1970-10-05 Regular Meeting534 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 5. 1970 ASSEMBZY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., and Mr. H. A. Marks were absent. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden to give the invocation. TAX COLLECTOR'S MONTHI,Y REPORT - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, presented report on taxes collected during month o£ September, 19'70 as follows: Charged Per Scroll Added - Tax Supervisor Zess Abatements Collections - Prepayments ~391,890.00 Collector 234,042.37 ~5,~36,487•37 10,557.12 ~b 5 , 0'+7 , o~ui-. 49 14,400.86 $5,032,643.53 625.g32.37 $4,406,711.26 Back taxes for years 1g65-69 collected in September totaled $11,330.88 bringing total back taxes collected to date ~41,084.46 with balance uncollected of $390,027.97. Delinquent Personal Property Tax collected in September amounted to $1,463.91 with total collected to date amounting to $16,8'76.5'7. REPORT ON NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'CONVENTION HELD IN WILMINGTON Sr.rrr,MBER 27-30, 1970 - Mr. Wil.liams cliscussed convention recently held by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners in Wilmington. Mr. Williams stated that representatives throu~hout the State of North Carolina were very high in their praise of the facilities and treatment they received. Mr. Williams stated as result of the ladies' feelings they will be coming back. Mr. Williams read the following statement: "As ~ou may know, I spent ~ Commissioners' Convention which because I felt that it would be the incoming Commissioners from as they might need. Therefore, its beginning to the end. nost of the time from Saturday noon through Tuesday night at the was held September 2']-30. 2 arrived at the Convention early advisable for a local Commissioner to be present to greet throughout the State and to offer such assistance and information I had the opportunity to observe most of the Convention from As many of you know, an item appeared in the Hanover Sun on September 30th which is misleading, and I am sure we would all agree is most unfortunate... Watch Out Taxnavers! "The Four-day convention of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners must have really been a ball. To satisfy the 600-some quests' thirsts, $4,200 oaorth of alcoholic beverages were ordered £rom the ABC store at l~th and Castle Streets. New Hanover County contributed $600 for "ladies entertainment." No wonder the state is so fouled up. If county commissioners drink that much liquor while discussing the future, it is sure to be doubtful. Is this how the association spends dues money paid by the taxpayers each year? To an alcohol sopping mob? Why, they must have spent all day transporting that much liquor." Gordon 0. Hinson 602 S. Fifth Ave. Insurance ~62-6564 In my opinion, the Hanover Sun and a person who is purported to have authorized the ad have sunk to a new low in skulduggery. The ad in£ers that the Association purchased over $4,000 worth of alcoholic beverages. This is worse than an out right lie. The ad refers to an 'alcohol sopping mob?'. This is one o£ the most sickening misrepresentations I have ever heard. A great disservice has been done to one of the finest groups of indiuiduals to be found any~ahere. In addition, a great disservice has been done to our County as we attempt to develop convention business for the area. The Mana~er of the Headquarters Hotel said 'The Commissioners Convention was one o£ the two best Conventions we have ever served. There was no damage to property, no rowdiness, no over intoxication, and ver~'little effort was required to clean up after the various functions. Tt was a real pleasure to have served such a Pine group o£ people.' "An official of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board reported that a representative of the Hanover Sun had questioned them about the purchase of alcoholic beverages by the Convention prior to the running of this ad. Tt is my opinion that those who were responsible for this ad knew that no such purchase had been made by the Commissioners Association and yet they proceeded to run this despicable trash anyway. , "As has already been mentioned, I spent most of the time from ,Saturday noon through Tuesday at the Convention and did not see the 'alcohol sopping mob' referred to in the ad. Je~J MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 5. 1970 CCONTINUED) - REPORT OF N~RTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMIISSIONERS' CONVENTION HELD IN WILI`1INGTON SEPTEMBER 27-30, 1970 - (CONTINUED) - "New Hanover bounty has invited the Commissioners Convention to return in 19']2. This type of misrepresentation can be most harmful to our efforts." Mr. Williams stated that due to the fact the New Hanover County Commissioners were responsible for the convention being held here and they had invited the convention back, he could not allow this piece of trash to go by. Mr. Hall stated knowing the individuals concerned he did not intend dignifying the remarks by noting them, nor to give the persons involved the satisfaction of replying. Mr. Metts stated he attended all of the meetings; it was a very good group, and he presided at one meeting which had a good attendance. Mr. Metts stated he was particularly interested in one of the discussions; twelve months school on a voluntary basis which would give a choice o£ whether one oranted to ~o in the summer or not. If this can be done, when schools become crowded it would prevent having to build new schools; busses and equipment could be better utilized, teachers would receive more pay, all students woiild not be placed on the labor market at one time, it would permit fa11 and spring vacations, and some students might desire to finish school by attending straight through. COUNTY APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO SERVE ON CONVENTION FACILITY COMMITTEE - Chairman Metts announced appoini;menL oi . Alan rshall, Attorney, and Mr. Robert Moore, Principal, MCS Noble, Jr. High School, and who is also a very active Jaycee, to serve on the Civic Auditorium Committee. AUDIT BY OUTSIDE AUDITOR WILLIAM C. BARFIELD - 1`ir. Metts advised Audit Report had been received from Mr. William C. Barfield who had been given contract to audit County Auditor's records. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board accept Mr. Barfield's report for study. Motion carried unanimously. ORDER AUTHORIZING TAX COLLECTION AS REeUIRED BY LAW WI~N B00&S ARE TURNED OVER TO TAX COLLECTOR - Mr. Williams discussed requirement by law £or the Board of Commissioners to deliver orders with the tax scrolls, a copy of which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Commissioners, directing the Tax Collector to collect the said taxes. Mr. Williams stated he felt like certain wording should be included in the orders to take care o£ any prior years where orders might not have been recorded in the minutes. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the orders shall cover all taxes in previous years which have been charged to the Tax Collector where similar orders may not have been recorded. There£ore, he moved that the following orders be recorded nunc-pro-tunc. Motion carried unanimously. "STATE OF NORTH CAROI,INA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . T0: THE TAX COLLECTOR OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY "You are hereby authorized, empowered and commanded to collect the taxes from the persons and ta~ayers in the amount as to be a first lien on all property of such ta~ayers in New Hanover County and this book and order shall be sufficient authority to direct, require and enable you to levy on and sell any and all real or personal property of persons and taxpayers and all interest and cost on account of the taxes due by and herein charged to said persons and taxpayers and all interest and cost on account thereof. "Witness my hand and official seal this 21st day of September, 1970. (s) John Van B: Metts, Jr. Chairman, Board of Commissioners Attest:. ~s) Hazel Sava~e Clerk of Board of Commissioners'` "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA T0: The Ta~c Collector of New Hanover County "You are hereby authorized, empowered and commanded to collect the taxes from the persons and taxpayers in the amount as herein set forth as "Not Listed" and said taxes in the amounts so set forth declared to be k the first lien on all real property of such taxpayers in New Hanover County. You are commanded to collect penalities as required by 1aw together with all interest and cost on account thereof. "Witness my hand•and official seal this 21st day of September, 19'70. (s) John Van B. Metts. Jr. Chairman Board of Commissioners" PINE-VALLEY PORTION OF75-SUBDIVISION PLAT - Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Planning, presented above subdivision plat advising several requirements needed to be met before signature of the Chairman is affixed;.namely, street names, zoning classification of R-15, and number of acreage in tract. The Planning Commission recommends its approval by the Board oY Commissioners when these requirements are met and requested the Chairman be authbrized to sign. A bond to insure the installation of the required improvements was presented to the Board. Question was raised as to whether it was necessary to have the signatures thereon notorized. Mr. Fox said it was not necessary. Mr. Donald Gore witnessed the signature. ~536 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 5. 1970 -(CONTINUED) - r.uv~-VALLEY PORTION OF 16 SUBDIVISION PLAT -(CONTINUED) - The bond was declared in order. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mi~. Williams, that when requirements have been met to satisfaction of the Planning Department, the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat. Motion carried unanimously. BID OPENING - PICK-UP TH[7CK - HUGH MCRAE PARg - Bids were received and opened for a~~pick-up truck to be used for the Parks Superintendent as follows: Cape Fear Motor Sales 1971 Model 9~2,318.26 Less Trade In 3~0.00 $2,018.26 (Including Tax) Brown Herring Tractor Co. 19~0 Model $2,2'76.00 Inasmuch as bids did not satisfy requirements of specifications, Mr. Fox advised it would be necessary to re-advertise. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the bids be rejected and that the County re-advertise for bids. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC I~ARING - SPECIAL USE FERMITS - Public Hearing was held for the purpose of considering two special use permits: (1) Southern Bell Telephone and Tele~raph Company requests a Special Use Permit to enlarge their Community Dial Equipment Building in an R-15 District (Single Family District) near Wrightsville Sound in Zoning Area No. 2. Mr. Mallory advised Planning Commission recommends granting of the special use permit. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the special use permit be granted subject to conditions o£ the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance and the conditions of the variance granted Southern Bell by the New Iianover County Zoning Board of Adjustment. Motion carried unanimously. • (2) St. Matthew AME Church at Wrightsville Sound requests a Special Use Permit to construct a food preparation and dining facility in an R-15 District (Single Family District) in Zoning Area No. 2. Mr. Mallory stated that the Planning Commission recommends approval, subject to Zoning Board of Adjustment grantin~ a variance to the side and rear yard requirements £or this building which has been granted. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the special use permit be granted. Motion carried unanimously. MARQUIS HII,LS SECTIONS 5.6, and 7 SUBDIVISION PLAT - Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Planning, presented above subdivision plat to the Board stating certain reguirements that needed to be met before signature of Chairman is a£fixed: subject to culvert being changed and the State Highway Commission stating that the road base is adequate and meets their requirements. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that when the improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Department, the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat. Motion carried unanimously. ENDORSEMENT OF STUDY OF STATE'S ESTUARIES - Mr. Metts read letter from Edward H. Wade, Assistant Commissioner, State of North Carolina, Department o£ Conservation and -evelopment, dated September 24, 19']0 advisinQ the 1959 General Assembly directed the Commissioner of the Division o£ Commercial and Sports Fisheries, Department of Conservation and Development, to conduct a study of the State's estuaries with a view to the preparation of a comprehensive and enforceable plan for the conservation of the estuaries, the development o.f thier shorelines, and the use o£ the coastal zone of North Carolina. A preparation for a plan of study for the North Carolina estuary plan has been completed and within this study a recommendation has been made that a pilot demonstration be performed byearly 19'71 as a test of the plan and procedure. New Hanover is bein~ considered for the county to conduct the pilot demonstration and the letter reguested that this Board consider the project in the light of ~iving its endorsement of the program to be conducted in New Hanover County. Mr. Williams stated he felt a study of this type is essential to orderly development of our coastal area, not just in North Carolina but in the nation and felt that the Board should endorse the program. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board o£ Commissioners of Naw Hanover County endorse the pilot program for New Hanover County and that it be made clear the Commissioners are unwilling to relinguish any authority. Motion carried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMIT RE9UESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board: Brown's Grocery, 601 Red Cross Street; George Super Market, 925 N. 4th Street; Reedie's Ranch, 352'] Carolina Beach Road; The Friendly Spot, 20 N. Lumina Avenue; and June's Place 1217 S. 5th Street. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these requests be referred to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL aF DRAINAGE EASEMENT - Drainage Easement which Mr. Fox submitted draft of to Dr. Knox on September 22 was discussed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the drainage easement be approved for use when the County cannot get the present one executed. Motion carried unanimously. 53'7 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1970 -(CONTINUED) - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - I°Lr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. ADVERTIBEMENT - OCEAN HIWAY MOTORIST GUIDE - Mr . Harriss had requested Mr. Bowden present of£er from the Ocean Hiway Association to sell the County advertisement in its Motorist Guide. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the County take one £ourth page ad costing ~175, flznds coming from General Contingency Ftznd. Motion carried unanimously. BIRTADAY GREETINGS TO MR. BERRY A. WILLIAMS - Mr. Metts extended birthday greetings on behalf of the Board of Commissioners to Mr. Williams who vaas having a birthday. REpUEST OF SENCLAND DEVEI,OPMF.PIT ASSOCIATIaN - Mr. Bowden presented request of this organization for $100 to assist in financing the community development program in the six count'ies embracing SF~Cland. Mr. Bowden advised 9b100 per year had been given by New Hanover in the past. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the New Hanover County contribute $100 to this program, funds coming from the General Contingency F~nd. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONt~L FUNDS FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR SHFRTFF DEPU'SIES AND SI'ECIAI~ DEPUTIES - Mr. Bowden advised the Board an additional sum o£ 212.50 will be required for the liability insurance on Sheriff Deputies and Special Deputies which the Board had previously authorized to 'be written. At that time $2,000"was appropriated but is not sufficient for the coverage. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 19. 1970 - 9:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks; Count~ Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Mr. Williams taas absent attending Ocean-Hiway Meeting in Myrtle Beach and Mr. Harriss was absent. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. J. R. Jernigan, Pastor, Im- manuel Baptist Mission, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINiTTES - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - '1'here were no reports due by the Commissioners or throu~h the Commissioners' o£fice at this time. ROAD PETITIONS - STONE4IALL JACKSON DRIVE AND Gxr~iv MEADOWS, SECTION 4- Mr. Bowden presented two road petitions to the Board; one from residents on Stonetaall Jackson Drive in Pine Valley and the other from residents in Section 4 of Green Meadows. Both of the petitions had been presented to the Plannin~ Commission prior to the meeting and the Planning Commission had recommended they be forwarded to the State Highway Commission with request they be added to the Secondary Road System. Mr. Aall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board adopt the standard resolutions and forward them, together with the road petitions, to the State Highway Commission requestin$ Stonewall Jackson Drive and Section 4 of Green Meadows be added to the Secondary Road System. . ' Motion carried unanimously. FORMAL APPROVAI, REQUEST OF CIVIL DErr,~u~E - INCREASE IN CIVIL Dr~r.~ivSE DIRECTOR'S SALARY - r'ormal approval oY' increase in amount of $y'7 to General Harriss' salary was requested by Mr. Bowden. Informal approval by poll vote had been given previously. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that £ormal approval be given to this increase, funds coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. ABC PERMIT REQUESTS - Mr. Bowden presented the £ollowing A. B. C. Permit Requests to the Board: Zob-Steer Inn, ~ Wayne Drive; Northwood Service Center & Oil Co., Rt. 4, Box 55; Valu-Mart, Masonboro I,oop Road; Williams Candy Store, 802 Grace Street; and Janicki Twin State, Rt. 1, Castle Hayne. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the requests be forwarded to the Sheriff's Department £or investigation. Motion carried unanimously.