1962-04-02 Regular Meeting84 Minutes of the Meetina Wilmington, N. C. April 2, 1962 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New missioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Court House iirith the following members in attendance: Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Ti was unavoidably absent. Hanover County Board of Com- Commissioners Room of the County Vice Chairman John Van B. Metts, and Ernest R. Mayhan, County llery. Chairman J. M. Ha11, Jr. INVOCATION - Vice Chairman Metts, Jr., who presided during the meetine, called the meet- izg to order and asked Reverend W. D. Barkley, Pastor of the Assembly of God, to open the day's session with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr.Mayhan, the minutes of the last semimonthly meeting, copies of which had been mailed to each Commissioner, were unanimously approved as written. BOND HEARING - ( The County Attorney requested the Clerk to read the Bond Order authori2ing the issuance of $2,850,000 school bonds of the County of New Hanover, which had been introduced on March 19, 1962 and published on March 21st and Viarch 28th, 1962 in the Wilmington Morning Star includin5 a notice that a Hearing was scheduled for 9:00 A.M. for the purpose of ailowing any citizen or taxpayer to protest against the issuance of such bonds. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously voted to have the Hearing at this time ar.d authorized the Vice Chairman to open the meeting for it. At 9:05 A. M., the Vice Chairman annovnced that the Board urould hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the Bond Order. After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, Mr. Peter H. Braak moved that the Public Hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by Nr. E. R. M,ayhan and unanimously adopted. ) T.he Clerk repocted to the Board that the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance.of $2,850,000 School Bonds of the County'of New'Hanover", which had bea introduced on March 19, 1962, had been published in the Wilmington Norning Star;on March 21, 1962, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hear- ing thereon on April 2, 1962, at 9:00 otclock, in the A. M. , at the regular meeting room of the Board of Commissioners at the Commissioners Office, County Court House in Wilminqton, North Carolina. Commissioner Peter H. Braak moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ernest R. Mayhan and was unanimously adopted. At 9:05 o'clock, A.M., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the bond order and the published noLice of hearing. After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, Commiss- ioner Peter H. Braak moved that tte public hearing be closed. ' The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ernest R. Mayhan and was unanimously adopted.' BOND ORDER RESOLUTION ADOPTION - Commissioner Peter H. Braak moved that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the bond order entitled'i Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,850,000 School IIonds of the County of New Hanover" introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on March 19, 1962, had been duly published with notice of hearing thereon and the Board of Commissioners has, at the time and place specified in such notice of hearing, heard any and all citizens and taxpayers who desired to protest against the issuance of the bonds, and such hearing has been closed; and WHEREAS, the County Auditor has, by direction of the Board of Commissioners, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners a statement of debt incurred or to be incurred for school purposes under bond orders either in- troduced or passed,.complyino with the provisions of the County Finance Act, and such statement so filed shows that the net indebtedness of the County is 4.63% of the assessed valuation of property in said County as last fixed for County taxation; NOW; THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: P \ n (1) The bond order entitled Bond Order.authorizing the issuance of $2,850,OOC Schooi Bonds of the County of New Hanover", introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on March 19, 1962, is hereby adopted without change or amendment. I continued- ,%.r ? MinuS.es-oS the?'1e_etinca___An.r11 2._1962 (continued) ' BOND ORDER RESOLUTION ADOPTION - (continued) ' (2) The Clenk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of said bond order to be publishi? with the statement as to its adoption ' prescribed by The County Finance Act in ehrilminRtop isnrrinn st.ar ; a netqs- paper published in Wilminqton , North Carolina in said County, and sucfi publication shall be made in the manner prescribed by The County Finance Act. The motion having been duly seconded by Commissioner E. R. Mayhan, it was unanimously adopted: I Commissioner E. R. Mayhan moved that the followino resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners adopted on April 2, 1962, the bond order entitled "Bond Order avthori2ing the issuance of $2,850,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover", authorizing the issuance of $2,850,000 School Building Bonds and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of such bonds and the tax to be levied for the payment of such bonds, and said bond order should be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or disapproval in order to comply with the Constitution and laws of North Carolina; N04l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The question whether the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover shall approve or disapprove (1) the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds of the County of New Hanover authorized by said bond order, and (2) the levy of a tax for the payment thereof, and (3) said bond order shall be sub- ' mitted to the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover at a special election to be held in said County on May 26, 1962. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authori2ed and dir- ected to publish a notice of said election which shall be in substantially the following form: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, on May 26, 1962, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said Count,y the question whether they shall approve or disapprove, (1) the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum principal amount of $2,850,000 and (2) the levy of a taxfor the payment of such bonds, and (3) the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,8$0,000 School Bonds of the County of Ne4a Hanover" adopted by the Board of Commissioners on April 2, 1962 to authorize the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax. The bonds are authorized to finance the cost of constructing in the New Hanover Schooi Administrative Unit, several new buildings to be used as schoolhouses, school garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, teacherages and lunchrooms and other school plant facilities and of reconstructing and enlarging, by the erect- ion of additions, several existing bvildings located in such unit and used,for such purposes, and acquiring land, furnishings and equipment necessary for such new or reconstructed or enlarged buildings. The ballots to be used at said election shall contain the words "For the bond order authori2ing $2,850,000 to finance the cost of constructing, recon- ' structing and enlarging, in Lhe New Hanover County School Administrative Unit, several buildings used and to be used as schoolhouses, school garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, teacheraoes and lunchrooms, and other school plant facilities and of acquiring the land, furnishincs and equip- ment necessary therefor, and a tax therefor", and the words "Against the bond order authori2ing $2,850,000 bonds to finance the cost of constructing, recon- structing and enlarging, in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit, several buildings used and to be used as schoolhouses, school garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, teacherages and lunchrooms, and other school plant facilities and of acquiring the land, furnishings and equip- ment necessary therefor, and a tax therefor", with squares opposite the affirma- tive and neeative forms in one of which squares the voter may make a mark (X) to indicate his choice. 1n the event that a majority of the qualified voters shall vote to approve the incurrino of such-indebtedness and the levy of such tax, said bonds shall be issued and a tax shall be levied for the payment of such bonds. The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A. N., and rrill close at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, P. P4., Eastern 5tandard Time. The election will be held at the same polling places at which the last election was held in New Hanover County for the election of inembers of the General Assembly. The Board of Commissioners has ordered a new registration of voters for the election. The Registrar for each polling precinct will keep the registra- tion books for such precinct open for .such zew registration from nine o'clock, A. M., to six o'cloclc P. M., on each day, except Sundays and holidays, beginning bdith Saturday, April 21, 1962, and ending with Saturday, May 12, 1962. On each Saturday during the period of registration the Registrar will attend with his reoistration books at the polling precinct for the registration of voters. Continued - ? C?-j t) Minutes of the Meetinq April 2. 1962 (?ontjniie?) BOND ORDER RESOLUTION ADOPTIODI - (continued) The Registrars and Judges of Election appointed by the Board of Commissioners for the respective polling precincts are as follows: Pollinq Precinct DtiDL.EY SCHOOL HEMENWAY SCHOOL COURT HOUSE ATLANTIC MOTORS ISAAC BEAR BUILDING (Old Wilmington College) TILESTON SCHOOL SHEW'S CREDIT STORE WILLIAM HOOPER SCHOOL LAKE FOREST, INC. OFFICE CHESTNUT SALES 8 SERVICE SUNSET PARK JR. HIGH RIVERSIDE APTS. OFFICE Reqistrar Mrs. Ruth E. Brown C:.B:' Wessell, Sr. W. H. Stoliley, Jr B. E. Hollis Mrs. J. D. Winstead W. J. Mallard Mrs. Charles Mallard Mrs. O. F. l°Jatkins Mrs. Patricia Johnson Mrs. Louise Thompson Mrs. Louise LeGwin H. H. Hodgin Uudpes of Election E. M. Butler H. J. Jones Mr. H. Haar Mrs. Ola Pridgen H. Z. Clowe Mrs. C. Spencer Mrs. B. E. Hollis Mrs. Albert Whitney W. F. Burns Marvin Robbins Mrs. Mary L. Porter Mrs. E. L. Hollar G. S. Mallard Mrs. E. W. Hollar Mrs. Thomas Jacobs H. D. Jenerette Mrs. Joyce Holloway Mrs. Eloise Bowen Mrs. VJiiite Logan Miss Charlotte Wood L. K. Hill Mike Harris, Jr. Mrs. Jack Yarboro John N. Wilson HIGH SCHOOL GYM. J. E. Hearn, Sr: Paul J. Baschon Mrs.R. E. Lewis FIRE STATION 17th & Dock Mrs. T. J. Morris A. D. Craig Mrs. R. E. Piner CHESTNUT ST. JR. HIGH Mrs. Eloise Mansfield E. C. Dobson Mrs. C. R. Poole FOREST HILLS SCHOOL Mrs. J. G. McKeithan Mrs. W. L. Bur]{heimer James L. Smith CATLETT SCHOOL Mrs. Vivian Donnell Mrs. Stanley Rehder Mrs. Doris Dodd WRIGHTSBORO SCHOOL Mrs. F. A. Jordan Mrs. H. B. Rivenbark J. R. Grossnickle OiDEN FIRE DEPT. R. C. Murray, Jr. Mrs. 0. R. Piner T. J. Rivenbark BECKER BLDRS. SUPPLY H. P. Garvie Robert J. Innis Mrs. Elizabeth Caison 3915 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE. H. W. Hewlett Mrs. Dorothy Goodnight Mrs. Peter Jones WINTER PARK SCHOOL Thoma s M. UJalton George Sloan Sr. Mrs. Mary Smith BRADLEY CREEK SCHOOL Mrs. J. W. Walton, Sr. Mrs. J. A. Edens W. R. Babson WRIGHTSV. BEACH SCHOOL Mrs. F. D. Satterfield Jr. Mrs. Allen Oobb C. H. Gentry LUMSDEN OYSTER ROAST Mrs. Norma Hirkum Mrs. W. H. Lumsden L. K. Hughes VANCE BUILDING James H. Davis Mrs. Geo. B. Whitted Jesse Clemmons BURNETT MOTOR SALES Mrs. C. L. Bowden Mrs. A. E. 'rlilson Mrs. Jessie Outlaw CITY HALL Percy R. Morton C. W. Aman (Carolina Beach) Mrs. Martha Whitt CITY ]-IFiLL R. E. Littell Bernard Davis (Kure Beach) Mrs. June B. Lentz continued- , Minutes of the Meetinq April 2. 1962__LCo..nt.inued) ?--- „ --_ -- - -- I BOP.D ORDER RESOLUTION ADOPTION -(continued) I By order of the Board of Commissioners of the_County of New anover. N Dated, April 2nd , 1462. / s/ Clerk o Board of Commissioners of Neia Hanover County, North Carolina ?I Said notice shall be published three times and there shall be 'an interval of at least one week between said publications and the first'of such publications , ;hali''be'.noti I'ater thari.thirty days,pr,ior-to N"dy 1:2th, .1962, . , II ' ' (3) The polls for said election shall be opened and ciosed at the times and at the places stated in said notice and electors shali be registered for said election in the manner stated in said notice. The respective persons named as Reeistrar and Judges of Election in said notice are hereby appointed to be such , Registrars and Judges of Election and are hereby authorized and directed to reoister electors £or said election and to hold and conduct said election as provided by lavf. (4) The County Board of Elections is hereby requested to print and distribute ,.? the necessary ballots and to provide the registration books, booths, ballot boxes 4iand other equipment for the holding of said election and to conduct and to super- vise said election. ; Commissioner Peter H. Braak seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously adopted. ;-:Yr ??H? AZALEA FESTIVAL REPORT - / Mr. Allen T. Strange, Director of the annual Festival celebration reported that the plans were progressing nicely and the indications iaere for the largest and best Festivai ever. He presented each of the Commissioners with a packet containing the pro- gram of events and credentials admitting them to the various activities. H,p thanked the Commissioners fos their supporL"and interest. , ADVISORY RECREATION COMVIISSION - ? A letter was received and read from the City Advisory Recreation Committee recommending a similar commission for the County. The Enabling legislation has already been Enacted authorizing the County Commissi,oners to establish such a commission and pass an ordinance to delineate and limit its responsibilities. A sample ordinance was attached along with a list of names suggested for serving on such a commission. After a brief discussion, the Board unanimously; by common consent, tabled any action until the next meeting on April 16th. AZALEA GRANDSTAND - • The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. Ernest L. Lane requests permission ? to erect bleachers in front of the Court House on Saturday, April 7th for use during ? the Azalea Festival Parade. INr. Mayhan moved the request be granted. It aras seconded by Nr. Braak, subject to the approval of the County ALtorney. The motion was unanimously adopted. COURT HOUSE DECOF2ATION A letter was received from Mr. Fred W. Everett proposino to decorate the Court House with flags and pennants at a price not to exceed $50.00 during the Azalea Festival. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved this request. C.A. P. TAX IdAIVER - ?- A letter was received from the Cape Fear Squadron of C.A.P. announcing the date of their annual fund raising carnival beginning April 27th. They request the wa3ver ? of Schedule B. taxes for the rides and refreshment stand tahich they operate to raise funds to carry on their activities. Mr. Broadhurst moved that this request be granted ?I and that Schedule B. County taxes be waived. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ROAD PETITIONS - Requests for addition to the State maintained Secondary Road System for Jamaica ? Drive and Wisteria Drive were received from interested property owners. After considera- tion, Mr. Broadhurst moved that they be approved and forwarded to the State Highway Com- mission for their consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. R IIJ Minutes of the Meeting April 2, 1962 _? - - - --- ?_ ? j STREET NAMES - ? The Executive Secretary reported that he had a request from Losak and Under- I wood, local surveyors for E. N. Oxendine for naming a street which he was opening. It will run south from Sunnyvale Avenue and he reauests that it be officially named "Guam Street". Also a request was received from Mrs. W. N. Lockheart Sr, for naming the entrance road into Dixon Acres "Lexington Drive". After discussing these requests, the Board decided that a letter should be received from the developers of the subdivision authorizing the names for streets proposed by the engineer or requesting approva.l of the proposed names direct. These names have been checked against the file for duplication ? and both of them are clear. WELFARE LIEN - i The Executive Secretary recalled that W. Allen Cobb had requested approval for the sale of a tract of land known as Lot 12 in Myramar Camp site, Federal Point I township, formerly owned by R. B. (Roland Ashley) Brewer who had received grants from the Welfare Department iahich resulted in a lien on the property. The Tax Supervisor re- ported that $550.00 was a fair market value for the lot. Each of the Commissioners was called by telephone and ratified this sale informally. In order to make it a matter of record, it is requested that this approval be granted "nunc pro tunc". Nr. Broad- hurst, offered a motion that the transaction be ratified and the County Attorney auUIDr- ? ized to release the lien upon payment of the $550,00. It was seconded by Mr, Braak I and unanimously approved. • li /JOINTLY OWNED FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE - The Executive Secretary presented the following proposals to purchase property ,jointly owned by the City and County as a result of tax foreclosure. Each of the pro- perties have been inspected and appraised by the County Property Assessors at the amounts shown for each of them. Part of Lot 1, Block 50 600 Wooster St. (Southeast corner 6th & bdooster) si2e of lot 361 x 66' . Valuation for sale $530.00. Part of Lot 1, and Lot 2 Block 50 608 and 610 Wooster St. Size of property 55' x 99'. Valuation for sale $990.00. Lot 4,5 Block 58 Property is 111' frm NW Corner Front & W ooster, Fronting on Front St. Valuation for sale. $700.00 30' x 90t in Block 58 Left behi nd above lots. Va luation for sale $400.00 ! Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved the sale at the appraised values subject to approval of the City Council. ? BEER PERMITS - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the following requests for permits to handle beer and wine were ordered referred to the Sheriff for his investi- gation and consideration: Louis Tsantes T/A Dixie Restaurant 115 Princess St. George S. Wallace T/A Kure Beach Grocery lOf} S. 2nd St. fHOLIDAYS The Board's attention was called to the annual observance of a Holiday on ? Saturday, the Festival Parade Day and Easter Vionday which has been observed in the past for County employees. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the offices of the Clerk of Superior Court and Register of Deeds be closed on Saturday, April 7th and that Monday ? April 23rd be declared a Holiday for County employees. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and ? unanimously approved. I 1 RESIGNATION A letter was received from 61r, William M. Cameron Jr. explaining that out of the city duties made it necessary for him to submit his resignation as Chairman and a member of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital. He expressed his joy at having the opportunity of serving in that capacity and reqvested that acceptance become effective as soon as a replacement could be selected. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, second- I' ed by Nr. Mayhan, the Board regretfully accepted the resignation and instructed the g Executive Secretary to write a letter and thank him for the services he had rendered ?while a member of that Board. N.A.L. SERVICE SUSPENSION - A letter was received from the Chamber of Commerce announcing that the avia- tion committee of that body 4JOllId meet today at 11:30 in an effort to devise ways and means to persuade the National Airlines from suspending their one line service at Fayette-I ville, Wilmington and New Bern. They requested a representative from the Board of Commissioners to meet with them. By common consent, Mr. Broadhurst represented the /County as he is a member of the Airport Committee. ? COUNTY HOP'E DIRECTORS - The Executive Secretary reported that Chairman Hall was unable to verify the acceptance of one member he was recommending to serve as a director on the Board of I Directors for the County Home. After a brief discussion, it was decided, by common con- sent to defer any action on this matter until a full Board of Directors cnuld be certi- fied and appointed. It was tentatively understood that this matter would be handled at ' the next regular semimonthly meetiner on April lbth. Mr. Braak suggested that all mem- bers appointed and approved be given a copy of the Resolution setting up the duties and responsibilities of that Board. /STUDENT LOCAL GOVERAiN!ENT DAY - A letter was received from the New Hanover Hioh School advising that Students Local Government Day had been set for Thursday, May 3rd, 1962. .u ? 11 , Minutes of t_he _MeetinA.._ A1D_rJ..1__2_. 1962 Cont innnA -- ? PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - / ' Applications for County Home care were received from the Welfare Superinten- ' dent for Rena White Gornto and George Thomas Hardwick. Both of these persons are unable to care for themselves. Mr. Hardwick has a Railroad pension of $85.00 per month. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the requests were approved unanimousljr. 'i PUBLIC CARRIER FRANCHISE r5 - __--- y Mr. J. H. Quatlebaum, representing the Queen City Coach Company, and Mr. W. Glenn Humphrey, Traffic Manager for Carolina Trailways Bus System-reported that the I Greyhound Bus lines had applied to the Interstate Commerce Commission to operate a northern I route via Jacksonville. The primary object is to serve Camp LeJeune traffic. They both alleged that the present service rendered by their companies is adequate and satisfactory and if additionai buses were needed they are in position to supply them at any time but i that if Greyhound is allowed to cover the same route it will cut into their revenue with the possible loss of their present service. Both stre.ssed the fact that they represented companies t•aith large interests in North Carolina and felt that the proposal of Greyhound was unwarranted as they now hold franchises that permit them to run from New York to I Miami, Florida. They did not request any action but merely presented the facts for con- ' sideration in event others made an overture. • SOROSIS MUSEUM Mr. Henry J. MacNillan reported that the Board of 'Directors for the Sorosis Museum have agreed to using space provided by the City of Wilmington in the old A.C.L.' Building I'D" located at 115 Red Cross Street. He asked if the appropriation made by the"County Commissioners for moving the Museum wouid apply to that change in the loca- tion as it was understood when the allocation was made, the Museum Urould be located in the City Hall. By common consent.of the Board, it was agreed that the funds were still available for the move. ? i I ASPP ASSOCIATION - ? i The Presiding Officer announced that the annual meeting of the American Shore i and Beach Preservation Association would be held in May at the Carolinian Hotel at Nagfs ? Head for the purpose of bringing together for cooperation and mutual helpfulness the many agencies, interests and individuals concerned with the protection and economical develop- , ment of our Coast and placing their benefits within reach of the largest number of our, people for enjoyment and utilization. He recommended that New Hanover County be repre- sented at this meeting and that any Commissioner who possibly could to go. MALPRACTICE INSURANCE - / I An invoice was received from the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents, ' Incorporated in the amount of $2,302.88 to cover Comprehensive Hospital Liability which I was authorized February 19, 1962 foi' Eommunity Hospital. The County Auditor reported that no appropriation had been made for this expenditure and suggested that the funds be allocated from the Emergency Fund. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the bill be approved for payment and that $2,302.88 be allocated from the General Emergency Fund appropriation to cover this item. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and after a brief dis- cussion a vote was taken and Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" bvt as the other members of the , Board voted "YES", the Chairman declared the motion carried. I REPORTS - I The following reports and letters were received and ordered filed for in- formation: i- Corps of Engineers Report an application for permit to dredge channels in Pages'?-, Creek and construct a pier adjoining the Intra-coastal Waterway at ldrightsville Sound. 2- Change of status in Welfare Recipients.? 3- State Department of Agriculture Reports payment of $270.60. i 4 Letter of appreciation from Carolina Beach for assistance in cleanup after the ? recent damage done by fiood tides. 5- SENCBA urges action to implement tiheFederal Flood Insurance Act. - 6- New breakwater device to create artificia,l marinas and check beach erosion. 7- Date for Local Student Government Day set for May 3rd., PETIT JURY - / The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning May 7th -Civil term;:, May 21st - Criminal term; and May 28th, Civil terrn.; Fiay 14th - Civil term. Jurors for the week beqinnir.q Mav 'th, 1962 - Civil term f L. D. Webb II J. L. Howell John P. Russ W. F. Mote D. L. Smith L. R. Spivey D. L. Jones Mack G. Watts S. C. Peterson l-l. T. Brown J. A. Johnston G. E. Saunders George Karas William Hollis Willie B. Long RFD 1, Box 279 Fred E. Little, Jr. 210 s. 41st st. Eiiis Fi. covii RFD 2, Box 445 Roy C. Pierce 619 Thomas Ave. George T. Clark 1210 Yaupon Dr. . E.M. Moneyham 109 Lee Ave. Manson H. Hilburri 2203 Carolina Beach Edward L. .lohnson 309 North Kerr Ave: Maurice H. Moore RFD 3, Box 265 Kenneth'Hansley 1801? Carolina Ave. R. V. Hardison Jr. 50 West Dr. Ernest Mintz Rt. 1. Box 104 CC C. Glenn Miller 610 Dock St. Clyde E. Faircloth 211 h7arstellar St. ln`oodrow McD Watson 2726 Van Euren St. James D. tilhitehead 812 Covntry Club Rd. RFD 1 City 1$01 South 4th St. P. O. Box 119 123 Laurel Dr. 2218 Shirley Road • 5309 h'rightsville Ave. 2818 Oleander Dr.* • 702 Greenfield St. • 1414 Castle St. • • 2321 Moss st. 3009 Louisiana St. 101 Bordeaux Ave. 319 Davie Dr. 41221 Lake Ave. Continued ? F- 9() Minutes of the Meeting April 2, 1962 Continued Jurors for the week beqinninq May 7, 1962 - Civil term K. W. Jewell, Jr. 321 A. 18th St. Theron C. Eakins 107 Northern Blvd. James 0. Herring 37 Terrace Walk George F. Jones (}718 Long Leaf Hills Emerson Weyers 527 Bonham Ave. Dr. G. C. Hansley 504 Ann St. Frederick P. Smith 1016 Country Club Rd. C. D. Dobson 2109 Rhodes Ave. R. L. Farrow RFD 2, Box 85 Homer W. Miller 119 S. 4th St. Jurors for the week beqinninq Mav 14, 1962 F. K. Scott 818 5. 5th St. C. T. Walton 510 S. 5th St. R. W. Melvin 144 Victoria Dr. Paul B. Smith 233 Forrest Rd. Dirk Swart Jr. P. 0. Box 838 J. C. Adams 504 S. 17th St. Neil M. Woods RFD Box 292 Casli e Hayne,N.C. L. H. Mathews 427 Castle Hayne Rd. Lloyd D. Dunn 221 S. 46th St. Gus Hawes 719 S. 6th St. F. M. Pridgen R D j1Box 2I?5 ? as e Hayn W. W. Bailey 2 01 Highiand Dr. James H. Conyers . . 155 !?4 St V N a, wport ews, E. H. Rhodes 5230 Market St. A. J. Kornegay 101 N. 7th St. Roy Hodges 14 P: Lake Vi 1. T. F. Bradshaw 303 bJood Dale Dr. J. W. Stillman 202 Cape Fear Blvd. E. W. Sessoms Box 713, Carolige h W. F. Shepard ac 283!} C. Adams S'C. R. M. Coggins 5311 Green Leaf Jake Moskowitz 121 S. 4th St. John H. Estes, d 3592 1 Lvmberton Ave. Beach argj?ng ? Danie l P. War t j 1003 Wm. C. Peterson 206 S. 46th St. William N. Reynolds 2206 Gibson Ave. Jess W. Strucko 3609 Winston Blvd. Frederick Willetts Sr. P. O. Box 600 . Bruce A. Williams 2310 Wrightsv. Ave. B. R. Morrison Jr. 2949 Park Ave. Ralph R. McDougald 2509 Jackson St. Leonard J. Bradshaw 316 Castle St. Thomas Robert Lyons Jr.U300 Peachtree St. Nash Samuel Thornton 110 Borden Ave. Robert Filmore Lewis 10 C hurch St. - Civil term Roscoe Lester 309 Pine Hills Dr. . Alan L. Grumbiin 12 Borden Ave. Charles English 810 Chestnut St. Aaron B. Jones 102 B. Williamson Dr. H. Hudson Louis 313 Meares St. . Georae Judson RFD 2, Box 364 a Charles G. Balch 4120 Park Ave. Charles R. Hing RFD 3, Box 617 Paul E. Gregory 135 Ridgeway Dr. Fleet Peterson 2 G Lake ViSlage Marx J. Neuwirth 208 N. 13th'St. Dewayne Mullins RFD 1 Box 11 Castfe Ha ne, AI C d $l ? Jiles W. Hinson 517 v . yard E. Ship George A. Curtis 207 Brightwood Rd. J. Comer Griffin 170 Colonial Cir. lJaddell A. Corbett Box 1139 Herbert E. Walton 4018 Evergreen Dr. Leon H. Robinson 2304 Dexter St. George D. Har.dee Jr. 170 Lake Forest Pkt.y. Wade H. Sanderson 301 Virginia Ave. Franklin P. Meshaw 213 Pinecrest Pkwy. Jimmie Clyde Fowier 21 S. bth St. Theodore Charles Daigle 29 16 Jefferson St. James Lee Williams 216 Keaton Ave. James Charles Johnsori Jr. 5826 Oleander Dr. Jurors for the week beqinninq Nay 14, 1962 - Criminal term C. D. Hare 5am H. Hill H. E. Hicks John W. Crowley Henry L. Vann J. E. Gantt E. J. Loweli Otto Fowler M. F. Carney V:m. G. Robertson T. H. Hashagen T. C. Callihan Robert O. ldilson Sr. Thomas C. Hobbs Arthur Carter J. H. Burton George W. Potts Meyer Miller Allen T. Strange D. A. Herring Tommy L. Massey Thomas L. ulooten Sr. Alan L. Browm H. L. Hawes Ervin E. Rooers 4100 Wrightsv. Ave. 1715 Ann St. 730 Windsor Drive 2023 Perry Ave. 2117 Brandon Rd. RFD 2, Box 209 2324 Shirley Road 613 S. 17tn 5t. 121 Brookwood Ave. 226]} Mimosa P1 1806 Carolina Ave. 2416 Monroe St. 1901 Grace 16 V Lake Vi l laoe RFD 2, Box 225 W lli burg,Va. P. 0'C??ol?n?? Beach 20'y Barnard Dr. 1103 Chestnnt St. 1305 S. Churchili Dr. 238 Princess St. 4856 Market St. 12 Northern Blvd. 43 Beauregard Dr. 10 Central Blvd. 622 S. 4th st. Robert N. Walsak A!orwood G. Clark Albert L. Jordan Walter McRae Ubert H. Flack Carl M. Jenne James W. Carney George E. Hughes David P. Hervey J. D. Bailey T. J. Hewitt Clarence W. Madison George S. Jackson Frank A. 5hepard Frank L. Jones Hubert S. Hufham H. M. Heeden Oscar T. Lewis Jr. J. L. McKeovm Stephen Frederick Deil Edward Z. King Joseph R. Jarnaain John Leroy Young Jacob Price Cullins Clarence M. Picket 2316 Chestnu? St. 2522 Adams St. 2903 Louisianna St. RFD 2, Box 245 1518 Castle St. 8 Northern Blvd, 226 n. 26tn St. 3615 Stratford Blvd. 2238 Came113a Dr. 111 Henry St. 215 Forest Hills Dr. 112 Floral Pk4.y. 704 Central Blvd. 4945 Pine St. # 8 Kentucky Ave. 1708 Ann St. 21}1? Klein Road 200 Klein Road 2542 Burnett B1vd. 606 Caldwell Ave. 305 S. 17tt, St. 217 Brookwood Ave. 1908 Woolcott Ave. RFD 2, Box 215 B. 16 S. 7th 5t. Jurors for the week beqinnina May. 28th, 1962? W. H. Huggins T. E. West C. J. Craig, Jr. . C. A. Armstrong A. D. Harris T. W. Sneeden R. L. Fish M. N. Parneil L. C. Davis E. M. Meyland Ear 1 C. Brot,m Vernon Chavis James E. Ellis Wilton Hales John D. Gray Alton Wright Troy G. Motte John R. Shepard Sr. Allerd L. Miles M. K. Prevatt 512 Colonial Dr. 4306 Peachtree St. 2112 Brandon Rd. 407 Church St. 832 Forest Hills 11?.01 Live Oak Pki-,ry. 12 Cape Fear Blvd. RFD 3, Box 245 A 603 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD 1, Box 71 2009 Adam St. 12 Victory Crarden 240 Calhoun Dr. 19 Lee Drive 2508 van Buren st. 28 N. 26th St. 2217 Dexter St. 5825 Park Ave. 7 H. Nesbitt Cts. 2921 Jefferson St. David E. Smith Willia.m L. Farabee John D. Mercer Frank E. Rouse 0. F. Hunnicutt Edward B. Ward Lester N. Baker James F. Warren Elwood Smith Leroy Pridgen Earl M. Smith Samuel H. Long John I{ay Newton Albert Carl Cray, Jr. Cleland Arnold Jones David W. Locklier W. T. Weathersbee Wm. Preston Weathers Andrew James Small Robert McAllister 111 Ridgei-jay Dr. 434 Rosemont Ave. RFD ?hBPozl?jo3Beach 18 bJrightsv. Av. 113 Keaton Ave. 127 Green Forest Rd. 268 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD 2, Box 505 RFD 1, Box 325 247 Oakcrest Dr. 514 S. Front St. RFD 1, Box 410 2201 Aenwood Ave. 106 Central Blvd. 5306 Greenleaf Dr. 25 S. Greenville Ave. 5311? Wrightsv. Ave. 3018 Jefferson St. 515 s. 14tn st. continued - , a 0 , . 91 Minutes of the April 2nd, 1962 Meeting Jurors for the week beqinninci May 28, 1962 James O. Robinson 2727 Burnett Blvd. George B. Murray P.O. Hox 1395 I Joseph E. Soles 4025 Cherry Ave. Eugene Danner RFD 2, Box 338 Llayne Efird,? 709 Central Blvd. Continued - Civil term James Lee Satterwhite 5000 Barefoot Dr. Edward Earl Garvey 2220f S. Front St. Arthur Farrell Teague 1 Central Blvd. Edward Hampton 2707 Van Buren St. Frederick B. Sternberger 4300 Halifax Rd, ? ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Commissioners unanimous- ly agreed to adjourn their meeting and to meet as a Board of Equalization and Review. W. G. JOINT CITY-COUNTY MEETING ..y ? Secretary City Council Chambers Wilminqton, N. C. 3:30 P.M. April 11, 1962 I ? ASSEMBLY A joint meeting of the City Council the Council Room at 3:30 P. M. today with the Counciimen Hannah S. Block, E. S. Capps, Jr., C. F. Churchill, F. A. Downing, Director of Commerce and Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commi Jr. NOTICE - and the County Commissioners was held in following present: Mayor O.O. Allsbrook, J. E. L. Wade and Acting City Manager the City Bureau of Rates, Industry and ssioners Peter H. Braak and John Van B. Metts, This special joint meeting uias called verbally by the Chairman and each member notified at the regular semimonthly meeting of the Commissioners held on P.pril 2nd,1962. PURPOSE - The meeting was called to order by Mayor O. O. Allsbrook i•aho stated that the purpose was to consider the action of the Civii Aeronautics Board in grantino an order allowing temporary suspension of service at Fayetteville, New Bern and Wilmin,ton by the P]ational Airlines, Incorporated. , / DISCUSSION Nayor Allsbrook recognized Mr. F. A. Downing and asked him to explain the urg- ? ency of this matter. He said that the C. A. B. had changed its rules and practice by re- `ducing the time for.filing requests for hearings from 30 days to 20 days and that the dead line for requesting a reconsideration of their order authorizing the temporary sus- pension of service at Fayetteville, New Bern and R^:ilminoton by the National Airlines, Incorporated is Monday, April 9th. Unless a request for the reconsideration of this mat- ter is within the hands of the C. A. B. by that time the order will become permanent after the 90 day temporary suspension. He is of the opinion that this order is unfair to the City of Wilmington and New Hanover Connty Airport and therefore suegests that an attorriey be employed to represent the City and County in asking for a stay of this order and requests a hearing be set at which time i,:re could present our reasons for our conten- tion. Since Mr. Oliver Carter has ably represented the City and County in the past and is thoroughly familiar with the terms used and the rules and regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board, he recommends that he be employed to present this matter. By common consent, the joint Board authorized him to cali ivir. Carter and allow him to revi'ew his thinking on the matter. Mr. Carter took a very dim view of the matter and reminded the Board that it would mean that he would have to reverse his pleadings which were made at the time he represented the City and County in the hearing on the•Piedmont Airlines case. I Actualiy he would be asking the C. A. B. to rescind its order authori2ing the suspension of its service and for them to vacate that order of the National Airlines in their allo- c2tion for permanettt suspension and asked that the case be set for a hearing. He held little hopes for much success in the matter but stated that he would be glad to represent ? the City and Count.y although due to the pressure of time he tirould be forced to employ an attorney in Washington throuah whom he could work in filino the petition. He pointed out that there were several thines that could be done in the petition for a re-hearine on the matter such as: (1) Order No. E- 18125 is Unfair to the City of t•Jilmington and the County of New Hanover ..(2) The Grant of the Tempora.ry Suspension Will Hopelessly Pre- judice the City of :1ilmington in Opposing the Application for Deletion o.f the Point from National's Certificate... (3) National's Traffic in and Out of Wilmington Falls Within the Area of the So-Called Baltimore Rule..... (4) Order No E- 18125 is Totally Unrealistic in Its Assessment of Inconvenience to Wilmington Traffic Resulting Interest Does Atot Re- quire the Proposed Suspension..... (6) The National Application Should be Set Down for Hearing:.... In addition, he pointed out that the National Airlines, Incorporated would likely file a petition for an amendment for their certificate to allow a permanent suspen- sion of service but that the traffic potential had not been reduced is an indisputable fact and that in allowing Piedmont to inaugurate their service did not replace the segments discontinued by n?ational. COIITENSATIONT The matter of a fee tiaas discussed and vr. Carter frankly informed the Board he had named a flat fee in the former cases, out of which he had paid his own expenses and found that he had lost money personally. Since this sort of matter was indefinite in its scope of time required to handle, he would much prefer for them to trust him to set a reasonable attorney's fee for the work he aceomplished. Continued- I