of proposed renovations to James Walker Memorial Hospital in event it is decided to relocate the Health Department there was presented to the Board for payment. Mr. Plarks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that bill be paid, subject to Ballard, McKim and Saoayer allowing the County credit if and when work is done, funds for this bill coming from the General Emergency Fund. PYotion carried unanimously. 4 2'7 WASTE DISPOSAL STUDY - Messrs. Hamilton Hicks, Henry von Oesen, of Wilmington, and N1r. John D. Grady of Goldsboro, all engineers, appeared before the Board to discuss need for a county-widc water and sewer study. Mr. Timothy 41ood, Planning Director was also present. Mr. Grady informed the Board that grants are available for such studies; specifically from the Farmers Home Administration to cities or town with a population o£ not mos°ethan 5,500, amounts varying from county to county, but up to ~b12,000. He was of opinion New Hanover County would be eligible for such a grant-arid after ~rant is made and study completed the County ~vould then become eli~ib3e for other grants and loans. Mr. Wood said, in his opinion, Neor Hanover County is not eligible for such a grant due to the fact this progran is to be used in rural areas. He said the term "rural area" includes open country, an incorporated or unincorporated town, village or other place iahich does not include: (1) a city or toom orith a population of 5,500 or more; (2) a densely settled residential or commercial area surrounding or adjacent to a town of more than 5,500 people; or ~3) an established community or subdivision development near to or likely to become closely associated with a town of more than 5,500 people. Mr. Wood recommended if the grant from Farmers Home Administration is not available, that ~ th~ Board of Commissioners go ahead and award contract ~oith County funds, after which doors would be opened for grants. Mr. Wood said he feels rather strongly that the Planning Department already has information developed for sizch a study and that contract should be discussed with the Planning Department before it is signed. Mr. Netts expressed the feeling the Board is indebted to Nessrs. Hicks, Grady and Von Oesen for bringing the possibility of such a grant to the Board's attention. Mr. Metts also said that it might be well to determine whether or not the County is eligible for the grant and get the study underway before the County runs into a problem. Mr. Von Oesen spoke at this time expressing urgent need for such a study and sho~+ing copi~s of such studies that had been made for Brnns~vick and Sampson Counties. He said the Board should d~termine what.the scope should be; that it can limit the information by the dollar. Mr. Von Oes~n said it is important something be don~ or the County will have some very bad pollution problems. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the recommendations of Mr. Timothy Wood, Planning Director, be adopted and that the Board go through motion of asking for grants in case there is a possibility of receiving a grant. Motion carried unanimously. Following are Mr. Wood's recommendations: "(1) The feasibility of a county operated system of sewerage collection and treatment; "(2) Area location of outfalls and interceptors; "(3) Accumulation of population estimates and projections, by area, in cooperation with the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Department; and "(4) Preliminary design for stated development of a county wide system. "It is further recommended that the County Administrator and Director of the Wilmix~ton-New Hanover Plannin~ Department discuss the details and methodology oY the desired planning study with several consulting engineers and report their findings to the Board of County Commission~rs prior to award of any contract." Mr. Metts asked Mr. Williams to represent the Commissioners and for him to ask Nr.Cranford to represent the Health Department to work oaith the Planning Director and County Administrator on details of the proposed study. • DATA PROCESSING CONTRf~CT - Mr. Harriss' requ~st that action be deferred on avaardin~ of contract for data processing v be deferred until all proposals had be~n studied was brought to the Board's attention by th~ Chairman. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that action be deferr~d until committee which had previously been appointed to study proposals from firms submitting bids has had an op- portunity to study the proposals and that committee make its recommendation to the Board at its next meeting. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST OF JOHN D. WILSON FOR PERMISSION TO DO OUTSIDE WORK - A letter from Mr. John D. Wilson, ACSW, Mental Health C~nter, was presented to the Board. P1r. Wilson requested permission to work on Saturdays only, s~eing patients privately in an office not located in any County or State facility. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. Wilson's request if approved by Mr. Bowden be grant~d, provided written ~ermission of the Executive Committee of the Mental Health Advisory ~ ~ 428 MINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 5, 1970, (CONTINUED) - REQUEST OF JOHN D. WIIoSON FOR PERI~iISSION TO DO OUTSIDE WORK (CONTINUED) - Board of furnished the Commissioners' Office. Motion carried unanimously. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICFS REQUEST I'OR ADDITIONAL CLERICAL HELP - Mr. Marks explained request from Miss.Lela Moore Hall for additional.clerical help. Mr. Marks said it was necessary du~ to Medicaid oahich r~quired additional paper work. H~ pointed out this will not require an appropriation but wi11 be absorbed in present Social Services budget by reallocating one Social Worker position to two Typist I positions. Nr. Narks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Miss Hall's.request be ratified. Motion carried unanimously. I,IGHT FIXTURES - SOCIAL SERVICES BUILDING - Letter from Niiss Hall, Director of Social Services, relative to the light fixtures _ falling, W8S discussed. Mr. Fox said it was the duty of the architect to furnish th~ bonding company a list of items of work that remained to be done. Also, it is the decision of the architect as to wnether the lights were properly installed. Mr. Metts suggested Mr. Bowden pursue the matter with the architect and ask him to advise us what should be done in view of the falling light fixtures, and if he feels no action is needed, he write a lbtter to the Board. SOCIAI, SERVICES AID TO FAMIZIES WITH L~rr.~vDENT CHIZDREN - Miss Hall's letter of Dec~ber 23 pointing out that effective January, 19'70, the depart- ment would be meetin~ only 80'~ of the needs of Aid to Families ~aith Dependent children was discuss~d. Mr. Hall said he could not see why this partic~]~ar category should be cut and he suggested the Board go on record deploring this action and inform the public that it is not nec~ssary for anyone to solicit our support, they will have it in ~etting these funds restored. PTr. Metts said he understood th~ rcason for the cut ~aas lack of appropriations be certain counties, but New Hanover County approp'riated what was recommended to the Board of Com- missioners. Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board adopt a resolution deploring the situation and resolution be sent to the Governor and copies to the Department of Social Services, Presid.ent of the N. C. Association of Commissioners, legislators, news media, and others. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks said he ~elt gist of resolution should be sent to the Governor in Day Letter. By common consent this was agreed to. . APPROPRIATIONS - MR. SHEPARD - Mr. Metts read Mr. Shepard's letter of January 2, recommending that $~98,902.5'7 required in connection vrith Airport contracts (Project 9-31-020-04) be appropriated from the General Fund Surplus Account until F.A.A. matching funds are received. Then the General Fund Surplus can be repaid. P1r. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Shepard's recommendation be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Shepard's recommendation that $300 be transferred £rom General Conting~nc~ Fund to Jail Local Mileage Account and his ~ecommendation that 9b328 be transferred from General Contingency Fund to Jail Salary Account was discussed. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr.~~I3a11, that these.two recommendations be approved. P'fotion carried unanimously. . CHANGE IN WELFARE AID TO INMATES OF~NURSING HOPTES - Brief discussion was held on th~ change in policy of aid to W~lfar~ inmat~s in nursing homes. Mr. Metts su~~ested telegram be sent to th~ Gov~rnor rcquesting correction of this situation. By common consent this vaas agreed to. Mr. Netts suggested Mr. Marks work with Mr. Bowden in wordin~ this telegram as vrell as the Day Letter concerning funds for Aid to Families l•~ith Dependent Children. FORMAI, APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT DISTRICT SOLICITOR OF SUPERIOR COURT FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY - On January 2 the Board was polled at Mr. W. Allen Cobb's request for approval of appoint- ment of Mr. James C. King, Sr. to serve £or one year pPriod beginnin~ January l, 1970, to position of Assistant District Solicitor of Superior Court ior New Hanover County. The four members reached by telephone voted yes. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, that Mr. Cobb's recommendation be formally spproved. Motion carried unanimously. / SHOULDERS OF ROAD - MI--LE SOUND AREA Mr. Williams said it had been brought to his attention that there are no shoulders in some places on the road in the Niddle Sound area and he had made an inspection and found it to be true. He said this is very dar~erous for school children walking, and he felt the State Highway should be requested to widen the should~rs to a safer width. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the State Highway be requested to widen the Midd3.e Sound Road shoulders to a saf~r width and copy of letter be furnished Vic~-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr. Motion carried unanimously. DATA FROCESSING - Mr. Pigfoard, American Computer Centers, Inc., Fourth and Chestnut Str~ets, presented his proposal for £urnishing data processing to the County for the next year. He pointed out the different f~atures his.proposal offered. His proposal was accepted for study by the Committee studying this matter. Nr. DeGabriel and Mr. P1cDuffie of the IDP Company, Raleigh, presented their proposal for £urnishing data processing services to thc County ior the next year and assured the Board they iaould not encounter the same probelms they had this year if they were awarded the contract. 4~9 MINUTES OF ~ MEETING JANUARY 5, 1970, (CONTINUED) - DATA PROCESSING - (CONTINUED) - " Thes~ proposals orere referred to the Study Committee for a recommendation at the next meeting. ADJOURNMEIvT - Th~re being no further business to come befor~ the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, HAZEL SAVAGE CLERK TO TF~ BOARD NINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 19, 1970 ASSEMBLY - The re~ular semi-inorithly meetirig"o~ the NeVr Hanover County Iloard of Commissioners i•ras held on the above date and time in District Court Room No. 2 with the following present: Chairman John Uan B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Pleares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Boti,iden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meetin~ to order and asked Rev. J. Ray Butler, Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Attention was called to the misspelling of a name on Page 7~der heading "Data Processing", second paragraph. Minutes should reilect "DeGabriel" instead o£ "Gabriel". Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAL HELP IN TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE - Mr. Hall inquired about results of Mr. Bowden's discussion with Mr. E. C. Brandon con- cerning additional help in the Tax CDTlector's Office. Mr. Booaden said Mr. Brandon is going to discuss this r:ith Nr. Johnson and the City Council, since there are no funds available, and if it is necessary Mr. Brandon will request approval of additional help in the Tax Collector's Office. Mr. Marks inquired about granishees. Mr. Bowden said he did not discuss this with Mr. Brandon since he thought this under Mr. Johnson's jurisdiction. OFFICIAZ BONDS OF COUNTY OFFICIAI,S - Mr. Fox reported that he had found the following persons to have good and sufficient bonds as required by statute: Marion W. Miilia Perry Shepard Perry Shepard Sam Gl. Johnson Lois C. I,eRay Richard Loeper B. B. Christmas Laurence F. Duke L. Starr MacMillan Joseph M. Shingleton Wingate J. Baldiain Sheriff Treasurer, Board of Education County Auditor Tax Collector Register o£ Deeds Constable Constable Constable Coroner Constable Constable Nr. Hall moved, seconded b3 Mr. Harriss that since it is reported to the Board of County Commissioners by the County Attorney that Laurence G. Nelson, Deputy Constable, has not filed a proper and sufficient bond as required by statute, the Board o£ Count~ Commissioners here- with terminate the office held by Mr. Nelson, and deGlare such office vacant. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUIJDS - TAX DEPARTPIENT - Mr. Bowden requested additional appropriation of ~1500 for the Tax Department to cover the following items: Binders for the Abstracts ~350 Additional Scroll Sheets 400 Binders for Scroll Sheets 250 General Office Supplies 250 Prepayment Receipts 100 Property Cards 150 Mr. Bowden informed the Commissioners the travel account in the Tax Department is over- ~ drawn and requested appropriation in amount of $200 to cover travel which he said would be used for travel to include attending schools conducted at the Institute o£ Government in Chapel Hill. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the requests for these appropriations be approved, funds comin~ from the`General E~ergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. ~