1970-06-15 Regular Meeting~ ' i 4~4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING, JUNE l, 1970 (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION INCZUDE INSURANCE ON CONSOLIDATED TAX OFFICE AND LIBRA~Y IN BLANKET INSURANCE - Letter from the Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee dated May 11 regarding insurance for the Consolidated Ta~; Office and Library not being handled by them was discussed by the Board. , Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board resolve that the insurance on the Consolidated Tax Office and Library be included in the 1970-~1 insurance, i£ n~cessary, Motion carried unanimously. CIVIL DEFENSE REQUEST TO REALTACATE WITHIN ITS BUDGET - General Harriss, Director, Civil Defense, requested reallocation of $1,000 to communication and $200 to of£ice e~pense. This reallocation is possible because of having available $1500 un~~ended from joint 1969-70 City-County Budget. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that th~ reallocation be approved as re- quested. Motion carried unanimously. CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGET - Mr. Metts questioned General Harriss regarding Civil De£ense Staffing Plan which he had b~en reguested to si~n in ord~r for Mr. Harriss to mail to Raleigh. General Harriss assured Mr. Metts subject and amounts on this budget are the same as on the county budget. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign Civil Defense Budget estimate for State. Motion carri~d unanimously. GEORGE CROOM - Mr. George Croom appear~d before the Board to express his opinions on s~veral subjects. He does not approve of City and County consolidation, afraid county will be in red if they do. He does not approv~ of outsiders coming in and zoning. In fact he thinks it is not fair a trailer cannot be placed in an R-20 Zone. Mr. Metts advised him before consolidation takes place it will have to be put to vote of people. Mr. Croom did notthink City should be allowed to vote on this; only county people. He was thanked for his good opinion o£ the Board and for expressing himself. INTRODUCTION OF APPLICANT FOR 4-H WORK - Mr. Baggett introduced John Tomlinson, III recent graduate of N. C. State Univ~rsity, who has expressed interest in position which is open in 4-H Work in Mr. Ba~gett's d~partment. STATEWIDE CONFERENCE ON NVENILE DETENTION - Mr. Hall advised the Board of Statewide Conference on Juvenile detention to be held at the Sandhills Community College in Southern Pines, N. C. on June 18 and 19, 19'70. Mr. Hall said he would like for the Board to authorize someone to att~nd, since he cannot do so. He said Mr. 67illiams is involved in area where £unds will be obtained for the operation. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that any commissioner that can attend be authorized to do so. Motion carried unanimously. TOWING OF TUGS TO FISHING REEFS - Mr. Harriss informed the Board The Dan Moore arrives Monday afternoon, June l, at Cape Fear Tech Dock to tow tugs to fishing reef sites beginning Tuesday, June 2. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Board, T'Ir. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unaninously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs P'ffNUTES OF THE MEETING JUNE 15, 19~0 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the follovaing present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. H~11 H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; Mrs. Elizabeth Edens (sitting in for Mr. Shepard who was working on the budget); County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Sava~e, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. A. F. Hooper, Pastor, Christ Cathedral A.M.E. Church, to give the 3nvocation. TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - Mr. Bowden requested transfer of $2500 from Capital Outlay to Elevator Expense. The Airport requested transfer of $400 from Salaries to Gas and Oil Resale and $1,000 from Salaries to Labor from County Farm. Board of Education requested transfers from the following accounts: Office Supplies - 9$1,000, h~ages of Janitors -~3,138.51, Repairs to Buildings & Grounds -$3,000, Repairs & Repl. - Instructional Apparatus -$4,000, Wages of Drivers -~5,000, and Gas, Oil & Urease $4,500, total $20,638.51 to Retirement & Social Security. Museum requested transfer of $145 from Exhibit Rental and $298 from Maintenance to Capital Outlay in order to purchase steel cases needed to set up their colleCtion storage area. 485 MINUTES OF THE MEETING JUNE 15. 1970 (CONTINUED) - TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) - ~ The following requests were presented by the Auditor's Office: Court House - Farm Labor ~ 114~00 From A. & E. Farm Labor 61.00 Jail - Groceries 300.00 Jail - Laundry 50.00 Airport - Ballard, McKim & Sawyer - Architect Fees - Miller Contract 923.00 Auditor - Stationery & Supplies 200.00 Auditor - Telephone 250.00 General Contingency Fund Yb1,898.00 School Lunchroom Program Appropriation 396•75 Unanticipated Revenue - School I,unchroom Pro~ram 396•75 Cape Fear Tech. - Appropriation Motor Vehicles Operation 130.00 Unanticipated Revenue - Cape Fear Tech. Motor Vehicles Operation 130.00 Commissioners - Advertising 138.81 General Contingency Fund 138•81 Jail Telephone 3•7~ General Contingency Fund 3•7~ Mental Health Telephone from Mental Hea7th Salaries 83.81 83.81 Mr. Williams.moved, seconded by Mr. Masks, that all the requests for transfers and appropriations presented ba approved. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES, REGULAR MEETING JUNE 1, 1970 - Mr. Marks movecl, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes for the regular meeting of June 15, 1970 be approved as ~aritten. Motion carried unanimously. BUDGET MINUTES OF MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1970 - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes for Budget Meeting of June 8 be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hall raised question there might be some changes due to revenue picture but the minutes reflected what took place at the meeting. Discussion was held regarding Social Services Budget being signed. Mr. Bowden said he and Mr. Shepard had spot checked the salaries and they had been changed as requested by the Commissioners. By common consent it iaas agreed Mr. Netts be authorized to sign the Social Services Proposed Budget. SEDC - Mr. H. Van Reid appeared before the Commissioners to discuss status o£ the SEDC. Mr. Reid said SEDC is made up of ten counties having low income and large percent of unemployment. Mr. Reid advised information had been received that three of the four redevelopment counties; Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, will lose their designation as of June 30, 1°,`]0. The Department o£ Commerce advises that the employment had dropped below 6%; Brunswick 5.4%, Columbus5.8%, and Blad.en 5.5%. Mr. Reid said there is some question about where the percentages came from. Mr. Reid said if these counties lose their designation as redevelopment areas, the SEDC cannot exist because there must be two counties in a district designated as redevelopment areas. Mr. Reid said as a grosoth center we are entitled to EDA benefits which are for public work and possible development. He said SEDC has been responsible for assisting in obtaining approval of a number of grants. Mr. Reid pointed out possibility of loss of grant to aid in the City's southside sewer plant. Mr. Reid had letters from Chairmen of several Boards of Commissioners requesting that the Department~ o£ Commerce be requested to delay the recertification of these three counties until 39']0 census figures`are ou~. ~ Mr. Reid ~uggested the Boards o£ Commissioners write the Department of Commerce, Congressmen and Senators, requesting delay of recertification of these three counties until the 19']0 census fi~ures are out or support these counties in asking for a recensus. Mr. Reid said if unemployment has dropped and income increased he feels the SEDC has served its purpose. If not, the SEDC has obligation to try and secure available grants. Mr. Harriss inquired of the County Attorney what force the Governor's order had. Mr. Fox said he did not know. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Reid's suggestion be followed and letter be written to the Department of Commerce, Congressmen and 6enators, requesting that the action on de-designation be delayed until such time as pertinent 19'70 census information can be evaluated and request a special unemployment survey be conducted by the Department of Labor in the a£fected counties. 'Mr. Metts suggested counties that we have received letters from be furnished copy of this Board's letter and also the City. ~ 4~6 NINUTES OF Tf~ MEETING JITI~7E 15. 1970 (CONTINUED) - SEDC (CONTINUED) - Mr. Metts said if New Hanover County is not considered a grotiath center, it mas be difficult for the City to build south side plant. Mr. Metts said he thought letter should be written for benefit of citizens of New Hanover County. Vote was called on motion, it was carried unanimously. AIRPORT I,EASE - TAXICABS, INC. - Mr. Woodrovr Yridgen and Attorney Oliver Carter appeared before the Board to discuss renewal of lease between Taxicabs, Inc. and New Hanover County.. Taxicabs requested two changes; (1) to except the gross receipts from passengers moving from the airport to Camp Lejeune from the ten percentage payments made by them to the County and (2) make the agree- ment for a period of five years rather than three. Mr. Prid~en advised the Commissioners he has steadily lost money on the service to Camp Lejeune. Mr. Pridgen gave as his reason for requesting l.onger agreement that he has contracted to purchase a new twenty passenger bus which will not be justified for a period of only three years. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the agreement between Taxicabs, Inc. and the County be renewed for five years to furnish taxi service to New Hanover County Airport and that the 10'~ clause be suspended, subject to annual revietiv. Motion carried. AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Mr. Herbert McKim and Mr. Hardy Wessell were spokesmen for the Airport Committee of the Chamber of Commerce which appeared at the meeting with suggestions concerning operations of the New Hanover County Airport. Mr. Williams opened the discussion, since the subject had been placed on the agenda by him. Mr. Williams re£erred to a memo he had written the Commissioners earlier this month o£fering recommendations regarding establishment of an Airport Advisory Committee. His recommendations are as follows: "1. The airport shall continue to be operated as a County Department with planning and operating advice to be p~ovided to the County Commissioners through an Airport Advisory Committee. 2. The Airport Advisory Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the County Commissioners, County Administrator, and Airport Manager on airport affairs. 3. Members of the Airport Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the County Commissioners to serve staggered terms of five years. The original appointments shall be for one through five years. Re-appointments shall be for terms of five years. 4. Organization: A. The County Commissioners as the governing body shall exercise budgetary control, approve major capital improvement programs, and approve all contracts and leases between the County and airport tenants. B. The County Administrator shall serve as the Airport Manager's Supervisor. C. The Airport Advisory Committee shall engage in long range planning for airport development, reviewing and studying all revenue producing aspects, recommending appropriate action to the County Commissioners on all airport matters, studying all financial needs and methods of financing airport improve- ments, reviewing and studying all aspects of air transportation needs in New Hanover County." Mr. Williams said he understood the Airport Committee of the Chamber of Commerce has some recommendations to make which he had not seen but had talked oenerally with the Transportation Committee Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and wanted to say he was not wedded to recommendations he (himself) had made. rr. Williams said what we a11 want is to improve what we now have. Mr. Williams said if the recommendations of the Airport Committee are better, he will certainly support them. Mr. Herbert McKim said Mr. Williams' proposal is basica119 as it operates now with exception Board of County Commissioners will appoint Airport Commission. Mr. McKim said his committee in the past six or eight weeks has visited all major airports in North Carolina to discuss plus and minus of their operations and have discussed with the F.A.A. Airport Managers Consultant about how they see airports of our size operate. Mr. McKim presented the £ollowing recommendations: "GENERAI, SCOPE General scope o£ activi.ties and authority of Commission would be to promote, improve and operate the New Hanover County Airport in every aspect, and be the 'Board of ; Directors' with authority as shown below: / RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITY l. To prepare a budget and to operate within that budget. The budget would be funded'by both the County and airport business. 2. To enter into contracts to promote and improve the airport and to lease or build buildings, lease sites, to schedule air service (both passenger and freight) and generally to conduct all the business of the airport and its operation. 3. Employ 2nd to supervise the personnel of the airport. To maintain an adequate number of qualified personnel. 4. To negotiate and conduct all business with the Federal Aviation Administration, other Federal Agencies and State Agencies. , 4 ~'7 ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING JUNE 15. 1970 (CONTINUED) - AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) - "COMMISSION COMPOSITIOIV The New Hanover County Commissioners would appoint the five member commission on a staggered term basis. Each term would be £or five years. The Commission would not have a member of the County Commissioners on it. The Airport Commission would make quarterly reports to the Count9 Commissioners. "RECOP1t7ENDATION In summary, this Commission will have the authority for that complete operation of the New Hanover County Airport except the New Hanover County Commissioners will have to approve major capital improvements and issue call for bonds as recommended by the Commission." Mr. McKim said Airport could be operated by turning it over to the Airport Authority (this type of Commission operates airport) or Advisory Commission as recommended by Mr. Williams. Mr. McKim said airports that seem to make more progress operate under Airport Commissions. Mr. Williams inquired concerning Item I of the recommendations presented by Nr. McKim as to the budget; he inquired whether the budget would be approved by the County Commissioners in all details. Mr. PZcKim said it would. , Mr. Hall said he appreciates ef£orts of the Chamber's committee but hesitates to get involved in an actual authority; he felt it should be invested in Board of Commissioners ~aith Chamber's help. Mr. Hall said there should be someone in actual authority responsive to public opinion. Mr. Hall said he would hesitate to approve having this Board relinquish control to the extent it would have nothing to do with airport but furnish.money. He also questioned advisability of five year terms o£ the proposed Airport Commission. Mr. McBim said they felt the Board of Commissioners had enough to d.o in management of the County to promote airport as it should be. He said airport is being run•well but not being promoted. Mr. Metts expressed opinion he felt the Board of Commissioners should have an ex officio member on this proposed Airport Commission to keep the Commissioners informed. Mr. Hall called attention to the fact there was an Airport Authority at one time; problems arose and there was quite a bit of contention between Board and Authority. Mr. McKim said they felt Airport is big business and they are not proposing giving airport to authority for operation. Mr. Harriss said this looks like what you are doing and he was not going along with it, however, he would go along with Mr. Williams' recommendations. Mr. Hall said he wondered i£ there were not some between gr.ound; without the absolute authority that is indicated here. Chamber has a great deal of talent, but he felt like the Board of Commissioners have some ability to assume authority if and when it is necessary. Mr. Mc%im said it was hard to find z:half way point. For example, to give a group authority to run airport and tell them they can negotiate contracts but they cannot sign the.m. Mr. Williams said he was inclined to feel the budget control would give the control that • the Board feels would be essential for its purpose and believed a little earlier Commissioner Hall indicated that if "Commission Composition" were amended it would. take out apprehension he had. Nr. Williams suggested the following wording: "Each term would be for five years to serve at the pleasure of the Board of County Commissioners, and, in addition, the Commissioners would have a member of the County Commissioners on the Airport Commission as an ex officio non voting member." Mr. Harriss moved the Board defer action on this until the next meeting in order that he might present some recommendations. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Marks said he was retired and felt like he had more than any other Co.mmissioner, but even so, he did not feel he after operation of an airport. Mr. Narks said the Board now the talents of citizens of our community and said he felt it out of politics and place it strictly on its merits. Mr. Ma select gentlemen who would give their undivided attention to time to spend on his assignments had sufficient time to look out has the opportunity of developing would be well to get the airport rks said the Board would certainly the operation of the airport. "Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board accept proposal with amendment stated by Mr. Williams: 'Each term would be for £ive years to serve at the pleasure of the Board of County Commissioners, and, in addition, the Commissioners would have a member of the County Commissioners on the Airport Commission as an ex officio non-voting member; the budget is to be prepared by the Airport Commission subject to approval of the Board of County Commissioners', and that the Board proceed to implement it as early as possible, preferably by July 1, subject to approval and review of the County Attorney." Mr. Hall remarked his apprehension had been relieved; the County has budget control and liaison and the members on the Airport Commission a~ill serve at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Fox said he wanted to investigate to determine whether action will conform with statutes. Mr. Wessell said there was special legislation but suggested review be m2de. rr. I,. L. Doss, Jr., objected to "at pleasure of Board10 for fear members would be replzced when they were not members of same party as majority of the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Harriss said there was too much lack of uniformity of opinion to act and ~TOUld not ,want to act hastily on subject. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion that the Board defer action until the next meeting. Motion died for lack o£ a second. ~ ~ i 488 MINUTES OF THE MEETING JUPtE 15. 1970 (CONTINUED) - AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) - Vote was called on Mr. Marks' motion. It carried four to one. Mr. Harriss voted "NO" Mr. Hall then pointed out that when the Board had a Republican majority it kept on a Democartic Attorney and this Board, by the same token, has P1r. Fox and Mr. Bowden still with us. He said he thinks when the Board of Commissioners select their men they are not going to rule good men out because of their political party. Meeting was recessed for five minutes. Meeting reconvened. ~ JWENILE DETENTION COMMITTEE - Mr. Charlie Brown, Chairman, Juvenile Detention Advisory Committee came before the Board requesting verbal commitment to provide land on which to build Juvenile Home. Mr. Pletts wanted clarification of who held office as chairman of the Committee. Mr. Metts said he was under the impression Mr. Hall had been appointed to this office. Mr. Brown said he was Chairman of Regional Committee which took precedence. Mr..Hall said he talked with the committee before and it came to a definite conclusion a Juvenile Center was essential. It also came to conclusion that if such a center was built, New Hanover County would have to do it, and other counties interested in using the facility would do so on a per diem cost. When we came to that conclusion, we took it up with the Planning Board who said there vaas money available for study which would have to come from the Regional Group. The County put up something like $62,000 to match what would come from the Regional Group. He said he £elt old committee should be dissolved and the Committee Mr. Brown is heading be recognized. Mr. Metts said this would be done with proviso Mr. Hall be a member of the new committee. Mr. Williams said he was already and had been asked to be the chairman but had other commitments. By common consent the old committee was dissolved and new one recognized. Mr. Williams said to receive Law Enforcement Planning Unit funds committee had to be a committee of the I,aw Enforcement Planning Unit. They just had a meeting at which almost 1005 were present. By common consent the Board agreed to look with favor on furnishing land for the Juvenile Detention Home. Mr. Brown said it V~ould require from four to six acres. Mr. Marks pointed out there is going to be a meeting on Juvenile Detention on June 18 at Southern Pines and suggested it .might be a good idea if Mr. Brown attended. Mr. Brown said he planned to. BID OPENING - DRAGLINE - The following bids were received for the dragline rec:ently advertised for'i (Charges shown are cash prices, and do not include N. C. 8ales Tax) E. F. Craven Co. $42,585.00 Mitchell Distributing Co. 38,640.00 Spartan Equipment Co. 39,625.00 H. B. Owsley & Son, Inc. 36,840.00 So-Rite Manufacturing & Supply Co. No Bid Mr. Marks moved, seconded b~ Mr. Williams, that they be referred to the County Administrator, for study end recommendation. Motion carried. °NO-WAF~" RESOLUTION Mr. Harriss discussed the application prepared by Mr. Fox to be filed with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission requesting special rules and regulations to be applicable on waters within New Hanover County. Mr. Harriss pointed out several changes and moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the application, as amended, be presented to the Wildlife Resources Commission in time for its next meeting which he believes is early in July. Mr. Nar.ks suggested extendin~ regulations but Mr. Harriss was of the opinion i£ extended legitimate objections could be made. Vote was called on the motion. It carried unanimously. Following is the application to be filed with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission: "Pursuant to public notice and public hearing duly held by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on the 18th day of May, 1970, said Board herewith formally applies to the Wildlife Resources Commission for for the following special rules and regulations to be applicable on waters within New Hanover County: l. No person shall operate any .motor boat or vessel, or manipulate any water skis, surf board or similar device within 300 feet of docks, marinas, and boat launching ramps located as designated on the attached map as areas A, B, and C in such a manner as to create a wake which is or may be dangerous to the li£e, limb, or property of any person. The foregoing special rules and regulations are necessary and appropriate inasmuch as serious damage to property has frequently occurred in the area of the Wrightsville Marina and other public piers within the aforedescribed areas by reason of vessels drawing wakes of considerable magnitude. The Board o£ Commissioners of New Hanover County formally applies for the adoption of the foregoing special rules and regulations, and further, requests that the Wildli£e Resources Commission investigate the operation of vessels within waters.of New Hanover County and , 4&9 ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING JUNE 15. 1970 (CONTINUED) - "NO-WAKE" RESOLUTION (CONTINUED) - that it adopt similar regulations for such other areas within New Hanover County as it deems meet, and further requests the Wildlife Resources Commission to erect "no wake" signs in aforementioned areas and in such areas as the Wildlife Resources Commission determines in the best interests of public safety. This day of June, 19'70. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ RESOLUTION - WORI~'iAN'S COMPENSATION EI,ECTED OFFICIALS - Mr. Bowden read Mr. Fox's letter of June 5 regarding 1Jorl~an's Compensation on elected officials in which Nr. Fox pointed out they are not covered unless the Board adopts an appropriate resolution. Mr. Marks said the thing that bothered him tivas the fact the Sheriff, who is in a very hazardous position, is not covered. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County Attorney be requested to draft such a resolution, including all elected officials. Motion carried. Following is the resolution prepared by Mr. Fox: ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA R E S 0 Z U T I 0 N COUN~1' OF NEW HANOVER "On a motion duly made it tiaas unanimously resolved that for the purposes of iaorl~nen's compensation coverage the term "Employee" shall include all officers and employees of New Hanover County elected by the people, and such officers and employees are herewith deemed employees of New Hanover County. Dated this 15th day of June , 19~0. Chairman Board of County Commissioners " SALE OF CITY-COUNTY PROPERTY - Mr. Bowden brought to the attention of the Board letter from City Manager E. C. Brandon advising the City had approved sale of three small pieces of property in Block 80 for the total sum of $1145. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board approve sale of property also. Motion carried unanimously. DOG POUND CONTRACT - Nr. r'ox advised the contract had been dictated but had not been transcribed. Mr. Narks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract when it is presented, subject to approval of the County Attorney and County Administrator. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MEI`YBER TO MUSEUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mrs. S. C. Kellam be re-appointed to the Museum Board of Directors for a term of three years. rotion carried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUEST - ~ A.B.C. Permit Request in the name of Redix Better Life, 120 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, was presented to the Board for consideration. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that it be referred to the Sheriff's Department for their consideration. Motion carried unanimously. . DEATH BENEFIT INSURANCE FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES - Nr. ~arks reminded the Board that at the last meeting the Board discussed renevral of death benefit to all county ~mployees and it was deferred until this meeting to give Mr. Harriss time to explore. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, £or discussion, that we renei~r the agreement for death bene£it to the County employees with the N. C. Local Government Retirement System. Nr. Harriss advised specifications have been furnished various representatives of insurance companies for informal bids and they were advised bids must be in by June 22nd. Mr. Marks remarked the Board had not authorized this. Mr. Metts said he felt there had been a misunderstanding, but if insurance had been put out for bids and businessmen had been requested to bid, he thought ttie Board should delay action and it be brought up at budget hearing nearest June 22nd. Mr. Marks oras afraid this might put the County in jeopardy. Mr. Harriss said all we have to do is sign the renet•~al agreement by July 1 and he £elt this could be delayed until receipt o£ bids. Mr. Marks withdrew motion. . ~ ~49Q MINUTES OF THE It~ETING JUNE 15, 1970 CONTIATUED - DEATH BENEFIT INSURANCE FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES (CONTIATUED) - Mr. Williams raised question o£ whether we have officially notified all insurance writers that might be interested. Mr. Harriss said request for informal bids had been given to the Zi£e Underwriters Association. Mr. Williams questioned legality and Mr. Harriss said awarding it to State is just as illegal. ~r. Fox was asked if the bids would require ad.vertising. He checked the bids do not require formal advertising procedure. Further discussion raas deferred. TAPE RECORDER - Nr. Harriss asked that an inexpensive tape recorder be acquired for recording motions in order that possibility of misunderstandings may be eliminated. By common consent, it was agreed Mr. Bowden investigate. LETTER FROM MAJOR GENERAL FERD L. DAVIS. OFFICE OF ADJUTAi~TT GENERAL~ RALEIGH - Mr. Hall reminded the Board of letter from P'fajor General Ferd L. Davis advising that on Thursday, June 18, the National Guard armories in Wilmington will be open for the purpose of obtaining signatures on petitions asking humane treatment for our comrades in North Vietnam. Support of this effort which is sponsored by the National Guard and the Jaycees was requested. AIRPORT EASEMENTS Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that recommendations outlined in Mr. Bowden's memorandum to them, dated June 12, be complied with and the County Attorney be authorized to draw up resolution and it be presented. Motion carried. Following is Mr. Bowden's memorandum referred to: "Hon. Commissioners: I talked with Hugh Morton (in Zinville until season closes) this a.m. reference, Airport Easement. kfter that, I called Bob Williams with John Talbert to advise him of Hugh's position on negotiation which is: The Morton family will not allow us to cut trees for clearance and willsettle easement at no less than $500 per acre. Bob and I concluded the County could have settled for $200 to $b250 per acre gladly and since FAA will participate in a"faiT" settlement (up to j0'/o) there is no need to prolong the easement agony. It would be cheaper to settle than to hold up FAA funds and be required to borrow and pay interest on $200 M+. There isn't time to condemn without paying interest plus cost of court action and the outcome is questionable. Bob and I recommend action be taken to conclude easement." rr. Harriss complimented Mr.Bowden on his fine manner of handling this. NEXT MEETING - TUESDAY, JULY 7- Mr. Bowden reminded the Board first Monday in July is a holiday, therefore meeting of the Board will be on Tuesda~, July 7. ~ FUTURE BUDGET HEARINGS - By common consent future budget hearings will be postponed until Mr. Shepard is able to furnish revenue picture. By common consent it was agreed the Chairman o~ill schedule budget meetings thereafter just as soon as he can get three members of the Board together. FISHING REEFS - Mr. Harriss informed the Board the tugs had been sunk for the fishing reefs and the State had acknowledged receipt of the tugs. • VISITORS - Mr. Metts expressed Board's welcome to the Student Nurses from Chapel Hill who were observing the meeting. REVENUE SHARING Mr. Metts read reply £rom Congressman Lennon to his letter concerning revenue sharing. Congressman Lennon said he had for several years favored the principle of revenue sharing and introduced H.R. 6040 on February 15, 196`J. Congressman Lennon enclosed copy of press release issued at the time. Congressman Lennon said he will do all he can in support of legislation to correct the revenue inequity now existing for our local governments. APPROPRIATION FOR WATER & SEWER BY CONGRESS Mr. 6ailliams advised the office was in receipt of letters from Senator Ervin, Senator Jordan, Congressman I,ennon and Congressman Henderson in reply to letter written requesting proposed appropriation for v~ater and sewer be increased substantially by the Congress. Mr. Williams said these representatives expressed keen interest and one or two indicated they would support the request. LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOb~tttvi~NTS APPOINTMENTS - '1'he Chairman appointed John Van B. Metts, Jr., and H. A. Marks to fill the additional places on the lower Cape Fear Council o£ Local Governments. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further busine~s to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss,moved., seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjour~. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board ,