1970-10-19 Regular Meeting53'7 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1970 -(CONTINUED) - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - I°Lr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. ADVERTIBEMENT - OCEAN HIWAY MOTORIST GUIDE - Mr . Harriss had requested Mr. Bowden present of£er from the Ocean Hiway Association to sell the County advertisement in its Motorist Guide. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the County take one £ourth page ad costing ~175, flznds coming from General Contingency Ftznd. Motion carried unanimously. BIRTADAY GREETINGS TO MR. BERRY A. WILLIAMS - Mr. Metts extended birthday greetings on behalf of the Board of Commissioners to Mr. Williams who vaas having a birthday. REpUEST OF SENCLAND DEVEI,OPMF.PIT ASSOCIATIaN - Mr. Bowden presented request of this organization for $100 to assist in financing the community development program in the six count'ies embracing SF~Cland. Mr. Bowden advised 9b100 per year had been given by New Hanover in the past. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the New Hanover County contribute $100 to this program, funds coming from the General Contingency F~nd. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONt~L FUNDS FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR SHFRTFF DEPU'SIES AND SI'ECIAI~ DEPUTIES - Mr. Bowden advised the Board an additional sum o£ 212.50 will be required for the liability insurance on Sheriff Deputies and Special Deputies which the Board had previously authorized to 'be written. At that time $2,000"was appropriated but is not sufficient for the coverage. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING OCTOBER 19. 1970 - 9:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks; Count~ Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Mr. Williams taas absent attending Ocean-Hiway Meeting in Myrtle Beach and Mr. Harriss was absent. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. J. R. Jernigan, Pastor, Im- manuel Baptist Mission, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINiTTES - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - '1'here were no reports due by the Commissioners or throu~h the Commissioners' o£fice at this time. ROAD PETITIONS - STONE4IALL JACKSON DRIVE AND Gxr~iv MEADOWS, SECTION 4- Mr. Bowden presented two road petitions to the Board; one from residents on Stonetaall Jackson Drive in Pine Valley and the other from residents in Section 4 of Green Meadows. Both of the petitions had been presented to the Plannin~ Commission prior to the meeting and the Planning Commission had recommended they be forwarded to the State Highway Commission with request they be added to the Secondary Road System. Mr. Aall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board adopt the standard resolutions and forward them, together with the road petitions, to the State Highway Commission requestin$ Stonewall Jackson Drive and Section 4 of Green Meadows be added to the Secondary Road System. . ' Motion carried unanimously. FORMAL APPROVAI, REQUEST OF CIVIL DErr,~u~E - INCREASE IN CIVIL Dr~r.~ivSE DIRECTOR'S SALARY - r'ormal approval oY' increase in amount of $y'7 to General Harriss' salary was requested by Mr. Bowden. Informal approval by poll vote had been given previously. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that £ormal approval be given to this increase, funds coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. ABC PERMIT REQUESTS - Mr. Bowden presented the £ollowing A. B. C. Permit Requests to the Board: Zob-Steer Inn, ~ Wayne Drive; Northwood Service Center & Oil Co., Rt. 4, Box 55; Valu-Mart, Masonboro I,oop Road; Williams Candy Store, 802 Grace Street; and Janicki Twin State, Rt. 1, Castle Hayne. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the requests be forwarded to the Sheriff's Department £or investigation. Motion carried unanimously. 538 1MINTJTES OF Tf~ MEETING OCTOBER 19. 19~0 - CONTINUED - PROPOSED PURG'HASE OF TWO MOBILE RADIOS FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - Mr. Bowden advised tne isoard ~cnaL the Zower ,ape ear lanning Unit had made available to the County the sum of $1,320 for the purchase of two mobile radio units to be installed in newly authorized vehicles in the Sheriff's Department. This represents sixty percent of the costs, leaving forty percent to be financed by the Gounty or $880. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the County accept the $1,320 from the Zower Cape Fear Planning Unit and appropriate di£ference of $880 fflr this purchase, funds to come from the General Contingency E~znd. Motion carried unanimously. Nessrs. Williams and Harriss gave verbal approval prior to meeting. ADDITIONAL HELP - INSPEGTION OFFICES - Mr. Bowden advised the Board there is a need for an additional clerk-typist in the 2n- spection Office. Mr. Bowden £urnished information substantiating this need; increase in number of permits issued, increase in construction costs, Plumbing Inspector being moved to County's Inspection office, three telephones to answer, etc. Mr. Bowden recommended approval of the hiring of another person at the same salary the present clerk-ty~ist is making; namely $3~00 per year which is Classification '7, Step 1. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nlr. Marks, that approval be given to the hiring of a clerk- typist in the Inspection Offices at $3~00 per year, Classification 7, Step 1, funds to come from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. BID Or~,iv1NG - PICK-UP TR[JCS FOR PARK SUPERIiv~.~~r~v.ur,ivT - Only one bid was received on the truck; from the Cape Fear Ford Company, incan amount of $2,348.20, including tax, less $300 trade-in or net price of $2,048.20. The bid met specifications. Mr. Hall moved, seconded bg Mr. Marks, that the truck be purchased from the Cape Fear Ford Company. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO Tf~ Cvu.~v•rt SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - Mr. Mallory, Planning Director, discussed with the Board proposed amendments to the New Hanover Count~ Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Mallory informed the Commissioners be~dre the amendments can be adopted a public hearing will have to be held, notice o~ which must be published. Mr. Metts raised question in the amendments to be adopted; should not standard threads be required on fire hydrants. Mr. Fox said it could be done, but thou~ht this should be added to the public hearin~ notice along with the other changes. By common consent this was agreed. to; Nr. Mallory will include this requirement in the public hearing notice to be published. The proposed amendments are as follows: 1. Amend Article III, Section 3, Subsection 3.2 (9) add: Land contours shall be in relation to mean sea level datum. 2. Amend Article IV, Section 2, Subsection 2.9, add: (9) Lots in subdivisions that have not been zoned by the County Commissioners and are served by a water system approved by the North Carolina State Board of Health and served by a central waste treatment plant approved by the North Carolina Department of Water and Air Resources shall com- ply with the following: (1) The average lot size for the entire subdiszision shall nat be less than seven thousand five hundred (~500) square feet. The minimum size for any single lot within the subdivision shall not be less than six thou- sand (6000) square feet. (2) All lots shall have a minimum width of seventy (70) £eet at the building line. ' (10) Fire hydrants that are installed in subdivisions that are served by a community water system shall be equipped with two (2) two and one-half (2~/z) inch male nipples with National Standard Threads (3.0686 inches OD with 7yz threads per inch) . ENIPLflYMEI3T OF NURSE -N~iTAZ HEALTH CEfITER - Mr. Marks presented request from the Southeastern Mental Health Center to transfer funds budgeted to employ a Social Worker to the employment of another Mental Health Nurse II. Mr. Marks advised hiring of a trained social worker seems unlikely and a nurse is needed now, and he £elt quite sure one cannot be employed lower than one step above the base pay. The salary range for Mental Health Nurse II is from $6,708.00 to $8,412.00. #8,412.00 was bud- ~eted f ar~the Social Worker. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the amount budgeted for the Social Worker be transferred to salary for an additio nal nurse. Motion carried unanimously. NEW PROGRAMS FOR YOUNG PEOPI,E BEGUN BY THE MENTAL HF~TH CLINIC - Mr. Marks advisea tihe ~soara Lne i~lenidl ealth C inic is beginning a new pro~ram for young people at the Babies Hospital. The Center plans to have three workers one day per week at this location. _ APPROVAL OF LANDFII~L CHARGES - COP'II'9ERCIAI, HAULERS - Mr. Bowden advised the Board he had received a letter from Dr, Knox requesting the Com- missioners establish landfill fees. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the following landfill fees be approved, subject to review. Motion carried unanimously. ~ ~UJ, ~MINUTES OF TF~ MEETING - OCTOBER 19. 19~0 - CONTINUED - APPROVAI~ OF .I,ANDFLLI, CHARGES -.,CONTuvur~L - . , . ,. a. Truck or trailer 1/2 ton capacity or less b. Truck or trailer larger than 1/2 ton ca- pacity but not larger than 1 ton capacity c. Truck or trailer larger than 1 ton capacity but not larger than 2 ton capacity d. All packer-type collection trucks and/or any truck or trailer larger than 2 ton capacity but not larger than 2-1/2 ton capacity e. Individual mobile home $1.00 per trailer per year A fee of $1.00 per capita per year fc*r towns in the county that are using the county landfill. r (For Contractors) Annual Char~e $150.00 250.00 400.00 600.00 LICENSING OF CONlMERCIAL WASTE HAULERS - Mr. Bowden advised the Board of a letter received from Dr. Knox concerning issuance of license to collect garbage. After discussion of which office should issue such license, Mr. Shepard stated he would prefer having his office handle direct with the persons to be licensed since he would have to eventually handle funds regardless of which of£ice issued the license. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the issuance of licenses to collect gar- bage be handled through the Auditor's office. Motion carried unanimously. 1970 PRELIMINARY CENSUS COUNT - Mr. Marks discussed letter the Chairman had received £rom the U. S. Dep~artment of Com- merce acknowledging his letter concerning the census count for New Hanover County. The let- ter advised "Because of population changes since April 1, it is not feasible to attempt a recount which would require reconstruction of population data as of that date. We believe that other steps we are taking to assure the validity of our data will better service that purpose." • Mr. Marks suggested the City be advised the County has received this letter. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TEACFIERS' RETIREMIIdT SYSTEM - Brief inention was made of letter trom Attorney William L. Hill, II regarding retirement fund for teachers. By common consent it was a~reed this would have to be handled legisla- tively before the Board of Commissioners can do an,ythin~. Meeting recessed for five miniztes. _ Meeting reconvened. PUBLIC FiEARING SPECIAI, USE PERMITS - J.C. PARKER, JR., INSTALL SEEI;FF-SERVICE GASOLINE PUMPS AT 3436 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD. - MRS. ELSIE B. AALAM~ CONSTHUCT A GxGr.ivri0U6E AT 213 WHITE OAK DRIVE. MIDDLE SOUND ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH, ENLARGE ITS FACIL- ITIES AT MIDDLE SOUND. , Chairman Metts announced Public Hearing would now be held as advertised for the purpose of considering the following requests for special use permits: J. C. Parker, Jr., Install Self-Service Gasoline Pumps at 3436 South College Road - Mr. J. D. Parker, Jr. and Mr. Walter Godwin appeared before the Board in support of the request of Mr. Pa'rker. They pointed out South College Road had been zoned after preparations had been made for the gasoline pumps. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that permission for the Special Use Permit be granted, subject to the plans attached to the application for Special Use Permit. Motion carried unanimousl~. Discussion was held on request of Mrs. Elsie B. Aalam to construct a greenhouse at 213 White Oak Drive. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that permission for this special use permit be granted, subject to the plans attached to the application for Special Use Permit and that no retail activity is conducted on the property. It is-understood that flowers and/or plants grown within the greenhouse may be sold to florists, but no retail sales to the general public may be conducted on this ~roperty. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was,held on request of Middle Sound Advent Christian Church to enlarge its facilities at Middle Sound in an R-20 District (Single Family District) in Zoning Area ~#3. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that permission be granted for this special use permit subject to the plans attached to the application for Special Use Permit; that existing structure-used for Sunday School class cannot be rebuilt in its present location iY demol- ished, because it is in the required side yard, and future o££-street parkin~ areas shall be at least fifteen feet £rom side property lines, twenty-five feet £rom the rear property line, and thirty feet from the front property line. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGUZATIONS UNDER AUTHORITY GRANTED BY GIlVERAI, ASSEMBLY IN 1969,- Mr. Mallory advised that he had previously recommended that the County Commissioners adopt the County Subdivision Regulations under the general ordinance making authority granted counties by the 1969 General Assembly, but Mr. Fox had advised it best to wait until the amendments have been adopted. ~ ~ I 5 4~ MINUTES OF Tf~ MEETING - OCTOBER 19. 19~0 - CONTINUED - REQUEST FOR COMMISSIONERS TO ENACT ORDINANCE TO GIVE COUNTY AP'iBUI~1NCE SERVICE - Mr. Carlton Prickett, Attorney, appeared requesting the Commissioners give consideration to the enactment of an ordinance to give the County ambulance service. Mr. Prickett advised franchise can be granted but would not be very effective unless an ordinauce had been enacted. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Prickeet prepare the ordinance for consideration of the County Attorney and the Commissi~ ners. SALE OF COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY TO WEST COAST LUMBER COMPANY - Discussion was held on sale of property owned by the county on the Castle Hayne Road to the West Coast Lumber Company. West Coast Lumber Company had made an offer of 9621,975• The appraised value on the tax books is $23,'700. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that we o£fer this property to the ~est Coast I,umber Company at the appraised value on the tax books; namely $23,']00. Motion carried un- animously. Messrs. Harriss and Williass gave verbal approval prior to meeting. CHAMBER OF COI"II`~ERCE REQUEST FOR FNDORSEMENT BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THEIR RECOM- MENDATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMIIVT:.-OF MAJOR HIGH4IAYS SERVING SOUTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA AND LINKING THE PORT OF WILMINGTON WITH THE IN~ERSTATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM - 1°1r. i°letts read a letitier receivea irom .. ercer owe, resident, Greater ilmington Chamber of Commerce, dated October 16, 19']0, requesting the Commissioners' endorsement of the Chamber's recommendations for the improvement-of major highways serving Southeastern North Carolina and linking the Port of Wilmington with the Interstate Highway System. Mr. Metts stated that we will be pushing business away from our port unless we ~et a four lane highway. Mr. Marks said he was convinced after a trip he made to Raleigh last week, inchzding detours, there is a definite need for a four lane highway and that it would be a concrete step in the right direction. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board of County Commissioners endorse the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce for improvement of major highways serving Southeastern North Carolina and linking the Port of Wilmington with the Interstate Highway System. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Metts and Mr. Bowden will carry-out the endorsement. REPAIRS TO NEW COUNTY PARKING LOT - Mr. Bowden requested formal approval of funds in amount of $610 to make repairs to the new County Parking Lot. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be approved, funds coming from the General Contingency ~.ind. Motion carried unanimously. WATERSfiED ADVISORY CONIl`1ITTEE - Clr. Bowden advised he had been requested by Mr. Sam Cox that the Commission appoint a Watershed Advisory Committee to follow the work the District Conservationist office is doing in New Hanover County. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to appoint such a committee. Motion carried unanimously. DONATION TO CASWELL CENTER CFtRISTMAS PROGRAM - Request from Mr. U. R. Rouse, Jr., Business Manager, ~he Caswell Center, fflr a donation to their Christmas Program was called to the Board's attention. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by P1r. Marks, that the County appropriate $200 to this program. Motion carried unanimously. SOUTHEASTERN AREA SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ANNUAI, FAZL MEETING - Mr. Bowden advised Board of invitation from Clr. J. D. McCarley, Chairman, Lower Cape Fear Soil & Water Conservation District, to their Annual Fall Meeting on November 6th in Elizabethtown. This will be a dinner meeting beginning around 6:30 P.M. Congressman A1ton Lennon is the scheduled speaker. Wives are invited to attend. Mr. Bowden reminded the Commissioners Mr. McCarley desired to know number of persons attending by October 28th. BOARD OF HEALTH REQUEST FOR INCREASE IN SAI,ARY OF POSITION FOR PERCOLATION TEST TO SAATITARIAN I- Uiscussion was held on the above request for increase in salary set ior percolation test position to that of a Sanitarian I, funds coming from within Health Department Budget; funds set aside £or a laborer. Amount needed is $312. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request for this transfer be approved, vaith understanding the prime duties of the Sanitarian I will be to make perk tests. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no~further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 2. 1970 - 9:00 A.M. - A,SSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting o£ the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. ,