1962-02-19 Regular Meeting6'7? Wilmington, N.C. February 19,1962 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission-" ers was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in their office in the County Court House with- the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. , Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOGATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend D. L. Alexander, Pastor of the First ChrisGian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APP,ROV&L OF THE MiNU`TES - Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on February 5th were unanimously approved. LITTLE LEAGUE PLAYGROUND - / Complying with instructions at the last meeting, Mr. Mayhan reported that he. had met with a committee from the Winter Park Optimist Club and inspected the proposed improvements for activating another ball diamond in Hugh MacRae Park for the use of the Little League. Mr. H. Jack McGee and the committee confirmed this request and stated that $843.00 would be sufficient funds provided the County wouid furnish some of the labor to construct the backstop and fence. He pledged that the materials would be furnished. Mr. Mayhan then moved that $843.00 be allocated from the appropriation set up in the Budget for Hugh MacRae Park and Oak Grove Cemetery earmarked for grave removals to cover this ex- penditure. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. RIVER BRIDGE - 1_? Mr. Thomas H. Wright Jr., Chairman of the New Hanover County Division of the SENCland Development Association presented a Resolution passed by the Association request- ing the State Highway Commission to begin work on the proposed bridge across the Cape Fear River without further delay. After discussing the matter briefly, Nr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Commissioners go on record as endorsing the Resolution presented by Mr. Wright and send a copy to the State Highway Comtnission. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ? COUNTY INSURANCE SURVEY - Complying with the request of the Board at the last regular meeting, Mr. Hardy Wessell, '!?"R:??'ICTd?"alVC336'i3, President of the Wilmington Association of Independent Insurance Agents, Incorporated and Mr. Allen T. Strange, President of the Wilmington Association of Mutual Insurance Agents appeared before the Board with a letter stating that these two organizations represent the vast majority of the insurance producers in u the County and that the bulk of the County insurance is now placed with the members of these associations and they are in a position to continue rendering the best possihle public service without sacrificing any of the recommendations or features proposed to the Board. In the interest of the public good they have agreed on a division of coverage in a ratio of 1/3 to the Mutual Association and 2/3 to the Independent Association which is the approximate proportion of inembership of the two groups. They stated that if the Board accepted this proposal they would consider the prior commitments with reference to the division?:of commissions null and void and proceed with the survey now underway. After discussing the responsibility of the respective grovps, Mr. Eroadhurst offered a motion that the above terms and conditions be accepted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously adopted. Coritents Insurance -Mr. 4lessell cailed attention to the fact that the pro- posed valuations which had been previously presented would not include the contents of the buildings. He read the list of:buildings.or'iginally'recoinmended.for coverage and the Cofimissi6ners,agreed?on.:the'fo:llow3ng'value'svfor_ihe.contents.._ Buildinq Co.ntents New County Court House $32,500 , Community Hospital Main Building 8$,000 Nurses Home 3,000 Laundry & Boiler 1,000 ? Laboratory 500 Hugh MacRae Park 'Recreati.on Center 300 County Home Properties Main Building Group 7,000 _Smo}ie. & Pump.;:House 1,000 Livestock Arena 350 I Cow Barn 1,000 Cow Barn & Shed 2,000 i Milking Barn 100 ? Guard Hovse 100 Main Cell Block 100 ' White Juvenile Ward 100 Colored Juvenile Ward 100 Dining Hall 1,000 Airport Properties Main Terminal 2,500 County Shop T-974 2,500 Electrical Shop T-976 3,000 County Agent 1,500 Board of Elections 100 Civil Defense 500 ? Tax Collectors 750 Surplus Commodity Office 500 The Executive Secretary was instructed to ascertain if the Health Department provided Contents Insurance on their equipment. (An interview of the Health Department revealed 1 ?1 -A Minutes of t h e Meeting February 19 1962 (Continued) COUN1'Y INSURANCE SURVEY - (Continued) that they did not have any insurance on the contents of their building, or, in fact, on the bui,lding itself. Mr. Wessell was advised of this condition.) ? Malpractise Insurance - Mr. Hardy Wessell reported that he had investigated the matter of Hospital Professional Liability for Community Hospital and found that it was very difficult to obtain but that one company represented by Lennox G. Cooper locally had quoted a premium of $2,302,88 with a 501100,000 limit. He was under the , impression that a binder had been placed on it but found that it had not, therefore the Board,by common consent, instructed him to secure the coverage. r DRAINAGE - The County Attorney reported as requested at the last meeting as to the legal aspects in the matter of opening drainage ditches to the sound that had been closed by one of the property owners. He rules that under the law, the County Com- mission has no power to enter upon private property and suggested that it was entirely a matter for the complaining owriers to report to the Solicitor or better still get together and work out an amicable agreement. It was pointed out that the offending party was in Florida at present. /STATE REVENUE DEPARTNIENT - Complying with their promise at their last meeting to make a decision about space for the expansion of the State Revenue Offices, the Chairman explained that the decision depended upon whether or not the Public Welfare Department moved to another location an@ at the present time, no space was available to offer them. After briefly discussing the various angles of this prohlem, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to write a let.ter to the State Department of Revenue that no additional space suitable for their office was available for their use at this time. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and carried unanimously. lSKY DIVERS - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had been approached by Mr. E. H. Spencer, President of the Hanover Shopping Center Nerchant's Association and John F. Rogers III, its Secretary, requesting approval of the Board for allowing a stunt show known as the Sky Divers from Fort Bragg.to participate in their annual anniversary celebration. He advised that they were seeking approval of the F.A.A. and that the jump zone was within the flight control area. After considering the various angles, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the request be approved so long as there was no liability to the County invoYved. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approve by the Board. IROAD PETITION - A group of property owners presented a petition for adding 0.3 of a mile of Secondary Road #1334 to the roads maintained by the State. One property owner had not signed the right of way, however, it was decided to fortiaard the petition to the State Highway Commission for their consideration, upon motion by Mr. Broadhurst, ?seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved by the Board. TRAFFIC CONTROL - Mr. Metts observed that a dangerous situation had come to his attention. He is of the opinion that some method of traffic control should be established at the entrance of the Azalea Plaza Shopping Center and the Hanover Shopping Center into Oleander Drive and U. S. #76 to alleviate the traffic hazards at these ingress and egress points. He offered a motion that the Board go on record as endorsing a traffic light and that the Executive Secretary be instructed to write the proper Highway officials and ask for a survey to determine the most practical control at this point. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. IPETITION FOR RELIEF - An applicatiori was received from`the Public Welfare Director requesting County Home care for Mrs. Mary Emma Berry who was discharged from the State Hospital and is suffering from arterio-sclerosis. Iqpon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the petition. ( Relief Policv - Mr, Broadhurst observed that he had been called during the weekend to admit Christopher Frank to the County Home. Although previous history indicates this man has heart trouble, he is able to do light work and therefore he thinks he should be required to work eight hours per day five and a half days per week so long as he stays out there. He offered a motion that the Board go on record approv- ing this policy ?and if he was not willing to abide by it that he be asked to leave. Mr. Braak seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted, 0 `SPA ADVERTISING - The Chairman read a letter from the Public Relations Department of the State Ports Authority announcing the Spring issue of their quarterly magazine and requesting approval for continuing the advertisement at $50.00 per issue. He is of the opinion that this serves the Industrial Site Committee and would like to see the advertising continued. Mr. Netts offered a motion that it be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ( CIVIL DEFENSE - A leLter was received from the Civil Defense Director reporting that the up- surge of interest in tle program was to such a degree that the Administration had been expanded but that the responsibilities remained with the joint local governing bodies for its direction and coordination. It has reached the point that the work load is more than can be absorbed by the present staff and is becoming increasingly necessary that existing segments of governmental department be utilized in order to obtain the objectives of Civil Defense planning. A list of questions and answers on the newly ? inaugurated National Fallout Shelter survey was attached. It revealed major require- ments of the local governing bodies, first is the receiving, storing, breakdown of ?continued - , Minutes of the Meetinq Febrvarv 19. 1962 Contimted CIVIL DEFENSE - (Continued) of supplies and second, the delivery to the mass fallout shelters. The Chair- man reported that arrangements had been made with the Surplus Commodity Program to handle the first part of the request and that he thought County prison labor and equipment could be used for its distribution, thereby minimizing any cost that might:accrue to the County. HF?ILTH BUILDING REPAIRS - / The Chairman reported that at their last Board of Health meeting an emergency had arisen aiith reference to falling plaster from the ceiling which had endangered some of the members. He had requested the Executive Secretary to contact the Board members who had approved it by telephone with the exception of Mr. Broadhurst who could not be reached and asked the Board if they would ratify these repairs "nunc pro tunc". Mr. Metts moved that the necessary.repairs to the ceiling in the Health Department building be approved "nunc pro tunc" not to exceed the total amount appropriated in the Budget for it. It was seconded by Aqr. Braak and approved by a majority vote. Mr. Broadhurst voted "No" with the remark that he thouoht the Health Department should pay for it out of their own Budget since they were drawiag the full monthly appropriation even though there had been some resignations. HOLIDAY - The Executive Secretary reported that employees were requesting to know if they l_? would be granted a legal Holiday for February 22 which has been customary in the past. After briefly discussing the pros and cons, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that it be granted. There we9 no second to his motion and after further discussion, he withdrew his motion. (After acljournment, the Chairman called the Executive Secretary and informed him that he had discussed this question further with each member of the Board and they had agreed to allow February 22nd as a Holiday for County employees and authorized the Execu- tive Secretary to advise the Department heads of the various offices.) COUNTY HOMG - Resignation - T?e? Chairman read a letter addressed to the Board from Mr. H. ? C. Rivenbark, Superinten?dent £he County Home tendering the resianation of Mrs. Rivenbar.k as Matron and himself as Superintendent of the County Home, effective at the pleasure of the Board. They pledged continued cooperation until suitable arranoements for a success- or could be completed. Mr. Bi'aak offered the motion that the resignation be accepted effect- ive today with pay for each of them for 30 days. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. Transfer - Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Mr. Braak be authorized to ? have the County Auditor and County Attorney assist in transferring any County Home funds belonging to the County or residents thereof, now in the hands of Herbert C. Rivenbark, to the proper successor and establish their authority to handle any Social Security checks or other funds now being administered by him. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimous- ly approved. Matron - Mr. Braak reported that he had received one application for replacing ? P7rs. Rivenbark as Matron. In his opinion, the duties which have been performed by the Superintendent could be spread around among other.employees and eliminate one job without affecting the efficient operation. The County Attorney ruled, upon questioning by Mr. Braak, that the replacement would:have to be made through the Civil Service Commission. He advised that the only applicant he had at present was Mrs. E. Stanley }Cnott, and he offer- ed a motion that she be hired as Matron at the County Home with a salary not to exceed $200.00 per month take home pay on a temporary basis until such time as a person is approv- ed and certified by the Civil Service Commission. It i,ras seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. The Executive Secretary was instructed to arrange for a Civil Ser- vice examination to interview and recommend a per.manent matron. SPECIAL COURT - / Mr. Elbert A. Brown, President of the local Bar Association, requested a two weelcs special term of Superior Court for the tri:al of civil cases to begin the week of N NYarch 26, 1962. He reported that it was already determined that Resident Judye, the Honorable Rudolph I Mintz, would be available at that time. It would be necessary to ? arrange for a court reporter for the first week and jurors for both weeks. The Chairman i advised the Board that he had already received formal notif3cation that the Chief Justice has ordered the special term as requested. The Board concurred with this arrangement by common consent. ? PROPOSAL -The Chairman observed that many of our citizens were serving on Boards of Directors or committees and had contributed greatly to Lhe efficient functioning if public institutions for the benefit of the taxpayers. Most of them are serving on a gratis basis and he thought they deserved much commendation for their willingness to contribute to the betterment of the public welfare. He suggested that it might be well if a Board of Directors was appointed to set the policies of the management and assist in solving the various problems that present themselves from time to time at the County Home. It was the consensus of the Board that the idea had merit but they suggested that no action be taken on the matter until the next meeting at which time they could go into the details and give the matter further consideration. This was agreeable to the entire Board and the Executive Secretary was instructed to put it on the Agenda for the next meeting. BEER PERNIT - The following application for a beer permit was reviewed and upon motion of ? Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, unanimously approved and referred to the Sherif;? for his investigation and consideration: Henry Earl Beeker T/A Boardwalk Canteen Ocean Front, Carolina Beach, N. C. continued - I ? . ?? ? , 674 , Minutes of the Meeting February 19, 1962 I COUNTY COUNCIL ON ALCOHOLISM - A notice was received from a recently organized group of citizens interest- ed in research, education and treatment of alcoholism. It is known as the New Hanover County Council on Alcoholism and has already adopted articles setting forth its purpose and bylaws governing its opertt3on. Attached was the following Resolution which they requested the Commissioners to approve: ' WHEREAS, the Statutes of North Carolina, Chap.1173, HB 848, permit the use of an amount up to five percent of gross profits from the operation of ABC Stores for ! alcohol education and rehabilitation programs, at the option of the ABC Board; AND blHEREAS, Responsible and concerned citizens of New Hanover County have assoc- iated themselves in the New Hanover Council on Alcoholism, adopted a constitution and by-laws, and instituted proceedings for incorporation under the laws of North Carolina, with the purpose of institutina a program of education and rehabilitation as provided by the Statutes above cited; THEREFORE, We the County Commissioners of New Hanover County agree to the use of ABC funds as provided by law for the above purpose and concur in the request of the New Hanover Counoty allocate such funds as it may deem necessary for the above purpose, the same to be expended by the New Hanover Council on Alcoholism. After considering this matter briefly, the Board unanimously, by common consent, agreed to postpone any action until their next regu2ar semimonthly meeting on March 5th which automatically tabled the request until that time. STATE ASSOCiATION Dt7ES - A letter was received from the Third District Director of the State Associa- tion of County Commissioners advisino that they recommend a change in the countiest service fees in order to expand the operations of their central office. He stated that at present the dues were $50.00 per county plus irl per capita. It is recommended that the $50.00 per County be eliminated and that the service fee be ld per capita which will produce an estimated $15,000 additionai. They propose employing an Assistant General Counsel, a secretary, and provide funds for the additional expansion of the office and accompanying expenses such as telephone and travel. After discussing the many benefits the counties receive from the use of the State Association, Mr. Metts offered a motion that New Hanover County approve this recommended change in the dues and that the Execu- tive Secretary be authorized to notify them to this effect. It was seconded by both Messrs. Braak and Mayhan and passed by a majority vote. Mr. Broadhurst voted,against the motion. ' BONDS AND COUPONS - The County Auditor presented the bonds and coupons which were paid during the 1960 - 1961 Fiscal Year as follows: 4Jachovia Bank N. C. National Bank a Bonds Coupons Bonds Coupons 6/23/60 to 2/22/61 $20,000.00 41,235.00 ? 8/31/60 to 2/28/61 56,526.25 2/21/61 to 6/26/61 105,000.00 33,636•25 3/1/62 to 7/20/61 95,000.00 19,813.75 125,000.00 74,871.25 95,000.00 76,340.00 Bonds paid 220,000.00 Coupons paid 151,211.25 371,211.25 They have been properly checked and upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Metts, ordered burned. The Executive Secretary and County Attorney were accompanied by the Board to the furnace room where they were des.troyed. SCHEDULE OF FIDELITY BOPIDS AND FIRE INSURANCE - At the request of the CommiSSionerS, the County"Auditor,presented the follow- ing schedule of the cost of the Fire insurance and Fidelity Bonds now in force by the County: SCHEDULE OF FIRE INSURANCE Buildinqs: New Court House $ 307,000.00 Old Court House 140,000.00 $ 447,000.00 County Ho me 133,400.00 Air ort r 205,000.00 Boa d of Health 30,000.00 Cape Fear Armory 25,000.00 Community Hospital 218,000.00 $ 1,058,400.00 Contents: Court House 25,000.00 Community Hospital 44,000.00 69,000.00 Total Schedule $ 1,128,400.00 Average Cost Per Year - 3 Years Prior to 6/3061 3,405.96 Continued , - 1 7. ? .?::. : Minutes of the Meeting February 19, 1962 Continued SCHEDULE OF FIDELITY BONDS AND FIRE INSURANCE -(Continued) Fire & Theft AM I 15 Units I Average Cost Per Year $54.74 Auto Liability 7 units Average Cost Per Year 278.82 Airport Premises LiabilitV Bodily Injury and Propert,y Dama.ge Average Cost Per Year 1,872.00 Boiler Explosion Average Cost Per Year 1,225.20 Fidelty Bonds Per Audit Schedule ?I A"ve.rage Cost Per Year 1,959.55 I? Workment.s Campensation I N. C. Industrial Commission 95•50 Total Cost A11 Insurance 8,891.77 ?I Reports - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for future I information: I 1- Notice of the extension of time for the Public Hearing to provide a deeper ? channel in the Cape Fear River above Wilmington from February igin to March 19th. 2- Notice from the Institute of Government scheduling a conference on March 212 1962 at Greenviile for members of the local Boards of Health and County' Commissioners. ? 3- A letter from Nationwide Mutua2 Insurance Company with reference to the II Insurance program of the County. I 4- January report of the U. S. O. ? 5- Wilmington Puhlic Library Report for January 1962. / ' 6- New Compensation plans by Merit System for County Departments of Public Weifare, Local Health Units, and Civil Defense Agencies. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Boarc9/ members unanimously adjourned their meeting. , ?? 9 ? " ("WV W. &-.r-A6uck, Executive Secretary I Wilmington,.N. C. Narch 5, 1962 ASSEMBLY - The Board of New'Hanover County Commissioners met today in regular semimonthly session at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the follow- ing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Audi£or T. D. Love. INVOCATION - I 1 Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend G. I. Bailey, Pastor of the 4th Street Pentecostal Holiness Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE N;INUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last regu- , lar semimonthly meeting held on February 19, 1962, copies of which had been mailed to each of the Commissioners, were unanimously approved. NEW HANOVER NEMORIAL HOSPITAL ' ? Mr. Metts explained to the Board that it was the desire of the Board of Trustees ? I to change the name of the new proposed hospital from the New Hanover General Hospital to the New Hanover Nemorial Hospital and offered a motion that the County Attorney be authorized ' and directed to draw a suitable Resolution to accomplish it. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. I WILMINGTON COLLEGE - I Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Wilmington College, Ipresented the following Resolution: , I .J