1962-03-19 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Meetinq PETIT JURY - (Continued) March 5, 1962 Continued James M. Godwin 542 Bonham Ave. John Wiiliam Batts Raymo nd C. Hoar 120 S. 16th St. William C. Fowler John O. Railey 217 S. 58th St. James H. Squires Johnny Wilson 5119 Market St. Lionel Hugh Reynolds Juror s for the week bepinninq April 23, 196 2 - Civil term L. M. Fox 0Qty 2321 Belvedere Dr. John Mavrolas L. R. Hales 13 PinecreSt Pkwy. Howard H. Evans J. A. West 1319 Princess St. Paul T. Godwin Georc e H. Hall!III 27 Woodlawn Ave. Carolon T. Cra'ig C. K. Davis S"r. 2424 Jefferson St. E. C. Marshburn J. A. Fowler Kure Beach, N.C. Frederick Jordan W. F. Gore ? 2018 Klein Road Hampton H. Jarman A. J. Hurst 28 N. 25th St. John B. Dickinson W. R. Howard, 2520 Princess Place James Weatherly John ATeil 1207 S. 2nd St. R. S. Horrell J. M. Sharpe 205 N. 13th St. Thomas L. Kimball F. B. Irving Sr. 256 N. 25th St, Lawrence M. Nichols L. D. Burris 4943 Wriehtsv. Ave. Jack T. Parker H. W. Slack? 4607 Long Leaf Hilhs Edward Hardison Josep h Coates 4106 Park Ave. r. William F. Caulder Coyer J. King 2402 Princess P1 Dr. Alfred B. Stanley S. 0. Guyton 807 Chestnut St. James S. Iro'illiams Jr. E. A. Reynolds P. 0. Box 479 Elliott S. Piver J. M. 5laughter P. 0. Box 5 M. Eugene Bullard W. H. Gower:• 207 Peiffer Ave. James Frank Jamison ,W. J. Carter 109 Jacksonville Ave. James lrlade Jackson Ed4aar d D. Fox #36 Terrace Walk Archel 5earborn Dance T. D. Hamilton 205 Grace St. Ludwig Eugene Trendsen Jesse D. Bullard 3021 Monroe St. James Sanderlin Verno n L. }lopkins 420 Market St. William Floyd Jacobs V I 307 s. 6tn st. 1509 Castle St. 215 Midland Dr. 127 Greenville Ave. 206 N. 22nd St. 1505 Ann St. 105 Castle St. 1206 S. Kerr Ave. 512 Queen St. 2529 Adams St. 2823 Washington St. 405 Dock St. RFD 2, Box 19 2507 N. Monroe St. 3018 Princess P1. 4318 Lake Ave. 623 Dock St. 12 V. Lake Vil. 2131 Hlein Rd. 525 E. Shipyard Blvd. 1}031z, Dock St. 3823 Hoggard Dr. P. o. Box 821 4411 Lake Ave. 4114 Lake Ave. 1709 Carolina Ave. 2717 Washington St. 3061- N. C. Ave. 220? Klein Rd. AD,IOURNMENT Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. T W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. March 19, 1962 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and ,lohn Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. L. Bame, PasLor of the sth Avenue Nethodist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer. APPROVAL OF THE NINUTES - The minutes of the last semimorithly meeting, copies of which had been mailed to each of the Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan,.. unanimousiy approved. COUNTY HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS - / I I The County Attorney submitted a Resolution appointing a Board of Directors to administer the affairs of the New Hanover County Home. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, agreed to delay any action of the appointment of these directors until the next regular semimonthly meeting on April 2nd, NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Pursuant to instructions at the last semimonthly meeting, the County Attorney presented a Reso.lution changing the name of the proposednew hospital from the New Hanover General Hospital to the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Upon motion of Nm. Braak, second- ed by Mr. Metts, the following Resolution was vnani.mously adopted.: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County did, on the llth day of December, 1961, adopt by unanimous vote a Resolution appointing a Board of Hospital Trustees to administer the affairs of the New Hanover. c Hospital, and WHEREAS, said Resolution provided that the Board of Commissioners reserved the right to amend, modify, revise or repeal any and all of the provisions of this Resolution, and WHEREAS, the said Board of Commissioners is now desirous of amending Article II of said Resolution to the extent of changing the name of the hospital. E,-A ?? ;?- r E. ?"? Ninutes of the Meeting March 19, 1962 Continued NEW HANOVER NiEMORIAL HOSPITAL - (Continued) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Article II of said Resolution is amended by striking therefrom the words "New Hanover General Hospital" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "New Hanover Memorial Hospital". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the words "Neat Hanover N;emorial Hospital" be substituted in lieu of the words "New Hanover General Hospital" at all other places where the last mentioned name appears in the Resolution hereinabove referred to. BE IT F1IRTHER RE50LVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the per- manent minutes of the Commissioners of New Hanover County. Done at bJilmington, North Carolina, this the 19th day of Narch, 1962. BOARD OF CO SIOP7ER5 OF NEU! HANOUER COUNTY BY : ? Chr=&? ; .., DRAINAGE - A group of citizens living south of Myrtle Grove Junction presented a petition for some drainage assistance in their neighborhood. It seemed to be a job of sufficient size to require a dragline operation. No funds were included in the fiscal year budget for this purpose and the dragline has been delegated to the Consolidated Board of Health for use. The Chairman explained that in order for the State to justify paying for mos- quito control work it would be necessary to establish evidence that it was infested with salt marsh mosquitos as the State program was based on that condition. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to forward it to the Consolidated Board of Health for consideration and to advise the petitioners of this action. ' ROAD PETITION - A group of citizens living in the Camellia Heights subdivision presented a request for extending Dogwood Lane to Oleander Drive (U.S. #76) and adding it to the State maintained Secondary Road System, Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the petition was unanimously approved and the Executive Secretary was instructed toi?the 5tate Highway Commission for their consideration and decision. s?forward it to / L ? WELFARE LIEN - The Executive Secretary reported that he had received an offer of $500.00 from F. E. Livingston and Company for a lot located at 1004 South Sth in Block 23 and part of Lot 1, 331 x 155'. It taas discovered that the Welfare Department had a lien of $1134 on this property. The County Property Assessors have appraised Lhe sale value at $660.00. Upon motio'n of Mr. Metts; seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved the sale of this property at the appraised value, subject to the approval of the County Attorney who is authorized to cancel the lien in event he finds the facts ? warrant it.. I AZALEA FESTIVAL FIREWORKS - A letter was read by the Chair.man from the Acting .City Vianager requesting permission to put on a fireworks display at Legion Stadium Thursday night April 5th in connection with the Azalea Festival. They have provided the necessary police officers and proper protection. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the permit be granted, subject to the approval of the County Attorney that the County will be held harmless in this activity. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unimously approved by the Board. . ?AIRPORT REPAIRS - The Chairman reported that he had made an inspection of the Airport Building paying particular attention to the channels which anchor the plate glass. He found a very unsafe condition and suggested that repairs be made before an accident occurred. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the work be completed so long as the cost would not` exceed the funds budoeted for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimovsly ? approved. WRIGHTSBORO LITTLE LEAGUE - Mr. W. R. Todd, Jr., who lives in Cape Fear Township near Wrightsboro, stated that he had secured verbal permission from the property owners to prepare and establish a Little League Baseball diamond in that neighborhood for the use of recreation for the children as,they had no place to play except on the school grounds which iaere not large enough. He requested the Commissioners to furnish clay and construct a fence around it although he would not want any flood liohts for night time playing. He also asked for prison labor to help with preparing the ball diamond. During the brief discussion, it was the opinion of the Board that before they could commit themselves for using County labor and equipment it wovld be necessary for him to secure a written lease or agreement for a definite period of time and an itemized list of the materiais tnat he expected the County Lo furnish. By common consent, it was referred to Mr. Mayhan who is the committee in charge of Par}cs and Recreation. Mr. Braak reported that he had made a request on the Consolidated Board of Health for usino a generator which was secured from the Federal Surplus Property and not nota in use for emergency power of the County Home. The Chairman reported that this matter was discussed by the Board of Health 4;hich approved the use of the generator as an emergency standby but that both of the generators were in the category of fove years required utilization before they could be disposed of. The Executive SecreZary repdrted `COUNTY HOME EMERGEPdCY GENERATOR , ? continued - _-? COUNTY HOME EMERGENCY GENERATOR - (continued) , that Dr. Davis advised him that the period of restriction would not expire until next October and that unless it was 'abrogated, they could not dispose of it until that time. COOPERATIVE DRAII'dAGE - A letter was received from Lhe Director of Public 'rJor}cs of the City of Wil- mington calling attention to a cooperative agreement worked out by Nr. Hugh MacRae III amono the property owners, the County and City for a drainage ditch from Hawthorne I Road to connect with an existing County ditch which drains the eastern section of?that ' area. He reports that since the County has not regraded and cleaned out their ditch, the canal connected to it by the City is now a reservoir and the water is ponding in it until such time as it evaporates or percolates into the soil. They are making inquiry as to the County's plans for improving this ditch. By common consent, the Board author- ized the Executive Secretary to advise them that no funds were included in the fiscal , i yearts Budget for this purpose but that they would give consideration to it at next Bud- I get time, COUNTY HONIE REFRIGERATORS - ? N,r. Braak reported that the cold storaoe plant at the County Home was badly in need of repairs. The old box which has been used for the storage of roeats has rusLed out and he requests approval of the Board to seek prices for installing a complete freez- ing room which can be used for the preservation of vegetables as v:ell as meats. In the, past, some of the vegetables on the County Farm for use of the residents of the Home and inmates of the Prison Department have been lost because no facilities were available for saving therry. Nrs. H. A. Blackburn, a local citizen, observed that she frequently visited ' at the County Home and personally knew of some meat spoilage because of the lack of the proper refriqeration units. By common consent,•the Board authorized him Lo proceed with proposals and recommendations to bring back to the Board for further study,, CHANGE.OF PRESIDING OFFICER - I At this point in the proceedings, Chairman Hall requested that he be excused for an emergent appointment and asked the Vice Chairman, Nr. John Van B. Metts to assume II the Chair and direct the proceedings. ELECTIONS COST - i Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the County Board of Elections, reported that it would be necessary to appropriate approximately $2,000 to replenish the original mon- p ies for the spring primary elections. He reminded the Board that the Hospital Bond N election on the 7th of November 1961, along with the State Bond election had cost approx- imately $2500 and it vrould be necessary to replace the monies. After briefly discuss- ing the problem, it was decided to.defer any action on the matter at this time even though they recognized that the money would be spent during the present fiscal year. RIVER CHANNEL DEEPENING - • / Mr. Hugh Branch, Executive Secretary of the Industrial Committee of 100, re- minded the Board that a Public Hearing was scheduled by the Corps of Engineers in the Custom House for the purpose of allowing local interests to brino their reasons to sub- stantiate justificatior for the deepenino of the Cape Fear River Channel as far as Lock and Dam #1. After discussing the many advantages that would accrue to New Hanover County as a result of this navigable channel, the Board unanimously, upon motion of M,r. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, adopted the following Resolution which was personally delivered I by Vice Chairman N;etts at 11:00 A. M. WHEREAS, the Bcard of Commissioners of New Hanover County recognizes the poten- ? tial value of the upper Cape Fear River as an avenue of commerce and as a site for industrial plants, and WHEREAS, the plants presently situated on said river from Navassa to Lock and ! Dam #1 will be materially aided by a deep water channel N014 THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners favor the estab- lishment of a channel of navioable width and a minimum depth of 25 feet from Nava,ssa to the 30 mile post on the Cape Fear River, together with a turning hasin at the .30mile post capable of handling river steamers up to 400 feet in length. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the per- manent minutes of the Board,of Commissioners and that a copy hereof be delivered to the U. S. Corps of Engineers. Done at Wilmington, North Carolina, this the 19th day of March, 1962. Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County CHANGE OF PRESIDING OFFICER - ' Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. returned to the meeting and relieved Vice Chairman Metts, who carried out the above assionment, and presided for the balance of the meet- ing. , ? ? ? 79- J so Minutes of the Meeting March 19, 1962 Continued COUNTY SCHOOLS - A committee composed of the following, Chairman E. A. Laney, Sunerintendent Dr. W. kion Wagoner, and Attorney Cyrus D. Hogue, ,lr., representing the Consolidated Board of Educ reported that since their last appearance before the Board of Commissioners, it was necessary for them to modify their request to stay within the 5% limitation. They have decided to eliminate the cost of another high school building and its equipment which will reduce their request for a bond issue from $3,950,000 to $2,850,000 as set forth in the followino extracts from the Board of Education: A Special Meeting of the Board of Education was held on Thursday, March 15th, 1962, at the office of the Board at 10:00 A. M. The following members were present, E. A. Laney, Chairman, N,alcolm Yeo, M. N. Dunn, Dr. W. C. Mebane, Mrs. Thomas Guase, Nrs. R. M. Piver. No members were absent. Also present was Dr. William Wagoner, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary to the Board. All members signed a 4Jaiver of Notice of the meeting which is entered as a part of these minutes. Dr. W. C. Mebane intr,oducecl the following resolution and moved that it be adopted: WHEREAS, the County Board of Education of New Hanover County desires to provide additional school plant facilities for the maintenance of public schools within the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Education of New Hanover County as follows: (1) The County Board of Education of New Hanover County has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to erect new buildings and to erect addi- tions to and alter or reconstruct existing buildings and to acquire and install the equipment required for such buildings or additions, and to acquire the land needed for such purposes, in order to provide school houses, school garaaes, physical education and vocational education buildings, lunch rooms and other similar school plant facilities needed for the schools in said County, which shail include hut shall not be limited to, the following schools: (1) Bradley Creek School; (2) Car- olina Beach School; (3) Chestnut Street School; (4) Dudley School; (5) Forest Hills School; (6) Gregory School; ('7_) J. C. Roe School; (8) Lake Fosest Jr. High School; (9) New Hanover High School; (10) Ogden School; (11) Peabody School; (12) Roland-Grise Jr. High School; (13) Sunset Park Elementary School; (14) Sunset Park Jr. High School; (15) Tileston Jr. H.igh School; (16) Weshington CaLlett School; (17) William H. Blount School; (18) William Hooper School; ? (19) '+rilliston Jr. High School; (20) Williston Sr. Hieh School; (21) UJinter Park School; (22) Wrightsboro School; (23) 4lrightsviile Beach School; (24) A Junior High School in the Northern area of Wilmington, N. C.; (25) An Elementary School in the Southern area of UJilmington, N. C.; (26) A Senior High School in the Eastern Central Area of the County; (27) An Elementary School in the Southeast- ern Central Area of the County; (28) An Elementary School in the Northeastern Cen- tral Area of the County. (2) The County Board of Education further determines that it is necessary to provide such additional school plant facilities in order that New Hanover County may maintain public schools in said County for the minimum term prescribed by the Constitution of North Carolina, as an administrative agency of the public school system of the State of North Carolina, and that it will be necessary to spend for such additional school facilities not less than $2,850,000.00 in addition to other moneys which are now or will be available for such purposes. The Board of Commiss- ioners of New Hanover County is hereby requested to raise the money required to finance such purposes by the issuance of bonds of said County pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina. (3) The Secretary of the County Board of Education is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. The motion was seconded by M. M. Dunn and was unanimously adopted. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . I, 1Jilliam Wagoner, being duly sworn deposes and says: I 1. That I am the duly elected Secretary of the Board,of Education of New Hanover County and that at a Special Meeting of the Board of Education of Nev?tHan- over County held on the 15th day of March, 1962, ali membefs were present and that all members signed the Waiver of Notice of said meeting which is attached hereto. i That the said meeting was duly held in the Office of the Board of Edvcation, and ? that the minutes have been duly recorded in the minute book kept by me in accordance with law for the purpose of recordino the minutes of ineetings of said Board, and ' that such minutes appear at page of boodC3 of said minutes. 2. I have compared the attached extract from the mizutes with the said minutes wo recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said extract is a true copy of said minutes and ofthe whole thereof in- sofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and ?I the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board of Education ? who attended said meeting. \ . f? , . J e • ? ? IN 4liTNE55 IdHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal ? of the Board of Education, this the day of March, 1962. ?I /.5/ 6Jiiliam H. Wagoner Secretary, Soard of Education of New Hanc,;ver County 81 Minutes of the Meetino 14arch 19, 1962 (Continued) COUNTY SCHOOLS - (Continued) I Extracts from the Board of Education Meeting continued - WAIVER OF NOTICE , The undersigned being all of the members of the Board of Education of New , Hanover County, do hereby waive notice of a Special Meetino of the Board of Educa- tion held on the 15 day of March, 1962 at 10:00 A.M. at the office of the Board of Education in Ulilmington, North Carolina, and do hereby ratify and confirm any and all action taken at said Board meetine as if same had been a regular meet- i ing of said Board. This 15th day of March, 1962. /S/ Emsley A. Laney W. C. Mebane Murdock M. Dunn Malcolm O. Yeo Nrs. Thomas J. Gause Mrs. R. M. Piver STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . William H. ldagoner being duly sworn deposes and says, that he is Secretary to the Board of Education of New Hanover County and that the foregoing is a true and correct duplicate original of the Ulaiver of Notice signed by each of the mem- bers of the Board of Education relative to a Special Neeting held on the 15 day of March, 1962, and that he personallyrritnessed the signature of each member of the Board at said meetino, and that said Waiver of Notice is duly recorded in the minutes of the Board of Education, together with the minutes of said Special Meetino. I /S/ William H. Waqoner :,== Bond Order - Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr. introduced the following Bond Order which was read at length: BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $2,850,000 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, the County Board of Education has determined that existing ool plant facilities in the New Hanover County School AdmSnistrative Unit arepHequate for the maintenance of public schools for the nine months' school term prescribed by law, and has requested the Board of Commissioners to provide the sum of $2,850,000 ? to finance additional school plant facil.ities such as are described in Section 1 II of the Bond Order and which said County Board of Education has determined are necess- ary to enable the County of New'Hanover, as an administrative agency of the public schooi system of the State of North Carolina, to maintain public schools in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit for the nine monthsf school term prescribed ? by law; NOYJ, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has ascer- tained and hereby determines that it is necessary to erect in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit several new buildings to be used as school houses, school garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, teacherages and lunchrooms and other school plant facilities, and to reconstruct and enlarge, by the erection of additions, several existing buildinas located in such unit and used for such purposes:, and to acquire land, furnishings and equipment necessary for such new or reconstructed or enlarged buildings in order to enable the County of New Hanover, as an administrative agency of the public school system of the State of North Carolina to maintain public schools in said school administrative unit for the nine months' school term prescribed by law, and that it will be necessary to ex- pend for such purposes not less than $2,850,000 in addition to other moneys which have been made available therefor. Section 2. In order to raise the money required to finance the cost of erect- d ing said new scliool buildings and of reconstructing and of enlarging, by the erect- , ion of add'itions, said existing buildings, and of acquiring land and furnishings I and equipment necessary for such new and reconstructed and enlarged buildings, bonds of the County of New Hano.ver are hereby authorized and shall be issued, pur- suant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal i amount of said bonds authorized by this Bond Order shall be 1wo Million Eight Hun- dred Fifty Thousand ($2,850,000) Dollars. Continued- I p, n Minutes of the Meeting March 19. 1962 Continued I, COUN1'Y SCHOOLS - (Continued) ? I Bond Order Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on?said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A statement of the County debt of the County of New Hanover has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and is open to public inspection. Section 5. This Bond Order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as.provided in said Act. General Discussion - At this point, a general discussion of school policies de- veloped the suggestion that a partial "pay as you go" plan mioht be adopted to provide for future school building needs. It was decided that the idea was worthy of further consideration in view of the fact that it costs approximately two dollars for one when bonds are issued to be paid on a 25 or 30 year period and if this bond issve is passed, the County will have reached its legal limit of bonded indebtedness for schools. The question was raised about the reasons for closing the Hemenway School. Wile Dr. Wagoner,, the School Superintendent, gave a detailed explanation, the primary reasory?that the pupii ' load has been declining over the last several years both at Hemenway and Tileston School• ? The administrative offices have been scattered and it was felt that to comhine the two schools would provide much better instruction for the children and that the Hemenway School used for administrative offices would benefit the whole County. He reported that experience so far had proved the wisdom of this move. The average annual growth in pupil load since 1949 is 412 students. The increase in 1961-62 school year is 557. ? I ? HISTORICAL CONMISSION - A letter was received from Mr. Henry J. MacNillan expressing his thanks to the Board for their confidence in appointing him to serve as Chairman of the New Hanover ' County Historical Commission. He gratiousiy accepted ihe appointment and pledged to rserve to the best of his ability. l WELFARE LIEN - Attorney W. Allen Cobb reported that the Department of Public 4Jelfare held a lien against the property of Cora Mary Russ Baldwin Young, recorded in Book 628 on, page 65 in the New Hanover Registry. The property was appraised in 1958 at $3$0.00 and at the time a relative was promised that he could purchase the property at its appraised value. He now has the cash and asked the Board to approve releasing the lien as originall i agreed. Mr. Braak offered a motion that this request be granted but that in the future ' a time limit be placed on any agreements before the cancellation of a lien would be accept-, ed on similar pieces of property and that the County Attorney be directed to cancel the lien upon payment of the $350.00. It was seconded by Mr. Nayhan and unanimously adopted. ? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION - Mr. Frederick Willetts, Sr. Chairman of the New Hanover County Civil Service . Commission, reminded the Board of the expose?in last Sunday's paper that some of the -?, County employees had not been examined or approved by the Civil Service Commission in ' I accordance with Chapter 578 of the Public Local Laws of 1939. In his opinion, it would not require a great deal of effort to bring this sitnation into line so as not to disturb the present employees. He is of the opinion that the County Attorney should rule on tiaho legally comes vnder the provision of the law and then proceed as cautiously and ex- peditiously as possible to work out a solution to remedy the matter, after which all future employment could be handled as provided by lat,r. He proposed that the County Attor- , ney and the department heads meet with him and work out a satisfactory solution which could be recommended for approval by the Board of Commissioners. By common consent of I the Board, this proposal was approved. (DRAGLINE REPAIRS - I The Executive Secretary reported that the dragline was needed for temporary use at the County Refuse Disposal Dump but the County Mechanic Shop reports the cab rollers need to be repiaced before it could be used. The estimated cost would not ex- ceed $200.00. After a brief discussion of this, Mr. Braak offered a motion that approval be given to the repairs, and the cost paid out of the Refuse Disposal Account. It was seconded by Mr. Metts for the purpa;se of discussion. After a brief consideration, the motion was unanimously carried and the repairs approved. iFot=? ? Public Hearinp On Bond Order for issuance of School Bonds Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr. moved that the following resolution be adopted: 1? WHEREAS, the Bond Order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,8$0,4)00 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover" has been introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on March 19, 1962 and the Board of Commissioners desires to provide for the holding of a publlc hearing thereon as required by the County Finance Act; N04J THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The Pubiic Hearing upon said Bond Order shall be held on the 2nd day of April, 1962, at 9:00 o'clock, A. M. at the regular meeting room of the Board of Commissioners at the Commissioners Office, County Court House in Wilmington, North Carolina. (continued) \ ?I ? `? .. Minutes of the Meetinq March 19, 1962 (Continued) COUNTY SCHOOLS - Continued Public Hearinq (Continued) ? , (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of said Bond Order to be published with a notice of.such hearing in the form prescribed by law, in the Star-News Newspapers , a newspaper published at Wilmington, in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, at least ten days priorto such public hearing. (3) The County Auditor is hereby reqvested to file with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, at least ten days prior to such public hearing, a state- ment of the debt incurred or to be incurred by the County for school purposes, in the form prescribed by The County Finance Act. The motion having been seconded by Commissioner Peter H. Braak, it was unanimously adopted. Local Government Application for Bond Apnroval , Upon motion of C ommissioner John Van B. Netts, Jr., seconded by Commissioner PeCer H. Braak, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover intends to apply to the Local Government Com- mission of North Carolina for approval of the isssvance of the $2,850,000 bonds of the County authori2ed by the Bond Order introduced at a meeting of the Board , I of Commissioners held on N?arch 19, 1962; R NOU! THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follovrs: ' (1) The Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners are hereby,author- i2ed and directed to file with the Local Government Commission of North Carolina an application for its approval of said bonds, on a form prescribed by said Com- mission, and to state in such application such facts and to attach thereto such exhibits in regard to such bonds and to the County and its financial condition, as may be required by said Commission. ? (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause notice of intention to file such application, containinq the information required by law to appear in such notice, to be published once in each of two successive weeks in the 5tar-News IQewsnapers , a newspaper published at Wilmington, in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina. Commissioner Peter H. Braak seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. Those ? votinn for the resolution were Messrs. Leon E. Broadhurst, E. R. Mayhan, Peter H. Braak and John Van B. Metts,.5r. No one votecl against it. DISTRICT CONFEREArCE - ? The Chairman reminded the IIoard of a District Conference to be held by the Institute of Government and the N. C. Public Health Association in Greenville at 10:30 A. M. on March 21st for the purpose of discussing mutual problems, get information about I responsibilities and developments in the state regarding public health matters. He urged all members of the Board to attend this meeting which includes the Boards of Public Wel- fare, the County Commissioners, City Councilmen and Boards of Health, all of whom are policy makinc groups. . CIVIL DEFENSE :JELFARE OF.FICER - e? The Chairman read a letter from the Civil Defense Director calling attention to an added program by Civil Defense Agency in which it would provide matching funds for a Civil Defense tidelfare Officer whose annual salary would range between $3720.00 and $5520.00. The primary duties would be to coordinate the County operations plan with public and private welfare agencies and cooperate in event of a Civil Defense einer- gencies. In normal times, he would operate as an employee of the Welfare De.partment. however, he would be under the jurisdiction of the Civil Defense Agency. He requests consideration be given to this item at the next Budget time. ; ; , REPORTS - The .following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: i- U.S.O. Club Report for Februa-ry 1962 / 2- Wilmington Colored Library 12eport for February 1962 ? 3- .Wilmington Public Library 4- Colored Home Economics Agents " " "? l AD.lOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Metts, the'Board member unanimously voted to adjourn the meetin . ?I , Executive Secretary (I?