1961-11-06 Regular MeetingC Special Venire - November 3,1961 Jurors for Special Venire (Continued) November 8, 1961 John F. Dixon Geo. Green Lynch, Jr Lambert T. Voet P. E. Bannerman E. W. Bame Percy E. Hailey Gilliam K. Horton Annie Nixon Johnson D. S. 5llvia Daisy L. Simmons Henry H. 5aunders Lawrence F. Duvall Allen Yopp Louis H. Hill Wm. H. Padrick Clarence B. Holden, Jr. Frank W. Platt W. C. Rivenbark, ,Ir. Ralph D. Davis, ,)r. Bob G. Olsen Olya B. Jones Harry L. Smith, Jr. R. S. Cox Nary M. Brown Charlie E. Cavanough Lillie G. Ard Patricia June Creech Herbert Noskowitz Davis H. Howes C. M. Randolph Fred Murray W. J. Lewis James Odum Alvin Parker Robert Durant Ida Lee Meadows John A. Freeman Edward R. Dalton 242 Lake Forest Pky. 418 Forest Hilis Dr. 2865 Jefferson St. P.O. Box 101 Carolina Box 767 Carolinaageach 601 Northern Blvd. 619 Forest Hills Dr. 719 S. lOth St. 2731 Park Ave. 616 5. 5th St. Box 120, Carolina Beach 124 Forest Hills RFD 1, Box 89 108 Borden Ave. 3627 Stratford Blvd. 3022 Adams St. 9 Bedford Forest Dr. RFD 1, B8asf.?e Hayne 410 North Carolina Ave. 601 Rosemont Ave. 517 S. 7th St. 505 Orchard Ave. 3 A Lake Village 505 Northern Blvd. 1116 S. Kerr Ave. 809 Hi11 St. 129 Lake Forest Pkwy. 615 N. !}th St. Box 701, City % A 8 P, Carolina Beach RFD 1, Box 95 AA 2014 Metts Ave. RFD 2, Box 334 13 M. Lake Village 917 Cieveland Ave. 114 Hawthorne Dr. 1008 S. ilth St. 4924 Pine St. Ted Holden 113 Meares St. Roy V. Buie P. O. g x 21tS C l? B h aro na eac Allen D. Croom 29 Lake Forest Pkwy. C. R. Lightfritz 2519 Burnett Blvd. Johnnie Thomas Bibbs 314 North 7th St. Mrs. L. H. Nance 1001 W. sth St. Syron 'vJilliamson 110 Burmuda Dr. Jos. Genza Nemeth Box 327, CarBlIpR Lavina E. Sneed 716 S. 15th Wm. Houston Burgess 1511 Castle St. Sarah W. Keels % Foster Hill W. E. Eagle 150 Pinecrest Pkwy, Neil Washington Dinkins RFD 2, Box 373 Otto Schmidt 1940 Church St. R. S. Smith 103 Luilwater Dr. Elijah Moseley 613 Wooster Marie Croom 2522 Washington St. Herbert H. Council 7 Jackson Dr. Wilbert Creech 1803 Queen St. James N.Crute 19 N. 7th St.- John Craven 713South Street. ,lames G. Cooper 17 A. Nesbitt Cts. G. R. Howard 107 S. 17th St. H. G. Hubbard P. 0. Box 5,81 Ernest David Horne 4623 Long Leaf Hills Robert G, Hodgkin, Sr. 2946 Park Ave. Morris V. Hufman 1706 Orange St. Bobby Iceman Bridger 10 E. Char2otte St. Janie R. Sloan 21 S. 9th St. Mrs. May N. Holton 1305 Grace St. E. C. Hudson 230 Forest Hi11s Dr. Linwood E. Potts = 202 Pinecrest Pkwy. Walter Cooper 49 Pinecrest Pkwy, Woodrow Jackson 609 Clay St. Leroy Branch 3101 Adams St. John Quincy RussS?l, 4314 Park Ave. Mrs. Jessie E. Newbold 1 Church St. 0. Randolph Clewis 120 Holbrook Ave. Wilmington, N. C. November 6, 1961 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on this date in the Commissioners Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. M. The following members were in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and J. Van B. Metts, Jr. County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney'.L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. D. Barkley, Pastor of the Assembly of God Church, to open the meeting wibh a prayer for guidance, APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the minutes of regular meeting on October 16th and of the special meeting on October 23rd were unanimously approved as written. (ARMORY REPAIRS - Pursuant to the request at the last regular meeting, Mr. R. L. Coleman, City Engineer appeared to explain in detail the repairs proposed to be made at the National Guard Armory huilding at 814 Market Street, owned equally by the City and County. He explained that while some of these repairs are part of the damage caused by the fire on August 3rd, the major portion are for maintenance of the building and would have been advisable even if no fire had occurred. The matter was originally presented to the joint Boards at their special meeting on July 13th. No determination was made at that time but the matter wa5 left to be decided at another joint meeting which never developed, therefore no decision was ever made on the appropriation. After discvssing the matter, the Commissioners were convinced of the need for the repairs to preserve the building and Mr. Braak offered a motion that the proposed repairs amounting to a total of $7,342.0( be made and that $3,671.00 which is the County's share of the cost be appropriated out of the General Emergency Fund for this purpose and that anyone employed to do the work be required to pay any back taxes which they might owe the County. The motion was seconded by Mr. lilayhan and unanimously carried. FUTURE POLICY - During the discussion of the above item, Mr. Sroadhurst reminded the Board that on some occasions the County had paid out money for services to people who are listed on the Insolvent Tax List and are in arrears on their taxes. After a general discussion by the entire Board they unanimously agreed that any advertising for bids, for materials or services; by the County, the public notice should include a phrase to be supplied by the County Attorney stating that before any funds would be paid to a successful bidder who owed County taxes, he must agree to pay.the taxes at the time or continued- I ?V? , 4 ?.I SI .? Minutes of the Meetinq November 6,-1361 tl FUTURE POLICY - (continued) have it deducted from the bid contract amount. In order to establish this ? policy for the future, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that all future public notices for ; bids to perform services for this County include a phrase notifying the successful bidder that if he owed the County any taxes, he must agree to pay it before the bid is accepted or have it deducted from his payment. This motion was seconded by Mr. Metts and unani- mously adopted. COMIINUN I TY HOSP I TqL - Mr. W. M. Cameron, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital,? appeared before the Board and requested permission to transfer funds within the Community Hospital Budget. He explained that for some time the drug department of the hospital had felt the.need of a pharmacist. They have an opportunity to get a pharmacist for $5,000 per year and the Board feels that he would be able to save the institution more than his salary in organizing the department and dispensing the drugs properly. He also stated that two graduate nurses who have since passed their examination and become registered nurses are now entitled to $3120.00 per year. They are of the opinion :that by transfer- ing funds within the Budget, they will be able to meet these needs without any further appropriation. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the transfers be approved within the Bud- get and that the pharmacist be employed. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously ' adopted. ELECTIONS - ? Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover Board of Elections explained that although the State would reimburse the County for the major portion of the cost of the election to be held tomorrow, it would be necessary for the County to pay the election officials at the time of the canvass to be held Thursday, November 9th. He estimates the total cost at not more than $15,000 of which the County would be responsible for approx- imately $2,000, the City $1540 and the State $11,500. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the cost of the election be paid with the understanding that the State would reimburse the Coun.ty for its proportionate share of the cost. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and un- animously approved. ROAD PETITION - , A road petition was received from a group of citizens living in the College Park Subdivision on Randall Drive requesting that it be added to the State maintained Secondary Road System and improved so that it would be passable for schooi buses, mail routes and the trades people who deliver in that area, Mr. E. T. Rhue presented the petition and stated that the sand was so deep and loose on the street that it was virtual- ly impassable for the people who lived in the area. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the petition be approved and that a recommendation be sent to the State Highway Commiss- ion for including it in the Secondary Road System for maint,enance. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. , BEER LICENSES - The following applications for Beer Permits wer.e reviewed by the Board and upon ? motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously referred to the Sheriff for investigation and consideration: Henry L. Beaty T/A Beaty Tavern 1310 S. 5th St. George Edwards T/A George Edwards 66 Serv. Station 4800 Oleander Drive F. W. Schley T/A Kure Beach 66 Station Kure Beach, N.C. FORECLOSED PROPERTY - ? The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Lonnie 8 Lillie McIver who had purchased one of the lots approved at the last meeting had decided they wanted a different one, described as being in Block 338 and a parL of WM lot #1, which is 30' x 75' on the corner of Taylor 8 McRee Alley. It has been appraised by the Assessors at $250.00. The City Covncil approved the sale, subject to the concurring approval of the Commissioners. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the sale of this lot be approved as proposed. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. FIREWORKS - The Executive Secretary reported that he had had a request from Mrs. T. D. Love, ? Secretary to the Merchants Association, for permission to display fireworks on the old ferry slip across the river. It is being planned as the opening event for the Christmas season. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the request be approved provided the display was made under experienced supervision and with no responsibility to the County. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. MILITARY AFFAIRS - The Chairman informed the Board that he had been consulted by the Chamber of ? Commerce for an appropriation to cover the annual Nilitary Affairs event. Mr. Metts ex- plained that it was to be on the basis of the cost of $15.00 per cnuple which.would ;,• pa;y the t, x:pen'ses.'for::..themselv.es' and.an.extcra gu¢'s't frotti £h'e tn'ilitia?r.y: Mr. Braak offered a motion that an allocation of $105.00 be made for this event which . will be held on December lst and that the County Attorney and the Executive Secretary be included with the Board members. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimousiy approved. US#17 to US#5 - ?- - Pursuant to instructions at the last regular meeting authorizing the County Attorney to draw a Resolution approving the proposal to change the number of US#17 to , US#5 for the purpose of making several highways under a single number from Florida to Canada. The following Resolution was presented and approved. WHERFAS, the Board in the best interest be improved and made of Commissioners of the citizens more attractive of New Hanover County recogni2es that it is of said county that U. H. Highway No. 17 to motorists whenever possible and; continued - 11 ?i -A r 0.-?4 -Minutes oS tYxe-Me?LinaNovember 6 US #17 to US#5 - (continued) 19.611-Coat.inue.d WHEREAS, this Board has been advised that it is proposed to change the number of said highway from U$#17 to U5#5 for the purpose of making several highways under a single number from Florida to Canada, and; WHEREAS, this Board is desirous of expressing its approval of this pro,ject. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County approves and endorses the changing of the number of U.S. Highway #5 and directs that copies of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Merrill Evans, Chair- man of the State Highway Commission, to Mr. William F. Babcock and to Mr. Lauch Faircloth and that a co.py of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. Done at Wilmington, North Carolina, this the 16th day of October, 1961 I JAMES S. CRAIG - I Complying with the request of the Board at their last regular meeting, the , County Attorney presented the following Resolution in memory of James S. Craig which ' is to be spread on the records of the County and a copy sent to the family of Mr. Craig. ? WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County learned with sincere regret of the untimely death of Mr. James S. Craig as a result of injuries re- li ceived in a tragic airplane crash, and WHEREAS, this board desires to publicly express its great appreciation for the ' splendid record of effort and achievement made by Mr. Craig in matters of in- j terest to the citizens of New Hanover County,and; I WHEREAS, this hoard wishes to express to the family of Mr. Craig its deep sense of loss and its heart?felt sympathy to the members of his family. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: , (1) That this Board commends to the citizens of New Hanover County the fine example of public service exemplified in the life and activities of James S. , Craig. (2) That copies of this resolution be sent to the family of Mr. Craig. (3) That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. , p Done at Wilmington, N. C. this the 16th day of October 1961 ? / WELFARE PETITION - An application was received from the Director of the Public Welfare Depart- ment asking that Marie Selders Ward be admitted to the County Home. She is blind and her physical condition has grown steadily worse over the years until she is not able to take care of herself and there are no close relatives to care for her. They recom- mendmend that she be admitted to the County Home for care. Mr. Braak offered a motion that this request be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and.unanimously adopted. ISIDEWALK REPAIRS - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that he had called them last week for instructions on replacing the rock curbing along the sidewalk which they had approved at the last meeting. It was recommended by the City Engineers to match that being constructed alongside of the new Peoples' Saving 8 Loan Building on 4th Street. The additional cost was to be on the basis of 751? per foot. Since three of the Commiss•i ioners had approved this change he had authorized the City to proceed on that basis and recommends that it be approved for the record "nunc pro tunc". Upon motion of Mr. I Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board, by majority vote, approved the charge as ' recommended. Messrs. Broadhurst and Metts voted "NO"; Messrs. Braak and P9ayhan voted II "YES" and the Chairman agreed and declared the motion carried. ' ? PARKS AND CEMETERIES - The Executive Secretary reported that he had observed many of the lights, being burned out at Hugh MacRae Park and suggested that they should have a,r.eplacement for the late Mr. Rhoda Farrow. After discussing the advisability of appointing the present Assistant Custodian of the Court House, James S. Roberts, to take over these responsibilities and advertising for a new man to replace him and the feasibility of employing a new man for the Parks and Cemetery work. It was decided to give Mr. Roberts the job beginning November 15th, 1961 at a salary of $3600 per year. Mr. Broad- hurst offered a motion that this action be approved and that the Executive Secretary be authorized to advertise for a man to repiace him. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan I and unanimously approved. `HEALTH DIRECTOR - I? The Chairman read a letter which he had received from the Brunswick County ' Board of Health calling attention to the increase in their needs for a full time Health Director and advising that because of this demand for more service in their ; Health Director and announced that the services of Dr. C. B. Davis be terminated as of December 1, 1961. The Chairman announced that the Consolidated Board of Health had concurred in this action and his report is for the information of the Board and the record. IGRAND JURY REPORT - The Chairman read the October Criminal Term, Grand Jury Report which had been made to his Honor, Judge Rudolph I. Mintz, Judge Presiding. The only criti- cism was poor housekeeping noted in the women's ward which has been corrected, ACHIEVEMENT RECOGNITION - At this point in the meeting, the Chairman announced that he had just re- continued - ` d Minutes of the Neetinq November 6, 1961 .(continued ACHIEVEMENT RECOGNITION - (continued) ceived informatlon that approval had been given to the construction of a $1,500,000 hotel-motel at ldrightsville Beach which would provide more than 125 rooms and dining accomodations and auditorium space for 400 people. Mr. Metts said he thought the Board should recognize the hard work and effort which had been put into this pro,ject by the Chamber of Commerce and the Aldermen of Wrightsville Beach and offered a motion that a letter of commendation for their efforts and achievements be written to them. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carr3ed by the Board. COMPLIMENTARY CITATION - • A memorandum was received from Staff Sgt. Floyd J. Williamson of the USNC, M. P. Detachment commending Chief Deputy Sheriff R. A. Jarrell for his heroic efforts in the rescue of caaualties from the burning wreckage of the C-123 aircraft at Blue- thenthal Field on September 24th at the CAP Friendship Days Celebration. By the_same token a letter was received from Sheriff M. W. Millis praising the members of the local Military Police Unit for their disregard for their own safety and the efficient handling of the crowd who would have hindered the rescue operation at the aircraft. The fo2lowing is a list of the personnel who were on duty at the time. Floyd J. Williamson . SSgt., NCOIC Pedro A. Colon HM2 E 5 Robert E. Lawhorn Sgt. E 5 Huel W. Payne Cpl. E 4 Harrison Burns Sgt. E 5 John F. T. Wilson Cpl. E .l} Richard G. Miller Sgt. E !} Joseph A. Merola Cpl. E !1 Jesse R. Tessner Sgt. E 4 Willie M. Lathery Cpl. E C} James E. Travers Cpl. E 4 James R. Peterson LCpl. E 3 Mr. Metts then offered a motion that a letter be written to the Provost Marshal at Camp LeJeune advising him of the recognition which has been given to the local detachment on duty at that time. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. A similar citation was arrarded to Captain John C. Armstron, USAF, who was pilot of the helicopter which hovered over the wrecked C-123 and deflected the heat and flames with the airrrash of his propellors which allowed rescue operations to proceed. It was signed by each of the Commissioners. We hereby officially commend Captain John C. Armstrong, U. S. Air Force, for his daring action in the rescue of injured men from a burning aircraft, in \ the face of extreme danger to himself. Such a demonstration of courage reflects \ not only credit to him but is an inspiration to ail citizens. While Captain Armstrong would be the last one to feel that he had done an outstanding job since it came in the line of duty, we feel that recognition should be given him for hovering his helicopter over the wrecked C-123, which was on fire and expected momentarily to explode, in order to deflect the heat so that rescue service could be performed. Therefore in recognition of his outstanding bravery and devotion to duty, and public welfare, far beyond the normal demands, we are proud to present this citation as a public service award to Captain John C. Armstrong. STATE BOND ISSUE - ? Letters were received from soine of the County Boards of Commissioners in answer to the request for endorsement of the State Port Bond Issue in which they called our attention to other items which they felt were important in the proposed Bond referendum. The Chairman expressed his feeling that it would be well for our Board to go on record as favoring other items in addition to the State Port Bond issue as Piedmont and Western North Carolinians might be as interested in us supporting items which would benefit Lheir particular sections of the State equally as much as the Port Bond wou2d eastern North Carolina. After discussing the total Bond issue, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that this Board go on record as favoring the entire State Bond issue program and that a copy of this action be sent Governor Sanford. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and adopted by a majority vote. Mr. Mayhan voted "No" but since other members of the Board were favorable, the Chairman deciared the motion carried. SPACE ALLOCATION - / The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that they had authorized him to re- furbish the two rooms vacated by the Superintendent and administrative offices of the School Board but that no actual decision had ever been made officially as to what to do with them although he generally understood they would be assigned to the Clerk of Record- er's Court. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that both the rooms, if needed, be allocated for use by the Recorder's Court Clerk. It was seconded by Mr. nletts and during the dis- cussion which followed, some members of the Board did not feel that the space of both rooms would be needed. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Braak voted "NO", but since the other members voted "YES", the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. WELFARE DEPARTMENT - I Pursuant to authorization on October 2nd, the Chairman reported that he had investigated the possibility of purchasing additional properties as administrative offices for the Welfare Department but had not found anything that he considered feas- ible without a cost of $15,000 to $20,000 for remodeling or revamping the space and buildings. He has concluded that the suggestion for remodeling the downstaris of the Court House is possibly the most feasible idea but that he was unable to employ an archi- tect to explore the possibilities for the $200.00 which was authorized in the motion on Octo ber 2nd. After discussing the problem, the Board unanimously agreed, by common con- sent, to write a letter to Dr. Ellen Winston, Commissioner of the State Board of Pub- lic Welfare with a copy to R. Eugene Brown, the Director, advising them that considera- tion was being given to refurbishing the present.quarters occupied by the Public Welfare Department and asking them to make an appraisal of their opinion, as well as comment on any ideas which they might have. r 36 Minutes of the Meeting November 6, 1961 PETIT JUftY - Superior Court December llth. Continued The following good and lawful citizens were drawn to serve as Jurors in in the Criminal Terms of courL for the weeks beginning December 4th and / Jurors for the week beGinninq December 4, 1961 George_West 2301 Shirley Rd. R. L. Cowan, Jr. 4619 Mockingbird Lane C. E. 6r'hite 115 Forest Hills Dr. Percy Tartt, Sr. 215 Bagley Ave. C. H. Vowell Jr. 107 Morninoside Dr. S. E. Cooper 115 Wintergreen Rd. J. W. Harvell RFD 1, Box 73 Walter L. Burnett Jr. RFD 2, Box 242 D. W. Horton Sr S . 7th St. E. B. Murrell 311 Francis Marion Dr. J. W. Williams 615 Colonial Dr. R. H. Holden 2621 Chestnut St. Miles Pierce 235 Dixie Ave. W. Howard Ulsh 2012 Klein Rd. Adrian A. Roberts 6353 Oleander James T. Lane, Jr. 401 S. 17th St. Danny F. Powell 421 Mercer Ave. G. E. Wishart 2208 Plaza Dr. A. T. Dombroski Cast le Hayne, N. C. Claude C. Bledson Jr. RFD 3, Box 206 B. M. J. Broughton 4632 Long Leaf Hills Dr P. L. 1Jilliams 29 I vey Circle R. J. Grossnickle RFD 1, Castle Hayne,N.C David D. Dail 209 S. bth St. Robert S. Young 2810 Chestnut St. - Criminal Harry A. Bonser, Jr. .lesse A. Small Charles T. Horton Edward E. Smith O. F. Worthington Norwood McKoy Willie A. Owens Roger M. Inman Wm. G. Broadfoot Jr. Theodore Bullard uJalter L. King, Sr. Luther Williams Sherrill N. Casteen Winston G. Smith Sterling Collins Marvin L. Troutman Justin H. Kornegay Robert C. Wyckoff 4di 11 iam B. King Harry W. Stovall Sr. William A. Llilkerson Linwood E. Willams James Paui Campbell Raymond Lewis Cooper Jimmie Edward Jernigan 17 Lake Forest Pkwy1 18 Cape Fear Blvd. I 11 Barnard Dr. 'I 2810 Washington St,j 1601 Castle St. 252k Jefferson St. 803 s. 15tn st. 122 Green Forest Dr? Box 908, city j 5022 Wrightsville Box 8, Kure BAH' 310 Martin St. 8 Box fi Kure Beach RFD 3, Box 496 4901 Park Ave. 219 s. 17th St. 710 N. Kerr Ave. 113 Colonial Cir. 603 Greenland Dr. 2920 Hydrangea P1. 215 4Jright St. 315 Clover Rd. 115 S. 3rd St. RFD i Box 299 1515z Nun St. Jurors for the week beqinninq December 11, 1961 - Criminal J. S. Zapf 2716 Mimosa P1. Fonzey Platt 1717 5. 8th St. L. O. 6Jard RFD 2, Box 222 AA J. M. Pigford 1320 Grace St. R. F. Meier P, O. Box 149 Jessie Hatcher Gen. Deliv. W. R. Brown 2620 Princess 8t. Rd. David D. Browning g arolina Beach 510 Market St. M. C. Vestal Box 176, Wrightsv. Beach Bobbie Graham 115 S. 52nd St. A. H. Rowan 2713 Jackson St. Charle s N. Spencer 138 44hitman Ave. W. J. Carter 5 Henry St. Fred C . Cameron Box 765 J. C. Sanders RFD 1, Box 413 B F. S. Shepard Jr. C 228 arolina Beach Oakcrest Dr Charl es R. Watts 506 Sunset Ave. George W. Powell 49 4 . wrigntSV. Ave. M. W. Watkins, 317 S. 16th St. Leroy Schnibben 4 60 N. 23rd St. Charl es T. VJalker 1206 S. 2nd St. Robert H. Williams 2730 Van Buren St. John E. Coston 1508 Moore Pla2a Joshua Franks RFD 3, Box 151 A James H. DeHart 5401 Ridgewood Odell 0. Otquinn 901 S. 3rd St. G. A. Liban 1202 S. Kerr Ave. E. Mar ney Garner RFD 1, Box 320 A T. D. Piner,Sr. RFD 2, Box 134 Samuel R:-Mi£6h@1 RFD 3, Box 266 A W. R. Corbett Box 1139 Atthur C. Sandlin 706 S. 5th St. R. B. Holmes 1025 S. Front St. Thomas H. Wolfe, Jr. 2529 Washington St. Lloyd Hammond RFD 2, Box 13 George Starlin Baines 209 N. 21st St. H. W. Alexander 304 N. 21st St, David F. NcMillan 237 Peiffer Ave. Kenne th R. Scott 36 Lee ?rive Willia m O. Northam 1514 S. !}th St. Georg e Y. Warwick 712 C. C. Blvd. Harold Lee Parker 137 Pine Cone Rd. Oscar Pearsall P. O. Box 626 Archie Rupert Long 906 N. 4th St. Allen B. Huband 4035 Halifax Rd. Willia m Nelson Downey 3930 Winston Blvd. J. M. Wiikerson 15 N. 25th St. James Edward Dix Jr. 6006 Park Ave. Willi am D. Lewis 4120 Greenfield Walter Harvey Sanders 114 N. 6th St, REPOR TS - The following reports were reviewed and or dered filed for infor mation: / 1-1 October report of the Home Economics Agent. 2- Report of Welfare Recipients Statistical changes. 3-? Audit Report for the A. B. C. Soard. 4-1 Wilmington Colored Library. _ ADJOURNMENT - Upon voted to adjourn motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by the meeting. unanimously ` W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary