1961-12-04 Regular Meeting39 I December !}, 1961 Wilmington, N. C. ASSENBLY ?he New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on December !}, 1961 at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House. Present were: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford `` Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. ,, INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. W. Graham, Pastor of the Woodburn Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with prayer. AP.PROVAL OF THE MInTUTES - Upon motion of Mr. INetts, seconded hy Mr. Braak, the minutes of the last meet- ing were unanimously approved as written. CSC TRUST FUNDS - i Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, appeared before the Board and re- quested that he be allowed to submit his annual report on the trust funds in his possess- ion at the next regular semimonthly meeting. He stated that his reason for the delay in presenting the report was because the Auditor is in the process of checking it. AZALEA FESTIVAL - / Mr. Ben J. MacDonald explained to the Board that the Teen Age Division of the Azalea Festival Committee was selling Christmas wrapping paper as part of their promotional program. He presented the Chairman, Davis von Oesen, who presented other members of his committee. After explaining their program, each of the Commissioners purchased a box of Christmas wrapping paper and the local television station took pictures of it for promot- ional purposes. REORGANIZATION - / 1,. The Chairman explained that the Gener.a.2 Statutes required an annua2 reorganiza- tion of the Boards of County Commissioners and opened the discussion for the will of the I Board ori this matter. Chairman - Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. be re- elected to serve as Chairman for the next year. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unani- ,I mously adopted by the Board. j Vice Chairman - Mr. Broadhurst moved that Nr. John Van B. Metts, Jr. be re- elected to serve as Vice Chairman for the next year. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nfayhan and unanimously approved. ? CountY Attorne.y - Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Mr. L. Bradford Tillery be reappointed as County Attorney for the next year. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. Secretaries - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, Mr. W. G. Houck was reappointed Clerk-Executive Secretary and Mrs. Evelyn M. Foster was reappointed Secretary for the next year by unanimous vote. COLLEGE ROAD - i The Executive Secretary re.ported to the Board that Mr. Berry A. Williams had ?'Jasked for an appointment to discuss the naming of NC #132 from its intersection with US#117 at Castle Hayne to its intersection with US#421 at Myrtle Grove Junction as College Road. This matter was discussed by the Board at the request•of Mr. Fred B. Graham at their meeting on December 22, 1958 but action was deferred at that time and has never been reconsidered. Count?L. Bradford Tillery, who also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Wil- mingto College, stated that the sub3ect had come before the College Board for discussion and it was their desire that the road be designated as College Road. After discussing the matter for a few minutes, Mr. Metts offered a motion that in view of the fact that the College Board of Trustees desired a name for NC 132,that the portion north of US#17 known as Market Street Road be officially named North College Road to the intersection of U5#117 at Castle Hayne and that the section south of US #17 be officially named South College Road to the intersection of US #421 at Nyrtle Grove Junction. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ELECTRICAL CHANGES - 1--, County Electrical Inspector John E. Mlood appeared before the Board and explain- ed that the new wiring service being brought in made it necessary for safety's sake to change two circuits cff the internal wiring of the Court House that were not included in the general contract. One of them is to the automatic panel which controls the emeroency generator used by the Sheriff's Department and the necessary change will cost an estimated $35.00. The second recommendation for a change is in the laboratory of the Health Depart- ment. It seems that they have acquired two.new appliances since the Electrical Engineer inspected the premises before drawing the plans for the revision of service. This change was not included in the contract and is estimated to cost $87.50 making a total expendi- ture necessary to complete the electrical circuits in the Court House to spend $122.50. After discussing this problem, Mr. INetts offered a motion that only necessary repairs for safety purposes be made and that the cost is not to exceed $122.50 which is to come from the Repairs and Maintenance to Buildings Budget. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak, Mayhan and Metts voted "Yes", Mr. Broadhurst voted "No" however, the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. WELFARE Ql3ARTERS - The Chairman reported that in accordance with authority given him by the Board at the last meeting, he had contacted Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the Board of Education with the idea of securing the Isaac Bear Building to house the Board of Health and Wel- fare Departments. He arranged for Messrs. Laney, the Chairman, Dr. Wagoner, the Superin- tendent and Marshall, the Business Manager of the Board of Education to appear before the Board and explain their position on this matter. Mr. Laney stated that they had not yet brought the matter before the School Board but had asked the Planning Division of the State Board of Education to study the matter and see if the School Board would have any continued- . J r 40 Minui.e-s oS the?eQSinQ_Decembes 4,,=I961 WELFARE QUARTERS - (continued) use for this building for instructional purposes in their long term plans. While the complete result of this stuQy had not been received, he reported that there were many factors which indicated that the building and its location makes it unsuit- able for consideration for classroom instruction and when the costs of preparing the building for the safety of children, the estimates are prohibitive. Mr. Marshall re- ported that in his opinion the building could be used for offices without too much cost q and that he had inspected the heating equipment and found that it would pass the State i requirements. Chairman Hall thanked them for bringing as much information as they had, He then opened the meeting for questiotts by Board members about any phase of the buildm- I ing that was not clear in their minds. In this discussion, it developed that the Schoo' Board was of the opinion that the building should be utilized for the best use of the citizens of this County but that from a legal standpoint, they would have to offer it for public sale and dispose of it to the last highest bidder. Other members of the Board suggested that consideration he given to employing a Consulting Architect to evaluate the present quarters occupied by the Welfare Department including the corridor to see if it would be feasible to modernize the present space and make it acceptable to the Welfare authorities. Another suggestion was the purchase of the property adjacent to the south side of the Court House known as the Goodrich building and re- furbish it suitably for the Welfare offices. After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the various suggested plans, there seemed to be no meeting of the minds of the members of the Board as to the best solution to the problem so the Chair- man appointed Messrs. Metts, Braak and Mayhan as a Committee fo further study the matter and if possible bring in recommendations for resolving the problem. No definite ? conclusion being reached, the Chairman suggested that they wait until a definite report could be received from the Board of Education and the recommendations of the Committee. ELECTION RETURNS - A canvass of the election returns made by the Board of Edections on the hospital issue voted by the citizens on November 7th was made by direction of the Chairman. STATEMENT OF RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER The Clerk presented the returns showing the result of the voting on the pro- position to approve the Rond Order authorizing $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds adopted ? on August 21, 1962, and also on the proposition authorizing a special tax, at the Special Election held in the County of New Hanover on Nove?mber 7, 1961, made by the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold the election. The returns were ' read and considered. I Commissioner John Van B. Metts, .Ir. moved the adoption of the following Resolution: WHEREAS, the Registrars and Judges of election appointed to hold the Special Election held in the County of New Hanover on November 'j, 1961, have held said election and have made.returns showing the result of the voting on the proposition to approve the bond order authori2ing $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds adopted on August 21, 1961, and also on the proposition authorizing a special tax, and the Board of Commissioners has considered said returns and has duly canvassed the returns and ascertained the result of said election; and WHEREAS, it appears from said returns that the polls for said election were opened on November 7, 1962, In each precinct, at the polling place prescribed therefbr at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) and were continuously kept open until 6:30 otclock, P. M. (Eastern Standard Time), and that the voters voting at said election were required to use ballots In the form prescribed for said election by the resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 18, 1961; and WHEREAS, said returns show that said election was heid In the following election precincts in said County, and that the tota2 number of voters who were registered and qualified to vote at said election in each of said election precincts and the total number of votes cast for the bond order and proposed indebtedness and said special tax submitted at said election In such election precinct, and the total number of votes cast against such bond order and such proposed indebtedness and said speciai tax in such prec2nets, were as follows: Number of Votes Cast Votes Cast Votes Cast Votes Cast Election Precinct Re istered In Favor of Against In Favor of Against Vo?ers Bond Order Bond Order Special Tax Sbecial Tax lst' Ward 2309 251 391 204 399 2nd Ward, lst Precinct 660 99 105 93 103 2nd Ward " 2nd " 646 161? 77 156 8 3rd lst 11 t173 128 122 152 143 ??h 2nd 1819 1?!} 336 143 342 1500 223 189 198 198 5th " lst " 1411 138 267 . 128 266 5th 5th ". 2nd 3rfl " " . 1754 2234 140 268 264. 151 117 238 265 6 5t1, " " 4th 887 11.8 284 91 1 3 295 6th 6th " lst 2nd .?? " 2020 1206 288 179 321 251 256 154 336 262 7th a " lst n " 1084 287 239 263 1!}9 7th 8th " 2nd 1st rt 1?.69 1600 310 46 350 309 282 16 321 tith " 2nd " 1196 508 265 4 455 378 301 8th " 3rd ?? 1487 520 216 486 230 Cape Fear ". 1683 221 476 189 , 487 Continued - • 1. Minutes of the Meetinq December li._196_1 Continne.d- - ELECTION RETURNS - (Continued) ? Number of Votes Cast Votes'Cast Votes Cast Votes Cast Registered in Favor of Against in Favor of Against Election Precinct Voters Bond Order Bond Order Special Tax Special Tax ' Ogden 820 115 191 108 194 East Wilminoton 824 98 157 68 168 Audubon 1739 567 461 537 491 winter Park 2103 645 356 573 409 Seagate 1213 232 237 212 250 ' Wrightsville Beach 707 223 114 215 118 Masonboro 697 161 115 153 123 ? South Wilmington 1921 351 302 320 324 Federal Point 529 bo 145 si 146 Carolina Beach 705 179 189 161 • 200 Kure Beach 269 LI-? b8 33 95 ?I Total 37,365 7032 6,66tt 6,472 71240 II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: 1. It is hereby determined and declared that the number of voters registered ? and qualified to vote at said election was 37,365. 2. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR the bond order authori2ing $5,500,000 bonds to finance the erection of a building or buildings to be used as a public hospital for the inhabitants of said County and the acquisition and installation of the equipment and the acquisition of a suitable siLe required for !sa'i,d building or buildings and a tax therefor" was 7,132, and the number of votes cast at said election "AGAINST " said bond order and tax was 6,868, and a majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted to approve said bond order and said proposed indebtedness. 3. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR the levy of a special tax of not exceeding $.10, annually, upon each $100 of assessed valvation of taxab2e property in the County of New Hanover to finance the cost of operating, equipping and maintaining a pubiic hospital for the use of the inhabitants of said County" was 6,472, and the number of votes cast at said election "AGAINST" said special tax was 7,240, and a majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election did not vote to approve said I special tax. l}. A statement showing the number of votes cast for and against said bond , order and the indebtedness proposed thereby, and said special tax, the number of voters qualified to vote at said election and declaring the result of said election, shall be prepared and signed by at least a majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners and delivered to the Clerk so that such statement may be filed and recorded in accordance fl with law. adopted. Commissioners Peter H. Braak seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously The members of the Board voting for the adoption of the last mentioned resolu- tion thereupon signed a statement of the result of the election and delivered the state- ment so signed to the Clerk. For the purpose of recording the statement, as required by law, the following copy of the statement so signed is inserted in the minutes: ? STATEMENT OF THE RESULT DF 5PECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ON NOVENiBER 7. 1961 WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Han- over, in the State of North Carolina, the following questions were submitted to the qvalified voters of said County at a special election held in said County on November 7, 1961: ? (1) FOR the bond order authorizing $5,500,000 bonds to finance the erection of a building or buildings to be used as a public hospital ? for the inhabitants of said County and the acquisition and installa- tion of the equipment and the acquisition of a suitable site required for said building or buildings and a tax therefor. (2) AGAINST the bond order authori2ing $5,500,000 bonds to finance the erection of a building or buildings to be used as a public hosp- ital for the inhabitants of said County and the acquisition and installa- tion of the equipment and the acquisitibn of a suitable site required 'I for said building or buildings and a tax therefor. ! (3) FOR the'levy of a speci2l tax of not exceeding $.10, annually, upon ' each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property in the County of New Hanover to fin2nce the cost of operating, equipping and maintaining a ? public hospital for the use of the inhabitants of said County. (4) AGAIUST the levy of a special tax of not ecceeding $.10, annually, upon each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property in the County ? of New Hanover to finance the cost of operating, equipping and maintain- ? ing a public hospital for the use of the inhabitants of said County. and said Board of Commissioners has duly canvassed the returns of the Registrars and ilddges of Election appointed to hold said electiomm.and'.has d:et;e,rfiine'd th.e'result of said election to be as hereinafter stated; ' . NOaJ, THEREFORE, Said Board of Commissioners hereby makes the following I ? I Minutes of the Meetinq December G.. 1961 Contin ELECTION RETURNS - (continued) of the result of said election, pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina: (l) The number of voters registered and qvalified to vote at said election was 37,365• i (2) The number of votes cast at said election for the bond order described I in said questions and for the indebtedness proposed to be incurred by the o£ the bonds authorized by said bond order was 7,132. The number of votes cast at said election against said bond order and against said electfon against said bond order and against said indebtedness was 6,868. A majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted ? at said election voted to approve said bond order and said indebted- j ness. (3) The number of votes cast at said election for the special tax described I in said questions was 6,472. The number of votes cast at said election against said special tax was 7,240. A majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election did not approve said special tax. The validity of the election shall not be opened to question in any court upon any ground whatever except in an action or proceeding commenced within thirty days after the publication of this statement, this statement being first published on Decem- ber 6th , 1961. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned members of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, have hereunto set our hands this 4th day of December, 1961. /S/ J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr. Ernest R. Mavhan L. E. Broadhurst P. H. Braak Members of Board of Commissioners Commissioner:Peter H. Braak moved that the statement so signed be approved by the Board of Commissioners and that the Clerk be directed to file the original state- ment in his office and to pubiish a copy of the statement in the manner provided by law. Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr, seconded the motion and th@ motion was unanimously adopted. KLEGAL HOSPITAL AUTHORITY - The County Attorney presented a prepared Resolution legally appointing a liosp- ital Authority for the purpose of implement3ng pians for a new hospital as authorized by the voters in the above election. After discussing some of the considerations that should be given to such a hospital board, it was unanimously decided, by common consent, that definite action on this matter would be delayed until the next semimonthly meeting scheduled for Decemher 18, 1961. A majority of the Board felt that it would be well for them to study the stipulations governing this appointment and requested additional time. / ROAD PETITIONS - Requests were received for adding Yorktown Drive, Andover, and Qverbrook Roads to the State maintained Secondary Road Systems. Mr. Metts offered a motion that the petitions be approved and senL to the 5tate Highway Commission for their considera- ? tion. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted: . " BELLEVUE CEMETERY - Mr. Robert N. Kermon, Sr. appeared before the Board in the interest of having the use of prison labor for the purpose of cleaning off the old Bellevue Cemetery and make it more presentable to the public. He felt like the work he needed done would not require more than two days. A brief review by the Board revealed that they considered it a public burial ground and under the General Statutes it is a. proper function for the County forces. By common consent, the Board directed the Executive Secretary to arrange a suitable date and coordinate the plans with Mr. Kermon. TAXLI5TER5 - Tax SuperVisor T. D. Love recommended the following taxlisters for the various townships as sho4m below: continued- ??? „ 6`•, P.? Minutes of the Meeting December 4, 1961 (continued) TAXLISTERS - (Continued) Mrs. George W. Wilkins RFD 1, Box 160 Cape Fear Township ? Castle Hayne, N. C, . Mrs. J. H. Myatt Box 196 Carblina Beach,N. C. Federal Point ) . Caro2ina Beach ) Kure Beach ) A7rs. Luuise B. Melton RFD 2, Box 161 Nasonboro Mrs. John C. Leeuwenburg. 3407 Wflshire Blvd. Harnett #1 { Mrs. Sally Best RFD 1, Box 214 Harnett #2 Mr. S. W. Brinson 5007 4Jrightsvilie Ave. Wrightsvi22e Beach ) Harnett ,?i Mrs. Hazel Wallace 507 North 23rd St. Wilmington Township Mr. H. S. Kinc? 22?. South sth St. Mr. W. P. Toon 520 Princess St. Nr. George T. Swain 1804 Market St. Mr. Herbert Coughenour 1726 Orange 5t. Mr. J. L. Gholson 1510 Dock St. I Mr. J. A. West 1319 Princess St. He then requeste@ the Commissioners to set a policy with reference to the tax listing , dates and asked if they desired any change in the method of listing personal property, as in the past they had authorized 50% of the depreciated values of machinery but not less than 25% of the original cost and that automobiles would be listed at blue book prices, other inventories at 50% of their cost value. After briei'Iy discussing the functions of the listers, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the listers recommended by the Tax Supervisor and the methods of listing personal property be adopted.by the".' : Board•.andrthat the dat:es'for'2isL3hg; be_•from:January`2nd;through:iJanuary-3ist; 1962: Th•1s'motion wa"s'second'ed by:Mr. Braak and when, the.:bai;lots;were taken, Messrs:'Braak:; ? Mayhari,and_ Metts vo,ted: in favor oS. Lhe: motion, but..Mr:. Broadhurst vo•ted 'agafnst :Atie :' .. j motfon4foT..the rea5on that:one:of'"the listibrs recoinmended'haS retirefl:on a pens3on.. , The{.:Chairmani.dectared the mo:tlion ptevailed.' ... , ...:. ::... ,.. . .: . , ,.. , , . . _., • . . . AUDITOR - GAPITAL OUTLAY r • Mr. Love explained that the check protector had failed and after examina- tion by the repair department of the manufacturer, they-advised that repa.irs would cost $75.00 and that it would be subject to additional break down from•time to time. In- their opinion, it would be wiser to Crade in the old machine for which they will allow. $15.00 and purchase a new one at $245.00. After a brief discussion, it was decided that additional._rhanufacturers should be consulted and prices obtained from them. By common consent of the Board, the matter was deferred until further information was obtained. WORKMENSt COMAENSATION ? I ? County Auditor Love reported that he had received information to the effect? that elected County officials were now eligible for Workmenst Compensation provided a Resolution was passed by the Board of County Commissioners. The authority was esLab2ish- ed by the 1959 General Assembiy. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County Attorney be instructed to draw a Resolution permitting the elected- County officials to participate in Workmens' Compensation as provided by law and present it at their next regular semimonthly meeting for approval. It was seconded by Mr..Braak and unanimously adopted. ADULT EDUCATION - Chairman Nall informed the Board that the Board of Education had statted_a pro- gram providing adults, who had left high school before;Ean1shirig their course, to complete their high school education but that many of them were in the lower income brackeLs and had families which prevent them from being able to pay the small'tuition of $30.00 necess- ary to_provide materials and instruction. He is of the opinion that if the Covnty would set up a revolving fund providing $1,000 for Capital Outlay such as books and equipment and $5,000 to insure payment of the teachers and as a lending service, it would help many of these ciLizens.to improve their earning capacity and raise their living standard above ? marginal existance. He does not think free tuition would be proper, but the students could sian promisory notes to be repaid ouC of e2rnings after they had finished their edu- cation. After discussing the pros and.cons of this subject, it was decided, by common consent, to delay a decision on this matter for further. study. BEER PERMIT - ' ' The following applicaLion for a Beer License was reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Metts, was unanimously,approved and referred to the Sheriff for his consideration and investioation: , l•dilliam F. Tilley, Jr. T/A Wilmington Cigar Co CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS 115 Market St. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that some of the employees were / already inquiring about the Christmas Holidays so that they could make plans. A discuss- ion developed the fact.that past policy had always been to allow County employees Christ- mas Day and the day thereafter as a holiday and that IVew Years Day had aliaays been observ- ed. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. NSetts, the Board unanimously designa- ted December 25th and 26th, 1961 and January lst, 1962 as holidays for County employees. I i . i 44 Minutes of the Meeting December 4, 1961 Continued - u /ADVERTISING ALLOCATION - ? I A letter was received from the Public Relatior.s Department Authority seeking continued support by advertising in the State Ports be published around December 15th. It will concentrate on a traffic which should prove good for hew Hanover County. Upon motion of Mr. Nr. Netts, the Board unanimously approved the advertising allocation Budget. REPORTS - (e) Notice to Mariners regarding dredging in Cape Fear River near / Sunny Point Army Terminal on December t}th, $th, 1961. (}- Received from State Department of Revenue, a voucher in the amount of /$27,198.65 as the Countyts share of excise taxes on Beer and 1•Jine sales. 5- Report with reference to jail standards from State Advisory Committee of Sheriffs and Police Officers. --T of the State Ports Magaz.ine due to. I and commerce theme d Braak, seconded by from the Advertising The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: 1- /Annual Report of the County Auditor. 2-l' Home Economics Agent's Monthly report for November 1961. 3- Notices from Corps of Engineers (a) Deepenino of Cape Fear River Channel. (b) Extension to Everett's Yachtel pier at Wrightsville Sound. • (c) Construction of wharf by Ideal Cement Company, Northeast Cape Fear River. (d) Application to construct a pump intake structure and dredging in Banks Channel. A£TIT JURY - The following good and lawful citizens were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning ,lanuary 15, 1962 Criminal term; January 22nd and January 29th Civil terms. Jurors for the week beqinninq January 15, 1962 - Criminal term Henry Lee 212 Greenfield St. L. E. Hall 521 South 3rd St. D. L. Holt P. O. Box 676 Carolina Beach Ben,Jamin F. Smit h 1401 S. 3rd St, Earl A. Ward RFD 2, Box 222 A. C. M. Holmes 312 Chestnut St. F. E. Faulk 128 W. Shipyard Blvd. M. E. Blanton RFD 1, Box 220 Ca?ayn John B. Allen e 2954 Park Ave. F. L. Meier , 412 Church St. W. J. Horne 213 Greenville Ave. Harry N. Floyd 56 Lee Drive David C. Regan 211 Maryland Ave. J. A. Hooper 118 N. 9th St. J. W. Holton 62 Pinecrest Pkwy. Graham G. Webste r lOL}. S. ltlst St. Robert H. Smith 5115 Wrightsville Ave. M. F. Harriss 1933 Hudson Dr. A. D. Rivenbark 203 30th St. J. I, Rushing 220 Mercer Ave. Alfred Harper 107 Lee Ave. Edward L. Gray 824 Grace St. Lee Harvey RFD 1, Box 380 Jesse W. James 114 Evans St. Andrew Sampson % Marsden Bellamy Talmadge Pope 1316 Orange St. Willie J. Harris 306 S. 6th St. • Lewis T. Nunnalee 216 Keaton Ave. Gene B. Humphrey 3634 S. Front St. Paul Herring 2905 Jefferson St. F. K. Foaleman 1602 Ann St. Raymond B. Hoar 120 S. 16th St. Robert E. Ballard 4215 Market St. James T. Jacobs 1208 Dock St. James P. Blanton, Jr. 3626 Wrightsville Ave. Thomas T. Chappeil 66 Pinecrest Pkwy. Claudius R. Hobbs 16 W. Lalce Vil. Jesse W. Hobbs 215 N. 30th St. Thomas B. Wood Sr. 4209 Greenfield St. Robert H. Hall Albert F. Fales Jr. James Robinson W. Taliferro Hughes H. C. Foreman Jr. William S. Field Willie Hardwick Victor D. Valentine George Kinchen Hoilo Ralph V. Holbrook James Braxton Fowler 150 Colonial Cir. 229 N. 25th 5t. 513 s. 14tn st. 1121 Country Club 623 Rosemont Ave. 1515 s. 5tn st. 21 South 6th St. RFD 3, sox 389 day 21 Summit Walk 17 Summitt Walk 10 B Lake Village Jurors for the week beqinninq January 22, 1962 - Civil term Earl Russ 216 N. 7th St. R. J. Smith 217 Keaton Ave. C. M. Reaves Sr. 4007 a7estover Rd. R. W. Greer 1905 Perry Ave. Lee R. Duncan 116 Nun St. R. L. Bullard 2201 Barnett Ave. L. A. Eilis RFD 3, Box 135 A. H. Smith 2017 Woolcott Ave. .lames E. Dance 20 Terrece Walk 1. Sol omon % Harry 5olomon S. A. Causey 330 Carolina Ave. James C. Cliff 2216 Metts Ave. - B. G. Daughtry 3 Terrace Walk Lewis P. Hall 615 Princess St. W. J. Rooks, 13 T Lake Village James Leonard RFD 2, Box 507 Charle s R. Edison 3205 Caswell Harold Abrams P. O. Box"1267 P. E. Wilson 2934 F Jefferson Willia m Lucas 303 Pine Hills Dr. Wm. F. Wagner 606 N. 23rd St. James F. Lane lbs Lake Forest Pkwy. George B. Phillips Sr. 10 Colonial Apts. Alma L . Rouse RFD 2, Box 199 O. R. Simpson Jr .% Moore Fonvielle Realty Herbert P. Allen 2212 Dexter St. Hubert Leary RFD 1, $ox 188 Hampton C. Auld P. 0 . Box 996 Guy Haynes 3910 Carolina Beach Rd Burroughs Flowers 13 J . Lake Vill.age Joe S. Morrison 232 Oa}ccrest Drive Eddie Gilchrist 809 Grace St. Sarah J. Horne 416 Red Cross St. James B. Sistruck 248 N. 2$th St. Benjamin G. Hilburn 161 Lake Forest Pkwy. James Nicholson 717 Essex Drive Thurman D. Sikes 2800 Highland Drive. Everette F.rink 1732 Orange St. Gordon A. Greene 718 Market St. Donald R. Sykes 2110 Rhodes Ave. John E. Griffith II 118 Pinecrest Pkwy. Eugene H. Eason 3002 Adams St. Donald W. Sneeden 105 Wayne Dr. Eugene Alton Edens Jr. 208 S. 3rd St. Clarence William Houst on 106 Maryland Ave. Moring Elbert Gravitt 114 S. 3rd St. uJilliam F. Landen 820 Market St. William P. Fields 1610 S. lsth St. pavid D. Gottlieb 2518 Jackson St. Richard S. Rogers % W. S. 8 T. Senk Continued - ?6-I, wry i ? @6 Minutes of the Meeting December 4, 1961 (Continued) PETIT JURY - (Continued) Jurors for the week beqinning January 29th, 1962 -Civil term Thomas Southeriand William J. Lee Earl C. Floyd E. W. Savage 2eb V. Worley Floyd H. Howell Edward N. Hall Ralph Lane White Lester L. Hewett H. W. Haskett George W. Ross. J. C. Hardwick Berry Wiiliams Sam Hicks Thomas A. Phillips C. D. Grimsley Edward W. Vianning Gardner L. Flowers Benjamin G. Daniels David Tyler S. Fleishmen G. C. Malpass Fred P. Connor W. A. Franklin Robert R. Davis i . O P B ox 1 T. C. Rhodes 11 Church St. a ?1?t ? ? H , Nlarke??t. J. C. Nfyers 2816 Oleander Dr. 39 T errace 4Jalk Van A. Moore 2219 Brandon Road RFD 1, Box 158 Louis W. Shrier ' 1509 Grace St. RFD 1, Box 293 Henry A. Sanders 6 I Lake Village 2118 Market St. Leroy G. Nash 2712 Jackson St. 205 S. 8th St. I. C. Dubberly 121 S. 15th St. 515 Sunset Ave. Louis E. 5traughn 2902 Criestnut St.. 1312 Greenfield St. James R. Reese, Jr. 201 Lake Forest Pkwy. 2302 Chestnut St. M. Page Taylor 3525 S. Front St. 2318 Metts Ave. P. R. Smith 415 Forest Hills Dr. 507 Colonial J..S. Smith 2317 Washington St. 225 N. 30th St. W. H. Sikes Ct. 8-0 Lake Village 416 N. 6th St. Melwood Paul Raines 415 Castle St. 2206 .Barnett Ave. Abe Rubin % Southland Mfg. Co. 2520 Adams St. Fred H. Merritt ' 401 Central Blvd. 1908 Church St. James E. Reece, Jr. 302 Virginia Ave. 2 J Lake Village Frederick N. Skipper Jr. 3208 Wrightsville Ave. 2019 Perry Ave. T. J. Mavrogianfs 701 Northern Blvd. 4 G. Nesbitt Courts Donald Hardison 109 Bordeaux Ave. 10 E. Oleander Cts. David W. Cunningham 22 T. Lake Village 1906 Nun St. YJm. W. Dowdy 2815 Washington St. 189 Lake Forest Pkwy .Leon R. Cray, Jr. 15 Ct. E. Lake Village 513 Sunset Ave. Willie W. Culver 303 N. lsth St. 115 Nfarstellar St. Paul Ambrosiano 119 S. 5th St. ADJOURNNiENT - Upon motion of N?r. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. voLed to adjourn. Special Called Meetinq Metts, the Board unanimously `HSucK, Executive Secretary County Court House Wilminqton, N. C. 9:00 A. M. December 11,1961 ASSENIBLY - A special meeting was called by the Chairman for the purpose of appointing ? a Board of Hospital Trustees to administer the affairs of the New Hanover General Hospi- tal. The following members were present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. I INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary, Mr. W. G. Houck, to give.a prayer for guidance. NOTICE - Complying with GS 153-8 each of the members of the Board of Commissioners were written a letter notifying them of the special meeting calied by the Chairman for Monday, ? December llth in the Commissioners' Room of the New Hanover County Court House for the purpose of appointing a Board of Trustees for the New Hanover General Hospital. RESOLUTION DISCUSSION - The Chairman reiterated the purpose for which this meeting was called and asked for suggestions from the Board as to how they would like to consider the Resolution. If paragraph by paragraph or since each of them had studied the Resolution they might have certain portions they would like to comment upon7 Mr. Mayhan raised the question abovt the meaning of paragraph 12 in Articie 3 which prohibits a trustee from having any pecun- iary interests either directly or indirectly or any contract or purchase in connection therewith unless the same is on a competitive bid basis. After discussing this subject and the County Attorney had,explained the legal restrictions, Mr. Metts offered a motion that it be left in the Resolution as or2ginally written. It was seconded by Mr. Sraak and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. Braak, Broadhurst, and Metts voted for the motion and Mr. Mayhan voted against the motion. The Chairman declared it prevailed. Mr..Broad- hurst questioned Lhe terms of office as set forth in the Resolution but received a satis- factory explanation. He stated that he was against any tax money or, in fact, any County money being spent for the operation of a hospital because the people themselves had voted it down. He then offered a motion that the Resolution confirming the, appointment of the Hospital Authority be approved and that those members be named as the original B o a..r d_.o.f " Trustees for the terms originally specifie(i?: It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. VICE CHAIRMATd - / Mr. Metts, who serves as a representative from the Board of Commissioners on N the Board of Trustees for the hospital suggested that since the Board of Commissioners II had named a Chairman, they also appoint a Vice Chairman. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Metts, they unan'imously appointed Mr. N. A. McKenzie as Vice Chairman. /