1970-02-02 Regular MeetingI 434 MINUTES OF THE MEETING FEBRUARY 2, 19']0 - ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New on the above date and time in the Grand Jury Roo~ Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Pleares Harriss, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; Clerk to the Board. Hmnover County Board of Commissioners v~as held n with the follo~aing present: Chairman John Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Narks, County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, INVOCATION - Chairman PZetts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Charles A. McCombs, Pastor, St. Platthews Lutheran Church, to give t3~e invoc~tion. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - On Page 2, last paragraph, the follol•ring should be inserted after third sentence: "Mr. Bowden requested this increase be retroactive to January l, 1970." Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried un~nimously. REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR - Mr. Sam lJ. Johnson, Tax Collector, gave report on taxes collected during January. During the month of January, 19']0 (through January 28) $804,519.28 was collected in 1959 taxes, bringing total collection to $3,58'],05'7.19. Back taxes collected during January amounted to $6,590.~2, bringing total collected to date to $6'7,838.60. Mr. Johnson's report was accepted by the Commissioners. COUNTY AUDITOR'S MID-YEAR REPORT - Mr. Williams inquired of Mr. Sam Johnson why the revenue ior Schedule "B" License received through December seemed to be so much less than anticipated. Mr. Johnson said the bulk is collected during the last ttiao weeks in May. Mr. Williams questioned amount of $28,']63.']0 having been expended for the Prison Farm to date out of the ~$50,692.00 appropriated £or year. He asked whether or not some outstanding purchase had been made. Mr. Shepard explained that a washer and dryer had been purchased for the farm. Mr. Williams asked Mr. Johnson ~ahether he could furnish the Board of Commissioners a list of the real est~te property- owners who are delinquent in payment o£ 1966 taxes and previous years. Mr. Johnson s~id this laould present a problem. Mr. H~rriss asked oahy the County h~d not foreclosed on this property. Mr. Johnson said it would cost the County $'75.00 and up to collect on each account, some of ~ahich are very small accounts. Mr. Harriss said it might be well to make attempt to make collection of small accounts; the result of which may be people might pay. PTr. Harriss was of the opinion some public announcement should be made that the County is going to collect and that attempt be made to do so. His feeling is that if anybody can beat real estate property t~x when it is smaller than $'75.00 mzybe the Board is encouraging delinquency. He felt this matter should '._ be considered very strongly and some practice est~blished on collecting these t~xes because it will get worse as time goes by. Mr. Williams felt by allowing taxe~ to accwnulate on property, the taxes in some instances would be higher than the value of the property. He felt the Board should establish the f~ct that it is going to use every provision of the lava to collect taxes reg~rdless o£ ~mount involved. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that we ask Mr. Johnson to make a study of back taxes and bring it before the Commissioners during budget study. Mr. Williams asked that the motion be amended to include that the T~x Collector be re- quested to make study as soon as he can i,~ork it into his schedule and provide this Board a list of delinquents on real estate tnxes for year 1966 2nd prior years. Mr. Hall agreed to include this in his motion. Vote was called on the motion and it carried unanimbusly. Mr. Willinms said the County is noi,~ into third.quarter oi year and thought it would be beneficial ~nd satisfactory to have same type of report furnished the Board of Comnissioners by Mr. Shepard. Mr. Shepard said he planned to do this. MOBILE HOPL'E & TRAVEL TRAILER PARI~ ORDINANCE HEARING - The Chairman said hearing would be held on the proposed Mobile Home & Travel Trailer Park Ordinance at this time and requested persons havin~ questions to stand and give their names. Mr. Don Tancredi was the first person and raised question regarding signs mentioned on Page 18 (m) of the ordinance. By common consent Mr. Wood iaas requested to work on this section of the ordinance. Mr. Don Tancredi`questioned wording (faucet) on Pa~e 20 (2). Nir. Wood said he would reword this section. Mr. Don Tancredi questioned Page 18 (k) in regards to coin operated machines being en- closed. Mr. Wood felt coin operated ~achines outside would detract from the appearance. Mr. Harriss suggested referring this back to Mr. Wood. The next person to speak was Mr. A. M. I,ewis, a mobile home dealer. He questioned requirement of solid 6 feet fence. Mr. Wood pointed out that in letter of January 28 to Mr. Bowden this item was resolved by the Planning Department a~reeing to strike out the word "solid" as in "solid fencing" and by decreasing the height of fencing required from six feet to four feet. Mr. Wood said the mobile home representatives objected to a minimum park size consisting of ten spaces. He said the Planning Department feels that the small parks are uneconomical and tend to create a blighting influence. Mr. Harriss ~aanted to know what the objection is to s~all parks if they meet all reguirements. Mr. Wood said he felt perhaps larger parks should. be encouraged. Mr. Wood discussed Section 6.3 (b) on Page 14 regarding requirement of anchors and said the National Association of Mobile Home Dealers recommend trailer hones be anchored in ~ hurricane districts and this area is considered a hurricane area. ~ 435 MINUTES OF THE MEETING FEBRUARY 2, 1970 (CONTINUED) - MOBILE HOME & TRAV~I, TRAILER PARI~ ORDINANCE HEARING (CONTINUED) - At this point, P.ttorney Vernon Daughtridge, representing Mobile Home dealers in this area,~requested an opportunity to present information along this line to the Board of Commis- sioners at a later time. By common consent this was agreed to. Discussion was held on Section 6.4 on Page 15 concerning commercial establishment within the park. Attorney Daughtridge said he felt that any park having 25 spaces or more should have such an establishment. The Planning Department felt it should be limited to parks havin~ `]5 spaces or more. Mr. Wood asked to be excused from the meeting and Mr. Mallory of the Planning Department joined in the discussion. Mr. Mallory pointed out that subdivisions are not permitted commercial establishments at all, whereas mobile home parks, meeting requirements will.be allowed stores. ~r. Willi2ms pointed out that action cannot be taken until meeting after next, and Mr. Harriss said Mr. Wood and Mr. Mallory in the meantime can study the ordinance and come up with taording that will be satisfactory. Mr. Metts declared the hearing closed at this time. AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Mr. Williams moved, seconded~by Mr. Marks for discussion, that the Board o£ Commissioners authorize the Chairman to appoint a seven-member Airport Advisory Committee to serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of County Commissioners; committee to be made up of seven citizens who are interested in the development of the Airport. Also, the County Administrator and Airport Manager to serve as ex-officio non-voting members of the committee. Mr. Harriss advised the Board of Commissioners has had help from the Chamber of Commerce Aviation Committee and others. Mr. Harriss said he did not feel Mr. Williams had sufficiently de£ined the functions of the committee. Nr. Harriss said much of the progress had been result of work by the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Harriss wanted to know what term of office such a committee would serve. He said he feels ver~ strongly present method, which does not impose any restrictions, has helped the Airport to make progress. Mr. Williams said the scope o£ such a committee is spelled out as advisory capacity to the Board of Commissioners and ~vould not have authority to take any action on the airport. He said it was customary for the incoming chairman to appoint or reappoint committee members each year. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion that the Board continue to operate as it has, seeking advice of the Chamber of Commerce Aviation Committee. Substitute motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Herb McKim of the Chamber of Commerce Aviation Committee said airports are generally run by.Advisory Committ@es throughout cities of North Carolina and Virginia; only a few are run as the IJew Hanover County Airport. Mr. McKim said his committee, in tryin~ to promote business, found they did not have authority to enter into anything, which resulted in Pied- mont's Chicago flight goin~ to Kinston in'stead of Wilmington, and he felt promotion and ex- pansion could be better handled by someone with authority to speak on behalf of the County. Mr. F3arriss said he was under impression Chamber of Commerce Committee oaas asked to appear by Piedmont and said the Chamber of Commerce Aviation Committee could have had help from the Commission if they had asked for it. Mr. Harriss said this oaas lack of coordination between Chamber of Commerce kviation Committee and Board of Commissioners. Mr. McKim said if Advisory Committee is appointed, the Chamber of Commerce Aviation Committee would offer their assistance but did not feel it would be as effective as a county advisory committee. Nr. Williams said he felt the Board should make it clear that it appreciates the work the Chamber of Commerce has done and other persons, but the Commissioners can expect to get more constructive ideas £or development of the Airport with seven minds charged Vaith that . specific responsibility. He said he felt it would be an advantage in having a committee to be official arm of government of Neva Hanover County that can go to various places to negotiate and come back with recommendations to the County Commissioners. He said he did not think any group, Chamber of Commerce, Merchants Association or any other group should be made an official committee, Mr. Hall made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that this idea be tabled for consideration. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Zdilliams voted "No". Mr. McKim offered Ch'amber of Commerce Aviation Committee's full support in the County's efforts toward the Airport. Chairman Metts requested Nr. Williams and Mr. Harriss to work with the Chamber of Commerce on this matter. DISCUSSION PLANNING REGION - Mr. Williams discussed regional plannin~ boundaries recently established by the State Planning Division and moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to write letter to the Governor expressing satisfaction vaith the boundaries as shown on the map for District 11 which includes Pender, Brunsvaick, Columbus and New Hanover Counties, with copies to W. L. Turner, Director, State of North Carolina Department of Administration; Ronald F. Scott, State Planning Officer; G. Ervin Aldridge, District Director o£ Local Affairs, and Chairmen of Boards of Commissioners of Pender, Brunswick and Columbus Counties. , • Mr. Van Reid, member of committee of Southeastern Economic Developptent Commission, spoke to the Board in opposition to the smaller group of counties. He said SEDC had o~orked on develop- ment of lower Cape Fear River Basis. He said this organization had had difficulties but had overcome most of them. SEDC represents 10 counties lying on each side of the Cape Fear River and £elt if the new boundaries become a reality, it would spell end o£ S~DC. He said SEDC is financed lar~ely by Federal funds, provides more jobs in the area, and provides applications for EDA ~rants and loans. He said this organization is functionin~ and has had support of the Board of Commissioners for two and one-hal£ years; it has served purpose and can still ~ serve. ~ 436 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, FEBRUARY 2, 1970 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION PLANNING REGION (COIdTINUED) - P'Lr. Williams pointed out that not~a there are overlapping agencies; this is an effort to eliminate the situation. Mr. Williams said ~ahen the Governor, by executive order, establishes the boundaries, Federal funds must conform to the areas. He said, in his opinion, a ten-county area is too large to be ef£ective for some of the programs and he hoped to get it to a workable, practical size. He said he hoped the regional agencies vaould cooperate with each other on problems that extend from one plannin~ region to another. , Mr. Marks said he and Mr. Williams vaere in Burgaw when this vaas discussed. He said problems would be applic~ble to smaller areas. He said they got impression there was a mandate for easier procedure and the Governor had the final say. Mr. Harriss objected to the District saying he thought it would be a-.shame~for,_an organization to be displaced and he cannot see same problems with Columbus County; it being agricultural, Pender, Brunswiclc and New Hanover being business and industrial. Pir. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board defer action on this until later in the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Later in the meeting discussion taas resumed. Mr. Timothy Wood, Director of Planning, spoke in favor of the four county district; saying the Council of Governments is made up of elected County ai~d City officials whereas the City does not have a voice in the SEDC. He said the Council of Governments is planning to start to prepare plan for sewage disposal. He said he raas concerned over losing access to economic development plan if SEDC does close down its operation and does feel that a compre- hensive regional planning group is desirable and thinks this is a workable group. He pointed out SEDC has designated ti-ao growth centers. Vote ~aas called on Mr. Williams' original motion and it passed unanimously. By common consent it was agreed letter be written by County Administrator's office. COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE REQUEST - Request of County Extension Chairman for appropriation in amount of $1,2'75, 5~1,025 for fuel and ffi250 for electricity to carry them through remaining budget year was discussed. It was pointed out the offices rented to the TB personnel are heated and electricity furnished from the County Extension Building, thus creating additional space to be heated by the Extension 0£fice. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Iir. Hall, that the request be granted, funds comin~ from surplus in Mr. Baggett's budget, if possible. If not, funds to come from the General Emergency Ftznd. Motion carried unanimously. ~ Mr. Metts requested Mr. Baggett meet t~aith the County Administrator and discuss the increase in amount of fuel and electricity being used by his department. r/ DATA PROCESSING CONTRACT - Discussion u~as held on awarding contract for data processing. Mr. Shepard said that IDP had assured him County will own tapes after this year and master tape will be updated. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, for discussion, 1;hat the Board accept bid of IDP with understandin~ that County own master tape at e~;piration of abstract filing and the contract be for one year. Mr. Marks asked for assurance of not having same problems this year as taere experienced last year, Mr. McDuffie of IDP said better steps Uaould be taken from the beginning to prevent difficulties. Mr. FIarriss said he understood local firm cannot furnish forms Mr. Johnson requires. He said norma115 when price is in line, he would prefer using local company. Vote ti~ias called on Mr. Harriss' motion and it carried unanimously. LEASE~ OPPORTUNITIES, INC. - Mr. McCluey Hewett, Actin~ Executive Director of Opportunities, Inc. appeared before the Board iaith a letter sayin~ "The Board o£ Directors may e~ect a funding level not to exceed ~90,000 for a period of twelve months ending December 31, 19'70." It was pointed out that the £unds have not actually been received. Also, certain re- strictions have been placed on the use of funds in renovating buildings for use by Opportunities, Inc. Mr. Harriss asked whether or not Mr. Hev~ett could have someone who is in charge of various programs to outline and e~cplain them to the Board of Commissioners. Ms. Hewett said he did not have anyone now, but ~vill have. 11r. Hall suggested he give this information to the Board himself. Mr. Harriss asked for description of each program. Mr. Williams said the Board needed more information than is available and suggested the matter be deferred until the next meetin~ in order for the County Attorney to give legal clarificatinn of the restrictions on use of funds for renovation. Mr. Metts requested Mr. Williams and Mr. Marks to work with Opportunities on obtaining this information. CONSOLIDATION CITY-COUNTY GOVERPTMENTS Mr. Metts said following up his statement pertaining to consolidation when he asswned Chairmanship for the Commissioners, and following up subseauent individual conversations vaith the Commissioners, the chair would entertain a motion to make the follo~•~ing overture to the City Council of Wilmin~ton: y 43~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, F'EBRUARY 2, 19']0 (CONTINUED) CONSOLIDATION CITY-COUNTY GOVERIVI`1ENTS (CONTINUED) - "New Hanover County is prepared to take over the operation and expense of: The Health Department and Civil Defense as of '7/1/'70; providing that: 1. The Wilmington City Council officially adopt a resolution of intent to have proper redistri~ution of ABC Income and Intangible Property Tax Income and further that the City Council members agree to help steer the necessary legislation to accomplish this through the 19'71 General Assembly. 2. New Hanover County further proposes to take over and operate a county ~aide recreation rorogram, the Wilmington City Zibrar,y, the Municipal Golf Course and the Legion Stadium with land occupied by the atibue transferred to New Hanover County. This to be effective at such time as the 1971 General Asse~bly e£fects the necessary legislation on transfer of income as outlined above," P1r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that this be made as a motion. Mr. Williams said he is in ~eneral agreement with this idea but there is one part where he dif£ers; he feels the Health Department is in somewhat the same category as Schools and Department of Social Services and felt that the County should be willing to assume full responsibility of the Health Department without the provisions stipulated. Mr. Metts said he vaould like to appoint two members to discuss and negotiate this with the City; it will reauire many sessions to ~aork out before budget time. By common consent this was agreed to. Vote ti:as called on motion. It passed four to one; Mr. Williams voted "No". DISCUSSION OF FULL TIME COUNTY ATTORNEY - Mr. Williams discussed question of employing a full-time County Attorney and suggested i;he Chairman appoint a committee from the Board of County Commissioners to pursue this as early as practicable. Mr. Metts said he r;ould do this if it meets t•aith the Board's approval and tiaould like to add present County Attorney to this committee as it was his suggestion and urging that a full time attorney be employed. Mr. Harriss said this had been pursued as actively as could be done and said he was willing to continue to seek this p°rson only if the Board is prepared to reconsider salary. Mr. Fox asked this be deferred until he has time to discuss it with the Commissioners. He said to get an experienced person tivould cost from ~22,000 to $24,000 annually. Some counties e~ploy a person just out oi Lalo School full time at around ~9,000 to 9~10,000 and also retain someone part time to guide this person until he is phased in. Mr. Marks said he had discussed a full time attorney with Mr. T4orrisey and Mr. Morrisey said only two counties have £ull time attorneys. Mr.. Harriss su~gested committee be appointed for purpose of discussing with Mr. Fox (1) type of legal representation and (2) price Commissioners are willin~ to pay. Mr.. Metts app_ointed Messrs. Hall as Chairman, Harriss, Williams and Fox to serve on this committee. Mr. Hall requested Mr. Fox to make a time study of the time required of an attorney by the County. ~ DISCUSSION OF DISCONTINUING OPERATION OF COUNTY PRISON FARM, HOLDING PROPERTY FOR INDUSTRIAL -EVEI,OPMENT AND SENDIIvG PRISONERS TO STATE PRISON - , Mr. Williams discussed elimination of the County Prison Farm. He said the County Prison served a good purpose in its day. Its continued use is an unnecessary drain on the taxpayers of New Hanover County. The North Carolina Jail Study Commission has recommended that such operation be discontinued in North Carolina. 41ith 100 counties in North Carolina only 3 now operate such £acilities, including New Hanover County, Durham County and Guilford County. Prison labor is generally far £rom satisfactory. Most of those sent to the county farm are unsuitable from a physical or mental standpoint, or both. The County Auditor's report for the first six months operation of the Prison Farm shows $28,763.'70 expended. This does not include any income for the valuable property on which the prison far~ is located. Neither does it take into account the fact that the citizens of New Hanover County are being taxed to operate the State Prison System. Ninety-seven counties have eliminated the cost of the operation of County Prison Farms and send their prisoners to the State Prison System. iae should do likewise. Mr. blilliams moved that the County Administrator be instiucted to begin phasing out the operation~of the County Prison as soon as possible, that where possible and practical the employees oi' the far~ be reassigned to other departments of the County, that the Prison Farm operations be completely phased out not later than June 30, 19~0 and that the land on which the farm is located that is not needed for county related uses be made available for indus~;rial development. Mr. Marks seconded the motion for discussion. Mr. Hall asked last part be omitted and he would think it was a good idea. Mr. Harriss said the County did not have any large facilities in case of riot and that the Jail Inspector had pointed out the desirability of keeping this facility going until a jail can be built. Also, sometimes the County has jail overflow. In plannin~ new jail it should be separate from courthouse and jail could be placed on piece of property such as this. Count~ owns no other property of sufficient acreage. Mr. Williams said he would change last part o£ motion to read: ". . the land on which the farm is located, that is not needed for county related uses, be made available for such other worthwhile purposes as may be determined by the Commissioners." ~ ~438 ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, F`EBRUARY 2, 19~0 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF DISCONTINUING OPERATION OF COUNTY PRISON FARM, HOI~DING PROFERTY FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND SENDING PRISONERS TO STATE PRISOId (CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams said he felt the Prison Farm was making enemies because people think we have prisoners for drainage when actually very fetia are available. He suggested holding one building on a stand-by basis until new jail facilities are provided. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this question be deferred for study and that in the meantime effort be made to try to reduce population at the farm by seeking help of the Judges in not sending prisoners there with the view o£ discontinuation. Vote iaas called. on substitute motion. It carried four to one. Mr. Williams voted "No". Nir. Marks said he had asiced three District Judges if it would handicap them to close the farm and they had indicated it would not. REQUEST OF RESIDENTS ON SOUND VIEW DRIVL' FOR HELP IN GETTING STATE TO MfiINTAIN ROAD - Letter from Mr. G1. Russell Berkley saying residents of Sound View Drive request the assistance of the Board of Commissioners in establishing maintenance by the County or State £or Sound View Drive. The letter said they had been advised by the State Highway it could not improve this road because it only has a thirty-£oot right-of-way. By common consent it was agreed, letter be written advising rules and specifications are set by State Hightaay Commission. FORMAL APPROVAL CHAIQGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT PROJECT 9-31-020-04, DTCI~EER,SON, INC. - Change Order No. 1 to the Dickerson, Inc. Contract, Airport Project No. 9-31-U20-04, in amount of 9~480, was discussed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nir. Marks, that the Chan~e Order be formally approved, funds coming from unexpended airport funds, if possible, or the General Emergency ~nd. Notion carried unanimously. NACO INVOICE - MEMBERSHIP DUES - Invoice in amount of $312 from Nationa.l Association of Counties was presented to the Board. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the invoice be paid from line item in budget. Motion carried unanimously. A.B.C. PEI3MIT RE9TJ~STS ~ x.B.C. Permit requests received £rom Beach Shoppin~ Center, Kure Beach and Shalimar D.rive In, 4010 Market, were presented to the Board. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Notion carried. SCHOOL R~9UEST - Request from the School Iioard to transfer from Regular Budget, Item Retirement & Social Security, amount of $1,j00.75 to Re~ular Budget, Ite~ Insurance, was presented to the Board. , T~1r. Marks moved, seconded by I"ir. Ha11, that the request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FROP'I COUNTY COPIPIISSIONERS' OFFICE - The Board was advised the Commissioners' Stationery and Supplies account is in the red and $500 oaas requested for remainder of year. P1r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that $~500 be appropriated, funds comin~ from the General Emergency F~znd. Motion carried uanimousl,y. PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT COUNTY OFFICIALS - Mr. Harriss discussed County officials working in outside i~JOrk and said he felt the Board made a mistake in the first place by permitting them to do so. He su~gested it be stopped and made clear to all no outside employment be permitted. Mr. Marks suggested the Board request the County Administrator to check with employee in question the number of hours of outside employment, etc. ~y common consent this matter was deferred until such time as this information is available. SEWAGE COLLECTION kND TREATMENT - Por information, Mr. Metts read the follovaing letter received from the Consolidated Board of Health: "The Board of Health at its meeting on January ~, 1°'70 voted unanimously to encourage the County Commissioners to ~o ahead with the study of the feasibility of a county operated system of sewage collection and treatment. "If the Board of Health or the Health Department employees can be of any assistance, please feel free to call on us." COUNTY AUDITOR POSITION Mr. Williams discussed tne office of County kuditor saying the County Accountant is the fiscal adviser and finance officer to the Board of County Commissioners under the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina. He should be selected not on the basis of partisan politics but rather he should be selected on the basis of his qualifi- cations, ability and experience in field of accounting. There is not sufficient assurance that this will be the case under our present system of selecting the County Auditor in Ne~a Har~nver County. If an unqualified person is selected under the present system, the County is st~ick with him for four years. Virtually all of the other counties in North Carolina are under the provisions of the General Statutes which require the County Commissioners to appoint a person of honesty and ability, who is experienced in modern methods of accountin~ as the County Accountant. X 439 I°IINIJTES OF THE MEETING, FEBRUARY 2, 1970 (CONTINUED) COUNTY AUDITOR POSITION (CONT.uvur~D) - New Hanover County is barred from taking advantage of this provision of the General Statute. We are under an antiquated and outmoded special act which requires the election of the auditor every four years. This act served New Hanover County well in its day. It was a pioneer in the field of County finance, but today the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina have caught up with it and surpassed it. The present elected County Auditor has indicated that he will not file for re-election, To date no one has announced or £iled for the office. Before anyone does announce or file is a good time for the Board to announce to those who have filed and those who may file for the General Assembly that we are filing a strong appeal to the General Assembly for repeal of the Special Act requiring the election of the Auditor of New Hanover County. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss,this Board advise all candidates for the General Assembly that the County Auditor is £iscal adviser and financial officer to the County Commissioners under provisions of the General Btatutes of North Carolina and should not be elected on a partisan political basis but should be appointed on the basis of a person's quali£ications, ability and experience in field o£ accounting, that the Board o£ County Commissioners strongly requests the repeal of the Special Act requiring the election of the County Auditor in New Hanover County. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held on the timing of Mr. Williams' suggestion, and it was agreed it was a good time; Mr. Harriss said what he is doing is informing anyone seeking office of County Auditor that the Board is going to try and get legislation to put office under General Statutes instead o£ Special Statute, and make the office appointive. By common consent the Commissioners recessed for lunch at this time (12:50 P.M.) Meeting was reconvened at 2:30 P.M. DEATH OF JUDGE RUDOLPH I. MINTZ - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Commissioners adopt suitable resolution of regret of death of Judge Rudolph I. Mintz and forward copies to the family, Bar Association and news media. Also, that the flag be flown hal£-mast until after funeral. Motion passed unanimously. Following is the resolution: "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . "41HEREAS, the Honorable Rudolph I. Mintz has long served this State and our County in various le$al and judicial positions, and "WF~REAS, he-has made many contributions to his County, State and Nation, and "LJHEREA,S, the New Hanover County Commissioners feel keenly the loss of this distinguished citizen and jurist, "1~n.~tt~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, we the County Commissioners of New Hanover ~ County, speaking on behalf of the citizens of this County, e~ress our profound sympathy and sense of loss to the family of Judge Mintz, and call upon all the citizens of this County to join in this tribute to his many contributions. - RESOLUTION "Dated at Wilmington, N. C. this 2nd day of February, 19'70. WATEx AND BEWAGE FEASIBILITY STUDY , (s) J. Van B. Metts, Jr.,Chairman (s) Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman (s) Berry A. Williams, Commissioner (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioner (s) H. A. Marks, Commissioner" Mr. Metts asked Mr. Tim Wood what progress had been made on the proposed water and sewage study. Mr. Wood said he had contacted four engineering firms soliciting proposals for this study and advising them of information available in the office of the Planning Department. Mr. Wood said he hopes to make a report at the next meeting of the Board. MARINE INFORMATION CENTER, WRIGHTSVILLE BE~CH - Mr. Harriss informed the Board that Governor Scott will make an announcement shortly that North Carolina State University has been awarded a grant of $38,000 to establish an Extension Education Program in Marine ,Sciences. This grant will be supplemented by New Hanover County. The Extension Educational Program for which these fl.inds will be used will be headquartered at Wrightsville Beach in Harbor Island House. The objective of the program is to help provide a central focus for achieving full and proper development of marine resourves in the region. While North Carolina State University will have final responsibility for the program, an advisory group composed of representatives of several organizations and interests in the region will help develop and i.mplement the program. The program will include seminars and short courses. The Governor said that this program is consistent with the over-all plan that has recentl~ been adopted by the Council on Marine Science. It will permit us to move ahead through the accomplishment of our objectives while we continue to work for funds from the Federal Government for an expanded program. Mr. Harriss said the New Hanover County Commissioners are tremendously pleased with the opportunity to join with the State of North Carolina in establishin~ a center for the .( exchange of in£ormation in marine and related sciences at Harbor Island House. In cooperation I' with the Extension Division of North Carolina State University, headed by Dr. E. Walter Jones, a shifting and expansion of the duties of D. D. Baggett, Local Extension Director, has pro- vided the necessary administrative services. 440 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, FEBRUARY 2, 1970 (CONTuvunD) MAttuv~; INFORMATION CFNTER, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH (CONT.uvu~D) - Financial support by the State and County has resulted in a facility which wi11 help coordinate research, education, and industry in the marine and related sciences and flzrnishes a springboard £or development of future facilities. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board make reallocation in the E~:tension Budget to take care of the County's share. Motion carried unanimously. FERSONAI, TA7~S ON v~n1CLES - Mr. 13arriss in£ormed the Board he was in receipt of a letter from Mr. Robert F. Lovett, Chairman, Chatham County Commissioners, Savannah, Ga. advising that in his county under Georgia law, all personal property taxes on vehicles must be paid before a license plate may be obtained for the vehicle. Mr. Lovett said as license plates are obtained during first three months o£ the calendar year, and mileage rates in most counties for ad valorem taxes are not set until later, the law stipulates that the payment be made on the basis oY the levy~for the previous year. Since State legislation will be required, by common consent it was su~gested this matter be referred to Mr. Morrisey to poll other counties for their views. EMPIAYEE PARKING AIRPORT - Mr. Harriss discussed problem of thievery in the parking lot which Piedmont Council No. 121 has complained about. By common consent it was agreed that decals be furnished those authorized to park in the employee parking lot at the Airport. ADJQURNMENT - By common consent it was agreed since there was no further business to come before the Board the meeting be adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /s MINUTES OF TFIE MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 197a ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Ad.ministrator I,aurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the~Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked for a one minute silent prayer as a memorial to Judge Smith. RESOI,UTION, JUDGE H. WINFIELD SMITFi - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that an appropriate resolution be drawn and adopted expressing sympathy and regret in the death of Judge Smith. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the resolution: "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . RESOLUTION "WHEREAS, the Honorable Winfield Smith has long served this State and our County in various legal and judicial positions, and "GIHEREAS, he has made many contributions to his County, State and Nation, and "WF~REAS, the New Hanover County Commissioners feel keenly the loss of this distinguished citizen and jurist. "THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI,VED, we the County Commissioners of New Hanover County, speaking on behalf of the citizens of this County, e~ress our pro- £onnd sympathy and sense of loss to the famil~* of Judge Smith, and call upon all the citizens of this County to join in this tribute to his many contributions. "Dated at Wilmington, N. C. this 16th day of February 1970. (s) J. Van B. Metts, Jr., Chairman (s) Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman (s) Berry A. Williams, Commissioner (s) H. A. Marks, Commissioner (s) J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioner" APPROVAZ OF MINUTES - Mr. Williams requested following changes to minutes of February 2, 19'70: On Page 8 under heading "Discussion o£ Discontinuing Operation of County Prison Farm, Holding Property for Industrial Development and Sending Prisoners to State Prison", third sentence of first paragraph should read: "Its continued use is an unnecessary drain on the taxpayers of New Hanover County." On Page 8 under same heading, last paragraph, the quote should read: "... the land on which the farm is located, that is not needed for county related uses, be made available for such other worthwhile purposes as may be determined by the Commissioners." ~ Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. 7~ ~