1961-07-20 Budget Meeting; r ? ? i , I 1 Lt1 y ,?`? J.?j?`'? • 1 1 ? ? F" MPi 20 1?0o 9 . ? ? ? BUDGET MEETING Commissioners Room July 20,1961 Wilmington, N. C. 7:30 P. M. RECONVENTION - The Board of New Hanover CounLy Commissioriers reconvened for budget discussions on this date at 7:30 P. M. with the following members present: Chairman.J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John i/an B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Commissioner Leon E.. Broadhurst was un- 3ble to attend the first part of the evening session but arrived before the meeting adjourned. 'COUNTY ADVERTISING FUND - Mr. W. H. 5utton, Chairman of the Greater Wilmington and New Hanover County Adver- tising Fund, accompanied by Woodrow W. Bailey, appeared before the Board and stated that last year the Board had appropriated $2,$00.00 for the purpose of assisting the merchants in a$20,000.00 advertising effort within a radius of 50 miles of Wilmington to bring in more business. The program is approximately half completed because it is operated on,a calendar year schedule beginning last January and will continue until January of 1462. It is the con- sensus of the opinion of the Merchant's Association that the Wonderful Wilmington Program has:- been successful so far and while they have not definitely decided to enter into a new contract. for the program for the next year they felt that in view of recent publicity unless requests for appropriations were made during the budget consideration time they would receive little encouragement later on. They are again requesting $2,500 for the purpose of attracting people from our neighboring counties and gradually establish New Hanover Covnty as the hub of activities for southeastern North Carolina. In the discussions which ensued, it developed that there was some question about the County putting money into a project advertising Wil- jmington, as important as that may be, there are other citizens who are entitled to a hearing. Nr. Bailey remarked that the project was aimed at the entire area and not just the City of Wilmington. The Chairman thanked them for their presentation and stated that the last in- . formation by Mr. Bailey would change the complexion of the matter in his mind. BOARD OF EDUCATIOTd - Mr. Emsley A. Laney, accompanied by the entire Board of Education and Nr. Dale K. Spencer, Mr. George H. West, and Mr. W. E. Brock were present to resume and continue con- sideration on the School Bud:g•eL. Mr. Laney first remarked that he wou2d like to give them the revised figures since learning the amount the State would contribute to various school func- tions. Reqular Budqet - In the regular Budget, the salary of the Assistant 5uperinten- dent of Instruction of $b,525,00 was deleted. The Superintendent's Travel was reduced from $1270.00 to $600.00 Instructional Supplies were reduced from $36,000.00 to $32,000.00. ; Fuel from $9,500.00 to $8,200.00 ; Uti.lities from $37,000:00 to $34,000.00 ; Building and Grounds-Salaries $65,000.00 to $62,000.00. • Supplementary Budget - In this category, Elementary Teachers Salaries and Ex- penses were reduced from $101,900.00 to $169,080.00; High School Teachers from $152,388.00 to $143,788.00; Secretaries from $37,330.00 to $2$,000.00; Libraries from $20,000.00 to $17,000.00. , Various Budpets - School Lunch Program was reduced from $71,000.00 to $70,000.00.. Mr. Laney reviewed briefly the State Board of Education's position with reference to their additional support of the school system by saying that it was intended for an ex- panded program toward higher quality education for our children. It iskto be used for: / oTFrL 1- To reduce class size in primary grades. _6 2- To provide libraries. 3T Provide guidance counselors. (?? M20 lbr4 1}- To relieve principals of teaching duties. 5- To provide challenging instruction for gifted children. 6- To provide special instruction for retarded children. __ Capital Outlay Reconsideration of the items in the Schoolis Capital? Budget resulted in a reduction of item # 7. New Library Books for the Roland Grise Junior High School from $5,000.00 as approved at the meeting of July 19th to $2,000.00 RECE55 - Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the Board be recessed until Saturday, July 22, 1961 at 9:00 A. M. to resume consideration of the Budget. ...: ? ,. ;? Julv 22, 1961 SPECIAL MEETING 'RECONVENTION - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners reconvened in special session today ? at 9:00 A. M. for further Budget discussions with the following members present: Vice Chair- man John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Chairman J. M. Hail, Jr. was unable to be present because of a death, so Vice Chairman Metts presided and called the meeting to order. IADUERTISING - Presiding Officer Metts suggested that the various agencies seeking advertising funds should write a letter supplying a list of their exact functions in order to determine if there were duplications of effort and to put them in proper perspective. No definite act- ion was taken on this subject. ISALARIES - Vice Chairman Metts called attention to the ?tentatively approved by the Board and that they !has been deferred. After discussing the various !Braak offered a motion that an across the board ?ed by the Department head, whichever is lower. Iunanimously adopted. fact that most items in the Budget had been must face the problem of salaries vtich so far ideas presented by members of the Board, Mr. raise of 5% be given or whatever is recommend- Mr. Mayhan seconded the motion and it was i . I ??