1962-02-05 Regular Meetingr62 Minutes of the Meeting January 15, 1962 Continued ` PETIT JURY - Fifty jurors were drawn to serve for the Special term of Superior Court in the trial of civil cases for the week beginning February 5, 1961. Jurors for the special term beqinninq Februarv 5. 1962 Richard Allen RFD 1, Box 125 Castle Hayne, N. C. Elwood Hall 107 Jacksonville Ave. David B. Anderson 4635 Mockingbird Lane Olive E. Hall 2018 Pender Ave. Laurin B. Askew 2231 Camellia Drive Howard A. Hanby 1021 Country Club Rd. A. L. Wenberg Box 53, Wrights ?aAR J. W. Harris 25L?J? S. Front St. Henry A. Trulove il}O1} Chestnut 5?. Lawren ce E. Harrison 4105 Franklin Ave. A. L. Wooten 134 Colonial Cir. W. G. Hashagen 102 Brookwood Ave. J. H. Smith 820 Walnut 5t. H. H. Hewett 2045 Castle St. W. C. Teachey Box 219,Caroiina Beach Ralph Bennett Holland 24 Ct. U Lake Village Edward R. Teachey 807 S. 5th St. A. E. Horne 219 Wood Dale Robert Frankiin Bellomy 2247 Camellia Dr. Claren ce L. Huggins 120 Castle Hayne Rd. George R. Barefoot 4620 Long Leaf Hills Dr .James M. Jeffords 5016 Barefoot Dr. Fred E. Bost Carolina Beach, N. C. Garlan d M. Knott 306 Parkway Blvd. O. L. Browne 1809 Chestnut St. Carl E. Lathrop 215 Woodland Dr. Edgar R. Bullock 1934 Church St. R. L. Lucas 729 Essex Dr. Roy A. Burnett P. 0. Box 582 CaE° a ac? Marion Hudson Mathews Sr. 2936 Adams St. Archie e i L. Sutler Jr. 405 Larchmont A. S. Meier 2524 Jefferson St. J. F. Crawford 29 Pinecrest Ter. Lamoyn e Mix 13 B. Lake Uillage C. H. Daughtry 22 Morningside Dr. C. S. Morse 2267 Camellia Dr. C. C. Davis 1807 Grace 5t, Thomas W. Murray RFD 2 Box 327 C. E. Fryar 1415 Dock St. Dolan Odell Norris Jr. 409 N. lsth St. Albert T. Gore 13 Summit Walk James G. Pittman 3901 Market St. Fred B. Graham Wachovia Bk. 8 Tr. Co. Henry Joseph Powell 1404? Princess St. Robert W. Gravette 2009 S. Front St. Horace M. Scott 2414 Chestnut St. F. H. Greer 3702 Winston Blvd. A. M. Sell 128 Colonial Drive Lloyd E. Hales 2908 Monroe St. Paul J . Sikes Box 210, Wrightsv. Beach ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. W..G.JHouck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. February 5, 1962 IL ASSENiBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in their office in the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. F. I. Albright, Pastor of the McClure Presbyterian Church at Castle Hayne, North Carolina to give a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last regular semimonthly meeting held on January lsth were unanimously approved. ( REQUEST - Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr. requested that he be allowed to abstain from any discussion on the insurance problem and go on record eliminating the agency which he represented from any participation in the division of the premiums as proposed by the Association. COUNTY INSURANCE - Mr. Hardy Wessell, representing the Wilmington Association of Independent Insurance Agents, Incorporated,reported that consideration had been given to the action of the Board at their last meeting on January lsth and he was making a formal request that they rescind that action and allow him to proceed with coverage in accordance with I the agreement at the meeting on January 2nd when he was permitted to bind the coverage on a temporary basis at the figures suggested by the Board. He remarked that he did not view this question as a contest between the,two groups as they, too, represented tl Mutual Companies which pay dividends. Mr. Allen T. Strange, representing the Wi'lmington N Association of Mutual Agents stated that they were interested in protecting public property and in the pasL five years had saved the County $1168.00 and that if the pol- icies were cancelled short rate, the net result would also be a loss to the County. He suggested that the Public Institutional Property Policy allowed a 20% less than manual rates and that each of the associations be allowed to continue coverage on the same proportion as at present. After giving consideration to the claims of each of the associations' representatives and discussing the various items that were brought up I through questions, Mr. Broadhurst stated that he would like to have a little more time to study the mat.ter and offered a motion that the decision be postponed until the next regular semimonthly meeting to be held on February 19th. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan, who stated that he did not think the short delay would ,jeopardize the Countyts protection , continued- ? ? ? ?? Minutes of the Meeting February 5, 1962 Continued N COlJIVTY INSUf2ANCE - (continued) ? and asked that the County Auditor furnish each Commissioner the present cost to the County for insurance coverage. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Metts reQuested he be allowed to abstain from voting. , Nessrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted for the motion and Mr. Braak voted against the motion. The Chair ruled the motion prevailed and assured those present that they would be prepared to.make a definite decision at the next meeting. ' DRAIIQAGE - / - A group of property owners from the Myrtle Grove Sound section of the County headed by Mrs. R. E. Bell as spokesman reported that they were being flooded out by water because Mr. C. W. Blake had closed the drainage canal which emptied into the sound and carried all their surface water. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he and Dave W. Rivenbark, the County Drainage Supervisor, had investigated a previous complaint 11 in July of 1961and that only three weeks ago they had inspected the same problem along with Mr. R. A. Ashworth, District Engineer and Mr. W. H. Lumsden, Maintenance Supervisor for the State Highway Commission. It is our conclusion that it is a matter for the pro- perty owners to settle between themselves and not a public responsibility. After briefly I discussing the matter, Mr. Metts offered a motion Lhat it be referred to the County Attor-- ney for a ruling on the legal aspects of the problem as far as far as the County is con- I cerned. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. LITTLE_ LEAGUE ." = . • Mr. H. J. McGee, representing the Winter Park Optimist Club, reported that ? they were sponsors of the Winter Park Little League composed of 120 boys and stated that if they had another baseball diamond they could take care of 240 boys. He presented an itemi2ed estimate of the equipment and materials necessary to activate another piayground amounting to $1800.00 and requested that the Commissioners appropriate one-half of this amount out of the Recreational Budget. He observed that participation in the Winter Parlc Recreational Program was not exclusive of any boys in the County but made it clear that the Wilmington Optimist Club sponsored a Little League to which most of the boys inside the City of Wilmington belonged. After reviewing the proposal, the Board unanimously authorized Mr. Mayhan as a committee to meet with the officials and investigate the re- quest and bring back a recommendation to the Board at their next meeting. Mr. Broadhurst offered the motion which_was seconded by Mr. Metts. STATE REVENUE DEPARTMENT - ? Nessrs. A. S. Watkins and Frank E. Young, Jr. representing the State Revenue Collecting and Auditing Department reminded the Board that they had requested, on Novem- ber 20Lh, 1961s the use of the space recently vacated by the business office of the Board of Education known as the back porch. The Chairman explained that the delay in making their decision was caused by a request by the Welfare Department for additional space and that an assignment had been given to an architect asking him to submit proposals to the Board and recommendations on the best way to solve the probiem, however, up to this time he had not completed his plans and asked if it would seriously inconvenience them to wait until the next semimonthly meeting on February 19th For an answer.. After briefly dis- cussing the problem,-Mr; Braak,-moved tihat'the St2te Department of Revenue be allowed to to use the back porch space until such time as a more pressing need developed. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Metts offered a substitute motion that the decision be postponed until the next regular semimonthly meeting since . the delay would not seriously inconvenience the Revenue Department. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Metts and Broadhurst voted "Yes" on the substitute motion, Messrs. Braak and Mayhan voted "No". The Chairman voted in the affirmative and declared the substitute motion prevailed, therefore, there was no need for action on the original motion. STREET NAME CHANGE - / The Executive Secretary reported that, because of a duplication in the name of one of the streets shown on the Road Petitlon approved at the last meeting with the recommendation that it be accepted into the State Maintained Secondary Road System, he had contacted the Petitioners who suggested Hill Street be replaced by Meadowview Street. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Meadowview Street was approved and the Executive Secretary instructed to notify the State Highway Commission of this rati- fication of the change. DEPUTY JUDGE - RECORDERIS COURT Pursuant to instructions at the last regular meeting, the County Attorney re- ported that he had checked the General Statutes with reference to legal authority for appointing a Deputy Recorder's Court Judge without approval of the Civil Service Commiss- ion. He pointed out that the job of Deputy Judge of Recorder's Court is established as a statutory position under the Session Laws of 1909, Chapter 398, Section 2 which author- i2es the Judge of Recorder's Court to appoint a substitute, Lherefore, in his opinion it is not necessary for the appointment to be reviewed by the Civil Service Commission. COMMl1NITY HOSPITAL - Mr. Ed L. Ward, representing the Board of Directors of Community Hospital ex-,__? plained that he felt like the operation of the hospital was more satisfactory than at any time since he had been familiar with it but that two problems had recently developed which would require consideration from the Board of Commissioners. He presented them as follows: Transfer of Funds - He observed that the operation as a whole was within l_? their approved Budget but that several individual items were overdrawn and some others almost depleLed. He requested that the Board allow them to transfer $4,500.00 from their Drug Account to various items as needed since the change made in the handling of the drugs had resulted in a saving which would aliow this transfer without seriously affect- ing their drug operation. After brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that this request be granted and the Board permit the transfer of $4500.00 from the Drug Fvnd to apply as needed in other items so long as they stay within their total Budget and not raise salaries. _ It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. continued- t v / IIJ F' ;64 Minutes of the Meeting February 5, 1962 Continued ? COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - (continued) X-Ray Machine - He reported that the x-ray machine at the hospital had been condemned as unsafe and that it has been necessary for them to transport their patients for certain types of x-ray to James Walker Memorial Hospital. The average cost of this service has been running $500.00 per month and more on occasions. They can rent an x-ray machine for $400.00 per month but suggested that consideration be given to the purchase of a new x-ray machine if completion of the New Hanover General Hospital will be more than three years from now. At present they have prices from the General Electric Company amounting to $16,120.00 and from the Westinghouse Electric Company for $17,072.00 both of which met the specifications set up by the x-ray technicians. After considering. these suggestions, Mr. Metts offered a motion that approval be given to the purchase of new x-ray equipment, not to exceed $16,120.00 to meet the minimum specifications and that arrangements be negotiated to have the payment for it to come up at the next Budget time if possible provided it does not cost the County any more money. Mr. Braak seconded the motion and when the ballot was taken, W. Broadhurst voted "No" but since the other members of the Board voted "Yes", the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. IBRIDAL-PAX - INC. Mr. Braak reported that the Register of Deeds was dissatisfied with the dis- tribution of the small Bridal-Pax boxes as gifts of the County which were authorized at the November 20, 1961 meeting to be given to all couples obtaining marriage licenses. He considers the practise as commercial advertising. He exhibited an open box of-the items included, which were examined by the Board members. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the practise of distributing the Bridal Pax as gifts of the ' County be discontinued._.# It was seconded by Mr. Hail and when the ballots were counted, Messrs. Braak and Broadhurst voted "No" while Messrs. Hall, Mayhan and Metts voted "Yes!'", and the Chairman declared the substitute motion prevailed. fASSISTANT CORONER - • ? A statement in the amount of $90.00 was received from Starr McMillan, Assist- ant Coroner, for investioations made by him in the absence of the coroner. The Auditor reported that no funds had been set up in the Budget to pay for this service. In the discussion, it developed that the Board agreed to ad,just the salary of the Coroner from $2400.00 to $3600.00 per year plus a$10.00 per month car allowance with the understand- ing that he would pay all the investigative expenses arising from his office, however, it was remembered that he had been promised a two weeks vacatiott and through an oversight, no funds were appropriated for this purpose. '1\ao weeks vacation pay would amount to approximately $150.00 therefore, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the invoice for $90.00 be paid and that an appropriation be made from the General Emergency Fund to the Assist- ant Coroner's Account with the proviso that no more than $60.00 be paid for this service during the balance of the present fiscal year. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhvrst and unanimously adopted by the Board. /CAP FRIENDSHIP DAYS - Mr. James B. Moore, Chairman of the C.A.P. Friendship Days observance reported to the Board that he had two unpaid bills as a result of the consternation among the spectators at the last celebration when the C-123 aircraft was unfortnnately wrecked. In the past, the concession stands usually pay the operating expenses for that day but after the crash people did not buy any.more. The Treasury is depleted after payiny all other bills and he requested the Commissioners to consider appropriating funds to pay a bill from Penningtonts Flying Serv.ice amounting to $87.98 and the American Air Shows - amounting to $100.00 or a total of $187.98. After a brief consideration, Mr. Metts offer? ed a motion Lhat the bilis be approved for payment and.that funds amounting to $187.98 be appropriated out of the Advertising Fund for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. l WILMINGTON HARBOR - HILTON BRIDGE The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that a Public Hearing was scheduled for February 16, 1962 in the Federal Court Room of the Custom House at which time users could present their economic justification for the deepening of the Cape Fear River Channel and modification of the Hilton Bridge. The notice advised that oral statements would be heard but that all important facts having a pertinent bearing upon the general plan of improvement desired should be made in writing as the record will be forwarded for consideration by the Secretary of the Army. It was the consensus of the Board that the County should be represented to express their views concerning the character and ex- tent of improvements desired in order to permit industrial development of that area. Mr. Metts offered a motion that official approval be given to these proposals and that the County Attorney be authorized to draft a suitable Resolution expressing their desires for these improvements. It'was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the ?Board. FEDERAL FALLOUT SURVEY - A letter was received from Governor Sanford and read by the Chairman to the Board calling attention to a Fallout Shelter Survey to evaluate buildings within our County to protect people from the hazards of fallout. Federal supplies to equip the shelter.s will bz shipped;iri_by.the'Federai'government arid he ur.ged the.cooper2tion_, ' o f....tfi e. _. - Board of Commissioners and asked for assistance in its distribution to the buildings designated as public shelters. He stressed the importance of this precautionary measure to our community and considers it an unusuai opportunity to furnish our citizens with the beginnings of a realistic radioactive Fallout Protection Program. The Chairman informed the Board that Fosco, Incorporated had contracted with the United States Government for making this survey in New Hanover County. The locai Corps of Engineers likewise have been drafted to assist in making this survey and pledged their support and asked that full cooperation be given to the Civil Defense Director. The Chairman advised that he had consulted with the local Commodity Supervisor who agreed to lend his assistance in storing.the supplies in the Surplus Commodity Warehouse and agreed to help in the unloading and distribution which would develop in the next 60 days. \ ,. . It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and before the ballot was called, Mr. Mayhan offered a substitute motion that the practise be continued as he did not consider it commercial advertising. L_ 65, Minutes of the Meeting February 5, 1962 Coniinued . _- _-- fl BEER PERMITS The following application for a Beer Licerise was reviewed and upon motion / of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, was unanimously approved and referred to the Sheri.ff for his consideration: Cletus Haywood Clark T/A Joyner's Grocery 2310 Carolina Beach Rd. CAP BUILDING - / The Chairman informed ihe Board that he had a request from the local CAP Squadron for erecting a building on Airport property. He understands that it will be placed on a concrete slab which was left after demolishing one of the old shop build- ings which was about to fall down from weather damage. After some consideration of the request, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the C.A.P. be permitted to erect the building above provided it met with the approval of the Airport manager and that no liability would accrue to the County, with the understanding that the building would revert to.the County in the event it was abandoned by them. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the Board. PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - Applications for County Home care for James Olen Baltzegar and Josephine r Mcquire Hill were received from the Welfare Department. Both have physical disabil- ities and are unable to care for themselves. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Nhyhan, the Board unanimously approved admittance of both cases provided there was room for them. FILING DATE LEGISLATION - ? The Chairman informed the Board that he had discovered that no provision had been made in the General Statutes for the opening date for public office although it does provide for a closing time. He questioned the advisability of seeking legislation to provide for an opening date for fi.ling as at present aspirants can file as early ahead of the voting dates as they choose wliich exposes the Election Board to additional ex- penses. By common consent, the Bbard authori2ed the Executive Secretary to place this suggestion in the legislative file for future consideration at the time of the meeting of the next Genera,l Assembly. . ' ? ENTERTAINMENT APPROPRIATION The County Auditor informed the Board that he had att invoice for entertain- ? ment which he could not pay because the Entertainment Appropriation for the fiscai year was depleted. By unanimous common consent of the Board, it was agreed that entertain- ment was a form of advertising and contributed materially to our tourist trade. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously appropriated ' an allocation of $500.0.0 from the Advertising Fund to the Entertainment Fund and approved payment of the invoice. ELECTION COST APPROPRIATION - ? County Auditor Love reported that he had received funds amounting to $10,875•47 from the State covering the election held last November and asked the Board to appropfiate the money into the Election Account. Mr. Broadhurst moved that $10,875.47 be appropriat- from Unanticipated Revenue to the Board of Elections. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. • JAIL APPROPRIATION - "' County Auditor Love reported that inebriates placed in the Jail had damaged ? the beds and mattresses in the amount of $35.00 which has been recovered and requested that it be appropriated into the Jail - Bedding 8 Linen Account. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that $35.00 be appropriaLed from Unanticipated Revenue to the Jail - Bedding 8 Linen Account. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. NACO EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Mr. Peter H. Braak reported to the Board that he had been appointed one of thel_? Director Advisors on the Education Committee of the National Association of County Offic- ials. It is his intent to work with the State Association which is officially opposed to Federal aid to education in general. \ SEMIANNUAL REPORT - County Auditor Love made his semiannual report for the fiscal year showing collections to date of $1,532,697.09. He presented an itemized statement of the Revenues and Expenditures and stated that the County as a whole was in good financial condition. While the income was slightly less than at the same period last year, the ex enditures compared Lo the appropriations are running normal. The total percentage is ?}3%, however, this is caused by the School which aiways are paid out late in the year. All other accounts are running in line with the appropriations. REPORTS - ? The following reports and letters were reviewed and filed for information. ? 1-' Home Economics Agent's Report for January 1962.? 2- Farm Agent's Report for January 1962. I 3- Request by the State Medical Society for Medical Attention to the Jail? population. 4- Request from Associate Underwriters to participate in the County's ' I Insurance business. 5- Thank-you letter from the Town of Carol'ina Beach for assistance in re- r' questing ferry service between Fort Fisher and Southport ? 6- A statement of surpius of the Consolidated Board of Health for the fis- cal year ending 1961. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning March 5, 1962; Criminal term; and for the weeks beginning March 12th and Narch 19th, 1962, Civil term. (continued) ? -A 66 Minutes of the Meetin Februarv 5. 1962 Jurors for the week beqinning Paul Russ J. B. Parker Aubrey C. Pons B. J. Creech J. A. Hardison Leon R. Gay W. P. Troutman J. W. James E. T. Keal Jesse A. Croom Arthur H. Freeman Iiarry Greenspon William M. Calloway Roy Haymond Phillip Cowan Grady Fowler Riley 0. Sellers R. W. Gravette J. O. Baldwin Jr. W. A. Morris James T. Fipps Herman G. Dail George J. Cole Ed Schulken, Jr. John H. Hamby Paul S. McDaniel Harris L. Canady Richard W. Hatch Eli Cavenaugh Walter T. Hall Ulis L. Tucker Charles Hart Jesse C. Jacobs Charles Filipowiez James H. Crocker Karlton L. Leiner R. C. Shackeiford J. C. Garris George H. Fick, Jr. Edwin G. Hollowell Grover S. Thompson Milton Finkelstein Richard R. Carlyle Vance Reynolds Arvie Boyd Hilburn Everett Vance Harper William Rosell Howard Edgar L. Vanderpool Floyd Clyde Crabtree Linwood Earle Taylor March 5, 1962 - Criminal 1320 Greenfield 1809 Queen St. 2705 Wrightsville Av. 1416 Dock St. 3 L. Nesbitt Cts. 3007 Monroe St. 308 s. 17tn St. RFD 2, Box 215 AA 1025 S. 3rd St. P.O. Box 111} arolina rieach,N.C. 40 Church St. D-2 Oleander Apts. 2227 Plaza Dr. 9 F Lake Village 316 S. 2nd St. 2216 Maple St. Oakley Circle 2009 Carolina Bea Rt. 2, Sox 28 Rt. 2, 211 B. 119 Morningside Dr, 214 N. 22nd St. 4102 Edgewood Rd. lot} Colonial Cir. 2107 Creasy Ave. Jurors for the week beqinninq March 12, 1962 - Civil Cato M. Littleton Herbert D. Shain Carson Clewis John C. Rivers John E. Mowbray Albert J. Foxworth Joseph S. Davis Jack Forehand Bruce A. Rober9on Daniel Ben,j, Hardee Ernest George E. L. Crump E. J. Pridgen H. E. Wilson K. L. Parrish McKinley Cheshire W. E. Burnett W. B. Gore S. F. Lewis, Jr. Frank Moody Bennett Hershall Suggs Henry W. 'Sass Liston Dale Marlowe Charles E. Hartford J. M. Smith F. B. King 1220 S. 4th St. Anthony Blake % Wanets Sausage Co, H. F. Snow 1920 Perry Ave. H. M. Daniels 1+518 Market St. Ernest Dove 7 G Lake Village C. L. Harper 615 S. 16th St. C. G. Carney Jr. 403 North Carolina Av. D. A. Bellamy 27 Norningside Dr. W. F. Corbett RFD 1, City J. D. Snow 405 Wrightsville Ave. Louis C. Osborne 903 South Kerr Ave. Norman G. Chafin 80 N. Lake Vil. A. B. Smith 507 Nun St. Clarence W. Houston 5409 Ridgewood Dr. D. A. Foster 315 Grace St. R. C. Gray 223 S. 5th St. R. G. Parlier 4702 Long Leaf Hill Ernest Johnson 306 Castle St. James E. Todd 2110 Klein Rd. R. C. Hinson 2(}061 Princess St. Jerry Floyd 4 aJooster St. Donald G. Brock 2530 Van Buren St. Robert M. Moore 1+307 Wrightsv. Ave. John W. Wenberg P. O. Box 328 Ruther ford Leonard 110 Wocth Dr. ,Toseph Si.mon 2728 Columbia Ave. Harry E. Mitchell 10161 Country Club Rd.Eddie Strickland 408 Northern Blvd. William F. Jacobs 2208 Klein Rd. James C. Howell 12 P Lake Village C. J. Peterson Rt. 1, Box 5 James T. Williamson 3706 Wrightsv. Ave. Edward Davis 249 Whites Ave. E. B. Peacock 1336 Churchill Dr. P. D. Dixon 136 Live Oak Ave. Jack T. Potter 225 Pinecrest Pkwy. Charli e W. Silance 2106 Lake Shore Dr. Jerome Andrew Thibide au 12 Pinecrest Pkwy. C. W. McClelland 207 Church St. J. Dudley Howell P. O. Box 22 A. F. McLamb 1619 Grace St. Alfred L. Kelley Box 168, Carolina Beach Marsha ll M. Conglet on 16.3 Lake Forest Pkwy.Wm. G. Fesperman 2522 Burnett Blvd. A. O. Parker 3906 Carolina Beach Rd.James Riley Pettet 310 S. 20th St. L. G. Hay 530 Colonial Dr. John D. Hallenbeck 261 Lake Forest Pkwy. G. R. Koonce Rt. 1, Box 175 E. L. Hedrick 2807 Washington St. Jurors for the week bepinninq March 19. 1962 - Civil L. T. Davis 4717 Long Leaf Mills H. A. Mercer 2110 Creasy Ave. Joel Bell 815 S. 6th St. Wm. Frank Adcock Jr. 214 Borden Ave. Charles M. Porter 115 Laurel Drive James W. Harrington 4 C Nesbitt Cts. Leonard Chinn 1613 Moore Plaza Edgar Piner Box 159 B. City Marion Edw.Harrelson 2712 Market St. Noel D. Klutz 62 P'0 B a a Beach olin ? G.H. Buffkin 4315 Lake St. W. H. Whitaker, Jr. 1441 Castle Hayne Rd. Robert Lee King 207 N. 12th St. Robert G. Smith Rt. 2, Box 299 Charles B. Hudson Rt. 2, Box 297 James? L. Norment 22 M Lake Village Lee B: Moore 2870 A Jefferson St. R. G. Hobbs 2108 BarneLt Ave. William A. Reynolds 37 Pinecrest Pkwy. H. K. Fleisher 122 Pine Valley Dr. Edward D. Williams 307 Wright St. Wilbur Grady Cooper 5013 BarefooL Samuel C. Hill 222 Pinecrest Pkwy. George C. Jackson 114 Keaton Ave. Glenn M. Tucker P•?arolina6Beach ADJOURNMENT - There hurst moved that approved. 2411 Oleander Dr. 5011 Barefoot Dr. 4 W Lake Village 2509 Washington St. 1715 Orange St. 404 N. 25th St. 6 West Queen St. 1214 Chestnut St. 215 Castle St. 2218 Wrightsv, Ave. 104 Morningside Dr. 241 N. 25th St. 39 Lee Drive 2012 Market St. 137 Stonewall Jack?rn 514 s. i?t?, St. Front & Market Sts. Box 579, Carolina geach 7 Nesbitt Cts. N• C. 104 Glendale Dr. 2933 C Jefferson St. 2524 Princess St. Rd. 301 S. 2nd St. Rt. 1, Box 285 Jr. 22 H Nesbitt Courts. 714 Essex Dr. 2954 Cambridge Dr. 221 Montgomery Ave. 2419 Chestnut St. 725 Essex Dr. 24 Mercer Ave. 2013 Creasy Ave. 2912 Adams St. 204 s. 46tn St. 3012 Monroe St. Rt. 2, Box 77 AA 4106 Wrightsv. Ave. 14 N. Lake Village 142 Mercer Ave. No. 17 South 4th St. 408 N. 25th St. 909 S. 5th St. 102 N. Audubon BlVd. 2108 Kent St. 4418 PeachLree Ave. 2$32 E Adams St. 4949 Wrightsv. Ave. 1 L Lake Uillage 2221 Acacia Dr. RFD 2, Box 395 A being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Broad- they adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. ayhan and unanimously W. G. Houck, Executive Seoretary ,