1961-11-20 Regular Meeting37 -?- - Wilmington, N. C. November20,1961 ? ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- I? ioners was held on this date at 9:40 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House. Those present were: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, I L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney L. Brad- ford and County Auditor T. D. Love. • ? INVOCATION - The meeting uras called to order by Chairman Hall, who asked Reverend King E. White, Pastor of the First Pentecostal Holiness Church, to give a prayer for guidance. MINUTES APPROVAL - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the last. regular semimonthly meeting were approved as written with the exception of changing the name of the man presenting the road petition from J. R. Shepard to E. T. Rhue, which has been done. VETERANSt DAY - / The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that he had telephoned each of them for approval to declare November llth a holiday in order that the County employees who worked on a six day basis would be entitled to the legal holiday. He suggested that this ; action should be ratified for the record Inunc pro tunc'. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, j seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously concurred in approving a holiday on November I llth. FERRY SLIP - County Attorney L. Bradford .Tillery reported that Mr. Frederick Willetts, Sr.", had been out of town since the assignment for investigating and reporting on his request for operating a ferry to the USS Battleship North Carolina using the old ferry slip own- ed by the County. He will continue his efforts and present a proposed method as soon as possible. ' SOROSIS MUSEUM - i' The Chairman informed the Board that pursuant to authority vested in him by the Board at the special meeting held July 26th, 1961 he had appointed Messrs. R. J. Davis, W. Eugene Farriss and James P. Harriss as directors for the Sorosis Museum and asked the Board if they would ratify these appointments. By common consent, the Board unanimously approved the appointments above. • AIRPORT GROUND TRRNSPORTATIOIJ - ? Mr. Louis W. Latham, accompanied by his attorney Louis J. Poisson, Jr. appear- ed before the Board seeking further information on the contract entered into by the Com- missioners with Hertz-Drive-Ur-Self System, Incorporated, which was confirmed at the meet- ing on March 6, 1961. They understood the Commissioners hesitated to give them a similar contract since it was their understanding that adequate service was being provided and that they had no legal right to repudiate the contract without just cause. Mr. Poisson questioned the legality of the contract and questioned whether or not it was enforcible. He contended that if the contract was an illegal one, it was automatically unenforcible. They contend that it is a public service and many of the large companies provide their ?representatives with Avis Rent-A-Car Corporation courtesy cards and that they are not re- ceivina the service locally to which they are entitled. They stated that consideration would be given to providino certain protections to the County which might arise out of the contract with the Hertz Drive-Ur-Self System, Incorporated, which they are willing to include. The Chairman remarked that the present contract was entered into in oood faith and that'he felt a certain moral obligation was involved as the Hertz-Drive-Ur-Self System, Incorporated had invested some $35,000 to $40,000 on the basis on the present contract. After considerable discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that this matter be referred to the County Attorney to determine ifathe Board has a legal right to enter into an exclusive contract with an individual and report back to the Board with his recommenda- tions at the next regular meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. RECORDERS' COURT - Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, appeared before the Commissioners ? and thanked them for allocating the space and refurbishing the offices vacated by the business offices of the Board of Education. He advised that he would furnish most of the equipment necessary for the offices.but that they would need a desk and some chairs to complete the furnishings. After considering the possibilities, Mr. Metts offered a motion that up to $50.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Recorders' Court-Capital Outlay for the purpose of purchasing a desk and chairs for Recorders' Court offices. The motion was seconded by Nr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted, Mr. Edwards remarked that he.thought he could locate.,some good used equipment for that amount of money. ISTATE REVENUE DEPARTMENT - ? ' Nr. A. S. Watkins, Deputy State Revenue Collector, and Frank E. Young, Jr. Deputy 5tate Auditor, appeared before the Board and requested the space recently vacated by the business offices of the Board of Education. They explained that their present quarters were overcrowded to the po'int that they were unable to render efficient public . II service and that they could not offer remuneration for the space because other counties furnished space for their Revenue Departments and if they paid New Hanover County it would set a precedent for other counties. They stated that the 1961 Intangible Tax Pay- ment for New Hanover County was $223,010.25 and that the 1961 Beer Tax amounted to $27,19$•65, 1959 allocatinn to schools amounted to $2,270,113.00 and, in addition, the County receives their proportionate s?hare of State appropriations on Vocational Educa- tion, text books, purchase of school uses, Vocational Rehabilitation, Mentally Handi- capped Children and the Public Welfare Program. The Ch?airman explained to them that the Board was now in the process of considering administrati1ve offices for the Welfare De- partment and that the State had offered $6,500 to be used for the upgrading of that depart- ment provided approved plans for its use was received not?.?later than December 8th. He ' stated that some decision would be made by that time he fe,lt sure. I-A r r3, 8 Minutes of the Meeting November 20, 1961 _ ---- - - _ ? - -- / WELFARE QUARTERS - i The Chairman announced to the Board that the State Department of Public , Welfare Had notified him that the $6,500 allocated for this County was available until ! December 8, 1961 and that after the current fiscal year, no rent would be paid for the , ? quarters now occupied by the local bJelfare Department. He stated that the Board must ' decide if they want the money on the Statets terms or not. Ne suggested that the Isaac ? Bear Building might be obtained for a minimum sum from the Board of Education. In the discussion which followed, the following suggestions developed: 1- that a definite commitment be secured from the School Board about the conditions upon which they would convey the Isaac Bear building to the County, 2- that an estimate of the cost of re- i pairs to the building be secured from a competent architectural engineer. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to approach the Board of Educa- I tion to see on what terns the Isaac Bear building m3ght be procured and to investigate ? plans and costs to fix it up. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously ? approved by the Board. ?TAX MAPS - A letter was received from American Airways, Incorporated advising that they were mapping in a neighboring county and planned to have a flight crew nearby in Decem- ber or early January. He stated that flight fees for obtaining new aerial photography for New Hanover County would be considerably lower if made while nearby. They offered to prepare a proposal covering the initial photography or a complete tax mapping pro- gram. Mr. Love stated that the Agriculture, Stabilization and Conservation Department have maps that will serve the same purpose which can be obtained for nominal fees. By common consent, the Board authori2ed the Executive Secretary to answer the letter and tell them that they are not interested at this time but will consider it at the time of the next revaluation program. /ROAD PROGRAM - A letter was received from the State Highway Commission advising that addit- ionai funds in the amount of $7,150.00 were being allocated for the.Secondary Road System in New Hanover County. The Division Engineer recommends that Oakley Circle (S.R. 1330), 0.25 mile; and Park Avenue from McMillan Avenue to Pine Grove Drive, 0.25 mile; and supplementing funds to stabilize Myrtle Avenue in the anount of $800.00. This work would cost $6,600.00 and leave a halance of $550.00. After discussing the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that these recommendations be approved and that the Executive Secretary be authorized to write a letter thanking them for the extra funds and expressing their approval of the projects. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. /BRIDAL - PAX, INC. A letter was received from Bridal-Pax Incorporated offering to furnish free of charge a kit of nationally advertised products of approximate total value of $3.00 to each couple applying for a marriage license if the County would distribute them. Each sample would have a label showing that it was a gift from New Hanover County. After discussing the matter briefly, the Board unanimously decided to inaugurate this program with the provision that if it becomes burdensome to administer it will be brought vp Ifor reappraisal. BRIDGE LIGHTINCr - The Executive Secretary advised the Board that latestinformation which had come to the office was that the total monthly cost of the lights over the Northeast Cape Fear River would be $107.90 which will be billed to the City and they in turn will bill the County each month for one half of it or $53•95• Mr. McKim advises that the lights are expected to be turned on in December, therefore, we would be billed for seven months service. Mr. Metts then offered a motion that $380,00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to the Bridge Lighting Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. IHOLIDAY - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that next Thursday, November 23rd, was Thanksgiving day and that it had been customary to close County offices in observance of this harvest season. By common consent, the Board unanimously designated Thursday, November 23rd, as an official holiday for County employees. l NECROLOGY - Mr. Broadhurst observed that Mr. T. K. Woody, Sr. who had served this County faithfully for 41 years was to be buried this afternoon and that hts funeral would be held in the Chapel of Andrews Mortuary at 2:00 P. M. and he thought it would be fitting to close the office from now until 3:00 P. M. this afternnon in memorium. Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Commissioners office be closed from the time of adjournment until 3:00 o'clock this afternoon in remembrance of Mr. Woody. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. I TAX kfA1VER - A letter was received from..the Benevolent Club of the Wilmington Fire Depart- ment requesting that Schedule B taxes be waived on a Childrenls Indoor Circus to be held at the National Guard Armory to raise funds to provide toys and baskets of food for needy children at Christmas .time. The Board, by common consent, agreed that this was a worthy cause and approved the waiver of the Schedule B taxes on the show. REPORTS - following reports were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for informa- The tion: 1 1- 2-! 3-1 jF_ / Farm Agents' Report U.S.O. Club Report Wilmington Public Library Report Hurricane Protection measures for of Engineers. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business a motion that they adjourn. It was seconded by Wrightsville Beach reported by the Corps presented to the B rd, Mr. Mett offered Mr. Mayhan n imous y a oved. . ouck, Executive Secretary ,