1970-08-03 Regular MeetingI MINUTES OF PriEETING - AUGUST 3, 19?0 -~:00 A.M. ASSETIBI,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of_the New Hanover County Commissioners vaas held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Netts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H..A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator Laurence 0. Boiaden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Auditor Perry Shepard was absent due to illness in his family. INVOCATION Chairman Netts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. J. A. Humphrey, Pastor, rt. , Olive A.M.E. Church, to give the invocation. REPORTS - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, was present and made presentation of his report of col- lection of taxes for month o£ July, 19']0. His report showed $12,962.16 property taxes col- lected and $11,343.20 personal Taxes collected. By common consent rr. Johnson's report was accepted. 518 APPROVAL OP MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING JULY 20~ 1970 - Mr. Williams requested following change to minutes of July 20, 19']0: On Page 2 under heading, "Kings Grant Subdivision, Section ~" last sentence of first paragraph should be deleted and following inserted: "Mr. Mallory said that part of the area was not completed, and that the Planning Department is recommending that'the plat be approved for the chairman's signature when the work has been completed and when a letter is received from the State Hi~hway Division Engineer stating that the work has been completed and meets State specifications." On Page 3 first paragraph should read as follows: "Nr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the plat be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission and the Chair- man be authorized to sign the plat when above requirements have been met. Motion carried unanimously." Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks was of the opinion that a change in the penultimate paragraph on Page 1 should be made. Mr. Harriss said paragraph should be left as written because that was what he had said and suggested Mr. Marks' comments be recorded. Mr. Marks said 1~ felt the fourth sentence should read as follows: "The counties have no control over amounts of grants or medicaid payments. They are not subject to approval or disapproval at the county level." By common consent the Board agreed Mr. Marks' comments be recorded. APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES - JUZY 8,9,9.10.10, and 24, 1970 - Mr. Netts requested the f'ollovaing change in budget minutes of July 8, 1970: On Fage 4 u.nder heading: "Tax Collectors Budget", penultimate paragraph should read: "Mr. Metts said proposed increases ...." Following this correction, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that budget minutes for meetings held on July 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, and 24, 19'70 be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. SOCIAI, SERVICES ACTION COMMITTEE - Mr. Pletts read memorandum dated July 24, 19'70 from President D. Livingstone Stallings, North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, requesting Chairmen of Commissioners designate one o£ their members as a representative on the Association's Social Services Action Committee. Committee will convene at a luncheon meeting at 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, August 12, at the Hilton Inn, 1']07 Hillsborough Street in Raleigh. Mr. Metts appointed Mr. Marks to serve on this committee. PYr. Marks requested views of the Board so he could e~:press them at this meeting. Mr. Harriss asked if it was the consensus of the Board that Mr. Marks represent this Board as a unit and that he express the Board's concern over the lack of control which the counties have over these programs to the extent t•rhich they do lack control and concern over the mounting costs. Mr. Marks was of the opinion there is no question in anyone's mind of concern but just to say the Board is concerned is not sufficient. Mr. Marks said the material he has been receiving with reference to the programs indi- cates that Washington plans to freeze present county level of costs in certain categories, but Mr. Marks did not feel this is taking the burden off of the counties. There is also a certain category the government plans to take over and operate exclusively from the local Social Services Department. Mr. Narks said the "New Package" is not doing the things they had hoped it would be doing. rr. Narks said there had been concern over the entire state since medicaid had come in. The Welfare rolls will be almost doubled. Mr. Hall was of the.opinion restrictions should be put on what income brackets may be allowed to receive this aid. Mr. Narks said possibly request should be made to lower the bracket. Mr. Harriss said he would like to see more control and administration in the counties. Mr. Hzrriss would like to see some discretion in the county itself to help certain cases. PTr. Marks said local control of dependent families will be taken completel~~ away in the proposed plan from the counties, eligibility, grants, etc. and operated under Social - Security. Mr. Metts suggested if anything comes up it would be well to let Mr. Marks know as it might aid him when attending the meeting. 519, MINUTES OF MEETING - AUGUST 3, 1970 - p:00 A.M. SIZVA TERRA SUBDIVISION, SECTION 2-A - Mr. Nallory presented map of Section 2-A, Silva Terra Subdivision which consists of 25 lots without improvements. Mr. Mallory said he was not reguesting the Chairman sign the plat at this time, but requesting he be authorized to do so when additional information is submitted to the Planning Department which will be a letter from the Highway Commission ap- proving the plans for the roads to be installed and a letter from the Health Department approving septic tanks to be used in this area. The Planning Commission recommends appro- val upon receipt of this information. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that this plat be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign same when the above letters are received by the Planning Department. Motion carried unanimously. INSURANCE COVERAGE - Mr. Bovaden advised the Insurance Advisory Commission had been working with the Sheriff Department regarding liability insurance for protection of deputies. Mr. Bowden said he had recommendation from Mr. Wessell, recommending this coverage and he also recommended~the coverage. The cost will be approximately 9b45 per deputy. Mr. Metts pointed out type o£ coverage would be police professional liability, false arrest, slander, etc. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board approve up to $2,000 for the purchase of liability coverage on employees in the Sheriff's Department, £vnds to come from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. RESTORATION OF FUNDS TO SIi`ERIFF'S BUDGET FOR GRAND JURY OFFICER - Letter from Sheriff Millis; requesting the $342, which he had requested in his budget for a Grand Jury Of£icer and which was removed by common consent, be restored was discussed. The reason for the request now is that Mr. McKeithan, Clerk of Superior Gourt, now advises Sheriff Millis his ofPice can no longer provide this service. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, for the services of a Grand Jury Officer, £unds Motion carried unanimously. the $342 be restored to the Sheriff's budget coming from the General Contingency Fund. RENEWAI, CONTRACTS BETWEEN NEW AANOZ~ER COUNTY AND rr.~vL~,x AND BRUNSWICg COUNTIES FOR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - Mr. Bowden advised the Board that Mr. Wilson bf the Mental Health llepartment had f'ur- nished renewal contracts betvreen New Hanover County and Brunswick and Pender Counties for Mental Health services. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Board approve renewal of existing contracts with the Mental Health and Pender and Brunswick Counties and that we advise Bruns- wick and Pender Counties that it is our purpose and intention to implement our local ser- vices to the area substantially during the 19']0-'Jl fiscal year in the hope that o~e can ren- der comprehensive mental health services in the subsequent fiscal year and at such ti~ it is our hope that we may be able to furnish mental health services to the tl?ree counties, and it is our hope at that time we will be able to negotiate a more equitable ratio of cost to the three counties in keeping with the service rendered. fiENEWAL CONTRACTS BETWEEN NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND PENDEI? AND BRUNSWICK COUNTIES FOR MEN- TAL HEALTH SERVICES (CONTINUED) Mr. Plarks pointed out-the money paid by these two counties is a minimum but are are offering only minimum services and if and vrhen we are able to get a larger facility, and we hope to do it Vaithin this year, we will be able to add additional staff with which to render more specific and larger services to neighboring counties and at such time Mr. Marks said he felt sure they would want to share equitably such a Mental Health Center. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. ABC PERMIT REQ,UESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board: Golden Eagle of Wilmington, Inc., 801 Market Street; Beach Parti Beverages, Wrightsville Causeway; Wits End Steak House, 10 N. Lumina Ave.; and Langley Grocery, 3916 Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. harriss, that the requests be forwarded to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. STUDY COMMITTEE TO STUDY BUILDING. ELECTRICAL AND PLUP'iBING CODES - Mr. Harriss advised the Board he had discussed with Mayor Cromartie and Mayor Pro tem Schwartz idea of a committee being appointed to study,the building, electrical and plumbing codes of the County and City. These gentlemen expressed agreement with this. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, that the following resolution be adop- ted by the Board: "Be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners be authorized to .appoint, together with the Mayor of the City of Wilmin~ton, a committee to study the Building, Electrical and Plumbing Codes of the County and City iaith a vieoa to recommending chan$es where possible that would result in more uniforv~ codes for both governments." Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks reminded the Board of planned consolidation and he raised question of whe- ther this is a little premature. Mr. Hall thought it would be well to have this on the way. Changes can be e£fected in the codes now. , SOCIAL SERVICES BUILDING - Mr. Marks called attention of the Board to a letter Miss Hall had written the County Administrator on May 29 with a list..of-items not completed or corrected, pointing out vrar- ranty ~rould expire on June 29, 19~0. On July 8 Miss Hall directed another letter to P1r. Metts pointing out all contractors had been notified of incompleted work as to renovation o£ the Social Services Building. She advised P1r. Sneeden was the only one who had com- pleted their ~aork. Mr. Marks said since the year warranties by the bonding companies have expired, he feels the Social Services Board has discharged its responsibility in advising this Board of the situation. ~ 52~ MINUTES OF NiEETING - August 3, 1970 - 9:00 A.Me SOCIAL SERVICES BUII,DING (CONTINUED) - Mr. Bot•rden said he had been in contact with the architect, Mr. Altobellis, and each con- tractor had been notified of unfinished work and felt they vaere not relieved of their respon- sibilities since they had been notified before the expiration of their warranty. Mr. Fox said this was true; the contractors are responsible. Nlr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County Administrator be authorized to write the contractors and subcontractors involved with copy to the bonding companies com- panies and Nr. Altobellis giving them a de£inite time in which to commence work on the cor- rection of deficiencies and have Mr. Fox advise him what legally constitutes proper notice to the bonding companies. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks called attention to a leak around stairway in the Social Services Building and asked that roof be re~aired. ACTIVE YOUTH FOR DEVETAPMENT AND SERVICE - Request from this group for donation of articles in the old Community Hospital to the Neighborhood Youth Corps was.discussed. Mr. Metts advised Mr. Bowden will handle this ad- ministratively the same way other similar requests have be~n handled. PROPOSED LEASE FOR MENTAL HEALTH - CROUCH CLINIC - Mr. Bowden advised Dr. Smith had been written concerning the lease and he would be in touch again. MOVE OF HEALTH D~.PARTMENT - Mr. Ha11 inquired as to the status of the Health Department moving. Mr. Metts said estimate was in excess of appropriation. The engineers are reworkin~ certain parts of the estimate. ~r. Bowden said heating, air conditioning and plumbing are the most costly part and until they can work this out where it can be handled the Board is at a standstill. ROAD PETITION - CI,IFFSIDE DRNE - Hoad Yetition from residents of Clif£side Drive was presented to the Board. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that it be presented to the Planning De- partment for its approval after.which standard resolution be adopted and forwarded with the petition to the State Hi~hway for consideration. Motion carried unanimously. ROAD PETITION - GRE~N MEADOWS, SECTION 4- Mr. Bowden presented above petition to the Board requesting road be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Nr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that:.the petition be submitted to the Plan- ning Department with recommendation that they have Mr. Fowler put it in order before they consider it. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MR. TAUIS SIiITH AS COUNTY PLUPTBING INSPECTOR - Mr. Bowden said since the Plumbing Inspector has now come under the supervision of the County Commissioners through the Inspection Office, Dr. Knox has requested the Commissioners adopt a resolution appointing Mr. Smith as the Plumbing Inspector to ~•rork out of the Inspec- tion Office under the supervision of the Commissioners. Mr. Bowden said he recommended this action be taYen. Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that resolution be adopted as outlined. Mo- tion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ADOFTING 1968 N. C. STATE PLUI"iBING CODE, EFFECTIVE JULY l, 1970 - Mr. Bowden advised that Dr. Knox had talked with Mr. r'ox concerning the Board of Health adopting the 1968 North Carolina State Plumbing Code on June 6, 19~0 to become effective July 1, 19']0 and he asked the Board of County Commissioners if they vrished to adopt a resolution to that effect. Mr. Fox gave an explanation of the present status and said any code that is adopted has to be approved by the North Carolina Building Code Council. I~OWER CAPE FEAR PLANNING UNIT DUES - Mr. Williams advised the Board that reGuest was made prior to budget time but in some- way was overlooked. New Hanover County's share is ~35g. Mr. Williams advised an appropriation of $9,000 ~aas budgeted for the Cape Fear Council of Governments, but due to an expansion that amount was decreased to 9~'7,800 which leaves a surplus. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that $359 be transferred from the appropri- ation made to the Cape Fear Council of Governments to the Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit. Motion carried unanimously. PLUPIBING CODE - Messrs. C. L. Reavis and R. C. Fowler appeared before the Board on behalf of the Home Builders Association. They are on the Public Affairs Committee of this organization. They came requesting clarification of what Plumbing Code should be used at this time, since they understood the City had adopted the State Plumbing Code, effective July 1, 19'70, in order to obtain grants from HUD. Mr. Metts said this was done without thinking it out and there were some things that were not practical and there has been correspondence tioith HUD and the Institute of Govern- ment with our Attorne~ to try to get it in order to submit to the State of North Carolina Building Code Council. 521 MINUTES OF NiEETING - AUGUST 3, 1970 - 9~00 A.M. -(CONTINUED) PLUMBING CODE (CONTINUED) - Mr. Reavis specifically asked what Plumbing Code the County has now. He asked if the County is using State Code or State Code with all the amendments. Mr. Fox said the County is still operating under old Plumbing Code that has been in effect for the past four years until the County hears from the people of HUD and Ra- ~ leigh. Mr. Reavis said they were primarily interested in the exclusion of certain materials that are used in the State-o£ North Carolina and all other 49 states. Mr. Reavis ex- pressed the desirability of using plastic pipe instead of cast iron, pointing out ad- vantage of the plumber being able to fabricate the largest part of plumbing at the shop and putting it on a slab. He pointed out other states are permitted to use plastic pipe; it has been proven satisfactory. The North Carolina Code does permit this. It is usecl in most of the other North Carolina counties. Mr. Reavis presented letter from the FHA requesting costs of houses be cut as low as possible. Mr. Hall discussed the possibility of all permits being handled in or~office in or- der that persons may be served in one office instead of having to go from office to of- fice. Mr. Metts pointed out that perk tests, wells and septic tanks still come under the Health Department. I~ir. Hall suggested Mr. Pletts discuss this with the Health De- partment. Mr. Netts asked Mr. Hall to accept appointment on a committee for this purpose. By common consent it was agreed this matter be referred to the County Adminis- trator for study, and i£ he feels he needs assistance from the Board, he contact the Com- missioners. ADJOURPTP'fENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/bh MINUTES OF Tf~.MEETING - AUGUST 17. 1970-9:00 A.M. ASSEMBI,Y - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County„Auditor Perry Shepard was absent from the meetin~. Mrs. Elizabeth Edens from his office was present. • INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. ~lzgene Templeton, Pastor, Gregory Congregational Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes for meeting o£ August 3, 19~0 be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - 'Phere were no reports due through or by the Commissioners' office at this time. APPOINTMENT TO MUSEUM BOARD - Letter from Mrs. E. M. McEachern, Secretary, Directors of the Wilmington-New Hanover Museum, presenting name of Dr. Gerald H. Shinn, 525 Mohican Trail, was discussed. Mr. Williams said he had reservations about organizations submitting in writing names o£ persons who they would like to serve on their boards. Mr. Hall said they could func- tion better if they have members who are eompatible. I~"r. Marks concurred with both, but is o£ opinion three names should be furnished. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Dr. Shinn be appointed to serve for a term of three years, term to expire July 1, ~9~3. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent it was a~reed the Chairman be requested to write a letter to all Chair- men of Committees advising that in the future the Commissioners would like three names sub- mitted. RESPONSES CONCERPIING RESOLUTION AD~r•i~L BY TAE COI'~4ISSION AUGUST 3~ 19`TO tcr,rr.RENCE SOCIAL SERVICES - Mr. xarriss discussed action.tiaxen by Lne iioai~a dL lts ast meeting regar ing increased costs for Social Services. Mr. Harriss called attention to Commissioner Clifton Craig's re- ply of August 6th and requested his letter be made part of the minutes. Following is Com- missioner Craig's letter: