1961-09-05 Regular Meeting, Y Minutes of the MEh7BERSHIP - The Chairman remarked that all of these gentlemen have worked hard for what they have and will most certainly be conscious of the fact that whatever costs the tax- payers will cost them. They are ali conscious of the value of a dollar and know that what- ever savings they can effect- for the taxpayer will be a savino to them. All of these ^ gentlemen have oiven liberally of their time and talents and substance for the betterment of their community. All of tnese gentlemen have liberally supported the many charitable organi2ations which we have in New Hanover County. Ail of the gentlemen realize that the job they are about to take on for tne welfare of their community will take a lot of their time from their businesses and dollars of their own, as. well as time from whatever leisure ? they might have had with their families. They have all been contacted and if approved by ' this board are willing to get on with the job. Their terms will be for 3, 4, and 5 years. Succeeding members to be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners existant at the , time of vacancy. No member can succeed himself. Subsequent appointments will be for 5 , years. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Committee recormnended by.the Chairman be appoint- ed and named as an Acting Hospital Authority with the understanding that they would be con- firmed as the first Board of Managers for the new hospital if the bond issue was success- ful. It was seconded by Mr. Metts. In the discussion which followed, Mr. Mayhan re- quested that he be recorded as having no voice in the recommendation of this Board although he was going to vote favorably on it, and suggested that the minutes include a limitation of three and one-half miilion dollars to be expended by the County. Nr. Braak suggested that provisi'ons be agreed Kon to increase the membership of this Board if it was deemed necessary in the future. The County Attorney ruled that he could see no leoal reason why they should.not do so. Mr. Metts agreed that he was willing to serve either the Community Hospital Board of Directors or on the new Hospital Authority but did not feel he could serve on both boards. There being no further discussion, the motion was put and the Board unani- mously passed it. MEDICAL CARE CONIMISSION The Chairman announced that he had set up an appointment to meet with Mr. Wil- liam F. Henderson and the Medical Care Commission at 10:30 A. M. on Wednesday, September 6th, 1961 in the old Health Building in Raleigh. He urged all Commissioners who could to attend with the above newly appointed Hospital Authority. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Metts offered a motion for adjournment which was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and vnanimously carried. ecial Meetinq Au,ust ??61 Continued (Continued) i/S;?etary G, ouck,'Exve?Wilmington, N. C. September 5, 1961 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meetino of the Net•r Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Conmissioners L. E. Broadhurst and John Van B. Netts, Jr, were out of the city and unable to be present for the meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. I. Boone, pastor of Central Baptist Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the regular semi- monthly meeting of August 21st, copies of which had been sent to each of the Commissioners, were unanimously approved as written. BOARD OF EDUCATION - Administrative salaries - Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Education, accompanied by Superintendent Dr. William H. Wagoner and Business Man- ager John 0. Narshall, appeared before the Board and explained that their Board had approv- ed the Budget Resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners with cer- tain specified exceptions such as respectfully requesting reconsideration of the salaries of four administrative secretaries' in the Board of Education office. These four secretar- ies are the only employees in the school system who will receive no raise at all in salary. The Board felt that this might have been an oversight due to the fact that the impression may have been left that State fund increases were forthcoming for the adjustment of these salaries. There are, in fact, three administrative secretaries iri the Board of Education office who are partially paid by State Funds and who will recieve a pay increase. The add- itional funds for secretaries, other than for these three, which come to us from the State, are specificaily allocated to schools for clerical assistance and may not be, under any cir- cumstances, used for additions in the personnel or salaries in Superintendents' offices. A 5% increase for these four would make consistent previous action taken by the Board of Commissioners; and it was the consensus of the Board of Education that if approval could be received from the Commissioners, that it might be possible for us to work out a transfer from some other item since the amount involved is small, being only $588.00. The salaries, after the 5% increase would amount to $2394•00, $2709.001 $2835.00 and $4410.00. After briefly discussing the matter, it was unanimously agreed to table any decision until Septe.mber 18th when a full Board would be present. The School Board invited all of the Commissioners to visit their schooi buildings coriLin'aed - -A Minutes of ine..NIeetinqs September 5. 1961 B0.4RD OF EDUCATION - (continued) ? Grand Jurv Re Schools - The School committee above explained the remedial action which has been taken in reference to the Grand Jury Report pointing out some de- _f.'iciences in the various schools in the County, a large majority of the items noted in the report are conditions of which the Board was aware and had already taken cor- rective steps to put them in order before school starts, The most outstanding one was the Hemingway roof which was in controversy at the time with the manufacturer who has since agreed to assume liability for the replacement which will save from $1200 to $1500 in the Ntaintenance Budget. It appears now that some saving may result through competitive bidding and minor adjustments in certain CapitaS Outlay items. It was the general consensL? that many of these conditions were scheduled as a routine maintenance item and would have been completed before school opened as a part of the regular maintenance program. By common-consent, the Board directed the Executive Secretary to write Judge W. K. McLean to clarify for him to some degree the conditions reported by the Grand Jury. / CITY- COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR The Executive Secretary called attention to the fact that it was time to appoint a Consolidated Tax Collector. After a brief discussion among the various members of the Board, Mr. Mayhan made a motion that Mr. Sam W. ,Tohnson be reappointed Tax Col- lector for the next two year term. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. /PETITION FOR RELIEF - The Public ldelfare Department presented a petition of Alice Sanders for admit- tance to the County Home for an indefinite period due to her being blind and having no one to care for her. Mr. Braak offered a motion that she be admitted for immediate care and that her transportation be paid to New York in event her daughter who lives there is willing to care for her. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. HOSPITAL COSTS - ? A letter was received from Mr. R. H. Holland, President of the Board of Managers of James Walker Memorial Hospital, in connection with unrecovered costs for hospitaliza- tion for indigent patienLs. After studying the proposal made by the Commissioners at thei: meeting on Augvst 7th offering $20.00 per day for indigent patient care and $2.50 per clinical visit, they believe that a realistic figure for indigent patient care would be $20.50 per diem which is only 50d more than the previous proposal. The County Auditor informed the Board that in his opinion sufficient funds have already been appropriated to allow the additional SOd per day without an increase in the Budget appropriation. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the request of the James Walker Memorial Hospital Board of Managers be approved and that $20.50 be set as indigent per diem fees and that clinic visits be paid at the rate of $2.50 each with the understanding that no further increase would be granted before the next fiscal Budoet year. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and (unanimously adopted. ASSISTANT FARM AGENT - County Farm Agent D. D. Baggett presented Nir. Colin S. Mintz, District Farm Agent and Mr. William Larry Whitehurst, whom he recommended as his new Assistant Farm Agent to replace Mr. W. S. Horaell, recently resigned. He is experienced in 4-H Club ? work and Community Development. They are recommending that he be employed at a salary ? of $5,500 of which the County's portion will amount to $2112.00. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the recommendation be approved and that he be employed as of October 1, I 1961. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. / DJUSTP'ENT - I' The Executive Secretary informed the Board that it was his understanding that they had approved a total remuneration for Deputy Recorder's Court Judge W. M. Cameron, ? Jr. of $250.00 per month and that after applying the 5% increase to his annual salary ? of $2592.00 the total was $2721.60 and that $278.40 additional appropriation was necess- I ary to make up the $3,000.00. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the appropriation of $278.40 from the Emergency Fund to Office Expense-Recorder's Court. tMATTRESS DAMAGE - II The Chairman reported that Mrs. Sneeden, Public Welfare Superintendent, had discussed with him the matter of replacing a mattress which had been damaged because of a prisoner clogging up the sewer pipes causing an overflow in the system which drenched the mattress and rendered it unfit for further use. The Executive Secretary reported that he had discussed the matter of renovation with a local concern which is willing to sterilize it but will not guarantee to eliminate the odor or stench. The mattress is the I personal property of Mrs. Sneeden and was used by the Department as a resting cot for the personnei when extremely tired or ill. Upon motion of Nir. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously directed the Executive Secretary to replace this mattress at a reasonable cost and charge it to Court House Repeirs. ' J (COLORED LIBRARIAN - Pursuant to authority voted at the meeting of August 21st, the Chairman re- ported that he had discussed the salary of the negro librarian with Acting City Manager, Mr. Churchill who has suggested that an increase of $25.00 per month be offered as an inducement to keep her. This would mean $12.50 per month for the City and a like amount for the County, however, he felt that no action should be taken at this meeting and re- commended that it be tabled until the meeting of September 18th. IAIRPORT EASEMENTS - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery called attention to the fact that no one had been empioyed to purchase the F.irport easements which were necessary to complete the plans for further expansion and to satisfy the requirements of the Federal Aviation Agency.? By common consent, the County Attorney was authorized to confer with the Appraisor and ? ?negotiate a price for the buying of the necessary easements. II AIRPORT PROPERTY TRANSFER - I Pursuant to previous correspondenCe and discussion with reference to transferring 42.1 acres of land by General Services Administration, formerly owned by the Board of Edu-I cation, which has relinquished its claim to the same, the Board unanimously authorized the County Attorney to proceed with whatever action is necessary to have the Board of Educatior? officially release the land and to acquire it for the County. \'? 11 1? Minutes of ttie Meeting September 5, 1961 Continued REFUSE DISPOSAL - ? Mr. Braak reported that all of the commercial garbage fiaulers in the County were using the County Trash Dump except Billy Hufham who he understands continues to oper- ate on Greenville Sound. The original agreement stipulated that Mr. W. Merritt, who was the laroest hauler, would pay $150.00 per month and that Mr. E. P. Blanchard would pay $50.00 per month. Mr. Merritt was present and stated that unless he could he could re- ceive a reduction in his cost he would be forced to go back to maintaining his own trash dump and suggested that an equitable figure would be $75.00 per month for him and $2$.00 per month for Mr. Blanchard. If that is agreeable, he will continue to use the County Trash Dump. After briefly discussing the problem, it was decided that action should be deferred on the matter until*to investigate the condition of the trash dump being maintain- ed by Mr. Hufham and if it does not meet the minimum sanitation requirements then he will be requested to either clean up his disposal area to meet the minimum sanitary regulations or consider using the County facilities. *the September 18th meeting which would give the Health Department time ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Nr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. ? . - - ? W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. September 18,1961 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 9:00 A. M. with the following in attendance: Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice Chairman, who presided over the meeting as Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. was unable to stay for the.entire meeting; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - Acting Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. V. Ran- dolph, pastor of the Middle Sound Advent Christ'ian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the special meeting held on August 31st and the regular semi- monthl'y meeting of September 5th were unanimously approved upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak. SCHOOLS - , Mergin9 - Mr. Emsley A. Laney, Chairman of the New Hanover County Schoo2 Board, -"? assisted by School Superintendent Dr. William H. k'agoner and Business Manager John O. Marshall, informed the Board that they were considering the consolidation of the Hemenway School with Tileston School. Attendances at both of these schools has declined s'teadily over the•years. At present, there are only 60 walking pupils attending the Hemenway School, all others are being transported by bus. The enrollment at Hemenway is 172. The class- ' rooms at Tileston are sufficient to accomodate these students without overcrowding. The cafeteria at Tileston is equipped te serve the meals efficiently. This move will also be , very economical and save some money, however, the main consideration is the education of children which can be more efficiently done. A meeting is scheduled with the patrons of the school merger. Administrative staff - If approval is given to the above request, Mr. Laney sug- -' gested that the Administrative staff could be moved into the Hemenway School Building and thus consolidate the administrative staff which is now located in four different offices ? in different parts of the city. The move would cost no more than an estimated $2,000 or $3,000 which could be absorbed in their present budget, however, it was pointed out that in the spring there might be a need for requesting an additional appropriation to cover ? this cost. The consolidation would place the staff under the direct supervision of the Superintendent and allow him to better coordinate the staff activities. If the plan is I approved, the best time to make the change seems to be on the weekend of September 29th as it is the end of the first school month and also the maintenance staff will be available to help the physical move. Mr. Laney requested approval of the Board for this plan. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the request be granted as out- lined above, provided the cost can be absorbed in the overail budget of the Board of Educa- tion. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. / Administrative salarie.s - Pursuant to the action at the meeting on September 5th; at which time the Commissioners agreed to delay the decision about the administrative secretariest salaries, the matter was again discussed today. After explaining that the total would amount to only $588.00 and that these particular secretaries received no State money and would be the only County employees not receivino any increase at all this year, the Board reconsidered the matter and after briefly discussing it, Mr. Hall moved that approval be given to the 5% increase for the administrative secretaries' sala.ries provided it is absorbed in the overall school budget. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. RECORDERS COURT OFFICE - Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, appeared before the Board and re- , minded them of a previous request which he had made for additional space for the use of Recorders Court Clerk and his staff. He requests the office now occupied by the Board of Education adjacent to the vault which would be needed to store the court records. He was informed that the Board of Education was considering moving out of it shortly.