1961-08-07 Regular Meetingr6 Miriutes of the Meeting July 28, 1961 Continued N ?ASSIGNMENT - (ance from the Board of Education. TAX SUPERVISOR - The Chairman announced that it was time to appoint a Tax Supervisor and he would like to have some discussion on the matter. After a brief consideration, Mr. Metts offered a motion that Mr. T. D. Love be appointed as Tax Supervisor for a two year term. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. The Chairman directed the Executive Secretary to notify the Board of Educa- tion that if the Budget as adopted was not agreeable to them, that the Commissioners would be glad to arrange a meeting with them. He would like to have a letter of accept- ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Metts moved that the Board adjourn until the next regular eeting on August 7th, 1961. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously _car ed. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. August 7,1961 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board_of Coimniss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commission- ers L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order,and asked Reverend R. S. Harrison, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church, to give the invoc.ation for the meeting. IFORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had a firm offer of $480.00 for part of Lot SW 2 in Block 271 which is jointly owned by the County and City by virtue of a tax foreclosure suit. It is 331 x 112P and was appraised by the County Property Assessor at $480.00. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved the sale of this property at its appraised ?value,sub,ject to the concurring approval of the City Council. ROAD PETITION - A petition was received from a group of property owners living in the Hanby ' Beach subdivision requesting the addition of Hanby Avenue, Ocean View Boulevard, Myrtle Avenue, Dow.Avenue and 2nd Street into the State's Secondary Road System for maintenance. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved this reque5t and instructed the Executive Secretary to forward it to the State Highway Commiss3on f.or their consideration. . J.P. BOND - ( Mr. Henry C. Bost, a Justice of the Peace, submitted a Public Official Bond in the amount of $1,000 issued by the Phoenix Insurance Co., on which the premium has been paid by the prineipal. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously, approved the bond, sub,ject to the inspection and approval of the County Attorney. (GRAND JURY REPORT - The Grand Jury reportfor the July Criminal term, made to his honor, Judge George M. Fountain, was read by the Chairman to the Board. There was no need for any action by them. /REHABILITATION EDUCATION COMMITTEE A letter was received from the officers of the Wrightsboro Baptist Chia ch endorsing an idea sponsored by Ben J. MacDonald for the establishing of a New Hanover County Alcoholic Rehabilitation Education Committee. After a brief dfscussion, it was decided that the Chairman could handle this matter through the Composite Board. He instructed the Executive Secretary to remind him to get in touch with the respective board bf each municipality in which an ABC store was located and determine if they would be willing to contribute a pro rata share toward the cost of Lhis program. IHOSPITALIZATION COSTS - The Chairman read a letter received from the Board of Managers of James Walker Memorial Hospital requesting that the per diem pay for indigent patients be in- creased from $19.00 per day to $21.25 per day and that the out-patient visits be in- creased from $2.00 per visit to $3.00 per visit. After discussing the matter, Mr. Broadhurst moved that a letter be written to the Board of Managers of James Walker Memorial Hospital offering.a compromise of $20.00 per day for indigent patients and $2.50 per day for clinic calls. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously by the Board. . . ad,opted The.Superintendent of Public Welfare submitted a petition for admittance of Julius James Rich to the County Home. He has.recently been released from Dorothy Dix Hospital and is unable to care for hi.mself... Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, second- ed by Mr. Metts, the petition was approved and he is ordered admitted to the County Home by unanimous vote. . 'PETITION FOR RELIEF -. , ? \ .? Minutes of the h?eeting August 7, 1961 Continued NAACP - A letter was received from the Wilmington Branch•of the NAACP and read to the Board by the Vice Chairman, Mr. Leo E. Shepard as follows: "In the light of the action taken by the County Commission at its meeting of II July 3, 1961; in regard to the New Han?,?gr? f?gunty Hospital Bond election, the Wilmington Branch of the N.?1.A.C.P., as many of the citizens of our community were at a loss to understand the reason of the reversal of the Commission's previous decision to have the bond referendum in 1962. It was our understand- ing that the Commission came to this decision because the general public need- ed the time to adequately study the proposal in order that they would be able to intelligently vote on_this matter. lnle feel that there are many questions that should.be answered in regard to the the proposed hospital which have heretofore gone unanswered. Such questions as "How much money is needed to huild what kind of hospita2? Has the location for the proposed hospital been determined7 If the proposed hospital is built what will happen to the present institution now supported and maintained with County funds? Is the proposed hospital expected to serve the entire County community? In order that these and other questions that may be raised in con- nection with the proposed hospital it would seem most urgent that some authori- tative body or commission be established or appointed immediately so that the general public may be adequately enlighten on the entire proposal. It is hoped that your Commissioneis will appoint a bi-racial committee. Your•..prompt attention in this regard would be appreciated. /S/ Burdell Harvey Pres. Wilmingto n Branch N.A.A.C.P. Leo E. Shepard Vice Pres. Wilmington Branch Robert Johnson Secretary The Chairman thanked him for the letter and assured him that its contents would be taken into consideration and said he appreciated the interest they were taking in regard to this subject. BEER LICENSES - ? The following applications for Beer Permits were_,received and upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst,, ordered sent to the Sheriff for his consideration and recormnendation: Wilbur G. Souttierland T/A Southerland Grocery 8 Ser. Station RFD #2, Box 145-13 Aubrey Ediline Lewis T/A Lewis Food Mart 613 Castle St. Franklin J. Weiss T/A.B 8 F Grocery 332 Castle Hayne Rd. A & E BUDGET CHANGE - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Nr. D. D. Baggett, County Farm Agent; requested him to ask the Board to transfer $143.00 from the salary approved for an Assistant County Farm Agent to the salary of an Assistant Home Economics Agent. The reason it is necess- ary is hecause the Assistant Home Economics Agent who will replace Miss Emmy Lou Tea+l, re- cently resigned, has had more experience and will command a slightly higher salary of which the County's share wiil be $143.00 per year. He is of the opinion that the Assistant Farm Agent, if employed, will have less experience than Mr. Howell whom he wili replace and there- fore command a lesser salary. After a brief discussibn, Mr. Braak moved that the transfer be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimous2y adopted by the Board. SHERIFF'S CARS - 1? A letter was received from the 5heriff,requesting authority to trade four cars. He is of the opinion that now is a better time to trade for a good deal. A21 of the cars. now in service have 90,000 miles, or more, on each of them. He will furnish specifications if the request is approved.. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously authorized the Executive Secretary to advertise for bids as specified by the Sheriff. BOND ORDER - The County Attorney reminded the Board that they had voted to permit the people ? to vote on a hospital bond issue this fall and that in order to prtpare for the election there were several legal requirements to be accomplished. First, one of the Commissioners should introduce the Bond Order. Second, a Resolution setting forth the date for a Public Hearing. Third, a Resolution of intent to file an application for approval to the Local Government Commission and authori2ing the Clerk to advertise such notice of intentions for two successive weeks in the local newspaper. Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr. introduced the following Bond Order which was read at lengLh: BOND ORDER AUTHORI2ING THE ISSUANCE OF $5,500,000 PUBLIC HOSPITAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable that the County shall establish, operate and ma.intain a new public hospital for the use of the inhabitants of said County and desires to provide for the financing of the cost of erecting and equipping the necessary buildings and of acquiring a suitable site; NOW,THEREFORE,. continued- II 11? r ,s Minutes of the MeeLing August 7, 1961 Continued BOND ORDER - (continued) BE IT ORDEF2ED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has ascertained and hereby determines that, in order to provide an adequate pubiic hospital for the inhabitants of said County, it will be necessary to erect and equip a new building or buildings, and acquire a suitable site therefor within the County, and that it will be necessary to expend for such purpose not less than $5,500,000, in addition to any funds which may be contributed by the Federai Government or any of its agencies or by others. Section 2. In order to raise the money required to finance the erection of said buildings and the acquisition and installation of the equipment required for said buiidings and the acquisition of any lands svitable for a site for said buildings, honds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of 'North Caro2ina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by this bond order shall be Five Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,500,000). Section 3. A Lax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section !}. A statement of the County debt of the County of New Hanover has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and is open to public inspectton. Section 5. This bond order shali take effect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as provided in said Act." PUBLIC HEARING - After briefly discussing the above Bond Order, Commissioner Peter H. Braak moved the foilowing ResoluLion be adopted: WHEREAS, a bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover" has been introduced at the meeti, of the Board of Commissioners held on Auqust 7thi 1961, and the Board of Commiss- I ioners desires to provide for the holding of a public hearing thereon as required by the County Finance Act; NOW THEREFORE, ' BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as fol- lows: (1) The public hearing upon said bond order shall be held on Auqust 21,1961 at 9:00 o'ciock, in the forenoon at the regular meeting room of the Hoard of Com- missioners at the Court House in the City of Wilmington, (2) The Clerk of the ?oard of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of said bond order to?published with a notice of such hearing, in the form prescribed by law, in the Wilminqton Norniriq..Skar , a newspaper published in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, in said County, at least ten days prior to such hearing. (3) The County Auditor is hereby requested to file with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, at least ten days prior to such hearing a statement of the debt incurred or to be incurred by the County for purposes other than school purpbses, in the form prescribed by the County Finance Act, The motion having been seconded by CoinmissiofirJohn Van B. Metts, Jr. was adopted by majority vote. Those voting for the Resolution were Messrs. John Van B. Netts, Jr., Peter H. Braak and Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Voting against the motion were Messrs. Leon E. Broadhurst and Ernest R. Mayhan. NOTICE OF INTENT - After the County Attorney explained the requirements that the local Govern- ment Commission must approve the issuance of public hospital bonds and be advised of the financial condition of the County, Commissioner Peter H. Braak moved that the fol- lowing Resolution be adopLed: WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover intends to apply to the Local GovernmenL Commission for approval of Lhe issuance of the $5,500,000 Pubiic Hospital Bonds of the County authorized by the bond order introduced at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on Auqust 7th , 1961; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS; (1) The Chairman and Clerk of the Soard of Commissioners are hereby author- ized and directed to file with the Local Government Commission of North Carolina an application for its approval of said bonds, on a form prescribed by said Com- mission, and to state in such application such facts and to attach thereto such exllibiLs in regard to such bonds and to the County and its financial condition, as may be required by said Commission. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to..cause notice of intention Lo file such application, containing the information required by law to appear in such notice, to be published once in each of two successive weeks in Wilminqton Morniiio..Star , a newspaper pnblished in the City , of Wilmington, in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina. Commissioner John Uan B. Metts seconded the motion arirl the motion was adopted. Those voting for the resolution were Messrs. Braak, Metts and Chairman J. M. Hall Jr. \Messrs. Leon Broadhurst and Ernest Yiayhan voted against it. The County Attorney re- minded the Esecutive Secretary that the Public Notice of the Bond Issue must be run in the paper at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. Lg 61 91 Minutes of the Meeting August 7, 1961 Continued _ __ -- -- ?- - _ - - N CONVENTION REPORT - 0 Messrs. Braak, Love, and Tillery made a report on their attendance at the 54th Annual Convention of the State Association of County Commissioners, County Accountants and Assessing Officers recently held in Asheville, North Carolina. Some of the notable svb- jects discussed were "Protection of Life and Property Through Enforcement of Buiidings Laws", "The Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Improve the Courts", "Distribution of Surplus Food: Procedures and County Experience", and "Secondary Roads Plans". The County Auditor also raised the question as to why New Hanover County was s.ingled out as being the only County not participating in the Local Gw ernmental Employees Retirement System. By common consent of the Board they authori2ed a letter be written to Mr. Nathan H. Yelton and ascertain the ? reason for the County ineligibility. BUDGET CORRECTION - County Auditor Love advised the Board that through an inadvertent error an item ? amounting to $27$.00 was overlooked for Capital Outlay in the Register of Deeds Department. The Board had authori2ed the Register of Deeds to empioy temporary extra help and he needed the money to purchase a typewriter which cost $175.40. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that $175.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Capital Outlay for the Register of Deeds to purchase a new typewriter. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously approved. WELFARE BUDGET CHANGE - r- Mr. Sraak, who is also a member of the Welfare Board, stated that there were several inequities caused hy the wording of Lhe motion covering the salary increases, particularly as they applied to new employees. He named Miss Violet Coston who is employed at $1800.00 per year but after 6 months is to be paid on the basis of $1920.00 per year. Other adjust- ments were recommended by the Auditor to meet the minimum Merit System requirements but he felt that no additional appropriation would be necessary because of vacancies. By common consent, the Board aoreed to this tentative arrangement, of allowing adjustments to meet minimum Merit 5ystem requirements. COUNTY HOME BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - County Auditor Love 'stated that since the approval of the County Home Budget he ? had discovered that a new employee had been hired and it was not known by him at the time he made the Budget recommendation. The Board approved the employemnt of Annie B. Tyndall at a beginning salary of $2040:00 per year. In discussing this matter, the Board unanimous- ly authorized Nr. Braak, the County Home committee, to designate the use of her services to the infirmary section of the County Home. After 6 months satisfactory service, she is to receive pay on the hasis of $2142.00 per year.. Mr. Braak then moved that $2091.00 be allocated out of the County Home Emergency approp.riation to the County Home-Salary Fund in order to pay her. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted by the Board. NACO CONVENTION - 1_? The Board was reminded that the National Association of County Officials Convention wonld be held in Chicago beginning Sunday August 13th'until noon Thursday, August 17th. After briefly discussing the merits of the Convention, Mr. Metts offered a motion that one member of the Board be authorized to attend the Natiott2l Convention. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and when the baliot was taken, Messrs. Hall, Braak, and Metts voted for the motion and Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion, The Chairman declared the motion prevailed. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in Superior Court for the weeks.beginning Septemberllth and September 18th in the.trial of civil cases. Jurors for the week beqinninq SeoLember 11, 1961- Civil cases W. F. King W. G: Dixnn Jr.• J. S. Zapf G. R. Kress. A. B. Blake J. E. Fisher E. F. George S. J. Cherry C. E. Hunt C. 0. Kersey Jr. John R. Baucom J. W. Marshail E. Boushee J. W. Braswell Sr J. M. Dicksey W. M. Johnson James M. Pugh Frank A. Flack Oscar C. Herring Egidio F. Marini C. M. McKinnon Thomas A. Shepard RoberL G. Davis Rodney B. Gornto C. T. Justice 707 S. Front St. 923z Hawthorne Rd. 2716 Mimosa Place 225 N. 22nd St. 127 Colonial Drive 706 s. 5tn st. RFD 2, Box 85 19 Jacksonville Ave. 118 Sebrell Ave. 102 Stradleigh Rd. 1906 Ann 5t. 19 M. Lake Uillage aox 64, cicy . 517 S. Front St. 311 S. Front St. 142 Spofford 2830 S. Front 2415 Oleander Dr. RFD 3, Box 630 RFD 2, Box 242 A 2220 Mimosa Place Jr. 68 Lee Drive 2203 Princess P1 Jr. 6 Ct. A Lake Uil. 318 N. 18th St. James M. Martin- Joseph W. Blake James W. Hunter J. M. Slaughter 5am Houston, Jr. A. S. Trundle Jr. Harry M. Hallman Roland Alfonza Padrick Algerine C. Hall Thomas E. Newkirk }iugh A.Plowden Raymond J. Wildman Raymond E. Gardner James H. Nedlin, Jr. Luther O. Sullivan Joseph B. Southerland Otto K. Pridgen Frederick Jordan Raiford Clemmons L. Lawrence Memory Meyer Miller John Elms Newton Rudolph Marion Duncan Nathan Russell Stanley Preston D. Woodall Jr. 215 Maryland Ave. 451 Castle Hayne Rd. 2867 Adams 5t. 409 Wrightsville Ave. 23102' Lake Shore Drive 206 Forest Hilis 137 Colonial Circle 26 Pauline Ave. 4605 Wrightsville Ave. 202 Sunset Ave. 4926 Park Ave. 1216 Azalia Drive 5304 Wrightsville Ave. 2522 Nonroe St. RFD 1, Box 212 Castle Hayne 2707 Van Buren 3701 Market St. 143 Pinecrest Pkwy. 410 S. 5th 5t. lb N. 29th st. 1103 Chestnut St. 2835 B. Adams St. 2519 Adams St. 5044 P i n e S t. 29 Lake Foresi Pkwy. Jurors for the week of_Sept18, 1961- Civil cases W. J. Hudgins H. J. Pate A. C. Blue E. R. Clapp L. M. Page P. N. McIntosh L. A. Teague W. G. Hatch Jr. L. H. Crisco 25 Jackson Dr. 409 lialnut St. 813 S. Front St. Box 674 • 1721 Carolina Rve. 4612 Lony Leaf Hills 615 S. Front St. 2520 Harrison St. RFD 1 Box 16 J. Bruce Biggs Morris E. Miller J. L. Johnson W. B. Newkirk W. C. Baugh M. G. Seigler R. G. Peterson A. V. Smith Jr, James C. Cook Sr. II 1$11 Ann St. RFD 3, Box 162 A 313 Pine Grove 4311 Wrightsville P. O. Box 17 RFD 2, Box 6 3808 Park Ave. 2523 Burnett Blvd. 2122 Barnett Ave. i continued- ,\ ?? ? F_.10 Nlinutes of the Meeting August 7, 1961 Continued PETIT JURY - (continued) i Jurors for week of Sept. 18, 1961 - civil cases (continued) Paul Stone E. A. Plott A. E. Jones C. F. Lennon B. G. Abeyounis .Ir. Rhoda B. Lewis S. E. McCall W. A. Jones L. W. Porter James L. Taylor Ralph L. Fish E. A. Orrell George M. Young A. I. Maynard Wm. G. Mallard Jr. J. E. Farmer 5037 Wrightsv. Ave. Joseph A. Coleman 104 Greenville Ave. Elbert Causey Jr. Hawthorne Rd. John N. Tompkins 40 P inecrest.Pkwy. Roy R. Williams 1612 Market St. J. H. Fussell Sr. RFD 2, Box 276 Harry F. 5now Jr. Box 106, Caroli$ Arnold Neuwirth each 1920 Market St. J. Newton 5mith 714 Market St. Aubrey E. Lewis RFD 1, Box 131 Crdrland Smith Ca rolina Beach 244 Pinecrest Pkwy Luther M. Coston 4a05 Wrightsv. Ave. Alex B. Bethune AFD 1, Box 509 George W. Bennett 1010 S. sth Richard L. Smith 4308 Wrightsv. Ave. William Alton Walton 2806 Wayne ?r. Frederick Sternberger RFD 2, Box 1.31 1013 S. 2nd St. 504 s. Front St. P. O. Box 1079 Columbia Drive Court R. l.ake Vil. $20 N. 3rd St. 3924 Wr i ght sv. Ave. 20 S. Lake Village 3601 Stratford Blvd. 1516 Castle St. 1212 Azalea Dr. 4728 Long Leaf Hills 6313 Oleander Dr. 34 U Lake Village 624 Dock St., City REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for further information: 1-/ Farm Agent's Extension Report for July 1961 2-4 Home Economics Agents Narrative Reports for July 1961 3-1 U.S.O. Report July 1961 4- /Wilmington Colored Library Report,July 1961 5- /irdelfare Statisticai Changes 6-/ Notices from Corps of Engineers relative to dredging work for ldeai Cement Co. and berth.for Battleship USS North Carolina. ?-? Wilmington Public Library Report, July 1961 8- ? Letter from Brotherhood of Railroad Trainment. 9--"Thank-you letters from C. & D. Board members in appreciation for courtesies and entertainmenL extended them recently during their meeting here. 10-/ ABC Audit ReporL for year ending June 30, 1961 11-/ Report on North Carolina Public Welfare Statistics by State Board of Public 4Je lfare ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst moved adjournment, which was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adop d. ? W G. `Houck, Executive 5ecr tary Commissioners Room ASSEMBLY Wilmington, N. C. August 21, 1961 The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly . session today at 9:00 A. M. with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Bishop Thomas H. Wright, Diocese of East Carolina of the Episcopal Church, to give a prayer of invocation. . PUBLIC HEARING - , ' After the Chairman declared the meeting officially opened, the Clerk report- I ed to the Board that the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover", which was introduced ' on August 7th, 1961, has been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on August 9, 1961, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon ? on August 21, 1961, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. Mr. Peter H. Braak moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motion was seconded by Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr, and was unanimously adopted. At 9:09 o'clock, A. M., the Chair- man announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the @ond 0rder and the published Notice of Hearing. 1Wenty-seven persons express- ed themselves either in support of the hospital or feeling as if certain other informa- tion should be known before the bond election was held. Some thought that the public was entitled to the whole truth without any double talk with reference to such questions as integration, how much tax it would take, iahere th2 hospital wonld be located; others suggested a non-partisan temporary Board of Trustees without regard to color or race to assure no discrimination but adequate medical facilities for the treatment of the sick. The opinions ranged from complete support of the hospital by some to opposing it with every legal means at their disposal unless some of the issues are resolved relative to the integration of the medical staff, nurses and patients. Everyone seem- ed to think that that there was a need for new hospital facilities. After the Board had heard ail persons who requested to be heard, Mr. Peter H. Braak moved that Lhe public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by Mr. L. E. Broadhurst and was unani- mously adopted. After a brief discussion of the various issues suggested by citizens, Mr. PeLer H. Braak moved that the following Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the bond order entitled "Band Order authorizing the issuance of $5,500,000 continued- ? ?i