1961-07-24 Budget Meeting' 2, Mintues o f the Meeting CORONER - The final result after a discussion of the salary for the Coroner resulted in a motion by Mr. Mayhan that no raise be given to him but that a$600.00 per year car allowance be granted. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak for the purpose of discuss- ion after which Mr. Broadhurst offered a substitute,motion that the salary be increased from $2400.00 per year to $3600.00 per year and that a car allowance of $10.00 per month be granted. The substitute motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was cast, the vote was unanimously favorable, therefore, there was no need for the original motion to be acted upon. The Welfare Department Budget was next on the list for reconsideration after which Nrc.. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Weifare Budget be left as originally recommended by the Auditor. The motion died for lack of a second and no aoreement was reached in this matter. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - In discussing the Insect and Rodent section of the Health Departmentfs Bud- get, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to investigate the reason why they are not serving the County Departments such as the Airport, the County Farm and Home, as well as the Jail to control insects and rodents. WELFARE BUDGET RECESS - After reviewing each individual item of each department from page #1 in the Budget to page # 26 and making adjustments which they deemed wise, the Board, upon motion of Mr. Braak., seconded by Mr. Broadhurst voted to recess until 9:00 on Monday, July 24th. SPECIAL MEETING July 24, 1961, Wiimington, N. C. RECONVENTION The Board of New Hanover County Commissioners re-assembled today at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room to continue their Budget deliberations with the following membe present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst. Ernest R. Mayhan and J. Van B. Metts, Jr.. County Commissioner Peter H. Braak, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery were not present as they were representing the County at the State Association of County Commissioners, Grove Park Inn at Asheville, N. C. REGISTER OF DEEDS Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds appeared before the Board, and reported that he had noticed in the newspaper that his request for additional cierical help amount- ing to $3,000.00 for salary had not been approved. He presented his reasons for needing this additional personnel.and after briefly discussing-the problem,• Mr. Metts offered a motion that the sum of $2496.00 be included in the Register of Deeds Budget for add3tiona] extra help. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. RECORDER'S COURT ' Chairman Hall reported to the Board that it was rumored that Deputy Judge Cameron of Recorder's Court was considerlrig accepting a position as Assistant Attorney Generalin the Federal Court but that in his opinion, he was doing such an outstanding job here he felt that a small additional salary amounting to $30.00 per month would keep him here. After discussing the merits of this suggestion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that $408.00 be placed in the General Fund under the Recorders Court Department for office expenses wiLh the understanding that it would be paid to Deputy :ludge William Cameron Jr. to increase his renumeration up to $250.00 per month or $3,000.00 per year. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimousiy approved. IGENERALIZATION - The Chairman remarked that with a few exceptions this completed the tentative approval of the total Budget and mentioned that in the Sheriff's Department, Blanton, who is the newest employee, has not been employed long enough to receive the 5% increase but all of the other members of the Sheriff's Department were to receive the amount recommendec by the Sheriff because of their long hours; on the Regular School Budget, the item of Office Assistants-Bookkeepers be set at $17,000 instead of $21,850 and that the Business Manager's salary of $6,400 be approved to receive the 5% increase instead of the $7,360 recommended by the School Board and that Retirement and Social Security be reduced from $46,000 to $45,500 and that the Bus Drivers and Janitors salary remain as approved, ex- cept that the administrative secretaries in the Board of Education office here in the Court House be exempted from the 5% increase because the State increase was in excess of the County's proposed raise for other employees. The Welfare employees were to re- ceive the 5% except where the recommended increase was less than 5% and if the 5% increase did not amount to the exact steps required by the Merit System Council then the increase is to be the lesser amount. By common consent, the Board generally agreed on these points and unanimously decided to recess at this tfine and reconvene on Wednesday evening July 26t at 7:30 o'clock when it was hoped that members Braak, Love and Tillery would be presenL to participate in the discussion. •?- ' i v?- / / ?vKA / I i W. G. Honcl?_,?Zxecutive Secr tary' July 22, 1961 Continued- s L_