1961-12-18 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Meeti ? RESOLUTION ADOPTION - December 11, 1961 Continued (continued) or expense is approved by the Board of Commissioners of the County. 14. The Board of Commissioners of the County reserves the rioht to amend, ? modify, revise or repeal any and all of the provisions of this Resolution. 15. Any rule, regulation or procedure established by the Trustees in con- flict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this Resolution shall be null I and void and of no effect, Mr. Metts then moved the adoption of the Resolution as amended. It was seconcied by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. HOLIDAY - ? Deputy Register of Deeds, Miss Ada McCulloch, informed the Board that the employ- ees of the Register of Deeds' office would like to have Saturday, 23rd deciared a Holiday. II She has confersed with the lawyers and reports that they think it would be a good idea. I Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimousiy approved the I closing of the Register of Deeds office on Saturday before Christmas, December 23, 1961. EXTRA COURT TERM Attorney Elbert A. Brown, president of the local Bar Association came be- fore the Board of Commissioners and stated that the civil docket was cluttered up with many cases needing to be heard and that the Bar Association was requesting a special term of 5uperior Court for the hearing of civil cases for the week of January 8th,1962. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Soard unanimously agreed to approve the special term and authorized the Executive Secretary to make the necessary arrangements for a judge, court reporter and jury. The County Attorney ruled that it would be necessary to have a notice published in the newspaper to comply with GS 7-80. AD.]OURNMENT -. Upon.motion of Mr'.. Broadhurst, voted to adjourn. tl , seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously , Executive Secr?tary Wilmington, N. C. December 18, 1961 I ASSENiBLY - The regular semimonthly meetina of the Board of"New Nanover County Commiss- ione,rs was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commissioners at the County Court House.' Present were: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.; Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., Peter H. graak, L. E. Broadhurst and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Attor- ney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. '- INUOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting'to order and asked Reverend E. T. Small, Pastor of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Executive Secretary expiained that Mr. Broadhurst requested that he be put on record as opposing any tax money or any County money being spent for the opera- tion of the hospital because the people voted it doi,m. After this addition to the minutes of the speciai meetino held on December 11, 1961, Mr. Metts offered a inotion - that both the minutes of the regular semimonthlj meeting of December 4th and the special meeting held on December 11, 1961.be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ASSISTANT CUSTODIAN - 1_? ? The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that although they had unoffic- iaily agreed on the employment of Arnold Pride Mintz as Assistant Custodian, it had not been officially recorded. In order to fill in the record, Mr. Broadhurst offer- ed a motion that the employment of Arnold Pride Mintz be approved "nunc pro tunc" as of December lst, 1961 at a salary of $50.00 per week for the first six months. I The motion was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. I I COUNTY HOME COOK - i Commissioner Braak, who is Chairman of the County Home Committee, reported that in the past the cooks serving,at the County Home kitchen had always been prisoners assigned to that work by the Court or ex-prisoners who had served their time and were employed to continue the work. At present, the cook is a prisoner whose sentence will expire during the month of January in 1962. He suggested that as there had been some criticism about the food served to the residents of the home ft might he well to consider the employment of an experienced paid cook. He suggested the name of Raymond Earl Ellers ` who is a retired army cook. He was known to some of the Commissioners personally as •?? he had served in the same military companies during World War II. After discussing the I matter, Mr. Metts offered a motion that Raymond Earl Ellers be employed as a cook at the County Home at a salary to be negotiated but not to exceed $50.00 per week plus his° room and Board. It was brought out in the discussion that he would be on a seven day per week assignment but that he would receive some relief, to be worked out so that his work week did not amount to a full 84 hours per week. Mr. Braak seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. ? I52 Minutes-of the Meeting December 18, 1961 /ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR - The Executive Secretary called the Boardts attention to the fact that the present Electrical Inspector had been appointed for a one year term which would expire on December 19, 1961. After discussion and agreeing that he had done a good job for the past year, Mr. Metts offered a motion that John E. Wood be reappointed for 12 months as County Electrical Inspector. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. /BEER PERMIT - The following application for a beer permit was reviewed and upon motion of Nfr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and consideration. Albert Axler T/A Axlers Market St.. North 4th St., Wilmington, N. C. ICOURT REPORTER - A letter was received from Resident Judge Rudolph I.MJintz calling attention to the conflicts that have occured with extra special terms in Superior Court in that the Court Reporter served both New Hanover and Pender counties. He suggested that, as time passes there will be more and more of these conflicts and recommended that one of the counties utilize the service of Mrs. Mary L. Weaver whom he considers a highly satisfactory substitute Court Reporter. By common consent, the Boardwas grateful to Judge Mintz for his diligence and agreed to keep the matter in mind whenever it was necessary to employ an extra Court Reporter. /COMMIJNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMI55ION - t A letter was received from the Wilmington City Council pointing out the_ I advantages of planning both for the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County within the area of one mile beyond the City limits. It stated that the Council had adopted a Resolution estabiishing a Community Planning and Development Commission and requested the Board of Commissioners to appoint three persons who are residents of the one mile , area outside the corporate limits to serve wfth an equal number within the City. They aiso asked that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners serve as an ex-officio mem- ber along with the Mayor of the City of Wilmington. All the appointed members will have equal rights, privileges and duties in all matters pertaining to the regulation of.the area outside of the corporate limits. After a brief consideration, Mr. Broadhurs• offered a motion that Mr. Otto K. Pridgen be appointed as one of.the persons to serve I in this capacity. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman declared it dead. The names of Messrs. James Z. Godwin, Hugh NacRae II and Richard A. Shew were suggested. ! After knowing the wishes of the Board as outlined above, Mr. Metts offered a motion ' that the Chairman appoint the three men to serve on this committee, pending their accept-, ance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. /ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - In the same Resolution referred to above passed by the City Council on Decem- ber 13, 1961, they requested that five persons residing within the one mfle area out- side of the corporate limits of the City of Wilmington be appointed to serve with an equal number within the corporate limits with equal ri:ghts, privileges and duties in all matters pertaining to the regulation of the area outside the corporate limits. The Chairman of the County Board of Commissioners was requested to serve along with the Mayor of the City of Wilmington as ex-officio member. After discussing the merits of this Board, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Chairman be empowered to appoint all five of the persons to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. ? GRAND JURY. REPORT - The Grand Jury Report for Lhe December 1961 Criminal Lerm of Superior Court madetb presiding Judge George M. Fountain was read bythe Chairman and its contents were noted. After discussing the items which the Grand Jury thought needed improving, the County Home was considered the most important. Practically all oi the inadequacies listed by the Grand Jury had already received attention and most of them were being corrected, however, the Board felt that an individual report should be made on the residents of the home with especial attention being paid to those in the hospital section By common consent, they instructed the Executive Secretary to discuss this matter with Nfrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Director of the local Department of Public Welfare and arrange for her to have an individual case history made on each resident to determine how many were eligible to receive Puhlic Assistance and how much they wou2d receive provided they were placed in nursing homes. /WELFARE QUARTERS - Pursuant to the discussion with reference to larger and more adequate quarters for the Welfare Department the Board unanimously, by common consent, authorized the Chairman to employ an architect to sketch preliminary plans for remodeling the present space occupied by the Welfare Department and present them to the State officials to see if an agreeable working arrangementcould be reached. /PETITION FOR RELIEF - An application for admittance to the County Home for custodial care was re- ceived from Nfrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Director of Public Welfare Department for Jo§huaJames who is ill and has no relatives with whom he can reside. He receives Social Security benefits in the amount of $60.00 per month. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved his admittance under the policies previously , estabtished. LISTING SPACE - ? Tax Supervisor T. D. Love requested approval for'the use of the unoccupied space vacated by the Board of Education known as the back porch for January to be used by the Tax listers. He stated that in addition to the inconvenience to the public in using the main corridor for listing taxes, it was draftytand uncomfortabl¢ for them. By common consent,# unanimously agreed that he could us2 during the month of January 1962 providing no other use had been assigned to it by that time. ? the Board /PARKING LOT - The Executive Secretary requested the Board to set a policy on the tax listers parking their cars in the Court House yard.'during tax listing time. In the discussion, it was pointed out Lhat we had issued 181 parking permits and only had 74 parking spaces, (continued) L_ , Minutes of the Meeting December lttl, 1961 ? I? PARHING LOT - (Continued) ? the Board unanimously agreed that the tax listers should not be permitted to park their cars in the Court House area. REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- tion: 1- U. S. 0. Club Report for November 1961. 2- Wilmington Colored Library Report for November 1961. ? 3- Auditor's Annual Report of the Consolidated Tax Office. 4- Report of the Chief Justicels office ordering an extra civil term ? of Superior Court for the week of November Sth, 1961. 5- Wilmington Public Library for November 1961 / 6- Request from the Boy's Home for a donation. ? 7- Request from Nettie Ruthe F1oyd, Fairmont N. C. regarding any renewals?- of any subscriptions cto periodicals expiring from any of.the'Soard^mem- bers. 6- Letters from the Junior League and Sorosi.s approving the recwrmiendation for naming the ? Sorosis Museum the Louis T. Moore H3storical Museum. PETIT JURY - ? The follawing good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors 3n Superior Court for a special aivil term of court beginning on January 8th, 1962. Jurors.for Special Civil Term - Week beginning Januarv 8, 1962 L. D. Todd J. J. Pugh M. B. Murphy R. E. Batson L. L. Newell, Jr. R. H. Z•Tilson T. F. Sridth R. M. Padrick Jr. George Caplan I. T. Dexter W. M. Johnson R. A. Robbias: E. H. Hendrix W. H. Nichols George R. Wi11is W. B. Lofton 0. E. Larson J. H. Mahaney J. T. Parker W. H. Alldred 1 Leonard Watts • J. D, Harrison Uria J. Heath Wm. M. Ingram 1623 East Plaza 401 s. 5tn st. 207 Beaton Ave. 3114 Market St. P q?$ax 2? "TT'1 Lsv. each, N.C. 504 Park Terrace 210 Ann St. 2951 Park Ave. 131 W. Renovah Cir. 142 N. Ainton Ave. ' 2512Wrightsv. Ave. 3320 Market St. 404 N. Blvd, 109 N. 7th St. 107 S. Audubon Blvd. RF'D 3, Box 231 xFn 3, Ba4 318 2720 Colimibia Ave. 20 Cape Fear Blvd. P. o. Box 689 Garolina Beach, N. C. RF'D 3, Box 186 19 N. 23rd St. 2427 Jackson St. 412 S. 18th St. Anthonp C. Cole Jesse W. Willett Graham D. Farmer Willaam G. Aead Jr. taillis S. Dav3s Carl W. Flilford, Jr. George T. Hutchinson Ralph L. Morgan Billy E. Garland Robert L. Thomas Michall A. Harri.son Jack R. Blanchard Jitmnie Lane Brown Alexander Hart Fred P. Hatch Winston D. Thompson James G. Henderson Sr. Cecil S. Williamson Joseph C. Hayduke Raymond R. Radcli.ffe John Tony Thompkins Willi.ara Preston Teachey Norman Ames Sykes Dallas Eligene Stoudenmire H. C. Johnston ADJOURNMENT - d Upon motion of Mr. Matts, seconded by Rr. Mayhan, 150 Parkwood ?r. 437 Rosemont Ave. 511 Colonial Dr. 2724 Park Ave. 4701 Cedar St. 1904 Princess St. $009 Park Ave. 206 Rose Ave. 207 Bonham Ave. 310 N. 21st st. 2908 W. Lake shore Drive 322 Castle St. 605 Northerh Blvd. 2214 Brandon Rd, 211 Forest Hills Drive 111 Lake Forest Pkwy. % Henderson-Roche'?le Co. 602 N.H2i?U.tgEe R . ytin RFD 1, Castle Iiayne, N. C. 313 Grace St. 119 Castle St. 114 Colonia7 Circle 2308 Washington St. 11 Jackson Drive 905.S, Iferr Ave. n sly vote to ac?journ. Executive cretary Wilmington, N. C. Jamary 2, 1962 p ASSENIDLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. 3.n the Caranissionera Roon o£ the County Court House with the following members i.n attendance: Chaixman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Yan B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. NIINUTES APPROVAL - Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, minutes of December 18, 1961 were unanlmously approved. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend George F. Sowerby, Minister of Education of St. Andrews Covenan Presbyterian Church, to give a prayer for guidance. • BEER PERMITS - The following Beer Permits were considered and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and approval. Laura Alexander T/A Castle Hayne Restaurant ? Sterling Singletary Barnhill T/A Liston Guy Gore T/A Rae Dee R. Powell T/A Barney's Grill Liston's Grill Henry's Drive In RFD 1, Box 6A Castle Hayne, N. C.- 11!} West Shipyard Blvd. RFD 1, Box 271 Carolina Beach Rd. ? ?? ?