1962-05-07 Regular Meeting Wilmington, N. C. May 7, 1962 RECESSED NiEETIAiG - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was recessed to meet at 9:00 o'clock A. N, next Monday, May 14th 1962 for the reason that no quorum was present. The Executive Secretary made the proclamation at 9:00 o'clock A. M. today. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. May 14, 1962 CONVOCATION The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session at 9:00 o'clock A. N. in the Commissioners's Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, ? Leon E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. P7etts, Jr., and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr, i INVOCATION - II The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. Irvina Boone, Pastor of the Central Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for wisdom and guidance. I NOTICE - Pursuant to the provisions of GS 153-8, the Chairman requested the Executive Secretary to read the written notice given each Commissioner on May 7, 1962 by mail- calling this special meetiny for the purpose of taking action on a Resolution for the sale of bond anticipation notes in the amount of $150,000 for the use and benefit of New Hanover Memorial Hospitai and to serve as a regular meeting of the Board in the place of the meeting which was recessed on May 7th, 1962 by virtue of the fact that no quorum was present. The letter was read by the Executive Secretary, calling the Special P:eet ing. ?APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes of the regular meeting held on April 16, 1962, having been mailed , to each commissioner for his reading, were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Mayhan and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, unanimously. RESOLUTION Mr. N;etts introduced a Resolution that bond anticipation notes be issued and approved aoainst bonds approved by the people for the hospital, it was seconded by Mr. Braak, In the discussion, Mr. Broadhurst advanced the idea that $500,000 be authorized and that sufficient interest to carry the current needs might be realized from investing the difference of $350,000 at 4% as compared to the anticipated rate of not more than 2% which wouid be paid for the notes, hir. M. C. Brown, Chairman of the? Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees for the hospital came in and explained that the same question was considered by his committee who came to the conclusion that,while it was not illeoal, it bordered on being unethicai in the handling of publi'c funds. They had refrained fron recommending any speculation which is a remote possibility for money is in demand and $1;000,000 could be invested and a profit made at present. He sugaested that the matter be referred back to his Committee since the Board of Commiss- ioners are willing to back them in such a proposal. The County P.ttorney cautioned them that he would have to rule ayainst securing funds unless a definite need was sl7own for their use. Mr. h9etts then withdrew his Resolution with: permission of Mr. IIraa}c- who had seconded it. After the motion was rescinded, N`s. 3rown agreed to discuss the matter further with his committee and bring b2ck their recommendation. All action was deferred until that time. • CAP AIn1ARD5 - ? Najdr Kenneth G. Wooten, Group Commander, Civil Air Patrol, requesi;ed that he be allowed to present some awards of National Scope in behalf of the C.A.P. _ , /ifter recounting the services performed by those to receive the citations, he pre- sented Certificates of P7erit to Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, Nr. Wesley W. Knape, Chief Control Tower Operator at Bluethen- thal Fieid and Vir. John A. Westbrook, V'anager, New Hanover County Airport. Rir. M,etts observed that he thought it was a good thino for the presentation to be made at a Board meetino. He thanked the C.A.P. for a job well done. Each man who received an award 4ras grateful and thanked N?ajor 1r7ooten for it. /BEER PERMITS - Tlle following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, they were unanimously approved and ordered sent to the Sheriff for his consideration and investigation: Sam H. Biake T/A J. H. Burton T/A E. M. Ellis T/A TArs. Nellie Gaylor Sellers R. Martin Sessoms T/A Cliff Smith Jr. T/A Carolina Beach Fishing Pier, Inc. Burbon Grocery Riverboat T/A Sellers Fish Market Seach Comber Grocery The Nermaid ? i ? ? ? ., i \