1962-04-16 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Mee ting April 16. 1962 Wilmington N. C. April 16, 1962 ASSEN1BLY The reoular semimonthly meetin.g of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held today at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Com- missioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. ' INVOCATION - , I The Chairman calied the meeting to order and asked Reverend B. H. Baskerville, pastor of Chestnut 5t. Presbyterian Church, to open the meetina with a prayer of guidance. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE ESTIMATES - The Public Weifare Department, through its Chairman, Mr. N. B. Barefoot, pre- sented the proposed Assistance Estimates for the 1962-1963 fiscal year. He explained that the approval of these estimates was not binding upon the Board but they were used for the purpose of forming a basis for the State Board of Public Welfare to arrive at a recommendation to the Board of Finance and Budget on a State level. In the discussion, it was brought out that the proposed 1962-1963 totals for Public Assistance had increased roughly about $18,000, mostly because of the projected number estimated to be eligible for allotments in the coming year. The average payment had increased slightly. After each of the Commissioners had expressed themselves on the matter, Nr. Braak offered a motion that the proposed Assistance Estimates be approved and signed by the Board since they were not hinding so that the Director of Public Welfare could forward them to the State Board of Public Welfare. There was no second to this mbtion and the Chairman ruled it dead.. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Board approve the same amount as last year and sign.the estimate on that basis. This motion received no second and the Chairman declared it dead. After a further pro end con discussion, the Chairman suggested that they leave the matter for further study unt.il next Monday or until each of them had fully satisfied himself in his own mind and was willino to sign the Estimate. The Board agreed to this arrangement, by common consent. r l v UdELFARE QUARTERS - / The Chairman read a letter from Mr. R. Eugene Brown, Director of Public Assistance approving the remodelling of Isaac Bear Building and agreeing to participate in the repairs and alterations on the basis of approving the additional $6,500 to apply on the cost of renovating the building and purchasing equipment as office space for the Department of Public Welfare. He also authorized the Director to start reporting ex- penditures in the amount of $1650.00 per month as joint office space cost in lieu of rent after the buildino has been prepared for occupancy and they move into it. In order to re- ceive the extra $6,500.00 it will be necessary to amend the 1961-62 Budget for adminis- tration iridicating that the County 4aishes to use it for the renovating of the buildin:g. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to refer this matter to Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, the Director, for revising and amending the 1961-62 Budget. The Chairman requested the Executive Secretary to check with Mr. N7cKim of the firm of Ballard, McI{im and Sawyer which is preparing the plans and specifications. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Cnairman explained to the Board that pursuant to authority given him to proceed with the preparation for bids to prepare the Isaac Bear Building for use as office space for the Welfare Department, he had-consulted Building Management, Incorporated in order to secure a schedule of rentals of buildings offering space comparable to the Isaac Bear Building. The cost of this survey was $25.00 and he requested the Board's approval for payment. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board approved the invoice for payment and allocated $25.00 from the•Eroergency Fund to cover it. It was approved by majority vote. Messrs. Braak, Metts, and Hall voted "Yes", Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted "No". ? ADVISORY RECREATION CONMISSION - The above subject was again presented to the Board for consideration at the ' request of the City Advisory Recreation Conmission. As no member of the Commission was present to present the matter, the Chairman called on Mr. Nayhan who is the CountyTS com- mittee on Parks and Recreation for any recommendation which he might have. He reported , no further developments at present. At the request of the Chairman, the County Attorney reported that the law provides for appropriating money and appointing boards as well as allowing the recreation to be presented to the people for a vote on just how far they wanted to go in this matter. No further action was.required or taken. ROAD PETITIONS - 1_? Petitions were received for the addition of Ashley Circle, George Trask Drive and .Iennings Drive to the State maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the requests were approved and ordered sent to the State Highway CoRanissioners for their consideration. JOINTLY OWNED FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE Block 349 - The Chairman read a letter from Quality Homes offering $150.00 ' for part of Lot #1 in Block 349 which is 56, x 57+, 50' from the SE corner of 6th & Howard St., fronting on Howard and appraised by the Property Assessors at $300.00 as a fair market price. After a brief discussion, .Mr. Braak offered a motion that the offer of $150.00 be refused but that the fair market sale price of $300.00 be approved for a period of 30 days subject to approval of the City Council. This motion was seconded by Mr. Metts and it was unanimously carried. Block 97 - The Executive Secretary reported that he had a verbal offer of / $500.00 for.the SE ? of.Lot 4 in Block 97. It is 33' x 165, located 1321 from the N1d corner of 12th and Castle Streets.., fronting on 12th Street. The Gounty Property Assess- ors have placed a fair market price on it at $500.00. After a brief consideration, Mr. Metts offered a motion that this property be approved for sale at $500.00 subject to the approval of the City Council, It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. Minutes of the Meeting April 16, 1962 Continued- ? - - ? . ............ _ ( BEER PERMITS - ? - - -- - - The following applications for Seer Permits were reviewwd by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Metts, were unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his consideration and investigation. Neil Washington Dinkins T/A Rock A Way Seabreeze, N. C. I Joseph Delezsar T/A Boardwalk Canteen Carolina Beach, N. C. ' Helen Petroutsa T/A Eddie's Grill Carolina Beach, N. C. Raymond (Ray) Richard T/A Ocean View Amusements Wrightsville Beach,N.C., tRECORDING FEE - ' The Executive Secretary reaorted that the Register of Deeds is holding a leasel'I between the State Department of Arch:ives and History and the Sunny Point Army Terminal Military Reservation on which the County pays $100..00 a year rental for a historic site at Fort Fisher. The state is requesting that it be recorded without cost. Mr. Black j requests approval of the Commissioners as he says the cost would amountto $7.75. Mr. Netts offered a motion that this instrument be recorded for the State without cost. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. ? DRAGLINE DRAINAGE ? + The Chairman reported that he had received several requests for the regrading I and cleaning out of the canal which drains the area east of Oleander Courts through 'i Lincoln Forest into Hewletts Creek. After a discussion of the merits of operating the dragline, Mr. Metts offered a motion that any action on this matter be deferred un- til the Health Department had had a chance t0 evaluate it to determine if it met t?e ??.??r- ia set up for participation by the State under their salt marsh mosquito controll •a?i? I to approve a sum not to exceed $400.00 for the purpose of building mats*for use in marshj places and that appr??? Aeu?ven to regrading and cleaning out the canal. It was second?d by Mr. Mayhan. The^mo-t,"ion was passed by majority vote with A"essrs. Braak, Hall and N,ay-d? han voting "Yes" and Messrs. Broadhurst and Metts voting "No" with the explanation that they thought it should be presented to the Health Department for their consideration be- fore the County took any action. ? GRAND JURY REPORT The Chairman read the report of the Grand Jury made to his Honor Albert W. Cowper, Presiding over the April term of Criminal Court. It took note of the overall improvements which had been made at the County Home during the last 6 months but pointed out that the negro Juvenile Detention quarters were criowded and not in such good condi- tion. However, they understood plans were underway to remedy that situation and they commended the cooperation of the Commissioners on this endeavor. The Chairman suggested that this matter be given priority. COUNTY HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS - The County Attorney presented .the following Resolution as authorized at the regular semimonthly meeting on March 5th creating a Board of Directors for the New Hanover County Home setting forth their powers and duties and providing for the right of the Board of Commissioners to amend, modify, revise or repeal any or all provisions: RESOLUTION APPOINTING BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO ADMINISTER THE AFFAIRS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY HOME WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover I County on Viarch 5, 1962, it was determined by unanimous vote that it would be to the best advantage of the Board of Commissioners, the residents of the County Home and the citizens of New Hanover County to establish a Board :of Directors for the said New Hanover County Home. NOvJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of NeUrl-lanover County: ARTICLE I Definitions As used in this Resolution the word "IIoard" shall mean the Board of Commiss- ioners of New Hanover County. The word "Directors" shall mean the Board of Direct- ors hereinafter created for the purpose of administering, maintaining and operating the New Hanover County Home. The word "County" shail mean the County of New Hanover. The words "County Home" shall mean the New Hanover County Home which is to be operated, administered and maintained by the Board of Directors herein created. ARTICLE II CREATION of Board of Directors of the New Hanover County Home 1. There is hereby created a Board of Directors to be known as the Board of Directors of the New Hanover County Home. The said Board of Directors shall con- sist of such member of the Board of Commissioners as also serves,as a member of the Welfare Board, one medical doctor, one member of the community council and . four members at large. It is further provided that the membership of this Board may be increased at any time when deemed necessary by the Board of Commissioners.. The members of the Board of Directors shall be residents and citizens of New Hanover County. (continued- on page 97.) lrom the Generai Etnergency fund. It was seconded by ifr. lviayhan but before ths metian uras ? put, Mr. Braak offered a substitute motion that an allocation of $2400.00 be made from th General Emergency Fund to re-activate the dragline provided the canal described above doe not meet the criteria set up by the Health Department and that $400.00 of this amount be ^ used for the purpose of building mats for use in marshy places and that approval be given to regrading and cleanfng out the canal. , ? , ? ? ?? ? ? . ?.? Ninutes of the Meeting April 16, 1962 Continued _ u COlJNTY HOME BQAR D OF DIRECTORS - (Resolution) The followina named persons are hereby appointed members of the Board of Dire ctors of the New Hanover County Home to serve for the terms set opposite ? thei r res pective names: I /5/ Mrs. H. A. Blaclcburn To serve for a term commencing this date and ex- piring one year from date. I I /5/ Mr. H. A. Marks To serve for a term commencing this date and ex- piring one year from date. /5/ Dr. E. T. Marshburn To serve for a term commencing this date and ex- ? ; _. .,. ?. . _.• piririg two years from date. /S/ Mr. James L. Johnson To serve for a term commencing this date and ex- ? piring two years from date. II /S/ Mrs. Herbert Bluethenthal To serve for a term commencing this date and ex- ' piring three years from date. /S/ _ FT. Wm. H. Snyder To serve for a term commencing this date and ex- piring three years from date. /5/ Mr. Peter H. Braak To serve for such term as is commensurate with his ' service as a County Commissioner and, also, as a II member of the New Hanover County Welfare Board. All vacancies in the Board of Directors by reason of death, resignation, in- capacity or other cause shall be filled by appointment made by the Board of County Commissioners and shall be for the unexpired term of the member causing such vacancy. Bearing in mind that the vacancy shall be filled by person'in the same category as the person who is to be replaced. , A director shall be eligible to succeed himself for one additional term fol- lowing his initial term and shall be eligible for reappointment to the Board one year after expiration of his term of office or at the expiration of his additional term in the event he is appointed to succeed himself. The Board of Commissioners may at any time after notice and hearing by the Board of Directors and on the recommendation of the Directors remove any member of the Directors for gross inefficiency, neglect of duty, immoral conduct or convict- ion for any felony or other crime invoiving moral turpitude. The Directors serving terms following.these initial terms shall serve for a period of three years from date of appointment. The Board of Directors shall elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman annuaily. No Trustee shall have any pecuniary interest, either directly or indirectly, in any part of the County Home operation or in any contract or purchase entered into in connection therewith. The Directors shall meet at the call of the member thereof from the Board of County Commissioners within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution in order to organize themselves into the Aoard of Directors and in order to elecL the officers above referred to. Thereafter, the Directors shall meet in regular session monLhly and at such other times upon the callof the Chairman or Vice-Chairman as may be deemed necessary or advisable, and shall keep a complete record of all its proceed- ings. A rnajority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum. The Directors shall elect a Secretary and a Treasurer and shall elect such other officers and appoint such committees and sub-committees as is deemed necess- ary or advisable by them in order to insure the proper discharge of Lheir functions and duties. i ARTICLE IU ? Powers and Duties There is hereby conferred upon the Board of Directors full power and authority to enter upon and engage in the maintenance and operation of the County Home. The expense of maintaining and.operating the County Home shall be a responsi- bility of New Hanover County. The Board of Directors, as soon as possible after organization, shall submit to the County Auditor of New Hanover County a plan for financial management of the County Home. This plan, in turn, shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners by the County Auditor together with his recommenda- tions in regard thereto and his'recommendations regarding fiscal control. The Directors shall make and adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations for the County Home as may be deemed expedient for'the economic and proper conduct and operation of the same, such bylaws, rules and regulations not to be inconsistent Urith this resolution or with the regulations of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County or the laws of the State,of North Carolina. continued - ? I 1 tl? ?Y Minutes of the Neeting April 16, 1962 Continued COUNTY HOME'BOARD OF DIRECTORS --(Continued) The Directors shall submit an annual operating budget to the Board of Com- ' missioners for review and approval. This budget shall be prepared and presented in accordance with rules, regulations and procedures of the Board of Commissioners. ' No expenditures shall be made for any obligations incurred in the maintenance and operation of said County Home except as approved in the annual budgets, and any amendments thereto, for which due appropriations have been made. The Directors shall have the power to appoint necessary personnel to operat(t , the County Home and to remove the same from their positions for such reasons and grounds as the Directors may think proper. The Dir ectors shall have the power to adopt personnel policies and practices consistent with this resolution and to adopt i necessary rules and regulations for the Government of the Directors and the employee:' responsible to such Board of Directors. 'i The Directors may make rules and regulations governing the care, conduct and treatment of residents of the County Home. Such rules and regulations to be con- sistent with this resolution, with the laws of the County of New Hanover and with the laws of the State of North Carolina.. The title to all property, real, personal or mixed, shall at all times be vested in the County; but the Directors may purchase equipment and personal propert?? for County Home purposes in the name of the County Home or through officers and agents as the Directors may direct. All books, records, papers, invoices, accounts and documents of the County Home shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Board of County Commissioners or its duly authorized agent. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to amend, modify, revise or repeal any and all of the provisions of this resolution. Any rule, regulation or procedure established by the Directors in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution shall be null and void and of no effect. Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Resolution and the It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. was designated to convene the Board for the purpose of officers. He suggested Friday-afternoon, April 20th Room and authorized the Executive Secretary Lo arrange arranged.) A,S,B.P.A. - -COUNTY HOME WASHING NiACHINES Directors named therein be approved (By common consent, Mr. Braak oroanizing and electing their at 3:30 P. M. in the Commissioners for it. This meeting has been The Chairman read a letter from Henry M. Von Oesen calling attention to the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association which will be held May 7th through Nay 9th at the Carolinian Hotel at Nags Head. He pointed , out that triis was a fine opportunnty for North Carolina as it is the first time such a ' meeting has been held in North Carolina in 15 years. He urged all members of the Board i to go and represent New Hanover County. M,r. Netts offered a motion that any all County Commissioners and the County Attorney be authorized to attend this meeting. It was ? seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously appr.oved. 6 Mr. Braak reported that while most of the heavy laundry at the County Home is being done at the Community Hospital there are some things urhich must be washed for immediate use. At present, they are using old ant.iquated ringer type machines which are continually needing repairs and service. He requests approval of the Board for the purchase of two new spin dryer type machines. He has bids which average approximately $200.00 each. He offered a motion that he be authorized to pruchase the two washing machines for the County Home and that funds up to $400.00 be allocated from the County Home Emergency Fund to the Capital Outlay Account to cover them. It was seconded by Nu'. Nayhan and unanimously approved 1ADJUSTMETdTS - Mr. Braak reported that he had split the work which had formerly been done by Herbert C. Rivenbark between Dave W. Rivenbark and Luther H. Mintz and suggested that they deserved an increase in their pay. N?r. P9int2 has assumed responsibility for the livestock and Mr. Rivenbark has taken on the repairs to ali buildings. After a brief dis- cussion, Mr. Braak moved that each of them be increased $15.00 a month until Bvdoet time. It was seconded by N?r. Mayhan and unanimously carried. (AZALEA FESTIVAL - P4r, Broadhurst observed that the Azalea Festival had been a successful one in his opinion in spite of the setback by the weather and offered a motion that a letter of commendation be sent to Allen T. Strange and his committee, complimenting them for a fine job. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ? AIRPORT ALLOCATION - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that John A. Westbrook, the New Hanover County Airport P9anager, requested a transfer of $200.00 from the Field Account to Repairs and Naintenance Equipment Account. This transfer is necessary because of the unusual damage to the equipment during the C.A.P. Friendship Days when the C-123 aircraft was involved in an accident. Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously authorized the transfer of $200.00 from Field Repairs to Equipment Maintenance so long as it stayed within the Budget. (ARMORY REPAIRS - A letter was received from J. Ward Andrews, City.Engineer, advising that the work under the contract with the Taylor Exterminating Company for termite control treat- ment at the Armory has been completed. He requests approvai for final payment in termina- tion of the contract. Upon motion of Ii'ir. Metts, seconded by Nr. Braak,the Board unani- mously approved the final payment for the work lahich vrill terminate the contract upon approval of the City Council. L_ 11 ? Minutes of the Meeting April 16, 1962 Continued ? ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION - The Chairman reported that it was his understanding that the New Hanover County Council on Alcoholism and Mr. Ben J. McDonald, the sponsor of tlie rehabilitation group, had conferred and agreed to merge the two endeavors. During a brief discussion, several questions were asked with reference to their needs as well as a proposed Budget. The Chairman had not been informed of these needs but only that they had asked him to present the Resolution recognizing the"newly formed County Council and its aims and pur- poses. By common consent, it was decided to defer action on the Resolution until more definite information has been received about the merging of the two groups and requested that they present their needs along with a proposed Budget. P7r. Metts suggested that a copy of this action be sent to Nr. MacDonald for his information. SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION - The Chairman reported'that he had attended a meeting along with Messrs. Braak and Tillery in which the County responsibility in providing i-n-pr-eu-i? education be- yond highschool level was discussed. He presented a questionnaire and asked the County Attorney to report to the Board the answers he had given to the same,as a member of the Board of Trustees to the Wilmington College. No action was necessary on this subject and after a brief discussion of the matter, Dr. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Trustees for. Wilmington Colleoe stated that present indications were that Wilmington College might evolve into a four year'college earlier than had been originally anticipated. ' REPORTS AND LETTERS - ' The following reports were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for informa- tion: ' . 1- Farm Agent's Report IZ 2- County Home, Economic Agent's Statistical Report 3- Colored Home Economic Agent's Schedule of Activities.,'? 4- U. 5.0. Club Report i" 5- Wilmington Public Library Report.? 6- Wiimington Public Library Report. -' . 7- "Student Local Government Day" scheduled for May 3rd.,? 8- Copy of invoice from James Walker Memorial Hospital amounting to $635.25 for ? Hampton L. Frierson committed from the County Jail. PE•TIT JURY - The followino pe-rs:on.s mrere selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for ? the special civil term beginning April 30th, 1962 . Jurors for week of April 34, 1962 - Special civil term ' W. P. Turkett 116 Colonial Cir. Edtiain P. Costin H. F. Scott 87 Lee Drive Marion Capps ? E. H. Hobbs 1013 S. 2nd St. Clintott H. Kemp I 0. L. Sewell 220 Borden Ave. Joseph D. Henson Earl Ailen RFD 1, Box 179 George F. Wells Jr Castle Hayne, N.C. J. G. Brown 3714 S. Front St. Hoyt S. Bradsfiaw C. E. Bender 501 Grace St. Willis O. Gregg J. L. Bowen 122 Brookwood Ave. William N. Womble C. B. Bolton 2525 Monroe St. Wm. Fleishman G. W. Crraves 1303 N. Lumina Herbert M. Schaar Wri ghtsv. Beach R. S. Burton Box 604 A Ernest W. Newman Carolina Beach P. L. Canady 2104 Metts Ave. Harry D. Griffin C. F. Churchill 2230 Cameliia Dr. Grace M. Sandford W. H. Vollers 2405 Princess St. Rd. Douglas H. Treadway Joha E. Walter 118 Colonial Cir. Eugene Cameron Charies V. Tilson, Jr. 4626 Long Leaf Hills Emerson M. Surles A. R. Threatt 124 S. 5th St. Oliver A. Wallace T. C. Gurganus RFD 2, Box 142 Raymond R. Wagner J. H. Peterson 125 Glendale Dr. ivlaurice H. Hellum Sidney Godwin 109 S. lOth St. James William Nash Thomas W. Strange RFD 1, Box 305 B Robert Raymond Barrett Gilliam K. Horton 619 Forest Hills Dr. Henry Robert Spencer M. L. James R. B. J. R. Rober E. C. Other A. E. Harris,•Jr. R. Walters Walker , Jr. Reaves t Glenn Sasser Snead Balton Teva Sondey ' David H. Satterwhite 2528 Monroe St. 2115 Brandon Rd, 707 Central Blvd. 1139 Country Club Rd. Colonial Circle 201 Brookwood Ave. 11 B Lake Village P'Ca'stle°XQlAe, N.C. 501 Jennings Dr. ! ADJOURNMENT - ? Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, agreed to adjourn. n William Glenn Thompson Robert Percy Sandlin Thomas Rudolph 'sJebber Lawrence J. Powell Emil Carl Paso A. H. Yopp Blanche Ray Jackson Robert J. Huriey Winston Wi 11 iams 215 Davie Dr. 117 Mercer Ave. 119 East Renovah Cir. RFD 2, Box 240 A 4027 Halifax Rd. 6 J.E.B. Stewart Dr. 4502 Gr,eenfield St. 210Lk Princess St. Apt. E 10 Oleander Ct. 2407 Princess P1 Dr. 419 S. 3rd St. 2321 Princess P1 Dr. 2010 Woolcott Ave. 207 Lake Forest Pkwy. RFD 1, Box 296 I C stle Hayne N. C. 3? Woodlawn Ave. 4918 Oleander Dr. 609 Central Blvd. 17 H Lake Viilage PCa?oi$na SeAch, N. C 5455 Wriohtsv. p.ve. 322 Hamlet Ave. Carolina Beach, N. C 17 tdoodlawn Ave. 206 Ann St. 1200 Rankin St. 1515.Ann St. 3116 Wrightsv. Ave. 209 Princess St. 1922 Church St. 1709 Chestnut St. 2206 Oaks St. seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously 1? - W. G. Houck, Exec. Secretary -A