1970-06-01 Regular Meeting~ 480 MINUTES OF THE MEETTNG I~iAY 18, 1970 (CONTINUED) - SOCIAL SERVICES PUBLIC ASSISTANCE BUDGET ESTIMATES 1970-71 (CONTINUED) - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the budget estimates be accepted by the Board. Motion carried unanimously. CONTRACT FOR DOG POUND - Discussion was held on operation of Dog Pound on contract. Mr. Fox suggested he prepare draft and submit it. He pointed out persons must be dog wardens to be able to en£orce laws. Money will have to be handled by county. Mr. Metts said if it is general consensus having it operated under contract, it will be well to submit it to attorney to work out what is legal. Also, it might be well to check with the City Attorney. By common consent this was agreed to. ABATII''IENT OF TAXES ON PROPERTY FORMERLY OWNED BY ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - At ~he last meeting the Board voted to rebate taxes for one-half year on St. John's Episcopal Rectory which had been sold in June, subject to approval• of County Attorney. After making a study, Mr. Fox advised the Board it would be improper under G.S. ~05-403 for the Board to abate taxes on this property. By common consent it was agreed to request Mr. Bowden write Nr. Cicero Yow, Attorney representing Church, advising him the abatement cannot be made legally. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING, JUNE 1, 19']0 ASSEMBI,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the on the above date and time in the Commission John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares H. A. PYarks, Berry A. Williams; County Attor~ County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held Building with the following present: Chairman Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., iey James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Milton Boone, Pastor, Masonboro Baptist Church, to give the invocation. REPORTS - Mr. ,Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, presented monthly report of i969 taxes collected in New Hanover County for the month o£ May. Amount collected during May was $161,43'7.14, making total collected thus far this year, including prepayments, $4,594,652.46 leaving a balance of $30`7,'729.'71. klso, $8,169.60 in back taxes was collected during May. AUDITOR'S REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS - Mr. Shepard requested the following transfers of funds: To l. Community Hos~ital Expense $ 200.00 2. Commissioners Stationery & Supplies 300.00 3. Superior Court-Jury Fees 30.30 4. Sheriff-Repairs & Maintenance 41.9'7 5. Sheriff-Emergency Equip., Supplies & Other 1,137.20 6. County Farm-Ftzel '73.24 7. Parking I,ot 100.00 General Contingency Fund 8. Airport-Capitol Outlay-Miller Contractor 2,150.00 Airport Salaries 9. Sheriff-Capitol Outlay 520.00 Unanticipated Revenue General Misc. Refunds Receipts for Sale of Sheriff's Wrecked Car 10. Demolition YMCA Building 16,440.00 General Fund-Interest from Investment From ~ 1,882.71 2,150.00 520.00 16,440.00 Mr. Will~ams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the trans£ers be approved as recommended by Mr: Shepard. Notion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss inquired of Mr. Shepard if he had received any paym~nt to the county for the local 1°io sales tax. Mr. Shepard said county will receive payment £or four months in August. ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR CRAWLER-I,OADER - c:ounty aaministrator Laurence U. Booaden advised the Board that the bids received at the last meeting for the crawler loader had been studi~d carefully by the committee appointed to do so. He said the committee recommends bid be accepted from E. F. Craven for the Allis Chalmers crawler loader for pri,~e of $26,591.50, which is also the low bid meeting specifications. ~ 48] MINiJTES OF THE MEETING, JUNE 1, 1970 (CONTINUED) ACCEPTANCE (1F BID FOR CRAWLER-LOI~DER (CONTZNUED) - . ~Representative £rom the North Carolina Eguipment Company was present and outlined several reasons why he thought the International Harvest~r, which his compang sells, should be pur- chased by the county. Dne reason was he felt his company offared better maintenance service. Mr. Bowden said he had checked reference of E. F. Craven and they had excellent reference on maintenance. Mr. Bowden pointed out that the North Carolina Eguipment Company's letter concerning weight of their crawler loader was misleading. They gave weight of their crawler as loaded, comparing it to weight of Allis Chalmers without bucket, cab, and other related equipment and not loaded. T'ir. Williams said he thought the Board had two quality bids but only one can be accepted. He moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the recommendations of the committee be approved; that the bid submitted by E. F. Craven for amount of $b26,591.51 be accepted, funds to be included in the Health Department Budget £or 19'70-']1. Motion carrie@ wzth three voting in favor and Mr. Marks abstaining. Mr. Hall was not present at the ~ime of voting. SOCIAL SRRVICES - TERMITE CONTRACT'- Mr. Marks presented follo~,~ing informal bids for termite control at the Social Services Building: Orkin - Initial Cost $622.00 - y~60 Per Year Thereafter Taylor - " " $'756.00 -$50 Per Year Thereafter (10 Yr. Contract) Terro - " " $684.50 - $65 Per Year Thereafter I"[r. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the lota bid of Orkin be accepted, funds to come from ,Social Services Surplus Ftiind. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the minutes for meeting of May 18, be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMIT RE9UEST - A.B.C. Yermit Request received from the Sea Bag, 1410 Airlie Road, was presented to th~ Board. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the place be investigated by the Sheriff; not a routine check but a very thorough check be made. Motion carried unanimously. FORMAZ APPROVAI, QF PERMISSION TO CAPE FEAR COI`1POSITE SQUADRON TO WAIVE TAX PER RIDE AT CARIdIVAL - A maj.ority of the Board approved by poll vote on May 21 to waive tax per ride in ~favor of the Cape Fear Composite Sguadron, Civil Air Patrol, at their annual carnival funcl raising project. I"Ir. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that formal approval for waiver of the tax per ride by the County be granted. Motion carried unanimously. PUBZIC HEARING SPECIAL iTSE PF,RMTT SHAMROCK ESTATES SUBDIVISION - Mr. Metts declared public hearing open to consider application of Shamrock Estat~s Sub- division located on th~ east side of Masonboro Loop Road between the Greenville Zoop Road and S,R. 1505 to construct dupl~x apartments in an R-10 District (single £amily district). Mr. Mallory, Assistant Director of Planning, was present and advised this special use permit is requested by Fowler Enterprises. Mr. Mallory said the Planning Commission recommends approval by the County Commission, subject to the following conditions: 1. All proposed roads are to be installed to meet the requirements of the State Highway Commission for acceptanee and maint~nance. 2. There is to be no direct access to the Masonboro Loop Road from Lots 1, 6, ~ and 28. 3. Project approved subject to the installation of the proposed community water and sewage system. 4. The developer shall submit plans to the Planning Department for the extension of the water and sewerage facilities from Pirates Cove Subdivision to serve this project. These plans must be approved by the Plannin~ Department prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 5. Proposed screen planting to be at least five feet from the right-a-oaay of the Masonboro Loop Road and at least twen~y feet from the right-a-way of the pro- posed entrance road. 6. It is recommended that recreational facilities be provided by the developer in the proposed well site area. Mr. Williams pointed out that this area had recently been rezoned with the possibility of this reguest in mind. Mr. Pfarks moved, seconded by Mr. WiZZzams, that the Board of County Commissioners approve request for the special use permit, subject to all the conditions set out by the Planning Commission being met. Motion carried unanimously. . Mr. Metts declared public hearing ended. WINDEMERE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 4 FINAI, PLAT - Mr. Mallory presented plat of Section 4, Ylindemere Subdivisions for signature of the Chairman. Mr. Mallory said it was in order with exception o£ signing reguired certificates on the plat. This is a 16 lot extension and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the subdivision, subject to receipt of the appropriate signatures on the certificates. Mr. Williams questioned draina~e easement and was told by Mr. Mallory there is total of 30 ~ feet, 20 on one side and 10 on other. , Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by P1r. Ha21., that the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat as recommended by the Planning Commission and subject to signing of required certificates on the plat by the developer. Motion carried unanimousl~. I ~ 8'2 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, JUNE 1, 1970 (CONTINUED) MARQUIS HILLS SUBDIVISION~ SECTIQN 4, FINAL PLAT - Mr. Mallory presented plat of Marquis Hills Subdivision, Section 4 and advised the Planning Commission recommends its approval by the County Commissioners subject to signing r~quired certi£icates on the plat and completion of required improvements in Section 3. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat as recommended by the Planning Commission when the conditions set out have been complied with. Motion carried unanimously. MONTEREY iiEIGHTS SUBDIVISION. SECTION 1 FINAL PI,AT - Mr. Mallory advised this subdivision is on west side of 421 approximately 3 to 4 miles south of Myrtle Grove Junction. The Planning Commission r~commends approval of plat subject to signing required certificates on plat, receipt of bond guaranteeing improvements, revision of street names, minimum building line should be from street right-o£-way instead o£ prop~rty line, subject to proposed drainage plan and water system, lot 91 be deleted•because of in- sufficient depth and that the name of the subdivision be changed since there already is a Monterey Drive which might be confusing. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Chairman to sign plat as recommended by the Planning Commission after all conditions have been met. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed for five minutes. Meetin~ reconvened. ENDORSEMENT NACO POSITION ON WATER AND SEWER APPROPRIATIONS FOR 197a-71 - Mr. Williams informed the Board that it had be~n r~ported that lack of appropriated funds has caused HUD to turn down water and seiaer applications amountin~ to well over a billion dollars. He said the administration requested 150 million dollars for 19`]1 which u~ould barely scratch the surface in terms of needs. The House has increased the amount to 500 million. It has be~n estimated that the 500 million is roughly 10% of the amount actually needed. The amount proposed by the Administration will do very little toward solving the oaater pollution problems o£ the nation. He pointed out that to bring raw water to New Hanover County will cost several millions of dollars. Also, the contemplated water and sewer system for New Hanover County will cost several millions. Mr. 4lilliams said i£ the nation is going to do more than pay lip service to water pollution problems, much more money is needed. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that a letter be written to both of our United States ,Senators from North Carolina, Congressman Lennon and Senator John Pastore, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Independent Offices Appropriations, recommending that the appropriation for water and sew~r be increased substantially for 19'71 to more nearly me~t the actual needs of the nation, copies to National Association of Counties, North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, and members of the iJilmington-N~w Hanover Water Authority. Motion carried unanimously. _ BID OPENING - F'UEL AND LUBRICATION OILS - AIRPORT - Bids for furnishing gasoline, No. 2 Etizel Oil and Motor Oil to the County for fiscal year 19'70-'71 vaere received as follo~as: Sprin~er Coal & Oil Co. #2 Ftzel Oil 12.34 cents per ~allon plus 4% sales tax, subject to any increase or decrease in posted t~rminal tank wagon price. Cities Service Oil Compan.y 100 Octane Premium Gasoline, tank wagon delivery, at normal consumer ~;ank wagon price in effect date of shipment, less $0.0587 per gallon plus applicable taxes. Today's consumer tank wagon price is 9~0.216 per gallon. 16,000 gallons No: 2 fuel oil, tank wagon d~livery at normal consumer tank wagon price in effect date of shipment, less ~O.o353 per ~allon. Today's consumer tank t~agon price £or No. 2 fuel oil is $0.155 per gallon. 500 gallons HD Motor I,ubricating Oils (MS-DM) our CITGO C0300 Notor Oil, in 55 gallon drums at ~0.575 per gallon. Drums deposit of $6.00 r~quired. Deposit will be re£unded upon receipt of drums in good condition within ninety days. It is further agreed that we will £urnish one (1) (1,000 gallon underground gasoline tank with electric pump; four (4) 500 gallon skid tanks and other pumping equipment needed for motor oil and fuel oil. BP Oil Corporation Gasoline 22.50 less 6.60 ~2 E1zel Oil 15.50 less 1.80 Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that low bid o£ Cities 8ervice Oil Company be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. DEATH ts~iv~FIT COUNTY EMPLOYEES UNDER RETIREMIIJT SYSTEM - Discussion was held on extension of agreement previously executed with North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System for deai;h benefit covering county employees. I1r. Harriss expressed opinion he felt the Board of Commissioners should get other bids from Li£e Insurance Companies to provide death benefit. Mr. Harriss said it had been found in past North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System w~r~ excessive in charges compared with what private companies charge. He said stock or mutual companies will bid much lower than they will. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Aall, that the Board defer action in order to give Mr. ,{' Harriss an opportunity to get figures on this coverage. Motion carried unanimously. 48~' MINUTES OF THE MEETING, JUNE 1, 1970 (CONTINUED) DEATH BENEFIT COUNTY EI°iPLOYEES UNDER RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CONTINUE-) - Mr. Harriss pointed out he was not trying to deprive anyone of any benefits but felt in- surance companies should be ~iven opportunity to bid. Mr. Harriss requested the press to make it public the county will consider life insurance covera~e of county employees now under retirement plan, if it is to the advantage o£ the county. Life insurance companies are invited to bid on this portion o£ insurance for the.county employees. kPPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO MENTAL HEAUPH ADVISORY BOARD - Mr. Marks advised the Commissioners that the Nominatin~ Committee of the Southeastern Mental Health Association has submitted names of Mrs. John Codington and Mrs. Hugh Primrose for appointment to the Mental Health Advisory Board. Both Mrs. Codington and Mrs. Primrose wer~ very enthusiastic and willing to serve i£ elected. ~11so, Rev. Jerone C. Jones has sub- mitted name of Mr. George Sakash for appointment to the Mental Health Advisory Board. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by T'Lr. Hall, that th~ three persons be approved, subject to approval of Dr. James H. Smith, Chairman of the Nominating Committee. Motion carried unanimously. T~rms. of the persons named will begin July l, 19'70 and run as follows: Mrs. John Codington 4 years ending June 30, 19'74 Mrs. Hugh Primrose 4 years ending June 30, 19'74 Mr. George Sakash 3 years ending June 30, 1973 JOHN WESSELL RE9UEST TO PITRCHASE COUNTY PROPERTY - Mr. J. C. Wessell, Jr. appeared before the Board concerning three lots in Block 550 apparently owned jointly by City and County acguired by virtu~ of a tax sale. Mr. Wessell said he had a client interested in this property and he was willin~ to make a firm of£er of $150 £or the property. The Chairman was apprised of the Tax Office's appraisal of the three tracts mentioned in Mr. Wessell's letter of May 15, 19~0 as follows: Tract 1-$2440, Tract 2-$4910 and Tract 3 - $2340, total ~9690. After a lengthy discussion concerning tax foreclosed property, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board defer any action until the County Attorneq can investigate and make recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held on how county can acquire list of county owned property. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this be referred to the County Administrator and County Attorney for their recommendations. Motion carried unanimousls. Mr. Bo~aden said he has tried to bring county's list up to date and has same list city has. Mr. Fox said when you have list, title still needs examining. BID OPENING - CARPET - SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT - Two bids were received for carpet which had b~en advertised. They are as follows: Coastal Flooring Carpet and Tile $14,250 Strickland Carpet 8,938 Another firm who had planned to bid did not get their bid in on time. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by T'Ir. Hall, that the Board reject bids, bids being inadeguate and number insufficient and that Board readvertise. Messrs. Metts, Marks and Hall voted in the affirmative and Messrs. Williams and Harriss in the negative. Flzrther discussion was held in which it was pointed out Strickland's bid was in order whereas Coastal had included title which was not advertised. Mr. Fox informed the Board it would be in order to accept Strickland's bid. Another vote was called on Mr. Mark's motion and it failed; Messrs. Marks and Hall votin~ "Yes" and I'fessrs. Harriss, Metts and Williams voting "No". Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that bid of Strickland, in amount of 9~8,938, be accepted. Motion carried four to one. Mr. William~ voted "No". Mr. Williams pointed out the reason he voted against both motions was he felt this should be a budget item. Miss Hall advised she had rec~ived informal bid o£ ~2,000 for tile work. By common consent it was agreed this bid ne accepted. UNFINISHED ITEMS IN SOCIAZ SERVICES BUILDING - Mr. Marks called attention to letter Miss Hall had written Mr. Bowden regarding un£inished items in the Social Services Building. Mr. Marks said he had discussed this with one of the contractors, Reagan Construction Company,~ who advised he felt proper procedure would be to notify architect and insist th~y be finished immediately. By common consent it was agreed this would be handled administratively. PROPOSED ADMINISTRATIVE SOCIAZ SERVICES BUDGET 1970-71 - Miss Hall presented Social Services Budget for ly'70-'71 saying the State now requires it be in their hands by April 15, 19']0 which is before County Commissioners have reviewed it. Miss Hall said she was unaware of this until she recently received a lett~r from the State office to this ef£ect. Aft~r brief discussion, Mr. Fox suggested th~ budget be reviewed as quickly as possible and £oru~~arded to the State Department. Mr. Williams suggested that the Board begin budget studies immediat~ly. He said Board could conduct hearing with various department heads £or justification of thcir requests and when the County Auditor has reconciled his books overall picture can be considered which would minimize delay on this particular budget. By common consent it was agreed budget discussion will begin Monday, Jv.ne 8 at 9~00 A.M. beginning with Social Services Budget. ~ ~ ~ ' i 4~4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, JUNE l, 1970 (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION INCZUDE INSURANCE ON CONSOLIDATED TAX OFFICE AND LIBRA~Y IN BLANKET INSURANCE - Letter from the Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee dated May 11 regarding insurance for the Consolidated Ta~; Office and Library not being handled by them was discussed by the Board. , Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board resolve that the insurance on the Consolidated Tax Office and Library be included in the 1970-~1 insurance, i£ n~cessary, Motion carried unanimously. CIVIL DEFENSE REQUEST TO REALTACATE WITHIN ITS BUDGET - General Harriss, Director, Civil Defense, requested reallocation of $1,000 to communication and $200 to of£ice e~pense. This reallocation is possible because of having available $1500 un~~ended from joint 1969-70 City-County Budget. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that th~ reallocation be approved as re- quested. Motion carried unanimously. CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGET - Mr. Metts questioned General Harriss regarding Civil De£ense Staffing Plan which he had b~en reguested to si~n in ord~r for Mr. Harriss to mail to Raleigh. General Harriss assured Mr. Metts subject and amounts on this budget are the same as on the county budget. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign Civil Defense Budget estimate for State. Motion carri~d unanimously. GEORGE CROOM - Mr. George Croom appear~d before the Board to express his opinions on s~veral subjects. He does not approve of City and County consolidation, afraid county will be in red if they do. He does not approv~ of outsiders coming in and zoning. In fact he thinks it is not fair a trailer cannot be placed in an R-20 Zone. Mr. Metts advised him before consolidation takes place it will have to be put to vote of people. Mr. Croom did notthink City should be allowed to vote on this; only county people. He was thanked for his good opinion o£ the Board and for expressing himself. INTRODUCTION OF APPLICANT FOR 4-H WORK - Mr. Baggett introduced John Tomlinson, III recent graduate of N. C. State Univ~rsity, who has expressed interest in position which is open in 4-H Work in Mr. Ba~gett's d~partment. STATEWIDE CONFERENCE ON NVENILE DETENTION - Mr. Hall advised the Board of Statewide Conference on Juvenile detention to be held at the Sandhills Community College in Southern Pines, N. C. on June 18 and 19, 19'70. Mr. Hall said he would like for the Board to authorize someone to att~nd, since he cannot do so. He said Mr. 67illiams is involved in area where £unds will be obtained for the operation. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that any commissioner that can attend be authorized to do so. Motion carried unanimously. TOWING OF TUGS TO FISHING REEFS - Mr. Harriss informed the Board The Dan Moore arrives Monday afternoon, June l, at Cape Fear Tech Dock to tow tugs to fishing reef sites beginning Tuesday, June 2. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Board, T'Ir. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unaninously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs P'ffNUTES OF THE MEETING JUNE 15, 19~0 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the follovaing present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. H~11 H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; Mrs. Elizabeth Edens (sitting in for Mr. Shepard who was working on the budget); County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Sava~e, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. A. F. Hooper, Pastor, Christ Cathedral A.M.E. Church, to give the 3nvocation. TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - Mr. Bowden requested transfer of $2500 from Capital Outlay to Elevator Expense. The Airport requested transfer of $400 from Salaries to Gas and Oil Resale and $1,000 from Salaries to Labor from County Farm. Board of Education requested transfers from the following accounts: Office Supplies - 9$1,000, h~ages of Janitors -~3,138.51, Repairs to Buildings & Grounds -$3,000, Repairs & Repl. - Instructional Apparatus -$4,000, Wages of Drivers -~5,000, and Gas, Oil & Urease $4,500, total $20,638.51 to Retirement & Social Security. Museum requested transfer of $145 from Exhibit Rental and $298 from Maintenance to Capital Outlay in order to purchase steel cases needed to set up their colleCtion storage area.