1970-03-16 Regular Meeting449 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MARCH 2, 1970 (CONTINUED) SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT COMMISSION (CONTINUED) - 9fter more discussion Mr. Marks moved, seconded by 1`Ir. Harriss, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the resolution. Mr. Williams then read £rom A-95, an official document, supporting his ideas concerning the Four County Region. He said New Hanover County had been with SEDC £or quite a while and in his opinion nothing had been done. He went on to say that the Four County Region would be supported by the Governor, who in his opinion would not recommend any change that would take away federal funds from any County. After Mr. Williams continued and concluded his report on supporting Region Eleven, a vote was called for signing the resolution. Mr. Harriss suggested that a letter be written to the Governor supporting SEDC and the Ten County boundary lines. It was suggested also that the letter state the reasons why New Hanover County voted to support SEDC. After all discussions were concluded Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the resolution be signed. All Commissioners voted "Yes" except Mr. Williams who voted "No". -~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSION BUII,DING - By common consent the Commissioners requested Mr. Bowden to proceed with the recoating of the South and West sides of the e~rterior of the building and appropriate sign to be af£ixed thereto. RETAINER FEE FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY - Mr. Marks brought to the attention of the Commissioners that the retainer fee should be increased for the County Attorney in the amount of $150 per month, making a total in- crease of ~1800 per year to come from the General ~nergency F~znd. ~his would be effective from December 1, 1969 to November 30, 19'70 at which time Mr. Fox is to evaluate the time spent and advise the Commissioners of time involved as a client. WATER AUTHORITY - Mr. Hall advised that Mr. J. J. Courtney was interested in the Water Authority and would like to be notified of any open meetings. HIILCON RAII,ROAD BRIDGE - ` Mr. Bowden reported that he had received a letter from Congressman Alton Lennon stating the Hilton Railroad Bridge had been moved to 2nd priority in improvements to rail- road bridges across the nation. He stated £urther that $1 million had been appropriated for the Hilton Railroad Bridge. . CIVIL DEFENSE AWARD - Chairman Metts awarded Commissioner Hall with an award from the Civil Defense in recognition of his interest and `worl~anship. ADJvutuvrTENT - There being no further business to come before the Commissioners at this time Mr. Hall moved, seconded by~Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Patricia Bowman Acting Clerk to the Board pb/s MINUTES OF TAE MEETING, MARCH 16, 19'70 ., ASSEMBI,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator I,aurence 0. Bowden; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Mr. Berry A. Williams was in Atlanta, Ga. attending meeting o£ NACO. INVOCATION - Vice-Chairman Harriss called the meetin~ to order in the absence of the Chairman and asked Rev. Robert Rub, Jr., Pastor, Messiah Lutheran .Church, to ~ive the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The Commissioners had been furnished with two corrections to the minutes of March 2 by the Acting Clerk prior to the meeting. They are as follows: On Page 7 under heading, "A.B.C. Permit Request", first sentence should read: "The , following A.B.C. Permit Request was brought before the Board for its consideration: Southside Curb Market, 521 South Front Street." On Page should be in 1. 2. 3- 4. 5• 6. X ~, under heading, "Transfers and Appropriations", the £ollowing tabulation serted in place of one used:. To From Increase Petty Cash - Auditor's Of£ice ~ 500.00 Tax Listing - Postage 500.00 City's Share - Sale of Property 350.00 Tax Foreclosure 477•97 Commissioners - Advertising (35•06) 135.06 Tax Listing - Advertisin~ 73•29 GENERAL CONTINGENCY F'UND $2,036.32 ~ 450 ~ M11VUTr:S OF THE MEETING, MARCH 16, 1970 (CONTINUED) 6PPROVAI~ OF MINUTES (CONTINUUED) (1) - Appropriation - Due to Auditor's Petty Cash Ftiand at times depleted -$500 of $1,000 now advanced to Sheriff's Department. At times no funds available for travel advances - This appropriation is not an expenditure; it establishes a reserve account. (2) - Required for Tax Departments pro-rata share of County's postage meter for fiscal year. (3) - Collected $'700 - City's share is 50% o£ this amount. (4) - County's 50'~ share of foreclosed property sold for taxes, County will be reimbursed by Tax Collector's Office for delinquent taxes on above in amount of $'723:'70.. (5) - Required for employment advertisements. (6) - Regular appropriation expended. Mr. Hall moved; seconded by Mr. Marks, that these two corrections be approved. Mr. Harriss requested change on Page 2 under heading, "Closing of Runway 9-27", 4th Paragraph. First sentence should read: "Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, Runway 9-2'7 be closed effective date of completion of work now in progress and acceptance by F.A.A. and that the Chairman be authorized to sign a resolution supporting this with copies to ~o to all concerned." Mr. Harriss requested correction on Page 3 under heading, "Road Petition - Thrift Acres (Masonboro I,oop Road)". Fifth paragraph should read: "Mr. Harriss asked if the Commissioners were authorized to issue a request in cases like this." Mr. Metts requested correction on Page 9 under heading, "New Hanover County Commission Building." He was under impression all sides of the Commission Building were not to be recoated. By common consent it was agreed that only the South and West sides are to be coated. Mr. Marks requested correction on Page 1 under heading, "Reports". Second paragraph should read: "The Committee had contacted five companies (some out of town) and had recommended that Henrp von Oesen and Associates be selected to perform the work, subject to approval of their proposal submitted, following conference with the County Administrator and approval by the Board. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes of March 2nd be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Metts joined the meeting at this time and assumed the chair. A.B.C. FERMIT RE6~UESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board for its consideration: Scotties Cash Gro., Rt. 3, Box 5; Finber~'s Grocery, 2024 Wrightsville Ave., Beachcomber Zounge, 45 Cape Fear Boulevard; and Gray Gables Inn, Airlie Road. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the requests be referred to the Sherif£'s o£fice for his investigation. REPORTS - Mr. Bowden reported he and Mr. Tim Wood, Planning Director, had attended meeting on March llth in Raleigh, on Solid Waste Disposal. He stated the problem is a very serious one and will be costly to the County to cope with. ROAD PETITIONS - THRIFT ACRES AND WILI,OW WOODS - Mr. Bowden presented two road petitions to the Board; Thrift Drive and roads in Willow Woods. Both petitions had been approved by the Planning Department. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the standard resolutions be adopted and the petitions forwarded to the State Highway £or its consideration. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING~ CONSIDER CHANGES TO Cwivl~~' ZvlvuvG ORDINANCE -~d"'.r ,~„ ~,~.;"""z~ a,,",~ Chairman Metts declared Public Hearing open to consider changes to the C~lznty Zoning Ordinance and asked anyone wishing to be heard to please stand and give their name. Mr. Tim Wood, Planning Director, gave a summary of the action taken by the Planning Commission on rezoning of Intersection of Whiskey Creek and Intracoastal Waterway. The Planning Commission had recommended to the Commissioners at their meetin~ on March 2 that this area be rezoned from R-15 (single family district) to I=T~(Industrial District). I1ue to opposition heard at the meeting the case was re£erred back to the Planning Commission for flirther con- sideration. Also, the proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance to add (a) Boat Con- struction and (b) Marina as permitted uses to Section 56-2 of Article V which the Planning Commission recommended at the last meeting was re£erred back to them for reconsideration. Mr. Wood advised the Board today that these two proposed changes had been reconsidered at a meeting o£ the Planning Commission on March 4, 19']0 and the Planning Commission still recommends approval of the request for rezoning and also reaffirmed its recommendation of the proposed amendment. Mr. Addison Hewlett, Attorney, represented the group opposing the rezoning and marina. He told the Commissioners the group was opposed to making it a commercial area and asked the Board to go down and look the area over before makin~ a decision. Messrs. James Knight, Dennis 0'Sullivan and Mrs. Hilda Fredericks were in the group opposing it. Mr. Knight was opposed to the commercial aspect, Mr. 0'Sullivan to the noise which would be present, and Mrs. Fredericks was opposed because of the road not being in condition to permit the heavy trucks and increased traffic. Mr. W. C. Smith, Attorney, represented Mr. George E. Lowe, petitioner who is seeking to expand his boat building, dredge a channel and construct a 60-boat marina. Mr. Smith presented signed petitions to the Board pointing out 43 persons were in favor and 25 persons had no objections. He also presented a colored map giving similar in£ormation~. Mr. Paul Clemmons and Mr. Richard gepley, Realtor, were among those in favor of the marina. 451 rili~u~r.~a OF THE MEETING.,,, MARGH 16, 1970 (CONTINUED) PDBI,IC HEARING~ CONSIDER CHANGEB TO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE (CONTINiTED) - Chairman Metts guestioned Mr. Lowe as to whether or not he planned to widen the road to the marina, and Mr. Zowe said it was his intent to make the road a two way traffic road. Also, _ Mr. Metts asked Mr. Lowe if precautions would be taken to protect property of the neighbors, and Mr. Lowe said he would cooperate with them. Meeting Recessed. Meeting Reconvened. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the amendment to add the £ollowing per- mitted uses to 6ection 56-2 oY Article V: (a) boat construction and (b) Marina be included in the County Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion to rezone property located at the intersection of Whiskey Creek and Intracoastal Waterway on the south side of Whiskey Creek from R-15 (Single Family District) to I-1 (Industrial District) be approved by the Board of Commissioners. Motion carried unani.mously. (For Ordinance Adopted and Signed, See Zoninq Ordinance Book I, Masonboro Section, Page 2.) DRAINAGE RE9UEST - WILI~IAM MARTIN~ 4817 COLLEGE DRIVE - Mr. William Martin, 481'] College Drive, appeared before the Board requestin~ relief con- cerning a drainage problem he is having. He said it has become a health problem; his septic tank is giving him trouble. By common consent, it was agreed to write the State Highway that Mr. Martin had tried repeatedly to get action on this situation and it has been delayed until it has become a health problem, and that the County Administrator follow it up. APPROVAL OF SUBDNISION MAPS - Mt. Neil Mallory, Assistant Planning Director, presented three subdivision maps for approval. l. Section 1 of Marquis Hills, located just off of the Silver Lake Road. He said the developer will furnish a performance bond by Thursday to cover installation of the remainin~ improvements. Suggs and Harrelson are the developers. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat upon being advised by the Planning Department that everything is in order. Motion carried unanimously." ~}= 2. Section 1 of Shell Bank. This map needs signature of the State Highway Commission accepting proposed street plan. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign this plat when it has been signed by the Highway Commission. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Section 3, Windemere. Mr. Mallory said Mr. Stock will not furnish a performance bond but will take off 16 lots which will bring the subdivision in compliance with the subdivision ordinance. Paul Gregory is the developer. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign plat when the ordinance has been complied with. Motion carried unanimously. EXERCISE OF OPTION BY AIRPORT REAIII.'Y COMPANY COVERING PROPERTY FORMERI~Y LEASED TO OLSON AIRCRAFT CORPORATION - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the above matter be deferred until question of easement has been cleared. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION - PLACE OF COMMISSIONERS' MEETINGS - Mr. Fox broug~t to the attention of the Board North Carolina General Statute 153-8 per- taining to meeting place of the Board of Commissioners. He said inasmuch as the Board is now holding its meetings in the New Hanover County Commission Building, he suggested the following resolution be adopted: "Resolved, that the Board of Commissioners shall hold its regular meeting at the New Hanover County Commission Btzilding, the address thereof being 14 North Third Street, idilmington, North Carolina, at 9~00 A.M. on the £irst Monday of each month or on the following Tuesday if Monday is a legal holiday." In addition, he suggested the following notice be placed on the bulletin board at the Courthouse and published in the Wilmington Star-News: "By resolution duly adopted, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County shall hold its regular meeting at the New Hanover County Commission Building, the address thereof being 14 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, at 9:00 A.M. on the first Mondap of each month or on the followin~ Tuesday if Monday is a legal holiday." Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the resolution be adopted by the Board and the notice be posted at the Courthouse and published in the paper as recommended by the County Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. RESOI,UTION - WIZMINGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the following resolution be adopted by the Board authorizing publication of notice o£ public hearing on the Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority: The resolution was introduced by Mr. Metts. "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that: "Section 1. The Board of Commissioners hereby £inds, determines and declares that it is in the best interests of New Hanover County to join with the City of ? Wilmington in organizing an Authority pursuant to the North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 162A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended), such Authority to be named the 'Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority' and to have six members, three appointed by the City Council of the City of Wilmington and three appointed by the Board of Commissioners. J ~ 452 MINUTES OF TFIE MEETING, MARCH 16, 19'70 (CONTuvur~D) RESOI,UTION - WI7~MINGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY (CONTINUED) - "Section 2. A public hearing will be held at 10:00 A.M., April 6, 1970, at New Hanover County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, the regular place of ineeting of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Caro- lina, on a resolution proposed to be adopted by the Board of Commissioners signifying its determination to organize the Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority. "Section 3. The Clerk of the Board o£ Commissioners of New Hanover County is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice of the public hearing to be given by publication at least once, not less than 10 days prior to April 6, 19'70, the date £ixed for such hearing, in a newspaper having general circulation in New Hanover County. Such notice shall be in substantially the follovaing form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ORGANIZATION OF THE WILMINGTON-NEW FIANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY "Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 162A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended), a public hearing will be held at 10:00 A.M. on April 6, 19'70, at the New Hanover County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, the regular place of ineeting of the Board of Commissioners o£ New Hanover County, North Carolina, on a resolution proposed to be adopted by said Board of Commissioners signifying its determination to organize the Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority, which resolution will authorize the execution of the Articles of Incorporation of the Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority sub- stantially in the form set forth below and will appoint three o£ the six members of said Authority. The proposed Articles of Incorporation of the Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority are as follows: ARTICLE~S OF INCORPORATION OF THE WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTFIORITY "In compliance with the North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 162A o£ the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, the City Council of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, pursuant to a resolution signifying its determination to organize an Authority under the provisions of said Act, and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, pursuant to a resolution signifying its determination to organize an Authority under said Act, which Authority shall be a public body and a body politic and corporate of the State of North Carolina, hereby certify that: "(a) This Authority is or~anized under said North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act, its name shall be "WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY' and the address of its principal office sha11 be Wilmington, North Carolina. "(b) The names of the organizing political subdivisions are the CITY OF WILPaPIGTON, IdORTH CAROZINA AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. "(c) The Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority shall have six members, three appointed by each of said organizing political subdivisions. The names and addresses o£ the first members of said Authority appointed by the City Council of the City of Wilmington are: W. Mercer Rowe, Jr. 2216 Acacia Drive, Wilmington, N. C. Louis W. Latham, 532 Colonial Drive, Wilmington, N. C. W. Sent Walker, 205'7 Battery Place, Wilmington, N. C. and the names and addresses of the first members o£ said Authority appointed by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County are: Bruce B. Cameron Blythe Road, Wilmin~ton, N. C. W. B. Beery, III 1415 Brookhaven Road, Wilmin~ton, N. C. M. C. Brown, 2411 Oleander Drive, Wilmington, N. C. "IN WITNESS Wf~REOF, the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, has caused these Articles of Incorporation to be executed by its Mayor and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto and attested by its City Clerk, and New Aanover County has caused these Articles of Incorporation to be executed by the Chairman of its Board o£ Commissioners and the official seal o£ said Board of Commissioners to be affixed hereto and attested by the Clerk of said Board, all as of this day of , 1970• (SEAL) Attest: Cit~ Clerk of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina (SEAL) Attest: Mayor of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~, lerk of the Bo~r~ of ~ommissiEner~s o ew anover oun y ,4J~s MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MARCfi 16, 19~0 (CONT.uvur.y) RESOLUTION - WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY (CONTuuu~D) - "At the time and place above stated any resident of New Hanover County or any other interested person may appear and be heard. "Dated this 16th day of March, 19'70. Hazel Sava~e Clerk of the Board of Commissioners o£ New Hanover County "Section 4. This resolution shall take e£fect upon its passage. "Thereupon Commissioner Harriss moved the passage of the foregoing resolution entitled: 'RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF A NaTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ORGANIZATION OF TFIE WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY', and Commissioner Marks seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: "Ayes: Commissioners Metts, Harriss, Hall and Marks. "Noes: None." Motion carried unanimously. FIREWORKS DISPLAY LEGION STADIUM, AZAI,EA FESTIVAI, - Mr. Bowden advised the Board he has received letter from the City Manager requesting the County Commission approve a fireworks display at Legion Stadium at '7:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 2, 1970 in connection with the Azalea Festival. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that approval be given, subject to sufficient insurance being provided and compliance with all safety rules. Motion carried unanimously. SCHOOL BOARD REQUEST - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Request from the School Board to trans£er from Retirement and Social Security $803.92 to Insurance was presented to the Board. Mr. Harriss moved, sevonded by Mr. Marks, that the trans£er be approved, subject to identification of the insurance. Motion carried unanimously. Later it was determined the transfer was for fire insurance on the Nob1e School. TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS (MR. SHEPARD) - County Auditor Shepard requested the following appropriations and trans£ers: To 1. Drainage Salaries ~ 52•39 2. Court House - Trash Collection 66.'72 3. Commissioners Travel 1,500.00 4. Tax Collector Travel 25•00 5. Museum - Telephone 40.00 GENERAL CONTINGENCY FUND 6. Cape Fear Tech. Motor Vehicles Operations $ 326.18 Cape Fear Tech. State Money - Deposited 3-4-70 Unanticipated Revenue From $1,684.11 ~ 326.18 1- George Cooper x~as paid at old salary $4,598.00 for the month of July, ~959, $3,934.00 was budgeted for new employee. Difference for one month $52•39- 2- Court House renovations increased the trash pickup from twice to three times a week, causing appropriation over expended. 3 - To increase travel. 4 - To increase travel. 5- Due to personal telephone calls, which have been reimbursed to the County in Unanticipated Revenue. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the appropriations and transfers reguested be approved. Motion carried unanimously. SHERIFF'S RE9UEST - TRANSFER OF r'uNLS - Mr. Bowden presented request of the Sheri£f for transfer of ~150 from Capital Outlay to Stationery and Supplies. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAI, FUNDS - ELEVATOR IN COURTAOUSE - Mr. Bowden requested $2100 be appropriated for completion of the work on the Courthouse elevator. Mr. Bowden said this is necessary because of another wiring job which had not been' anticipated and labor is needed for approximately an additional three weeks. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the appropriation be approved, funds coming y~ from the General Emergency Ftiind. Motion carried unanimously. I 4`~ 4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MARCH 16, 1970 (CONTINUED) PRISON ruivllS - Mr. Bowden requested $250 be appropriated for Janitorial Supplies at the Prison Farm. This is necessary due to supplies being needed for the washer which was purchased this gear. Mr. Bowden advised the Board that the Prison Farm is in the red $1900 for extra help. An appropriation of ~363o is needed to cover the $1900 and to carry the Prison Farm until the end of the fiscal year for this item. Mr. Bowden pointed out less money £or help was budgeted last year, but the farm is using same number of people. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that $3630 be appropriated for salaries and ~250 for Janitorial Supplies at the Prison Farm funds coming from the General E~ergency F~.ind. F[TNDS TO COMPLETE COURTHOUSE RENOVATION - Mr. Bowden discussed the final phase of relocating departments in the Courthouse to achieve e~anding the Tax Office and Auditor's office. The plan is to relocate the Auditor in the two offices vacated by the Sheriff, Ta3c Office to take over present Auditor's Office, Dark Room, presently in Sheri££'s former office, to be relocated in Clerk of Court memograph room downstairs, Clerk's memograph room to be relocated in area along side o£ Inspector's Office, and office formerly occupied by the Board of Elections to be remodeled for Sheriff's detectives' of£ice. Cost of above estimated at $5,000. The Auditor and Sheriff approve these changes. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, changes be approved, flznds to come from General E~nd, Unanticipated Revenue. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bowden pointed out these moves will not solve the problem of lack of space. Additional space is required £or Probation Officer, Clerk of Court, Frosecutor, and RegisteT of Deeds. Also, the Warrant Wr%ters need i.mmediate improvement. Chairman Metts suggested that the Board wait.until the proposed moves are completed and continue to work on the other space problems. Mr. Hall suggested best answer still may be to rent additional space after above renovations. BEACH ER06ION CONTROL AND HURRICANE-WAVE PROTECTION PROJECT~ CARaLINA BEACH, N. C. - Mr. Marks inquired whether or not it is necessary at this time £or the County to furnish the $23,300 Col. Paul S. Denison advised is New Hanover County's share for the repairs at Carolina Beach. It was pointed out only a letter of intent is necessary at thi.s time. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that a letter of intent to furnish funds be furnished to Col. Denison as requested. Motion carried unanimously. BOND RATING OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY - Mr. Marks discussed Bond Hating of New Hanover County and asked wY~y New Hanover County is not listed as Aa. Mr. Shepard said it was due to tax collections. Mr. Marks suggested the person on the liaison committee with the City seek a meeting to discuss this matter with the City. By common consent this was agreed to. Mr. Harriss suggested more vigorous efforts be taken in collection of back taxes. CITY-COUNTY CONSOLIDATION - Mr. Marks presented the Board members a copy of the North Carolina General Assembly 1969 Session Ratified Bill and copy of Proposed Schedule of Work for Charlotte-Mecklenber~ Charter Commission pertaining to City-County Consolidation. CONRAD-MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR51 INC. - Mr. Fox advised the Board he had requested National Surety Corporation to sign an In- demnity Agreement in £avor of New Hanover County after which the County will forward them its check in amount of $4,5']8.50, representing $2,000 due under its electrical contract with Conrad Mechanical ContTactors, Ine. and $2,5~8.50, due under the heating and air conditioning contract. Mr. Fox said he had received a letter £rom Mr. Julian A. Altabellis, Architect, advising all mechanical work consisting of electrical, heating and cooling, and plumbing work has been completed in accordance with the plans and speci£ications. Mr. Fox said when the Indemnity Agreement is executed by National Surety Corporation, it will indemnify New Hanover County £or any and all claims arising by virtue of payment o£ the said sum to National Surety Corporation. Mr. Fox recommended payment be made when agreement has been signed. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that payment be made. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks called attention to the fact that Reagan had not completed their work and suggested they be advised by letter to complete the work under their contract. RELOCATION OF HEAIIPH DEPARTMENT TO X-RAY BUILDING OF JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - Mr. Bowden advised the Board he had received a call from Dr. Heyward Bellamy, member of the Health Board, that it will be necessary for the Board to obtain services of an architect before proceeding on the study of relocating the Health Department at the old James Walker Hospital. Chairman Metts discussed the matter advising the Board his thoughts were to wait for the ne~rt meeting of the Board of Health before taking any action. BOARD OF MENTAL flEALTH TO LOOK AT JAMES WAI,KER HOSPITAL WOMEN'S WARD - Mr. Marks advised the Mental Health Department had obtained keys last week to investigate possible use of the Women's Ward at the James Walker Hospital and possibly this could be tied in with the Health Department. DEMOLITION OF CHIl'II~TEY ON YMCA BIIILDING Mr. Bowden advised the Fire Inspector and City Building Inspector had advised the chimney on the YMCA Building is a hazard and should be demolished. He advised he had an estimate of $200 to demolish it to where the crack stops, and requested this amount be appropriated. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the 9~200 requested be appropriated, funds coming from the General Emergency ~znd. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no flirther business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted,. Hazel Savage , Clerk to the Board /hs ~