1970-09-21 Regular Meeting531 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - Sr.r•r~,rIBER 14~, 1970 - 9:00 A.M. - ASSEMBLY - Special meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Wil- liams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Sa- vage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. QUARTERS FOR INTERNS AND RESIDENT PHYSICIANB AT NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Mr. Metts stated the purpose of the meeting was to discuss request of tiie Hospital Board to build facility on the hospital grounds for the purpose of housing resident physicians and interns. The Hospital Board is not requesting any funds £rom the County. Facility will be financed through private financing and at no cost to the County. Mr. Metts stated the Commissioners tentatively are in favor of the facility provided it is put in the space designated on map which the Hospital Board has shown the Commissioners, and the brick and architecture blends with the present hospital. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the request for permission by the Board of Directors of New Hanover Memorial Hospital to construct quarters for interns and residents as indicated on their plans be granted; and without pledging or in any way en- cumbering the credit of New Hanoner County. Mr. Harriss stated he wanted to make it clear, as Mr. Metts had said, this financing is by the Hospital Operating Corporation itself which is a private corporation for which New Hanover County has absolutely no responsibility. Their credit is being used to construct this facility. Mr. Williams expressed opinion approval of this request is going to make possible an improvement in the influence and service of the hospital to New Hanover County .area as a whole and is undoubtedly a great step forward in the medical program in thi~ area. Vote was called on motion. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Board, Mr. Williams moved, second- ed by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /bh MINUTES OF THE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 ASSEMBZY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perr9 Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Charles Stines, Pastor, Pine Valley Baptist Church, to give the invocation. TAX COS,LECTOR'S REPORT - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, presented New Hanover County Settlement of 1969 Taxes and 1969 Delinquent Personal Property I,ist. The original scrol.l was $4,859,01'7,60, plus supplement, amount picked up by the Tax Supervisor, less abatements, plus interest collected and advertising cost, making total $4,905,136.03. Total collected was $4,905,40'].48, difference being over in amount of $271.45. INTRODUCTION OF DR. SCHiTIlPE PSYCI~ATRIST , MENTAI, flEAI,TH CENTER - • Mr. Metts introduced Dr. Jerome Schulte, Psychiatrist, who has accepted position - at the Mental Health Center. The Board expressed their happiness at having him and wished him well in his work. Dr. Schulte expressed his delight in being able to work in this area. Mr. Marks discussed Mental Health breakdown of services which had been presented to Mr. Metts for signature. Mr. Marks said this is an estimate; you cannot project how many hours a day you will be doing specific things. He stated he wanted to assure the Mental Health Board and Dr. Schulte that if the eguations are necessary to be changed, they can be. Mr. Metts pointed out this was hours not mone~. Mr. Marks said he would not want to bind the County to the State to £ollow breakdown of services precisely. Mr. Metts suggested a cover letter pointing out Dr. Schulte had just begun work and this estimate was based on last year. Mr. Marks reguested Dr. Schulte to evaluate the job descriptions around the £irst oY the year and give the Board the benePit of his findin~s. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harsiss, that the minutes o£ the regular meeting of September 8 and the Special Meetin~ of September 14 be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. ~ 532 MINUTES OF THE MEET.ING SEPTEMBER 21, 197a CCONTuvu~D) - APPROVAL OF 1971 TAX ABSTRACTS - ~ Mr. Larry Powell, Assistant to Tax Supervisor, was present Por discussion of 1971 tax abstracts. Mr. Powell stated the only thing different since the last meeting is the inclusion of an instruction sheet to go along v~ith the business form. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the 1971 tax abstract forms be approved. Motion carried unanimously. TAX SCROI,LS DELIVERED TO TAX COLLECT~R - Mr. Powell delivered the tax scrolls to the Tax Collector after signatures of the Chairman and Clerk to the Board had been affixed thereto. REFUND OF TAXES PAID COUNTY TO MRS. CROWLEY - Discussion was held on refund to Mrs. J. S. Crowley of $14.50 which represents eight years taxes paid on a lot which Mr. Crowley purchased for taxes from the County. b~en Mrs. Crowley tried to sell the lot, it developed the lot belonged to someone else who had been paying taxes on it since 1945 and who holds a deed to the property. Mr. Bowden and Mr. Powell recommended refund on the taxes. Mr. Ha11 moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the $14.50 in taxes be refunded to Mrs. Crowley. Motion carried unanimously. REBUEST FOR LAND FOR NVFNILE DE~L~r~v~l~ION HOME Mr. Charlie Brown, Chairman of the Committee on Juvenile Detention, was present to make request for land for a Juvenile Detention Home. Mr. Brown stated his Committee felt a portion of the County Farm would be suitable and presented a sketch showing the portion they desired. He said it would amount to ten acres. Site is located on the Blue Clay Road, five miles from the City of Wilmi.ngton limits. Mr. Williams stated that hopefully some day this might be built up as an industrial area ~ and the County owns considerable property elsewhere. Mr. Williams asked if the County agrees to go along designating this, wouTd there be any reason why at a later date if something more suitable is found, it could be switched? Mr. Williams was of the opinion it might be well to designate this tentatively. Discussion was held; Mr. Metts expressing desire the Board have the County Administrator investigate this; Mr. Marks asking if the County at one time did not approve getting its land surveyed and put in map form; Mr. Metts saying this points up need for an engineer; and Mr. Marks saying maybe the County can hire a surveyor. Mr. Hall expressed the opinion this is the place for the Juvenile Detention Home and did not kno~a where else the County owns ten acres in one spot. Mr. Harriss said he agreed with Mr. Williams. Iie would hate to commit, without flzrther study, a piece oY property out of this particular piece because of its industrial value. Mr. Ha11 moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board assure Mr. Brown and his Committee that a suitable tract will be provided without any undue delay when they are ready to go. Motion carried unanimously. After further discussion, by common consent it was agreed to reguest Mr. Bowden to investigate a site for the home with help of the Planning Department or anyone else he might need. Mr. Metts asked how Mr. Brown arrived at need for ten acres. Mr. Brown said it was based on study of Juvenile Homes in other areas in the State. Mr. Williams stated Mr. Brown and his Committee are doing a fine job and hoped he would go away this morning feeling that the Board is one hundred percent behind him. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the County Administrator proceed with having county property surveyed, whether it be tax £oreclosed or whatever method. Mr. Marks suggested using flznds budgeted £or an engineer. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST CERTAIN WORDING BE DELETED FROM RESOLUTION PASSED SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 DESIGNATING SEDC A REGIONAL PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOP~T COMMISSION - Mr. Williams requested the County Attorney give his opinion in formal session, as well as the one he 'gave in writing on September 15, concerning resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Commissioners on September 8 designating SEDC as a regional planning commission pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 158-14. Mr. Fox said that he was reiterating and con£irming his opinion expressed at the last meeting and in his letter of September 15 that if an economic development commission is also designated as a regional planning commission you are conferring upon it those powers attributed • to a regional planning commission by General Statutes of the State. Pr~r. Williams stated what concerned him was that New Hanover County cannot designate SEDC a regional planning commission with limited powers according to Mr. Fox's letter of September 15th. Mr. Williams reminded the Board that in a letter dated September 4 the Chairman of the SEDC said in part: "No one, to my knowledge, has indicated that our Planning Resolution is needed for any State or Federal Agency to continue its support of SEDC. The requirement that we have the Resolution comes directly from me and from the E`xecutive Officers of SEDC." Mr. Williams also reminded the Board that Mr. Marks stated at the meeting of the Commissioners on September 8 the SEDC does not need the resolution but could 1linction better with it. Mr. Williams said he felt the resolution adopted at the September 8th meetin~ prior to adoption o£ the SEDC resolution covered authority of the SEDC. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall for discussion, words "Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute, Chapter 158, Article 2 with speci£ic reference to Paragraph No. 158-14" be rescinded from the resolution passed September 8, 19'70 designating SEDC a regional planning and economic development Commission. Mr. Fox stated iP the SEDC is to be designated as a regional planning commission, this would remove the effect. , r 5 t3 ~3; MINIITES aF TAE MEETING SEPTEMBER 21. 19~0 (CONTINUED) - REQUEST CERTAIN WORDING BE DELETED FROM RESOLUTION PA,SSED S~r~rr~'1BER 8, 1970 DESIGNA'SING SEDC A REGIONAL PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVE?APMENT COP~7ISSION -(CONTINUED) - After further discussion, wherein the County Attorney assured the Boarcl this will not bind the County in the way of planning and zoning, vote was called on motion. It failed to carry; Messrs. Hall and Williams voted "Yes"; Messrs. Metts, Harriss and Marks "No". APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO HOSPITAI~ BOARD - This subject was discussed, and Mr. HarTiss asked to abstain from voting. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Harriss be permitted to abstain. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Aall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the members o£ the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital whose terms will expire this year be re-appointed, effective date October 1, 19~0 to coincide with the starting date o£ their £iscal year. Also, terms will be for five ~*ears, not to succeed themselves for one year. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss abstained from voting. Those re-appointed were E. M. Butler, N. A. McKenzie, Herbert McKim and Lawrence Rose. Mr. Hall sug~ested nominating committee of the Board at the hospital be notified o£ action taken. INCREASE FOR RETIRED SCHOOL TEACHERS - In duscussion o£ this subject l~ir. Piarks stated that he felt to allow retired teachers the 3% cost of livin$ increase granted by the State without deducting it £rom the County's pension v~ould encourage teachers to retire early. He stated he felt this increase should be allowed only to those who retired because of disability. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion a list of retired teachers should be obtained £or study by an actuary. By common consent Mr. Harriss raas authorized to get information for study by an actuary., Mr. Williams stated he did not £eel the Board should penalize those persons already retired but felt that the County retirement system should be discontinued for flzture teachers. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board not deduct from retired teachers pensions the 3% cost of living increase granted by the State £rom the County's pension for fiscal year 19'70-']1. Motion carried unanimously. N. C. ASSOCIATION OF Cvulrr~' COl'Il"LCSSIONERS' CONVENTION rir. nowaen requesLea zormal approval sor cos~ oi entertainment of ladies attending the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners' Convention. The cost will be $6600. Mr. Ha11 moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that formal approval be given, funds coming from General Contingency F4uid. Motion carried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMIT REQ,UESTS - The folloiaing ABC Permit Requests were presented to the Board: Yacht Basin Restaurant, 5254 Canal Drive; Fish House, Highway 421, S. Wilmington; Dot's Chuck Wagon ~2, Hwy. 1'7 N., Wilmington; and Shepard's Hi-Tane, Rt. 1, Box 434, Wilmington. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that they be referred to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. ROAD PETITIONS - LAUREL DRSVE AND TAMBRIDGE ROAD - 1`ir. Bowden presented road petitions reguesting Laurel Drive and Tambridge Road be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the standard resolution be adopted and the petitions forwarded to the State Highway System. Motion carried unanimously. OGDEN VOI~Liui•r.r.R FIRE DEPARTMENT'S NEW QUARTERS - Mr. Metts stated he felt congratulations are in order to the Ogden Volunteer Fire Department £or their new facility and commended them on the very fine work they are doTn~. EAST COAST HIGHWAY CONVEIdTION - Mr. Harriss called attention to this convention to be held in Myrtle Beach on October 19. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board authorize attendance of any Commissioner who can attend, expenses to be paid by County. Motion carried unanimousl~. In accordance t,~ith reguest of Mr. Marks concerning a letter relative to ratio for tax purposes being referred to legislators, Mr. Metts suggested a legislative file be set up and anything to be presented to our legislators be filed there until proper time to present it. OUTSIDE EMPZOYPIENT FOR SOCIAI, SERVICES DIRECTOR - Mr. Marks requested formal approval for Miss Hall to teach at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington on Thursday night o£ each week from 7:00 P.M. to 9:45 P.M. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that formal approval of this request be granted. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - ' There being no further business to come before the Board, I1r. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, - Hazel Sava~e Clerk to the Board /pb ~