1961-08-21 Regular MeetingF_.10 Nlinutes of the Meeting August 7, 1961 Continued PETIT JURY - (continued) i Jurors for week of Sept. 18, 1961 - civil cases (continued) Paul Stone E. A. Plott A. E. Jones C. F. Lennon B. G. Abeyounis .Ir. Rhoda B. Lewis S. E. McCall W. A. Jones L. W. Porter James L. Taylor Ralph L. Fish E. A. Orrell George M. Young A. I. Maynard Wm. G. Mallard Jr. J. E. Farmer 5037 Wrightsv. Ave. Joseph A. Coleman 104 Greenville Ave. Elbert Causey Jr. Hawthorne Rd. John N. Tompkins 40 P inecrest.Pkwy. Roy R. Williams 1612 Market St. J. H. Fussell Sr. RFD 2, Box 276 Harry F. 5now Jr. Box 106, Caroli$ Arnold Neuwirth each 1920 Market St. J. Newton 5mith 714 Market St. Aubrey E. Lewis RFD 1, Box 131 Crdrland Smith Ca rolina Beach 244 Pinecrest Pkwy Luther M. Coston 4a05 Wrightsv. Ave. Alex B. Bethune AFD 1, Box 509 George W. Bennett 1010 S. sth Richard L. Smith 4308 Wrightsv. Ave. William Alton Walton 2806 Wayne ?r. Frederick Sternberger RFD 2, Box 1.31 1013 S. 2nd St. 504 s. Front St. P. O. Box 1079 Columbia Drive Court R. l.ake Vil. $20 N. 3rd St. 3924 Wr i ght sv. Ave. 20 S. Lake Village 3601 Stratford Blvd. 1516 Castle St. 1212 Azalea Dr. 4728 Long Leaf Hills 6313 Oleander Dr. 34 U Lake Village 624 Dock St., City REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for further information: 1-/ Farm Agent's Extension Report for July 1961 2-4 Home Economics Agents Narrative Reports for July 1961 3-1 U.S.O. Report July 1961 4- /Wilmington Colored Library Report,July 1961 5- /irdelfare Statisticai Changes 6-/ Notices from Corps of Engineers relative to dredging work for ldeai Cement Co. and berth.for Battleship USS North Carolina. ?-? Wilmington Public Library Report, July 1961 8- ? Letter from Brotherhood of Railroad Trainment. 9--"Thank-you letters from C. & D. Board members in appreciation for courtesies and entertainmenL extended them recently during their meeting here. 10-/ ABC Audit ReporL for year ending June 30, 1961 11-/ Report on North Carolina Public Welfare Statistics by State Board of Public 4Je lfare ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst moved adjournment, which was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adop d. ? W G. `Houck, Executive 5ecr tary Commissioners Room ASSEMBLY Wilmington, N. C. August 21, 1961 The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly . session today at 9:00 A. M. with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Bishop Thomas H. Wright, Diocese of East Carolina of the Episcopal Church, to give a prayer of invocation. . PUBLIC HEARING - , ' After the Chairman declared the meeting officially opened, the Clerk report- I ed to the Board that the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover", which was introduced ' on August 7th, 1961, has been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on August 9, 1961, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon ? on August 21, 1961, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. Mr. Peter H. Braak moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motion was seconded by Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr, and was unanimously adopted. At 9:09 o'clock, A. M., the Chair- man announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the @ond 0rder and the published Notice of Hearing. 1Wenty-seven persons express- ed themselves either in support of the hospital or feeling as if certain other informa- tion should be known before the bond election was held. Some thought that the public was entitled to the whole truth without any double talk with reference to such questions as integration, how much tax it would take, iahere th2 hospital wonld be located; others suggested a non-partisan temporary Board of Trustees without regard to color or race to assure no discrimination but adequate medical facilities for the treatment of the sick. The opinions ranged from complete support of the hospital by some to opposing it with every legal means at their disposal unless some of the issues are resolved relative to the integration of the medical staff, nurses and patients. Everyone seem- ed to think that that there was a need for new hospital facilities. After the Board had heard ail persons who requested to be heard, Mr. Peter H. Braak moved that Lhe public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by Mr. L. E. Broadhurst and was unani- mously adopted. After a brief discussion of the various issues suggested by citizens, Mr. PeLer H. Braak moved that the following Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the bond order entitled "Band Order authorizing the issuance of $5,500,000 continued- ? ?i Y , ? ??.. Minutes of the Meeting August 21, 1961 PUBLIC I3EARING - (continued) Public Hospital Bonds of the County.of New Hanover" introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on August 7, 1961, has been duly published with notice of hearing thereon and the.Board of Commissioners has, at the time and place speci- fied in such notice of hearing, heard any and all citi2ens and taxpayers who desired to protest against the issuance of the bonds, and such hearina has been closed; and WHEREAS, the County Auditor has, by direction of the Board of Commissioners,filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners a statement of debt incurred and to be incurred for purposes other than school purposes under bond orders either intro- duced or passed, complying with the provisions of the County Finance Act, and such statement as filed shows that the net indebtedness of the.County is 3.56% of the assess- ed valuation of property in said County as last fixed for County taxation: N0I4 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover", itttroduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on August 7, 1961 is hereby adopted without change or amendment.' (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of said ? bond order to be published with the statement as to its adoption prescribed by The I Cnunty Finance Act in the Wilmington Morning:Star a newspaper published in the City of ! Wilmington in said County, and such publication shall be made in the manner prescribed ? by The County Finance Act. The motion having been duly seconded by Mr. John B. Metts, ! Jr. it was adopted by majority vote. Messrs. Metts, Braak and Chairman Hall voted ? "YES" and Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted "NO" ? PUBLIC NOTICE - ' The County AtV rney informed the Board that it would now be necessary to publish ; the ;ho.spit.a,l bond order in the newspaper twice,at least a week apart. ? as approved ? ? NOTICE OF INTENT - ' The County Attorney advised the Board that it would also be necessary for them to ; publish a notice of their intent to apply to the Local Government Commission for approval i of the bonds at least twice in a local paper not less than one week apart. ' NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE ? LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROUAL OF BONDS ? ' I ' ---------, i ? NOTICE is hereby given of intention of the undersigned to file application with the ? Local Government Commission, Raleigh, Piorth Carolina for its approval of the issuance of i the following proposed bonds of the County of New Hanover, which bonds shall be subject i to approvai of the w ters of said County at an election: ! $5,500,000 of bonds to provide an adequate public hospital for the inhabi- tants of said County by the erection and equipment of a new building or buildings, and the acquisition of a-suitable site therefor within the County. I This notice was first published on the 23rd day of Auqust, 1961. Any citizen or taxpayer objecting to the issuance of said bonds may file with the Local Government Commission a verified statement setting forth his objections as provided in Section 159-7.1 of the General , Statutes of North Carolina, in which event he shall also file a copy of such statement with the undersigned, at any time within ten days from and after such first publication. A copy of this notice must be attached to the statement so filed. Objections set forth in said statement shall be for consideration by said Commission in its determination of whether or not it may hold a public hearilg as provided by law on the matter of issuance of said bonds. Board of Co ssioner of the County of New Han„ £` Car,olina - I /S/ ? •? . lerk ? ? ASSISTANT HOME AGENT - ? Miss Verna Belle Lowery,: the County Home Economics Agent, presented Mrs. Margaret ? Pierce, whom she recommended to replace Miss Emmy Lou Teale recently resigned, as Assist- ' ant Home Economics Agent. She explained her qualifications and experience which were . acceptable to the State office and recommended by the Supervisor. Mr. Braak offered a mot- ion that N?rs. Margaret Pierce be employed as Assistant Home Economics Agent for this County. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. ELECTRIC SERVICE - ? The Chairman informed the Board that the bids for electric service as advertised ? were opened at 9:00 on August 14th by Consulting Engineer Henry M. Von Oesen in the presence of the Uice Chairman, Mr. John Van B. Netts, Jr. and the Executive Secretary. The tabula- tion of the bids are as follows: ? Lic. No. B. Bond Base Bid ! Hodges Electric Co. 3276 5% $12,885.00 i Graves Electric Co. 3006 5% 11,990.00 ? P. T. Turner Electrical Co. 3201 5% 14,960.00 A. B. Blake Electrical Contractors, Inc. 75 5% 11,872.00 i Watson Electrical Construction Co., Wilson,N.C. This Bid received at 9:30 ; p A. M. and too late for consideration ' The County Electrical Inspector John E. Wood was present and after assuring themselves thrnugh questioning him, that the proposed service would be adequate for furture foreseeable needs, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the contract be awarded to the low.bidder, the R A. B. Blake Electrical Contractors, Incorporated for $11,872.00. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved after the Board had questioned the contractor as to any shortage , ? continued- ??? ? r'el ?? MinuLes of the Meeting August 21, 1961 ELECTRIC SERVICE - (continued) of materials or equipment that might delay the worlc. The contractor assured them that he would be able to complete the work in the time a,lloted in the contract. /COMMUlVITY HOSPITAL MAINT,ENANCE - Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr., who is also a Director ori the Board at Com- munity Hospital explained that they are recommending that a full time regular main- tenance man be employed to keep up the buildings and do whatever painting is necess- ary to keep the laospital in presentable condition at a salary of not more than $2400.00 per year. In the past, orderlies have been pressed into service for this type work which has not been satisfactory. After a brief discussion of this matter, Mr. Netts moved that $2400.00 be transferred from the Maintenance Account of Community Hosp3tal Lo the Salary Account and that a regular fulltime maintenance man be employed. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and the Board unanimously adopted it. (COLORED LIBRARY - Professor F. J. Rogers presented a request from the Board of Trustees of Wilmington Colored Library for increasing the salary of the negro librarian from $3900.00 to $5605.60. The reason advanced by the recommendation being that she is qualified as a professional grade librarian and can meet the certification require- ments for the public libraries in the schools of the present accrediting agency. Therefore, she is being offered the minimum salary of a professional librarian and unless they can meet it, they will lose her services at the Wilmington Colored Library. In the discussion of this situation, it developed that Acting City Manager Church111 had gone to Raleigh for a discussion of this maiter and as it is primarily a City rather than a County'function, it was agreed that the City Council should rightfully set the policy, whereupon Mr. Broadhurst moved that Chairman Hall be authorized to negoLiate this library problem with Lhe City authorities. It was seconded by Mr. Nayhan and unanimously adopted. IRQAD PETITION - A petition was considered from a group of citizens in Masonboro Township requesting that Sea View Road be added to the State maintained Secondary Road System for improvement and maintenance. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Executive Secretary was instructed to send this petition to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. It was unanimously carried. 'BEER LICENSES - The following applications for permits to sell Beer and Wine were reviewed and ordered sent to the Sheriff's Department for consideration and investigation: Henry Lee Beaty Herbert E. Caviness ,lames Oliver Minzt Edward Earlie Raynor Avgerinos A. Saffo George H. Walker 1310 S. 5tn st. RFD 3, Bax 567 RFD 1, Box 6A Castle Hayne,N.C. 114 5hipyard Blvd. 249 N. Front St. 2310 Carolina Beach T/A Beaty's Tavern T/A Tick-Toc}c Drive Inn Restaurant T/A Castle Hayne Restaurant T/A Raynor's Grill T/A 5affo's Restaurant Rd. T/A Joynersf Cash Grocery ,(fAIRPORT EMPLOYEES WAGES - The Executive Secretary advised the Board that Airport Manager John A. Westbrook had asked him to explain to the Board that the employees who worked on an hourly wage rate are not temporary help used in an emergency but are regular heipers, two of whom have been with him over 10 years and the others sufficient time to be entitled to the 5% salary raise voted ior.County employees. After briefly reviewing the matter, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the 5% be allowed for these hourly emplcyees provided it can be done within the existing Budget. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board after the County Auditor said he thought it could.be done on that basis. . ISCHOOL SECRETARIEST SALARIES - The Chairman read a letter from the office of the New Hanover County 5chools Superintendent in which it was pointed out that the four administration secretaries in the Board of Education were not paid by any State funds and therefore would be the only employees in the entire school system who would receive no rc-tise at all in salary. They feel that this was an oversight and asked that a 5% increase be approved for those four so that it would he consistent with the previous action of the Board. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, unanimously authorized the Executive Secretary to request the Board of Education, Chairman Laney and Auditor Brock to pre- sent this matter personally at the next regular meeting on September 5th. WELFARE DRIJGS - Mr. Netts reported that the question of drugs and how they are being dis- persed to indigent sick persons came up for discussion before the Board of Directors at the Community Hospita1.s-1-, He understood that grants issued to some recip- ients included drugs which were purchased out of funds they received while other grants were being issued without medicines being included and to compensate for this the drugs were being secured from the dispensary at the Community Hospital. After briefly discussing the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that all indigent patients referred to hospitals be placed on the same basis so far as medication was concerned. It was seconded by Mr. Metts with the stipulation that it apply to all welfare patients. When the ballot was taken, Messrs. Broadhurst and Netts voted for the motion and Messrs. Braak and Mayhan voted against the motfon. The Chairman then voted "Yes" and declared the motion prevailed and instructed the Executive . Secretary to write the Welfare Dep,artment, with a copy to Lhe Community Hospital apprising them of this policy. , I ay, C' Minutes of the Meeting ACCIDENT CLAIM - / A letter was received from Mrs. Dorothy De Mello of 1601 E. Plaza alleging that she was injured by the door of the ladies restroom because the doorcheck was too strong and allowed the door to slam on her hand. She claims that the doctor advised that she would be out of work three or four weeks and that the support of her four child- ren depends on her working and felt like she should receive some compensation for the in- jury. After conferring with the County Attorney, who ruled that the County was immune from liability, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the claim be denied and that the Ex- ecutive Secretary be instructed to write a letter to that effect. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. ROAD PETITION - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Nr. J. H. Burnett, had originally petitioned the 5tate Highway Commission for adding and improving an old cart- ? way from the entrance of the Masonboro Loop Road U.S.#421 to the River Road in 1959 and that another petition was approved by the Board in April 1960 for this same road. He is , requestfng that the Board authorize another letter be written to the State Highway Com- mission requesting that it be reconsidered. By common consent, the Board unanimously approved this request and authorized the Executive Secretary to write the State Highway Commission. .. INSUR.4NCE ANALYSIS - Mr. Hardy Wessell, representing the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents ? presented a resume of the survey authorized by the Board and their recommendations for an insurance program for the County. In general, he concluded that there were some cover- ages of a non-concurring : nature that could be corrected by appointing some agency such as the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents to act as an agent of record to period- ically review the coverages and possibly write all of them under one policy This is similar to the method used by the State. They are willing to ass.ume this obligation on a 40-60 premium basis with 40% being used by the agency and 609 of the premiums distributed between ail other licensed insurance agencies. It was agreed that the values should be checked by the Commissioners before the policy was written to determine if they were con- sidered adequate or could be classified as immune from liability. There is a tendancy of the Courts in recent years to hold them liable for many damages or injuries that former- ly were not even considered, especially rrith reference to Workmens Compensation which the County Attorney should study. Finally the County Auditor agreed to make a list of the amount of dollars and cents the County is now paying for insurance including bonds, etc. and present it at the next regular semimonthly meeting at which time they would make a decision. APPROVAL OF THE MINIJTES - Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the minutes of ineetings held on July 3, 7th, lOth, 12th, 17th 19th, 20th 24th, 26th 28th and August 7th, 1961 be approved for the permanent records. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. HILTON BRIDGE - The Chairman advised the Board that the Committee of 100 had recently discuss- ? ed the advisability of seeking to have the drawspan of the Hilton Bridge, owned ,jointly by the A.C.L. and S.A.L., widened from its present restrictive 99.7 ft. to a minimum of 200 ft. horizontal clearance and an unlimited vertical clearance. In addition to the present inconvenience to the companies located above the bridge, several large indust- ries have recently rejected industrial sites on the Northeast Cape Fear because they con- sidered the bridge a navigational hazard. After a brief discussion in which it was point- ed out that the City Council had likewise approved a Resolution on this, Mr. Braak moved that the County endorse this request and send a letter to the Corps of Engineers to this effect. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - The Public Welfare Department presented petitions for admitting Thomas Cash-.--- well and Ruth Mathews Twiford to the County Home for personal care as each of them have been decl,ared medically indigent by the doctors and unable to properly care for them- selves. Mr. Braak moved that the request be granted and the petitions approved. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. PERMISSIVE HOSPITAL TAX - The County Attorney reminded the Board that some consideration should be given /__ to the permissive tax levy for the guaranteed maintenance of the hospital. Without any formal discussion, he fe1L like it would necessarily be lOd per hundred valuation. He reported that some communities where they had a small levy saved money by employing a coordinator whose responsibility would be to act as,liason officer between the contract- ors and owners in building. It has paid off in other counties. No formal action was taken on this suggestion. TAX COLLECTOR AUDITOR - By common consent, the Board appointed J. B. McCabe and Company as auditors to make the annual accounting of the Tax Collector's Office and authorized the Chairman to execuLe the contract on behalf of the County. HOSPITAL SITE - q I',' The Chairman informed the Board that he had authorized an inquiry through the Redevelopment Commission with reference to the feasibility of locating the new hospital within the boundary of the Urban Renewal Projects as now contemplated by the City of wii- mington. Although the Medicai Care Commission has Stipulated a minimun of 40 acres for the location site of a 400 bed hospital, the Redevelopment Commission advises that a maximum of 22 acres would be available and 'even if plans were approved for a high rise i type building it is doubtful if approval could be secured from the State and Federal ? authorities for buiiding in that small land area. The Redevelopment Commission cordially I agreed to confer with representatives ofthe County regarding the feasibility of any hosp- I ital site on other locations within the City limits. August 21, 1961 Continued ? J Minutes of the Meeting August 21, 1961 Continued HOLIDAY J- By common consent, the Board aoreed that Labor Day, September 4th, will be observed as a holiday for County employees, and that the next semimonthly meeting which ordinarily would be held on that date will be held on Tuesday, September 5th. ? REPORTS - ? The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future informa- tion: I 1- /Quarterly Report of the Surplus Commodity Warehouse. 2-1 N.C. Local Governmental Employee's Retirement System exemption. 3-/ Annual Report of Wilmington Public Library. 4-/ Letter from City Council endorsing new hospital bond issue. 5- / Letter from Lake Forest Baptist Church endorsing Aicoholic Rehabil- ? itation Education Commission. I ADJOURNP7ENT - ' There being no further business to be brought before the Board, they unanimous- ' ly voted to adjourn upon motion of Mr. Metts, and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. ? ? I AP41., l ? W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary SPECIAL MEETING ; Commissioners' Room Auqust 31, 1961 11:00 A.M. Wilminqton, N. C. ASSEMBLY - A special meeting of the New Hanover County Soard of Commissioners was held on this date at 11:00 A. M. with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, ' Jr. Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Erttest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. County Auditor T. D. Love was i not present for the meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Executive Secretary W. G. Houck to give the invocation. PURPOSE - The Chairman explained that the purpose of this called meeting was to adopt a list of names to act as a Hospital Authority to gather information and answer questions, and to agree that this group will comprise the official Board of Managers of the new hospital in event the hospital bond issue passes in the general election. WAIVER OF NOTICE - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Fir. Braak, the Board unanimously voted to waive notice of the meeting as required by GS 153-E3• /DUTIES OF THE AUTHORITY - The Chairman outlined the following duties and purposes of the Acting Hosp- ital Authority: A. To plan, construct, and put into operation with the aid of Federal Funds, a new and modern Hospital to replace the two antiquated institutions which now serve the people of Nera Hanover County. B. To give authoritative information to the press, radio, and television to the voters of New Hanover County, regarding the many questions which ar: in the minds of the voters, so that the voters may cast their ballots in an informed and intelligent manner. C. The Board of County Commissioners realizes that many questions cannot be answered immediately, but timely.... after grave consideration... arid as soon as definite and positive answers can be given such as cost of con- struction, effect on present County tax rate and cost,to the taxpayers. D. It is expected that this Acting Authority shall ava.il itself of all poss- ible expert advice on the many problems which will arise. E. It is not expected that this Acting Authority shall become involved in the promotion of the passage of this bond election, but rather to make pians and to give the public factual information. The chips may fall where they may. MEP'BERSHIP - The Chair proposed the following men and entertained a motion for their appointment: (I& yrs.)Mr, Seymour L. Alper, (5 Yrs•) Mr. Alfred A. Johnston, district manaoer vice president, Queensboro Steel Co. Carolina Power and Light Co. (4 yrs.) M Hendrick Swart (5 yrs.) Mr. Michael C. Brcwn, vice president ?farmer and busine§s man North Carolina National Bank• President of (3 yrs.)Mr. N. A. McKenzie, Greater Wilmington Chamber o?' Commerce gener2l manager; Longley Supply Co. (3 yrs.)Mr. E. M. Butler, retired, former insurance executive, member of Board of Directors Ex-officio member- Community Hospital Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr., member Netia Hanover County Board of Commissioners 3e