1961-07-26 Special Meeting. ? Commissioners Room SPECIAL MEETING Julv 26, 1961 7:30 P.M. Wilminqton, N. C. RECONVENTION The New Hanover County Board of Commiss3oner.s reconvened at 7:30 P. M. on this date with the foliowing members present: Chairman J. N. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, John Van B. Metts, Jr., and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and announced that he was ready to hear the delegation headed by Mr. Leslie N. Boney, Jr., Henry J. MacMillan and Joshua S. James. MUSEUM - / Mr. Boney acted as spokesman and recalled the recent activity with reference to a movement to relocate and improve the New Hanover County Museum. He reminded the Board of the previous endorsements by many groups iaho represent more than 1,000 people interested in establish- ing a cultural center in New Hanover County built around the historical relics. He reported that the City Council had officially granted them approximately two-thirds of the space on the floor of the City Hall previously occupied by the Wilmington Public Library and it was their opinion that additional space would be provided after they had moved. Their plans include three 'phases. 1- The appointment of three persons to represent the County on a?joint board with - three members to be appointed by the City Council to act as directors. They recommend representa- tion from the legal profession, experienced businessmen and from citizens interested in the pre- servation of local history. 27 ftequest $5,000 for the actual transfer, installing lighting, shelving, and display cases, 3- $5,000 to provided a full-time curator and dispiay materials, printing supplies, et cetera. This item would be a recurring one as annual operational expense. Messrs. .Iames and MacMillan endorsed the above program outlined by Mr. Boney and said they were likewise speaking as taxpayers and citizens of this County. In the discnssion which ensued, the Chairman questioned Mr. Boney as to the records which they would keep in order to determine ,if the venture was proving as successful and useful as they anticipated. Mr. Boney pledged that a registry would be kept as a record for determining the number of people viewing the ex- 'hibits and he thought the Commissioners should have a report and be in a position to re-examine their decision to support this project. If not successful, then they would feel free to with- draw their support. After briefly discussing the merits of this project, Mr. Metts offered la motion that $3,500 be included in the 1961-62 BudgeL for the purpose of moving, installing lighting, shelving and display cases and that $4,000 be placed in the Budget for the salary of a curator, any extra help and provide dispiay materials, printing supplies, et cetera or a total of $7,500 contingent upon the City supplying the space and the Board of Directors _,,,nnn?p.the current. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when tne Datiot was caSt, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" with the explanation that he wanted a definite understanding and commitment from the City Council. The Chairman declared the motion prevailed. By common con- sent, the Board authorized the Chairman to appoint a committee of three persons to represent the County on the Board of Directors. He promised to confer with members of the Board before actually making the appointments. WILMINGTON COLLEGE - The Chairnan recalled that at the time they had appropriated the $25,000 toward / the Wilmington Crymtorium out of the 1960-61 Budget, it was understood that consideration would 'be given to a similar amount in the 1961-62 Budget. He expressed the opinion that this was providing instruction and not merely recreation. After discussing the problem, Mr. Broadhurst • offered a motion that they approve $25,000.00 for the tFilmington College Gymtorium provided any surplus was left over at the end of the year. This motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Nietts then offered a motion that $25,000.00 be inciuded in the 1961-62 Budget for the purpose of assisting Wilmington College in building a gymtorium. It was seconded by Mr. Iviayhan and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted against the motion, however, the Chairman ruled it prevailed as the majority voted favorably_:. EROSION CONTf20L - / Chairman Hall recalled that they had authorized $10,000 put aside to build up an emergency'fund for Beach Preservation and Erosion Control purposes. He suggested that it seem- ed a good idea to him to put aside small sums each year for this purpose so that it would not be such a shock to the tax rate when it was needed. After discussing the matter briefly, Mr. Braak offered a motion that $10,000 be included in the 1961-62 Budget for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. MeLts and when the ballots were taken, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion but since the other three voted in favor of the motion, the Chairman declared it carried and the Auditor remarked that he would immediately set aside this amount so that it could begin to draw interest. FORT FI1SHER PAUILLION - /? The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that they had each individually favorably ? committed themselves to supply $3,000 toward the building of a pavillion at Fort Fisher. By I common consent of the Board, the Auditor was authorized to include $3,000 in the Budget for ? this purpose. i CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - / In discussing the various projects sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce as well as advertising, the Board tried to evaluate and put each item in its proper perspective and after considering the various items, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $3,000 be approved for the Advertising Allocation to the Chamber of Commerce instead of $4,853•30'as requested. This motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the Board approve the request of $4,853.30 for news media advertising by the Chamber of Commerce provided tear sheets accompanied the invoices. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted contrary to the motion, however, the Chairman declared the majority had approved it. . Industrial and Agricultural - A discussion of this subject developed that some ? members of the Board thought that commercial firms selling feed and related items to the farmers would be glad to contribute out of their advertising funds toward the aupport of the annual Fat Stock Show and Sale and the Junior Dairy Show and thus reduce some of th e burdens of these events now being carried by the County. This subject was discussed at length after which Mr. Broadhurst moved that $2,000 be included in the Budget for this item instead of $4,100 requested • by the Chamber of Commerce. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and when the ballots were cast, all voted favorably except Mr. Braak who voted against the motion but the Chairman declared it car- ried. Continqency Fund - The Board was immediately in unanimous agreement that the re- / 'quest of $500 for Contingencies be eliminated. -j r? Minutes of the Meeting July 26, 1961 Continued - /GRE/aTER WILMINGTON & NEW HANOVER ADVERTISING FUND - The Chairman recalled that the Greater Wilmington and New Hanover Advertising Fund request amounted to $2,500 and he would like to have an expression from the other • members of the Board as to how they felt about the matter. After each member expressed their particular view of this jubject, Mr. Broadhurst moved that up to $1500.00 be appro- priated for this purpose but the amount to be expended by the County was not to exceed 50% of the amount actually expended by the City of Wilmington for the same purpose. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and uiianimously adopted, rAZALEA FESTIVAL The various items included in the request by the Azalea Festival Committee were considered independently by the Board and after evaluating them, Mr. Braak moved that $2,500 be appropriated for this purpose, includingone-half the cost of the City-Count, Luncheon. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously passed by the Board. I /SENCBA - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously allocated $1,000 to the 6outheastern North Carolina Beach Association.which was the same amount appropriated last year. (CAP FRIENDSHIP DAYS IWILMINGTON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION - Mr. Metts called attention an expenditure of $575.00 for the use Board, the same was allocated for the Chairman Hall observed that in his opinion the value of advertising approxi- mates that of the Azalea Festival and Goif Tournament. After briefly discussing the irierits of the promotion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $750.00 be allocated to I this activity which is the same as last year. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimous?y approved. TRAVEL REVIEW - Mr. Broadhurst some of the Budgets which them to determine whether conclusion that since the should be deferred until RECESS - to the fact that last of this Association. 1961-62 fiscal year. year the Board had approved By common oonsent.of the called the Board's attention to several Travel items listed in seemed out of line to him and suggested that the Board review or not the money was spent wisely. A discussion led to the time for the setting of the Tax Rate was so near at hand it zext year at which time they certainly should be considered. Nr. Metts offered a motion that the Board be recessed until July 28th at which time they would reconvene for the purpose of hearing the Auditor and take whatever action seemed wise at the time. W. G 9:30 A. M. Friday a report from Executive . . Secre) ary SPECIAL MEETING Commissioners Room July, 28, 1961 9:30 A.M. Wilminqton, N. C. ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on this date with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts., Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Commissioner Leon E. Broadhurst was un- able to be present for the meeting. AUDITOR'S REPORT - ? Chairman Hall reconvened the Board and called the meeting to order. He stated that they were ready to receive the report from the Auditor, Connty Auditor T. D. Love reported that he had made all of the changes which had been authorized by the Board and it worked out that the amount necessary to be raised from taxes amounted to $1,926,153•34 which would require a tax rate of $1.31 based on a property valuation of $147,000,000 which is 93% of the total valuation of $1$7,000,000 (in round figures). The tentative Budget amounts to $4,988,188.67 and he recommends the following revenues to meet it: ' Actual reserve $300,624.12 Intangible taxes 220,000.00 Back Taxes 70,000.00 Other Revenues 2,471,411.21 Total Revenue before levy $ 3,062,035•33 Amountto be raised by taxes 1,926,153•34 s 4,988,188.67 ?CHAMBER OF CONWIERCE - Mr. Michael C. Brown, President and Mr. P. M. Camak, General Manager, of the Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Board and stated that they had noticed a recent article in the paper to the effect that their request for $4,100 to sponsor the Junior Dairy Show and the Fat Stock Show and Sale had been cut to $2,000. They reported that every member of the Agricultural Committee was out of town and it was their purpose to answer any questions and explained that they still considered these programs important but that if the County withdrew its support they would be forced to discontinue at least one of them. They stressed the fact that at the shows last year, the people who parti- cipated were not notified that there was a possibility of abandoning the shows and there- ? f-Qre-ihoy haO 41Fpady grurcbased.iheir. sxpck.a.nf9 trtese,.exp,ecLing-R.4 sboy it as has been J