1961-10-02 Regular Meeting' C?lj E? ? i?ai' Minutes of the Neeting PETIT JURY - September 18, Jurors for week of October 30th, 1961 (continued) J. H. Turner 310 Long St. Clyde P. Thomas A. S. Watkins - 2275 Camellia Dr. Louie Potter Jr. D. E. Steoall 602 S. Herr Ave. Chester F. Goe?er R. D. Dyches 27 I vey Circle Robert J. Jordan Wm. C. Francis 4906 Wrightsville Av .J. Holmes Davis Jr. H. L. I{lander 208 S. 42nd St. Atticus L. Register Sam H. Hinson 207 Pinecrest Pkwy. Lawrence M. Woodcock Earl V. Dail Box 6 A t? ? Robert Wilbur Johnson Walter Monk 705 a rolina ?each Sycamore S. Charles L. Watkins Jr 2915 Chestnut St. 819 Princess St. 226 Calhoun Drive 6301 Oleander Dr. 2731 Oleander Dr. 118 Sumter Drive 302 Pine Hills Dr. RFD 1, $ox 129 B. 36 Wayne Dr. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for further information: 1/ Home Economics Agent's monthly report - 2-? County rarm Agent's Extension Report for August 1961. 3- U.S.O. Club Report for August 1961. L}-? Wilmington Public Library Report for August 1961 5- /Notices from the Corps of the U. S. Army Engineers. ADJOURNNENT - ' Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan; the Board unanimously voted ? to adjourn the meeting. -' W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. October 2,, 1961 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 9:00 A. M. with the following in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, ,)r; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend C. H. McLean, Pastor of the Delgado Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. TAX BOOKS - ? County Tax Supervisor T. D. Love presented the new tax books which have • been completed as required in General Statutes 105-325, 379, and 390 for approval of the Commissioners and turning them over to the Tax Collector. They revealed taxable• values amounting to $156,497,406.00. Upon motion of Nr. Netts, seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst, the Chairman was authorized to sign the tax books for the Board and deliver them to the Tax Collector. The motion was unanimously adopted. (TAX SETTLEMENT - The Tax Collector presented the Insolvent Tax List. He stated that up to July 31, 1961, collections had amountied to 95•26 % which was the date on which the• books were closed. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Tax. . Collectors report was accepted unanimously. tSHERIFF'S AUTO BIDS - Pursuant to a public advertisement in the September 25th, 1961 Wilmington . Morning Star, listing specifi.cations for bid proposals to replace the Sheriff's cars, the following bids were received and publicly opened; Raney Chevrolet Co Clark Brothers, Inc. 4 automobiles as specified in ad 11 if I , if I I ,I Net $4,499.00 Net $5,498.00 After considering the bids, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the low bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the Raney Chevrolet Company in the net amount of $4,499.00. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. (AIRPORT PROPERTY ACCEPTANCE - The Executive Secretary presented a quit claim deed executed by :f.he United States of America to new Hanover County conveying 42.1 acres of property to Bluethen- thal Air Field at the New Hanover County Airport. The County Attorney pointed out • the restrictions ar.d reverter clanses in the deed. After considering the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the property be accepted by the County as tendered . and that the Executive Secretary be authorized to have it properly recorded. It wa.s seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the Board. ^BLUE LAWS - Pursuant to action taken at the last meeting,the Board resumed considera- tion of the so cailed "Blue Laws" recently enacted by the last legislature permitting political subdivisions to either accept its full provisions or exempt themselves of portions from it. After hearine the arguments presented by a group of citizens and considering the effect it would have in the County, Mr. Metts offered the following ' continued- 1961 L_ 1C}[q? P+' Minutes of the Meeting October 2, 1961 Continued M BLUE.LAWS - (continued) % Motion: Be it resolved that' the followin5 unincorporated portions of New Hanover County ? be exempted from the operation and effect of Chapter 1156 Session Laws of 1961: All of said county lying to the East or South of a line which beoins on the New Hanover-Pender County line at a point 200 feet Westwardly of U. S. Highway 17 and continuing Southurardly parallel to said highway to its intersection with North Carolina secondary road 1409; continu.ino Southwardly parallei with said secondary road 140° and 200 feet Westwardly of said road to its intersection with U. S. Highiday 76 and continuina the same distance West- wardly of said Hiohway 76 and parallel thereto to its intersection with North Carolina ?I secondary road 1421; continuing parallel to said secondary road 1422 and 200 feet Westward- ly and Northwardly thereof to its intersection with North Carolina secondary road 1148; continuing Southwardly and arallel.with North Carolina secondary road 1148 to its inter- section with U.= 5. Highway 421; cor.tinuing Southwardly parallel urith and 200 Feet 4JeSt- ` wardly of said H?ghk?ay 1a.21 to a•point '200 feet Northwardly of Snows Cut; thence parallel with Sno?as Cut and 200 feet therefrom in a Westwardly direction to Cape Fear River. Be it further resoived that the portion of IVew Hancver County included in and exempted by this description is ciassified as a resort area and is exempted on that basis. This motion , was seconded by Mr. Braa]c and unanimously adopted by the Board. ? SPECIAL TERM OF COURT - ? , Mr. Elbert A. Broum, president of the New Hanover County Bar Association pre- sented the foilowina Resolution for consideration of the Board: WHEREAS, the Civil Docket in New Hanover is very congested; and ? WHEREAS, our resident judge, the Honorable R. I. Mintz, and our pre- siding judge; the Honorable Chester R. Morris, have both suggested that extra Ci'vil Terms of Court are needed in New Hanover County; and I? WHEREAS, t]ie New Hanover County Bar Association feels that extra Civil Terms of Court are badly needed to help remedy the congestion of our Civil Docket; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by that the New Hanover County Board ed to ask for the assignment of a Court in New Hanover County; one Monday, October 23, 1961, and the Mnnday, November 13, 1961 the New Hanover County Bar Association of Commissioners be respectfully request- judge to hold two special Civil Terms of term to be held during the wee}c beginnina other to be held during the week beginninc He explained that subsequent to the passage of the Resolution, he had discovered that it would be impossible to set up a term of Court for the week beginning October 23rd. After discussing the merits of the -request, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Resolu- tion be approved for an extra civil term beginnittg the week of November 13th, 1961. ? The motion was seconded by Mr. Metts, and unanimously approved by the Board. (The Executive Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Bert M. Montague and request the assign- ment of a judge for this special term. w WELFARE - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Director of Public Welfare in New Hanover County, .? accompanied by the members of her Board, appeared before the Commissioners and reminded them that as yet the $6,500 promised by the State for use of the uporading of the admin- istrative department had not been received. She suggested that since the funds were not used in the salary increases they might be used in the improvement of new adminis- trative offices. She had in mind the building adjacent to the southside of the Court House property known as the Goodrich Building or possibly the old Loyai Order of Moose Building on North 3rd Street. She pointed out the inconveniences of the cut up offices and those which are separated in different parts of the building. During the discuss- ion which followed, Mr. Metts raised the question as to whether or not a complete renova- _tion of t'he present quarters might meet the requirements and prove satisfactory. After 'considering the ideas of the various Commissioners, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to investigate the possibilities of securing new quarters, includ- ing the renovation of the old offices and,if necessary, empioy an architect as a consult- ant and report back as soon as possible to the Board. It eaas seconded by Ntr. INetts, and unanimously approved; / PETITION FOR RELIEF. - A petition was received from the Public Welfare Department for admitting Willie ? Maultsby to the County Home because of disability caused by an eniarged heart and arter- ior sclerosis. He receives $66.15 per month from Veterans Assistance and it is possible that he may be receiving as much as $78.75 and is to pay on the regular basis of the pol- Ac et b {,ne commis?ione s some ti e? o. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broad- u?s?, th? Board unanimous?ly approve? hi5? admittance. INSURANCE SETTLEMENT - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that in accordance with instruct- ? ions by telephone they had agreed to the settlement of $11,842.26 for damages to the Armory owned jointly by the City and County at 814 Nlarket Street as a result of a fire which occurred on August 3, 1961. This settlement was ratified by the City Council and should be officially approved by the Commissioners for the record. Mr. Broadhurst offer- ed a motion that the settlement be ratified "nunc pro tunc". It was seconded by Mr. May- han and unanimously approved by the Board. RQAD PLAN - A letter was received from Mr. T. J.McKim, Third Division Engineer of the / State Highway Commission, inclosing the 1961-62 Secondary Road Plan for New Hanover County. The total allocation of $16,600.00 is to be used in stabilizing and surfacing the 2.7 miles covering eight definite projects. The details of this plan were discussed at a special meeting of the Board held on September 22, 1961. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, Lhe Board unanimously ratified the plans as submitted and author- ized the Executive Secretary to confirm the matter by letter. I r ecw)? Minutes of the Meeting October 2, 1961 Continued ? /SCHOOL SALARY ADJUSTMENT - ?! i A request was received from 5chool Superintendent Dr. William H. Wagoner for ad- justing school salaries from Unanticipated Funds for the Supplementary Budget in the amount of $3,614.86. These funds represent receipts from the State for Contingency Salaries for the school year 1960-61 and paid in September of 1961. It is necess- ary for an appropriation of these funds to cover the deficit in the Supplementary Bud- get account. In planning the Budget, the net County cost was used instead of the total cost. Mr. Metts offered a motion that $3,611}.86 be approprfated from Unantici- pated Funds to be used specifically for the purpose outlined above. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ?ROAD PETITION - Petitions for the addition of Alabama Avenue, 4th Avenue, 5th Avenue, 6th and 7th Avenue, all in Wilmington Beach Subdivision, to the Secondary Road System and a petition for opening, grading and maintaining a road from Elisha Avenue, near the Green Meadows Subdivision, to Long Leaf Acres Subdivision. were received and after given consideration, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously approved and ordered sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. PERSONAL CITATION - Mr. William F. Snyder, local newscaster, reported to the Board that Mr. Sherwood Versteeg, news director of Radio Station WKLM was recently awarded a citation by the United Press Internationas as being the number one news commentator in North Carolina and that Radio Station WKLM was selected for an award for the best community awareness. Mr. Metts offered a motion that this achievement be recogni2ed and offic- ially inscribed in the records. It was second by Nr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. ' 'CAP TRAGEDY - Mr. William F. Snyder also stated that while he was present, he would like to call attention to some observations which had come to his attention during the time it was his painful duty to cover the recent aircraft disaster at Bleuthenthal Field during the C.A.P. Friendship Days' celebration. While all of the employees and others present assisted in every way possible to help in the tragic circumstances, one particu- lar employee went above and beyond the duty expected of him as an airport employee. with his bare hands, he shattered the glass which trapped the pilot and co-pilot and pulled them both out of the burning plane. He seemed to have no fear of his own danger and, in fact, on several occasions his own clothes were on fire and had to be extinguished by the firemen on hand. His name is Charlie L. Nixon, who has been with the County more than 15 years. He suggested that letters of commendation should be sent to the Rural Volunteer Fire Departments, Highway Patrol, Sheriffts Department, the Combined Control Tower at the Airport, as well as the pilot of the helicopter which hovered over the wreck and deflected the flames so that the firemen could remove the victims. It would be fine, he said, if the individuals could be invited to a meeting of the Board at which time they would be awarded citations and possibly re- imbursed for the clothing which they had lost on aecount of being damaged in the rescue work. There were many others who did heroic service and should be also recognized, however, he realized that you could never ascertain the names of all who had helped in this time of stress. After discussing this situation, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County employees attend the next Board meeting at which time they would be awarded a citation certificate and that others be sent letters of commendation for their efforts. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted by the Board. IDAMAGE REPLACEMENT • It was also reported that the foam used by the Volunteer Fire Departments should be replaced and any other damage caused at that time, including the wearing apparel of the individuals who participated in it. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the foam and clothes be replaced at the expense of the County and sufficient money appropriated from the Airport EmerSency Fund to cover it. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. • IDITCHING P.ETITION Mr. C. M. Ward presented a petition, signed by the property owners alongside of Wildcat Branch, agreeing to furnish a right-of-way for dragline work on the ditch. By common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was ordered to refer the petition to the Consolidated Board of Health since the dragline has been transferred to their department. IWILMINGTON COLLEGE 1'he Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had been approached by 47ilmington Coliege for use of the dragline in loading some stumps and logs from the Athletic Field. By common consent of the Board, authority was given £or the use of the dragline by the college provided there was no expense to the County. IINJURY CLAIMS - Letters were received from Attorney H. E. Rodgers explainSng that his clients Nora Lee Lovett and Thurman Turner,;were both injured while prisoners at the County Farm. He stated that their request had been turned down by the Industrial Commission handling Workmen's Compensation and he thought the County might want to make some sort of settlement with them on the account of their in,juries, which kept them from working after their releases. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that any payment be refused. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. I ADVERTISING The Chairman explained that he had been contacted by the publishers of ' "Travel Along Highway 1%" Magazine which will emphasize the arrival of the USS Battle- ship North Carolina in its next issue which will have a'circulation of.,more than , 60,000 copies. An advertisement of one page will cost approximately$L{,00.00 which• ? +..ould be shared equally by the City and County. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded ? by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously allocated not more than $200.00 from the Advertising I Fund for this purpose. `OFFICE SPACE - I The Executi e Secret??? repo€hedo?'???ehs? k2g ?S??te Prrecentdl byb thtehe tate j Department of Revenue ?or a por n o p X y y I continued- , i? i ? ? ? c. «) ? Minutes of the Meetina October 2_,___196.1 _Cord4nued I OFFICE SPACE - (conti'nued) / Board of Education. The Deputy Collector is increasing his personnel on account of the 3% Sales Tax Law and the Auditing Division is likewise forced to employ_ new help to keep up with their work. The space which they now occupy is too smali and ' they, need some additional office space. The porch and hall portion of the vacated space would meet their needs. After discussing this matter, the Board, by common consent, agreed for the Chairman to negot.iate with the State in an effort to see if some arrange- ments could be made for payment. for the space occupied by the State Department of Revenue. NEIGHBORHOOD TOGETHERNESS - / Mr. Braak commented that he thought it would be worthwhile for the Boards of County Commissioners of the surrounding counties to meet together occasionally to discuss informally the problems which are faced by each of us in Southeastern North Carolina. Besides creating a good neighbor policy among themselves it would lend itself to more ' influence in securing improvements from outside sources. By common consent, ttie Board acted favorably upon this suggestion and Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the Boards of County Commissioners from Brunswick, Onslow and Pender counties be invited to a dinner meeting with the IVew Hanover County Board on Noveinber20, 1961. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. AREA INSPECTOR - i • A letter was received.from the Chamber of Commerce advising that atField Dayl Area Inspection-Trip by the Engineering Faculty and Advisory Group from Nos'th Carolina State College was planned for October 5, 1961 in Wilminoton and that a dinner and social hour was arranged for 7:30 P. M. on that date at the Cape Fear County Club. The speaker for the occasion will be Mr. James Q. duPont of •the Public Relations Department of E. I. duPont deMours and Company of Wilmington, Deleware. The Chairman urged each member who could to attend this meeting as the FaculLy and Advisory Group of the school is import- ant to us in that we can give the State-wide Advisory Committee information and they are composed of strong and influential men in the Industrial and Financial fieids which might be of considerable importance to our area. BOND ISSUE - • The County Attorney advised the Board that our Bond Issue on the proposed hospital has been approved by our New York attorneys as well as the Local Government Commission. • " SURETY BOND - ' The Consolidated Tax Collector presented a Surety Bond in the amount of ? $37,500 to cover him for the next, two years' term as Tax Collector to which he was re- cently appointed. It was unanimously approved by the Board after the County had inspect- ed it. PETIT JURY The following per.sons were selected to serve as ,jurors in Superior Court for ? the weeks beginning November 6th, Criminal term; and beginn.ing November 20th and 27th Civil terms; Jurors for the week beqinninq November 6th,1961- Cricninal term S. A. Wahl 515 Forest Hills E. M. Lee 2713 Washington C. J. Keen 1718 Orange St. F. M. Vance 2719 Oleandei^ Dr. W. T. Weaks 702 Central Blvd. K. B. Swain Sr. - 2225 Brandon Rd. I. W. Willis 1912 Nun St. James E. Lewis 115 Bryan Ave. W. L. Garris 138 Pinecrest Pkwy. Lee W. Weaver 2339 Shirley Rd. J. D. Walker 1508 Nun St. J. S. •Brock 201 Kidder St. L. R. Wilson 3001 Monroe 5t. I. W. Spivey 211 Woodale Dr. W. D. Johnson 110 Nfyrtle Ave. L. C. Williams 121 Colonial Vil. H. R. tidiiliams 1819 Woolcott Ave. J. A. Williams 613 Surry St. K. E. Johnson • 209 Keaton Ave. Alton L. Kelley P. O Caro Box 168 lina Beach, N.C. John S. 1/aught Woodrow W..Yow 1904 Lingo Ave. R. M. Williams 31 I vey Circle David K. Wiard 224 South t}th R. S. Brewer RFD 2, Box 2177 A. Alton W. Ketchum Waiter Futch L. E. Woodbury Jr. Wm. Henry Hammond George Gornto, Jr. Harold M. Becker Morris B. Rabon Harris E. Willis Laban B. Austin James S. Dowless Dalton G. Walston Clyde W. 1Ji1Son William A. King T. S. Underwood William E. Wessell S. A. Andreanopoulas H. N.. Vandergrift James Leon Wells William L. Williams Charles M. Traynham 2417 Jefferson St. RFD 1, Box 213 421 Forest Hills Dr". Box 975 1222 Country Club Rd. 208 Northern Blvd. 130 West Shipyard Blvd. 212 N. 23rd St. 4017 Wrightsville ,Ave: 3721 Carolina Beach Rd. 511 Park Terrace 204 Brookwood Ave. 3007 Louisiana St. 2533 Burnett Blvd. 609 Chestnut St. 206 S. sth St. 2525 Burnett Blvd. 226 Brightwood Rd. 215 N. 22nd St. 2413 Oleander Dr. Sidney B. Andrews 503 Northern Blvd. Chester.Clyde Wescott 2405 Westminister Way Thomas Leroy Bumgarner 1916 Church St. Robert W. Williams 727 Windsor Drive .lurors for the week becainninq November 20, 1461 - Civil term W. R. Ward Hosea D. Todd Mi lo T. Yledge G. T. Davis J. R. Mills G. H. Ellis Boyd A. Miller W. C. Waldron C. O. Kersey Jr. O. B. 4lrenn Jr. Harold May W. H. Watters H. W. Williams , W. F. Sidbury Jr. 510 S. Front St. 2709 Harrison St. 127 Colonial Vil 213 Dixie Ave. RFD 2, Box 111 105 Stradleigh Rd. 304 North Carolina Av 2506 Jackson St. 102 Stradleigh Rd. Kure Beach, N. C. 15 N. 23rd St. 2302 Princess P1 514 Park Terrace 2909 Monroe St. Orville M. White George S. Wallace Harvey L. Taylor Robert W. Ludwig George F. Garren Clinton Jordan DeWitt Merritt Henry Verzaal Ralph Langford James T. Horrell 2409 Shirley Rd. P. 0. Box 111} Fayetteville Ave. 2225 Pla2a Dr. 2233 Oleander Dr. 264 Lake Forest Pkwy. 203 Redcross St: 4023 Cherry Ave. 417 N. 41st st. Box 223 A. RFD 1 Castle Hayne 1820 Carolina Ave. 2524 Harrison St. 713 S. 3rd st. 303 Sunset Ave. Clyde M. White Dr. Chester E. Shimp Paul B. Willetts Henry McGeachy continued- ? ? 2f Minutes of the Meeting October 2, 1961 Continued PETIT JURORS - (continued) ? Jurors - continued R. H. Williams 416 S. 2nd St. William S. Chadwick 102 N. C. Ave.West H. A. Williams 311 N. 21st St. Thurman A. Williams 2221 Maple St. Louis Cotses 2018 Market St. Adolphus Eli Memory 3010 Monroe St. I W. F. Register 151 Lake Forest Pkwy.Narion H. Warlick 1901 Castle St. i M. R. Wadsworth 2511 Burnett Blv d. Bernard J. Warshauer 712 Essex Ave. ' G. C. Bordeaux 610 Dock St. James W. Wadsworth 130 Colonial Vil. Robert E. Taylor 419 S. 17th St. R. D. Pearsall 115 S. 15th St. ' Roscoe B. Mayhew Jr. 11 Southern Blvd . Hugo Van Nes Jr. 1803 Queen St. I Manly D. Williams Box 717 T. Chevis Faircloth Gen a oi D. Elmer Kelly 2718 Jackson St. Warren Cullen Baines C 11-0 r Yna Beach Lake Vil. ; Eugene C. King 2913 Louisiana James Burney Covington 3023 Louisanna St. ? Jurors for the week beqinninq November 27, 1961 - Civii term J. T. Moss E. L. Wood H. G. W1113s S. P. Sykes L. E. Long J. R. Drew R. Y. xelly James I. MeLts J. W. Burriss Fred T. Usery Grady L. Young F. W. Schley W. W. Cooper J. L. White R. J. White C. H. Adkins N. W. Allen James L. Wells Leslie Byrd George R. Johnson Kenton T. Cale Henry C. Wallace M. A. Saunders L. P. Mathews Sr. W. W. Wroten 10 C. Nesbitt Cts. W. M. McEachern 2108 Rhodes Ave. John N. Wilson 304 Wrightsville Av. Arthur Bradley 1017 S. 4th St. Thomas B. Hughes, Jr. 252 Peiffer Ave. W. R. Roycroft 184 Colonial Circle R. H. Williams 148 W. Renovah S. F. Alexander 15 B ernard Dr. Thomas O. Atkinson 1209 S. 4th St. Emmett S. Ackerman 2222 Hlein Rd. Henry Jay MacMillan 615 Kenwood Ave. Manley Johnson Box 66, Carol?na Ennis F. Johnson 2736 Harrison each John C. Williams 1407 Princess St. Jennings B. Joye 16 B arnard Dr. W. M. Eubanks Jr. 204 Sunset Ave. Ernest C. Lennon 2501 Chestnut St. Jessie M. Smeds 2906 Mayfair Dr. Ernest L. Johnson RFD 2, Box 364 John C. Williford 521 Sunset Ave. R. M. Williams 2805 Lyndon St. Harold V. Spurbeck 2714 Princess P1 Dr. Grady H. Windham Box 120 CarolMch Ediaard Herman King 2020 Metts Ave. George Burrell Byers 2510 Harrison St. Walter F. Robertshaw ADJOURNN'iENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, voted to adjourn their meeting. 2522 Guilford Ave. 2918 Monroe St. 124 Halbrooke Ave. 1$10 Church St. 1910 Perry Ave. 1811 Perry Ave. 19 N. 25th St. 3005 Louisiana Ave. 2715 Jackson St. 118 s. 4tn st. 2716 Adams St. 720 S. Front St. 2540 Burnett Blvd. ? 1}16 S. 19th St. RFD 1, Box 374 520 orange St. 139 Wintergreen Rd. 306 Castle St. 117 S. 39th st. 1801 Gr.ace St. sox 158 ' 117 MorningstdeeBTh 29 Morningside Dr. ? RFD 3, Box 353A 214 s. 58tn st. I seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously ? W. G.?Houck, Executive S cretary Wilmington, N. C. October 16,1961 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on this date in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 9:00 A. M. The following members were in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr „ Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and J. Van B. Metts, Jr., Co,untyu- Aud3tor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. . INVOCATION - .Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Cyrus Hutchinson, Pastor of Devon Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE NINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the meeting on OcLober 2nd were unanimously approved as written. INJURY CLAIM Attorney H. E. Rodgers informed the Board that Morris C. Rivenbark, whom he represented, was thrown from a county truck being driven by a county employee across the Airport at the time of the C-123 plane crash during the CAP Friendship Days celebration on September 24th. He c.laims that a county employee ordered him to get on the truck and accompany him to the scene of the crash and that on the way over, they ran across a ditch and he was thrown bodily from the truck. In some manner, his leg was injured re- quiring 17 stitches and he is now making a claim for loss of time due to the damage to his person. After discussing the matter, Mr. Metts offered a motion that it be turned over to the County Attorney for investigation and advice. . This motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. I ? G ,`