1970-04-20 Regular Meetingi 464 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRIZ 20, 19']0 ASSEMBI,Y - - ~ The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel 8avage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. James Tubbs, Executive Secretary, Wilmington Presbytery, to give the invocation. RE9UEST FOR TRANSFERS - COUNTY AUDITOR - Mr. Shepard presented following requests for transfers: To From 1. Building Inspector - Telephone $ 25.00 2. Electrical Inspector - Telephone 65.00 3. Commissioners - Telephone 225.00 4. Jail - Telephone 85.00 5. Sheriff - Telephone 250.00 6. Tax Listing - Telephone 3~5.00 '7. Tax Listing - Advertising 150.00 8. Commissioners - Advertising 350.00 9. Register of Deeds - Bond 18.00 10. Building Inspector - Stationery & Supplies 50.00 GENERAL CONTINGENCY $1,593•00 Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the transfers be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Regular meeting recessed. JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL AND COUNTY CONII`1ISSIONERS - CITY-COUNTY CONSOLIDATION - Joint meeting of the City Council and New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was convened. Attending from the City were Mayor Luther Cromartie, Mayor Pro Tem B. D. Schwartz, Councilmen Herbert Brand, W. Alexander Fonvielle, Jr.,'John C. Symmes; City Manager E. C. Brandon; City Attorney Cicero Yow; and Claire Hughes, City Clerk, in addition to above named persons repre- senting New Hanover County. The purpose of the joint meeting was to receive report from the City-County Merger Committee composed of B. D. Sch~artz, Chairman, Herbert Brand, H. A. Marks, and J. M. Hall, Jr. Mayor Cromartie and Chairman Metts served as ex officio members. Mayor Cromartie said this report is the result of many meetings and wanted to point out it is the beginning of the consolidation of Wilmington and New Hanover County. Chairman Metts said he would like to point out this study committee, all of City and County, are in favor of consolidation, but consolidation will only take place if the people desire it. Consolidation will be up to the people. Mr. Schwartz, Chairman of the Committee, said the Committee worked for the best interest of all the people. Mr. Schwartz read the following report: "On February 4, 19']0 the following excerpt of the minutes of the meeting of the County Commissioners was sent to the Mayor: 'Dear Mayor Cromartie: The attached is an excerpt from our minutes of February 2, 19'70. I have appointed J. M. Hall, Jr. and H. A. Marks to work with anyone that you might appoint to work on the details o£ the attached. It is sincerely hoped that this is the beginning of something that will be beneficial to all citizens within New Hanover County. Sincerely, John Van B. Metts, Jr. Chairman' Excerpt from Minutes of Meeting o£ New Hanover County Commissioners Februars 2, 1970 'New Hanover County is prepared to take over the operation and expense of: The Health Department and Civil Defense as of ']/1/70; providing that: '1. The Wilmington City Council officially adopt a resolution of intent to have proper redistribution of ABC Income and Intangible Property Tax Income and further that the City Council members agree to help steer the necessary legislation to accomplish this through the 19'71 General Assembly. '2. New Hanover County further proposes to take over and operate a county-wide recreation program, the Wilmington City Library, the Municipal Golf Course and the I,egion Stadium with land occupied by the above transferred to New Hanover County, This to be effective at such time as the 1971 General Assembly effects the necessary legislation on transfer of income as outlined above.' "In response to this letter, Mayor Cromartie appointed General Herbert Brand and B. D. Schwartz to serve with Mr. Hall and Mr. Marks on a joint committee to work out the details per- taining to the County taking over the financing of the functions that serve all the citizens of New Hanover County, "B. D. Schwartz was elected chairman by the committee and Mayor Cromartie and Mr. Metts were asked to serve as ex-officio members of this joint committee. , 46~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRIL 20, 1970 (CONTINUED) JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIZ AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - CITY-COUNTY CONSOI,IDATION CCONTINUED )- "'A£ter three meetings, which included lengtiny aiscussions, the joint committee agreed on the following: "1. That the City Council promptly prepare and adopt a suitable resolution, in good faith, accepting the proposal of New Hanover County to take over the operations and e~ense of the Health Department and Civil Defense operations, and to provide suitable o£fice space for Civil Defense at no expense to New Hanover County. "2. And that the City Council and the County Commissioners jointly concur that no additional departments be considered for county operations or further contri- butions because of the complications involved including variations in City and County personnel plans, retirement systems, pension plans, other fringe benefits, and contemplated merger. Should these be considered now, resolving them to the satis£action of all concerned could conceivably delay the ultimate merger of the City and County Governments which is felt should be pursued with- out dela~ to bring about such merger at the earliest possible date. "3. And that should it become evident in the future that it is the City's desire to request the County Government to assume the responsibility of operating or fla.rther financing any other City departments, the City agree to secure from our State Legislature authority for appropriate further variations in the ratio of sharing in the ABC profits of the New Hanover County ABC operations to cover the costs of same now bein~ borne by the City of Wilmington. "4. This joint committee recommends to our respective Boards that the City and County jointly draft the necessary legislation to be presented to the 19'71 Legislature for their adoption for the merger of our two governments at the earliest possible date, and that our two separate bodies so indicate to our representatives in 19']1 Le~islature by official action of our respective bodies at our next official meeting. "5. Since the discussions led to the conclusion that complete consolidation of all City and County Government and services would be to the best interests of all the citizens of New Hanover County, the committee agreed to follow the merger procedure which is now being exercised by Charlotte and Mecklenberg County. "Item 5 was not reached without great deliberation and thought. The committee studied the successful city-county mergers of Jacksonville-I}uvall County, Florida and Indianapolis- Marion County, Indiana. "On April 1 and 2, General Brand, H. A. M, institute on City-County Consolidation held in the successful consolidations of Nashville and Indianapolis and Marion County in Indiana were "The following are only a few o£ the many "1. Increased efficiency in operation of "2. Increased services to the citizens 3rks, and B. D. Schwartz attended a two-day Nashville, Tennessee. At this institute, Davidson County in Tennessee and of described in detail. advantages pointed out for consolidation: government "3. Uni£ormity o£ controls such as in building codes "4. Unified long range planning for the entire area "With this goal of inerger in mind, the committee would like to recommend, as a first step, that legislative authority be secured to establish a Charter Commission for the pur- pose of drafting an appropriate charter for establishing a plan for a single government for New Hanover County. "Following the Charlotte - Mecklenberg County timetable, it will take approximately two years Por the Charter Commission to complete its study and plan. We also recommend that a representative County and City Advisory Committee be appointed to aid the Charter Commission. "This report covers the meetings held on February 26th, March 12th and April 13th. Respectfully submitted, (s) General Herbert Brand (s) James M. Hall, Jr. (s) B. D. Schwartz, Chairman (s) H. A. Marks" M~. Schwartz moved that the report be adopted. Mr. Marks said as a representative on the committee he would like to second it wholeheartedly and to compliment the team who found the ' most workable solution by constructivz debate and determination and arrived at a common way of thinking. Mr. Marks said the committee met and read this report over and all were in accord, so with unaminity can bring this proposal. Mr. Williams raised question of whether or not other surrounding municipalities would be allowed in this consolidation. Mr. Marks said the committee was unanimous in plans that other municipalities will be given option to come in or stay out. This will be part of the charter which the committee is asking authority to dra£t. Vote was called on motion. It passed unanimously. Mayor Cromartie said he would entertain motion adopting resolution acceptin~ the proposal of New Hanover County to take over the operations and e~cpense of the Health Department and Civil De£ense operations, and to provide suitable office space £or Civil Defense at no e3rpense to New Hanover County. Councilman Symmes moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Schwartz, that ~ the said resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. ~ i 466 MINIITES OF THE MEETING, APRIZ 20, 1970 (CONTINUED) JOINT MEETING CITY CQUNCIL AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - CITY-COUNTY CONSOLIDATION (CONTINUED) - Ma~or Pro Tem Schwartz moved, seconded by Commissioner Harriss, that the City Council and the County Commissioners jointly concur that no additional departments be considered for county operations or £urther contributions because of the complications involved including variations in City and County personnel plans, retirement systems, pension plans, other £ringe benefits, and contemplated merger. Should these be considered now, resolving them to the satisfaction o£ all concerned could conceivably delay the ultimate merger of the City and County Governments which is felt should be pursued without delay to bring about such merger at the earliest possible date. Also, that should it become evident in the £uture that it is the City's desire to request the County Government to assume the responsibility of operating or further financing any other City departments, the City agree to secure from our State Zegislature authority for appropriate further variations in the ratio of sharing in the ABC profits of the New Hanover County ABC operations to cover the costs of same now bein~ borne by the City of Wilmington. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Harriss moved, seconded by Councilman Fonvielle, that the City and County jointly draft the necessary legislation to be presented to the 19'71 I,egislature for their adoption for the merger of our two governments at the earliest possible date, and that our two separate bodies so indicate to our representatives in 1971 Zegislature by official action of our respective bodies at our next official meeting. Motion carried unanimously. TAX COLLECTION - Mr. Harriss brought up subject of tax collections, pointing out any t~es not collected are borne by those who pay taxes. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Symmes, that the City Council and Board of Commis- sioners reaffirm position of the County Commissioners that every ef£ort be made to collect back t~es and to effect collection. Mr. Symmes pointed out that even though we are doing a good job, we should do better in order to obtain A.A rating. Mr. Marks pointed out that there was no garnisheeing of salaries for non-payment of taxes. He said this should have been handled a long time ago. Mr. Hall pointed out that question had been raised as to iahether or not an additional employee would be justified in the Tax Collector's office. He ~aas of the opinion City and County would have to agree on this. P'fr. Brand was of opinion that if additional back taxes were collected, sufficient only to pay salary of additional person, it would be worth it in order to obtain A.A rating. Vote was called on motion. It passed unanimously. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County make overture it is willing to accept its responsibility of fifty percent of salary for an additional employee in the T~ Collector's office. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held on method of collecting back taxes. Mr. Fox said frequently tax collection proceedings sometimes run £or years and sometimes cannot locate people involved. Mr. Fox recommended "interim t~collection procedure" in the General Statute be used. City Attorney Yow agreed with Mr. Fox that it is best method. Mr. Symmes moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, this method be used for collection of back taxes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Symmes said there had been some discussion on joint purchasing o£ eguipment, and expendables such as gas, oil, etc. Mr. Metts was of the opinion this should be referred to the Consolidation Committee. Mr. Metts said he would like to entertain motion that funds be provided this committee to cover expenses of further study. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board of Commissioners authorize expenditure up to $500, flznds coming from General Contingency F1ind, for Consolidation purposes. Motion carried. Mr. Fonvielle moved, seconded by Mr. Schwartz, that the City Council match this, funds coming £rom City Contingency E~and. Motion carried unanimously. Joint meeting was adjourned. Regular meeting of Commissioners reconvened at 9:50 A.M. MiTSEUM REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS - The following transfers were requested by the Museum Director: 1. $ 60.00 from Electricity to Stationery and Supplies. . 2. 50.00 from Water to Stationery and Supplies. 3. 300.00 from Farm Zabor to Salary. 4. 244.05 £rom Heat to Capital Outlay. 5. 100.00 from Heat to Telephone. 6. 100.00 from Heat to Travel. ']. 384.00 from Insurance to Capital Outlay. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the requests be approved. Motion carried unanimously. ~ AIRPORT RE9UEST FOR APPROPRIATION OF rui~yS - Request from the Airport 1°ianager for appropriation of $1600 to his Gas & Oil Resale Item was presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the appropriation be approved, £unds coming from the General Contingency ~and. Motion carried unanimously. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REQUEST APPROPRIATION - Mr. Bowden requested ~300 be appropriated to his Stationery and Supplies which is now overdrawn. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the appropriation be approved, funds coming from the General Contingency Ftznd. Motion carried unanimously. ~ 467 ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRIL 20, 1970 (CONTINUED) SHERIFF DEPARTMENT DISCRETIONARY FUND - Mr, t~owaen requested £ormal approval of ~$500 which had been approved by polling Commis- sioners on April 8 and an additional ~500, total $1,000, £or the Sheriff's Department Dis- cretionary ~znd. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the request be approved, the $1,000 coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. AUDITOR'S REQUEST FOR OFFICE Fi7RNITURE - Mr. Bowden presented request of the Auditor for furniture for his renovated offices in amount of 9b820. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by NLr. Williams, the request be approved, funds coming from the General Contingency F1znd. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Sowden requested change in heading of last paragraph .on Page 10. It should read "Governor's Conference on Drugs Abuse" and first sentence should read: "Mr. Bowden called attention to Governor's Conference on Drugs Abuse ....." Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes of ineeting of April 6 be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - Financial Report as of March 31, 19'70 was received from the County Auditor. TAPE RECORDER - Mr. Harriss said he had noticed the Clerk to the Board was having difficulty recording exact wording of portions of the meetings and suggested Mr. Bowden investigate prices of tape recorders ~aith idea of purchasing one to be used at the Commissioners' meetings. Another seating arrangement will be tried before purchasing a tape recorder. PUBLIC AEARING, CONSIDER CHANGES TO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE - Mr. Metts declared Public Hearing open to consider rezoning of Secondary Road #1409 (known as Oleander Drive Extension or as U.S. '76) between U.S. 'J4 and the intersection of Wrightsville Avenue with Secondary Road #1409 on the west side of the street from R-15 (Single Family District) to B-2 (Business District), and Applications for Special Use Permits (1) to erect service station in B-1 District (Business District) located across from Lansdoa~ne Road on the west side of N. C. 132 and (2) to erect church in R-15 District (Single Family District) south of Mohican Trail on the west side of N. C. 132. Mr. Tim Wood, Director of Planning, presented request for rezoning and distributed map showing area requested to be rezoned. He advised the Board the Planning Commission recommended rezoning as requested. Mr. Harriss moved, that the request be turned down. Mr. Hall seconded the motion for purpose of discussion. Mr. Tom Youn~,. owner of portion of the property requested to be rezoned, appeared before the Board and said he had talked with all the people in the area and no one had any objections. He said his property was 440 feet from Highway 1411. Mr. Williams said inasmuch as there was no objection from people who owned land he would be inclined to go along with rezoning, as recommended by Planning Board. Motion and second were withdrawn, and by common consent it was agreed to defer action on the request for rezoning until ne~ct meeting. Mr. Wood advised the Board the area had been rezoned and application £or special use per- mit to erect a service station had been received and the Planning Commission recommended permit be granted. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the permit be granted. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wood said the Planning Commission also recommends issuance of special permit to erect a church. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the permit be granted. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Metts concluded public hearing on the County Zoning Ordinance at this time. BID vr~~vlNG - BOAT SHERIFF'S DEPA.RTMENT - The following bids were received to £urnish boat for the Sheriff's Department: Pennington Sporting Goods $2,992•31 Wilmi.ngton Marine & Cycle Center 3,000.00 plus $120 tax Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the low bid of ~b2,992•31 from Pennington Sporting Goods, be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that funds £or this boat come from the General Contingency F~and. Motion carried unanimously. • RE9UEST OF DISTRICT SOLICITOR COBB FOR OFFICE SPACE - Mr. Cobb appeared before the Board and said commencing January lst, the Solicitor will have responsibility of handling District and Superior Courts. The Solicitor will have two assistants and secretarial help. Since the County is charged with furnishing space he was calling this to the Commissioners' attention now to make them aware of the need in time for them to make arrangements. Mr. Metts suggested the County Administrator look into this. Mr. Marks raised question of assistance from other county in way of Court Facilities Fees. Mr. Bowden was requested to take this into consideration. Mr. Cobb reminded the Board the County will not be required to pay salary of Assistant Solicitor next year. ~ I 468 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRIZ 20, 1970 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION ~iOATIN~T P~ 1aATER SAFETY LAWS - Mr. Charles F~zllwood, Mr. J. L. Musselwhite and Mr. Leon L. Lineberry of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission appeared before the Board to discuss Boating and Sa£ety Laws. Mr. Harriss said the problem had arisen by wakes causing tremendous damage by causing boats to be thrown against pilings. Mr. Charles Overbeck, owner and operator of the Wrightsville Marina was present. Mr. W. T. Maune~, yacht owner was present as well as his Captain, Mr. NLiles White. Mr. 0'Neal another marina owner was present. A lengthy discussion was held as to how to prevent the hazard at the marinas. Mr. Ftiill- wood was asked for his recommendations and he suggested the Board o£ Commissioners have attorney write up regulations they desire enacted, hold a public hearing and then present the regulations to the N. C. Wildlife Commission for consideration. I~ir. Harriss said he was of the opinion the Wildlife Commission promulgated the rules and felt such should come from them. Mr. F~llwood said this is a local situation. Mr. Harriss said this was not so; waterway is under State and Federal regulation, and if it were 1oca1, state dealt with similar situations in settin~ up regulations for the fishing access areas around the state. Mr. Flzllwood said the Wildlife Commission does not have any no-wake regulations; operator is responsible for wake, but is a Civi1 action, not Criminal Action. He said this is a widespread problem. He said the Board could reguest a no-wake speed zone, but in doing so, this might cause other problems, because the restrictions would app19 from skiers to the large tugs and barges. When out of state users are restricted, everyone else is restricted too. Mr. Harriss moved that the County Attorney draw up regulations for an ordinance for the Board's enactment pertaining to New Hanover County wliich will state: "that any boat creating wake doing damage to boats at marinas will be in violation of law", and hold a public hearing for purpose of adopting the ordinance. Motion died for lack of a second. By common consent it was agreed to request the County Attorney to investigate, come up with some regulations and determine what procedure is necessary. Mr. Metts thanked everyone for coming and assured them the Commissioners would proceed to get situation cleared up within the law. Meeting recessed. Meeting reconvened. SOLID WASTE REPORT - Mr. Fred Wood and Mr. Odell Strickland from the State Department of Health appeared to discuss solid waste disposal. Also in attendance were Dr. J. C. Knox and Mr. Henry Cranford of the Health Department and Mayor E. B. Tomlinson of Southport. Mr. Wood began the discussion by presenting map showing four proposed sites to serve New Hanover County exclusive o£ the City of Wilmington. He said this was one method that could be used; the 6ther being container method~ 1. Located in Seagate area - to serve Wrightsville Beach and surrounding area and industrial. He recommended this be a f1a.11 time operation. 2. Castle Hayne area (this would perhaps be smallest) 3. Carolina Beach & River Roads. 4. Carolina Beach & Kure Beach. Mr. Wood pointed out no burning would be allowed; these would be sanitary landfills. At this point Mr. Strickland continued the discussion by giving estimated costs which are as follows: Capital In Equipment 2 Zoaders: 1 Medium $28,000 1 Small 20,000 1 Uump Truck 6,000 1 Ti1t Body Trailer 3,000 2 Structures 6,000 Misc. (Site Prep. Access Rd., Etc. 8,000 $~'71, 000 Operatin~ Employment: 2 Loader operators @$~6,000 y~12,000 2 Site Managers @~62,000 4,000 F1xel & Repairs 6,600 Equipment Depreciation '],000 Miscellaneous (S.S., Ins. Earth Moving, etc.) 2.000 $31,600 Cost Per Person $1.34 (based on approximate population of 2'7,000) Cost Per Ton ~ .62 (over $2.00 elsewhere) Container Ssstem 1 Site - 30 Acres 1 Loader Large $35,000 1 Dump Master 23,000 30 Containers @$250 - 46 Yd. '7,500 Site Prep. 5.000 $~0,500 ~ 469~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING, APRII, 20, 1970 (CONTINUED) SOLID WASTE REPORT (CONTINUED) - Mr. Strickland pointed out landfill must have good compaction or methane gas will store up. Mayor Tomlinson of Southport spoke ne3ct. He stated he was not appearing as the Mayor of Southport, but as the representative of Col. Reid and reported that a good rapport had been established~with Col. Reid of Sunny Point, but his patience would wear thin, if we wait until Consolidation of Governments is accomplished to start the landfill. He said Army property will be cleaned prior to beginning of landfill operation and then New Hanover County will be e~cpected to keep it clean. It was the understanding of all con- cerned this would be a joint venture between U. S. Government, County, and Carolina Beach. Mr. Harriss suggested hiring special deputies, if necessary, to enforce the law with regard to dumping. Mr. Marks said he was wondering if the Commissioners were not saying in effect to the Health Department that they might put another person on the payroll and deputize hi.m, and the Board would look in favor upon it. Mr. Harriss £elt strongly that the deputy should work under supervision of the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Williams suggested in view of expressed interest that by common consent the Board request the County Administrator to discuss the matter with the Sheriff and with Dr. Knox and come up with recommendation. This was agreed to. Mr. Bowden advised he had a very amicable discussion with Col. Reid and he planned to phase in Sunny Point Landfill first. They have been more than cooperative in this endeavor with the County. Mr. Harriss said Federal Point site is very accessible and he felt the Board should pro- ceed very quickly in getting the operation underway. He also su~gested contacting City Manager Brandon on a joint operation of a landfill to be used with City of Wilmington. By common con- sent the Board instructed Mr. Bowden to seek conference with Mr. Brandon and at least set up basis for discussion. WATER & SEWER STUDY - r~ivx~' M. VON OESEN AND ASSOCIATES - Attorney Fox was asked by Mr. Hall if the County would be required to get bids for the study. Mr. Fox replied in the negative. Question was raised by Mr. Harriss whether firm of von Oesen will be approved by Bond Attorneys. By common consent it was a~reed to defer this item until later, since Mr. von Oesen's firm was not represented. SEWER LINE STUDY AT AIRPORT - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board proceed with a cost study and location of sewer line for purpose of tying in with our industrial development at Airport, subject to indication of agreement on part o£ City that they will permit us to tie in with their sewer system and subject to clarification of engineering cost and selection of the engineer. Motion was withdrawn. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board instruct Mr. Bowden to determine whether the City will entertain idea of County connecting into their disposal system, and if this is the case also ascertain the least costly method of establishment. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION LEASE OPPORTUNITIES. INC. - Mr. Williams gave report on results of ineeting he, Mr. Marks and the County Attorney had with McCluey Hewett concerning lease of property at Community Hospital to Opportunities, Inc. The lease was drawn last year but not executed pending Opportunities being funded. Mr. Williams advised Opportunities has been funded and the committee recommends execution of the lease with one change; that the term be for five years instead of one due to expenditure of a sizable amount in replacing a boiler which Opportunities plan to do. The 90-day recapture clause in favor of the County will remain in the lease. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the lease with the above change. Motion carried unanimously. qUIT CLAIM DEED TO COUNTY TO SATISFY WELFARE LIEN - Mr. Fox discussed quit claim deed from the heirs of Leroy Vereen to two tracts or parcels of property located in New Hanover County. Property was deeded to County to satisfy welfare lien against the owner, Leroy C. Vereen. Mr. Fox recommended property turned over to a real estate agent to be sold for county. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the recommendation of Mr. Fox be approved. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION - RELEASING LAND C910 CHESTNUT ST.) FOR SALE TO SATISFY WELFARE LIEN - Mr. Fox advised the Boarcl that Zeonard E. Allen, Realtor, had o£fered the County ~2600 for property o£ Cynthia Murrill, deceased welfare recipient, located at 910 Chestnut Street. Mr. Fox advised the County is authorized to release a specific tract or parcel from a welfare lien i£ they are satisfied that release will result in largest net recovery for the County, State and Federal Government, or a net recovery as large as would be made in any other manner. Mr. Fox said the appriased value is less than $2600 of£ered. Mr. Fox presented resolution which should be executed by the Commissioners authorizing the release of land after which the original should be filed and indexed in Office of the ~ Clerk of Superior Court. P'Lr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that property at 910 Chestnut Street be released from 4Jelfare lien, and upon receipt of payment resolution signed in line with recommendations o£ the County Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. ~ ~4~0 MINUTES OF THE NN~TING, APRII, 20, 1970 (CONTINUED) AIRPORT REAU1'Y COMPANY OFFICE - Mr.~Harriss advised that the Airport Realty Company had agreed to exercise option formerly held by Olson Aircraft Corporation without any easements of any sort and moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to sign deed to property. Motion carried unanimously. F.A.A. CONTRACT RENEWAL - Mr. Harriss presented F.A.A. Contract £or ten year period at rate of 5~1,800.00 per year for new F.A.A. Building iaith 30-day cancellation clause, subject to increase when county increases salaries of personnel, Contract also includes services as well as rent for space. For services amount is $2,650.08, total contract $4,450.08. Mr. Harriss said additional in- creases in providing services will be met. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to sign con- tract for New Hanover County. Motion carried unanimously. AIRPORT AIRWAYS CONGRESSIONAI, ACTION LETTER - Mr. Metts discussed Congressional Action Letter dated April 2, regarding Airport/Airways Financing Legislation. Mr. Williams was of opinion the Board should reaffirm position it took in support of Airport Bill and letters should be sent to all Congrssmen and the Chairman be requested to call any key members of delegation which would be appropriate. Mr. Harriss informed the Board he had called Congressmen Lennon and Henderson upon receipt of the Congressional Action Letter. Mr. Harriss felt Congressional dele$ation should be contacted. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Congressmen Lennon and Henderson, Senators Jordan and Erwin be furnished letters with copies to Conferees from House Commerce Committee, advising them that the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners support views expressed in Congressional letter. Motion carried unanimously. MENTAZ HEAIJi'H CONTRACT BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY - Mr. Marks reported that Mental Health Contract between Brunswick and New Hanover Counties for Mental Health Services to Brunswick County had been approved and signed by Chairman George T. Rourk of Brunsiaick County and moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to affix his signature for New Hanover County. Motion carried unanimously. SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT COMMISSION BUDGET - Mr. Marks called attention to fact ly']0-']1 budget for SEDC had been received and had in- creas~d from last year. Share for New Hanover County is 9b2,']39 compared to $1,944.5'] last year. By common consent it was agreed to request Mr. Bowden to include this in upcoming budget. ASSIGNPiENT OF DEED OF GIFT OF TUG BOATS - Assignment of Deed of Gift of Tug Boats by Florence S. Hutchins, R. H. Stone and R. D. Stone to New Hanover County was presented to Board for signature. These tugs were given for purpose of constructing two artificial reefs just off shore of Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Assignment of Deed of Gift for New Hanover County and forward same along with Deed of Gift to Board of Conservation and Developmerit, Raleigh, N. C. Motion carried un~n~*~OUSly. A.B.C. FERMIT RE9UEST - A.B.C. Permit Request from Hotel Restaurant, Bame Hotel, Main Boardwalk, Carolina Beach, was presented to the Board. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be referred to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. ROAD PETITION - SILVA TERRA SUBDIVISION~ SECTION 1- Petition from residents of Silva Terra Subdivision, Section.l, requesting State Main- tenance of roads was presented to the Board, along with letter from the Planning Commission recommending its approval. , Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams,'that the standard resolution be adopted and petition £orwarded to the State Highway Commission with request that they add this to their Secondary Road.System for maintenance. Motion carried unanimously. NEW COUNTY, USA - Mr. Plarks called attention to New County, USA, 35th Annual Conference of the National Association of Counties to be held at Regency Hyatt House, Atlanta, Ga. on July 26-29, 19']0. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that everyone that could, especially those who did not attend recent meeting in Nashville, attend. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no £urther business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs ~