1961-10-23 Special Meetinge, Minutes of__Meeting October}6_ 1961 Continued _ ? EXT12A TERM - (continued) this extra term. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secre i ? tary to write the Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice and ask him to assign a , Court Reporter for this week. BRIDGE LIGHTS - / The Chairman read a letter from Acting City Manager of the City of Wilmington in which he outlined his presentation of'the Commissioners' decision to participate in ' the cost of lighting the Northeast Cape Fear River Bridge on a 50-50 basls. The City ' Council reported that they were willing to ahide by the original agreement made between ' the County, the City, and the State Highway Commission. To this end, they have estab- lished the City limits line and obtain an estimate from the Carolina Power and Light Co. of $92.50 a month as the approximate cost of lighting the bridge. They have set the City's portion of this cost at $30.90 and the County's'portion $61.60.per month. After discussing the matter briefly, the Board, by common consent, agreed on a willingness to ? share the cost on a 50-50 basis but did not care to reinstate the service on any other basis. The Executive Secretary was authorized to inform the City on this decision. COLLEGE DEDICATION The Chairman informed the Board that the Trustees of Wilmington College liad ? set Sunday, November 19th, 1961 at 2:00 P. M. o'clock as the time for dedicating the new buildings at Wilmington College. He urged all members of the Board to be present at this ceremony as it is made possible as a result of the generosity and interest to a great extent of the people of New Hanover County. p BATTLESHIP FERRY - / The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Frederick Wi1leLts, Sr. in which he ex- pressed a desire to operate a ferry from Wilmington to_the Battleship USS North Carolina. He was seeking information and permission from the Commissioners to use the slip either by franchise, rent or otherwise. After deliberating on this matter, the Board, by com- mon consent, referred it to the County Attorney for investigation and recommendation to be reported at the next regular semimonthly meeting. NEIGHBORHOOD 'fOGETHERNESS - / Mr. Braak reported that he felt like there had been a favorable meeting of the minds at the last meeting for inviting our neighboring Commissioners and County Attorneys as guests for an informal get together and dinner meeting on November 20, 1961 but that no definite plans or instructions were given about the arrangements. By com- mon consent, the Board reiterated their stand approving this meeting and authorized Mr. Braak and the Executive Secretary to proceed with whatever plans they deemed exped- ient and to write letters to the members of the Boards of Commissioners of the adjacent counties and the County Attorneys and invite them. ' REPORTS The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: 1- Home Economics Agent's Report for September 1961 ? 2- County Agents Extension Report for 3- USO Club Report for September, 1961 . ./ 4- Wilmington Colored Library September 1961 n n ? 5- llilmington Public Library ? i 6- Letter from Winter Park Volunteer Fire Dept. / , ADJOURNNiENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn their meeting. ?SC // -/?/// - •• ? W. ?G', nvu ck, Executive Secre ary SPECIAL MEETING Commissioners Room County Court House, Wilminaton, N. C. October 23+1961 8:00 A.M. A55EMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on this date in the Commissioners Room of the Court House at 8:00 A. M. with the following mem- bers present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broad- I hurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. . ?. INVOCATION - Commissioner Peter H. Braak presided in the temporary absence of Chairman Hall and Vice Chairman Metts. He called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secre- tary W. G. Houck to give a prayer of invocation. PIIRPOSE - The Chairman arrived and assumed directorship of the meeting. He stated that the purpose of the called meeting was to draw a jury for the special extra term of civil court to be heid the week of Vbvember 13, 1961. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were then drawn to serve as jurors for ? the week beginning November 13, 1961 in Superior Court for the extra civil term. continued- J ,• ???? Minutes of the Special Meeting October 23, 1961 Continued Jurors for week beqinninq November 13. 1961 - Special Civil Term J. O. King 208 Church St. J. E. Hall RFD 3, Box 215 A. L. L. Joye 2401 Wrightsville Av. A. F. Todd 2320 Princess P1. A. C. Wells RFD 1, Box 411 A W. H. Andrews 2805 Market St. A. H. Ketchum 2519 Van Buren St. C. L. Efird Efirds Dept. Store c. c. xin9 503 S. 17tn st. S. W. Rowan 215 Lake Forest Pkwy. H. W. Miller 610 N. 23rd St. R. C. Andrews 1921 Chestnut St. M. C. Taylor 2 A Lake Village H. Z. Simpson 5026 Wrightsv. Av. P. H. Adcock 2808 Chest St. John D. Hinson 9 Gen. Del. Kut; e Beach, N. C. Ralph Stanley 220CS Brandon Rd. Harry B. Register 105 Keaton Ave. Harry L. Smith 2422 ,lefferson Willi am R. Martin 2203 Camellia Dr. Rober t J. Salmon Jr .16 Lee Dr. W. E. Strickland 310 Pine Calley Dr. J. Tr oy Johnson 2906 Market St. Glenn T. Tyson 1506 Moore Plaza Charl es H. Burnett RFD 2, City INEIGHBORHOOD TOGETHERNESS Earl"Brock RFD 2, Box 60 George T. Averette 2228 Mimosa Place William H. Salling 55 Lake Forest Pkwy. I Joseph A. Sellers 2725 Burnett Blvd. ? L. R. Armstrong 102 Borden Ave. Earl F. McCartney 312 N. C. Ave. I Robert J. Andrews 1130 S. Live Oak Pkwy. Haywood S. Franks 2107 Washington St. Vernon Hayes 21 Lake Forest Pkwy. Herbert J. Goodrum 242 Huntington Rd. Henrdrick Swart P. 0. Box 638 Harry Eleas Abrams 4111 Peachtree Ave. 4Jilmar D. Edens 502 Park Terrace Sidney R. Hawkins 4104 Market St. C. A. Jurgensen, Jr. 504 s. 18th St. Jesse Rivenbark 602 S. 2nd St. William H. Farrow I RFD 2, Box 82 Curtis W. Lee 19 M. Lake Village Joseph M. Br3te 217 Pkwy? Blvd. , Raymond M. Johnson,Jr. 365 5. 19th St. Archie Malpass RFD 1 Box 218 C L e Hayne, N. . C s Carl E. Sonderman 1309 Azalea Dr. John Alvy Hufham 912 Nlarket St. Robert M. Piver Jr. 206 Kenwood Ave. T. G. Johnson 130 Wayne Dr. Mr. Braak reminded t}ie Board that although they had approved the invitation for an informa2 dinner to the Commissioners of adjoining counties and County Attorneys, no definite instructions were given about the arrangements. By common consent, the Board unanimously authorized Mr. Braak and the Executive Secretary to arrange such a din- ner and issue the invitations for the night of November 20th at 7:00 P. M. (Arrange- ments have been made for an oyster roast to be held at Uncle Henry Kirkum's on that date.) /PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - An application for care at the County Home was presented by the Director of Public Welfare, for Joe Pinkey Harrelson on account of spastic Parkinson's Disease and Hypertension. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved this petition. ? ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn. W. ?. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. November 3,1961 The following orders were issued and ,juries drawn accordingly as follows: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ORDER FOR SPECIAL VENIRE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA vs No. 5376 HENRY HOOPER The above case coming on for hearing at the October, 1961 Criminal Term of Superior Court of New Hanover County, and it appearing to the Court that the Defend- ant is indicted for a Capital Crime of Rape, and the Solicitor for the State having announced that said Defendant will be placed on trial for his life; and It appearing to the Court, and the Court finding as a fact, that it will be necessary to insure the rights of said Defendant, to summons a panel of ,jurors by special venire, 'in addition'to those already.summonded?as-regular_" ,jurors: ''- IT IS NOW ORDERED that the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County be and appear in the Superior Court Room of New Hanover County and have with him Jury Box No. 1, at 2:30 . o'clock P. M. on the 3rd day of November 1961, and that he, with the Clerk of this Court, shall then and there proceed to have drawn from said Box No. 1, containing the scrolls of Jurors, by a child under the age of ten years, seventv-five scrolls of Jurors, the same to constitute a special venire from which to select Jurors for the trial of this cause, and that a list of such Jurors so drawn shall be prepared and delivered to the Sheriff of New Hanover County for immediate service; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said Sheriff of New Hanover County shall forthwith ! summons, or cause to be summonsed, the persons whose names appear upon the said list, ? to be and appear at the Court Room of Superior Court Court of New Hanover County, at Wilmington, North Carolina, at 10:00 A. M. Nov. 6th, 1961 to act as Jurors in the trial of said cause if chosen, sworn and empaneled, returning to the Clerk of this Court said list. i /5/ Rudolph Mintz, Judge Presidingl ?