1970-11-16 Regular MeetingI 544 MINUTES OI' THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 2, 1970 - CONTINUED - VANDAZISM - MENTAL HEAI,TH OFFICES - Mr. 1`larks informed the Board of breakins and theft of equipment at the Mental Health Clinic. N[r. Shepard informed the Board office equipment is being rented until it can be determined whether equipment can be recovered. There is no insurance on equipment and Mr. Bowden pointed out covering equipment such as this throughout the County would cost tremendously. APPI,ICATION OF COLUMBUS COUNTY TO AFFTLIATE ITSELF WITH I,OCAI, MENTAL HEAI,TH CLINIC - Mr. Marks called attention to letter from r. Beverly aul, Executive Director, Local Council of Governments, investigating possibility of Columbus County coming into the fold of services by the local Mental Health Clinic. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board final decision rests with the Com- missioners and until arrangements can be made to enlarge the staff and facilities at the local Mental Iiealth Clinic sufficient to help Columbus County, New Hanover County wi11 be unatile to include Columbus County in its Mental Health Services. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION R[TLING - MRS. MARGARET GORE - Mr. Marks informed the Board Mr. Fox suggested the Board of Commissioners has authority to reverse the ruling of the Civil Service Commission and Mr. Marks suggested Mrs. Gore not be released until the Board ~ets other answer and then consideration can be given to whether or not it wants to keep her employed. By common consent tha:s was agreed to. ADJOURNNih'NT - ~ There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE P'~ETING - NOVEMBER 16, 1970 - 9:00 A.M. - ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County"`Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and. time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. 4lilliams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Ad.ministrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and fiazel Savage, Clerk to the Board.. Mr. John R. Oxenfeld, Commissioner Elect, was an observer at the meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled mini.ster, asked. County Administrator Bowden to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Harriss requested the following changes in the minutes o£ November 5, 19'70: On Page 5, under heading "Delays in Inspection Offices", word "deficient" in first sen- tence should. be "inefficient". On Page 6, under heading "Landfill Equipment", last sentence should read: "At the rate the County is growing; ...". On Page 7, under heading "Application of Columbus County To Affiliate Itself With Local Mental Health Clinic", word "foal" in the first sentence should 'oe "fold". Mr. 47illiams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the vninutes be approved as corrected. Plotion carried unanimousl~. REPORT ON SECOND LANDFILL - ~r. Bowden reported negotiations with Mr. Raiford Trask, Jr., owner of land, had been com- pleted and lease signed. Dragline will start work there this week. Both landfills will be operating just as soon as the County gets a low boy to haul the crawler loader. Mr. Harriss pointed out Mr. Trask is making this land available for $1.00 per year and Mr. Shepard advised this has been paid for five years. APPOINTMENT OF BICEN~L~r~vivIAL COMMITTEE - Chairman Metts requested recommendations from the other Board members after they have had an opportunity to talk it over at recess of this meeting. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to make the appointments when he has received recommendations from the other members. Motion carried unan- imously. ENDORSEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY KINDERGARTEN FOR MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN - Mr. Bowden requested formal endorsement oi' New Hanover. County Kindergarten for Mentally Retarded Children. Informal approval had been given prior to the meeting upon receipt of re- quest from Nr. John R. Jefferies, Chairman, Board of Directors, Sertoma Club of Wilmington, who supports this agency. Nr. Jefferies advised the Kindergarten is in the process of making application for a federal grant and must qualify as a child day care center. One of the re- quirements of this application is the endorsement of this agency by the Commissioners - an en- doresement supporting the activities of the kindergarten. Mr. Jefferies said. the endorse- ment in no way commits the use of any county funds although the Kindergarten may in the future request aid. The kindergarten is a non-profit organization, serving all citizens of New Hanover County for the public good.. Mr. Bot,rden advised the Commissioners he had investigated and found there is no duplication of efforts by any other departments. ~ J~J, ~. MINUTES OF THE NiEETING - NOVEMBER 16. 1970 - 9:00 A. M. - CONTINUED - ENDORSEMENT NE47 HANOVER COUNTY KINDERGARTEN FOR MENTAI,LY FtETkRDED CHILDREN - CONTINUED - '~r. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Board o£ County Commissioners endorse " the New Hanover County Kindergarten for Mentally Retarded Children as reouested by the Sertoma Club of Wilmington. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MEMBER NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - Mr. Metts advised the Board that Mr. Ted Glod's term on the New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment expired on November 15th, 19'70. Mr. Metts asked Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Planning, for his recommendations. Mr. Mallory recommended Nr. Glod be reappointed. APPOINTMENT MEMBER WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - Mr. Metts advised the Board that Mr. E. R. Wilson's term on the Wilmington-New Hanover County Zonin~ Board oT Adjustment expired on November 5. Mr. Haywood Rowan, City Building Inspector, recommends Mr. Wilson be reappointed. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded. by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Ted Glod be reappointed to serve on the New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment for a term of three years, term expiring November 15, 19'73. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. E. R. Wilson be reappointed to serve on the Wilmington-Net~r Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment for a term of two years, term expiring November 5, 1~'72. Motion carried unanimously: A.B.G. PERPiIT REQUESTS: AFTER 6 BEVERAGES, INC., 3624 OLEANDER DR. PETERSON'S FZACE, RT. 6, BOX 140, WII,MINGTON, HOMER BAF~R CO., 1609 MEARES STREET - Mr. Bowden presented the following A.B.C. Permit Heauests: Peterson's Place, Rt. 6, Box 140, Wilmin~ton, N. C. ; Homer Baker Company, 1609 Meares Street; After 6 Beverages, Inc., 3624 Oleander Drive. Pir. Harriss moved., seconded by ~r. Williams, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF EMPLOYN~NT PRACTICES PRIOR TO CERTIFICATION BY CIVIL SERVICE COP~TIISSION - Nr. Hall discussed practice of some department heads hiring persons before they are certi- fied by the Civil Service Commission. Mr. Hall pointed out that by Law the County is required to advertise ten days in advance of Civil Service hearing positions that are open. Mr. Hall said he felt it unfair to advertise that positions are open when they are already filled and have people come down thinking they might be hired. Mr. Hall said this had been brought to a head recently by the Tax Supervisor's Office; It was not an emergency job, it could have been done by someone from an organization similar to Man-power Inc. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that in the event o£ vacancies or the need of additional employees in any department, that the department head not fill that position except by going through the Administrator's office and asking for an employee on a strictly temporary basis, and the employee employed on a temporary basis be ineligible to apply for that position; and that the regular routine of the Civil Service Commission be put into effect and that the posi- tion be filled permanently from Advertisement and by Certification of the Civil Service Com- mission. Motion carried unanimousl~. Meetin~ recessed £or five minutes. Meeting reconvened. FUBLIC HEARING - CHkNGES TO COUNTY'S SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - Chairman ~etts declared Yublic Hearing scheduled to consider the following changes to the County's Subdivision Regulations now open: "1. Amend Article III, Section 3, Subsection 3.2 (9) add: Land contours shall be in relation to mean sea level datum. 2. Amend Article IV, Section 2, Subsection 2.9, add: (9) Lots in subdivisions that have not been zoned by the County Commissioners and are served by a water system approved by the North Carolina State Board of Health and served by a central waste treatment plant approved by the North Carolina Department of Water and Air Resources shall comply with the following: (1) The average lot size for the entire subdivision shall not be less than seven thousand five hundred (7500) square feet. The minimum size for any single lot within the subdivision shall not be less than six thousand (6000) square feet. (2) All lots shall have a minimum width of seventy (']0) feet at the building line. ~ (10) Fire hydrants that are installed in subdivisions that are served by a community water system shall be equipped with two (2) two and one-half (2'/z) inch male ni - ples with National Standard Threads (3.0686 inches OD with 7'/z threads per inch~." P,epresentative from Cameron-Broum, spoke in opposition to the width of lots, especially for mobile homes. Mr. Mallory said this does not apply to mobile home parks but does to Mobile Home Subdivision. Mr. Taylor said they did not want to be put in a position where low cost housing cannot be developed. He expressed the desire to discuss ~•ridth of lot with realtors. Mr. Taylor felt size of lot proposed is too large. Mr. Wade Warren requested Committee of realtors, builders and architects be permitted to do a little more research. After further di~cussion, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the public hearin~ be recessed until December '7, 19'70, and in the meantime the planner confer. with representatives of these orgar~izations and at the December ']th meeting of Board of Commissioners reopen the matter and hear recommendations growing out of the conference. Piotion carried unanimously. / ~ ~5 4 6 MINUTES OI' THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 16 , 19'70 - C ONTINUED - ' FALL PLANNING CONFERENCE - ~ Mr. Narks reminded the Commissioners of the Fall Plannin~ Conference to be held in Fayetteville on Thursday, November 19, 19']0. Mr. Marks pointed out there will be a panel dis- cussion of "Guiding Mobile Home Development." SITE FOR JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITY - Mr. Williams reviewed the subject of a Juvenile Detention Facility with the Commissioners. He said the subject has been discussed. for a number of years and Mr. Hall was Chairman o£ a committee at one time to attempt to interest surrounding Counties in sharing in costs and oper- ation of a Juvenile Detention Center. This Committee was unable to get surrounding counties to put any money in it primarily because they do not seem to have the problem we have in Ne~~r Hanover County. A committee was appointed by the Law Enforcement Plannin~ Unit which assumed the responsi- bility of the original Committee on a regional basis due primarily to the fact that they felt that it would be eligible for some_funds if it became a regional facility. It is assumed althou~h it will be owned and operated presumably by New Hanover County, that it will be an extension of the jail and orill ~robably come under i;he jurisdiction of the Sherii'f with the surroundin; Counties paying New Hanover County for the use of the facility, fees to be deter- mined by the Board of Commissioners. The Committee might consider securing of matching funds for the oneration of the facility. This area has not been explored as of this date. Just recently, the County has been awarded, through Governor's Law and Order Committee, nearly $92,000 for the Center on the basis of it serving the region. A study is underway and general recommendations will be forthcoming irom the committee within the near future. Nr. Williams said P1r. Charlie Brown, Chairman, of the Advisory Board has done a lot of work and is present this morning for a specific re- auest and other comments. Mr. Charles Brown introduced Mr. Ron Knoff, employee of Social Services, who this Ad,visory Committee had employed to help with this project. Mr. Knoff had prepared paper on "Deter- minants of Site". Mr. Knoff spoke on location of the facilit5 sayin~ New Hanover County is an appropriate County within the region to place the facility. Mr. Knoff advised land selected has ready access not only to our Community but to surround- ing Communities. The firet thing a Juvenile Detention Home will do is to take the child from the home and remove him from the Community. A Juvenile Detention Facility is in a sense to the Juvenile Court what a Jail is to the adult Court. If you are in a City in a rural area and have a detention center there, there is a requirement in North Carolina that it must have at least 8,000 square feet of outside area fenced in. If in an urban area we would have a wall of some sort in order to keep the children inside from being on d.isplay to persons who are outside. Also, it is not desired people have read~ access to this fenced in area to come in from outside to talk to the children who happen to be inside. Mr. Knoff said the Blue Clay property fits this very well. Mr. Broi+m then presented stead of slice out of pie as Mr. Hall oaas reouested to in the foreseeable future to Juvenile Detention Facility. who wishes to see it. plat sho~~ring desired location; corner of Count~r-owned land in- tentatively proposed before. comment on this choice. ~r. Hall said he did not see anything prevent the County from makin~ this land available £or a Mr. Hall said he would be glad to shoor the property to anyone Mr. Williams said the Committee needed to have an answer on this in order for thes to pro- ceed with planning cost estimates, etc. Mr. Williams moved., seconded by Mr. Hall, that the area referred to on the sketch, and re- quested by the Advisory Committee, be earmarked for future Juvenile Detention Center. rr. Harriss said he had reservations about this site because it will take up only access b5 road to rest of property which may be valuable for an industrial site at scme future d.ate. Mr. Harriss urged that the County retain access by road to this property. Mr. Harriss said he did not feel it is necessary for Juvenile Detention Center to have road frontage on the Blue Clay Road; if moved ba:ck, vrould promote privacy which is desirable. Mr. Williams then added to his motion, with Mr. Hall's approval, provision that a 100 foot right of way be reserved along property line for access to property in the rear. rr. Brown advised that on righ.t hand of property line an old road bed. is there from 25 to 30 feet wide. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion if you take 100 feet out for a road you will destroy privacy which is said to be reouired for this type of facility. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the matter be studied with idea that the site be moved so that access to the property can be had independent o£ any connection vaith the facility; so that the facility itself can be located much more privately; that any Commercial traffic that might develop could- be routed in a way that would not in- volve the center. Mr. Metts was of the opinion that it vaould better to have facility deeper in property so it would not be exposed. to possible industry or residences. P1r. Metts pointed out if this is for a£our County area, the state should do something about the access road. Mr. Hall again sug~ested the Board go out and look at propert;~ and decide whether it vaants to make road that goes off to the east. Mr. Metts raised the ouestion of whether it had been discussed.raith the Planning Depart- ment. Mr. Brown said Nr. Ramsey of the Planning Department had. been working with them and they assumed the Planning Department will go along with them. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 16. 1970 - CONTINUED - SITE FOR JWENII,E DETENTION FACILITY - CONTINUED - Mr. Williams pointed. out this Committee had been promised a site and while it is fine to consider industry, human beings are more important. ,. Mr. Harriss said he would preSer to have another look at tY~is site with the idea that access to Blue Clay Road be retained and to get an opinion on not how a 25 foot right-of-way but a 100 to 125 foot right-o£-wa5 will affect this facility. When request was first made for a site, a site further back was requested and the County Commissioners have not had an opportunity to consider the revised location except for this morning. M'r. Harriss called for vote on the sub- stitute motion. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the substitute motion be tabled until the Board can look at the property today. Motion failed to carry. Messrs. Hall and Williams voted yes. Piessrs. rietts, Harriss and. PTarks no. Vote was called on the substitute motion. Substitute motion carried. Messrs.. Metts, Har- riss and Marks voted yes and Messrs. Williams and Hall no. Nr. Knoff informed the Board that the primary reason they came before the Board is they have a deadline to meet, January 15, 19'71, to present to the State, the plan, etc. Mr. Brown spoke again urging expediency of the Commissioners' decision and stating they were asking for seven acres in order to be able to have a bu£fer zone. After the meeting, all the Commissioners went out and viewed the property. A decision will be reached in the very near future. - TURNi~EY III PROJECT - Nr. Baggett appeared before the Board for two purposes; first to acquaint the Commissioners with his new responsibilities in the area of housing through Turnkey III Project. Mr. Baggett's department is responsible for training home owners moving into these houses. This will be done through a contract with HUD. It is being contracted to North Carolina State University for his department to train them for eighteen months. The Federal Government oaill pay for this train- ing. He advised he will add to the staff one professional home economics agent, two non-profes- sional aids and one secretary. There will be about 200 housing units constructed out on Prin- cess Place Drive. There vaill be two phases of training, pre-occupancy training and post-occup- ancy. They will be trained hotia to make house payments, community relations, interest cost, equity, home maintenance and r.epair, etc. Mr. Ba~gett said there would be no particular cost totthe County, except perhaps a telephone and. move one partition in the office. Mr. Metts asked if this would interfere with present work his department is doing. Mr. Baggett said no, the State is hiring additional personnel. Only time i,rould. be his supervising it. 54~~ Mr. Metts inquired if this could not be done by present staff. Mr. Ba~gett said HUD ex- pects full time help; does not care about intermixin~. Mr. PTetts asked if his department will be neglecting others to concentrate on one small group. Mr. Baggett answered in the negative. Mr. Marks moved, seconded. by Mr. Harriss, that the Board of Commissioners endorse this under- taking. ~otion carried unanimously. REPORT ON 4-H WORK - P1r. Baggett presented Mr. Sid Tomlinson to present 3 months report on the pro~ress in 4-H work. P1r. Tomlinson said this work vaas at a low ebb when he assumed the position because there was not an a~ent here. He is now working with leaders who need a great deal of training to make them aware of the program; he has obtained several leaders who have not been in the capacity before; and has organized one new 4-H Club since he has been here. He is trying to spread the image of 4-H over the County on a wider basis and make it available to more children. Last vJeek he contacted a leader willin~ to help with some Marine Science Workshops. He has been thinking of organizing other special interest groups on horses, etc. Also, he has been oaorking closel,y witht3~e Star-News Award Program vrhich is coming up. There are six organized Clubs with 125 members; and through the nutritional program they are reaching approximately 75. Mr. Bag~ett said the 4-H Program over the state is changing; getting away from agriculture. REPORT ON HARBOR HOUSE - Mr. Harriss reported on work Harbor House is doing. He advised of three 6-day programs in- volving students from various parts of the states who made field trips to Bald Head, studied marshes and life in marshes. In addition, pendi~g approval of National Science Foundation, a series of teacher workshops which will offer credit tot~T2rds certificates are being planned for June. There will be three conferences of 25 teachers each. Harbor Aouse has worked with the high schools in oceanographic programs. Cooperation has been very good. Cape Fear Technical Institute is also participating. Conferences have been set up for the coming months including wide range of activity; Na- tional Science Foundation Neeting, Southeastern District E~ctension Agents P9eeting, State Plan- ning Commission, Regional Educational Workshop of Virginia and the Carolinas, International Conference on High Pressure Aquarium Systems, etc. DISCUSSION OF WORK I,OAD, COST, AND EFFICIENCY BEFORE AND kFTER COIL`~PUTERIZATION OF SEVERAI, COUNTY DEFARTMENTS - ' Mr. Williams advised that some of the departments of County Government are partially com- puterized which was done for the purpose of bringing about greater efficiency and better service at lotiver cost. Mr. Williams said based on some of the information he had. heard recently, he wonders seriously iahether this objective has been met. The costs are up, personnel is up in many cases, and Mr. Williams said there is a question mark in his mind by the word efficiency. Computerization can be justified if it results in better service, better efficiency and lovrer costs. The q_uestion is whether personnel and other costs are increasing d.isproportionately. Mr. Williams referred to a news article recently that reported in spite of increased work in one of our County departments, personnel had not increased. Mr. [~lilliams said on checking J ~ 548 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - NOVEPIBER 16; 1970 - CONTINiIED - DISCUSSIOnT OF WORK LOAD, COST;, AND EFFICIENCY BEFORE kND AFTER COMPUTERIZATION OF SEVERAZ COUNTY DEPARTMENTS - CORTTINUED - he found it contrary to the record as indicated in the bud~ets which were approved for 1966-6'] and 19~0-']l. The total budget in this and other d.epartments has increased substantially over those years and it did not take place in just the last year or the last two years. Mr. Williams said we seem to be getting conflicting information about whether or not the personnel has been increased, how much the budget has amounted to in various departments and other information. Nr. Williams suggested the County Administrator be directed to study the work load, cost and. efficiency of every County department and make specific recommendations to this Board prior to budget discussion for lp'71-']2. Mr. Williams said he would like some factual informa- tion. PZr. Hall asked iahether Mr. Williams had anything specific to go on as to the ineffective- ness of computerization. Nr. Williams said the thing that concerns him most is the claim that it was to reduce cost and costs have gone up instead. ~ rr. Williams said. there was a neors item recentl~ that the workload has increased in the Aud.itor's office and the personnel had not increased and that we are getting such an efficient operation, and yet u~e find that over the period of years mentioned the budget for the Au_d- itor's office for 1966-6'] was $2'],260; and the bud~et approved by this Board for 19'70-71 is '~4~,880. • Mr. Williams said he heard a radio spot durin~ the recent Campaign that said that the County had received 9~']50,000 in sales tax, and he would like to ask the Auditor for the record if the County has received ¢$750,000 and if so, where is it. The Auditor replied it has not. By common consent it was agreed. to direct Mr. Bowden to make a thorough study of each department. This will be performed along vi~h the State Personnel study. ~PRESSION OF APPRECIATION TO MR. JOHN VAN B. METTS, JR. - Mr. $arriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that since this is Mr. Mett's last meetin~ as a Commissioner for this term, and he has served faithfully and well, and at some personal sacri- fice as Chairman, the Board extends to him a vote of appreciation for his efforts and best wishes in business and in private life. Motion carried unanimously. STATEM~,~VT OF MR. METTS Mr. Metts said actually he had served with three dif£erent boards and he thought overall this is by far the best board that he had ever served with. They have been progressive, have had the County's best interest at heart, they have been non-partisan in their appointments, they have had. desire to get best man for the job, and he thanked them very much £or the co- operation that they have given him as Chairman and wished them success in the future as a Board. He assured everyone the Board has had their disagreements which is good; because with- out disagreement you would not need but one commissioner. Disagreements have been worked out with nothing in mind except the best interest of the CountS* and its Citizens. JOINT RETIREMENT INSURANCE - CITY-COUNTY TI~X COLLECTORS OFFICE - Mr. Marks inquired vahether this had been handled. Mr. Bowden advised this is being handled. RETIREM~'NT BOARD OF EDUCATION EMPLOYEES - P1r. Hall had been contacted by two or three employees of the Board of Education who were disturbed because they had heard rumors that they are no longer going to get retirement from the County. Some of them have 30 years service. kfter discussion, it was concluded someone had gotten hold o£ wrong information and it was not the intention of anyone on the Board to deprive anyone of a pension they had earned. OUTSIDE EMFLOYMEPI`I' RON HIdOFF - Mr. Hall raised q_uestion of Ron Kno~f, Social Services Employee, working part time with the Juvenile Advisory Committee. T1r. Fox said if he worked oi~ County time, there mi~ht be conflict but not if he works on his time. P1r. Williams said the committee contacted. him to do the job and it was cleared through Miss Hall. 41ork will be done on Mr. Kno£f's time. Mr. Marks asked if it case within 7y~z hours requirement and Mr. Harriss asked i£ it was cleared with Mr. Bowden and Mr. Bowden said no. T•1r. T'Iarks will follow up on this. LOCATION OF STATE Z00 Mr. Bowden said the Chairman had received a letter from the Cent,ral Zoolo~ical Park Com- mittee requesting endorsement and support of this Board in the location of an approximately 1,000 acre State Zoo that cannot be located either in the extreme western portion or the ex- treme eastern portion of the state. Committee is trying to locate it closer to the east than is proposed by some of the Zoo Site Committee Authorities. They are asking this Board ~o endorse sites of eastern Chatham County, eastern Alasance County and Butner as potential sites for the 1,000 acre Zoo. Nr. Netts advised that the Chamber of Commerce at one time had a Committee on this to see what they cou.ld do about trying to ~et it hes~e. They have made a study on this. It might be well for Mr. Bowden to get inforr,iation they have developed. This item was de£erred until next meeting by common consent. CHANGE OF NAME OF WATER SEWER AUTHORITY Mr. Bowden ad.vised the Board he had received. Communication from the City of Wilmin~ton it is necessary, due to pending financial arrangements with uarious federal agencies, that the name of Wilmin~ton-New Hanover Water and Sewer Authority be chan~ed to name of Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority. This will involve changing the leases, certificates of Corporation and resolutions adopted. by both boards. Mr. Bowden said he had discussed this orith Mr. Mike Broorn, Chairman of the Authority, who said it must be done in order to get federal funding, MINUTES OF THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 16. 1970 - CONTINUED - CHANGE OF NAME OF WATER SEWER AUTHORITY - CONTINUED - and Mr. Bowden said he believed the City Council has already taken action on the change. Nr. Bowden said Mr. Fox said there is nothing that would prevent this Boa'rd from authorizing this action. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the Board of Commissioners authorize the change. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Mr. Bowden presented Certification by an Auditor that the Wilmington Athletic Association had a deficit and is requesting the $1500 the Board had agreed to furnish them if this hap- pened. Mr. Shepard recommended this come from the;g:eneral Contingency Fund. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the appropriation be made, funds coming from the general Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. STATEMENT OF OUTSIDE AUDITOR - Mr. Borrden advised the Commissioners the County is in receipt of statement from Mr. W. C. Barfield for auditing County's Books. It" has been approved by Mr. R. Fyles, Director of Lo- cal Government. Statement is considerably in excess of the amount appropriated. Mr. Bar- field's letter• states cause of the overage and is requesting payment that has been 2pproved by the Local Government Commission. Aiter discussion, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that action be deferred and copy of. Mr. Barfield's letter be furnished each Commissioner for study. Motion carried unan- imously. TIP1E OF DECEMBER '7~ 1970 MEETING - Discussion was held as to whether to sched.ule meeting for 10:3o a. r,. on December `], 19']0 since swearing in of new Commissioners o~ill be held at 10:00 A. M. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that meeting be scheduled at regular time, 9:00 A. M., recess, reconvene after swearing in and action taken prior to swearing in be ratified after Commissioners are sworn in. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved., seconded by Mr. Marks, that tne meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Sava~e Clerk to the Board P'iINUTES OF THE MEETING - DECEMBER ~, 1970 - 9:00 A. M. - ASSENiBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Vice-Chairman Neares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. ~. Hall, Jr., H. A. Plarks, Berry A. Williams; John R. Oxenfeld; County-Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry ,Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. , INVOCATION - Vice-Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled. min- ister asked. Mr. Marlis to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Prior to the meeting the iollowing corrections to the minutes of November 16th were pointed out: On Page 8 spelling of last word in third paragraph should be"disproportionately". Third sentence of fourth paragraph should read: '"... and it did not take place.in just the last year ....." ' First sentence of £ifth paragraph should read: "Mr. Williams suggested the County Admin- istrator be directed ...." 549 Mr. Harriss requested the following correction: On Page 8 first sentence should read: "Harbor House has worked with the high schools in oceanographic programs". Following these corrections, Mr. Williams moued, seconded by Mr.. Marks, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. 2AX COLLECTOR'S REPORT - Mr. Yerry Shepard distributed the Tax Collector's report for him because Mr. Johnson was in the hospital. Taxes shown on books amounted to Sb5,216,888.21. Collections through November amounted to ~2,430,51'7.73, leaving total due ~2,']86,3']0.48. Back taxes collected during month of November amount to $8,545.']4 bringing total collected to $55,314.81 leaving balance uncollected ~6365,~97.62. Delinqizent personal property taxes collected. in November amounted to $`]2.90 bringin~ total col- lected to date to $1'7,333.72. By common consent Mr. Johnson's report was accepted.