1970-07-07 Regular Meeting4 91~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING JULY '7, 1970 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present; Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden rras absent due to serving in the Army Reserve. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked Mr. Hall to give the invocation. DEATH OF MR. JOHN E. WOOD, SR.~ ELECTRICAZ INSPECTOR - Mr. Metts expressed sympathy of' the Board to the family of Mr. Wood and requested the Clerk to send letter to the wife of Mr. Wood. Also, the flag will be flown half-mast until after the funeral. APPROVAL OF MINUTES REGULAR MEETING NNE 15 - The following corrections were made to minutes of regular meetin~ of June 15, 19'70: On Page 7, first paragraph should read as follows: "Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, the Board accept proposal with amendment stated by Mr. Williams: 'Each term would be for five years to serve at the pleasure of the Board of County Commissioners, and in addition, the Commissioners would have a member of the Count~ Commissioners on the Airport Commission as an ex-officio non-voting member; the budget is to be prepared by the Airport Commission subject to approval of the Board of County Commissioners', and that the Board proceed to implement it as early as possible, preferably by July 1, subject to approval and review of the County Attorney." On Page 11, under heading"Airport Easements", first paragraph, following sentence should be added: "Mr. Bowden's memorandum is as follows: 'I talked with Hugh Morton (in I,inville until season closes) this k.M. ref. Airport Easement. After that, I called Bob Williams, with John Talbert, to advise him of Hugh's position on negotiation which is: 'The Morton family will not allow us to cut trees for clearance and will settle easement at no less than $500 per acre. 'Bob and I concluded the County would have settled for $200 to 95250 per acre gladly and since FAA will participate in a'fair' settlement (up to 5a~) there is no need to prolong the easement agony. 'It would be cheaper to settle than to hold up FAA £unds and be required to borrow and pay interest on $200M+. 'There isn't time to condemn without pa~*ing interest plus cost of court action and then outcome is questionable. 'Bob and I recommend action to be taken to conclude easement."' Following the above corrections, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF MIPI[TTES SPECIAI~ MEETIr1G JUNE 22 - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes of Special Meeting of June 22, 19~0 be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. TAX COI~LECTOR'S REPORT - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, presented monthly report of taxes collected as follows: 1969 taxes~collected through June 30, 1970, $53,4~3.91, leaving balance of $25'7,696,34; back taxes collected during month of June $6,323•29, leaving balance of $264,519.51; and delinquent personal taxes collected during June $11,831.79• Mr. Johnson expressed the opinion that due to 8yz percent interest rate, people were not borrowing money with which to pay their taxes. Mr. Marks called attention to where a person prepay his taxes and was advised his money could by prepaying his taxes. Mr. Johnson said he was reminded the Board his office does not take prep; office. Chairman Metts suggested people be sent advice. went to the Tax Collectors o£fice to earn more than the saving he would realize not aware of such advice being given and ayments; they are paid to the County Auditor's to proper place to pay instead of offering Mr. Johnson's report was accepted by the Board. APPROVkI, CONTRACT TO AUDIT TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE - ~ ~ Chairman Metts advised the contract to audit the Tax Collector's office is routine each year, but felt he should have permission of the Board before signing. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Chairman be authorized to sign contract between W. Earle Beale, C.P.A., and New Hanover County to audit the Tax Collector's office. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIkTIONS - Mr. Shepard requested approval of the following transfers and appropriations: ~ I 4sz PIINUTES OF THE N~ETING NLY 7, 1970 (CONTINUED) - TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) - l. Court Room Furniture & Fixtures Unanticipated Revenue Facility Fees 2. Cape Fear Tech. Motor Vehicles Op. Unanticipated Revenue CFT State Fund No Local Tax Funds 3. 8chool Lunchroom Appropriation Unanticipated Revenue School Lunchroom Program - No Local Tax Fund 4. Wilmington Port & Waterway Comm. General Contingency 5. Tax Collector - Telephone General Contingency TO ~ 518.59 ~ 149.65 22,934.03 ~a.o9 13.11 FROM 518•59 149.65 22,934.03 78.0~ 13.ll Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the transfers and appropriations recommended by Mr. Shepard be approved. Motion carried unanimously. FORMAL APPROVAL SCHOOL BOARD REQUESTS FOR TRANSFERS OF F'UNDS - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that formal approval be $iven the School Board's request £or the following transfers: Letter dated June 10 from School Board requested following: FROM CAPITAI, OUTI,AY Item Burglar Alarm System - Williston Jr. High $592•77 Burglar Alarni System - Gregory 207.23 800.00 TO CAPITAL OUTLAY I tem Furniture & Instructional Apparatus $800.00 Letter dated June 25 from School Board requested £ollowing: FROM REGULAR Item Instructional Supplies ~3,~77•95 Wages of Janitors 13`].19 Fuel 1,300.03 Janitor Supplies 1,633.86 Telephones 1,978-85 Gas, Oil & Grease 1'72.12 Repair Parts 153.69 ~8,453.59 TO REGULAR Sa3aries - R.O.T.C. $3,~~7•95 Water, Light & Power 4,912.'74 Wages of Drivers 463.00 ~8,453.59 FROM CAPITAL OUTLAY Item Burglar Alarm - Gregory $ 105.00 Air Conditioning - Hoggard 6'78.50 783•50 TO CAPITAI~ OUTLAY Air Conditioning - Roland-Grise ']83.50 Motion carried unanimously. OUT-OF-TOWN TRAVEL - EMPIAYEES, HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Mr. Shepard advised the Board that employees of the H~alth Department were at the present time receiving maximum o£ ~15 per day for room and meals vahereas other County employees are allowed full expense for these items. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that adjustment be made to give these employees same consideration as other County employees. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING 3436 So Chairman Metts opened Public Zoning Ordinance; namely rezoning and Fine Valley Drive on the tiaest B-1 (Business District). COLLEGE ROAD -'~,~ ~d~ ~' z`"'"q ~~ ~ Hearing scheduled to be~eld to consider change in County of 3436 South College Road (N. C. 132) between Bragg Drive side of the street from R-15 (Single Famil~ District to Mr. Timothy Wood, Director of Planning was present, and explained when this section of the County was zoned, it was intended that this area be B-l. He said this was a matter of correcting the situation and it is recommended by the Planning Commission. There were no objections to this change. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the recommendations of the Plannin~ Commission be accepted and the change to the County Zoning Ordinance approved. Motion carried unanimously. (For Ordinance adopted, see Zoning Ordinance Book I, Masonboro Section, Page 4.) , \ 4J3 MINUTES OF THE MEETING JULY 7, 1970 (CONTINUED) - PUBLIC HEARING - SPECIAZ USE PERMIT - Public Hearing was continued to consider following application for Special Use Permit: Trustees of Cape Fear Academy, located at 4002 South College Road, requests Special Use Permit to construct a gymnasium at Cape Fear Academy in a R-15 District (Single Family District). Mr. Timothy Wood stated the Academy wishes to enlarge its facilities on its property and plot plans had been submitted by the petitioner and the proposed construction meets the requirements of the County Zoning Ordiriance and the Planning Commission recommends approval of application. No objections orere received to this application. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be accepted and the Special Use Permit be approved. Motion~carried unanimously. PROPOSAL TO CLOSE COUNTY PRISON - Mr. williams read the following statement in support of closing the County Prison: "The proposed budget for the operation of the County Prison for 19'71 is $6'7,918.00, approx- imately two cents on the tax rate. "The County Prison can be closed at a considerable saving to the County. (only two other Counties in the State, Durham and Guilford, operate County Prisons) "The vast majority of the prisoners now being sent to the County Prison would be sent to the 8tate Prison. Able bodied prisoners sentenced to terms in jail can still be assigned to public works in the County, G.S. i53-191. , "The area previously used as trusty quarters in the jail has been renovated and is now being used for regular prisoners. Part of the area previously used as the jailer's quarters is notia being used for trusty quarters. In so doing, the jail capacity has been enlarged and will now accomodate 8 more prisoners than previously. "The present County Prison facilities consisting of four cell blocks and a kitchen can be kept on a standby basis to be used in case of an emergency overflow. "The County's maintenance crew which is proposed in the budget for 19']1 can take care of the maintenance of the standby facilities. "A Juvenile Detention Facility Advisory Committee is at work and will soon have recommendations £or the housing of juveniles who are detained. "This facility will further reduce the number of persons assigned to the jail. The addition of one Superior Court Judge to this judicial district should appreciably reduce the number in jail awaiting trial. "There is a need for a new jail which we all recognize. I would like to avoid the expenditure of additional funds for renovation of the old jail if a practical way can be found to avoid it. "The proposed budget for 19`71 includes an item of $60,000 for capital outlay and renovations for the jail. "The County Administrator has advised me that all of the male employees at the County Prison can be re-assigned to other duties such as the maintenance crew and the drainage crew. "The phasing out of the County Prison can be started immediately and be closed at:the earliest practical date with a deadline of September 30th. The County Administrator has indicated. that the mechanics of closing the Prison can be accomplished without difficulty. "The proposed $6'],918.00 for the operation of the County Prison can be drastically reduced by budgeting for operation of the Prison for three months only. "The proposed $60,000 £or capital outla~ and renovations for the jail can be eliminated by keeping the County Prison facilities on a standby basis £or emergency use only. "The savings rahich can be achieved (over 4¢ on the tax rate) by reducing these two items can be used for more worthwhile purposes. "I recommend that the funds saved be used to create a capital reserve fund for the eonstruction of a new jail." "Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, for discussion, that the New Hanover County Prison be closed as soon as possible, but not later than September 30, 19']0; that phasing out of the County Prison operation begin immediately; that the four cell blocks and the kitchen be kept on a standby basis for emergency use only'; and that the present jail not be further renovated. Further, that the appropriate courts, the North Carolina Department of Corrections and the Sheriff of Neva Hanover County be apprised of this action immediately; tha.t the appropriate Judges be requested. to reassign prisoners now in the County Prison to the ,State Prison in all cases in which it is appropriate to do so. Mr. PTetts raised question of whether it would be going a little far not to renovate the Jail. Mr. Metts felt this should be a separate discussion. Mr. Williams asked to discuss it further before changing his motion. Mr. Williams pointed out the jail has now e~anded orith addition of eight cells making room now for 66 prisoners. Mr.Williams said average daily inmates last year vras 45. Mr. Williams quoted from letter written by Clifton N. Craig, Commissioner, State of North Carolina Department of Social Services, dated August 19, 1969, ~s follows: "The New Hanover County Jail is far from adequate with refer.ence to meeting present statutory requirements. No great expenditure should be made on this jail, and it is recommended that the County plan for construction of a new confinement facility." ~ I 494 MINUTES OF THE MEETING JULY '7, 1970 (CONTINUED) - PROPOSAL TO C7ASE COUNTY PRISON (CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams said every person he had discussed it with from the Department of Correction has advised against expensive renovation of the jail facility, saying it is a stop-gap and will not be satisfactory and will be money down the drain. Mr. Metts said he was of the opinion it would cost more to close the County Prison now and the County might have crowded condition in the Jail. Mr. Harriss said he agreed with Mr. Williams in wanting to close the County Prison. He said he was aware that spending 9b60,000,for renovation of the jail will~.be putting money in something that will not be used for any length of time, however the County is faced with a situation in which the detention people have really displayed a great deal of patience in that the county is confining women and juveniles improperly. This would enable county to correct this for the present. As to average daily number of inmates, Mr. Harriss said this varies on holidays, weekends, etc. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion the County might be in trouble if it does not have a county farm. He pointed out the county will have to have standby personnel to put back into operation the Frison at a moment's notice. Mr. Harriss read the following portion from Judge Gilbert Burnett's letter of June 24, 19`70: "The State Department of Correction will sentenced £or at least six months. Thus, one Farm or remain in jail. The State Department sentenced for,less than thirty days. The max is twenty days. And , we do have quite a few time at the Farm or in jail. not accept a female prisoner: unless she is sentenced for less than that must go to the of Correction will not accept a male who is Lmum we can give a person for public drunkenness of these. Thus, these people must serve their "If the Farm is closed, the convicted defendants, as.above mentioned, will have to serve any time given by the Court in jail. "The jail carries a rather heavy load at the present time, and i frankly think, if we put this extra load on the existing facilities we tia 11 not have room to accommodate them. "My understanding is that the County Commissioners voted to put additional cells in Mr. Joe Johnson's apartment. I understand this work has not•actually started but that two of the rooms are being used to house up to eight trustees. Thus, we have spaces now for 66 prisoners plus eight trustees. I understand further that any renovations made to the jail will be temporary and will have to have a new jail started within about five years. "Thus, my recommendation is that the County Farm not be closed until such time as we have a new jail with sufficient room to accommodate individuals waiting for trial, and the male and femlae convicted offenders as abovementioned. "In fact, I would take it a step further and recommend that no renovations be made to the jail at this time since they will be temporary in nature and those funds be applied in getting a new jail." Mr. Williams said the County has benefit of thinking of two persons, the Judge and Commissioner Craig, that no further expenditure be made on the jail. Mr. Williams said some of the people that have been down here that he had met said they would be looking the other way in requiring a new jail, if New Hanover County gives indication it is working toward a new jail and they will work with us. Mr. Williams advised the Board he had talked with the Sheriff of Wake County who said he did not have any problems with women prisoners; that occasionally they are sentenced for short terms. Mr. Williams talked with sheri£fs of other counties who said they hardly ever had women prisoners. Mr. Williams re.minded the Board of legislation charging the State with responsibility when requested by certain authosities to send transportation to transfer over£low of prisoners to a State facility. This has force of law. Mr. Hall said to keep the Prison on a standby basis will require having three or four people constantly on the payroll. He felt like it will take one man along to keep the grounds. Also, he pointed out buildings deteriorate if they are not occupied. He questioned how much will be saved, taking this into consideration, plus additional food for keeping these people in jail. Mr. Williams said the saving would be from the fact that a good portion of people sent tothe County Prison will be sent to State Prison and put the cost where it should be. We are paying taxes to :operate a State Prison and also a County System. He pointed out 9'J other counties have seen it work. ~ Mr. Williams said he would be willing to delete portion of motion dealing with renovation of the jail if it is necessary to get motion passed. Mr. Willia.ms moved that the words "and that the present jail not be £urther renovated" be stricken from his motion. Mr. $all, who had seconded the motion said he would accept the change. Mr. Williams advised he and the County Administrator had looked the property over at the County Prison and there really is not a lot of maintenance. In £act the County Administrator feels it would not be necessary to have a crew out there a11 the time. Maintenance would be taken care of by the maintenance crew proposed in the budget. Mr. Marks discussed cost on a standby basis and suggested if the County permits the present County Prison Superintendent to stay there rent free and work him at other places the cost would be nil. He said this person could be used if the need arose. ~ 49 ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING JULY 7, 1°70 (CONTINUED) - PROPOSAL TO CIASE COUNTY PRISON (CONTINUED) - Mr. Marks informed the Board Columbus County does not have a jail and they are boarding their prisoners for $5.00 a day, and New Hanover County could do likewise, if necessary. If New Hanover County does that, it will have complied with an emergency situation. He pointed out New Hanover County will have £ewer prisoners due to an extra judge. Mr. Marks said if the County starts the capital reserve fund recommended by Mr. Williams, it will be working toward a new jail facility. ~ Mr. Marks remarked he hoped New Hanover County will not be one of three retaining a prison to which Mr. Hall replied he was not worried over being one of three; New Hanover County is doing what has to be done, it does not have to be bound by what 9'7 other counties are doin~. Replying to Mr. Hall's question, Mr. Shepard said the County now is paying $3 per da~ for prison labor, amounting to approximately between $14,000 and $1'7,000 per year. Mr. Marks pointed out these were not able bodied men. After further discussion on renovation of the jail, Mr. Narks said he did not think it was pertinent to discuss this now and Mr. Williams had agreed to delete this from his motion. Mr. Metts asked for the motion again. Mr. Williams repeated motion as follows: Mr. Williams moved that the New Hanover County Prison be closed as soon as possible, but not later than September 30, 19']0; that phasing out of the County Prison operation begin immediately; that the four cell blocks and the kitchen be kept on a stand.by basis for emergency use only; and further, that the appropriate courts, the North Carolina Department of Corrections and the Sheriff of New Hanover County be apprised of this action immediately; that the appropriate judges be requested to reassign prisoners now in the County Prison to the State Prison in all cases in which it is appropirate to do so. Vote was called on the motion. It carried three to two. Messrs. Hall and Harriss voted "No". APPOINTMENT OUTSIDE AUDITOR TO AUDIT COUNTY BOOKS - Yoll was taken on June 22 and majority voted to appoint ~r. William C. Barfield to audit the County's books for fiscal year 1959-'70. Mr. Metts said this was done in order for the auditor to proceed with the work. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that formal approval be ~iven atsthis time. rotion carried unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF BID TO FURNISFI DRAGLINE - Mr. Rucker of H. B. Owsley & Son, Inc., appeared before the Board saying he understood his bid had been ruled out because it did not meet speci£ications, but he felt it did. By common consent this item was de£erred until the County Administrator could be contacted by phone for an explanation. Meeting recessed 10:25 A.M. Meeting reconvened 10:35 A.M. Discussion on the dragline was tabled until Mr. Bowden could be reached. FORMMAL APPROVAL USE OF FYROTECHIVICS AT FORT FISHER, JUI,Y 4- The Board of Commissioners having been polled and majority voting in favor of use of pyrotechnics at Fort Fisher £or the July 4th celebration by the Fort Fisher Air Force Statibn, formal approval was requested. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, this be formally approved. Motion carried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Permit Requests received £rom the following: Brown's Tavern, Rt. 2, Box 387, Wilmin~ton; Sellers Open Air Market, Rt. 2, Box 337AA, Wilmington; Beach Party Beverages, Causeway Drive; Freddy's Rest, Ogden; and Soul Foods, 901 N. 4th Street were presente,d to the Board. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, they be referred to the Sheriff for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTP'LENT MEMBER TO WILMINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that Mr. Urady Crabtree be,appointed to the Wilmington Zoning Board of Adjustment for a term of three years. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Howard Suttle be appointed as an Alternate Member to this Board. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTNiENT MEMBERS TO CONSOLIDATED CHARTER COMMISSION AND REVIEW BOARD - Mr. Metts advised the following persons had been contacted and had agreed to serve on the Consolidated Charter Committee: H. A. Marks Emsley Laney E. P. Godwin, III John Godwin Dr. L. W. Upperman Mr. Metts advised the following had agreed to serve on the Review Committee: ~ I ~9fr MINUTES OF THE MEETING JULY 7. 1970 (CONTINUED) - APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO CONSOLIDATED CHARTER COMMISSION AND REVIEW BOARD -(CONTINUED) - Fred Brown Moses McGill Bruce Freeman T. C. Jervay Gene Humble Anthon~ Dombroski Albert Cox Dr. Joseph Hooper, Jr. Alice von Oesen Raeford Trask, Jr. Harr~ Collins Tom Swart Mrs. Jack Yarborough Lt. Col. W. L. Eason Elwood Hilburn Mrs. N. W. Humphrey Lacy Goodyear F. P. Fensel Mrs. Esso Clemmons Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, they be officially confirmed. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks advised Mr. Wicker of the Institute of Government will be down in Wilmington for another meeting August 13-15 and will be available to brief this committee on evening of August 12 and help them get started. • 9PPROVAL WATER-SEWER STUDY AGREII"fENT - Mr. Metts advised the Board the Water-Sewer Study Agreement between Henry von Oesen and Associates and Nevr Hanover County was approved at another meeting, but details were not worked out. Mr. Hall said he had not had time to read the proposed agreement and would like to do so. PTr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board approve the proposed agreement and the Chairman be authorized to sign same, subject to approval of Mr. Hall. Motion carried unanimously. (PZr. Hall later approved the agreement.) APPROVAL COUNTY'S PORTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 19~1 FOR SOII, SURVEY - Chairman Metts informed the Board he had a letter from the Soil Conservation Service requesting his signature regarding renewal paragraph of the agreement between them and New Hanover County for the soil survey now being conducted. The letter stated the County's portion of the costs for fiscal year 1971 will be $12,000. Mr. Metts said this item is budgeted. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the letter. Motion carried unanimously. TI~PING OF BUDGET MEETINGS - Discussion was held on whether the use of a tape recordefi might be helpful in taking minutes of the Commissioners' meetings. Mr. Metts was of the opinion if the budget meetings could be taped,, the Commissioners who are unable to attend could listen to the tape. Mr. Harriss said he su~gested the tape originally to make permanent record of motions as needed, however he thought Mr. Pletts' idea was good. By common consent it was agreed to try one out. ROAD PETITION - WIL7AW WOODS - Road Petition from residents of Willow Woods Subdivision and Extension was presented to the Board. This is a situation where the roads did not meet specifications £or maintenance by the State and the people themselves contributed funds sufficient to bring the roads up to the required standard in order to have the State add them to their Secondary Road System. Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the standard resolution be ac~ted and the pe- tition: forwarded to the State with request they add this subdivision to their Secondary Road S~stem. Motion carried unanimously. TERMINATION OF COUNTY SCHOOL RETIREMENT FOR TEACHERS - Mr. Marks expressed the opinion that the supplement the County is now offering teachers is sufficient to warrant'terminating County retir~ment £or school teachers r~ho will be employed in the £uture. ~ By common consent it was agreed to request the County Attorney to draw up a resolution doing away with the retirement for teachers i,rho wi11 be employed in the future. Mr. Harriss pointed out the Board is not taking away any retirement from anyone, but in the future it will not be an inducement to secure teachers. CONFLICT OF TIME OF MEETINGS OF COUNCII, OF LOCAL GOb~mvi~NTS AND SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Mr. Marks, who serves on both of these organizations advised the meetings are on the same day and asked Mr. Williams if the Council of Governments meetin~s could be changed. Mr. Williams advised the Council of Governments is going to give consideration to making some changes in their meetings in general and the Council will consider this. AIRPORT COP~"fISSION - By common consent it was agreed each Commissioner. will convey his thinkin~ to Mr. Fox on the Airport Commission Charter before discussin~ it at a meeting. Meeting re.cessed at 11:15 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 11:30 A.M. , REPORT FROM P'iENTAL HEAI,TH ADVISORY COl"1NIITTEE - Hev. Jerome Jones, Chairman, Mental Health Advisory Board; Mr. Homer Davis, Mrs. Ethel Booth, rembers of the Board, Mr. John Wilson, Executive Administrator of the Clinic; rr. Bob Dominick, Asst. Personnel Officer of State ~ental Health Department, and Mr. George Adams of the State Office, appeared before the Board. . . 4 9'7 NINUTES OF THE MEETING JUI,Y 7, 1970 (CONTINUED) - REPORT FROM rLENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY COM1iITTEE (CONTINUED) - Rev. Jones advised the Commissioners the I'Iental Health Advisory Board were in contact Urith Dr. Jerome L. Schulte, M. D., who is willing to accept position of Psychiatrist at the Mental Health Clinic. Rev. Jones said Dr. Schulte would be willing to meet_with the Commissioners if they desired him to do so. Mr. Harriss said he would like to meet with him. Mr. Hall said he did not feel it was a necessity. Mr. Metts said he personnaly would not like to go to the expense of having him come. Rev. Jones said Dr. Schulte had met about 22 persons in the County, some bein~ wives of local physicians, and his Board had not consid.ered a re-interview. Mr. Harriss said he would like £or the staff at New Hanover Memorial Hospital be consulted. Mr. Hall said they could be acquainted with the £act. Salary was discussed and Rev. Jones said salary will be set by the State. Rev. Jones said since $30,000 is budgeted for consultation and a Psychiatrist, he did not anticipate any difficulties salary-wise. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by P1r. Hall, that the Mental Health Advisory Board be authorized to employ Dr. Schulte at the State Merit salary. Motion carried unanimously. At the request of Chairman Metts to Dr. James Osberg, North Carolina Department o£ Mental Health, that the Department prepare for the County Commissioners a"time and e£fort study" on each employee of the Southeastern Mental Health Clinic in Wilmington and the request of Mr. Marks, who ~~ent directly to the State Department of Personnel, requesting that a classification study be furnished no later than July '7, time and effort study was presented by Mr. George Adams of the Raleigh office staff and Mr. Bob Dominick, Assistant Personnel 0£ficer. At the outset Mr. Metts thanked them and requested the Clerk to send letter of thanks to their office. The Commissioners discussed the report with these two gentlemen. Mr. Metts said the Mental Health budget had been discussed and question oras raised regarding salaries and it was said some employees needed more schooling and training for employment in Mental Health than other departments. The question was raised about experienced people being employed under the State Personnel System in various departments and whether or not these would have to start at the base pay. Mr. Marks explained in the Social Services Department qualified and experienced persons applying there who have previous e~cperience under State Personnel Plan in other areas are ~iven credit for that experience in determining the starting salary. Chairman Jones thanked the Commissioners for hearing them and stated that he would like to review with his Board the report that was sent from State Personnel to Mr. Marks relative to the time and effort study of the Mental Health employees and that he might request a subsequent meeting in this regard. Mr. Marks advised it might be impossible for him to attend budget meetings to finalize this and other budgets, therefore he would like to make the following recommendations for consideration at that time: 1. That the salary classifications and increments be adjusted according to the report £rom the State Personnel Department. 2. That the Board confer with the County Auditor regarding the classi£ication of employees as per letter from State Personnel. ACCEPTANCE OF BID TO FURNISH DRAGLINE - Havin~ contacted the County Administrator by phone, discussion on the dragline was resumed as to why Mr. Bowden had fletermined bid of H. B. Owsley & Son, Ine. did not meet speci£ications. Mr. Bowden's reason was that the "Unit 1220" quoted by Owsley & Son is a 3/4 yard crawler excavator in a class lighter built, for standard, not heavy duty use, as specified. Dr. Knox said this machine was not listed in Owsley's brochure as being heavy duty. It was the consensus of the Commissioners that counter weights had been added. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board accept recommendations of the County Administrator to purchase the dragline from Mitchell Distributing Company. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNPTENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board