1961-10-16 Regular Meeting? 2f Minutes of the Meeting October 2, 1961 Continued PETIT JURORS - (continued) ? Jurors - continued R. H. Williams 416 S. 2nd St. William S. Chadwick 102 N. C. Ave.West H. A. Williams 311 N. 21st St. Thurman A. Williams 2221 Maple St. Louis Cotses 2018 Market St. Adolphus Eli Memory 3010 Monroe St. I W. F. Register 151 Lake Forest Pkwy.Narion H. Warlick 1901 Castle St. i M. R. Wadsworth 2511 Burnett Blv d. Bernard J. Warshauer 712 Essex Ave. ' G. C. Bordeaux 610 Dock St. James W. Wadsworth 130 Colonial Vil. Robert E. Taylor 419 S. 17th St. R. D. Pearsall 115 S. 15th St. ' Roscoe B. Mayhew Jr. 11 Southern Blvd . Hugo Van Nes Jr. 1803 Queen St. I Manly D. Williams Box 717 T. Chevis Faircloth Gen a oi D. Elmer Kelly 2718 Jackson St. Warren Cullen Baines C 11-0 r Yna Beach Lake Vil. ; Eugene C. King 2913 Louisiana James Burney Covington 3023 Louisanna St. ? Jurors for the week beqinninq November 27, 1961 - Civii term J. T. Moss E. L. Wood H. G. W1113s S. P. Sykes L. E. Long J. R. Drew R. Y. xelly James I. MeLts J. W. Burriss Fred T. Usery Grady L. Young F. W. Schley W. W. Cooper J. L. White R. J. White C. H. Adkins N. W. Allen James L. Wells Leslie Byrd George R. Johnson Kenton T. Cale Henry C. Wallace M. A. Saunders L. P. Mathews Sr. W. W. Wroten 10 C. Nesbitt Cts. W. M. McEachern 2108 Rhodes Ave. John N. Wilson 304 Wrightsville Av. Arthur Bradley 1017 S. 4th St. Thomas B. Hughes, Jr. 252 Peiffer Ave. W. R. Roycroft 184 Colonial Circle R. H. Williams 148 W. Renovah S. F. Alexander 15 B ernard Dr. Thomas O. Atkinson 1209 S. 4th St. Emmett S. Ackerman 2222 Hlein Rd. Henry Jay MacMillan 615 Kenwood Ave. Manley Johnson Box 66, Carol?na Ennis F. Johnson 2736 Harrison each John C. Williams 1407 Princess St. Jennings B. Joye 16 B arnard Dr. W. M. Eubanks Jr. 204 Sunset Ave. Ernest C. Lennon 2501 Chestnut St. Jessie M. Smeds 2906 Mayfair Dr. Ernest L. Johnson RFD 2, Box 364 John C. Williford 521 Sunset Ave. R. M. Williams 2805 Lyndon St. Harold V. Spurbeck 2714 Princess P1 Dr. Grady H. Windham Box 120 CarolMch Ediaard Herman King 2020 Metts Ave. George Burrell Byers 2510 Harrison St. Walter F. Robertshaw ADJOURNN'iENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, voted to adjourn their meeting. 2522 Guilford Ave. 2918 Monroe St. 124 Halbrooke Ave. 1$10 Church St. 1910 Perry Ave. 1811 Perry Ave. 19 N. 25th St. 3005 Louisiana Ave. 2715 Jackson St. 118 s. 4tn st. 2716 Adams St. 720 S. Front St. 2540 Burnett Blvd. ? 1}16 S. 19th St. RFD 1, Box 374 520 orange St. 139 Wintergreen Rd. 306 Castle St. 117 S. 39th st. 1801 Gr.ace St. sox 158 ' 117 MorningstdeeBTh 29 Morningside Dr. ? RFD 3, Box 353A 214 s. 58tn st. I seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously ? W. G.?Houck, Executive S cretary Wilmington, N. C. October 16,1961 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on this date in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 9:00 A. M. The following members were in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr „ Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and J. Van B. Metts, Jr., Co,untyu- Aud3tor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. . INVOCATION - .Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Cyrus Hutchinson, Pastor of Devon Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE NINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the meeting on OcLober 2nd were unanimously approved as written. INJURY CLAIM Attorney H. E. Rodgers informed the Board that Morris C. Rivenbark, whom he represented, was thrown from a county truck being driven by a county employee across the Airport at the time of the C-123 plane crash during the CAP Friendship Days celebration on September 24th. He c.laims that a county employee ordered him to get on the truck and accompany him to the scene of the crash and that on the way over, they ran across a ditch and he was thrown bodily from the truck. In some manner, his leg was injured re- quiring 17 stitches and he is now making a claim for loss of time due to the damage to his person. After discussing the matter, Mr. Metts offered a motion that it be turned over to the County Attorney for investigation and advice. . This motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. I ? G ,` Minutes of the Meeting October 16, 1961 Continued H I GHWAY US 17 - , Mr. P. M. Camak, Director of fhe Greater Wilmington Chamber of•Commerce ? called attention to an important proposal now.under consideration with reference to changing the Ocean Highway US #17 to US # 5• He reported that various organizations ' and groups from time to time have made spasmodic efforts to have this change made linking , several highways under a single number from Florida to Canada with the idea in mind to make it possible to advertise and promote one route and thus attract as much business as possible along a.single route. The completion of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel will no doubt funnel a heavier traffic load over US #17. He Tequested that the County Com- missioners go on record approving it in the form of a Resolution to Mr. Merrill Evans, Chairman of the State Highway Commission, with copies to Messrs. Wm. F. Babcock, Director, and Laach Faircloth, Commissioner. After discussing this problem, Mr. Braak offered a motion that this request be approved and that the County Attorney be authorized to draw a favorable Resolution as outlined above. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- mousiy approved by the Board. AWARD PRESENTATION - FLhe Chairman reminded the Board that at their last meeting they had authorized ? the preparation of citations to be presented to certain individuais who had displayed above normai courage in the rescue of in3ured persons from the C 123 plane crash of Sept- ember 24th at the CAP Friendship Days observance. He remark'ed that there were doubtless others who were ,just as brave but whose names were not known but in his opinion those who were known should be recognized as follows: Messrs. A. J. Grady, David R. Guyton, R. A. Jarrell, Lamar A. McClain, W. Victor Morgan, Charlie L. Nixon, A. B. Riggs, Jr., and John A. Westbrook as individuals and aiso the Castle Hayne, Winter Park and Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Departments and too, the Combined Tower Station at the Airport. Each of them was presented a citation as foliows signed by the entire Board of Commissioners: We hereby officially commend (name inserted here) for his daring action in the rescue of injured men from a burning aircraft, in the face of extreme danger to himself. Such a demonstration of courage reflects not only credit to him but is an inspiration to all citizens. In recognition of his outstanding bravery and devotion to duty, and public wel- fare, far beyond the normal demands, we are proud to present this citation as a public service award to (name inserted here). > . PORTS BOND PROPOSAL - ? Messrs. Berry A. Williams and Gilbert H. Burnett appeared before the Board in behalf of the general election to be held November 7th by the State, one item of which will be $13,000,000 for State Ports improvements. They felt as if our local people were aware of the value to our area of this expansion program, but thought the State as a whole might not be so convinced of its advantages in the central and western portions of the state. They suggested that the Board go on record approving the State Ports Bond Issue citing the fact that at present our ports generate about a million dollars a month revenue and a conservative estimate based on experience indicates that the profits de- rived from the increased loadings and unloadings will pay us nine-tenths of the interest and principa2 within a 20 year period and soon thereafter wili produce a surplus which in effect will be saving the taxpayers money. They presented a do-it-yourself kit in- cluding factual information on the operation of the ports and sample Resolution which they suggested the Board send to each of the other 99 Boards in the state with a letter asking them to pass similar favorable Resolutions in support of the Ports Bond Issue and be sure a press release is given of their action so that the public can be aware of their stand on this issue. After discussing the merits of the proposal, Mr. Metts offered a motion that a letter be addressed to the Chairman of the other. 99 Boards of Commissioners in the state including the kit suggested above. The motion was seconded N by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously adopted. INSURANCE ADUISORS - I The Chairman recognized Nm. Hardy Wessell,who represents the 1?ilmington ? Association of Independent Insurance Agents, Inc. and suggested that it might be wise if the Board appointed an advisor to consult on the technicai aspects pertaining to our in- stitutional insurance problems and needs. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offer- ed a motion that the Wilmington Association of Independent Insurance Agents, IncorporaL-- ed be appointed as consultants for the County insurance needs. It was seconded•by Mr. Broadhurst and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Metts abstained from voting; all of the Commissioners voted in the affirmative and the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. I COMMISSIONS DIVISION - , The discussion in the consideration of the above sub,ject developed a question in the minds of some of the Board as to the fair distribution of the Commissions which would be earned as premiums. Mr. Wessell explained that they had worked out a 40-60 arrangement for the earned commissions; 40% will be retained by the 4Jilmington Associa- tion of Independent Insurance Agents, Incorporated, and 60% will be distributed among the members of the Association.'R' After discussing the matter, Mr. Braak moved that the Board approve the'decision of the commissions as proposed above. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. 11,5. njPxq1 I", AP Covl.4 af tAe PALNiISTRY - descr??in. of The Chairman informed the Board that he had been approached by Mr. Zarko ? Marks of Dunn, North Carolina about waiving the residence requirements of one year be- fore engaging in the practice of palmistry or fortune telling in the County. He intro- duced Mr. Marks who stated that he had obtained an option on a plot of land•on the Castle ? Hayne Road. His wife is a professional palm reader. If the Board will waive the resid- ence requirements he is willing to purchase the property and immediately build a home on it and thus become a taxpaying citizen of this County. At present he is receiving his mail at General Delivery, Rocky Point, North Carolina. After discussing the matter, there was a divergent opinion among the Board members and by common consent, they agreed r to delay any definite acLion at this time and refer it to the County Attorney to determine the legality of the Waiver of Residence. -A r Mi7lutes of the MeetinaOctober 1L4_1961_ Conti.nued SALARY ADJUSTMENT Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, appeared before the Board with a request that they approve paying a double salaryfbr the Deputy Clerk assigned to the Recorders Court in view of the resignation of Mr. Y. H. Sponcler effective December lsth and the employment of W. L. W. Humphrey to replace him. He feels that a month to six weeks apprenticeship would be required in order for him to acquire sufficient working knowledge of the operation of the office in order to take over and assume the responsibility when Mr. Sponcler leaves on December lst. He proposed a starting salary equal to the salary being drawn by Nr. Sponcler which is $4821.00 annually. AFter dis- cussing this problem pro and con, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the new Deputy Clerk be paid on the basis of $3600.00 annually during the training period ending December 31, 1961 and that beginning with January lst, 1962, the salary be set at $4500.00 annually. The motion was seconded by W. Mayhan and unanimously adopted by the Board. ?SIDEWALK REPAIRS - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Mr. Harry J. Bowden, an engineer in the Street Maintenance Department of the City had advised him that the side- walks in front of the Consolidated Board of Health buLlding on North 4th Street were damaged and in fact he presented copies of claims madeYtwo different people 4rho had fallen and injured themselves as a result of the broken pavement. The necessary re- pairs can be made for $338.04. Mr. Bowden was present and reminded the Board that the new Peopies Savings 8 Loan Building being erected on the corner of Market and 4th Streets adjacent to the County property was widening the street to the curb and he felt that the Commissioners would prefer to have the same thing done for the sidewalk along the County property so that it would match and make a better appearance. The cost of this work would be $531.04. The City is willing to furnish the labor and would ask the County to pay only for the concrete used at the same price the City buys it. Mr. Braak offered a motion that this proposal be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and was unanimously adopted. fARMORY REPAIRS - The Executive Secretary presented a letter from the Director of Public Works of the City of Wiimington proposing that the ,jointiy owned Cape Fear National Guard Armory Building located at 814 Market Street needed some repairs and improvements which would cost an estimated $7,342.00 of which the Connty's share would be $3,671.00. T'here was some unanswered questions with reference to this proposal and the matter was de- ferred until Mr. Robert F. Coleman, Jr, could appear before the Board and answer them. (Mr. Coleman has agreed to appear at the meeting on November 6th.( TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - The Executive Secretary advised the Board that he had some prospective buyers for the following described jointly owned tax foreclosed property which has been appraisec by the County Assessors as indicated. Block No. Lot No. Description Appraised valuation 295 # 2 27' x 751, 98 ' frm SE Cor., Harnett 8 $240.00 Love Sts, frtg. on Love 326 Pt.2 8 3 30' x 751, 120 ' frm SE Cor. Nixon 8 McRee Alley frtg, on McRee 250.00 337 # 5 30' x 7$1 30 ' frm NW Cor. 7th 8 Nixon Sts. 350.00 frtg. on 7th Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Metts, the Board unanimously approved the sale of this property at the appraised value, subject to the concurring approval of the City Council with the exception of Lot # 2 in Biock 295 which is ad,jacent to property owned by the Board of Education. It was the opinion of the Board that this property should be reserved for use of the schools. 'BEER LICENSES - ~ The following applications for.Beer Permits were reviewed by the Board members: ' George M. Furr T/A Plantation Club 8 Restaurant Hwy. # 17 North Liston C. Gore T/A Yucca Restaurant RFD 1, Box 311 A Upon motion of Nr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, these applications were approved ' unanimously and referred to the Sheriff for his consideration and ittvestigation. ? tJAMES S. CRAIG The Boardts attention was called to the tragic death of Mr. James S. Craig as a result of injuries received in the accident in which the C-123 plane crashed in an event during the CAP Friendship Day'?s.. Cc?e.lseb?raa.?tLion. -rf- -t -i?r-- .. tE??4Ji?tp"?ays* CEr¢"??uCf61't': 'Among; many ,- of the contributions which he has made to the betterment of New Hanover County, the -' outstanding one was his originating the idea of bringing the USS Battleship North Caro- lina to the State as a War Memorial. It was the consensus of the Board that it would be fitting to draw a Resolution expressing their heartfelt sympathy to his family and ?I spread it upon the minutes of the Board. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Lhe County Attorney be authorized and instructed to draw such a Resolution in the name of the County• Commissioners. It.was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. IGRAND JURY REPORT - The Chairman read the Grand Jury report for the October criminal term. There were no criticisms or suggestions that needed attention, therefore it was ordered filed ; or reference. EXTRA TERM - The Executive Secretary reported that he had received a reply from the office of the Chief Justice stating that a special civil term of court will be called for the week of November 13, 1961. The Chairman informed the Board that the local Court Reporter would be occupied in Burgaw that week and it would be necessary for us to obtain one for continued - , ? ? e, Minutes of__Meeting October}6_ 1961 Continued _ ? EXT12A TERM - (continued) this extra term. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secre i ? tary to write the Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice and ask him to assign a , Court Reporter for this week. BRIDGE LIGHTS - / The Chairman read a letter from Acting City Manager of the City of Wilmington in which he outlined his presentation of'the Commissioners' decision to participate in ' the cost of lighting the Northeast Cape Fear River Bridge on a 50-50 basls. The City ' Council reported that they were willing to ahide by the original agreement made between ' the County, the City, and the State Highway Commission. To this end, they have estab- lished the City limits line and obtain an estimate from the Carolina Power and Light Co. of $92.50 a month as the approximate cost of lighting the bridge. They have set the City's portion of this cost at $30.90 and the County's'portion $61.60.per month. After discussing the matter briefly, the Board, by common consent, agreed on a willingness to ? share the cost on a 50-50 basis but did not care to reinstate the service on any other basis. The Executive Secretary was authorized to inform the City on this decision. COLLEGE DEDICATION The Chairman informed the Board that the Trustees of Wilmington College liad ? set Sunday, November 19th, 1961 at 2:00 P. M. o'clock as the time for dedicating the new buildings at Wilmington College. He urged all members of the Board to be present at this ceremony as it is made possible as a result of the generosity and interest to a great extent of the people of New Hanover County. p BATTLESHIP FERRY - / The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Frederick Wi1leLts, Sr. in which he ex- pressed a desire to operate a ferry from Wilmington to_the Battleship USS North Carolina. He was seeking information and permission from the Commissioners to use the slip either by franchise, rent or otherwise. After deliberating on this matter, the Board, by com- mon consent, referred it to the County Attorney for investigation and recommendation to be reported at the next regular semimonthly meeting. NEIGHBORHOOD 'fOGETHERNESS - / Mr. Braak reported that he felt like there had been a favorable meeting of the minds at the last meeting for inviting our neighboring Commissioners and County Attorneys as guests for an informal get together and dinner meeting on November 20, 1961 but that no definite plans or instructions were given about the arrangements. By com- mon consent, the Board reiterated their stand approving this meeting and authorized Mr. Braak and the Executive Secretary to proceed with whatever plans they deemed exped- ient and to write letters to the members of the Boards of Commissioners of the adjacent counties and the County Attorneys and invite them. ' REPORTS The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: 1- Home Economics Agent's Report for September 1961 ? 2- County Agents Extension Report for 3- USO Club Report for September, 1961 . ./ 4- Wilmington Colored Library September 1961 n n ? 5- llilmington Public Library ? i 6- Letter from Winter Park Volunteer Fire Dept. / , ADJOURNNiENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn their meeting. ?SC // -/?/// - •• ? W. ?G', nvu ck, Executive Secre ary SPECIAL MEETING Commissioners Room County Court House, Wilminaton, N. C. October 23+1961 8:00 A.M. A55EMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on this date in the Commissioners Room of the Court House at 8:00 A. M. with the following mem- bers present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broad- I hurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. . ?. INVOCATION - Commissioner Peter H. Braak presided in the temporary absence of Chairman Hall and Vice Chairman Metts. He called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secre- tary W. G. Houck to give a prayer of invocation. PIIRPOSE - The Chairman arrived and assumed directorship of the meeting. He stated that the purpose of the called meeting was to draw a jury for the special extra term of civil court to be heid the week of Vbvember 13, 1961. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were then drawn to serve as jurors for ? the week beginning November 13, 1961 in Superior Court for the extra civil term. continued- J