1970-04-06 Regular Meeting9 P1INiJTES OF Tf~ MEETING APRII, 6, 19~0 A,SSENIBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting ,of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator I,aurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Sava~e, Clerk to the Board. ~JJ, INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Ed. Barber, Pastor, Grace Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAI, OF MII4iTTES - Mr. Metts requested followin~ changes to the minutes of ineeting of March 16, 19'70: On Page 4 under headin~: ."Public Hearing.,. C.onsider Changes to County Zoning Ordinance", after Yirst paragraph insert: "Meeting Recessed." "Meeting Reconvened." Eliminate "After hearing £rom both sides" in second para~raph and begin with: "Mr. Harriss moved..." On Page 4 under heading: "Approval of Subdivision Maps", third paragraph should read: "Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat upon being advised by the Planning Department that everything is in order. Motion carried i~^~^~mously." Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes of the meeting of March 16 be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTB - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector,•appeared before the Board to report on taxes collected for the month of March. He reported $98,841.81 of 1969 taxes collected during March, bringing total of 1969 taxes collected thus far to $4,348, 893.15. During the month of March $16,']'70.53 in back taxes was also collected. Mr. Williams gave the following reports on meetings he attended recently: 1. Annual Conference of Regional Councils of Government, Atlanta, Ga., March 15-18, 19'70 - Some of the subjects covered were conducting Regional Reviews, Bureau of the Budget Circular A-95 Provisions, Organizational Structure, Problems Facing Regional Councils of Government, Economic Development, Law Enforcement Assistance, Comprehensive Health Planning, Environmental Problems, etc. Mr. Williams' assigned part on the program was a talk on the problems £acing a medium sized C.O.G. Mr. Williams said one of the most significant actions of the session was the amendment of the By-Laws to insure that most of.the members of the Board of Directors will be elected members of local governments. He said this action had his full endorsement. 2. Legislative Conference, NACO, Washington, D. C., March 22-25, 1970 - Mr. Williams said all steering committees of NACO met during the session and the Planning and Development Committee of which he was a member met overtime. He said the Planning and Development recommendations were adopted by the Directors of NACO and a copy is available. 3. Senate Subcommittee on Oceanography, Washington, D. C., April 2, 19']0 (Mr. Williams attended as representative o£ NACO) - The hearing was on three bills S. 2802, S. 3183 and S. 3460, National Coastal Zone and Estaurine Management Acts. He said NACO agrees with and gives support to many of the provisions of the three bills, however the bills as written, would place the responsibility for Coastal Zone Planning and Development with another level of govern.ment. NACO emphasized the importance of local and regional planning and development under control of local elected governing boards. NACO also recommended that the Federal Share of P. & D, funds be increased from the proposed 50 percent to 66-2/3 percent, citing the difficulty local and state governments are e~rperiencing in raising the local share of funds. PIACO and National League of Cities were invited to present written proposed legislative wording on the subject which will be done. Mr. Williams read a portion of a letter from Senator Ernest F. Hollings, Chairman, Sub- committee on Oceanography in which he thanked him for taking the time to t•estify before the commi.ttee. After reporting on these three meetings, Mr. Williams stressed the need £or local boards to make views of the local governments known. P.L. 660 FEDERAL GRANTS - Mr. Neil Mallory reported on a one day Seminar in Raleigh a couple of weeks ago on P.L. ~ 660 Federal Grants which he attended. He said funds are available £or installation of sewage plants and 30'~ can be obtained from the Federal Government under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Also, additional 10'~ of 30'~ or 33l is available if approved by Regional Planning. Also, if State will appropriate 25%, Federal will increase to 50'~ which will make total of 80'/o in grant funds. At this time, however, the State does not participate, but those attending the meeting were advised tYiat State funds will be requested at the next budget and if the State does participate, County could get as much as 80'~0. Mr. Mallory said construction of outfall and major interceptor lines would be eligible £or grant. Mr. Hall asked whether this would be on a piece meal basis and Mr. Mallory said he did not feel grant would be available unless there is a de£inite plan and it would receive better consideration if plan were on a county basis. Mr. Metts suggested information Mr. Mallory gave be flirnished the Chai.rman of the Water and Sewer Authority. I , r 4`~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRIL 6, 1970 (CONTINUED) SECTION 8~ IANG I~EAF ACRES SUBDIVISION PLAT - Mr. Mallory presented plat of the above subdivision and requested the Chairman be authorized to sign the linen copy when it is presented subject to the Planning Commission's approval. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat when presented in proper £orm and approved by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. AUTHORITY OF VICE-CHAIRMAN TO SIGN DOCUMENTS, ETC. - Mr. Harriss inquired of the County Attorney if the Chairman is authorized to sign some- thing for the County and is absent when the time comes if the Vice-Chairman may sign instead. Mr. Fox said this was permissible. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The £ollowing A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board: Seaside Cafe, K Street, gure Beach; Henry's Drive-In Restaurant, 3522 Carolina Beach Road; Blackbeard's Galley, gure Beach; Timme Plaza Motor Inn, 301 N. Water Street; and Bodenhamer Groc. & Cottage, Kure Beach. Mr. Ha11 moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the requests be £orwarded to the Sheriff's Department £or their investigation. Motion carried unani.mously. PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDER CHANGE TO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE -q^`~"`~"~°"~ ~' 2°"'^9 ~~P Mr. Metts opened the public hearing called to consider the f llowing chaiige to~the County Zoning Ordinance: "Rezoning: S.R. 1148 (Masonboro Zoop Road) between Beasley's Creek and S.R. 1505 on the east side of the road from R-15 (Single Family District) to R-10 (Single Family District)." Mr. Tim Wood, Planning Director, pointed out reason for rezoning is to permit construction o£ duplex homes and that a special use permit will be requested later. He said the Planning Commission recommended approval of the request. There was no opposition to the rezoning reguest and Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the recommendations of the Planning Department be approved and the request for rezoning as outlined be approved. Motion carried unanimously. (For ordinance adopted, see zonin,q Ordinance Book I, Masonboro Section, Page 3.) RECONIl`1ENDATION OF PI,ANNING COMMISSION FOR TFlE ZONING OF AREA N0. 3- Mr. Tim Wood, Planning Director, presented map £or proposed zoning of Area No. 3. The area pertains to Middle Sound and Ogden. He pointed out zoning begins North of Babies Hospital and extends to Porters Neck. He said zoning for this area is recommended to protect the coastline and because of the many petitions and requests received reguesting zoning. This area is principally residential with some industrial and commercial. Mr. Wood said the Plannin~ Commission is ready for the zoning i£ the Board o£ Commis- sioners wish to ca11 a public hearing and if it does, they recommend hearing be held May 4, i9~o. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board advertise that public hearing on zoning of Area 3 will be held on May 4. Motion carried unanimously. RESIGNATION MEMBER OF MENTAL HEAUPH ADVISORY BOARD - Chairman Metts reported the Board had received a letter o£ resignation from Lonnie B. Williams from the Mental Health Advisory Board. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the resignation be accepted with regret and a letter be written Mr. Williams thanking him for his services. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks informed the Board the Mental Health Nominating Committee had been alerted and they would submit name of a person to fill this vacancy, possibly at the next meeting. TRANSF'ER OF COURT FACILITIES ~`&ES TO PURCHASE OF COURTROOM ~'[TRNITURE - Prior to the meeting Commissioners were polled for approval of transferring 9b2500 from Court Facilities Fees to the purchase of furniture for the courtroom and prosecutor, etc. Majority vote was received approving. Mr. [Jilliams movei3, seconded by Mr. Marks, that formal approval be given at this time for the transfer. Motion carried unanimously. BOARD OF ELECTIONS REQUEST FOR C~MPITTER SERVICE - A letter from the Board of Elections reguesting $4500, which is now available in the 1969-'70 budget, be transferred to an account entitled "Computer Service=' was presented to the Board. Also, it was pointed out that the Board of Elections recommended the contract be awarded to the American Computer Center. Mr. Shepard recommended the trans£er be approved and the contract awarded to the American Computer Center. Mr. Williams asked £or the County Administrator's comments. Mr. Bowden advised that American Computer Center's proposal was much more attractive financially. Mr. Shepard said it would not be necessary to call for bids. Mr. Marks raised the question of whether or not money would be available in the Board of Elections Budget after the expenses of the primary and general election are taken care of. Mr. Shepard said sufficient £unds would be available. It was pointed out that the transfer will require approval of the Board, but the Board of Elections may decide who gets the con- tract £or computer service. Mi~. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the trans£er be approved as requested by the Board of Elections to provide £or Computer Service. Motion carried unanimously. SHERIFF DEPARTMENT "APPROVED PROJECTS" Sheriff Millis was requested to appear to wherein he requested the Board's consideration funds for the purchase of equipment. Matching Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Acts of or not it will require additional personnel to Millis said it would not. discuss with the Board his letter of March 26 in furnishing local funds to match federal Federal funds are available as a result o£ the 1968. Mr. Millis was questioned as to whether operate the photography equipment and Mr. Mr. Williams pointed out that only a letter of intent is necessary at this time, and moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Commission authorize a letter of intent be written advising that the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners pla~ to give £avorable consideration to this request at budget time. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRII, 6, 1970 (~ONTINUED) DISCRETIONARY FUND - SHERIFF DEPARTMENT - Mr. Hall pointed out that in the past funds had been appropriated for a discretionary fund in the Sheriff's -epartment which had been e~ended. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that $300 be appropriated from the General blumd to the Discretionary ~ind in the Sheriff's Department. Motion carried unani.mously. BOAT FOR SAERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - Sheri£f Millis discussed the need for a boat for his department saying he receives numerous calls where a boat is needed, pointing out that sometimes his department has papers to serve on boats. Also, a boat is needed for patrolling. Mr. Fox advised that it would be necessary to call for bids for this purchase. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Sheriff draw up specifications for boat needed and that same be advertised for bids. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks said he would like to see a memorandum from the Sheriff as to how he will use the boat, liability insurance, etc. Mr. Millis said he had ample personnel to operate the boat. PUBZIC HEARING. WII~MINGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY - Atthe hour of 10:00 A.M., the Chairman announced that, pursuant to notice duly published, this was the place, date and time for a public hearing on a resolution proposed to be adopted by the Board of Commissioriers of New Hanover County signifying its determination to organize the Wilmin~ton-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority. The Chairman then announced that the Board of Commissioners proposed to appoint the following persons as members of the Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority for the indicated terms: Duration of Term Bruce Cameron, Blythe Road, Wilmington, N. C. 2 Years ~7. B. Beery, III, 1415 Brookhaven Road, Wilmington, N. C. 4 Years M. C. Brown, 2411 Oleander Drive, Wilmington, N. C. 6 Years Mr. Metts then said the Board would hear any resident of New.Hanover County or any other interested person concerning the or~anization of the Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority. Mr. M. C. Brown spoke saying he felt the County Commissioners should be commended £or the forward look they are taking in our area in providing an adequate supply of raw water and sewage for the rapidly growing county. He said he felt water and sewage is going to be a continuing problem; pipe lines now are being f~.illy utilized. Also, the report of Alexander Potter showed the area must prepare for a much larger quantity of water. He pointed out that as the area continues to grow there will have to be ways and means of carrying off pollution. Mr. Brown said that perhaps through the efforts of the authority other ~overnments in other areas can be brou~ht to realize that water and sewer service is of area concern. Mr. Hugh Branch, Director, Committee of 100, said he concurred with Mr. Brown's statements. Col. Paul Denison, Commander of the Wilmington District, U. 8. Army Corps o£ Engineers, spoke next and said he wanted to make it clear he spoke as a local citizen and not for the Government. He said Wilmington and New Hanover County are already on the verge of ex- ceeding their resources for providing safe and adequate water service. He said it was extremely important to be visionary in plans and they should be long range. Mr. R. C. Cantwell, a realtor and.member of the Wilmington-New Hanover County Planning Commission, said without some measures being taken in this direction, the Planning Commis- sion's hands are tied. Thereupon Commissioner Harriss introduced the following resolution which was read: "RESOLIITION SIGNIFYING THE DETERMINATION OF THE BOARD OF COMCIISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY TO ORGANIZE AN AUTHORITY UNDER THE NORTH CAROI,INA WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITIES ACT (CHAPTER 162A OF THE Gr:ivr;xAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA, AS Ai`~ivL~D ) . "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board o£ Commissioners of New Hanover County that: "Section 1. It is the determination of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to organize an Authority under the North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 162A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended). "Section 2. The proposed Articles of Incorporation of such Authority are as follows: "ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY "In compliance with the North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 1629 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, the City Council of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, pursuant to a resolution signifying its determination to or~anize an Authority under the provisions of said Act, and the Board of Commissioners of New Aanover County, North Carolina, pursuant to a re- solution signifyin~ its determination to organize an Authority under said Act, which Authority shall be a public body and a body politic and corporate of the State of North Carolina, hereby certify that: r ~J~ J 45~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRII, 6, 1970 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING, WILM.IIQGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY (CONTINUED) - "(a) This Authority is organized under said North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act, its name shall be 'WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY' and the address of its principal o£fice shall be Wilmington, North Carolina. . ~ "(b) The names of the organizing political subdivisions are the CITY OF WIZ- MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. "(c) The Wilmington-New Hanover [dater and Sewer Authority shall have six members, three appointed by each of said organizing political subdivisions. The names and addresses o£ the first members of said Authority appointed by the City Council of the City of Wilmington are: W. Mercer Rowe, 2216 Acacia Drive, Wilmington, N. C. Louis W. Latham, 532 Colonial Drive, Wilmington, N. C. W,: gent Walker, 205'J Battery Place, Wilmington, N. C. and the names and addresses o£ the first members o£ said Authority appointed by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County are: Bruce B. Cameron, Blythe Road, Wilmington, N. C. W. B. Beery, III, 1415 Brookhaven Road, Wilmington, N. C. M. C. Brown, 2411 Oleander Drive, Wilmington, N. C. "IN LJITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Wil,mington, North Carolina, has caused these Articles of Incorporation to be executed by its Mayor and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto and attested by its City Clerk, and New Hanover County has caused these Articles of Incorporation to be executed by the Chairman of its Board of Commissioners and the official seal of said Board of Commissioners to be affixed hereto and attested by the Clerk of Said Board, all as of tlais day of , 1970. (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina ( SEAI~ ) Attest: Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Mayor of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County "Section 3. The following persons are hereb~ appointed as members of said Authority, each o£ whom shall continue in of£ice for the term expiring the indicated number of years from the date on which the creation of the Authority becomes effective and until his successor shall be duly appointed and qualified. Duration of Term Bruce B. Cameron, Blythe Road, Wilmington, N. C. 2 Years W. B. Beery, III, 1415 Brookhaven Road, Wilmington, N. C. 4 Years M. C. Brown, 2411 Oleander Drive, Wilmington, N. C. 6 Years "The successor of each member shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners for a term o£ six (6) years and until a successor shall be duly appointed and qualified except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve only for the unexpired term. Any member of the Authority shall be eligible £or reappointment. "Section 4. The Articles of Incorporation of the Wilmington-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority in substantially the form set forth in Section 2 0£ this resolution shall be executed on behal£ of New Hanover County by the Chairman of its Board of Commissioners and the official seal of said Board of Commissioners shall be affixed thereto and attested by the Clerk of said Board, and the Clerk of said Board is hereby authorized and directed to file with the Secretary of State of North Carolina a certified copy of this resolution, together with proof of publication of the notice of hearing on this resolution, and said of£icers are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all things necessary to create the said Authority under the provisions of the North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act. "Section 5. This resolution sha11 take e£fect upon its passage. "Thereupon Commissioner Harriss moved the passage of the foregoing resolution entitled: 'RESOLUTION BIGNIFYING THE DETERMINATION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY TO ORGANIZE AN AUTHORITY UNDER THE NORTH CAROLINA WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITIES ACT (CHAPTER 162A OF THE GENERAI, STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA, AS AMENDED)', and Commissioner Hall seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: "Ayes: Commissioners Metts, Harriss, Hall, Marks and Williams. "Noes: None." Mr. Harriss commented that the formation of the authority will be an impact on the future. ~ ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRIL 6, 1970 (CONTINUED) FUNDS APPROPRIATED TOWARD ~xrr.ivSES OF WIZMINC~i'ON-NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER AUTHORUTY - Mr. Hall suggested it might be necessary to provide funds for the operation of this authority and moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Authority be permitted to use $1,000 from the amount which was set up at budget time. Motion carried unanimously. TAX MAPS - Mr. R. C. Cantwell, Realtor, appeared before the Board requesting they investigate the feasibility o£ establishing tax maps. He said there is no inventory of t~able,.real property in the County and without an inventory an audit of assessments cannot be made. He said this would be a valuable tool to the assessers and Planning Commission. The information Messrs. Blake and McDaniel have accumulated could be incorporated in such maps. He suggested the possi~bility of using temporary help in accomplishing this. He said he felt the county would be able to get a better price from appraisal companys when reappraising time comes, if such maps are available. By common consent it was agreed to request the County Administrator to get his Assistant look into the possibility and come back with recommendations and estimated cost and also what cost saving would be realized at the next assessment period. SCHOOI, BOARD REQUEST TRANSFER OF E'UNDS - Request from the School Board requesting trans£er of ~689•14 from Retirement & Social Security to Insurance was discussed. Mr. Marks pointed out that several requests for trans£ers of funds from the Retirement & Social Security Account had been requested and he wondered what the status of the account is and suggested the School Board advise the Commissioners. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be approved and that the School Board be requested to furnish the Commissioners a letter giving the status of the Retirement and Social Security Account.. Motion carried unanimously. 459 SHERIFF'S REQUEST TRANSF`ER FROM SALARY ACCOUNT TO RADIO ACCOUNT - Due to moving o£ the Sheriff's office the radio installation had to be moved makin~ it necessary to move the Radio Antenna to a new location causing the radio budget to be over ex- pended in amount of $500. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that 56540 be transferred £rom the Sheriff's Department Salary Account to Radio Account as requested. Motion carried unanimously. SHERIFF'S REQUEST FOR TRANSF'ER OF $2.830.68 FROM GENERAL FUND REVr~vu~ TO HIS ACCOUNT N0. 11.769 - Insurance collected was deposited in General E1~.nd for car and radio lost in accident. lnr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall that t7ii.s request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. SHERIFF'S REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF $35.00 FROM DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS AND $100 FROM ADVERTISING ACCOUNT BE TRAN6FERRED TO STATIONERY AND SUPPLIES- Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that these transfers be approved. Motion carried unanimously. MENTAL HEAIli'Fi CENTER RE9DEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS - A letter from the Southeastern Mental Health Center requesting transfer of 9b4,000 from Salary Account to Psychiatric Retainers was discussed. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Ha11, that the request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. MITNICIPAL-COUNTY BUILDING RESERVE FiTND - Mr. Hall made the following statement relative to a municipal-county building reserve fund: "For many years various boasds o£ commissioners have felt a keen desire to provide costly facilities without going into bond issues, knowing full well that we had to pay double for schools and hospitals which had to be paid £or over a period of many years with interest. "Until this year a'pay as you go program' was almost impossible. This year, as a result of the confidence the people of New Hanover County have shown in their governing boards, we have been given the tools with which to provide'some schools and other things on a cost basis. "While promoting the passage of the one cent sales tax, 2 made talks to many groups, clubs, and individuals. In these talks I enumerated many expenses which the county is going to have to £ace up to eventually, and in the not too distant future. "In a dynamic growing community such as New Hanover County has become it is almost im- possible to have a unanimous opinion on any given subject. "Recently we have had to spend thousands of dollars on reappropriating space in the court- house. In our growing community we are now faced with the fact that the present courthouse and jail complex ase even now inadequate. "It is estimated that New Hanover County will receive over $846,800 in sales tax. "As a step in the process of consolidation I propose that this board, in its budget studies for 19'70-']1, appropriate a sizable fund earmarked for (1) a Municipal-County Building ($300,000 annually) and (2) coundy share of e~ended water and sewage facility, and that our Administrator and Auditor are instructed to place these items in the 19'JO-'71 proposed budget £or consideration. "F~rthermore, I wish to call to your attention that fundamentally the sales ta~c issue was sold to the people of New Hanover County on a basis of 'Pennies £or Progress'. I made many public appearances on its behalf and at no time did I ever say that this money would be used to reduce taxes but rather emphatically stated that we could see many county needs staring us in the face, and if the sales tax issues was not passed it would be necessary to raise the ad valorem tax. This was not a threat, but an acknowledgment of a fact." Mr. Williams said he agreed wholeheartedly with Mr. Hall; "We keep renovating and shuffling and the more we renovate and shuffle the less room we have." Mr. Williams felt consideration should be given to question of whether jail £acility will be included in such a complex. If it is going to be in new location should shortly consider emploging someone to draw up some ~ specifications and recommendations: This is one project that is the responsibility of the County Commissioners. I 460 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRIL 6, 1969 (CONTINUED) MUNICIPAI~-COUNTY BUILDING RESERVE FUND (CONTINUED) - Mr. Marks said he felt there may be a misinterpretation of the facts from the people's approval of the tax. He said he had many recollections of where sinking funds had sunk. He said it was, in his opinion, a mandate to give tax payers relief and a tax reduction should be considered. Mr. Marks said he personally was in favor of a tax reduction. Mr. Ha11 said that in his many talks to clubs, etc. in support of the tax he told the people he could not promise them a reduction in the ta~c rate; he saw needs of the county and could promise them if it were not passed, it would be necessary to increase ad valorem taxes. Mr. Harriss said he felt the discussion was premature. Mr. Metts £elt the Board should do everything in its power to achieve a tax reduction. Mr. Williams said when the Sales Tax was being pushed, it was "A Penny For Frogress", not necessarily a reduction in taxes. By common consent it was agreed when preparing the budget, the County Administrator and Auditor take these items in consideration along with others that might be considered and also discuss the legality of sales tax being used for such funds. BID OPENING - CAR FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - Two bids were received for car which was advertised £or. They are as follows: Tom Reich Chevrolet Company ~2,859•92 plus sales tax Cape Fear Motor Sales, Inc. $2,751.46 plus sales t~ Mr. Fox found both bids to be in order. . Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the bid received from Cape Fear Motor Sales, Inc. in amount of $2,~51.46 be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. CAPE FEAR TECH. RE9UEST FOR FUNDS F'aR IMPROVEMENT - , Messrs. Mercer Rowe, Fred Galehouse, Luther Cromartie, and Alfred A. Johnston, members of Board of Trustees, and Mr. M. J. McLeod, President, of Cape Fear Technical Institute, appeared before the Board requesting $55,000 to be used as matching funds for a grant of $220,000 that ` can be had £rom the Coastal Plains Authority. To be accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, an institution must meet certain academic standards, and the physical facilities must be approved as being adequate, £or the type of training or teaching involved. The institution has recently been visited by an observation committee. As a result, Cape Fear Tech is in the trial period. This team pointed out in no uncertain ~erms that classroom and shop space would be the determining factor in getting approval, indicating they w~xenot satisfied with what they saw in this respect. The present campus buildings were fl~nded by a bond issue in 1964• The inflationary spiral which existed between the time of estimate and time o£ bid letting necessitated drastic changes in the size and number of buildings envisioned - several had to be completely eliminated; others, such as the main building, suffered severe reductions in size. These buildings, when completed, therefore were inadequate to accomodate the initial enrollment. Mr. Rowe pointed out the staff and trustees are business men and tax payers; there£ore are constantly striving to give and get the most for each dollar spent at the Institution. For example, during the last 6 years, Cape Fear Tech has returned over $25,000 of appropriated unused funds to the County. It is esti.mated at this time that a significant amount will be returned after this operating year. Mr. Rowe said what they are seeking are minimum reguirements. The present shop building on the west side of Water Street near the pier was designed for a wing on each end. The completion of these wings would enable the Institution to move certain operations and laboratories from their present locations in the main building. At the present time expensive electronic equipment and sensitive measuring devices valued at over ~100,000 are in jeopardy by double and triple use o£ this space by other operations which require hammers, etc. It is estimated that this phase would cost $125,000 to complete. The other structure considred a bare minimum to ful£ill present needs is what could be called an assembly building which wi11 truly be a multi-purpose building, housing some offices, some storage, as well as serving as a meeting place for classes, general assembly, etc. It is estimated that it will cost $150,000 to complete this building. Mr. Rowe said in requesting the appropriation, they do it with the full and complete under- standing that it is not to be used unless we are successful in securing matchin~ funds from other sources. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that $20,000 be appropriated at this time from L.D. Interest and a letter oY intent be written stating that the remaining ~35,000 will be appropriated at budget time. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Metts commented that Cape Fear Tech Boaid of Trustees should be complimented on returning money out of their budget which proves they are trying to get the most out o£ money. REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATION FOR TRAVEL EXPENSE IN TAX LISTING OFFICE - Mr. Bowden requested $100 be appropriated for travel expenses in the Tax Listing -epart- ment in order that Mr. I,arry Powell might attend a meeting in Chapel Hill on April 15 through 1'7. By common consent it was agreed to request Mr. Sam Johnson to attend also, if it meets with the City's approval. Mr. Shepard pointed out that Mr. Johnson will need travel expenses a1so. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that this Board appropriate travel money £or ~ the Tax Listing Department in amount of $100 for Mr. Powe11 and $60 for Mr. Sam Johnson, funds to come £rom the General E~ergency F4~nd. Motion carried unanimously. ~ \ ~ 461 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRIL 6, 1970 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL CONSTRUCTION fNGH MCRAE PARK-REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATION - Mr. Harriss presented request £or appropriation of $2y00 for construction o£ two storage buildings at Hugh MacRae Park in the Optimist Field. They will be 6' x 12'. The site has been inspected by the Hugh MacRae Park Committee, including Mr. Hugh Morton, who has given approval. The Optimist Club will furnish wiring and plumbing. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that upon recommendation o£ Mr. Harriss, who is a member of Hugh MacRae Park Committee, the $2900 requested be appropriated, funds coming from C.D. Interest on Investments. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE ON DEUGS ABUSE - Mr. Bowden called attention to Governor's Conference on Drugs Abuse to be held in Raleigh on April 15 and suggested anyone that could attend, please do so. Mr. Harriss suggested Chief of Police Williamson be contacted and invitation e~ctended that anyone he wished to attend go along in car going frorm County. CONGRATULATIONS TO BILL SUTTON. PRESIDENT OF AZALEA F`ESTIVAI, - By common consent it was agreed to write Bill Sutton, 1970 President of the Azalea Festival, a letter expressing the Board's congratulations and thanks for a very fine Azalea Festival this year. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /s MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUAI,IZATION & REVIE4J April 6, 1970 On April 6, 19~0 the Sirst meeting o£ the Board of Equalization & Review met in the Commis- sioners' Room at 1:00 P.M. There were three Board members present, who were sworn in by Mrs. Betty Balch. Said members being, Chairman John Van B. 3°Ietts, Meares Harriss, Jr., and H. A. Marks. Also present were Tax Supervisor, Laurence 0. Bowden and Assistant Tax Supervisor, Larry J. Powell. The Board met to discuss and set up a schedule for property complaints to be brought before the Board of Equalization & Review. A three day session was scheduled, starting April 9th, lOth and 13th, and passed upon by the Board. Chairman John Van Metts requested a list of complaint property, broken down to building and land value separate. There was no further business to be brought before the Board at this time so Chairman John Van Metts moved to adjouxn. The Board of Equalization & Review recessed at 1:10 P.M. until 9:3o A.M. on Thursday, April 9, 19'70. Respect£ully Submitted, Betty Ayala MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUAI~IZATION & REVIEW April 9 , 19'70 On April 9, 19']0 the second meeting of the Board of Equalization & Review met in the Commissioners' Room at 9~3a A.M. Present were Chairman John Van Metts, Meares Harriss, Jr., H. A. Marks, J. M. Hall, Jr., who was sworn in by Mrs. Betty Balch, T~ Supervisor, Laurence 0. Bowden and Assistant Tax Supervisor, 7~arry J. Powell. The Board met to review and hear the property complaints. The first to appear before the Board was Reasor Chemical Corp., represented by agent, Mr. H. E. Ginn, who stated that Reasor Chemical Corp. was out o£ business, closing on Dec. 18th, and wished value of the building reduced. Chairman John Van Metts stated they would recheck this property and inform Mr. Ginn later of the final decision of the Board. The Board at this time recommended no change. Chairman John Van Metts received a telephone call from Amsey Boyd in behalf of R. C. Boyd, Sr., who stated his property, 12.5 acres adj. Battle Ground Park was low ground with no highway frontage, there£ore wished a reduction in land value. The Board recommended a 35% f~ctional depreciation as recommended by the Assistant Tax Supervisor. ~ At this time Chairman John Van Metts suggested Mr. Powell telephone all remaining people on the schedule and confirm their appearance before the Board o£ Equalization & Review. The Board recessed at 11:00 A.M. for this purpose. ~