1962-01-02 Regular Meeting, Minutes of the Meeting December lttl, 1961 ? I? PARHING LOT - (Continued) ? the Board unanimously agreed that the tax listers should not be permitted to park their cars in the Court House area. REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- tion: 1- U. S. 0. Club Report for November 1961. 2- Wilmington Colored Library Report for November 1961. ? 3- Auditor's Annual Report of the Consolidated Tax Office. 4- Report of the Chief Justicels office ordering an extra civil term ? of Superior Court for the week of November Sth, 1961. 5- Wilmington Public Library for November 1961 / 6- Request from the Boy's Home for a donation. ? 7- Request from Nettie Ruthe F1oyd, Fairmont N. C. regarding any renewals?- of any subscriptions cto periodicals expiring from any of.the'Soard^mem- bers. 6- Letters from the Junior League and Sorosi.s approving the recwrmiendation for naming the ? Sorosis Museum the Louis T. Moore H3storical Museum. PETIT JURY - ? The follawing good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors 3n Superior Court for a special aivil term of court beginning on January 8th, 1962. Jurors.for Special Civil Term - Week beginning Januarv 8, 1962 L. D. Todd J. J. Pugh M. B. Murphy R. E. Batson L. L. Newell, Jr. R. H. Z•Tilson T. F. Sridth R. M. Padrick Jr. George Caplan I. T. Dexter W. M. Johnson R. A. Robbias: E. H. Hendrix W. H. Nichols George R. Wi11is W. B. Lofton 0. E. Larson J. H. Mahaney J. T. Parker W. H. Alldred 1 Leonard Watts • J. D, Harrison Uria J. Heath Wm. M. Ingram 1623 East Plaza 401 s. 5tn st. 207 Beaton Ave. 3114 Market St. P q?$ax 2? "TT'1 Lsv. each, N.C. 504 Park Terrace 210 Ann St. 2951 Park Ave. 131 W. Renovah Cir. 142 N. Ainton Ave. ' 2512Wrightsv. Ave. 3320 Market St. 404 N. Blvd, 109 N. 7th St. 107 S. Audubon Blvd. RF'D 3, Box 231 xFn 3, Ba4 318 2720 Colimibia Ave. 20 Cape Fear Blvd. P. o. Box 689 Garolina Beach, N. C. RF'D 3, Box 186 19 N. 23rd St. 2427 Jackson St. 412 S. 18th St. Anthonp C. Cole Jesse W. Willett Graham D. Farmer Willaam G. Aead Jr. taillis S. Dav3s Carl W. Flilford, Jr. George T. Hutchinson Ralph L. Morgan Billy E. Garland Robert L. Thomas Michall A. Harri.son Jack R. Blanchard Jitmnie Lane Brown Alexander Hart Fred P. Hatch Winston D. Thompson James G. Henderson Sr. Cecil S. Williamson Joseph C. Hayduke Raymond R. Radcli.ffe John Tony Thompkins Willi.ara Preston Teachey Norman Ames Sykes Dallas Eligene Stoudenmire H. C. Johnston ADJOURNMENT - d Upon motion of Mr. Matts, seconded by Rr. Mayhan, 150 Parkwood ?r. 437 Rosemont Ave. 511 Colonial Dr. 2724 Park Ave. 4701 Cedar St. 1904 Princess St. $009 Park Ave. 206 Rose Ave. 207 Bonham Ave. 310 N. 21st st. 2908 W. Lake shore Drive 322 Castle St. 605 Northerh Blvd. 2214 Brandon Rd, 211 Forest Hills Drive 111 Lake Forest Pkwy. % Henderson-Roche'?le Co. 602 N.H2i?U.tgEe R . ytin RFD 1, Castle Iiayne, N. C. 313 Grace St. 119 Castle St. 114 Colonia7 Circle 2308 Washington St. 11 Jackson Drive 905.S, Iferr Ave. n sly vote to ac?journ. Executive cretary Wilmington, N. C. Jamary 2, 1962 p ASSENIDLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. 3.n the Caranissionera Roon o£ the County Court House with the following members i.n attendance: Chaixman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Yan B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. NIINUTES APPROVAL - Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, minutes of December 18, 1961 were unanlmously approved. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend George F. Sowerby, Minister of Education of St. Andrews Covenan Presbyterian Church, to give a prayer for guidance. • BEER PERMITS - The following Beer Permits were considered and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and approval. Laura Alexander T/A Castle Hayne Restaurant ? Sterling Singletary Barnhill T/A Liston Guy Gore T/A Rae Dee R. Powell T/A Barney's Grill Liston's Grill Henry's Drive In RFD 1, Box 6A Castle Hayne, N. C.- 11!} West Shipyard Blvd. RFD 1, Box 271 Carolina Beach Rd. ? ?? ? 54, F' 5 Minutes of the Meeting January 2, 1962 Continued ? fASSISTANT SOLICITOR - A letter was received from Solicitor .]ohn J. Burney, Jr. of the Eighth ' Solicitorial District recommending that Mr. W. Allen Cobb be reappointed as Assistant Solicitor for the year 1962. Mr. Braak offered a motion that this recommendation be approved with the same salary as in the past. It was seconded by Ntr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ?MISCELLANEOUS RECOMMENLlATION = Recommendations on several sub,jects listed below were received from Mr. Harry Hayden, a local citizen interested in civic affairs, as follows: 1. Sorosis Ntuseum - He suggested that the name of the Sorosis Museum be changed to the Louis T. Moore Memorial Museum in honor of the late Chairman of the New Hanover HistoriCal Commission. ' 2. Craiqss Haven - He also suggested that the site of the Battleship USS North I Carolina be called Craig's Haven in honor of the late James Sterling Craig who orig- ! inated the idea of bringing the battlesYiip to rest in Wilmington and whose forebears resided at Craig's Landing ,just north of Fort Fisher on the Cape Fear River. II 3. Centennial - He thinks that the Civil War Centennial now being celebrated should spotlight the two ma,jor battles of Fort Fisher to perpetuate the memory of Major General W. H. C. Whiting, Colonel William Lamb, Major James I. Reilly and Christopher C. Bland whose heroic actions deserve honor for the part they played in valiant Confederate defenses. 4- Give consideration to naming the new Snow's Cut Bridge "Bland's Bridge'l,"Lamb-. Whiting Span" or"Fort Fisher Bridge". ' It is the consensus of opinion of the Board that these matters should be handled by the particular commissions or committees handling the various pro,jects. • IWILMINGTON HARBOR Notice was received from the Corps of Engineers, extending the time for • submitting data to the Board of Engineers for rivers and harbors in reference td the proposed deepening of the navigat3on channel in the Cape Fear River from December•22, 1961 to February 1, 1962. The Chairman advised the Board that Colonel George W: • Giilette was handling the details on this pro,ject at this time and Lhe Board, by com- mon consent, directed the Executive Secretary to write Colonel Gillette and inform • u him thaL the Board was willing to help in any way on this proposal. A public hearing is scheduled for February 16, 1962 in the Federal Court Room of the of the Custom House at which time the users of the river may establish the economic ,justification• (for the deepening of the channel as well as the modification of the Hilton Bridge.: ; i DISTRICT MEETING - • Notices were received from the State Association of County Commissioners' Office and the Board of Commissioners of Onslow County that the Third District Meet- ing of the State County Commissioners Associatlon, Auditors and County Attorneys is to be held at the Onslow County Court House on Wednesday, January 17th, 1962 at ', 10:00 A. M. The Chairman urged all members of the Board to attend this important , ?meeting. BID OPENING - A letter was received from the City Manager calling attention to the open- ing oF bids in the City Covncil Chambers on January lOth, 1962 at 10:00 A. M. for re- pairing the ,jointly owned Market Street Armory. He advised the Board that he had accepted an invitation for all of them to attend this bid opening. Each member of the Board expressed their intention of being present at that time. ?PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Pursuant to the discussion at the last meeting in which three names were suggested to serve on the Community Planning and Development Commission, Mr. Mayhan asked the Chairman if they had accepted. He reported that as yet he had been unable to contact them but as soon as he had their acceptance he would call the Pxecutive I Secretary and direct him to write a letter of confirmation of the appointment. ? ?ELECTRICAL SERVICE The County Electrical Inspector Jbhn E. Wood, reported that-the A. B. Blake Electrical Contractors had completed their contract on the electrical service into the Court House building. He.assured the Board that the workmanship was good and he could see no need for additional major electrical work in the next twenty years. He recommended that all future electrical alterations or repairs be inspected by the City Electrical Inspector since it was inside the City limits. After a brief discuss- ion, Mr. Mayhan offered a moLion that in the future no bills for electrical work be paid unless accompanied by an inspection certfficaie issued by the City Electrical Inspector approving the job. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by Lhe Board. ?COUNTY INSURANCE - Mr. Hardy Wessell, representing the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents presented the following recommendations covering Lhe valuations and recommended insurance coverage for County buildings: Continued - \ Minnte_s of the-ileet.ina-J.an.uar_Y2-,-19.62 COUNTY INSURANCE Public and Institutional PropertY Form ' Buildinq Present Value New County Court House 475,000 Old County Court House 173,000 Board of Health 54,000 Armory 98,500 Community Hospital Main Building 2399000 Nurses Home 117,500 Laundry 8 Boiier 13,300 Laboratory 6,700 Hugh Macftae Park Recreation Center 3000 Boiler House Livestock Arena li Pump House #2 Fatting Pen I Cow Barn I Picnic Shelter County Home Properties Main Building Group Smoke & Pump House Corn Barn x Shed Milking Barn ? Equipment Shed Chicken House Old Highway Commission Bldg. Main Ce11 Block (Men) Womens Cell Block White Juvenile Ward Colored Juvenile Ward Dining Hall Airport Properties I Main Terminal Control Tower Fixed Base Terminal Fixed Base Hanger Generator Building Manager's Residence Open end Hanger Boat Shop ? Rental Storage T-970 Storage T-972 County Shop T-974 Electricai Shop T-976 Federal Aviation Agency Bldg. Old County Hanger 770 157,000 2,900 1,575 34,270 490 1,360 2,960 3,740 2,240 1,910 2,960 ii,7oo 33,900 8,930 14, 670 7,800 17,880 181,530 36,788 12,350 31,200 927 7,11}0 65,000 19,150 7,545 15,280 15,280 7,965 4,100 10,700 Present Insurance 307,000 140,000 30,000 25,000 162,000 50,000 4,000 2,000 none none 75,000 2,400 none 10,000 none none none 1,500 1,000 none none. none 24,000 4,000 8,500 3,000 4,000 160,000 25,000 10,000 io,ooo none none none none none none none none none none Recommended Amount 427 , 500 155,700 48,600 88,650 215,100 105,750 11,970 6,030 2,790 693 141,300 2,610 1,1}17 30,843 441 11224 2,664 3,366 z,oib 1,789 2,664 10,530 30,510 8,037 13,203 7,020 16,092 163,377 33,109 11,115 28,080 834 6,1}26 50,000 17,235 6,790 13,752 13,752 7,168 3,690 9,b3o I ? ? ?? ? , ?? ? R ?a -- COUNTY INSURANCE - 1'he Board reviewed the recommendations submitted by Mr. Wessell and sug- gested the following revisions: ? BuildinA Recommended Amount Insurance Co. Remmmended Armory (for Countyts share) 44,32$.00' 88,650.00 Hugh MacRae Park Recreation Center 2,000.00\ 2,790.00 Fatting Pen 500.00 1,224,00 Cow Barn 1,500.00' 21664.00 Corn Barn 8 Shed 2,500.00 3,366.00 ^ Milking Barn, 12000.00 • 21016.00- Equipment Shed 750.00 2,789.00 Chicken House` 1,500.00- 2,664.00 ? Womens Cell Block . 7,000.00 8,037.00 - White Juvenile Ward 7,000.00 130203.00 ? Colored Juvenile Ward 7,000.00- 7,020.00• Open end Hanger 50,000.00' 58,500.00 - Boat Shop - 10,000.00 17,235,00- Mint2 }iouse 4,000.00 Pump House Equipment 7$0.00 Mr. Wessell agreed that he would secure bids from contractors on these properties 'I estimating their replacement cost and report back to the Board at their meeting on ! January!.lsth. :On.the._buiid'ings which are not now insured, Mr. Wessell agreed to bind the coverage on a temporary'basis at the -fioures suggestied by the Board above. On the fixed base hanger, it was decided that tension panels should be installed which would automatically open under wind pressure and save wind damage to the building. IMAL-PRACTISE INSURANCE - • Mr. Metts raised the question of liability at Community Hospital for pro- fessionai.mal-practise. He is of the opinion that since the County Attorney has ruled that the Board of Directors of Community Hospital as well as the Board of County Com- missioners would not be exempted from liability for professional mal-practise at Community Hospital, it is necessary in the light of information available to him that arrangements should be made to secure proper coverage. He offered a motfon that arrangements be made to secure mal-practise insurance at Community Hospital. Mr. Braak , seconded the mot3on arixl when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan I voted "No", Messrs. Braak and Metts voted "Yes". The Chairman concurred and declared , the motion adopted. \ 'JWENILE DETENTION HOME - Mrs. Sarah A. Layton, Juvenile Court Clerk, appeared before the Board and explained that she was having difficulty in securing a house mother or matron for the Juvenile Detention Home because of the unattractive and rundown condition of the build- ing. She reported that they had saved $2$0.00 in the Salary Account on the Budget and asked the Commissioners to transfer it from Salary to Maintenance and Repairs to improve bathroom facilities and a linen storage room would provide the quarters with a more attractive atmosphere and make them more livable. The Chairman asked him to get an estimate of the cost of the repairs suggested and report back to the Board. Mr. May- han offered a motion that $280.00 be transferred within the Budget of the Juvenile De- tention Home from Salaries to Ytaintenance and Repairs. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. (NEW HANOVER GENERAL HOSPITAL - A letter was received from the recently appointed Board of Trustees for the proposed New Hanover Genera2 Hospital requesting that $10,000.00 be made available as an advance against bond monies to defray miscellaneous and incidental costs in negotiating the construction of the hospital. They also asked for the use of part- time clerical help and office space and equipment such as a desk, typewriter, adding machine, filing cabinet, conference table and chairs for at lea'st ten. After discuss- ing the requests briefly, Mr. Metts offered a motion that for the purpose of saving the County interest on money that $10,000.00 be transferred from Unanticipated Rev- enues in the General Fund to the New Hanover General Hospital Fund for Lhe purposes outlined in-the request w3th the provlsion that they would be repa3d to the County out ' of the first monies received from hospital bond sales. It was seconded by Mr. Braak, and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted "No" as he thought it shouid be I entirely separated from any County funds. Other members of the Board voted "Yes" and the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. ' tPETITION FOR RELIEF - An application for County Home care was received from the Director of Public ? Welfare for Lora Virona Rhodes Prince because of Arterio-sclerosis and generalized senility. She has no relatives able or willing Lo care for her. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved her acceptance at the County Home. Continued- I'? 2 157, ,. Minutes of the Meeting r -- - - - January 2, 1962 (Continued) ? PETITION FOR RELIEF - (Continued) / -' 'Relief"Policy---°Mr'.Broadhur.st-ca`lled?,attention'.to;EaTl'.Hampton Sh3pp.:who..was II appr`oVe3 'for -admittarice on-Marcfi• 15, 1961 because of acute alcoholism. He was admitted for a period of four months which was considered a sufficient time for him to rehaM li- I tate himself from Lhe malady. It has come to his attention that Mr. Shipp is physically able to work but refuses to do so and ,judging from informatian available to him he sug- ' gests that Shipp be dismissed from the Covnty Home or be required to work to pay for his upkeep. After a brief discussion of this problem,• Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Earl Hampton Shipp be required to work or leave the County Home immedietely. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted by the Board. WORKMENS' COMPENSATION -- Pursuant'to instruction authorized at the December !}th meeting, the County Attorney presented the following Resolution which authorizes Industrial Compensation .:? Ii Insurance for elected officials under the North Carolina Industrial Commission: RESOLUTION 1__? Pursuant to the provisions of North Caro2ina Generai Statutes 97-2 (2), Be It Resoived that all county offiCers elected by the peopie shall be sub- ject to and covered by the terms of North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 97, entitled °Workmen's Compensation Act", this to be effective upon acknow2edgment of receipt of a copy of this Resolution by the North Carolina Industrial Commission. / Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded b y Mr. Mayhan, the above Resolution was unanimousiy adopted and the Executive Secretary directed to notify the State Industrial Commission. HOSPITAL RESOLUTION - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reportedto the Board that he had received ? a copy of a letter written to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Genera•r Hospital in which the Medical Care Commission suggested modification of the fol- lowing two terms of the agreement: II . Page 4A- Representatives from the medical profession might best be appointed to the Boar? on the basis of nominations from either the medicai staff of the Medical Society i rath oin consuitation with." This perhaps would reduce any criticism of favoritism on : the part of selecting authorities. Page 5, Section 12- In regard to the wording ".'.. unless the same are purchased by competitive bidding," you may be interested in the enclosed copy of an opinion express- I ed by the Attorney General in connection with the bidding by trustees on public con- tracts." . • Mr. Tillery advises that while these are suggestions and not to be construed as any in- ? !,'tention'of the Medical Care Commission to interfere with the organization of the New ' Hanover General Hospital Board of Trustees as set forth in the Resolution, he thought that these should be considered. By common consent, the Board authorized the County • Attorney to clarify these suggestions and bring back a recommendation especially with reference to the requirements of GS 14-234 covering authority for making a conLract of purchase by a member of the Public Trust Board. WELFARE QUARTERS - • ' The Chairman read a letter from Nr. R. Eugene Brown, Director of Publ-ic Assist-? ance, with reference to his recent visit and conference in which new quarters for the Welfare Department were considered. They approve fhe Isaac Bear Building as to •location and feel that the necessary renovations would not cost a great deal and would provide suitable and adequate space. He pledged their continued effort to help at any time bet- ter office space is located for the Welfare Department. PETIT JURY The foilowing good and lawful citizens were selected"to serve Huperior Court for the weeks beginning February 12th and February 19th, terms and for the week beginning Eebruary 26th, 1962 - Criminat term: Jurors for the week beAinninq Februarv 12, 1962 - Civil term ' W. D. Gay F. M. Foy, Jr, E. E. Jones N. J. Hines N. E. Heath R. L. Lord E. V. Shaw L. R. Carter A. J. Fowler L. F. Andrews Jimmy L. Davis E. H. Blanton David Robbisn Fred W. Davis p Joseph W. Taylor ? J. W. Strickland Joseph N. Alford Coy E. Talent R. J. Holladay M. T. Flanagan , J, I, Jeffreys I E. I. Herring Jr. ,Fred Robbins Leroy C. Towles Arthur M. Figgs 222 Oak Crest Dr. 4109 Peachtree St. Box 621, Carolina Beach 1140 Country Club Rd. RFD 1, Castle Hayne N.C 1417 s. 4tn st. 242 Pinecrest Pkwy. 15 Morningside Dr. 2205 Dexter St. 1501 S. 3rd St. 1709 Ann St. 408 N. Kerr Ave. 1608 Moore Plaza 124 Colonial Cir. Jr. 21?15 xarrison St. 16 Kenwood Ave. 202 Forest Rd. 1819 Castle St. 337 Castle Hayne Rd. 7 Bernard Dr. 512 s. 18tn st. 1737 Carolina Ave. 326 S. 4tn st. 4706 Cedar Ave. 6 Y Lake Village Walter K. Gaylor, Jr. Bruce freeman Eugene M. O'Brien Clyde Amerson Jr. Sanford Carter Paul M. Stevens John J. Saunders Boyd A. Rannady Richard F. Sheppard Charles D. Martin,Sr. Duncan L. Futrelle, Sr. Dolan O. Norrls, Jr. Darald C. Frink Edward H. Fowler Junius C. Gregory Joseph M. Gentry Jerry R. Griffin John W. Register Severt N. Oiness George Harold Smith David Gray Willetts Charley J. Frazelie Clayton W. Fountain Maurice Rlvers Johnson Murphy H. Southeriand,Jr. as Juror's in , 1962 - Civi1 16 Ivey St. RFD 2, Box 245 A 158 Colonial Cir. 4915 r'[aPle st. 2427 Monroe St., 217 Two Chopt Rd. 622 S. 3rd St. 4702 Cedar Ave. Box 102, Wrightsv. Beach 6 W. Henderson St. 1}1}08 Wrightsville Ave. 409 N. lsth St. 9 Lee Drive 21 S. 6th St. RFf? 2, Box 61 A 2019 Hlein Rd, '225 Woodland Dr. 408 Grace St. 1908 Perry E1ve. 2409 A Jefferson St. 5023 Barefoot Dr. 2310 W. Lake Shore Dr. 2212 Klein Rd. RFD 3, Box 31$ RFD 2, Box 205 C. ??? , 58 Minutes of the Meeting Januar.y 2, 1962 Continued PETIT JURY - (Continued) I 1 Juroi: s for the we ek beqinninq Februarv 19. 1962 - Civil term I. L. Todd 2934 E Jefferson St. R. F. Pierce 614 S. 5th St. ? A. C. Pate 3823 Wilshire Blvd. W. W. Murrell Box 253 C tl H N ( J. D. Cook 182 Lake Forest Pkwy. Wm. R. Sellers Cas ayne, e . 509 wooster St. John R. Futch 2709 Jefferson St. Thomas H. Ennis RFD 1, Box 287 M. B. Russ 2701 Chestnut St. G. H. Peterson t1 C 102 LakeSShoreabre,N.C.i E. D. Blake 2808 Market St. G. E. Harrelson 909 S. Herr Ave. Leon Lee 610 S. 3rd St. Wm. G. Robertson Jr. 512 Forest Hi'lls J. A. Bryan RFD 2, Box 419 DaVid L. McGuire RFD 1, Box 141 Paul R. Merki 35 Beauregard Lewis R. Davis Jr. P. O. Box 1153 T. E. Mullen 2750 S. Front St. Donald A. Moore 15 N. 26th St. Edwin H. Hughes 226 N. 22nd St. Arnold Paolini 323 S. Front St. P. D. Woodall, Jr .Box 1077, City Graham D. Farrow RFD 2, Box 76 Henry L. Lee 5 West Henderson St. Ernest F. Stokley 3027 Jefferson St. R. A. Moore 2101 Klein Rd. James 0. Robinson 2727 Burnett Blvd. Fred Hixon Jr. 311 Pine Hills Dr. Harold J. Sharpe 102 Colonial Circle Teado r Glod _..- Castle Hayne, N. C. Cecii E. Becraft 14 Greenville Ave. James F. Allen 306 Parkway Di. Marx N ewworth 520 N. 3rd St. J. L. Outlaw 210 Sunset Ave. Dempse y E. Cole 704 Orange St. Carl E. Taylor 2428 Monroe St. Nathan Schwart 7091 N. !}th St. Elmer M. Sellers 1013 S. 3rd St. Carter W. Newsome 1305? Nun St. James A. Fisher 2835 B. Jefferson Willia m Spencer 108 S. 13th St. H. B. Stone 150 Wrightsville Beach Luther Thomas Strickla nd $828 Oleander Lee F . Crook 221 Pkwy. Blvd. Robert Floyd Moore 155 Colonial Cir. ' Wilii e M. Shepard 509 S. L}th St. Adron Franklin Morton Monroe St. Crary G. Fiarfax 5042 Wrightsville Ave. Samuel Dewey Robinson 2408 Poplar St. , Jurors for the week beqinninq Februarv 26, .1962 - Criminal term R. M. Ange 3702 Wrightsville Ave. A. B. Walton 1014 Market St. Wiley C. Bunn 1710 Chestnut R. A. Price 4 H Lake Uillage C. M. Langley 4921 Oleander Dr. Bert W. Blake 2532 S. Front St. W. N. Jordan 217 Montgomery Ave. A. H. Weedon 2$18 Jefferson St. W. D. Swart 35 Terrace Walk Jessie G. Taylor 11 N. 7th St. Lenwoo d M. King 11 Keaton Ave. James E. Lewis 2815 Willow St. C. B. Register 25 Terrace Walk J. N. Wooten 211 Pinecrest Pkwy. Wm. F. Caulder 2131 Klien Rd. Roma M. Pigott 2712 Uan Buren St. Elbert P. Herring 2121 Klein Rd. Willia m S. Phillips 201 Virginia Ave. Wm. J. Justice 2902 Monroe St. J. H. Sweeney 1920 Nun St. George W. Crowley 1917 Church St. Dail Elsworth 4112 Wright St. Robert D. Sykes 2851 H. Adams Bennie Freeman RFD 2, Box 257 John D. Mitchell 23 Barnard Dr. Homer A. Pierce Oscar Phiilips Stephen Prevost Thomas E. Reese Rodney Fryer Durwood Stephens Robert M. Spivey Charles W. Sutton Relman Robinson Martin W. Pridgen Vaughnie S. Brown S. Bryan Smithey Arthur E. Pridgen J. C. Strickland Beverly A. Jurgensen Howard M. Loughlin William T. Godbold Sr. Stanley H. Zygmunt William P. Sanders Bernard Graham Franklin Edward Colvin Frank Alfred Foster Wilton B. Richard George Allen Cayton Robert J. Herring. 3001 Louisiana St. ! 612 Chestnut St. 1905 Princess St. 2731 Mimosa Place 107 Castle St. ' 1410 Castle St. 4820 Carolina Beach Rd. P0 ?Wi'iohtDr: Beach,N.C. 105 ?r Sjille Beach' 315 S. 17tn st. 1019 Hawthorne Rd. I 610 S. 5th St. ? 2017 Pender Ave. P. o. Box 362 446 Castle Hayne Rd. 4102 Lake Ave. 3 Y Ct. P. Lake Vil. 1820 Market St. RFD 2, Box 170 Box 85 A, Castle Hayne 5024 Heide Dr. 3009 Market 5t. RFD 1 Box 29 4505 Greenfield St. I ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to moved that they ad,journ the meeting. It was approved. .ASSENBLY - brought before the Board, Mr. Mayhan seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously V Wiimington, N. C. tive Secretary January 15,1962 The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Audi.tor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the Minister of Education of St. Andrews guidance. meeting to order and asked Reverend Georg"e F. Sowerby;l Covenant'Presbyterian Church, to give a prayer for I MINUTES APPROUAL - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by W. Mayhan, minutes of the Jan-•-- bary:2nii, 1961 were unanimously approved) after the Executive Secretary had asked permission to amend the suggestions by Mr. Harry Hayden to include the Snow's Cut Bridge. L_