1970-11-02 Regular MeetingI 5 4~ MINUTES OF Tf~ MEETING - OCTOBER 19. 19~0 - CONTINUED - REQUEST FOR COMMISSIONERS TO ENACT ORDINANCE TO GIVE COUNTY AP'iBUI~1NCE SERVICE - Mr. Carlton Prickett, Attorney, appeared requesting the Commissioners give consideration to the enactment of an ordinance to give the County ambulance service. Mr. Prickett advised franchise can be granted but would not be very effective unless an ordinauce had been enacted. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Prickeet prepare the ordinance for consideration of the County Attorney and the Commissi~ ners. SALE OF COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY TO WEST COAST LUMBER COMPANY - Discussion was held on sale of property owned by the county on the Castle Hayne Road to the West Coast Lumber Company. West Coast Lumber Company had made an offer of 9621,975• The appraised value on the tax books is $23,'700. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that we o£fer this property to the ~est Coast I,umber Company at the appraised value on the tax books; namely $23,']00. Motion carried un- animously. Messrs. Harriss and Williass gave verbal approval prior to meeting. CHAMBER OF COI"II`~ERCE REQUEST FOR FNDORSEMENT BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THEIR RECOM- MENDATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMIIVT:.-OF MAJOR HIGH4IAYS SERVING SOUTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA AND LINKING THE PORT OF WILMINGTON WITH THE IN~ERSTATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM - 1°1r. i°letts read a letitier receivea irom .. ercer owe, resident, Greater ilmington Chamber of Commerce, dated October 16, 19']0, requesting the Commissioners' endorsement of the Chamber's recommendations for the improvement-of major highways serving Southeastern North Carolina and linking the Port of Wilmington with the Interstate Highway System. Mr. Metts stated that we will be pushing business away from our port unless we ~et a four lane highway. Mr. Marks said he was convinced after a trip he made to Raleigh last week, inchzding detours, there is a definite need for a four lane highway and that it would be a concrete step in the right direction. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board of County Commissioners endorse the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce for improvement of major highways serving Southeastern North Carolina and linking the Port of Wilmington with the Interstate Highway System. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Metts and Mr. Bowden will carry-out the endorsement. REPAIRS TO NEW COUNTY PARKING LOT - Mr. Bowden requested formal approval of funds in amount of $610 to make repairs to the new County Parking Lot. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request be approved, funds coming from the General Contingency ~.ind. Motion carried unanimously. WATERSfiED ADVISORY CONIl`1ITTEE - Clr. Bowden advised he had been requested by Mr. Sam Cox that the Commission appoint a Watershed Advisory Committee to follow the work the District Conservationist office is doing in New Hanover County. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to appoint such a committee. Motion carried unanimously. DONATION TO CASWELL CENTER CFtRISTMAS PROGRAM - Request from Mr. U. R. Rouse, Jr., Business Manager, ~he Caswell Center, fflr a donation to their Christmas Program was called to the Board's attention. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by P1r. Marks, that the County appropriate $200 to this program. Motion carried unanimously. SOUTHEASTERN AREA SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ANNUAI, FAZL MEETING - Mr. Bowden advised Board of invitation from Clr. J. D. McCarley, Chairman, Lower Cape Fear Soil & Water Conservation District, to their Annual Fall Meeting on November 6th in Elizabethtown. This will be a dinner meeting beginning around 6:30 P.M. Congressman A1ton Lennon is the scheduled speaker. Wives are invited to attend. Mr. Bowden reminded the Commissioners Mr. McCarley desired to know number of persons attending by October 28th. BOARD OF HEALTH REQUEST FOR INCREASE IN SAI,ARY OF POSITION FOR PERCOLATION TEST TO SAATITARIAN I- Uiscussion was held on the above request for increase in salary set ior percolation test position to that of a Sanitarian I, funds coming from within Health Department Budget; funds set aside £or a laborer. Amount needed is $312. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request for this transfer be approved, vaith understanding the prime duties of the Sanitarian I will be to make perk tests. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no~further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 2. 1970 - 9:00 A.M. - A,SSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting o£ the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. , MINUTES OF THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 2. 1970 - CONTINUED - INVOCATION - ~ Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Rev. T. 0. Todd, Pastor, First Pen- , tecostal Holiness Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINiTTES - Mr. Sowden requested heading of last paragraph on Page 3 read as follows: "Approval of Landfill Charges - Commercial Haulers." Mr. Metts requested words "adoption by" be eliminated in first paragraph on Page 6. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY TO WEST COAST LUMBER COMPANY - Mr. Hall called attention to the fact the minutes reflect in third paragraph on Page 6 that Messrs. Harriss and Williams had given verbal approval, prior to meeting of October ig, to of- fering property owned by the County on the Castle Hayne Road to the West Coast I,umber Company at the appraised value on the tax books; namely $23,~00. Mr. Hall suggested Messrs. Harriss and Williams reaffirm their approval which they did. STATUS OF NEGOTIATIONS ON EASTERN LANDFIZL SITE - Mr. Harriss inquired concerning status of negotiations on the eastern landfill site. Mr. Bowden advised lease has been furnished owners of land fdr signature and as soon as it is re- turned, County will begin improvement of the site. Mr. Bowden advised after lease is signed landfill will be in operation within thirty days. TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT - P1r. Sam Johnson presented report of tax collections for month of October as follo~rs: Charged Per Scroll Add - Tax Supervisor Less Abatements Collections - October 6eptember Pre-Payments Back ~axes Collected During October #5.,183,677•50 16,760.54 $5,2U0,438.04 15.273.34 ib 5 ,185 ,16%+. `70 1.766,689.48 $3~418,475.22 #i,i4o,757•i1 234,a+2.37 391,890.00 $15,684.61 Delinquent Personal Property Tax Collected During October ~ 384.25 Mr. Marks asked status of garnishees collected. Mr. Johnson reported only small amount collected. Mr. Johnson's report was accepted by the Board. GRANT FOR JUVENILE SERVICES CENTER - P1r. Williams reminded the Board the County has Committee of Law En£orcement Planning Unit studying the possibility of construction of a Juvenile Services Center for the area; however he said he thou$ht all agree the funding will probably be between the Governor's Law and Or- der Committee and New Hanover County £or a number of reasons. Mr. Williams advised that New Hanover County was just awarded an amount of $91,']58 for a Juvenile Services Center for this area, and the committee is working and will be making some detailed recommendations in the near future. Mr. Williams pointed out the ~91,~58 must be used within the grant year. The grant was announced the last of last week and the County will have one year from that date. PARKWOOD ESTATES SUBDIVISION PLAT - Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Planning, was present and advised the Planning Commission recommends approval of Sections 1 and 2 of this Subdivision located on Gordon Road. All lots in Section 2 front on a State maintained road. In Section l;the developer is recording 25 lots without.improvements which they are entitled to do under the subdivision ordinance. No streets are involved in the Section. ~ 5,41 Mr. Mallory advised this started out as two subdivisions but one developer bought the other out, thus making it one subdivision. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the subdivision plats be approved as re- commended by the Planning Commission and the Chairman be authorized to sign the plats. Motion carried unanimously. MOBILE RADIOS, SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - 1~1r. Williams pointed out appropriation which was made from emergency fund at last meeting in amount of $880 to match funds from the Lovler Cape Fear Plannin~ Unit to purchase mobile radios for the Sheri£f's Department should be rescinded since it had been budgeted in Capital Outlay at budget time. Mr. Williams moved the appropriation be rescinded. After further dis- cussion, Mr. Williams withdrew motion and suggested transfer not be made until checked out. Later in the meeting it was determined the $880 had been budgeted. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that action at last meeting which authorized appropriation of $880 from the General Contingency Fund be rescinded. Moti:on carried unanimously. RESOZUTION ENDOR5ING MAJOR COASTAL HIGHWAY - Mr. Williams reported on meeting held at Myrtle Beach, S. C. on October 19 concerning pro- posed Coastal Corridor Highway through North Carolina and South Carolina. Meeting was attended by some 500 people £rom states all the way from Maryland to Florida. There were a good number of presentations made indicating the benefits to accrue to the East- ern Seaboard if this major highway is constructed. The group endorsed a resolution unanimously endorsing this project. There were individuals there from North Carolina, South Carolina, Del- aware, Virginia, Maryland, Florida, and Georgia. ~ 542 NBNUTES OF THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 2, 1970 - CONTINUED - RESOZUTION ENDORSING MAJOR COASTAL HIGHWAY - CONTINUED - Pir. Williams reported the resolution strongly recommends the earliest construction of a multi-limited access Coastal Corridor Highway running from Uirginia, along the seaboard, to Interstate Highway 95 just North of Savannah, Ga. It petitioned the Coastal Plains Regional Commission to secure Federal and State funding for a Development Highway System which gives highest priority to this Coastal Corridor Highway route. It petitions the Governors of the States concerned to accelerate planning and construction of the Coastal Corridor Highway. It petitions the Secretary of Transportation and appropriate members and committees of Congress to authorize and fund a multi-lane, limited access Coastal Corridor Highway, providing special funds through the Coastal Plains Regional Commission. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board end.orse the intent of this re- solution and that the Chairman be requested to write letters so stating to the Governors of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida; the Secre- tary of Transportation; the Coastal Plains Regional Commission, and to appropriate members and committees of Congress indicating our strong endorsement of this proposed major Coastal Highway. Mr. Harriss said it is a tremendously needed road, and it would benefit the area. Vote was called on motion. It passed unanimously. BID 6rr,ivlNG - 3 CARS, SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - Two bids were received, however only one could be accepted due to the fact one came in late. Discussion was held as to whether to open bid or to readvertise when strike is over. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that short recess be called so as to call the Sheriff and determine how urgent the need is Por cars. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened. Mr. Bowden advised the Sheriff had informed him the need is great for these cars and he vrould appreciate it iY the Board could authorize purchase of the cars today, i£ possible. Bid from the Port City Chrysler-Plymouth Company was opened and found to be acceptable. The bid was as follows: 3 19']1 Plymouth 4-Door Fury Sedans $ 9,'703.71 1 1971 Plymouth Wagon 3,609.02 ~13,312.73 Tax 266:24 ~13,578.97 Less Trade-Ins 1,150.00 Total 9b1~;428.y'] Delivery 40-60 days Mr. Shepard pointed out an additional amount of y~428 will be needed because the amount ap- propriated is not sufficient. After consulting with and acting on counsel from the County Attorney, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the bid of Port City Chrysler-Plymouth Company be accepted and the additional appropriation necessary to come from the General Contingency Fund. Motion car- ried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMiT REQUESTS - A.S.C. Permit Requests from Gray's Produce Market, 4926 Market Street; Mike's Grill and Grocery, 320'Red Cross Street; and Shop-Rite Super Mart, 1022 Greenfield Street were presented to the Board. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the requests be forwarded.to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTIES NEAR AIRPORT - Mr. Fox outlined process of condemnation of Meyland and Feenstra properties. First, it will require physical delineation and description of the easements in question so they can be accurately described in the condemnation suits. Such description should then be furnished to professional appraisers employed by the County to appraise the two properties be£ore the con- demnation, and the value of the property assuming the easements are imposed. Following this, a suit will be instituted to condemn the easements. This will require the County be physi- cally responsible for judgments entered in favor of the property owners and damage to,their property. This will, of course, incur additional legal fees by reason of the liti~ation. Mr. Hall inquired of Mr. Fox what can be done immediately with the tree top cutting once you have put in condemnation proceedings; can you do like the State Highway, go on and occupy it? Mr. Fox advised the County can go ahead. Discussion was held on funds for this expense. It was the consensus of the Board funds can be appropriated later when amount needed is known. BOARD OF ELECTIONS - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Mr. ]iowden presented letter from the Board of Elections requesting transfer of the $z,057•~5 which iaas received for insurance covering damage to voting machine caused by vandalism from Unanticipated Revenue as follows: $1,75~.75 to Supplies and Equipment and $300 to Labor of Voting Machine Custodian. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. DELAYS IN ~NSPECTIOPt OFFICES - 1°lr. Harriss in£ormed the Board he be only termed inefficient service to vised that it was necessary for a per; or four places and it is particularly colation tests. Mr. Harriss inquired was still getting reports of delays and lack of what can people applying for building permits. Mr. Harriss ad- ~on applying for a building permit to go to about three difficult getting served by the people doing the per- what went on in the last meeting of Inspectors. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - NOVEMRER 2_ ] A~n - r,~NmrNrrF:n _ ~~ c; DELAYS IN INSPECTION OFFICES - CONTINUED - ' Nr. Bowden said they hoped to resolve these problems; many times the faults are due to lay out of inspection offices, but many times people come in with plans; not only do they want to get a percolation test made that day, they want to have everything approved, and the bui2ding permit issued. Mr. Bowden said there are several deficiencies. Mr. Bowden said on Wednesda~ of last week there was a meetin~ of all the inspectors. They plan to draft a pamphlet on what is expected of an individual when they come in and want to build a house or locate a trailer in New Hanover County. It is our intent to have them distributed at banks, buildin~ and loans and places sell- ing building supplies, as well as at all the inspection offices. Normally, people come to the Fiealth Department first. Persons will be apprised of what is expected of them from New Hanover County's regulatory agencies. This will probably improve the relationship between some of the people and the agencies. Mr. Metts informed the Board that he attended the meeting and the Inspectors were told they must come up with better ways to serve the public. Mr. Metts said he knew from the meeting, it was going to get better or else. Plans are bein~ made to have one location to come to for ~ service rather than the person having to go around to all departments; the departments can cir- culate the information themselves. Mr. Bowden advised Mr. Harriss there is no misunderstanding on what is expected of the departments and he lives with the hope some day he is going to hear from a resume on an engineer that wi12 tie a1Z this together with a more efficient operation. Mr. HaII said some o£ the problems will be solved when the public knows what is required of them. APPEAL OF MRS. MARGARET GORE FROM CIVII, SERVICE COMMISSION'S DECISION - Mr. Larry Yowell appeared along with Mrs. Margaret Uore who had~been before the Civil Ser- vice Commission twice and both times had not been certified. She wanted to know the reason. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Bowden be requested to investigate. NACO BtTZLETIN RELATIVE DUES - Ntr. Hall inquired what the dues of NACO are based on. He observed there is quite a dif- ference in dues charged each county. ' Mr. Williams explained certain services are provided for counties that are members that others do not get. Another thing it is based on the registration fee and items purchased. If you are a member, fee is based on population. FLUPIBING CODE - ~ Mr. Harriss inquired whether County had adopted the City Plumbing Code which had been dis- cussed at one time. T~r. Bowden e~cplained a committee headed by Mr. John Jefferies is now in- vestigating this and it will probably be two or three weeks before ar~ything can be heard £rom them. Nir. Bowden said a meeting had recently been held by the committee at which time a plastic pipe demonstration had been given. Discussion on plastic pipe was held. Mr. Harriss said he understood the State Code per- mits use of plastic pipe. Mr. Bowden said it did above slab but not beneath. TRANS~'ER OF FUNDS - P1r. Bowden advised he had request from Mr. Shepard for transfer of $1,647 from the Health Department Surplus to cover insurance policies on various pieces of equipment; dragline and crawler loader. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the transfer be approved. Motion car- ried unanimously. ZANDFILL E9UIPMENT - 1`1r. Harriss asked Mr. Bo~aden if he anticipated any additionaZ equipment will be needed if the County opens up a landfill operation in the eastern part of the County. Mr. Bowden replied in the af£irmative. At the rate the County is growing; with operations at both lo- cations additional equipmen~ will be needed. Mr. Harriss was interested in the c3elivery date on new equipment and wanted to anticipate needs in advance. Mr, Bowden said the landfill at Carolina Beach is being used so successfully; it is really more than County anticipated and whether County can split the days it will just have to wait and see. Mr. Bowden said he assumed delivery would be no better than on the other equipment which was 60 days. Mr. Bowden said a low boy will be purchased to haul this equipment back and forth until other land£ill is phased in. In several months Mr. Bowden said he would be able to advise the Board what additional equipment will be needed. Mr. Bowden said State is looking for a low boy, cost of which will be negligible; some- thing like $200 to $400, but an additional employee will be needed to direct people where to put trash when crawler loader is at the other site. OUTSIDE 4lORK - DR. JEROME SCHUI,TE, MENTAZ HEAI,TH CENTER - Mr, Marks presented request of the Mental Health for permission of Dr. Schulte to do out- side work; two or three possible cases in his home per week. Mr. Marks said the time involved would be well within the time allowed by the County Personnel Policy. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that permission be granted. Mr. Williams voiced opinion that from his experience he felt that outside work by County emp2oyees takes away something from their regular position and felt this should be restudied. Mr. Metts said since Dr. Schulte is working under pressnt Personnel Plan, he did not see how he could be penalized. Mr. Metts pointed out in January people are coming from Raleigh to help revise the Personnel Plan. Vote was called on motion. Motion carried unanimously. ~ I 544 MINUTES OI' THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 2, 1970 - CONTINUED - VANDAZISM - MENTAL HEAI,TH OFFICES - Mr. 1`larks informed the Board of breakins and theft of equipment at the Mental Health Clinic. N[r. Shepard informed the Board office equipment is being rented until it can be determined whether equipment can be recovered. There is no insurance on equipment and Mr. Bowden pointed out covering equipment such as this throughout the County would cost tremendously. APPI,ICATION OF COLUMBUS COUNTY TO AFFTLIATE ITSELF WITH I,OCAI, MENTAL HEAI,TH CLINIC - Mr. Marks called attention to letter from r. Beverly aul, Executive Director, Local Council of Governments, investigating possibility of Columbus County coming into the fold of services by the local Mental Health Clinic. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board final decision rests with the Com- missioners and until arrangements can be made to enlarge the staff and facilities at the local Mental Iiealth Clinic sufficient to help Columbus County, New Hanover County wi11 be unatile to include Columbus County in its Mental Health Services. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION R[TLING - MRS. MARGARET GORE - Mr. Marks informed the Board Mr. Fox suggested the Board of Commissioners has authority to reverse the ruling of the Civil Service Commission and Mr. Marks suggested Mrs. Gore not be released until the Board ~ets other answer and then consideration can be given to whether or not it wants to keep her employed. By common consent tha:s was agreed to. ADJOURNNih'NT - ~ There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE P'~ETING - NOVEMBER 16, 1970 - 9:00 A.M. - ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County"`Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and. time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. 4lilliams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Ad.ministrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and fiazel Savage, Clerk to the Board.. Mr. John R. Oxenfeld, Commissioner Elect, was an observer at the meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled mini.ster, asked. County Administrator Bowden to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Harriss requested the following changes in the minutes o£ November 5, 19'70: On Page 5, under heading "Delays in Inspection Offices", word "deficient" in first sen- tence should. be "inefficient". On Page 6, under heading "Landfill Equipment", last sentence should read: "At the rate the County is growing; ...". On Page 7, under heading "Application of Columbus County To Affiliate Itself With Local Mental Health Clinic", word "foal" in the first sentence should 'oe "fold". Mr. 47illiams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the vninutes be approved as corrected. Plotion carried unanimousl~. REPORT ON SECOND LANDFILL - ~r. Bowden reported negotiations with Mr. Raiford Trask, Jr., owner of land, had been com- pleted and lease signed. Dragline will start work there this week. Both landfills will be operating just as soon as the County gets a low boy to haul the crawler loader. Mr. Harriss pointed out Mr. Trask is making this land available for $1.00 per year and Mr. Shepard advised this has been paid for five years. APPOINTMENT OF BICEN~L~r~vivIAL COMMITTEE - Chairman Metts requested recommendations from the other Board members after they have had an opportunity to talk it over at recess of this meeting. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to make the appointments when he has received recommendations from the other members. Motion carried unan- imously. ENDORSEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY KINDERGARTEN FOR MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN - Mr. Bowden requested formal endorsement oi' New Hanover. County Kindergarten for Mentally Retarded Children. Informal approval had been given prior to the meeting upon receipt of re- quest from Nr. John R. Jefferies, Chairman, Board of Directors, Sertoma Club of Wilmington, who supports this agency. Nr. Jefferies advised the Kindergarten is in the process of making application for a federal grant and must qualify as a child day care center. One of the re- quirements of this application is the endorsement of this agency by the Commissioners - an en- doresement supporting the activities of the kindergarten. Mr. Jefferies said. the endorse- ment in no way commits the use of any county funds although the Kindergarten may in the future request aid. The kindergarten is a non-profit organization, serving all citizens of New Hanover County for the public good.. Mr. Bot,rden advised the Commissioners he had investigated and found there is no duplication of efforts by any other departments. ~