1970-05-18 Regular Meeting~ 4'7 4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, MAY 4, 1970 (CONTZNUED) APPROVAL OF QUEENS POINT, SECTION 2-A SUBDIVISION PLAT (CONTINUED) - Mr. Wood said as long as the State Legislature permits subdivision by metes and bounds, there will be problems. Mr. Wood will, over a period of time, present recommendations as to ways of tightening up restrictions. LETTER FROM OPPORTUNITIES, INC. - Mr. Metts read letter from the Executive Director, Ru£us L. Pearson, Opportunities, Inc., thanking the Board for the lease oY Community Hospital Nursing Home and advising they will advise the Board o£ their dedication ceremonies and open hous~. CITY OF WII~M.II~TGTON AND NEW H[aNOVER COUNTY MERGER OF GOVERIVI"tENTS - P'ir. Metts informed the Board that the County is in receipt of the City of Wilmington's resolution with regard to the City-County merger of governments and also that the Board is in receipt of the Joint Resolution to be signed by the Commissioners, resolving to work to prepar~ the necessary legislation to be presented toth~ 19~1 Session of the General Assembly setting up the machinery to accomplish a merger of the two governments at the earliest possible date. ZONING OF AREk 3- IiIDDLE SOUND - By common consent it vias agreed to defer decision on rezoning Area 3- Middle Sound until both sides of the question have been studied. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /s NffNUTES OF THE NIEETING, MAY 18, 197Q ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts~ Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Aarriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perrq Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. ~ INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and due to absence of the scheduled minister, asked Mr. Hall to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINIITES - Mr. Hall requested the following changea on Page 4 under heading: "Airport Request Transfer of Funds, Additional Work - Cargo Building": - Paragraph 2 should read: "Mr. Hall said it might be well to bear in mind in the future to have agreement ~rith airlines that reconsideration of contracts with airlines will be given if estimates are exceeded by actual cost." Paragraph 3 shou~:d read: "Mr. Harriss said ordinarily the two items that have run up cost should not have occurred and in the future when negotiating we xill have a little better architectural service." Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS:- No reports were due at this time. APPROPRIATIONS AIdD TR4NSFERS - Mr. Shepard requested the following transfers and appropriation: To . School Lunchroom $47,']03.61 From: IInanticipated Revenue School Lunchroom State Fund (No County money involved) $4'7,'703.61 To . Cape Fear Tech. Institute: ".."'' Motor Vehicles Operation 210.14 Improve Grounds 25.00 Repairs Building 34.42 From: Unanticipated Revenue - Deposits to Bank (No County money involved) 269.56 To . Demolition Buildings - County Aid 1213 Wooster Street 313•39 Tax Listing Key Punch & Verifier 129.00 Commissioners - Advertisin~ 100.00 From: General Contingency Ftxnd 542•39 To . Commissioners Stationery and Supplies 100.00 Tax Listing Repairs & Maintenance 32•55 Election Board Advertising 13•9$ ' From: General Contingency F1znd 146.53 To . Cape Fear Tech: Retirement Employer Contribution ~3.00 From: Cape Fear Tech: Entertainment '73,00 Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the above appropriations and transfers requested bq Mr. Shepard be approved. Motion carried unanimnusly. ~ . 4'7 ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING MAY 18, 1970 (CONTINIIED) - SOCIAL SERVICES REgUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Mr. Shepard advised the Board he had received request from Miss Hall for tranefer of $622 to~Social"Services Pest Control from SbCial.SePniCes•Su~plus.' ~ - ~ ° .. ~ " - Mr. Marks said he had been advised by Miss Hall $4,000 would be required now and $622 per year from now on. Mr. Shepard said 84,000 figure had not been mentioned to him. Mr, Harriss was of opinion figures for the termite control should be ohtained from other companies before proceeding. By common consent this transfer was deferred until check can be made of exactly what is involved. MUSEUM REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FIINDS - Mr. Gary Eqster, Museum Director, in letter dated May 15, requested $230 be transferred from Salaries ' Account to Tranel to provide funds for him to attend the American Association of Museum's Annual Meeting in New York City from May 31 to June 4, 1970. Mr. Hall moved, seconded hy Mr. Marks, that transfer be approved, subject to city paying one-half of expense of trip. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF ZONING MAP, AREA OF NIIDDI.E SOUND - Zo n 1 n q A ~ek ~ 3 ' Mr. Timothy Wood, Director of Planning, ~ave brief review of proposed 2oning of Area 3-Middle Sound, pointing out on map area to be zoned. He advised he had plotted on the mgp, the best that could be done, those who objected to zoning and those'who are in favor. He said people along water supported R-20 and another group on the Loop Road objected. Mr. Wood said the Planning Commiss-on was offering one final recommendation; zone line to be pulled back additional 500 feet from U. S. 1'] because people owning land are planning commercial uses of their property, R-10 le£t as proposed and one major change, which was requested by property owners, that both banks of Howes Creek be zoned R-20, thus moving line down 100 or so feet to Secondary road 1487. Mr. Wood recommended Board of Commissioners agree to go on record as being agreeable to giving favorable consideration to special use permit requests from present marina operators. Mr. Edgar Yoor, Attorney representing group opposed to zoning, spoke next. He suggested the Board appoint someone to go down and look at the situation and report back to the Board. Mr. Harriss said Mr. Tim Wood has made a study to vrhich Mr. Yow replied he did not question Mr. Wood's honesty or sincerity but did question his findings. It was pointed out Mr. Wood had investigated petitions, had checked with Post Office as to addresses and had plotted them on map. Mr. Yow requested petition submitted today be studied. Mr. Harriss pointed out that certain wording had been scratched out in heading and some of the signatures looked like same writing of others on.petition. ~ Mr. Marks cauestioned validity of petition of people, as they had ample time to bring it in before Public Hearing on May 4. - , Mr. Williams advised that he had heard from a 1ot of people who were not present; some in Yavor and some not. He said he had great confidence in the Planning Staff; in his opinion they have done an excellent job. He said he felt no good purpose would be served by delaying the matter further. The Board of Commissioners know in general how the majority of people in that area feel. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the revised zoning, as recommended by the Planning Staff, be adopted and that the provision su~gested by Mr. Wood that anyone in existing commercial business who desires to expand on present owned property will be given favorable consideration. Motion carried. unanimously. Mr. Metts advised Mr. Yow and the group he represented no zoning is final. If there is something in this zoning you £eel is incorrect you may take it before the Planning Board. Mr. Yow said the phraseology concerning commercial businesses in the motion bothered him. He was again advised that he could take it through the proper channels to be heard, if he so desired. BID Or~iv1NG - CRAWLER LOADER - The following bids were opened on the cravaler loader: E. F. Craven $25,591.51 or down payment o£ $ 9,731.00 Payment lst Year 9,']31.00 Payment 2nd Year 9.731.00 Total Payment $2~,193.00 Case Power & Equipment Co. $24,410.59 or pown Payment of $ 8,610.85 Payment duly 15 7,899.87 Payment August 15 7,89~.87 Total Payment $24,47.0.5y N. C. Equipment Co. $2~,192.00 or pown Payment of $10,551.20 Payment lst Year 9,680.00 Payment 2nd Year 9,680.00 Total Payment $29,911.20 Mr. Metts suggested all bids be accepted for stud y by Nr. Bowden and possibly Mr. Harriss as to weight, etc. Mr. Willia ms moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that t he Board accept the bids and they be referred to the County Administrator and such other persons as the Chairman wishes to appoint as committee to study them and make recommendations to the Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss requested that he not be appointed due to other commi tments. I 4'7 6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING MAY 18. 1970 CONTINUED - BID OPENING - CRAWLER LOADER (CONTINUED) - Mr. Metts said,he:;would like for;Mrc~Bowden an&:Dr.'Knrix.,to investigate~and'come back with recommendation. The bidders were informed that Mr. Bowden is the person for them to talk with concerning their bids. MARQUIS HILL SUBDIVISION, SECTION 3 PI,AT - Mr. Neil Mallory, Assistant Planning Director, presented plat of Marquis Hill Sub- division, Section 3, for approval and signature of the Chairman. Mr. Mallory said plat is eligible for approval. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the plat be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission and the Chairman be authorized to si~n it. Notion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEAItING - REGULATIONS FOR WATERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY - Mr. Metts opened Public Hearing for discussion of Regulations for Waters of New Hanover County and asked for comments from the Commissioners. Mr. Harriss cited three incidents he saw recently at the Wrightsville Marina which demonstrated need for regulations. He said he felt that reckless operation and passing marinas at speed which would create a rrake should be regulated. He read a letter from a gentleman from New Jersey who complained of the same thing. Mr. Carlyle of Carolina Beach advised that Carolina Beach has an ordinance, therefore does not have a problem. They urould, however, have no objection to the Commissioners adopting an ordinance. Nr. Harriss said he would like to see regulation that forbids passing of marinas or municipal dccks at a speed which would create a damaging wake. He said this could be 25, 9, 7, or 8 miles per hour depending on boat and also some control of boat operated in reckless manner which could well extend to any waters of NeUr Hanover County. He expressed feeling unless some regulations are set, someone is goin~ to be killed. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the County Attorney be authorized to prepare in the proper language a regulation prohibiting boats passing marinas or municipal docks in New Hanover County»operating at a speed that would create a damaging wake. It was pointed out that it is presently illegal to put up "no-wake" signs. Mr. Williams made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the~Board petition the North Carolina Wildli£e Commission to adopt regulations £rom the bridge adjacent to Wrightsville Marina, Inc., £or one-half mile south and such other areas as are needed in New Hanover County governing reckless operation of motor boats, and the Wildlife offi~ials be requested to erect "no-wake" signs wherel.ver needed in water, action to be taken as quickly as possible as boating season is in iill action. Several marina owners were present and expressed their desire for such regulations. Mr. Harriss was of opinion the Board was to hold public hearing and present regulations desired to the Wildlife Commission for-its approval. He said he was going on record as saying he is warning this body if they don't take action it will result in serious injury or death to someone; boats constantly disregard rights of other boats. He said the Board had been told it would have to pass the regulations ourselves and submit them and they would be considered at the next meeting o£ the Wildlife Commission in June. After further discussion vote was called on substitute motion. It carried unanimously. Mr. Metts declared public hearing at end. BID OPENING - DEMOLITION YMCA BUILDING - The S'ollovaing bids were received for demolition of the YMCA Building: Hercules Wrecking Company $38,000 150 days Leroy Hooks 19,750 90 dass Max Berrier Wrecking Company 16,440 60 days Rike Wrecking Company 30,000 °r0 days S. E. Cooper 28,768 - days Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the bids be re£erred to the County Administrator for study and recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the lowest bid be accepted, subject to approval of County Attorney and County Administrator. HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERCOLATION TEST BU-GET - Dr. Knox presented budget for performing percolation tests which had been recommended by the Health Board. Mr. Metts pointed out the Health Department had been authorized by the Commissioners to do this. The purpose is that everyone have the same test; in other words getting it standarized and getting it under Health Department. Mr. Metts suggested salary of laborer be shown by amount per hour, not to exceed $1.'75 per ~hour. Mr. Harriss suggested getting truck with a borer which would possibly eliminate need , for a laborer. Mr. Williams,moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board o£ Commissioriers approve this budget and request the County Administrator to work out the equipment to the best interest of the County. Motion carried unanimously. ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING MAY 18, 1970 (CONTINUED) - PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL DRAGI,INE BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Mr. Metts advised that when purchase of another dragline was initially proposed, the State Engineer said that the County had 3 years work ahead of it scheduled; that what the County needed was a heavier dragline. Mr. Metts said he vaorked with Mr. Cranford and Mr. Cranford was in accord, and the Board of Health requested it. When Mr. Cranford got before the Board of Commissioners he stated otherwise. Mr. Harriss said Mr. Cranford said a backhoe would get in more places than the dragline. Dr. Knox said cooperate rrith the cubic yard cf dirt Y614,615 and County anticipated having expected to cost b he~had talked with rr. Oates last week and the State Board of Health will county on another dragline. The county is paid by the State so much per moved; for example thus far this year the State has paid to the County has put up $10,318.51. Also, Dr. Knox said the local Health Department surplus between $21,000 to Y623,000 too~ard purchase of a dragline which is =tween $43,000 and $45,000. Mr. Hall said looking to the future for proper drainage, the dragline is important, but he felt backhoe should be considered as adjunct. The Board can use it whereever it can to relieve small land "owners. Mr. Bowden said he had included backhoe in prison budget after conversing with Mr. Hall. Mr. Marks expressed opinion he is reluctant to get in wholesale drainage program. He was in favor of establishing guidelines that would protect the county. Mr. Metts said he wished to appoint committee of Mr. Hall and Mr. Bowden to go into study of guidelines and the purchase of a backhoe. He was of opinion the Board could proceed with purchase of dragline. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, that the Board call for tiids on the type of dragline proposed by Dr. Knox. Motion carried unanimously. SUITABLE QUARTERS FOR HOUSING FIEALTH DEPARTMENT - Dr. Knox advised the Board the Health Department had talked with a contractor regarding the rehabilitation of that part of James Walker Hospital to be used t.b house the Health Department. The contractor told them the building was too good a building not to be used. The contractor suggested cleaning up, paintin~ and heating of first floor now and that they move on in and then do remainder of work. This would be less costly to the county. No figure was given by the contractor. The contractor suggested two different types of heat for consideration. There are already some air-conditioning ducts. Dr. Knox said county will need specifications because bids will be necessary. Mr. Metts said Mr. Bowden is requesting in the new budget a maintenance crew. He was of opinion this work could be done by such a crew. Mr. Metts suggested getting en~ineering firm instead of architect to furnish estimates on oahat can be done. Mr. Metts pointed out the building the Health Department occupies is cracking, and thinking along these terms, the county might be able to demolish it. . \ 4'7'7 Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, the Board authorize the County Administrator to obtain services of engineering firm, consulting with Health Department, and secure plans and come back to Board of Commissioners with some recommendations. Before vote was called Mr. Williams pointed out that a feasibility study of the James Walker Hospital had been made by an architect hired by the County. After discussing this, it was decided there had been no commitment on part of the county to use this firm for renovation..,Vote was called on motion. It passed unanimously. , REQUEST FROM HEAI,TH DEPARTMIIVT FURNISH COUNTY COMMISI COVERING HEALTH SAFEGUARDS - Mr. Williams pointed out the greatest awareness pollution, not just the air, streams, drinking water health generally. He said this responsibility rests Health regnlations should be made to apply equitably 3IONERS' OFFICE WITH ITS PRINTED REGULATIONS o£ the need for measures to prevent but for strict measures to protect our primarily with the Health Department and and uniformly. Mr. Williams suggested that the Health Department furnish the Commissioners' Of£ice copies of all printed forms it has concerning health regulations as early as possible. Dr. Knox assured the Board he would be glad to conform with this request. PERSONNEL REQUIREMEIQTS FOR EMERGENCY OPERATIONB SIMULATION - CIVIL DEFENSE - Mr. Metts advisea ne naa recentiiy attended meeting of the Civil Defense at which time people from the State level were present. At this time they outlined an Emergency Operations Simulation program tentatively set for October 8 and 22. They will come down and conduct program at no cost to the County. Department heads of the county who will be involved have been contacted and er.p"ressed willingness to cooperate. Mr. Metts recommended the program be held. Gen. Harriss asked that the Board endorse the program. Mr. Meares Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board approve the program. Motion carried unanimously. CIVIL DEFENSE REQUEST FOR APFROPRIATION - MiTTUAL AID FIRE SERVICES STUDY - General Harriss requested appropriatiion in amount of 400 which represents one-hal£ cost (City already having approved its one-half) of proposed professional communications survey to be conducted by the North Carolina League of Municipalities. General Harriss said Mr. Joe Munroe, head of Volunteer Fire -epartments, needs the information to enable him to work with police, sheriff, etc. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the request be approved, funds coming from General Emergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. PERSONNEL STAFFING PLAN CIVIL DEFENSE - General Harriss advised the Board he is saving $15 per month by having hired an Administrative Assistant to replace Assistant Director Griffin. He requested permission to..transfer this $15 to Salary of his Secretary (Typist II) rrhich would adjust a difference created•because of a dif£erential between State Merit System rate and the County rate „which has been modified one grade below state minimum scale. General Harriss said the Board cut his secretary's salary last year. Mr. Metts said this was done to bring her in line orith Welfare and Health Departments. . By common consent it was agreed not to change salary until budget time. ~ 4'7 g r MINUTES 6F THE MEETING MAY 18. 1970 (CONTINUED) - G~N~xATOR - CIVIL DEFENSE - Gen. Harriss discussed standby generator in case of an electrical emergency. In letter of May 5 he had recommended larger generator in lieu of the one budgeted, county share of larger one to be $4,250 instead of $2,500 which was budgeted. Nr. Metts was of opinion the one budgeted (~2,500) is ample. Mr. Marks said he supported Mr. Metts' opinion. By common consent it was agreed the $2,500 generator is ample for the needs. DISCUSSION OF SPACE NEEDS REPORT - Mr. Williams reminded the Board of the space study made~•by the Planning Department for 19'70-199o space needs. He asked what the Board was going to do with it and when. Mr. Hall was of opinion informal type meeting should be held before budget if finalized to determine steps, if any, to be taken. By common consent it was agreed to hold informal meeting concerning this. REqUEST STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION REVISE ITS TEACHER ALLOCATION - Mr. Williams advised the Board he felt the State of North Carolina has for many years followed a formula in allocating teachers to local school units that is unrealistic, in that it fails to provide enough teachers to do the job adequately, according to recognized standards for accreditation. The proposed budget of the New Hano~rer County School System indicates that during the 1g69-'7o school year 3~ teachers were paid ~•~ith local funds. It also indicates a need to increase the number to 50 for 19']0-'71. The enrollment of the New Hanover County System for 1969-'70 is 19,219 pupils. Mr. Williams said projected enrollment for 1970-'71 is 19,435, an increase of 215 students which would indicate need for an increase in the number of teachers to be allocated by the State. The State allotted 690 teachers for 1959-~0. The allotment for 19'70-']1 is 681, a loss of 9 teachers. To remain accredited Mr. Williams said he understood New Hanover County must furnish the number of teachers needed to make up the deficit. Nr. Williams feels this clearl~ indicates the State Board of Education should be re- quested to change the formula £or allocating teachers. Mr. Williams felt a more realistic approach would be the use of enrollment as a basis for teacher allocation instead~of daily average attendance. Mr. Williams pointed out the State Board of Education has primary responsibility for maintaining an adequate public school system in North Carolina which includes an adequate number of'teachErS~in-a11 counties of the State. Also, the State Board of Education has a surplus in its salary account at this time. Mr. idilliams recommended this Board request State Board of Education to use enrollment and project enrollment as the basis for alloting teachers to local school units beginning with the 19'70-'71 school year. • Mr. Williams said he had discussed this matter with school officials but not specifically with Dr. Bellam~, and they are in agreement. Mr. Harriss moved, that subject to approval of Dr. Bellamy, that the Board take action suggested by Mr. Williams and additionally Mr. Morrisey be requested to circularize action of this Board to all county boards. Motion was withdrawn. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that this Board request the State Board of Education to use enrollment and projected enrollment for the coming year as the basis for allocating teachers to local schools for 1970-~1 school year and a copy of this letter be mailed to Mr. John Morrisey of the N. C. Association of County Commissioners and to members of the Local School Board and the Superintendent and that Mr. Morrisey be asked to circularize action of this Board to other counties. Motion carried unanimously. PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING SENIOR CITIZENS OF NEW A.ANOVER COUNTY - Mr. Metts advised Board he was in receipt of letter from Mr. J. Eddie Brown, Executive Director, N. C. Governor's Coordinating Council on Aging suggesting the Board set forth a period as Senior Citizens time e~rpressing to every senior citizen its concern for their well being and hi~h esteem held Yor them by the county government. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board proclaim month of May, 19'70 as Senior Citizens Month in New Hanover County. Motion carried unanimously. MARINE SCIII~ICE WEEg - Mr. Metts ad.vised the Board week of June 1, 1970 will be Marine Science Week. The Board has been requested to proclaim week of June 1 as Marine Science Week and that citation honoring The International Nickle Company as a pioneer in the Marine Science Field in North Carolina be presented at the annual banquet o£ The Sea Horse Institute at the Blockade Wednesday night, June 3. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the proclamation and citation outlined. Motion carried unanimously. REpUEST TO SPONSOR 4 H'ERS OF ROCK HII,L COMMiJNITY - Mr. Metts read letter received from Mrs. gatie L. McGuire requesting help to sponsor 4-H'ers o£ Rock Hill Community. By common consent it was agreed letter be written Mrs. McGuire advising it is not possible to assist in this wbrthwhile endeavor with funds derived from tax monies. ~ ~ \ 4'7 ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING MAY 18, 1970 (CONTINUED) - A:B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The following requests for beer permits were brought to attention of the Board: Snowscutt Marina, St. Josephs Street, Carolina Beach; Safari Restaurant, 5525 Oleander Drive, and Sandlin's Gulf Service, 160 Castle Hayne Road. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Aarriss, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff's Department for investi~ation. Motion carried unanimously. I~.PPOINTMENT I~EiEPf1BERS TO NiENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOAR- - Mr. Metts advised he had received letter from Rev. Jerome C. Jones placing a name before it for consideration in serving on the Mental Health Advisory Board. . Mr. Harriss called attention to the fact that many newcomers to the community were being appointed to serve on various committees while others who have lived here for someti.me are not asked to serve. Mr. Metts suggested the Board refer this to Mr. Marks. Mr. Marks suggested acknowledging Mr. Jones' letter, advising him appointments will be made when names are submitted for all vacancies. By common consent this was agreed to. REGIONAL PLANNING - Mr. Marks discussed status of SEDC since the Governor has designated Regional Districts. Mr. Marks said SEDC is not at present a planning organization but is considering immediately to £ile for a planning grant for planning of entire area. He said he understood Council of Local Governments have already made application to HUD for planning funds. He said both he and Mr. Van Reid are confident HUD is not going to consider both requests and it might be well to determine now whether New Hanover County will be better served by SEDC. He said it had occurred to both he and Mr. Reid that this should be very definitely determined now as to vahat ef£ect this will have on New Hanover County for funds from EDA. This may affect plans for development of the Airport. Mr. Metts thought the point brought up is well taken but did not think Board had enough information to take action today. Mr. Metts asked Mr. M2rks if he would develop this information. Mr. Williams, when asked by Mr. Marks, said Council of Local Governments has an application with HUD which is being processed. Mr. Metts appointed Mr. Marks to work up information on this and report back to the Board., HEAI,TH DEFARTMENT CHARTER - Mr. Metts informed the Board of Commissioners action was taken by the Board of Health at its May 6 meeting to dissolve itself as a Board operating under the Special Act of the Legislature. This was necessary for consolidation purposes. TAX MAPS - Mr. Harriss discussed letter recently received from Mr. R. C. Cantwell, III, regarding County providing tax maps. He said the Count,y now is at a disadvanta~e tr.vin~ to locate owners of property and this would also be a~reat hel~ to real estate peonle. It would be nroductive in revenue in discoverin~ a.ro~ertv not bein~ taxed. Mr. Harriss ex~ressed o~inion rountv Fn~ineer is needed in o.rde.r not to have to emplov one outside. ~oiantv need.s one £or draina~e, annr.ova.l of buildin~s, etc, Mr. Ha.r.ries sair~ he Ua~~i1d like to th.row matter ooen as to whethe.r o.r not the ?ioa.rd mi,ht insruct M.r. Bowden to start seekin~ such an individual. • Mr. Hal.l was o.f oninion that befo.re Roa.rd talks to anvone about the job, Board should talk amon~ ourselves between now and bud~et because the Roard needs to decide what job wi11 cover. Mr. Rowden advised the Roard subiect of tax maps will be blaced on a~Pnda for June J.. ,T.his will ~ive him opportunitv to discuss with Mr. 7,arry Powe11. WF7,FpRF. T,TF,N _ pRQPFRTY QF EVIE McINTIRE FORD - - Letter from Mr. Fox concerning release of above property from Welfare Lien was presented to the Board. Mr. Fox informed the Board that minutes of 1961 and 1962 indicate it was intent of the Board to release this property. The Welfare files also verify this. Mr. Fox requested' release be signed. P1r. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that upon recommendation of Mr. Fox, the Chairman be authorized to sign release. Motion carried unanimously. NACO REti~,ivur, SHARING WHITE PAPER - Mr. Marks discussed federal revenue sharing. He said local and state officials see two increasingly disturbing tendencies in contemporary federalism: (1) growing revenue superiority of the.National Government and (2) the £ailure to develop an alternative to the present jungle of federal categorical grants with their countless strings, conditions and guidelines. Mr. Marks said the rev:enue sharing bills have been assigned to~the House Ways and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee. If these bills are passed by these committees, federal sharing will be put down to local level. Local level can decide where they want money. Mr. Marks moved that the Board send copy of NACO White Letter to our senators and congressmen to take it up with the House Ways and Means Committee. Motion carried unanimously. SOCIAI, SERVICES PUBZIC ASSISTANCE BUDGET ESTIMATES 1970-'71 - Mr. Marks presented Yublic Assistance Budget Estimates which had been approved by the New Hanover County Social Services Board at i~Es regular meeting on April 22, 19'70. Mr. Marks pointed out the increases and explained they were caused by Title 1°. The total increase to the County will be approximately ~109,414 but ~r. Marks reported at the present it is indicated there will be a surplus of $19,87-4.52 which will reduce county's inereased share to approximately $90,000. J ~ 480 MINUTES OF THE MEETTNG I~iAY 18, 1970 (CONTINUED) - SOCIAL SERVICES PUBLIC ASSISTANCE BUDGET ESTIMATES 1970-71 (CONTINUED) - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the budget estimates be accepted by the Board. Motion carried unanimously. CONTRACT FOR DOG POUND - Discussion was held on operation of Dog Pound on contract. Mr. Fox suggested he prepare draft and submit it. He pointed out persons must be dog wardens to be able to en£orce laws. Money will have to be handled by county. Mr. Metts said if it is general consensus having it operated under contract, it will be well to submit it to attorney to work out what is legal. Also, it might be well to check with the City Attorney. By common consent this was agreed to. ABATII''IENT OF TAXES ON PROPERTY FORMERLY OWNED BY ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - At ~he last meeting the Board voted to rebate taxes for one-half year on St. John's Episcopal Rectory which had been sold in June, subject to approval• of County Attorney. After making a study, Mr. Fox advised the Board it would be improper under G.S. ~05-403 for the Board to abate taxes on this property. By common consent it was agreed to request Mr. Bowden write Nr. Cicero Yow, Attorney representing Church, advising him the abatement cannot be made legally. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING, JUNE 1, 19']0 ASSEMBI,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the on the above date and time in the Commission John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares H. A. PYarks, Berry A. Williams; County Attor~ County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held Building with the following present: Chairman Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., iey James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Milton Boone, Pastor, Masonboro Baptist Church, to give the invocation. REPORTS - Mr. ,Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, presented monthly report of i969 taxes collected in New Hanover County for the month o£ May. Amount collected during May was $161,43'7.14, making total collected thus far this year, including prepayments, $4,594,652.46 leaving a balance of $30`7,'729.'71. klso, $8,169.60 in back taxes was collected during May. AUDITOR'S REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS - Mr. Shepard requested the following transfers of funds: To l. Community Hos~ital Expense $ 200.00 2. Commissioners Stationery & Supplies 300.00 3. Superior Court-Jury Fees 30.30 4. Sheriff-Repairs & Maintenance 41.9'7 5. Sheriff-Emergency Equip., Supplies & Other 1,137.20 6. County Farm-Ftzel '73.24 7. Parking I,ot 100.00 General Contingency Fund 8. Airport-Capitol Outlay-Miller Contractor 2,150.00 Airport Salaries 9. Sheriff-Capitol Outlay 520.00 Unanticipated Revenue General Misc. Refunds Receipts for Sale of Sheriff's Wrecked Car 10. Demolition YMCA Building 16,440.00 General Fund-Interest from Investment From ~ 1,882.71 2,150.00 520.00 16,440.00 Mr. Will~ams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the trans£ers be approved as recommended by Mr: Shepard. Notion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss inquired of Mr. Shepard if he had received any paym~nt to the county for the local 1°io sales tax. Mr. Shepard said county will receive payment £or four months in August. ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR CRAWLER-I,OADER - c:ounty aaministrator Laurence U. Booaden advised the Board that the bids received at the last meeting for the crawler loader had been studi~d carefully by the committee appointed to do so. He said the committee recommends bid be accepted from E. F. Craven for the Allis Chalmers crawler loader for pri,~e of $26,591.50, which is also the low bid meeting specifications. ~