1970-09-08 Regular Meeting525~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 1'7. 1970 - 9:00 A.M. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr, Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Aazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINtTTES OF THE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 - 9:00 A.M. ASSEMBZY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, 7r., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Dr. Edwin girton, Rector, St. Marks Episcopal Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Marks requested following correction in minutes of August 1'7, 19'70: On Page 4 under heading "Social Services Action Committee Meeting - Report By Mr. Marks", 4th Para- graph, 2nd Sentence shou~ld read: "There is no other federal program of assistance avail- able to these individuals." Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT -. Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, presented report of taxes collected for month of August, 19~0 as follows: 1969 taxes $13,010.44, back taxes $3,']80.98 and personal taxes $4,069.46. Mr. Marks asked Mr. Johnson if any o£ these collections represented garnishees. Mr. 'Johnson said theq did not. Mr. Marks requested Mr. Johnson to show ~arnishees separately when they are collected. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Johnson's report be accepted. Mo- tion carried unanimously. TAX SUPERVISOR'S REPORT ON MARKET STREET VALUATIONS - Mr. Larry Powell, Assistant to Tax Supervisor, was present to discuss valuations on Mar- ket Street property. Mr. Powell stated the figures presented at the last meeting had been computed on square footage on the road front. To determine square footage, depth of lot has to be considered, and no depth~had been applied at all to this property. Mr. Powell stated all residential is i.n line, but there is a difference in residential and commercial because of the usage. Mr. Harriss raised question of whether it was considered fair that a piece of property on Market Street is valued at $850 per square foot and property next to it valued at $3,850. Mr. Powell stated the property valued at $850 is in the process o£ being changed to com- mercial. DISCUSSION OF CITY-COUNTY CONVENTION cr:~v~r~R - Mayor I,uther Cromartie was present at the request o£ Mr. Harriss to discuss a Convention- ` Recreation Center for this area. Mr. Van Reid, who was present for another item on the agenda, was also recognized by the Chairman. Nr. Harriss stated this would be a large undertaking and required cooperation from both the City and County. Mr.•Harriss pointed out the need £or such a facility; there being no facility here for handling large groups. Most conventions require seating capacity for 2,000 to 4,000 or more persons. Mr. Harriss stated each year North Carolina Associations of various professional men are going to nei~hboring states to hold conventions because we in this state do not have the facilities to handle them. Mr. Harriss stated it would seem such a center would need a location which would be large enough for any possible £uture expansion,would enable establishment of easy parking, and would be accessible to the whole county. The center should be on some or near some main artery of traffic that would not be too crowded by events taking place. Mr. Harriss said this would take a lot of study, a lot o£ planning, and the determination of many of these things would be greatly helped by a study the Chamber of Commerce made about a year and one-hal£ a$o. Mr. Harriss proposed that a joint committee be appointed by the City and County to study many of the aspects of this facility such as :(1) determination if there is a need for such a facility and if so, what should be the projected initial size; (2) what should such facil- ity include; (3) what would be the approximate cost for such facility; (4) what would be a desirable location; and (5) what readily ascertainable financial benefits would accrue to this area and the citizens of New Hanover County and what methods of financing might be employed. ~ ~526 MINUTES OF Tf~ MEETING - SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 - 9:00 A.M. -(CONTINiJED) - DISCUSSION OF CITY-COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER -(.CONTINUED) - Mayor Cromartie expressed the opinion he did not feel there was a more needed facility than this; people love to come to this area, size of conventions depend on size of facility. He stated he felt construction of such a facility would mean equivalent of a$50 to $100 million industry moving into this area. Mayor Cromartie stated he feels the area needs it and the time is right. Mayor Cromartie stated back in 1967 the City Council requested the Chamber of Commerce to make a study and bring back a report as to the desirability and availability of a con- vention center. They did a good job, but the Chamber of Commerce recommended a professional group be retained who could make an in depth study. This took money and the City Council had no money. MayorsCromartie stated Mr. Harriss' suggestion that a committee be appointed has merit and he felt the City would join in selecting a group to~work jointly; it has to be a county- wide project - it cannot be city in scope - preferabl~ area in scope. He expressed feel- ing for need of an active committee. Mr. Van Rei.d stated a professional group is needed £or an in depth study and such a group is available. Also, he stated he feels time is appropriate to pursue actively this project. Mr, Harries moved, seconded by pointed, two by the City and two by person to be appoi:nted and that the ject should take and to report back Wilmington and Chairman of the Comm carried unanimously. Mr. Williams, that a committee of five citizens be ap- the County, with the committee then to select a fifth committee's £unction be to study £urther form the pro- at the earliest possible moment and that the Mayor of issioners be ex officio non-voting members. Motion DISCUSSION OF 1970 CENSUS - Mr. Aarriss discussed the 19'70 Census Report, pointing out once estimated, county will have to live with it for ten years. He pointed out the County has had trouble with its ap- plications for Federal Aid. Mr. Harriss stated the school populatian had increased and in flying over the County he had noticed former barren land now is covered by subdivisions. Mr. Harriss proposed that the Chairman, and if the City cares to join in, be empowered to request whatever action is necessary to have a recount of our 1970 population. By common consent it was agreed the City and County write a joint letter investigating~ what can be done about a reconnt. Mr. Tim Wood advised it would be very dif£icult to get a recount and if the County does get a recount, the County will have to pay for it. fDIS.GUSSION OF COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS AND S~UTHEASTERN ECONOMIC li~vr~,OPMENT COMM:CSSION - Mr. Williams began discussion saying for sometime there has been a need for clarifi- cation of the role of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission and the Cape Fear Council of Governments. Mr. Williams stated a study committee was appointed to make a study. This committee made a thorough study and voted unanimously to recommend to the Council the adoption of the following resolution: "RESOZUTION ESTABLISHING WORKING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEIIV TI~ SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOP- MENT COP'II"LCSSIOPI AND 'Ff~ CAPE FEAR COUNCIZ OF GOVERNI~NTS ~ "WF~REAS, The Southeastern Economic Development Commission was c~eated as a joint effort by the counties of Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Hoke, New Hanover, Pen- der, Robeson, Sampson and Scotland to Foster Economic Development within the ten-county district, and; "WHEREAS, The Southeastern Economic Development Commission has prepared a work program and is implementing portions of it relating to Economic Development within the ten-county district, and; . "Wf~REA,S, The Cape Fear Council of Governments was established to coordinate compre- hensive planning for growth and development within the counties of Brunswick and New Han- over, and; "4lHEREAS „ Governor Scott, by executive order no. three, dated May '7, 19'70, has designa- ted the counties of Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender and Columbus as a single ptanning dis- trict, and; "iJHEREAS, The Cape Fear Council of Governments has indicated its willingness to under- take comprehensive planning activities related to growth and development for the planning district composed of Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender and Columbus counties, and; "WHEREAS, The Cape Fear Council o£ Governments has initiated preparation of an "Overall Program Design" intended to establish a long=range work program for the Council related to development within the counties of Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender and Columbus, "BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: 1. That the Southeastern Economic Development Commission is vital to the continued Economic Development of the entire ten-county district and is encouraged to continue Economic Development Activities in behalf of the district; 2. That the p`lanning function o£ the Cape Fear Council of Goverxim~nts is equally vital to the sound future growth and developments of Brunswick, Columbus, Pender and New Hanover counties, and the Council is encouraged to continue its activities in this regard, and; 3. That the Southeastern Economic Development Commission and the Cape Fear Council of Governments work harmoniously within the State and Federal guidelines established for the operation of each a~ency reapectively - without duplication o£ e£fort - so that maximum ef- fective development may be achieved for the entire region. , MINUTES OF TI~ MEETIDNG - SEPTEMBER 8, 19~0 - 9:00 A.M.-- ~CANTINTTED) - "RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING WORgING REI~ATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TFiE SOUTFIEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVEIAP MENT CO~SSION AND TFIE CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS -(CONTINUED) - 4. That the rxecutiine iJirecLOr~ dii3 or Chairman of t e two organizations serve in liaison capacity as resource persons to promote cooperation and avoid duplication of efforts. ~ 5. Provide for interchanging of statistical and other factual information rela- ting to industrial developm~nt as is available to the two agencies." The Council, based on the recommendations of this committee, adopted the resolution and voted to recommend the adoption of the same resolution by appropriate governing boards of the four-county area. Mr. Williams read cover letter sent tothe County Commissioners with the resolution. This letter requested this resolution be adopted in lieu of resolutions submitted by SEDC. His letter stated basically the resolution is to clarif~ the fact that (1) the SEDC should limit its work to the field of economic development activities and planning related to same and (2) that the Cape Fear Council o£ Governments should engage in comprehensive plan- ning region wide. • Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks for discussion, that the Board of New Han- over County Commissioners adopt the resolution. Mr. Marks stated Nos. 4 and 5 were added to this resolution at the request o£ SEDC to promote cooperation and eliminate duplication. • Mr. Marks stated there had been charges that these two organizations would be over- lapping and duplications. Mr. Marks stated there was mbre work than either can do and wanted to unite efforts; they can do much more together cooperatively. Mr. Williams stated the chairman of the Council of Goversiments had pledged support and asked cooperation of SEDC to promote the area at the joint meeting held recently and after the meeting was over called the four serving on the two organizations together and pledged type of cooperation that was suggested. Mr. Harriss stated he has felt from the start that a larger group is necessary for the £ull development o£ the Cape Fear Basin and endorses this type of cooperation. Vote was called on the motion. It carried unanimously. Mr. Marks discussed conversation he had with Mr. Ronald Scott concerning impression that the resolution Mr. Marks will present for SEDC is required by EDA, and no one in any meeting he has attended has made such an assertion. Mr. Scott advised Mr. Marks EDA does not require any £urther resolution than what SEDC has. However, there is a further reso- lution that will be helpful to SEDC in the performance o£ the work in an overall coordina- ting organization for the Cape Fear Region. SEDC can do a better job with it than without it. Mr. Marks stated he talked by telephone with Mr. Bob Wilson of West Virginia who said EDA did not require any further resolution be passed. It is a matter for the ~udgment o£ the County Commissioners of the ten counties, four of which are in the Council of Govern- ments. Mr. Marks stated passing of this resolution will be complimenting both the programs to be incorporated in a multi-'region plan and the SEDC is at the moment assisting two additional Council of Governments similar to ours in regions "M" and "N" and wi11 do same thing here. Mr. Marks presented following resolution and moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Board adopt it: • "RESOI,UTION, DESIGNATING WITH OTHER COUNTIES, A REGIONAL PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT COP'II"1ISSION ~~WHENEAS, the Southeastern Economic Development Commission was created as a joint effort by the Counties of Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Hoke, New Hanover, Pen- der, Robeson, Sampson, and Scotland to foster economic development within the ten-county District, and; "WF~REAS, thorough planning is the cornerstone of economic development, "BE IT THEREFORE RESOI,VED that the Southeastern Economic Development Commission be officially designated as a Re$ional Planning for Economic Development agency to serve the interests of the memberzcounties of the Regions "M", "N", and "0", pursuant to North Caro- lina General Statute, Chapter 158, Article 2 with specific reference to Paragraph No. 158-14. Adopted by the Board o£ Commissioners of New Hanover County this 8th day of Sept., 19~0. J. Van B. Metts, Jr. Chairman" Mr. Williams stated in his opinion, adoption of this resolution would be contrary to the one just adopted. The SEDC is already a development commission. When 9ou add to it, the designation of a Planning Commission, under North Carolina I,aw qou will find it will give the Commission powers just short of zoning. Mr. Williams suggested the Attorney be requested to check provisions of authority of Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission. 52'7 ~ At this point Mr. Marks read resolution adopted August 20 by SEDC which reads as follows: "SOUTFIEA,STERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - P.O. BO& 921 - II,IZABETHTOWN, NORTH CAROI,ZNA 28337 REb~ULUTION ']1-002 INDUSTRIAL DEVEIAPMENT RESOLVED: that the Southeastern Economic Development Commission will function as follows: ~ ~ 528 MINUTES OF Tf~ MEETING - SEPT~ER 8..1970 - 9:00 A.M. -(CONTINUED) - "SOUTFtEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVE7APMENT CON~ISSION - P.O. BOg 921 - ELIZABETfiTOWN, NORTH CARO- ZINA 28337 -(COPITINUED) - RESOLUTION 71-002 - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT - I. ~.~o provide guidance to counties or municipalities on the establishment of an in- dustrial development agency. II. To place the facilities and the staff of the Commission at the service of agencies or local groups involved in industrial development. III. To aid and assist the individual industrial development representative as he may request in the accomplishment of his function, and IV. To provide to industrial development groups such statistical and o:ther £actual in- formation as is available in the offices of the Executive Director of the Commission. FOR THE COMMISSION, (S) MASON S. HICgS Chairman Adopted this 20 day of August, 19'70." Mr. Williams pointed out that the way the 6EDC has been turning out revised resolutions recently there is nothing to prevent them from changing this one at their next meeting. Meeting recessed for five minutes. Mr. Fox read law and interpreted it to mean it does not take away public powers of the County in regards to subdivision regulations, Zoning or any other $overnmental functions. Mr. Williams read letter dated September 3, 19'70 from SEDC requesting resolution be adopted. Summing up resolution Mr. Williams stated SEDC recommended Council of Governments be placed under its jurisdiction which should never be done. This would be a dangerous de- parture from the policies which have been followed and he stated he felt strongly the Council of Governments made up of elected of£icials should never be placed under a Commission such as an Economic Development Commission. Mr. Williams reviewed report from Beverly Paul, Executive Director of Council of Govern- ments. It was explained by Mr. Williams that SEDC will not lose EDA funding if it is not designated as a Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the motion be tabled. Motion failed; Messrs. Williams and Aall voting "Yes" and Messrs. Harriss, Metts and Marks voting "No". Mr. Marks spoke again saying while it is true SEDC does not need resolution they will be able to function better with it. Mr. Marks stated letter Mr. Williams read from Mr. Mason Hicks, Chairman of SEDC, dated September 3, 197~ was written on Mr. Hick's initiative, not SEDC. Mr. Marks advised Mr. Hicks had been asked to withdraw it. Mr. Hicks agreed and said it should never have been written and it was hereby withdrawn. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the resolution pro- posed by SEDC be passed and the chairman be authorized to sign it upon receipt of letter from Mr. Hicks withdrawing his letter of September 3, 1970. Motion carried three to two. Messrs. Hall and Williams voted "No". After a five minute recess, Mr. Metts reported Mr. Hicks called. Mr. Hicks advised let- ter was not intended to apply to New Hanover County and he would write letter to this ef£ect. Mr. Hall listened to conversation between Mr. Metts and Mr. Hicks. ~~ Meeting recessed for five minutes. APPROVAL OF 1971 TAX ABSTRACTS - Mr. Larry Powell was present to discuss 19']1 Tax Abstract Forms. Mr. Powell said the Business Abstract this year will go into greater detail, and the only portion that will be made public is total figures for the businesses, which is required. Mr. Harriss was concerned about the £orm possibly being an additional burden on the people. Mr. Bowden stated he was of the opinion it will be easier since information can be taken off of the tax payer's financial statements. After further ~cussion, by common consent it was agreed to defer action on the abstract forms until meeting of September 21, 19']0. ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE - HE[~T,TH DE,PARTME[~IT - Dr. Knox's request for an additional clerk-typist was discussed. Mr. Metts ~sked.what person is doing who was working for the Plumbing Inspector before he was transferred. Dr. Knox said she is catching up back work. Mr. Metts suggested Mr. Bowden check into need for additional help. COIINTY DRAINAGE ORDINANCE - . Mr. Harriss discussed meeting held recently with Dr, gnox, Mr. Cranford, Mr. Bass and Mr. Powell (of the State Highway), Mr. Bowden, Mr. Mintz and himself present. An immediate problem on Riley Drive in Pine Valley was a culvert which had f~Iled with silt. It was completely filled because of its under size. Another cause was discussed and this was blockir~ of ditches by refuse and in some cases re£usal of owners to permit continuation of a ditch over their property which affected drainage for a whole area. Some roads in sub- divisions have been cut below property grade in order to give appearance of height to the lots. , 529~ MINUTES OF MEETING - SEPTEMBER 8. 19~0 - 9:00 A.M. =(CANTINUED) - COIINTY DRAINAGE OR-INANCE - (CONTINUED) - 1°1r. ~3ass said State is going to remove under size p~pe, install larger pipe and catch basins on t2ie.side. Mr. Harriss stated the state will make area drainage and ground water studies at our re- quest anytime and it was suggested Mr. Cranford and Mr. Mintz, who are familiar with topo- graphy give us a map of the main water c~rainage fields. Mr. Harriss su~gested the County be empowered, if it is not already, to condemn for drainage purposes any land necessary to promote health in the County. Mr. Fox said he was not aware o£ any county authority for this. He said it would be an appropriate subject for legislature. -~ " Mr. Harriss stated he felt it was timeto £ace up to the fact that we are living in a very urban county and we must operate in a manner to protect the health of the population. Mr. Williams stated it may be necessary to secure legislation which would authorize condemnation of property for facilities and pointed out fact people will want to be paid for their property. This will run into a.large expenditure each year. Mr. Williams stated he was convinced that there are a lot of subdivisions Zhe Health Department has allowed to go where they should not have been built in the £irst place,and he was of the opinion the Health Department can clamp down and do its job a little better and alleviate a good bit of this problem without going to legislation. Mr. Metts suggested Mr. Harriss go into this more and come back with specifics; whether to go to the Legislature or some other type of action. Also, Mr. Metts requested the Health Department determine what they can do and work with Mr. Harriss. Mr. Metts stated the Health Department ~ows what authority it has and this Board would not want to duplicate any authority they now have. Mr. Metts suggested Mr. Mallory may be of assistance also. Mr. Metts pointed out County has additional dragline with more capacity than original and is now operative. This should he3p now. Mr. Harriss said another factor has developed; when the Prison Farm was closed it was thought county could get labor for $5.00 per day. This is not true the cost is ~61.65 per hour. Mr. Bowden stated he had permission to~.-work prisoners from the jail in and around the courthouse. Most of the help has been used catching up around the courthouse but he feels they can work county-wide. Mr. Harriss said he would appreciate the Commissioners authorizing Mr: Bowden and him- self to look into this matter as well as matter oP possibility of having a County Maintenance Department and report back. . Mr. Marks suggested Mr. Harriss and Mr. Bowden investigate this. By common consent this was agreed to. Mr. Tim Wood was present and advised the county has had subdivision ordinance since 1965 but un£ortunately it states an,y developer filing plat prior to 60 days after adoption will be exempt. There is a new ordinance adopted in 1959 which gives the Commissioners a reat deal more authority such as requiring (1) topography mapping o£ subdivision and (2~ location of marshes, ditches, etc. Also developer is required to present drainage plan for area. Mr. Wood pointed out the county is getting cooperation of the Soil Conservation Service. RePerring to the Small Watershed Act under.Public Law 566, Mr. Wood advised the Plan- ning Commission made formal application to the United States Department of Agriculture for a county-wide plan for master drainage. Under Fublic Law 566, and some amendments which were made to State Statutes, County Commissioners are authorized to tax for this purpose. At this stage the application has been filed, county has had a field review by the State o£ North Carolina, it has been approved by the Watershed Committee of North Carolina, it is now in Washington awaiting funding, and Mr. Wood was of the opinion some preliminary survey work has been started. Mr. Wood envisions such a master plan will hopefully point out to New Hanover County the location of some major drainage facilities and through general ordinance making power in the future the County will be in position to require the subdivisnn developers to tie into these master drainage facilities. In the meantime Mr. Wood stated two things might be done: (1) Recognition of drainage as County Business. - Mr. Wood stated the county might be putting burden on the Health Department; draglines are fine, but a plan for draina~e is needed. (2) Retention of a County Engineer. Mr. Wood feels when a developer has completed a subdivision under plans 6f county and property is sold, he does not have the right to ~o back on property to correct draina$e problem. Mr. Wood says he is of the opinion county should try to secure right to condemn. Mr. Harriss stated Mr. Cranford probably has better lm owled~e of what natural drainage ways and which way water falls than an engineer coming in to study it. This would require time and mean a trsmendous amount of e~rpense. Mr. Metts suggested Mr. Oates might be available. Mr. Cranford said he was. Mr. Har- riss said both Mr. Oates and the Highway Department will assist us. Mr. Cranford said part of the problem at Pine Valley is because of the Grandfather Clause and metes and bovnds sale of land. . r ~ 530 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - Sr.,r~rra~IBER 8, 1970 - 9:00 A.M. -(CANTINUEII) - MR. TIM WOOD ZEAVING PI~ANNING DEPAxri°ir,ivT TO BE DIRECTOR OF CHARTER COMMISSION - Mr. Wood thanked the Commissioners i'or their support of the Planning Commission for the 28 months he has been the Director. Mr. Metts pointed out their confidence was expressed by their unanimous approval of him for his new position. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Commissioners express regret in the loss o£ Mr. Wood's service as City-County Planning Director and thank him for his unselfish and wholehearted cooperation and that they wish him well in his new position. Motion car- ried unanimously. Mr. Metts stated the Board looks £orward working with Mr. Mallory who has been doing quite a bit of work under Mr. Wood's supervision in the past and £eels sure he will be an able successor. DISCIISSION OF APPOINTMENT TO HOSPITAL BOARD - Mr. Hall advised the Commissioners the appointments to the hospital board does not co- incide with its fiscal year and by-laws of hospital require nominating committee go ahead and make nominations for officers with the term of offices expiring at a certain time. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Commissioners made any new appoint- ments for the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital to coincide with the fiscal year. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hall said the Board at the hospital feels it takes a little time to get worked into the hospital and think three years too short. They pre£er a five year term. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that new appointments be made for a period of five years and they cannot succeed themselves for a period of one year. After a brief discussion, vote was called on motion and it passed unanimously. Discussion was then held on appointment to fill vacancies occurring this year. By com- mon consent it was agreed to defer this until next meeting. SHIP GROUNDING CAPE FEAR CHANNII, - Mr. Hall discussed grounding of the TS Eastern Sun on August 18, advising he had received a number of letters concerning this. After discussion Mr. Iia11 moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the County's senators and congressmen be advised of this incident and to alert them it is the intention o£ the Board of Commissioners to request widening of the chfl^^el, with copy to Col. Denison and Col. Gillette. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR nr.~vl•AI, OF PARKING LOT - Mr. Bowden advised that $300 was requested prior to budget time £or rental of parking lot next to the Manor Theatre but only $200 was budgeted. Now the lot has been rented four months and $200 additional is needed. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the $200 be appropriated from General Contingency Etind. Motion carried unanimously. ROAD PETITION - DEAN DR. EXT. SPRING VIEW DR. EXT. AND SPRINC~PIME ROAD - Road petition requesting Dean Dr. Ext., Spring View Dr. Ext. and Springtime Road be added to the State Maintained Road System was presented to the Board by Mr. Bowden. Letter £rom the Planning Commission giving their approval was noted. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the standard resolution be adopted and the petition £orwarded to the State Highway. Motion carried unanimously. ABC PERMIT REQUESTS - The £ollowing ABC Permit Requests were presented to the Board: Zogan's Breakfast Bar, 509 McRae Street, Hugo's Grill, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Veterans oY Foreign Wars, Post 2573, 2722 Carolina Road; Buck's Grocery, ~23 S. 6th Street; Zip Mart, 30th & Princess Streets; Boykin's Cut-Rate, 919 Dawson Street. Mr. Aarriss moved, seconded by Nir. Marks, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. MOVING r~xrr.~vBE OF DR. SCHULTE - Mr. Marks stated he had request from Mental Health £or transfer of funds in amount o£ $1,653•25 £rom Psychiatrist Salaries to that of moving expenses and he so moved. Mr. Hall seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks advised the Mental Health had secured the services of a flzll time Psychiatrist, Dr. Schulte. He will probably be down to meet the Board at the next meeting. ~ ADJvutuvr2ENNT - There being no flxrther business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /bh 531 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - Sr.r•r~,rIBER 14~, 1970 - 9:00 A.M. - ASSEMBLY - Special meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Wil- liams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Sa- vage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. QUARTERS FOR INTERNS AND RESIDENT PHYSICIANB AT NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Mr. Metts stated the purpose of the meeting was to discuss request of tiie Hospital Board to build facility on the hospital grounds for the purpose of housing resident physicians and interns. The Hospital Board is not requesting any funds £rom the County. Facility will be financed through private financing and at no cost to the County. Mr. Metts stated the Commissioners tentatively are in favor of the facility provided it is put in the space designated on map which the Hospital Board has shown the Commissioners, and the brick and architecture blends with the present hospital. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the request for permission by the Board of Directors of New Hanover Memorial Hospital to construct quarters for interns and residents as indicated on their plans be granted; and without pledging or in any way en- cumbering the credit of New Hanoner County. Mr. Harriss stated he wanted to make it clear, as Mr. Metts had said, this financing is by the Hospital Operating Corporation itself which is a private corporation for which New Hanover County has absolutely no responsibility. Their credit is being used to construct this facility. Mr. Williams expressed opinion approval of this request is going to make possible an improvement in the influence and service of the hospital to New Hanover County .area as a whole and is undoubtedly a great step forward in the medical program in thi~ area. Vote was called on motion. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Board, Mr. Williams moved, second- ed by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /bh MINUTES OF THE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 ASSEMBZY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perr9 Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Charles Stines, Pastor, Pine Valley Baptist Church, to give the invocation. TAX COS,LECTOR'S REPORT - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, presented New Hanover County Settlement of 1969 Taxes and 1969 Delinquent Personal Property I,ist. The original scrol.l was $4,859,01'7,60, plus supplement, amount picked up by the Tax Supervisor, less abatements, plus interest collected and advertising cost, making total $4,905,136.03. Total collected was $4,905,40'].48, difference being over in amount of $271.45. INTRODUCTION OF DR. SCHiTIlPE PSYCI~ATRIST , MENTAI, flEAI,TH CENTER - • Mr. Metts introduced Dr. Jerome Schulte, Psychiatrist, who has accepted position - at the Mental Health Center. The Board expressed their happiness at having him and wished him well in his work. Dr. Schulte expressed his delight in being able to work in this area. Mr. Marks discussed Mental Health breakdown of services which had been presented to Mr. Metts for signature. Mr. Marks said this is an estimate; you cannot project how many hours a day you will be doing specific things. He stated he wanted to assure the Mental Health Board and Dr. Schulte that if the eguations are necessary to be changed, they can be. Mr. Metts pointed out this was hours not mone~. Mr. Marks said he would not want to bind the County to the State to £ollow breakdown of services precisely. Mr. Metts suggested a cover letter pointing out Dr. Schulte had just begun work and this estimate was based on last year. Mr. Marks reguested Dr. Schulte to evaluate the job descriptions around the £irst oY the year and give the Board the benePit of his findin~s. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harsiss, that the minutes o£ the regular meeting of September 8 and the Special Meetin~ of September 14 be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.