1970-07-24 Special MeetingI 514 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - July 10, 1970 -'7:00 P.M. -(CONTINUED) SCHOOZ BUDGET (CONTINUED) - Meetin~ recessed in order for Dr. Bellamy and his staff to confer and decidE where to cut to offset the Sb50,000 ~•rhich was added to the budget to take care of Social Security and Retirement. Meeting reconvened and Dr. Bellamy reduced the following items in the School Budget by amounts shown: Special Education Equipment $ 2,000 Naintenance of Plant 34,500 Audio-Visual Equipment 1,000 Instrumental Music Equipment 5,000 Shelving 2,000 Sterilization Cabinets 2,500 These reductions, plus the 9$3,000 deducted from the Gas, Oil & Grease, amounts to $50,000. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, approval of budget, as corrected, subject to check bein~ made on buses. Motion carried unanimously. SITE ACQUISITIOII (PEARSALL PROPERTY) - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, Page 8 of budget. that item of Site Acquisition be retained on Mr. Williams offered substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Jail Construction Reserve Fund be increased to $100,000 and $55,000 Sit~ Acquisition be eliminated. Motion carried three to t~ao. Messrs. Hall and Harriss voted "No". SALARY INCREASES FOR CC3UNTY II"iPIAYEES Mr. Metts said in studying budgets the Board ran into several discrepancies here and there. The Merit System was approximately 5% on a step which covered Welfare, Health and Mental Health Departments. The School System was running that and the Civil Defense and the Agriculture and Economics were running approximately that. P1r. Metts said he asked Mr. Shepard if he would figure what it would take for the Board to add another 2'/o to the sala- ries of the county employees which would put the rest of the county employees in line, with exception of those ~ohere the Board had made special adjustments, and Mr. Shepard 'said it will run approximately $5,000. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the adjustments be made. Notion carried unanimously. AUTHORITY TO INCREA,SE SAI,ARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS - Mr. Williams su~gested consideration be given to askin~ that legislation be changed in order to permit raises for elected o£ficials. APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER PLANNING COPTPIISSION - Mr. Metts informed the Board he had received letter from Mr. Timothy Wood, Director of Plannin~, advising terms of Mr. I. John Tinga and Dr. PTack Pickard, wi11 expire on August'l, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Tinga and Dr. Pickard be reappointed to the Planning Commission for terms of three years. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, hs/bh Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - July 24, 1970 - 8:30 A.M. ASSII`'iBLY - ~ Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice- Chairman Pleares Harriss, Jr., Comraissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Berry A. 4lilliams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. The purpose of the meeting was to adopt the 19']0-~l budget and set the tax rate. INVOCATION Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked PSr. John Powell to give the invoca- tion. A~DOPTION OF BUDGET County Auditor Perry Shepard presented the final proposal of Surplus, Revenue and E~pend- , itures for fiscal year 19~0-'71, advising total budget is $11,083,359 and he r~commended tax rate of $1.5£3 based on 50'~ valuation and using 93% of tax base. Mr. Williams inquired of Mr. Shepard as to whether this will leave the county in as ~ood financial condition insofar as unspent and unappropriated funds as last year. T•1r. Shepard said it vaould. ~r. Shepard said sound surplus was left in every fund and he went along with the recommendations of the Local Government Commission in Ralei~h. Mr. Williams said he knew ~veryone was very anxious to reduce the tax rate and in the past the county had ~ade a practice of being conservative and had stayed in good financial condition and has had a very stabl~ tax rate over the_years and he wanted the.practice continued. 515 MINUTES OF SFECIAZ MEETING - July 24, 197~ - 8:3~ A.M. -(CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF BUDGET - `(CONTINUED) Mr. Shepard said he had not anticipated revenue from the F.A.A. for Airport Project when th~ budget was first figured, but now he has figvre which enable him to reduce the tax rate from ~1.63 to $1.58. The following budget resolution was offerEd: "Be it Resolved, that £or the fiscal year beginning July 1, 19~0 and ending June 30, 19~1 the following appropriations are made to the various funds which are deemed sufficient for carrying out the necessary operations of the New Hanover County Government: .. Total Tax Bud~et Rate General Fund ~ 2,124,541 $ .0516 Agriculture & Economics 34,903 .0088 Public Assistance 2,286,590 .1806 Social Services - Adm. 633,176 .0386 Health 680,383 .1552 Mental Health 165,541 .0094 Debt Service 1,215,924 .3586 Cape Fear Tech. Reg. 62,475 .017~ Cape Fear Tech. Bldg. 55,329 - School-Regular Fund 2,164,328 .4834 Supplement 8~3,000 .2000 Book F.und 15,000 .0030 Building Fund 18,000 - Capital Outlay 137,395 .0386 Drivers Training 121,500 - Bond Construction 99,451 - Pensions 89,323 .0251 Regional Drivers Ed. 23,000 - Lunchroom 235,000 - School Improvement ~,600 - Revaluation 30,000 .0094 District Court 10,800 - Court House Cap. Outlay - - ~11,083,259 ~1.58 "Be it further resolved that a tax levy of $1.58 per $100 be levied against all taxable property in the County as of Januar5~ 1, 19~0 to support the activities of the county Government for the fiscal year 19~0-~1 using a base valuation of $318,000,000. "Be it further resolved that $2.00 be levied on each taxable poll or male person between the ages of 21 and 50 and the taxes levied and collected under this Section shall be for the benefit of the Public School Fund and the poor of the County. ~ "Be it further resolved that the Budget be adopted in d~tail and spent only in amounts appropriated for each item unless changes are approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners." Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the above resolution be adopted and that the tax.rate be set at 9~1.58 per one hundred dollars based on 50'/o valuation and using 93% of the tax base. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Metts commented that the Board is using word "surplus" when "estimate" would be more proper. Mr. Hall asked if the surplus had any obligations against it now. Mr. She- pard said "No". Mr. Shepard point~d out School Bond Construction in amount of ~699,451 had been bud- geted but this had probably been spent by now. Mr. Metts commented that he thought the citizens should be thanked for voting for the sales tax. Due to the increases the county has had to make and because of inflation, they have made it possible £or the Board to reduce the tax rate this year. Also, he said he would like to point out when the bond issue was pushed, the public was told, by some, the sales tax would reduce the tax rate and do somethings that should be done. Mr. Metts pointed out this year the school budget incr~ased approximately 19 percent over last year because teachers were granted $100 per month pay increases, plus other pro- grams in the school system. Mr. Williams pointed out the increase in teachers ' supplement is within the 20~ sup- plement which the people voted for. Mr. Harriss said there has been a substantial increase in salari~s of teachers because of loss of teachers occasioned by the way the State figures.number each county should have. They cut New Hanover County back based on average daily attendance. Mr. Harriss said only by Dr. Bellamy's efforts was the county able to avoicl a worse situation. Mr. Shepard pointed out school bus~s have been budgeted and Mr. Harriss pointed out this was due to increased enrollment in schools even though the Census figures note a de- crease in our population. . Nr. Metts pointed out the Social Services Department had an approximate 9b90,000 in- crease in their budget due to Medicaid, and it would have been around $110,000 to 96115,000 had they not effected efficiencies in other areas. ~ i 516 NINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING - July 24, 1970 - 8:30 A.N. -(CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF BUDGET - (CONTINUED) P7r. I~etts pointed out the Sheri£f's Department had about a 26% increase in their budget of vrhich the majority was in salaries. Mr. Metts said the county has been trying for the past two years to get them adjusted because the Board feels that law enforcement officers are underpaid not only here but nationwide. Nr. Metts advised the county is practically doubling the drainage program by purchasing an additional dra~line in the hopes of getting more drainage done vrhich it has been trying to do for some time. Mr. Harriss pointed out purchase of a crawler loader to be used in proposed landfill operation, another new program reouired for solid waste disposal. Mr. Nletts said all this is being done in the face of losing approximately ~135,000 in intangible taxes this year. Mr. Pletts said it can be seen the Board has done what the pub- lic expected; has done some needed things and also decreased the tax rate. Mr. Williams requested that the adjustments that have been made since budget discussions be called to the attention of the Board members in order that they can bring their books up to date. Mr. Shepard said he would be glad to bring their books up to date. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/bh AIRPORT CONlItI8SI0N - (CONTITdUED) - (SEE PAGE 500) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: COtJld^lY OF NEW HANOVER . RESOI,UTION-AIRPORT CONII"fISSION 1. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 63-53, there is hereby created the New Hanover County Airport Commission, to consist of five (5) members each of whom shall be a resident in the County, of the age of twenty-one (21) years or more. One of such members shall serve for one (1) year, one for two (2) years, one £or three (3) years, one for f~ur (4) years, and one for iive (5) years, and until their successors are appointed and at the expiration of their aforesaid terms their successors therea£ter shall be ap- pointed by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County for a term of'five (5) years. Notwithstand.ing the fore~oing, the term of any member of such commission ma5= be terminated upon written notice from the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. 2. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Commission shall be appointed initially by the Board of County Commissioners, and therea£ter shall elect their Chairman and Vice- Chairman annually in July. The commission may appoint such other officers as it may deem necessary for the orderly procedure of its business, and adopt by-laws, rules and regula- tions covering its procedure, not inconsistent with the laws of North Carolina and or- dinances of New Hanover County. It shall hold regular meetings at such time and place as it may from time to time designate. A member of the Board of Commissioners of New Han- over County shall be appointed annually to serve as an ex officio non-voting member of the Neoa Hanover County Airport Commission. Three (3) voting members of the commission shall constitute a quorum, an affirmative action by a majority of the voting members of the com- mission shall be necessary to constitute action by the commission. 3. The New Hanover County Airport Commission shall prepare an annual budget and shall operate within such budget, said budget being subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners of I~Tew Hanover Cou.nty. The expense of the construction, enlargement, im- provement, maintenance, equipment, operation and regulation of The New Hanover County Air- port shall be a responsibility of New Hanover County. 4, The commission appointed as herein provided by the Board of Commissioners of Nekr Hanover County shall act in an administrative capacity and shall be vested with the following authorities and powers; and it is hereby authorized and empowered: 4.1 To establish, construct, control, lease, maintain, improve, operate and re- gulate airports and landing fields; to have complete authority over any airport or landing field owned, acquired, established, or constructed by New Hanover County. 4.2 To adopt, repeal, amend, and readopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Resolution, for its own government, management and operation; and 4.3 To adopt, repeal, amend and readopt rules and regulations with respect to traffic on and use of streets, alleys, driveways, roadways, parking areas, cross-walks, and safety areas (not included in the public road system of the State of North Carolina) located within the territorial limits of the lands comprising the New Hanover County Air- port, including by eray of illustration but not in limitation of the authority herein granted, the establishment of routes..of traffic, the regulation of speed, the location of parking areas, the regulation and prohibition of parking and standing in designated areas and on said streets, driveways, alleys and roadways, the prohibition of obstruction thereof, the prohibition of vehicles and pedestrians on the aprons, ramps, taxiways, runways and other designated parts of the Airport. 4.4 To adopt, repeal, amend and readopt rules and re~ulations with respect to the use of the Airport and its £acilities by the public, including by way of illustration but not in limitation of the authority granted, the terminal building, the ramps, aprons, han- gars, taxiiaays, runways, water plants and shops, and to prohibit the use of, occupation of, or trespass upon any part thereof. ,