1961-09-18 Regular Meeting1? Minutes of ttie Meeting September 5, 1961 Continued REFUSE DISPOSAL - ? Mr. Braak reported that all of the commercial garbage fiaulers in the County were using the County Trash Dump except Billy Hufham who he understands continues to oper- ate on Greenville Sound. The original agreement stipulated that Mr. W. Merritt, who was the laroest hauler, would pay $150.00 per month and that Mr. E. P. Blanchard would pay $50.00 per month. Mr. Merritt was present and stated that unless he could he could re- ceive a reduction in his cost he would be forced to go back to maintaining his own trash dump and suggested that an equitable figure would be $75.00 per month for him and $2$.00 per month for Mr. Blanchard. If that is agreeable, he will continue to use the County Trash Dump. After briefly discussing the problem, it was decided that action should be deferred on the matter until*to investigate the condition of the trash dump being maintain- ed by Mr. Hufham and if it does not meet the minimum sanitation requirements then he will be requested to either clean up his disposal area to meet the minimum sanitary regulations or consider using the County facilities. *the September 18th meeting which would give the Health Department time ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Nr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. ? . - - ? W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. September 18,1961 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 9:00 A. M. with the following in attendance: Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice Chairman, who presided over the meeting as Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. was unable to stay for the.entire meeting; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - Acting Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. V. Ran- dolph, pastor of the Middle Sound Advent Christ'ian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the special meeting held on August 31st and the regular semi- monthl'y meeting of September 5th were unanimously approved upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak. SCHOOLS - , Mergin9 - Mr. Emsley A. Laney, Chairman of the New Hanover County Schoo2 Board, -"? assisted by School Superintendent Dr. William H. k'agoner and Business Manager John O. Marshall, informed the Board that they were considering the consolidation of the Hemenway School with Tileston School. Attendances at both of these schools has declined s'teadily over the•years. At present, there are only 60 walking pupils attending the Hemenway School, all others are being transported by bus. The enrollment at Hemenway is 172. The class- ' rooms at Tileston are sufficient to accomodate these students without overcrowding. The cafeteria at Tileston is equipped te serve the meals efficiently. This move will also be , very economical and save some money, however, the main consideration is the education of children which can be more efficiently done. A meeting is scheduled with the patrons of the school merger. Administrative staff - If approval is given to the above request, Mr. Laney sug- -' gested that the Administrative staff could be moved into the Hemenway School Building and thus consolidate the administrative staff which is now located in four different offices ? in different parts of the city. The move would cost no more than an estimated $2,000 or $3,000 which could be absorbed in their present budget, however, it was pointed out that in the spring there might be a need for requesting an additional appropriation to cover ? this cost. The consolidation would place the staff under the direct supervision of the Superintendent and allow him to better coordinate the staff activities. If the plan is I approved, the best time to make the change seems to be on the weekend of September 29th as it is the end of the first school month and also the maintenance staff will be available to help the physical move. Mr. Laney requested approval of the Board for this plan. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the request be granted as out- lined above, provided the cost can be absorbed in the overail budget of the Board of Educa- tion. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. / Administrative salarie.s - Pursuant to the action at the meeting on September 5th; at which time the Commissioners agreed to delay the decision about the administrative secretariest salaries, the matter was again discussed today. After explaining that the total would amount to only $588.00 and that these particular secretaries received no State money and would be the only County employees not receivino any increase at all this year, the Board reconsidered the matter and after briefly discussing it, Mr. Hall moved that approval be given to the 5% increase for the administrative secretaries' sala.ries provided it is absorbed in the overall school budget. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. RECORDERS COURT OFFICE - Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, appeared before the Board and re- , minded them of a previous request which he had made for additional space for the use of Recorders Court Clerk and his staff. He requests the office now occupied by the Board of Education adjacent to the vault which would be needed to store the court records. He was informed that the Board of Education was considering moving out of it shortly. Minutes of the Meeting SEptember 18, 1961 Continued /ROAD PETITION - ? ? A petition was received from a group of citizens living about four miles out on US 17 requesting approval for the addition of Fisherville Road to the State main- tained County Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Executive Secretary was directed to forward it to the State Highway.Commission for their consideration with the approval of the Board. The action was unanimous. BOND ELECTION - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery informed the Board that it would be necess- ary for them to pass a formal Resoiution settino the date for a bond election on the Hospital Bond issue. He read the following Resolution; and Commissioner J. M. Hall; Jr. moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has adopted the bond order hereinafter des- cribed authorizing the issuance of $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds, and such bond order and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of such bonds, should be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or dis- approval, in order to comply with the Cor.stitution and Laws of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners also desires to submit to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or disapproval a proposition to approve the levy of a special tax of not exceeding 10 cents, annually, upon each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property in the County to finance the cost of opera- ting, equipping and maintainino a public hospital for the use of the inhabitants of the County; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as fol- lows: (1) The question whether the qualified voters of the County of New Hanove.r shall approve or disapprove the bond order described in the notice hereinafter set forth and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds authorized by svch bond order and also the question whether svch qualif'ied voters shall authorize the levy of a special tax set forth in such notice shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the County of ntew Hanover at a special election to be held in said County on November 7, 1961. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is he:eby authorized and directed to publish a notice of submission of the questions at said special election in sub- stania.il,y. th'e. following form: SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 7, 1961 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election shall be held in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, on November 7, 1961,for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said County, for their approval or disapproval, (1) the question whether the qualified voters of said County shall approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum principal amount of $5,500,000 and the levy of a tax for the payment thereof, and also approve the bond order adopted by the Board of Commissioners of said County on August 21, 1961, which authori2es the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax and (2) the question whether the qualifi2d voters of said County shall approve the levy of a special tax of not exceeding 10 cents, annually, upon each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable pro- perty in said County to finance the cost of operating, equipping and main- taining a public hospital for the use of the inhabitants of said County. The ballots to be used at said election shall contain the words, "For the bond order authorizing $5,500,000 bonds to finance the erection of a bvilding or buildings to be used as a public hospital for the inhabitants of said County, and the acquisition and ;installation of the equipment and the acquisition of a suitable site required for said building or buildings, and a tax therefor" and the words, !'Against the bond order authori2ing $5,500,000 bonds to finance the erection of a buildino or buildings to be used as a public hospital f.or the inhabitants of said County, and the acquisitioil and insta.llation of the equipment and the acquisition of a suitable site required for said building or buildings, and a tax therefor", with squares apposite the affirmative and negative forms in one of which squares the voter may make a mark (X) to,indicate his choice. Such ballots shall also contain the words, "For the levy of a special tax of not exceeding 10 cents, annually, upon each $100 of assessed valua- ; tion of taxable property in the County of Tdew Hanover to finance the cost I of operating, equipping and maintaining a public hospital for the use of the inhabitants of said County' and the words; "Against the levy of a spec- ial tax of not exceeding 10 cents, annually; upon each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property in the County of New Hanover to finance the I cost of operating, equipping and maintaining a public hospital for the use ?i of the inhabitants of said County", with squares opposite the affirmative ' and negative forms in one of which squares the voter may make a mark (X) i to indicate his choice. ,f The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock A.M. and will close at the hour of 6:30 o'clock., P. M., Eastern Standard Time. I The election will be held at the same polling places at which the last election wa5 held in IJew Hanover County for the election of inembers of the General Assembly. j? In the event that a ma,jority of the qualified voters voting at such election shall approve such bond order and the indebtedne:ss.to_b;e iucurred by the issuance of the bonds thereby authorized, bonds of the maximum amount authori2ed by such bond order shall be issued for the purpose des- cribed in such bond order, and a tax will be levied for the payment thereof. I ` 1"??? Minutes @f the Meeting September 18, 1961 Continued _ - -- ? BOVD ELECTION- (continued) The registration books containing the lists of registered voters of the County of New Hanover shall be opened for the :egistration of voters at 9:00 o'ciock A. M. on Saturday, October 14, 1961 and shall be closed at sunset on Saturday, October 28, 1961. On each day (Sundays i 1 excepted) during such period, the Registrar for each election precinct ? in the County will keep the book for such precinct open,between the hours ! of 9:00 ofclock, A. M., and sunset for the registration of voters in such ? election precinct. On each Saturday during such period each Registrar will attend at the polling place in his election precinct between the hours of 9:00 o'clock, A. N. and suttset for the registration of voters. By order of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover. Dated, September 18, 1961 /S/ W. G. Houck I Clerk of the Board of Commissioners ? Said notice shall be published three f.imes and there shall be an interval of at least one week between said publications, and the first of said publications shall be not laLer than thirty days prior to November 7,1961. (3) The poils for said election shall be opened and closed at the times , and at the places stated in said notice and electors shall be registered ( ' for said election in the manner stated in said notice. I (4) The County Board of Elections is hereby requested to print and distri- bute the necessary ballots to be used in voting on the questions stated in ? said notice and to provide the registration books, booths, ballot boxes and other equipment for the holding of said election and to conduct and to super- vise said election. I Commissioner Peter H. Braak seconded the motion which was passed by a majority vote. Messrs. Hall, Braak and Metts voted _in the affirmative. Messrs. Brdadhurst and Mayhan voted in the negative. BEER LICENSE - y The following application for a Beer Permit was reviet?ed by the Board, and upon motion of A7r. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously referred to the Sheriff for his consideration and investigation: John Franklin Scott T/A Kim's Seafood Narket 8174 IJorth 4th SL. I REFUSE DISPOSAL - Pursuant to the request of Mr. M. W. Merritt on September Sth for a reduction ? I in the chargesfor usinr the County Trash Dump from $150.00 per month to $75.00 per month for the laroe haulers, and from $50.00 to $25.00 per month for the small haulers, the ? Board reconsidered the matter and after a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the above 'r.ates be established as of September l5th, 1961 and maintained unless future experience indicates a re-appraisal of the situation at which time appropriate action can be taken to meet the circumsLances. The motion laas seconded by both Messrs. Hall and Mayhan and unanimously passed. AIRPORT EASEMENTS - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reported that pursuant to authorization ? given him at the meeting on September sth, he had contacted Robert C. Cantwell,,%who pro- poses to negotiate options in behalf of New Hanover County covering flioht clearance easements as requested by the Federal Aviation Agency for the sum of $75.00 each with the understanding that the County would furnish the options complete and ready for execu- tion and promises to accomplish the work within 75 calendar days after delivery of the ? ' options and authority to proceed. He will expect pay only for those options that are ' executed. In the discussion which followed, some of the Commissioners voiced the opin- ? ion that some of the land might be purchased at a very reasonable figure and suggested that this approach be made wherever possible. Mr..Hall offered a motion that this proposal be approved and that the County Attorney be authorized to draw a contract, pre- pare the options, and maps necessary to accomplish this work. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. BRIDGE LIGHTING - Mr. Hall recalled that on July 3rd, 1961 the Board voted to refrain from enter- ? ing into a current agreement to pay for power to light the Northeast Cape Fear River Bridge. He has since investigated the advantages and is convinced that it would be beneficial to have the bridge lighted partly for pedestrians as the Battleship US5 North Carolina taill be berthed nearby. He finds that the cost would amount to approximately $600.00 per year. After briefly discussing 'the merits, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the County enter into a 50-50 agreement with the City to furnish current to light the bridge, effective date not to be before October lst, 1961. Mr. Braak seconded this motion and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. Braak, Hall, and Metts voLed for the motion. Messrs. Broadhurst and Nayhan voted against the motion. The Chairman declared it prevailed and instructed the Executive Secretary to notify the City to that effect. STATE HIGHlJAY CONQNISSION MEETING - / Mr. Hall advised that it was necessary for him to leave at this point and re- minded the Board of a meeting scheduled at 2:30 P. M. Wednesday afternoon, September 20th, 1961 at the State Highway Division Office for the purpose of ineeting the new District Commissioner, Mr. Lauch Faircloth, and to discuss the program for the coming year. He urged all the Commissioners to make every effort to be present. ,? I ' F' 2(,? _ _,Minu.t_e_s__of the=Meetlna S??Semb_a.r 1.Q.-19b1-Cnn_Li_nuad ! /APPEARANCE BONDS - I, ? I The County Attorney called attention to the fact that the General Assembly had , authorized a change in Appearance Bond Fees. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offer- II ed a motion that in accordance with the authority of Chapter 619 of the Session Laws of ? 1961 professional bondsmen in New Hanover County be authorized to charge and receive as i compensation a sum not to exceed 10% of the penalty of the bond. It was seconded by Mr. ' Braak and unanimously approved. ? /eONFEDERATE CENTENIVIAL COMMITTEE I II County Auditor T. D. Love observed that a request had been made by the State for $3,000 included in the budget toward the building of a pavillion at Fort Fisher in accordance with an understanding on March 1961. He feels that evidence of indebtedness should be presented before payment to the State of this appropriation. The County Attorney ruled that an invoice or payment certificate should be received from the State as proof of indebtedness before issuing a check for the same. The Executive Secretary ! was instructed to advise them to this effect. ! jACCIDENT CLAIN - The County Attorney called attention to a claim by Nora Lee Lovett against New Hanover County Commissioners to the North Carolina Industrial Commission for injuries by accident while engaged in working as a prisoner at the County Prison Farm. In accord- ance with provisions of GS 97-13 (c) she is not subject to the Workmen, s Compensation Act and therefore the Industrial Commission has no jurisdiction over the claim, however, each side must pay its own cost except the defendant, in this case the County, shall pay an expert witness fee in the amount of $15.00 to Dr. James G. Boyes, Jr., who gave expert testimony at the hearing. 'PETITION FOR RELIEF - The Superintendent of Public Welfare presented a petition for admittance to to the County Home for Ora Cotton Pennington. She receives a monthly allowance and will pay for partial maintenance. Mrs. Pennington is physically: unable to care for herself and her income is insufficient to support independent nursing care. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Sroadhurst, the Board unanimously approved this petition. ? IBLUE LAW - The County Attorney reminded the Board that the last General Assembly had pass- ? ed an Act to prohibit certain business activities on Sunday, to be effective October 1, 1961. It provides that the governing board of any incorporated city or town may by resolution exempt themselves from the operation of this Act. The County Commissioners) f by the same token, may exempt any or all portions of the unincorporated areas of the :ea: October 2nd, he suggested they might wish to give consideration to the Act at this meet- ing. There were approximately 35 citi2ens present representing the various Nerchants, Associations and the Ninisterial Association urging the Board to allow the "Blue-Law" to become operative in the unincorporated areas of the County and not exempt themselves from its provisions. A group of three citizens, representing the Ephaesus Seventh-Day Advent- ist Church, presented the following request through their minister, Reverend R. E. Tottress: n We believe in Civil Government as Divinely ordained to rule and govern in things civil and to protect the natural rights of all. We believe in and wish for our City, County, and Government in general prosperity, progress, and tranquility, with God's blessings. However, we feel that the Sunday Blue Law makes no particular or fundamental contribution to either of these desired benefits: Such law or laws dis- criminate against those who hold another day as their day of worship and otherwise tend to force a religious matter or "dogma under Civil operation". We, therefore, beseech those in authority to exempt our County and area from the "North Carolina Blue Law." After considering the various opinions expressed by members of the Board in regard to this matter, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the County be exempted from the opera- tion of the Statute until our next regular semimonthly meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and passed by a majority vote. Messrs. Broadhurst, Mayhan, and Metts voted for the motion, and Mr. Braak voted against the motion. The delegation of inerchants then requested the Commissioners for permission to continue their presentation and reasons for their request not to have the unincorpora- ted portions of the County exempted from the General Statutes. In this discussion, they suggested that the intra-coastal waterway be designate.d as a dividing line from the beach area which would be most effective by the operation of the law. The only objections voiced to this was the fact that 5eabree2e would be affected even though it is a resort center. After some reflection of these arguments, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the above motion be rescinded and that the Chairman be asked to cail a special meeting at 9:00 A. M. on September 28th for the purpose of further considering this problem with a full Board present to resolve it. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. :?=k County. Since the Board will not have a regularly scheduled meeting before /PETIT JURY - ' The foilowing good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning October 2, 1961- Criminai term; October 9th- Civil term; October 16th- Civil term; and October 30tti- Criminal. A. L. Todd B. E. Bowen bJm. F. Tomz W. S. Tharp W. G. Stubbs George W. Mixon B. C. Keene H. P. Wierse R. V. Duncan A. C. Gideon C. C. Walker Cruy C. Pitts 2506 Wrightsville Ave 217 Greenville Ave. 2215 Camellia Dr. 114 Bordeaux Ave. ti01 Spofford Circle 205 Northern Blvd. RFD 3, Box 525 2721 Washington St. 4903 Wrightsvilie 5917 Oleander Dr. 261 N. 25th St. 44 Pinecrest Pkwy. E. E. Ruhland C. E. Sonderman C. E. Sullivan W. L. Johnson E. L. Summerlin Edward J. Wilson W. B. Starling Tylon U. Willetts James L. Sistar George Tenuta Julian H. Tusch Sam A. Troy,Jr. RFD 2, Box 201 50 woodlawn Ave. 2404 Poplar St. 3014 Monroe st. 2118 Klein Rd. - 2726 Washington St. 2727 Park Ave. 2207 Dexter St. RFD 1, Box 307 A 816 Windsor Dr. 215 s. 2na st. 1312 Grace St. continued- i r 21" , Minutes of the Meetina -Y- - - PETIT JURY - (continued) Jurors - October 2, Ralph H. Ellis R. W. Mitchell 0. A. Beasley M. L. Teague A. V. Thompson W. H. Stokley I A. L. Williams N. A. Willett T. J. Colbert L. T. McFayden Daye E. Wilkins L. L. Porter A. S. Trundle Jr. SeDtember 18, 1961 Continu 1961 continued 144 Holbrooke Pete C. Tchouros 2515 Van Buren Robert L. Williams 643 Castle Hayne Sigley Robbins Jr. 2510 Adams St. Charles E. Smith P. O. Box 615 Benjamin B. Potter Bo? 'B h ?Z ?t Eugene Jones eac sv. r g 2115 Chestnut St. Hardy T. Taylor 2109 Princess P1.Dr.James W. Westbrook Gen. Deliv. Kure Beach Edward Lee Gurganious 8 Morningside Dr. Charles A. Brickhouse 13 Morningside Dr. Fred B. Strosnider RFD 1, Box 12 W. G. 'hainning 206 Forest Hills A. L. Motte Jurors for week beginning October 9, 1961 - Civil term Wm. S. Tabb . 214 N. bth St. E. W. Ward 1416z Castle St. M. A. Piner 55 Mercer Ave. J. E. L. Wade 1301 Grace St. W. H. Powell 209 N. 16th St. J. J. Vereen 207 Central Blvd. H. L. Smith 2608 Ylegh akB Alb ert Costin r. or 107 Mercer ?ve. H. C. Taylor 310 Narstellar L. C. Sidbury 2724 Jackson St. Wm. F. Weeks 2251 Camellia Dr. J. V. Parrish 215 Niercer Ave. James H. Kraus 402 S. 17th St. D. C. Smith 2323 Moss St. J. E. Sloan 1806 Nun SL. D. H. Penton % Springer's Eli jah Cook 706 S. 18th St. Roy G. Potter 503 Orchard Ave. Dir k S wart 2811 Wayne Dr. R. J. Potter 2909 Louisiana Ave. B. R. Simmons 423 S. (}th St. L. H. Waters 2305 Princess St.Rd J. A. Mangum Box 161 Caro2ina Beach M. C. Pearson 324 S. 5th St. W. J. Wehrhahn 410 Nun St. 502 Wrightsville Ave: 2202 Brandon Road. RFD 2, Box 223-F 403 Pine Hills Dr. 1905 Lingo Ave. 2710 Jefferson St. 3015 Adams St. 3013 Monroe St. 108 Henry St. P. o. Box 1376 4701 Long Leaf Hills RFD 1, Box 195 AA 113 s. 17tn St. James A. Vereen Jr. 2710 Harrison St. George Gainey, 220 Page Ave. George T. Sternberger 415 S. 19th St. Arthur R. Willis 404 N. 15th St. William G. Pridgen 303 N. Carolina Ave. Kemp Lovette 47 W est Drive Edgar E. Piner RFD 2, Box 159 B Kenneth E. Eaton 501 N. 23rd St. J. W. Strickland 16 K emrood Ave. Clifton B. Vann 111 idayne Dr. Thomas Wilkins 2449 Wrightsv. Ave. 0. 0. Whitlock 24 N . Front St. William F. Summers 606 Thomas Ave. L. P. Matthews 2020 Metts Ave. W. E. Williamson 2522 Jackson St. Richard H. Powell 2123 }{lein Road. Gene B. Whitley 16z W. 8 ?ontF?S1: ya Lloyd N. Bradshaw 507 r n Central Blvd. John London Davis 1008 S. 5th St. William F. Powell Sr. 1515 Ann St. Donald S. McAllister 2413 Jefferson St. .Ivey James Sutton .)r. 908 Live Oak Pkwy. Mellwood P. Raines 415 Castle St. Sidney Herbert Warshaws ky 228 N. 23rd St. Elliott F. Pettigrew 115 5tradleigh Rd. Jurors for the week beqinnina October 16, 1961 - Civil term D. R. Swain W. M. 0'Quinn Floyd J. Rhue I. C. Wilson Evan D. Watts T. W. ldatson J. G. Johnson H. C. Stolter Edward Victor Paul J. Reel W. H. Tickner A. M. Stone Sr. 0. W. Waters W. I. Morgan Robert D. Jones N. E. Stokley C. T. Watkins J. H. Waggett C. C. Johnson J. V. Thomas Lloyd J. bJatson Pierce T. Utsey Jr. E. D. Partrick Arden._C. Rollins Morris C. Weeks 117 Nunn St. M. E. Underwood 4204 Franklin Ave. William S. Johnson RFD 2, Box 168 Jesse B. Jones RFD 2, Box 215 Robert A. Hodges 405 Northern Blvd. Henry E. Hough 914 S. 2nd St. Homer H. Ward 115 S. 15th St. W. G. Trevathan RFD 1 Donald Ray Arthur 405 Sunset Ave. David B. Ward RFD 1, Box 286 Gilbert Whitfield 415 Greenfield Charlie E. Stephens RFD 3, Box 374 Kenneth E. Price 2111 Barnett Ave. Wade H. Pierce 2724 Washington St. A. A. Johnston 2009 Woolcott Ave. W. E. Spooner RFD 3, Box 624 Joseph J. Qavenaugh 7 Bordeaux Ave. Sam R. Watson 006 Monroe St. G. J. Walsak 10 5. 18th St. John T. Braddy RFD 3, Box 358 William E. Stewart 2921 Monroe St. Edgar B. Keith 609 Kenwood Calvin Bethune RFD 3, Box 286 Willie R. Suggs Jr. 53 Beauregard Dr. Richard A. Cromwell ii. 603 Mercer Ave. Robert E. Williams Jr. Jurors for the raeek beginning October 30, 1961 - Criminal E. E. Lee G. B. Russ W. J. Ashe L. H. King W. E. Sisson G. R. Piner O. A. Tuttle D. C. North R. K. Weeks T. G. Motte A. L Kelly, Jr. R. R. Padgett K. H. Benson H. J. Carroll A. F. Teague F. K. Lloyd b41 Castie Hayne Rd.Edwin B. Josey 1616 Dock St. H. N. Kentrolis 315 N. 9th St. Isam N. Harris 3812 WriahtsviAW John D. Hufham P.O. Box 1106 Wilbur S. Bost RFD 2, Box 398 De Aubour, Ken P. O. Box 631 John J. Legwin P. O . Box 1178 Roscoe Roberts 2223 Camellia Dr. Harry E. Bethea 2217 Dexter St. R. T. Rivenbark 516 Sunset Ave. Floyd F. Pate 4201 Franklin Ave. Alton L. Groves RFD 2, Box 124 Durwood }Cennedy BExrodin g a? h Thomas L. Keeter 1?enjral B?Iv. Hugh W. Primrose RFD 2; Box 213 Reuben H. Smith 2707 Chestnut St. 2528 Jackson St. 405 s. ibtn st. RFD 3, Bax 133 216 Victoria Dr. 2914 Lake Shore Dr. 2526 Van Buren St. Box 712 Kure Beach 212 Castle St. RFD 3, Box 413 5224 Market St. RF? 1, Box 78 A 2718 HarRsone5?iayne 2743 Nimosa Place 1901 bJoolcott Ave. 215 N. 17th St. R72?C?rafteg S e???ne. N.C 272 Van uren St. RFD 2, Box 205 AA 5020 Barefoot Dr. RFD1, Box 425 2730 Harrison St. P. O. Box 755 P. o. Box 1093 307 N. 15th St. 257 Peiffer Ave. RFD 2, Box 229 1913 Creasy Ave. Box l?arolina Beach Wrightsville Ave. 505 Park Terrace lOLa. Morgan St. 1167 Country Club Rd. 1?.811 Wrightsv. Ave. 2016 }{lein Rd. 507 Latimer Dr. 1105 S. 2nd St. Box 84, Kure Beach,N. C. 1303 S. Live Oak Pkwy. 4125 Peachtree Ave. continued- -A ' C?lj E? ? i?ai' Minutes of the Neeting PETIT JURY - September 18, Jurors for week of October 30th, 1961 (continued) J. H. Turner 310 Long St. Clyde P. Thomas A. S. Watkins - 2275 Camellia Dr. Louie Potter Jr. D. E. Steoall 602 S. Herr Ave. Chester F. Goe?er R. D. Dyches 27 I vey Circle Robert J. Jordan Wm. C. Francis 4906 Wrightsville Av .J. Holmes Davis Jr. H. L. I{lander 208 S. 42nd St. Atticus L. Register Sam H. Hinson 207 Pinecrest Pkwy. Lawrence M. Woodcock Earl V. Dail Box 6 A t? ? Robert Wilbur Johnson Walter Monk 705 a rolina ?each Sycamore S. Charles L. Watkins Jr 2915 Chestnut St. 819 Princess St. 226 Calhoun Drive 6301 Oleander Dr. 2731 Oleander Dr. 118 Sumter Drive 302 Pine Hills Dr. RFD 1, $ox 129 B. 36 Wayne Dr. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for further information: 1/ Home Economics Agent's monthly report - 2-? County rarm Agent's Extension Report for August 1961. 3- U.S.O. Club Report for August 1961. L}-? Wilmington Public Library Report for August 1961 5- /Notices from the Corps of the U. S. Army Engineers. ADJOURNNENT - ' Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan; the Board unanimously voted ? to adjourn the meeting. -' W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. October 2,, 1961 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 9:00 A. M. with the following in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, ,)r; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend C. H. McLean, Pastor of the Delgado Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. TAX BOOKS - ? County Tax Supervisor T. D. Love presented the new tax books which have • been completed as required in General Statutes 105-325, 379, and 390 for approval of the Commissioners and turning them over to the Tax Collector. They revealed taxable• values amounting to $156,497,406.00. Upon motion of Nr. Netts, seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst, the Chairman was authorized to sign the tax books for the Board and deliver them to the Tax Collector. The motion was unanimously adopted. (TAX SETTLEMENT - The Tax Collector presented the Insolvent Tax List. He stated that up to July 31, 1961, collections had amountied to 95•26 % which was the date on which the• books were closed. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Tax. . Collectors report was accepted unanimously. tSHERIFF'S AUTO BIDS - Pursuant to a public advertisement in the September 25th, 1961 Wilmington . Morning Star, listing specifi.cations for bid proposals to replace the Sheriff's cars, the following bids were received and publicly opened; Raney Chevrolet Co Clark Brothers, Inc. 4 automobiles as specified in ad 11 if I , if I I ,I Net $4,499.00 Net $5,498.00 After considering the bids, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the low bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the Raney Chevrolet Company in the net amount of $4,499.00. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. (AIRPORT PROPERTY ACCEPTANCE - The Executive Secretary presented a quit claim deed executed by :f.he United States of America to new Hanover County conveying 42.1 acres of property to Bluethen- thal Air Field at the New Hanover County Airport. The County Attorney pointed out • the restrictions ar.d reverter clanses in the deed. After considering the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the property be accepted by the County as tendered . and that the Executive Secretary be authorized to have it properly recorded. It wa.s seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the Board. ^BLUE LAWS - Pursuant to action taken at the last meeting,the Board resumed considera- tion of the so cailed "Blue Laws" recently enacted by the last legislature permitting political subdivisions to either accept its full provisions or exempt themselves of portions from it. After hearine the arguments presented by a group of citizens and considering the effect it would have in the County, Mr. Metts offered the following ' continued- 1961 L_