1970-03-02 Regular Meeting444 ~ Muv u l~ES OF THE MEETING, FEBRUARY 16 ,19']0 ( CONTIN[TED ) ADDITIONAI, HELP FOR MAINTENANCE OF PARK~ ETC. - 1°ir. Bowden requested additional help for Mr. Jimmy Roberts, Maintenance and Park Superintendent. Mr. Bowden said a man was available at a salary of $2,992 annually, Classi- fication 2, Step 2, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Bowden be permitted to hire this man, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. PICTURE6 QF F~RMER CHAIRMEN AND OTHERS - Discussion was held on whether to place pictures of former chairmen on the walls of the Commission Building. By common consent, decision was deferred until the next meeting. TUGS FOR ARTIFICIAI, REEFS - Mr. Harriss said there is a problem of liability the tugs. He requested authority to accept the tugs, non-profit organization to avoid this liability. Mr. that Mr. Harriss be authorized to accept the tugs £or non-pro£it reef association. Motion carried unanimou; to the county in getting delivery of and immediately trans£er them to a Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, the reefs and transfer them to the sly. NACO I~EGISI~ATIVE CONFERENCE - Mr. Metts called attention to a NACO Legislative Conference on March 22-25 at the Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D. C. By common consent it was agreed this will be dis- cussed at next meeting. ADJOURI~II`1ENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectf~lly submitted Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF TAE MEETING, MARCH 2, 19~0 ASSEMBZY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Patricia Bowman, Acting C1erk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Reverand A. L. McGee, Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF NLuv u L~~S - There being no changes to the minutes of February 16, 19'70, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - l. Sewaae Studs: Mr. Timotl~p Wood came before the Board and e~lained what progress had been made in connection with the sewerage stud~. He states that he and Mr. Bowden had been appointed to the committee to study the problem. The Committee had contacted five companies (some out of town) and had recommended that Henry von Oesen and Associates be selected to per£orm the work, subject to approval of their proposal submitted, following conference with the County Administrator and approval by the Board. Mr. Wood pointed out this was a water and sewerage study,and that methods had been discussed but cost had not. Mr. Williams moned, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the recommendation of the committee be approved. Motion carried unanimously. 2:. Pro~ress Report on Courthouse Renovation. Mr. Bowden presented report on the progress being made at the Courthouse re£erence jail renovation and the other projects. Mr. Bowden explained the elevator would be out o£ service for approximately four weeks due to the work being done, and then work will begin on the former jailer's quarters. Con- struction cannot be started upstairs in the jailer's quarters until the elevator i"s restored to service. Mr. Bowden further stated the work in the courtroom maq be completed today; then he will make selections £or the furnishings for which funds have not been appropriated. 3. Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector. Mr. Johnson, Wilmington-New Hanover Count~r Tax Collector, presented a report on ta3c collections in New Hanover County through February 23, 1970. He pointed out all abatements had not yet been made. Mr. Marks questioned the progress made on the use of the garnisheee. Mr. Johnson replied his office was making progress using the garnishee and would con- tinue making progress. CIASING OF RUNWAY 9-27 - Mr. Harriss stated that FAA wanted some date as to when Runway 9-27 would be closed. The FAA recommended that the runwa9 be closed after the completion of the paving and lighting work now in progress. ~ ~ Mr. Harriss gave the following reasons for his recommendation that the runway be closed: 44S MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MARCH 2, 1970 (CONTlivu~D) CLOSING OF AUNWAY 9-2~ (CONTINUED) - 1. Not essential for safe and efficient operation. 2. FA.A will not participate in the maintenance of 9-27• 3. FAA does not consider 9-27 an essential part o£ the runway network. 4. It is only used by light aircraYt on rather rare occasions. 5• 9-27 has already been materially shortened. 6. If left in operation FAA will require extensive repairs at County expense. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, Runway 9-27 be closed effective date o£ completion of work now in progress and acceptance by F.A.A. and that the Chairman be authorized to sign a resolution supporting this with copies to go to all concerned. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the resolution: "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . RESOLUTION "W7~REAS, Runway 9-27 has not been considered safe and essential £or the efficient bperation oP the New Hanover County Airport, and "WI~REAS, Runway 9-27 is only seldom used by light aircraft, and "Wf~REAS, FAA will no longer participate in the maintenance of Runway 9-27, "THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County request permission of the Federal Aviation Authority to close Runway 9-2'] on the effective date of the completion of the work now in progress at the New Hanover County Airport, and subject to acceptance by FAA. "Dated at 1Jilmington, N. C. this 12th day of March, 1970. (s) J. Van B. Metts, Jr. Chairman" TURESDAI,E DRIVE - MAxn~,x BE PLACED BY THIS NAME ON HIGHWAY 132 - Mr._Mallory of the rianning Lepartment came before the Board and e~cplained that Mr. John Stokes lives on the above said street and was interested in placing marker for this street. Mallory stated Mr. Stokes came up with the name of `.`Truesdale Drive". The reason for the change was a duplication of street names. Mr. Mallory further stated the Planning Department did not object to the new name as proposed. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the name be changed to Truesdale Drive. Motion carried L1T1~T»T^OUS19. ROAD PETITION THRIFT ACRES (MASONBORO IAOP ROAD) - . Mr. Timothy Wood again came before the Board and explained the above mentioned road petition. Then he pointed out that Thrift Acres was a subdivision that was not approved by the Planning Department. Mr. Marks inquired whether the area was zoned and Mr. Wood answered affirmatively. Mr. Wood pointed out that it did not seem right for the State to be asked to take over the road when the Planning Department was not sure if it met with the State regulations. Mr. Wood further stated that the Planning Department would not issue requests unless they met the regulations. Mr. Harriss asked if the Commissioners were authorized to issue a request in cases like this. Mr. Fox, County Attorney, responded by saying that he felt a permit should not be issued to any more of the owners. After further discussion Mr. Wood recommended that the petition be returned to the people. In conclusion Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the request be re£erred back to the Planning Department. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDER CHANGES TO THE COUNTY ZONING ORDIPTANCE - Mr. Metts opened public hearing which had been scheduled to consider cnanges ~o the County Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Wilmington-New Hanover County Planning Commission. Mr: Wood advised the Board that the area between Pineclif£ Drive and Mohican Trail on the west side oY Highway 132 was requested to be rezoned £rom R-15 (Single Family Districts) . to B-1 (Business District). Mr. Wood pointed out that several letters had been presented to the Planning Committee from the people that live in the area who have no objections to the rezoning of the property for a service station. It was pointed out that Mr. Jim Fountain, property owner, had purchased the tract o£ land in 1968 with the intention of using it for commercial purposes. This action was taken before the zoning ordinance became effective. Mr. Wood recommended approval o£ the request on the grounds that the action was initiated be£ore the ordinance was passed. Mr. Ronald Rowe, Attorney £or the petitioners, was present at the meeting and stated his clients were not opposed to the rezoning. x Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that recommendation of the Planning Department be aCCepted. Motion carried unanimously. (The Ordinance entitZed "An Ordinance of the County of Ner~ Hanover Amending the Zoning Map of the Masonboro Zoning Area of New Hanover County, North CaroZina, Adopted October g, Z969" is contained in Zoning Ordinance BooX I, Section Masonboro, Page 1) ~ 4 6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MARCH 2, 1970 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDER CHANGES TO THE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE (CONTINUED) - Another change to the County Zoning Ordinance was the case of Mr. Ed I,owe. The property located at the intersection of Whiskey Creek and Inta Coastal Waterway on the south side of Whiskey Creek has been requested to be rezoned from R-15 (Single Fami19 District) to I-1 (Industrial District). Mr. Wood advised the Board that Mr. Lowe requested rezonin~ of this area for expanding area for boat building and marina (in the future), all of which were planned before the ordinance was enacted. Mr. I,ou Davis appeared before the Board and requested to know the extent of the re- zoning. He stated that if it rezoned his property he was against it. Mr. Jim gnight and Mr. Dennis 0'Sullivan also appeared and eacpressed concern over boating construction in their area. They pointed out that special taxes had to be paid to have privacy and they did not wish to disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood. Mr. 0'Sullivan asked Mr. Lowe if a Marina with 60 slips was in the planning. Mr. Lowe answered affirmatively and explained that dredging could be started as soon as Clyde Harrelson contacts him. Mr. Metts asked Mr. John Tinga for his comments. Tinga stated since Lowe had already begun work and had invested his money, his work should not be stopped. Mr. 0'Sullivan expressed some doubt as to how much money had been spent to operate the marina construction. Mr. Lowe disclosed $100,000 was represented in the construction of the railway facility. - Mr. Lowe stated he would lose a lot of money if he is delayed. Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Narks, that the hearing be closed and the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for further study, and the discussion be continued at the next meeting, if the Planning Commission can reach their conclusion by then. MOBILE HOME AND TRAVEL TRAILER PARB ORDINANCE (SECOND READING) - Chairman Metts read the proposed New Hanover County Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance amendments in their entirety to the Board and aTl those present. Mr. Wood referred to the Addendum for this ordinance and pointed out the changes. A general discussion was held between the members of the Board, the Planning Department, and the persons representing the Mobile Home interests, including Messrs. Daughtridge, Smith, and Zewis. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance, - along with all the changes read at this meetin~, recommended by the Planning Department, as recorded in publication from the Planning Department dated January, 19~0 be approved. Motion carried unanimously. BRADLEY PARK SUBDIVISION - A letter of credit was presented on behalf of the Bradley Park Subdivision. The question was raised does this letter comply with the re-quirements of "an irrevocable letter of credit." The letter was referred to Mr. Fox who opinioned it was not. Mr. Fox stated the letter does not guarantee the improvements to be made will be made, or if not the remaining funds will be turned over to the County for them to complete. Mr. Marks asked whose responsibility it becomes if there is a de£ault in the improve- ments to be made. Mr. Hall questioned whether failure to comply or making the proposed improvements constituted a form of lien on the property. In replying Fox stated there taould be a lot of problems and sex~ious~ doubt as to whether - the County could spend funds to complete the project. Mr. Harriss questioned havin~ another conference with all persons concerned with a letter of credit to establish a form letter to be essentially one that would comply with the ordinance. Mr. Metts proposed a meeting with the Planning Department, the Attorney, Mortage Bankers, and others to make recommendations by the next meetin~ of Commissioners March 16, 19'70. E~Zrther, Mr. Metts requested Mr. Harriss serve on this committee. ' By common consent this was agreed to. Mr. Stocks, Land Surverer, was present and was asked if the proposed improvements had been completed. Mr. Stocks replied that they had been cut, improved somewhat, but the pavement has not been installed. dete ne The Planning Department was asked to check on the ground and/wha~improvements have been made. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the subdivision plat subject to the Planning Department's assuring him the required improve- ments have been made. Motion carried. MINUTES OF TF~ MEETING, MARC$ 2, 197a (CONT.uvu~D) COUNTY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT - Mr. Fox, County Attorney, had talked with Mr. Register and Bowden about New Hanover County coming under the new article 2'] of Chapter 153 of the General Statutes which was enacted at the last General Assembly. Thi.s act specifically states that the Inspection Department shall be charged with administration and en£orcement of the reguZatory codes. Mr. Williams inquired if a special hearing notice was required. Mr. Fox answered negatively stating that only a resolution would be necessary. Mr. Hall stated he did not think the County would lose out if the Board adopted the resolution. Mr. Marks asked if any administrative changes would be made. Mr. Fox explained that the County was already under the State Building Code, and nothing administrative would be changed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board adopt the resolution as put forth by our County Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution is as follows: "Resolved that the Board o£ Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby creates an inspection department, which shall consist of one or more inspectors who may be given the titles of building inspector, electrical inspector, plumbing inspector, housing inspector, zoning inspector, heating and air-conditioning inspector, fire prevention inspector or a deputy or assistant inspector, or such other titles as ma~ be generally descriptives of the duties assigned. Said inspection department sha11 have all of the powers, duties, privileges and responsibilities conferred upon such department by Article 27 nf Chapter 153 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Said inspection department shall specifically be charged with the carrying out of the ordinance pro- viding for the adoption, administration and enforcement of regulatory codes, and speci£ying other duties of inspection officials, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on May 20, 1968. Powers of the inspection department herein created are intended to be supplemental and in addition to any existing powers of the inspection department of New Hanover County. Subject to this overriding intention, all ordinances and clauses of ordinances in conflict with Article 27 of Chapter 153 of the Genera~ Statutes of North Carolina in conflict therewith, and in conflict with the creation of the insp~ction department pursuant thereto, are repealed to the extent of such conflict." CO-IFICATIQN OF ORDINANCES - Mr. Fox stated that under General Statutes a book must be maintained (under index) keeping a record of all ordinances that New Hanover County adopts. By common consent the County Administrator was asked to collect all ordinances and keep them in one book according to the General Statutes. FORMAL APPROVAL OF COTTNTY SHARE OF ~'UIVDS FOR JUVENILE DETENTION HOME - Mr. Hall headec~~the discussion o£ a planning grant for the Juvenile Detention Facility. He pointed out that the cost of the total project was $'],210.40 with the 1oca1 share of $2,884.16 (raunded off -~o $2,885.00). Mr. Hall stated that travel by the committee was included in the plan^~ng. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that $2,885.00 be appropriated for the planning grant of the Juvenile Detention Facility. Motion carried unanimousl~. A.B.C. FERIiIT RE6IUEST - The following A.$.C. P.ermit Request was brought ~efore the Board Por its con- sideration: Southside Curb.Market, 521 South Front Street. • Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be referred to the Sheriff. Motion carried unanimousely. APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO WATER AUTHORITY - Mr. Metts had discussed with the following Gentlemen to serve on the Water Authority to represent the County. All three have accepted: Bruce Cameron 2 years M. C. Brown 6 years W. B. Beery 4 years NACO LEGISLATURE CONFERENCE MARCH 22-25„ 1g70 - Mr. Metts called attention to the NACO Con£erence to be held in Washington, D. C. March 22-25, 19'70. Anyone wishing to go should contact Mr. Bowden, County Administrator. TRANSF'ERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - I'4r. Shepard presented the following list of transfers for approval by the Board of Commissioners. To From 1. Increase Petty Cash - Auditor's Office $ 500.00 2. Tax Listing - Postage 500.00 3. City's Share - Sale of Property 350.00 4. Tax Foreclosure 477,9'] ~ 5. Commissioners - Advertising (.$35.06) 135.06 6. Tax Zisting - Advertising ($'7~:~9) 73.29 GENERAL CONTINGENCY F'UND $2,036.32 44~ ~ I 448 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MARCH 2, 1970 (CONTINUED) TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINTTED) - (1) - Appropriation - Due to Auditor's Petty Cash Fund at times depleted -$500 of $1,000 now advanced to Sheri£f's Department. At times no funds available for travel advances - This appropriation is not an expenditure; it establishes a reserve account. (2) - Required for Tax Departments pro-rata share of County's postage meter for fiscal year. ~3) - Collected $700 - City's share is 50"/0 of this amount. (4) - County's 50'~ share of foreclosed property sold for taxes, County will be reimbursed by Tax Collector's office for delinquent taxes on above in amount of $'723.70. (5) - Required for employment advertisements. (6) - Regular appropriation expended. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the trans£ers recommended by the Auditor and the $2500 requested for the Jail remodeling (required by Commissioner Craig's office in Raleigh) be approved. Motion carried unanimously. SALARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIAIo5 - Information from the Institute of Government had been furnished Mr. Bowden concerning salaries of elected officers. Mr. Bowden pointed out that a salary change (if any is to be made) must be made not later than March 6, 19'70, £or those elected officials who are up for re-election in November. Mr. Metts stated this was something new for the Commissioners since the Assembly had been setting elected officials salary. Mr. Hall said he thought that New Hanover County was in line with most of the other state o£ficials. Williams stated that if the County did not raise the salaries now it could not be done again until after the next General Assembly. He went on to say that other salaries as well as cost of living are increasing and that he was in favor of raisin~ the salaries of elected officials, other than the Commissioners. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this matter be de£erred until budget time. Motion carried unanimously. MENTAL HEAIIPH CENTER - Mr. Marlts gave a report on the Mental Health Center and his meeting with Commissioners in Southport. He reported that Columbus County was alread~ affiliated with Robeson County's Mental Health Center and would not be interested in joining New Hanover County. Mr. Williams said Mr. Marks should be commended for his work on the project. SOIITHEA,STERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COP!Il`'IISSION - Mr. Marks opened the.discussion by reporting that he and Mr. Metts had attended a meeting in Elizabethtown with SEDC officials to discuss the Ten County area lines. ' Mr. Metts reported that Mr. John Fraley, representative out of West Vir~inia, was pre- sent at the meeting, his purpose to answer questions and advise them. Mr. Marks stated that New Hanover County is deemed a"Growth Center" and we do receive benefits in funding from this, but we would not lose our identity i£ we retain the Ten County boundary lines. M~. Metts and Mr. Marks were of the opinion that New Hanover County would lose a great deal if it changed over to a new operation and recommended that the County sign the resolution. presented by Mr. David Alexander of SEDC in Elizabethtown to retain membership in SEDC's Ten County Lines. Following is the resolution: '' "Wf~REA,S, the State o£ North Carolina, through the Planning Division of the Department of Administration, has been tentatively divided into administrative Regions, and "WHEREA,S, the ten counties o£ Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Hoke, New Hanover, Pender, Robeson, Sampson, and Scotland are presently grouped as a District previously designated by the State Planning Task Force and operating as the Southeastern Economic Development District, and "WI~REA,S, several proposals relative to the regionalization program have been submitted by individual and combined Boards of Commissioners and other agencies within the SEDC, and "WAEREA,S, it is our desire to present a unified and considered position on the matter of the Regionalization o£ the area served b~ the SEDC, "NOW TFIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the a£orementioned ten counties do hereby in concert, request placement in a Common Planning Region, which will conform to the previousl9 established jurisdictional lines of the Southeastern Economic Development District. Be it further resolved that a11 other recommended actions submitted by these ~overnmental bodies which are in conflict with this resolution be removed from further consideration." Mr. Harriss voiced his opinion of the Four County Region as negative. ~ ~ 449 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MARCH 2, 1970 (CONTINUED) SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT COMMISSION (CONTINUED) - 9fter more discussion Mr. Marks moved, seconded by 1`Ir. Harriss, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the resolution. Mr. Williams then read £rom A-95, an official document, supporting his ideas concerning the Four County Region. He said New Hanover County had been with SEDC £or quite a while and in his opinion nothing had been done. He went on to say that the Four County Region would be supported by the Governor, who in his opinion would not recommend any change that would take away federal funds from any County. After Mr. Williams continued and concluded his report on supporting Region Eleven, a vote was called for signing the resolution. Mr. Harriss suggested that a letter be written to the Governor supporting SEDC and the Ten County boundary lines. It was suggested also that the letter state the reasons why New Hanover County voted to support SEDC. After all discussions were concluded Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the resolution be signed. All Commissioners voted "Yes" except Mr. Williams who voted "No". -~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSION BUII,DING - By common consent the Commissioners requested Mr. Bowden to proceed with the recoating of the South and West sides of the e~rterior of the building and appropriate sign to be af£ixed thereto. RETAINER FEE FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY - Mr. Marks brought to the attention of the Commissioners that the retainer fee should be increased for the County Attorney in the amount of $150 per month, making a total in- crease of ~1800 per year to come from the General ~nergency F~znd. ~his would be effective from December 1, 1969 to November 30, 19'70 at which time Mr. Fox is to evaluate the time spent and advise the Commissioners of time involved as a client. WATER AUTHORITY - Mr. Hall advised that Mr. J. J. Courtney was interested in the Water Authority and would like to be notified of any open meetings. HIILCON RAII,ROAD BRIDGE - ` Mr. Bowden reported that he had received a letter from Congressman Alton Lennon stating the Hilton Railroad Bridge had been moved to 2nd priority in improvements to rail- road bridges across the nation. He stated £urther that $1 million had been appropriated for the Hilton Railroad Bridge. . CIVIL DEFENSE AWARD - Chairman Metts awarded Commissioner Hall with an award from the Civil Defense in recognition of his interest and `worl~anship. ADJvutuvrTENT - There being no further business to come before the Commissioners at this time Mr. Hall moved, seconded by~Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Patricia Bowman Acting Clerk to the Board pb/s MINUTES OF TAE MEETING, MARCH 16, 19'70 ., ASSEMBI,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator I,aurence 0. Bowden; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Mr. Berry A. Williams was in Atlanta, Ga. attending meeting o£ NACO. INVOCATION - Vice-Chairman Harriss called the meetin~ to order in the absence of the Chairman and asked Rev. Robert Rub, Jr., Pastor, Messiah Lutheran .Church, to ~ive the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The Commissioners had been furnished with two corrections to the minutes of March 2 by the Acting Clerk prior to the meeting. They are as follows: On Page 7 under heading, "A.B.C. Permit Request", first sentence should read: "The , following A.B.C. Permit Request was brought before the Board for its consideration: Southside Curb Market, 521 South Front Street." On Page should be in 1. 2. 3- 4. 5• 6. X ~, under heading, "Transfers and Appropriations", the £ollowing tabulation serted in place of one used:. To From Increase Petty Cash - Auditor's Of£ice ~ 500.00 Tax Listing - Postage 500.00 City's Share - Sale of Property 350.00 Tax Foreclosure 477•97 Commissioners - Advertising (35•06) 135.06 Tax Listing - Advertisin~ 73•29 GENERAL CONTINGENCY F'UND $2,036.32