1970-07-20 Regular Meeting498 MINUTES OF THE MEETING NLY 20, 1970 - ASSEMBLY - , The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; Count~ Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Wayne Barkley, Pastor, First As- sembly of God, to give the invocation. APPROUAL OF MINUTES - Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as written. REPORTS - There tivere no reports due by or through the Commissioners' office at this time. S41AIN COUNTY LETTER REFERENCE GROWING COSTS TO THE COUNTIES OF THE SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAM - Mr. Harriss read a letter from,Mr. Odell Shuler, Chairman, Swain County Commissioners, enclos- ing a copy of a letter he had written to Governor Robert Scott concerning the rapidly gro~~ring costs to the counties of the Social Services~Program. Mr. Shuler requested that New Hanouer County, as well as other counties, also write to the Governor and to the State Board of Social Ser- vices, expressing their views. Mr. Harriss said he was not criticizing Social Services and wanted it clearly understood, how- ever State and Federal Governments budget these expenses and the counties either approve or dis- approve. The counties are completely defenseless in the matter of the size of Social Services budget. Expenses are set, programs are determined and then presented to the counties without much option; they either approve or fail to come up with the money. Counties have no control over salaries or medicaid; they are not subject to approval or disapproval at county level. ( at August 3 rd meeting Mr. Markssaid he felt this sentence should read: " The Counties have no control over amounts o£ grants on medicaid payments. They are not subject to approval or dis- approval at the county level." By common consent the Commissioners agreed for this to be in- serted in the minutes.) The counties, therefore, have a built in item which has in the past, and will in the future, increase as time goes on. No one kriOLJS how much medicaid will cost. The cost has far exceeded expectations to where the whole syste.m is in danger. Mr. Harriss moved that resolution be adopted stating the Neva Hanover County Board of Com- missioners has taken note of letter from the Swain County Commissioners, that it is concerned over the increased cost of Social Services, and such resolution be spread on the minutes with copy being sent to the Honorable Robert Scott and others to whom copy of Nr. Shuler's letter was sent. Following is the resolution adopted: "STATE OF NORTH CAROI,INA: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . RESOLUTION "WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has taken note of letter from Chair- man Odell Shuler, Swain County Board of Commissioners, dated July 2, 19~0, and "WHEREAS, the Commissioners of New Hanover County are also concerned over the increased cost o£ Social Services to the counties, and "WHEREAS, New Hanover County is £inding it difficult to meet the demands made by the Social Services budget; "THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Governor of North Carolina, State Department of Social Services, and the Zegislative Committee of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners be advised o£ the concern of this Board over the inereasing cost to the counties of supporting the program of the Department of Social Services. "Dated at Wilmington, N. C. this 20th day of July, 19'70. (s) J. Van B. Metts, Jr. Chairman ~ (s) Meares Harriss, Jr. Vice-Chairman (s) H. A. Marks Commissioner (s) Berry A. blilliams Commissioner (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioner" Mr. Hall said medicaid is an endless thing; it seems to make no difference in some in- stances what one's income is, all one has to do is apply for it. Mr. Hall said he believes it has gotten out of the realm of what was intended. Mr. Williams said it might be well to go one step further with the resolution and reYer . it to the Legislative Committee of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners and ask that they make a study and some action be proposed on it by the Committee. Mr. Har- riss said he would include it in his motion. Motion in its entirety vras: Nr. Harriss moved that resolution be adopted that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has taken note of letter from Swain County Commissioners, that it is concerned over the increased cost of Social Services, that such resolution be spread on the minutes and cop~ be sent to the Honorable Robert Scott and others to whom copy of Mr. Shuler's letter was sent. Also, that the resolution be referred to the Legislative Committee of the North Carolina Associa- tion of County Commissioners with request they make a study and propose action to be taken. Vote was called on the motion. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF THE MEETING JULY 20, 1970 (CONTINUED) - HILLSIDE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 1 - Mr. Neil Mallory, Assistant Director of the Planning Department, presented plat of Hill- side Subdivision, Section 1, which is located one mile south of Masonboro Loop Road. Mr. Mallory advised this subdivision has some improvement, including a paved road. The paved road, however, does not meet State Highway requirements; it is only 18 feet wide and state requires 20 feet of payment. Performance bond has been prepared and is acceptable to the County Attorney for paving and grading the right of way. Mr. Mallory said the Planning De- partment recommends approval. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Board approve the plat as recom- mended by the Planning Commission and the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat. Motion carried unanimously. KINGS GRANT SUBDIVISION~ SECTION 7- Mr. Mallory presented plat of Kings Grant Subdivision, Section `]. Mr. Mallory pointed out this plat was submitted under the old ordinance which required all streets be paved. He read a letter from the Highway Department which said pavino on Lord Byron Road from Lord Thomas Road to Stevenson Drive and Lord Thomas Road from Lord Byron Road to I,ot No. 303 meets the requirements of the State Highway Commission, and the other streets in this section have been rough graded and some drainage has been installed. The letter said the developer has men and equipment working in this area completing the fine grading, base material, and drain- age. The State recommended that this plat plan be approved by the Planning Commission. "Mr. Mal'lory said that part of the area was not completed, and that the Planning De- partment is recommending that the plat be approved for the Chairman's signature when the work has been completed and vahen a letter is received from the State Highway Division Engineer stating that the work has been completed and meets State specifications."' "Mr. Harriss moved, seconded b~ Mr. Williams, that the plat be, approved as recommended by the Planning Commission and the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat when above re- quirements have been met. Motion carried unanimousl~." NEWSPAPER REPORTER - Mr. Pletts acknowledged presence of a new newspaper reporter from the Star-News, Mr. Milton Jordan, and invited him to sit at the reporters' table. RESTORATION OF CAPITAI, OUTLAY Nr. Bowden asked that th Capital Outlay in the 19']0-'71 ment for another stenographer by Mr. Hall, that the $300 be Motion carried unanimously. COFFEE URN FOR JAIL TO C01I~MISSIONERS' OFFICE - ~$300 deducted from the Commissioners' budget be restored, as it is needed to in the Commissioners' of£ice. Mr. Wil transferred from Professional Services budget request £or purchase office equip- liams moved, seconded to Capital Outlay. Jailer Joe Johnson requested the $150 deducted from his budget request to purchase a coffee urn be restored as a coffee urn will cost nearly $400. Mr. Williams suggested trans- ferring the one now at the County Prison to the Jail when the Prison is closed and leave the budget as it is for the time being. By common consent this was agreed to. A.B.C. PERPTIT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Permit Requests in the names of Mama Mia Food S~stem, Inc., 4010 0leander Drive and Katie B's Grocery, Rt. 3, Box 5, Masonboro, were presented to the Board. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF CITY-COUNTY OWNED'LOT ON 9TH STREET, LOT 5, BLOCK 544 - Request from the City to approve sale of this lot was presented to the Board. Lot has been appraised at $760. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. liall, that the County agree with action of the City Council that lot be sold. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST OF WIZPIINGTON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, INC. - Heq_uest from Mr. James B. Hines, Yresident, Wilmington Athletic Association, Inc., for 9~1500 to assist in financing the 1970 Azalea Open was presented to the Board. Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board of Commissioners go on record that it will underwrite up to amount of $1500 in favor of the Wilmington Athletic Association, Inc., subject to Audit shovring that they have had a loss from this event, funds to come from non tax funds. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON NEW HANOVER SOIL SURVEY & WATERSHED PROGRAM - ~r. Sam Cox, District Conservationist, appeared before the Boarcl to give a report on the Soil Survey the Soil Conservation Service is making in New Hanover County. Mr. Cox reported to date they have completed mapping approximately 32,000 acres. They have com- pleted interpretive material for this soils mapping and are in the process o£ planning an informational program for potential users of this in£ormation. Mr. Cox said the informa- tion is already quite essential to them in providing assistance to the Wilmi.ngton-New Han- over Planning Commission. Mr. Cox said as a result of New Hanover County's application to the Soil Conservation . Service for a county-wide watershed protection and flood prevention plan the State ~datershed Planning Party is beginning work this week on a three month field survey to develop the pro- posed plan. From this he said they can develop a county-wide drainage and flood prevention plan for New Hanover County. INFORMATION IN REGARDS TO OWNERSHIP OF REkZ PROPERTY - A letter from Mr. Larry Powell, Assistant to Tax Supervisor, outlining difficulties in obtaining sufficient information in ovmership transfers of property was brought to the attention of the Board. The procedure now followed is individuals record deeds with the Register of Deeds office. When that office has completed the necessary action, they are brought to the Tax Office Por copying. This is expensive and time consuming. Also, it de- lays the Register of Deeds Office in returning deeds to the property owners; and the Tax 0££ice is not receiving correct addresses for the new property owners, there£ore at listin~ time the Tax Office does not have sufficient information to mail abstracts to the new owner. 499 ~ 500 MINUTES OF THE P'~ETING NLY 20, 1970 (CONTINUED) - INFORMATION IN RFGARDS TO OWNERSHIP OF REAL PROPERTY -(CONTINUED) - Mr. Powell pointed out the Commissioners have authority under General Statu~es 105-3~1 (a), Paragraph 2 to require each person recording conveyance o£ real property, before presenting it to the Register of Deeds Office, to present it to the person in charge of the tax records so that conveyance may be noted on the tax records and in order that adeouate information concern- ing location of the property ma~ be obtained from the person conveying the property. If such presentation is required, the Register of Deeds shall not accept for recording any conveyance which has not £irst been submitted to the person in charge of the tax records and such person has obtained information £or the tax records which he regards as satis£actory. Mr. Powell advised if this system is approved, it would allow the tax office to save approx- imately $1,~00 per year and also allow it to require complete mailing addresses for all new ov,ners vrhich would assure the taxpayer of receiving his abstract. Mr. Pooaell said this had been discussed with the Register of Deeds and she is in favor o£ the new procEdure and feels it would expedite her office procedure in getting the deeds back to the owners. After discussion, Mr. Fox said he feels this could be done by resolution but suggested Mr. Bowden and Mr. Powell give the Bar Association information well in advance of date of change. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners adopt the procedure outlined by Mr. Powell and that it become effective September 1, 1970. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Harriss abstained from voting. AIRPORT COMMISSION - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board of New Hanover County Com- missioners adopt charter, as corrected, authorizing establishment of the Airport Commission. Motion carried unanimously. (Charter will be copied in Minute Book) Nr. Metts announced that Mr. C. E. Hart£ord had accepted appointment as Chairman of the Airport Commission and that under such leadership he felt it is bound to be a success. SUPPLE~ENTARY AGREEMEIVT, F.A.A. - Mr. Metts requested formal approval of Supplementary Agreement between New Hanover County and the F.A.A. which he had recently signed for account of the County. The supplementary agreement changed monthly rate from $220.84 to $236.44 £or Services Administration Building and Combined Station at the Airport. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that formal approval be given to the signin~ of this document. Motion carried unanimously. SETTING TAX RATE - Tax rate will be set at special meeting of the Board on Friday, July 24, 19'70 at 8:30 A.M. ADJOURNMEIVT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/bh MINiJTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION P~ETING - 9:00 A.M. - June 8, 19`]0 ASSEMBZY - Budget Discussion Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was Y~.d on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. SALARIES - Mr. Marks discussed the State Personnel Plan; advising the 1970 Revised Pay Plan can be used, but if used, must be used for all departments on Merit System, and it should be determined first of all whether we are going to adopt the Revised State Merit Plan of 19']0 or use the 1°,69 Scale. By common consent it was decided to use the 1969 Scale. Mr. Marks said it is hoped that we can limit our increments for those on Merit SSstem the same as the County Personnel Plan. Mr. Harriss said this is his position. When asked for comments, Mr. Bowden said if we are going to apply this procedure to those under State Personnel Plan, there will remain an inequity because employees on Nerit System make more on comparable positions than those under the County Personnel Plan. Mr. Metts was of the opinion the County Personnel Plan should be brought in line with po- sitions on the State Nerit System. Mr. Harriss said this question would always come up as long as some positions are control- led by the State, unless we let the State set our salary policy which he would hesitate doing. Nr. Marks said County should control salaries. Mr. Narks moved, sec~ ded by Mr. Williams, for discussion, that the Board limit the incre- ments o£ the State Merit employees to those that are being allowed to the other count~ emplo.yees; that is, up to mid-point one automatic increment, and following that, 60% of total funds need- ed to give everyone in department in the merit area a raise; and that these adjustments be on the Merit System salary grade specified for the position. Motion carried unanimo'usly. ~