1970-01-19 Regular Meeting4~9 MINUTES OF ~ MEETING JANUARY 5, 1970, (CONTINUED) - DATA PROCESSING - (CONTINUED) - " Thes~ proposals orere referred to the Study Committee for a recommendation at the next meeting. ADJOURNMEIvT - Th~re being no further business to come befor~ the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, HAZEL SAVAGE CLERK TO TF~ BOARD NINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 19, 1970 ASSEMBLY - The re~ular semi-inorithly meetirig"o~ the NeVr Hanover County Iloard of Commissioners i•ras held on the above date and time in District Court Room No. 2 with the following present: Chairman John Uan B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Pleares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Boti,iden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meetin~ to order and asked Rev. J. Ray Butler, Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Attention was called to the misspelling of a name on Page 7~der heading "Data Processing", second paragraph. Minutes should reilect "DeGabriel" instead o£ "Gabriel". Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAL HELP IN TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE - Mr. Hall inquired about results of Mr. Bowden's discussion with Mr. E. C. Brandon con- cerning additional help in the Tax CDTlector's Office. Mr. Booaden said Mr. Brandon is going to discuss this r:ith Nr. Johnson and the City Council, since there are no funds available, and if it is necessary Mr. Brandon will request approval of additional help in the Tax Collector's Office. Mr. Marks inquired about granishees. Mr. Bowden said he did not discuss this with Mr. Brandon since he thought this under Mr. Johnson's jurisdiction. OFFICIAZ BONDS OF COUNTY OFFICIAI,S - Mr. Fox reported that he had found the following persons to have good and sufficient bonds as required by statute: Marion W. Miilia Perry Shepard Perry Shepard Sam Gl. Johnson Lois C. I,eRay Richard Loeper B. B. Christmas Laurence F. Duke L. Starr MacMillan Joseph M. Shingleton Wingate J. Baldiain Sheriff Treasurer, Board of Education County Auditor Tax Collector Register o£ Deeds Constable Constable Constable Coroner Constable Constable Nr. Hall moved, seconded b3 Mr. Harriss that since it is reported to the Board of County Commissioners by the County Attorney that Laurence G. Nelson, Deputy Constable, has not filed a proper and sufficient bond as required by statute, the Board o£ Count~ Commissioners here- with terminate the office held by Mr. Nelson, and deGlare such office vacant. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUIJDS - TAX DEPARTPIENT - Mr. Bowden requested additional appropriation of ~1500 for the Tax Department to cover the following items: Binders for the Abstracts ~350 Additional Scroll Sheets 400 Binders for Scroll Sheets 250 General Office Supplies 250 Prepayment Receipts 100 Property Cards 150 Mr. Bowden informed the Commissioners the travel account in the Tax Department is over- ~ drawn and requested appropriation in amount of $200 to cover travel which he said would be used for travel to include attending schools conducted at the Institute o£ Government in Chapel Hill. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the requests for these appropriations be approved, funds comin~ from the`General E~ergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. ~ ~ 430 MINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 19, 1970 (CONTINUED) TAX LISTING TIME - Mr. Bowden requested Tax Listing Time be extended to February 14, 19~0 because all o£ the abstracts did not get in the mail until January 9. Cost of extendin~ time of list takers will be $1,080. ~r. Narks raised question of whether it is necessary since abstracts can be filled in by persons receiving abstracts, and there are three weeks in which this can be done. Mr. Harriss said .many abstracts are being returned because of houses having been renumbered. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, that February 14 be the cut-off date, with out exception, in view of some di£ficulties encountered in getting the abstracts in the mail; this action not intended to set a precedent of extending the cut-off date in the future; amount oS $1,080 required to pay list takers for the extended time to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. SALARY ADJUSTPIEPITS - AIRPORT - Mr. Bowden informed the Board that when Mr. Howard Fhelps was employed at the Airport, replacing Mr. Grady, he was advised that if his work was satisfactory he would be given an increase in p;ay of approximately 5~300 per year at the end of three months. He was hired under Classification 1'], Step 5. 1`1r. Bowden requested Mr. Phelps -be raised to Step 6 which means an increase of 9b254 per year. Mr. Bowden requested this increase be retroactive to January l, 19'70. Mr. Bowden said Mr. Phelps' work is satisfactory and recommended the increase. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that P1s~. Phelps' salary be raised as recommended by the County Administrator, funds coming from salary budgeted for Mr. Grady who is no longer employed by the County. Notion carried unanimously. -EPUTY BLANTON' S RETIR~T'fEIJT B~1ur.r IT - Mr. Bowden presented request o£ Deputy Sheriff J. M. Blanton that the Board o£ Commissioners approve a payroll deduction to the I,aw Enforcement OfSicers' Benefit and Retirement Fund equal to the amount presently being deducted for the other deputies of equal rank. Mr . Blanton has been in this fund £or approximately eight years and would stand to lose if he transferred to the County's retirement plan. Nr. Fox oaas requested to give his opinion as to whether or not this could be done legally and he advised it could be done. " Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the County pay into the Law Enforcement Officers' Benefit and Retirement Fund for P1r. Blanton amount equal to amount presently being paid into County's retirement plan for the other deputies of equal rank. Motion carried unanimously. AIRPORT LEASEB - Mr. Harriss discussed Airport Cargo Building Lease and Amendment orhich will include the Canopy Space. He said Mr. Fauroat of Piedmont samples of leases which he, Mr. Harriss, had submitted to Mr. Fox who £or the agreements to agree with tahat the Board had approved and with said the terms had not been changed; only the form. Mr. Fox cited soa he said~ taere mino~. to the Basic A(~reement Airlines had £urnished made some changes.in order County policy. Mr. Harriss ne of the changes which Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the lease, prepared by Mr. Fox, and the Amendment to the Basic Agreement be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign both. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF PREI,IMINARY WIND-TIDE FLOOD STUDY - Mr. Metts welcomed Col. Denison of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Flilmington, N. C. and expressed his thanks for the many things he has done for New Hanover County. Col. Denison presented a preliminary report on Wind-Tide Flooding in Neva Hanover County, N. C., prepared by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmin~ton. Col. Denison said this report is based on limited historical information which can be very helpiul. Col. Denison pointed out the information in the report relates to two levels of £looding. The lower level is desi~nated as the "50-year frequency flood" that would occur on the average of once in 50 years. The higher level is designated as the "Intermediate Regional Flood" which would occur on the average of once in 100 years. Col. Denison said flooding in Ne~•a Hanover County is of two distinct types: flooding from stream overflo~e and flooding from wind tides generated by hurricanes and other severe storms. This report relates only to wind tide flooding. 54 hurricanes have affected the New Hanover k County coastline durin the 20th Century. Mr. Ti.m Wood of the Planning Department said he is delighted the study was done and appreciates it. Mr. Williams pointed out that many benefits can be derived by the various agencies working cooperatively and Col. Denison said it is imperative that the agencies make the effort; it is extremely advantageous. Mr. Metts asked Col. Denison t,=ould the e~cpense of a further study warrant its cost. Col. Denison said it would, if the information is used properly. Mr. Metts said he feels since the County has a very active Planning Department, this information will be acted on. Col. Denison said further study can be obtained by formal request through the State Depart- ment of Water Resources, but it has to be a joint endeavor between the County and City. He said protection can be derived from studies to prevent flooding: Chairman Metts requested Mr. Botiaden to discuss with Mr_. Brandon and P'Ir. Wood the possibility of a further study. Col. Denison said study would not include recommendations for remedial action; this would be up to the County. Chairman Metts thanked Col. Denison for presenting the report to_the Board. DUPIPING TRASH ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Mrs. John Neal and Mrs. Jennette Godwin appeared be£ore the Board askin~ for help in getting trash, debris, garbage, etc. removed from private property. Most of the property is owned by B&W Company near Sunset Park. It was pointed out the site is within 100 yards of a school. Nrs. Neal said dead animals were dumped there at times. She pointed out that it not only decreased the value of the surrounding property but created a health hazard. 431 MINUTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 19, 197~ CCONTINUED) - DUNIl'ING TRASH ON PRIVATE PROPERTY (CONTINUED) - Mr. Metts requested a letter be written Dr. Knox to place this item on the agenda for the next Board of Health Meeting. Mrs. Neal requested help in getting the site cleaned after which she said the Sunset Park and Sout~ 4lilmington Home Demonstration Clubs would see that it is kept free of trash; they were willing to go to Court if necessary. She had talked with someone at B&,W who said they would work with them in keeping it cleaned if they get it done. . Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board of Commissioners reiterate its stand which it took several years ago in which it requested all Law Enforcement officers, regardless of what.level, to enforce the litterbug laws of the State and also to ask for the cooperation of the judges. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent Mr. Bowden was requested to look into the matter and determine what can be done. Pleeting recessed for five minutes at this time. Meeting reconvened. CAPE FEAR AREA HEAI,TH COUNCIL - Mrs. Dorothy Primrose and Mr. Dan Penton appeared before the Board with reference to a letter which Mrs. Primrose wrote the Commissioners requesting their consideration of the services of the Cape Fear Area Health Council and requestin~ the Board endorse the functioning of the body. Mrs. Primrose pointed out this body has beer. endorsed by the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Cape Fear riemorial Hospital, Babies Hospital and the City Council. Mrs. Primrose said they would fit in with the Community Council and would stay under their wing. y~ Mr. Metts asked whether or not they anticipated employin a Director. Mrs. Primrose said they would nave to "play it by ear" but in all probability they would have to. Mr. Williams thanked Mrs. Primrose and Mr. Penton for their "public spiritedness" and their interest. P1r. Williams said he felt a number of agencies are overlapping and inas much as they intended not to limit this service to New Hanover County it would be regional. He said the I,ocal Council of Governments in revision of their by-laws will engage in comprehensive health planning. This is a regional or6anization and he hopes it ~~aill be divided into 5 counties instead of ten. Mr. Penton said in his opinion this organization will be more interested in the economic field instead of=_health and this group is interested in only one thing and that is health. He expressed the feeling that we should not look to New Hanover Courity alone. rir. Williams said if the Council of Local Governments is desi~nated as the regional $overning agency they would be asked to serve on the Health Committee. Mr. Hall pointed out he noted all the persons serving on the present committee with Mrs. Primrose are from New Hanover County. Mrs. Primrose said other counties would appoint their committees who would then join with them. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that we wholeheartedly endorse the efforts of this committee and give them necessary document authorizing them to proceed, and noting_, that it is their intended purpose to merge into the regional health pro~ram when time is ri~ht to do so. Motion carried unaninously. HEARING ON SPECIAI,LiSE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY AT SIiANDY POINT - 1°ir. 'Pim wood ot" the Ylanning llepartment recommenaed to the Board that special use permit to use Shandy Point, Greenville Sound, for a private marina be permitted with the following conditions: l. No boat construction shall be permitted on this property. 2. This property shall be served by a paved road that meets the minimum requirements of the State Highway Commission for acceptance and maintenance within one year - after the construction of the proposed clubhouse. , 3. Side yards for all structures shall be 65 feet, Front yard for all structures shall be 55 £eet, Side yards for of£-street parking shall be 15 feet, and Front yard £or of£-street parkin~ shall be 25 feet. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board approve the permit as recommended by the Planning Department Vaith the conditions set out by them in their recommendatiora. _ Motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING P10BIIlE HOME & TRAVEL TRAILER PARK ORDINANCE - Chairman Pletts read the Enactment of the proposed New Hanover County Mobile Home and Travel • Trailer Park Ordinance and stated that copy of the proposed ordinance is available to anyone desiring a copy. Each Commissioner had read the ordinance. Followin~,r advertising the ordinance Vaill be considered for adoption at the next meeting of the County Commissioners. It was poin~ed out Dr. J. C. Knox, Director, Board of Health, will have to express intent to repeal theirs. ~ DATA PROCESSING CONTRACT - County Auditor Shepard informed the Board of Commissioness.the,:Committee appointed to study bids of firms bidding on data processing for the County had reviewed the bids. He said any of the three companies bidding could handle the contract. He said he was familiar with IDP since they had done the work for the County for the past two years and was partial to this firm. He said this company had e~cperience of 10 years with counties and municipalities. ~ I 432 MIN[TTES OF THE MEETING JANUARY 19, 1970 (CONTINUED) - DATA PROCESSING CONTRACT (CONTINUED) - Mr. Shepard said'American Computers does not have experience with counties and municipalities, but its Manager, Mr. Pigford, does have experience with Wayne and Duplin Counties. The other firm bidding is Hydra Computer Corporation. ~r. Shepard reiterated he £elt all three could do the job, but he was partial to IDP. He said he did not feel American Computer can give Tax Collector Johnson what he wants in the way of scrolls. Mr. Shepard Uaid he felt the Commissioners should make the decision; all three proposals are good. There oaas a discussion on charges. It was pointed out IDP retains master tapes, but will sell them to client if client goes to another company whereas the other two bidders do not charge for the master tapes. The Conmissioners said they did not understand the charges quoted. Mr. Williams suggested the bids be referred back to the Committee Sor further study, and Mr. Harriss said he would like to have comparative prices. Mr. Harriss said it was his firm belief that the County should own the tapes and be in position to get competitive bids; service can cost County more in long run by not being free to change. Nr. Marks expressed feeling it would be definitely advantageous to have a local operator; would not favor firm just because we have used its service. ~r. Bowden concurred with the committee; he made his recommendation for the renewal of the contract vrith I.D.P. stating his reasons were the County is not strai~ht iaith the present program coming into effect, to change would throi~r the Tax Department behind; a complete change in forms and modify present system would be necessary in Tax Collectors' Office to go with American and the fact that I.D.P. owns the tapes gave them a better price advantage. Nr. Williams requested alternate bid urhere County would ovm material. Mr. Harriss requested P1r. Bowden get the price of tapes from the I.D.P. Company. Mr. Metts requested committee study the bids again and furnish the Commissioners com- parative £igures, including total cost of forms, out of town travel, cost of tape from I.D.P. and changing forms, if necessary. Decision on awarding contract was deferred until next meetin~. DISCUSSION OF.PERCOLATION TESTS - Mr. Williams discussed percolation tests being made in the County and referred to the minutes of the Commissioners' meetin~ of February 3, 1969 at which time Mr. Hall, m~ho was then Chairman of the Board of Health, informed the Commissioners the Health Department had requested an additional u~an to perform percolation tests. At that time the Iiealth Department ivas receiving complaints due to unsatisfactory performance of septic tanks and felt Lf they performed such tests there would be fewer problems of this kind. The minutes of February 1'7, 1969 reflect the Board approved the hiring of an additional Sani- tarian I in the Health Department. Mr. Williams then presented a letter from a number of registered surveyors in which they expressed the feeling all p.ercolation tests should be made by the Health Department and a reasonable charge be made for such tests. Dr. K~ox ~•aas present and distributed a bulletin giving requirements for soil suitability for a subsuriace sewa~e disposal system. Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board of Commissioners recommend to the Board of Health that the Health Department establish policy on percolation tests in New Hanover County and tests be made by the Health Department and a reasonable fee be charged for this service to cover the cost. Motion carried unanimously. ROAD PETITION - GANDCE ROAD (CASTLE HAYNE AREA) - Road petition requesting Gandie Road be added to the State Maintained Road System iaas presented to the Board by Mr. Meares Harriss. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the standard resolution be adopted and the petition be forwarded to the State Highi,ray Commission. Motion carried unanimously. ASSESSP~NT RATIO - ~r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams,;;:that the Board adopt assessment ratio of 5~0 0~ appraised value of property. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was adopted: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : RESOLUTION COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . WI~REAS, General Statute 105-294 requires the Board of County Commissioners to adopt a percentage for the purpose o£ taxing properties within the County, and • ~41F3EEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners have met with representatives of the Municipalities of New Hanover County, as required by General Statute 105-294, and WfiEREA,S, these representatives have stated the 5~o Assessment Ratio would be acceptable to them provided the~l% Local Sales Tax Option passed, and WI~REAS, the lib Sales Tax was voted on and passed by the people, THEREFORE BE IT RESOZVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adapt 50% as the Tax l~ssessment Ratio for the coming year. 433~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING JANtTARY 19, 1970 (CONTINUED) - ASSESSMENT RATIO (CONTINUED) - Dated at Wilmington, N. C. this 19th day of January, 19'70. Joi~n Van B. Metts MeareseHarriss. Jr. J. M. Ha11. Jr. H. A. Marks Berrv A. Williams A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Permit Requests from Williams Cash Groc., 1023 S. 6th St. and Snoopy's Pizza Parlor, 2238 Carolina Beach Road, vrere presented to the Board. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff f~r his investigation. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF NAME FOR COMPIISSIONERS' OFPICE BUILDING - Mr.lJilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the buildin~ being renovated for the Commissioners' Offices be named "Neva Hanover County Commission Building". Piotion carried unanimously. FI~OORING FOR COMPIISSION BUILDING - The followin~ bids were presented to the Board for floor covering for the Commission Building: Sandv`s Floor Service 1/8' Vinyl Asbestos Add Jan. Sink ($310) $2,040.00 Wayside (N,yrtle Beach, S. C. ) 3 Ply Cont. Fil. Nylon Ja:ckson & Bell 3 Yly Acrilan 3 Ply Nylon (Tax not incl.) Kin~ Furniture Herculon (Tax not incl.) Tax 952,293•32 68.77 $2,362.Oy $2,862.00 $2,180.00 ~2,695•30 Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. 4dilliams, that the bid of King Furniture Store in amount of $2,695.30 for Herculon Carpet be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST OF WII~MINGTON INDUSTRIAL DEVEI,OPMENT, INC. - Mr. Metts informed the Board he had received letter from Mr. Hugh W. Branch, Executive Director, Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc., requesting copy of the master plan for the New Hanover County Airport which has been approved by the Regional Council. Action was deferred on this. APPOINTPZENT OF CHAIRMAN ON JUVENILE DETENTION HOME COMMITTEE - Mr. Marks suggested appointment of a chairman to serve on the Juvenile Detention Home Committee. Chairman Metts appointed P1r. J. M. Hall, Jr. to act in this capacity. S'ITUDY OF CIVIL DEFENSE BEING ENTIRELY 4IITHIN COUNTY BUDGET FOR NEY.T FISCAL YEAR - Mr. Metts requested PZessrs. Hall and Marks study the financial aspects of the entire Civil Defense Budget being in the County's~budget for the next fiscal year. TRANSEER OF I'UNDS WITHIN SCHOOL BUDGET - ~Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the Chairman be authorized to si~n revised 1969-70 budget for Program of Trainin~ Trainable Mentally Retarded Children submitted by the School Board. No local funds vrere involved in change - re-ali~nment of State budget figures only. Motion c2rried unanimously. MEMENTOS FOR COUNTY TO PRESENT TO VISITOES - Mr. Bowden presented samples of inementos to be given to visiting persons in the County. Nr. Harriss moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, that Nr. Bowden select the one he thought most appropriate and order. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meetin~ adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board