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Minutes of the Meeting
July 26, 1961 Continued -
The Chairman recalled that the Greater Wilmington and New Hanover Advertising
Fund request amounted to $2,500 and he would like to have an expression from the other •
members of the Board as to how they felt about the matter. After each member expressed
their particular view of this jubject, Mr. Broadhurst moved that up to $1500.00 be appro-
priated for this purpose but the amount to be expended by the County was not to exceed
50% of the amount actually expended by the City of Wilmington for the same purpose. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and uiianimously adopted,
The various items included in the request by the Azalea Festival Committee
were considered independently by the Board and after evaluating them, Mr. Braak moved
that $2,500 be appropriated for this purpose, includingone-half the cost of the City-Count,
Luncheon. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously passed by the Board. I
Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously
allocated $1,000 to the 6outheastern North Carolina Beach Association.which was the same
amount appropriated last year.
Mr. Metts called attention
an expenditure of $575.00 for the use
Board, the same was allocated for the
Chairman Hall observed that in his opinion the value of advertising approxi-
mates that of the Azalea Festival and Goif Tournament. After briefly discussing the
irierits of the promotion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $750.00 be allocated to I
this activity which is the same as last year. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimous?y
Mr. Broadhurst
some of the Budgets which
them to determine whether
conclusion that since the
should be deferred until
to the fact that last
of this Association.
1961-62 fiscal year.
year the Board had approved
By common oonsent.of the
called the Board's attention to several Travel items listed in
seemed out of line to him and suggested that the Board review
or not the money was spent wisely. A discussion led to the
time for the setting of the Tax Rate was so near at hand it
zext year at which time they certainly should be considered.
Nr. Metts offered a motion that the Board be recessed until
July 28th at which time they would reconvene for the purpose of hearing
the Auditor and take whatever action seemed wise at the time.
W. G
9:30 A. M. Friday
a report from
. .
Secre) ary
Commissioners Room July, 28, 1961 9:30 A.M. Wilminqton, N. C.
The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on this
date with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners
Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts., Jr., County Auditor T. D.
Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Commissioner Leon E. Broadhurst was un-
able to be present for the meeting.
? Chairman Hall reconvened the Board and called the meeting to order. He stated
that they were ready to receive the report from the Auditor, Connty Auditor T. D. Love
reported that he had made all of the changes which had been authorized by the Board and
it worked out that the amount necessary to be raised from taxes amounted to $1,926,153•34
which would require a tax rate of $1.31 based on a property valuation of $147,000,000
which is 93% of the total valuation of $1$7,000,000 (in round figures). The tentative
Budget amounts to $4,988,188.67 and he recommends the following revenues to meet it:
' Actual reserve $300,624.12
Intangible taxes 220,000.00
Back Taxes 70,000.00
Other Revenues 2,471,411.21
Total Revenue before levy $ 3,062,035•33
Amountto be raised by taxes 1,926,153•34
s 4,988,188.67 ?CHAMBER OF CONWIERCE -
Mr. Michael C. Brown, President and Mr. P. M. Camak, General Manager, of the
Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Board and stated that they had noticed a recent
article in the paper to the effect that their request for $4,100 to sponsor the Junior
Dairy Show and the Fat Stock Show and Sale had been cut to $2,000. They reported that
every member of the Agricultural Committee was out of town and it was their purpose to
answer any questions and explained that they still considered these programs important
but that if the County withdrew its support they would be forced to discontinue at least
one of them. They stressed the fact that at the shows last year, the people who parti-
cipated were not notified that there was a possibility of abandoning the shows and there-
? f-Qre-ihoy haO 41Fpady grurcbased.iheir. sxpck.a.nf9 trtese,.exp,ecLing-R.4 sboy it as has been
Minutes of the Meeting July 28th, 1961 Continued
the custom in the past. In their opinion, since no announcement of such a poss-
ibility was made, they stiii felt like it should be continued this year at least and then if
they decided not to sponsor it next year, announcements to that effect could be made. They
'said that the feed dealers and other ailied businesses who profit from raising stock were
already contributing to the program in helping to boost the prices of the stock, which pur-
IlPose was to build up a better grade of cattle. Based on the awards scheduled and published,
the show has been successful for each year the quality of the stock has been better and the
prizes have ,jumped up from year to year. It is a mAtter of deciding whether or not to hold
the line, expand or cut back the program. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a
motion that the Chamber of Commerce allotment be restored to $4100 for this year. It was
seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously approved. By common consent, it was agreed that the
Board of Commissioners would meet in joint session with the Agricultural Committee of the
Chamber of Commerce and decide just what they would do next year so that an announcement
could be made to those participating.
The Chairman then directed the Boardts attention to the report made by the Auditor
above and asked if there was any further discussion about any of the items included in the
Budget. In his opinion they had been considered and teconsidered thoroughly from time to time
and the Board agreed that they were necessary functions of the County. After a brief discuss-
ion, Mr. Metts offered the following Resolution:
I BE IT RESOLVED THAT for the fiscal year begdnning July 1, 1961 and ending June 30,1962,
the following appropriations be made to the several fund s for the purpose of financing
what we deem to be necessary operations of the New Hanov er County government/based on
94% of the total property valuations amounting to $157,0 00,000 which is $147,580,000.00.
Appro riations
General Fund ............................ $ 7?0.tS06.47
Agriculture & Economics ..................... 21,721.70
Aid to Blind ................................ 13,866.36
A. D. C. .................................. 690,800.00
• A.P.T.D . .....................................
A 349,700.40
. ...................... ...........
County Home ................................ ,
Health ................................ 137,161.96
Hospitalization ............................ 450,975•95
welfare ................... .............. 147,665.50
Revaluation .......................... 14,540.00
Workmenst Compensation ..................... .
Wilmington College ....................... 86,883.76 •
Bond Acct. ....................... 365,900.00
Books Fund .......................... 26,000.00
I ? Building ........................... 9,471.13
I Capital Outlay ......................... 60,600.00
Driver Education ................ 28,000.00
Industrial Education Center ............ 120,625.04
Lunchroom Program ..................... 70,000.00
Pension .......................... 51,180.26
Regular ..................... 580,925.00
Supplement ......................... 394,528.00
Trainable Child ................... • 24,000.00
i National Defense Act ................. 43,529.82
BE ST FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget be adopted in de tail and spent only in the
amounts appropriated for each item unless changes are ap proved by the New Hanover
County Board of Commissioners.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tax Rate of $1.30 per $1 00.00 valuation be levied on
all taxabie properties in the County for the fiscal year 1961-62 which is necessary
for carrying on the business of the County or as much as may be necessary for each of
the items scheduled below which is appropriated as follo ws:
Tax Levy
. General Fund ............................... .1941+
Agricuiture 8 Economics ......................... .0118 I
Aid to Blind ................................ .0081 I
A.D.C. ..................................... .0352 i
A.P.T.D. ..................................... .0224
O.A.A. ..................................... .0225 ?
County Home ..................................... .0404
Health .............................. ... .0743
Hospitalization ................................ . • .0660 i
Welfare ..... .......................... .
Revaluation .............................. .0092
Wilmington College ........................... .0500 I
Bond Acct. ............................. .2195
Sooks Fund ............................. .0141
Capital Outlay ....................... .0373 I !
n Cnter ...................
I Industrial Educatio e
.0029 I
I Pension ................................... .0315
Regular .................................. .
Supplement •................................. .1503 .
Trainable Child
• . .0027
National Defense Ac
......................... •
1.30 !
? The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed by the Soard.
li ?
Miriutes of the Meeting
July 28, 1961 Continued
(ance from the Board of Education.
The Chairman announced that it was time to appoint a Tax Supervisor and he
would like to have some discussion on the matter. After a brief consideration, Mr.
Metts offered a motion that Mr. T. D. Love be appointed as Tax Supervisor for a two
year term. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved.
The Chairman directed the Executive Secretary to notify the Board of Educa-
tion that if the Budget as adopted was not agreeable to them, that the Commissioners
would be glad to arrange a meeting with them. He would like to have a letter of accept-
Mr. Metts moved that the Board adjourn until the next regular eeting on
August 7th, 1961. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously _car ed.
W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary
Wilmington, N. C. August 7,1961
The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board_of Coimniss-
ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County
Court House with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commission-
ers L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr.,
County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery.
Chairman Hall called the meeting to order,and asked Reverend R. S. Harrison,
Pastor of Grace Methodist Church, to give the invoc.ation for the meeting.
The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had a firm offer of
$480.00 for part of Lot SW 2 in Block 271 which is jointly owned by the County and
City by virtue of a tax foreclosure suit. It is 331 x 112P and was appraised by
the County Property Assessor at $480.00. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by
Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved the sale of this property at its appraised
?value,sub,ject to the concurring approval of the City Council.
A petition was received from a group of property owners living in the Hanby
' Beach subdivision requesting the addition of Hanby Avenue, Ocean View Boulevard, Myrtle
Avenue, Dow.Avenue and 2nd Street into the State's Secondary Road System for maintenance.
Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved
this reque5t and instructed the Executive Secretary to forward it to the State Highway
Commiss3on f.or their consideration. .
( Mr. Henry C. Bost, a Justice of the Peace, submitted a Public Official Bond
in the amount of $1,000 issued by the Phoenix Insurance Co., on which the premium has
been paid by the prineipal. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts,
the Board unanimously, approved the bond, sub,ject to the inspection and approval of
the County Attorney.
The Grand Jury reportfor the July Criminal term, made to his honor, Judge
George M. Fountain, was read by the Chairman to the Board. There was no need for any
action by them.
A letter was received from the officers of the Wrightsboro Baptist Chia ch
endorsing an idea sponsored by Ben J. MacDonald for the establishing of a New Hanover
County Alcoholic Rehabilitation Education Committee. After a brief dfscussion, it
was decided that the Chairman could handle this matter through the Composite Board. He
instructed the Executive Secretary to remind him to get in touch with the respective
board bf each municipality in which an ABC store was located and determine if they
would be willing to contribute a pro rata share toward the cost of Lhis program.
The Chairman read a letter received from the Board of Managers of James
Walker Memorial Hospital requesting that the per diem pay for indigent patients be in-
creased from $19.00 per day to $21.25 per day and that the out-patient visits be in-
creased from $2.00 per visit to $3.00 per visit. After discussing the matter, Mr.
Broadhurst moved that a letter be written to the Board of Managers of James Walker
Memorial Hospital offering.a compromise of $20.00 per day for indigent patients and
$2.50 per day for clinic calls. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously
by the Board. . .
The.Superintendent of Public Welfare submitted a petition for admittance
of Julius James Rich to the County Home. He has.recently been released from Dorothy
Dix Hospital and is unable to care for hi.mself... Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, second-
ed by Mr. Metts, the petition was approved and he is ordered admitted to the County
Home by unanimous vote. .