1970-05-04 Regular Meeting4~1 MINUTES OF TFIE MEETING, MAY 4, 19']0 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts call~d the meeting to order and since the scheduled minister was absent asked Mr. Hall to give the invocation. APPROVAL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING APRIL 20 - On Page 10 under heading "F.A.A. Contract Renewal" the Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Westbrook had advised the office aznount for rental of space should be $1,800, changing total for rental to $4,450.08 instead oY the £igure shown in the minutes. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes be corrected to reflect the same £igures for rent as those shown in the contract. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI~ MINUTES BOARD OF EQUALIZATIOIJ AND REVIEW - Mr. Williams requested one correction in the minutes of the Board of Equalization for the meeting held on April 9. Seventh paragraph should reflect: "Tax Supervisor, Laurence 0. Bowden, made recommendation to hold no meeting ..." instead of "... made a motion ..." Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the minutes of the Board of Equalization & Review be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. REBATE OF TAXES TO ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - Mr. Cicero Yow appeared before the Board reguesting the Commissioners rebate one-half year's taxes to St. John's Episcopal Church paid on its Rectory. The Rectory was sold on June 23 but taxes were charged from January lst. The total amount o£ taxes charged was ~650'].19 and Mr. Yow requested that one-half be rebated due to the sale of the property. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the rebate be approved, subject to approval of the County Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. ~ REPORTS - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, appeared be£ore the Commissioners to make his monthly report. He reported the scrolls reflect for year 1969 ~5,070,989•60, less abatements in amount of $168,60'].43, balance $4,902,382.1'7. Collections for the month oP April were in amount of $84,28'J.60 bringing total collections to ~4,433,215.32 with balance due $469,166.85. To date 9fi105,221.3'] has been collected in back taxes, leavin~ a balance of $2']9,012.40. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the report be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION OF FONDS TO F.A.A. AIRPORT PROJECT - Mr. Shepard in£ormed the Board it would be necessary to have an appropriation in amount of Sb425.']0 to the Airport F.A.A. Project to cover Change Orders 1 and 2. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that this request be approved, funds coming from Building Repairs item within the Airport Budget. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR GROCERY ITEM AT PRISON FARM - Mr. Shepard informed the Board the Prison Farm Grocery item is in need of an appropriation in amount of $3,000 to carry them until budget time. Mr. Metts asked how many inmates are usually at the farm per month. Mr. Bowden said in the neighborhood o£ 2'7 per month for the last several months. Mr. Williams said he was not going to vote to appropriate any money to an institution he thought should be closed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the request be approved. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Williams voted "No". The $3,000 wi11 come from the General E~ergency F1znd. Discussion was held on whether to close the farm or not. Mr. Marks said the Board had some recommendations that the prison not be closed at this time. Mr. Marks said all had feeling they would like farm terminated and suggested that Mr. Williams provide some recommenda- tions as to how it can be closed. Mr. Williams expressed the feeling there is always going to be question of opinion as to whether it should be closed now or not. Mr. Williams said i£ you close it, you are going to save $50,000 of county's money. He said it only takes action o£ the Board to close it. Mr. Metts felt when a void is created, there should be something to fill void. Mr. Metts suggested reguesting Mr. Bowden and Mr. Harriss confer with the Judges and others with view of closing the farm. Mr. Harriss reminded the Board it might have to be kept in operation for weekends. Mr. Williams felt one if the buildings could be kept on a standby basis in event there is an overflow of the jail. TRANSF'ER OF FUNDS , SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMEPIT Mr. Shepard presented reguest of the Social Services Department for transfer of flznds in amount of $220 from Unanticipated R~venue (due to sale of Air Conditioners in old location) to 0£fice Equipment, to be matched with State and Federal Ftznds, making a total of ~435.30. After a brief discussion in which it was pointed out this is surplus and not intended to be spent; an expenditure of this fund will require approval of the Board o£ County Commissioners, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the transfer be approv~d. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSF'ERS REQUESTED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD - The following requests were received from the School Board £or transfers: From - Capital Outlay-Television Transmitter $ 3,000 To - Capital Outlay-John T. Hog ard Field House ~New Item) $ 3,000 From - Regular Budget-Wages o£ Janitors 25,000 " ' Regular Budget-Wages of Drivers 15,000 To - Regular Bud~et-Repairs-Bldgs. & Grounds 15,500 " Regular Bud~et-Rprs. & Rpl.-F1zrn. & Instr. App. 15,500 " Regular Budget-Rprs. & Rpl.-Htg., Lgt., Plmbg. 9,000 From - Regular Budget-Wages of Janitors To - Regular Budget-Instructional Supplies 5,500 5,500 J 472 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MAY 4, 1970 (CONTINUED) TRANSFERS REQUESTED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD (CONTINUED) - Note was taken of the fact that the Board of Education advised if the transfers were approved that were requested for Repairs-Buildings & Grounds, Repairs & Rpl.-F~zrniture & Instr. App. and Repairs & Rpl.-Heating, Lighting, Plumbing, they would propose to reduce the budget request for 19'70-']1 in like amounts. Mr. Marks said he was of the opinion same should be the case in connection vaith the request for the $63,000 for th~ John T. Hoggard Field House (new item). • Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that all the reguests submitted by the School Board for transfers be approved. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION RE9UEST TO COMPLETE JAII, CEI,L FOR TRUSTIES - Mr. Bowden presented reguest to th~ Board for an additional $800 necessary to complete Jail Project. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the appropriation be made, funds coming from General Emergency ~lznd. Motion carried unanimously. At this point Mr. Metts was called £rom meeting and Mr. Harriss assumed the chair. A.B.C. PERMIT RE9UEST - A.B.C. Permit Request in name of Wrightsville 66, Harbor Island, was presented to the Board. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be referred to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. REGISTER OF DEEDS RE9UEST TO CHANGE OFFICE HOURS - Letter from the Register of Deeds requesting that the Of£ice of Register of Deeds be per- mitted to change its hours open to the public from 8:30 A.M. to 5:3o P.M. to 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. was reviewed by the Board. Employees in the office will continue to work the usual eight hours from 8:30 A.N. to 5:3o P.M. Mrs. LeRay said that the working hour which the office will be closed is needed £or her employees to close out the day without employees having to remain after hours. Mr. Aall asked Mr. Fox what his opinion was, and he said he saw nothing wrong with the request. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be granted on a trial basis with understanding employees are to arrive and leave at the same time they are now doing. Motion carried unanimously. AIRPORT REOUEST TRANSF'ER OF FUNDS, ADDITIONAI,GTORK-CARGO BUILDING - Informal approval from a majorit~ of the Board had previously been obtained by telephon~ for an additional sum of $580 to be used to install metal siding between the base girt and the first girt on the interior of the Cargo Building to protect the insulation which had been left with no protection whatsoever. Mr. Marks questioned why this was not detected before. Nir. Harriss said details were 1e£t up to architect, and if anyone is at fault it lies with architect or the airline. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that formal approval of the request be given at this time, funds coming from.the Building Repairs item in the Airport Budget. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks said he felt it would be well of money because it adversels affects income anticipated. to study plans before spending certain amount £rom investment when more is spent than first Mr. Hall said it might be well to bear in mind in the £uture to have agreement with air- lines that reconsideration of contracts with airlines will be ~iven i£ estimates are exceeded by actual cost. Mr. Harriss said ordinarily the two items that have run up cost should not have occurred and in the future when negotiating we will have a little better architectural service. Mr. Marks said he did not accept this criticism. STUDENT GOVERNMENT WEEK - At this point Mr. Metts joined the meeting and said the regular meeting would recess in order that the Board may recognize Government Day by the Wilmington Youth Council in observing Youth Week. Miss Diane Lee, Student, acted as Chairman and called the meeting to order. Ronnie Church introduced resolution proclaiming May 3-10 as "Youth Week". Motion was called and vote cast in favor of the resolution to be signed by Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr., Chairman o£ the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners. Meeting was adjourned. FUBLIC HEARING, ADOPTION OF ZONING MAP~ AREA OF MIDDLE SOUND - Mr. Metts announced the Board would now hold a public hearing to hear comments £rom interested parties concerning proposed zoning for the Middle Sound area of New Hanover County. Mr. Metts said hearing was being held under the authority of General Statute 153-266.16 and that appropriate public hearing notices had been published under provisions of this statute. He advised those present the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission had recommended a zoning plan for the Middle Sound area to this Board and it was the purpose of the Board today to hear from interested parties who may have comments appropriate to the hearing. Mr. Metts requested that those recognized state their name and address for the record and stand while addressing the Board. Also, he requested that persons addressing the Board not be interrupted during their presentation as a matter of courtesy. Mr. Metts further reguested that participants confine their remarks to the merits or deficiencies of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. He said the chair reserved the right to rule on the appropriateness of presentations to the Board. Mr. Metts then called on Mr. Tim Wood, Director o£ Planning, for a presentation of the recommendations made by the Planning Commission. Mr. Wood informed the Board zoning was started about six months ago and to date two areas are zoned. Mr. Wood explained map o£ the area proposed now to be zoned and said there would be three zones all residential in character, R-20, size of lots required to be 20,000 square feet, single family residents; R-15 single family residents, 15,000 square foot lots required (mobile homes are permitted as well as mobile home parks) and R-10, 10,000 square foot lots required. He said the Planning Commission had met with 25 residents of Middle Sound at their request at the home of Mrs. Merrill. These persons requested zoning be extended to both sides of Pages Creek in order to protect north boundaries o£ the creek. ` rilivul•~S OF THE MEETING, MAY 4, 1970 (CONTlivu~D) PUBLIC HEARING. ADOPTION OF ZONING MAP. AR~A OF MIDDLE SOUND (CONTINUED) - Mr. Wood pointed out that anything in proposed zone at this time or anything begun will be allowed to remain. As to the three marinas they will be permitted to remain but will not b~ allowed to expand without requesting special use permit to expand to which Commissioners could attach special reguirements. Also, Mr. 41ood pointed out persons could request rezoning to light industrial, if they so desired. Mr. Albert Billingsworth, developer of Queens Point Subdivision, appeared and requested , the R-20 be extended. Mr. John Kelly spoke on behalf of a group in favor of extending the proposed zoning to both sides of Pages Creek. He furnished petition requesting zoning. Mrs. Etiigene I,aycock spoke in favor of zoning in order to protect the water front of the area. Mrs. Merrill spoke against trailer parks being permitted in the area. Mrs. Kirby Sidbury and Mr. Ralph Baldwin were opposed to the zoning as w~ll as was Mr. Jim Gurgainous. Mr. Baldwin presented petition objecting to zoning. . Both sides having been heard, Mr. Metts declared hearing at end. Recess was called by Mr. Metts. Meeting reconvened. ~ ~7 ~ SOCIAZ SERVICES RE9UEST~ TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Miss Hall reguested transfer of $2,000 from Out Patient Account to Transportation. Trans- portation funds are required £or transporting persons to State Institutions. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Miss Hall advised the Board that due to different allocation formula approximately $42,000 had been saved in the Social Bervices' Salary Account. She requested permission to finish the work on the Social Services Building. Things requested were floor covering in amount of $10,400 (51% to be paid by County), tile in amount of $2,000 and brick work in amount of $1,196, total $8500. County will pay entire amount for tile and brick work. Mr. Netts asked wl~y this could not be brought up in the budget. Mr. Marks said the Social Services Board had approved this request in the light of the saving that had been effected in the budget. Mr. Williams said if there is no urgency, he would like to see it held over until budget time. Mr. Marks pointed out that matching funds may be lost if this is done. Mr. Williams said the Board had hoped every department was going to have some money left "~' over and i£ every department asks for last minute transfers this would not be so. He asked whether or not the County Administrator had been consulted. Mr. Bowden said "No". Mr. Williams said he felt such items should be discussed with the County Administrator before they are brought before the Board. Mr. Williams moved that request be considered at bud~et time. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Harriss said we might realize some savings in proceeding now instead of waiting. Mr. Harriss said if Mr. Marks and his Board and Miss Hall feel this is necessasy work, and he assumed it was their £eeling, he would move that bids be called for, since amounts are sufficient to require bids, and construction be approved within the £.igure called £or. Mr. Marks seconded the motion. Mr. Hall said he £elt this is something that should be done. As Mr. Harriss has mentioned, we do not know what building construction will be six months from now and suggest we get it done now, since there is a good amount of funds left due to good management. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Williams voted "No". RE9UEST OF WRIGHTSBORO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT TO INCREASE ITS BOUNDARIES - Mr. Horace D. Murray, Secretary, Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, appeared before the Board requesting e~ansion oY their Fire District from its present thr~e mile limit to a four mile limit. They have the additional equipment and persorinel required to go out flzrther. It is necessary that the Commissioners give approval, subject to approval of the Rating Bureau. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Ha11, that the Commissioners give their approval to the ~ expansion, subject to approval of the Rating Bureau. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the proper signature b~ affixed signifying _ approval by the Board. Motion carried unanimously. REZONING SECONDARY ROAD 1409 BETWEEN U. S. 74 AND INTERSECTION OF WRIGHTSVILLE AVENUE WITH SEC~NDARY ROAD 1409 ON WEST SIDE OF STREET FROM SINGLE FAMII,Y DISTRICT TO BUSINESS DISTRICT - Mr. Dudley Humphrey, Attorney, appeared before the Board representing Mr. Thomas Young who had requested rezoning of Secondary Road 1409 as outlined above in order that he might er~ct a grocery store on property which he owns. Mr. Young purchased the property in November and in December the property was zoned. In the course of the discussion it was brought out that Mr. Young planned to sell gas and oil. The Planning Commission was not informed that it would be a filling station when they recommended rezoning. A letter from the Rev. Herbert L. Aman, Rector, St. Andrews an The Sound Episcopal Church, opposing the rezoning was read. In the discussion it was pointed out that this is a hazardous intersection and it would be worsen by anothercommerci.~,l establish- ment. Also, it was pointed out there are two grocery stores in the vicinity and another is not needed. The majority of the Commissioners said they were opposed to any further commerciali- zation of the,area in question. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that recommendation of the Planning Commission £or the rezoning o£ this ar~a be denied. Motion carried unanimously. APPI20UAL OF QUEENS POINT, SECTION 2-A SUBDIVISION PLAT - Mr. Neil Mallory, Assistant Planning Director, presented the above plat for approval and signature of the Chairman. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the chairman be authorized to sign the plat. Motion carried unanimously. X Mr. Wood commended the Board of Commissioners on their stand with regard to subdivisions. The Subdivision Ordinance does provide some guarantee against improper drainage, roads, etc., Mr. Wood said. ~ ~ 4'7 4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MAY 4, 1970 (CONTZNUED) APPROVAL OF QUEENS POINT, SECTION 2-A SUBDIVISION PLAT (CONTINUED) - Mr. Wood said as long as the State Legislature permits subdivision by metes and bounds, there will be problems. Mr. Wood will, over a period of time, present recommendations as to ways of tightening up restrictions. LETTER FROM OPPORTUNITIES, INC. - Mr. Metts read letter from the Executive Director, Ru£us L. Pearson, Opportunities, Inc., thanking the Board for the lease oY Community Hospital Nursing Home and advising they will advise the Board o£ their dedication ceremonies and open hous~. CITY OF WII~M.II~TGTON AND NEW H[aNOVER COUNTY MERGER OF GOVERIVI"tENTS - P'ir. Metts informed the Board that the County is in receipt of the City of Wilmington's resolution with regard to the City-County merger of governments and also that the Board is in receipt of the Joint Resolution to be signed by the Commissioners, resolving to work to prepar~ the necessary legislation to be presented toth~ 19~1 Session of the General Assembly setting up the machinery to accomplish a merger of the two governments at the earliest possible date. ZONING OF AREk 3- IiIDDLE SOUND - By common consent it vias agreed to defer decision on rezoning Area 3- Middle Sound until both sides of the question have been studied. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /s NffNUTES OF THE NIEETING, MAY 18, 197Q ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts~ Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Aarriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perrq Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. ~ INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and due to absence of the scheduled minister, asked Mr. Hall to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINIITES - Mr. Hall requested the following changea on Page 4 under heading: "Airport Request Transfer of Funds, Additional Work - Cargo Building": - Paragraph 2 should read: "Mr. Hall said it might be well to bear in mind in the future to have agreement ~rith airlines that reconsideration of contracts with airlines will be given if estimates are exceeded by actual cost." Paragraph 3 shou~:d read: "Mr. Harriss said ordinarily the two items that have run up cost should not have occurred and in the future when negotiating we xill have a little better architectural service." Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS:- No reports were due at this time. APPROPRIATIONS AIdD TR4NSFERS - Mr. Shepard requested the following transfers and appropriation: To . School Lunchroom $47,']03.61 From: IInanticipated Revenue School Lunchroom State Fund (No County money involved) $4'7,'703.61 To . Cape Fear Tech. Institute: ".."'' Motor Vehicles Operation 210.14 Improve Grounds 25.00 Repairs Building 34.42 From: Unanticipated Revenue - Deposits to Bank (No County money involved) 269.56 To . Demolition Buildings - County Aid 1213 Wooster Street 313•39 Tax Listing Key Punch & Verifier 129.00 Commissioners - Advertisin~ 100.00 From: General Contingency Ftxnd 542•39 To . Commissioners Stationery and Supplies 100.00 Tax Listing Repairs & Maintenance 32•55 Election Board Advertising 13•9$ ' From: General Contingency F1znd 146.53 To . Cape Fear Tech: Retirement Employer Contribution ~3.00 From: Cape Fear Tech: Entertainment '73,00 Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the above appropriations and transfers requested bq Mr. Shepard be approved. Motion carried unanimnusly. ~