1962-06-04 Regular Meeting, Minutes of the N;eeting May 21, 1962 Continved ? AUDITOR's RE?ORT - (Continued) ? i Transfers- ? County Drainaae - Cap. Outlay to County Drainage - Rep. Equip. $175.00 " " - Tools, Suppiies " " " - Clothing 12I4.,42 I !i General Emergency Fund " Recorderst Ct, - Salary 200.00 Airport- Ins. Liability Premises to Airport - Cap. Outlay 50.00 - R2pairs Building 100.00 I i I After discussing the various items as they urere presented, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the adjustments and appropriations necessary be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ADJUSTM.ENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, to adjourn their meeting. seconded by Mr. h°etts, the Board unanimously voted W . G. Hovck, Executive Sec'Netary Wilmington, N. C. June 4, 1962 ? CALL TO ORDER - . The regular semimonthly meeting of the Plew Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the office of the Commissioners with the ' follotiaing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. I Braak, Leon E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. iwayhan and John Van B. Netts, Jr., County ? Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. I IWOCATION - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who asked Reverend Ray Collins, Pastor of the Church of God, to open the meetino iaith a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL,OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Nr. Metts, seconded by Nir. Mayhan, the minutes of the meeting of May 21st, 1962 were unanimously approved as written. SALE OF BOND At'JTICIPATIOAi NOTES County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reminded the Board that they had author- ized and empowered the Chairman to act to the best interest of the County in the sale of Bond Anticipation Notes up to $500,000. After consultation with Mr. W. E. Easterlinc of the Local Government Co;nmission, it was decided to advertise for bids on these Bond Anticipation Notes. The public advertisement was run in the Wilminyton Morning Star of May 31st, 1962 and the date set as June 12th, 1962. After a brief discussion if this report, Commissioner Leon E. Broadhurst moved that the following Resolution be adopted:i WHEREAS, the bond order hereinafter described has been finally adopted by the Board of Commissioners, and tYie bonds authorized by said bond order have not been issued, and the Board of Commissioners desires to borrow money for the pur- pose for which the bonds are authorized by said bond order as hereinafter pro- vided: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The sum of $500,000 shall be borrowed in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds authorized to be issued by the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover", adopted by the Board of Commissioners on August 21, 1961, for the purpose for which said bonds are authorized to be issued, and negotiable notes each designated "Pubiic Hospital Bond Anticipation Note" shall be issued for said sum so borrox,red. (2) Said notes shall be dated Juile 25, 1962, and shall be payable June 25, 1963, and shall bear interest from their date at a rate which shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum, Such interest shall be payable at the maturity of said notes. Each of said notes shall be signed by the Chairman'and Cler}c of the Board of Commissioners of said County and the seal of said County shall be affixed to each of said notes. (3) The potaer to fix the rate of interest to be borne by said notes and to determine the denomination or denominations of the notes and the place of payment of the notes is hereby delegated to the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Com- missioners of said County who are hereby authorized and directed to cause said notes to be prepared and to execute said notes when they shall have been sold by the Locai Government Commission of PJorth Carolina. Said Local Government Com- mission of North Carolina is hereby requested to sell said notes in the manner prescribed by the Local Government Act of North Carolina. Commissioner Peter H. Braak seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. Those voting for the motion were Messrs. Leon E. Broadhurst, John Van B. Metts, Jr., Peter H. Braak and Ernest R. Mayhan. No one voted against it. ? I .S r 6+•, Minutes ofbhe NeetinG_ June l}th, 1962 Continued TRAtdSFERS - Mr. D. D. Baggett, the County Farm Agent, reported that he had an old typewriter which was worn out beyond economical repair and asked that the Board approve the transfer of $100.00 from Home Agents' Travel to Capitai Outlay for the purchase of a new typewriter and transfer $40.00 from Supplies to Travei .in the Negro Home Economics Agents' account . for 4-H Demonstrations. Mr. Love, the County Auditor, reported that it would be necess- ary to transfer $90.00 from County Home•Salaries to County Farm Salaries in order to pay the increase voted for Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark and Luther H. Mintz of $15.00 per month retro- active to April lst and $40.00 from Covnty Home Salaries to County Juvenile Home in order to pay for the month of June for Mrs, Annie Bell Tyndall. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved these transfers. i CONTINENTAL BISCUIT CONIPANY - / Mr. C. Gienn Hali, Sales Nianager for the Continental Biscuit Company, informed the Board that his firm had purchased the delivery routes of the National Biscuit Company and he understands that the Commissioners had ruled that all County institutions using bakery products were instructed to purchase them only from local manufacturers. He re- ported that they maintained a fleet of trucks and that ali of their drivers were local and so he was asking for consideration and seeking a share oE the Ceuntyls business. The Chairman thanked him for the information and after he had gone., the Board, in a brief dis- cussion considered the possibility of using the products in proportion to the amount of taxes paid by each distributor. No further action was necessary at tktis time. ELECTION C05TS - Nr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the County Board of Elections reminded the Board ? that on March 19th he had explained the necessity for an additional appropriation of $2,000 in order to hold the spring primary elect3ons and especially if it required a run- off. He reported that Mr. Berry A. Williams had requested a run-off that would cost $4,265 and th2t he had only $1,946 left in his Budoet. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $2,319 be appropriated from the Airport Easement Fund to the Election Fund in order to pay the cost of the Second Primary. It was seconded by Mr. Nayhan and unanimously adopted. WELFARE QUARTERS - 1? An invoice was received from Ballard, McKim and Sawyer, Architects employed to draw plans and specifications for the renovation of Isaac Bear Building for administra- tive offices of the Public Welfare Department. After a brief di.scussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the bill be approved for payment and that $724.50 be appropriated from the Welfare General Assistance Fund to 4le1fare - Architects! Fee for renovation plans and specifications. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and passed by a majority vote. Messrs. Braak, Hall and Metts voted for the motion and Messrs. Broadhurst and N,ayhan voted against the' motion, WELFARE FUNDS - 1__? Coutty Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. informed the Board that he had consulted with iv1r. R. Euoene $rovm, Director of Public Assistance, at the request of Chairman Hall with reference to the additionai $6,500 which has been in controversy during the year. He reports that T1r. Brown noui admits that the $6,500 should never have been designated as extra funds to which counties were entitled as a gift but it is only available on the basis of the County expendino sufficient funds in addition to their regular budgeted funds for the $6,500 to be 48% of it which means that the County would have to spend approximately $13,530 in addition to their normal expenditures. Under the present circumstances, the only way the-money could be made available is to increase the salaries of the Welfare De- partment employees retroactive to July 1, 1961 or make an expenditure of $13,500 for equip- ment and then after the Welfare Department nas moved into the new quarters they are author- ized to report on their monthly statement an expenditure in the amount of $1,650 as a joint expense for office space costs in lieu of rent. At this rate,the total cost wouid be reported and paid back within a nine months period. The State pays 12% of this amount and the Federal Government 26% which makes a total of 48% of outside money the County would receive. All other expenditures and costs amounting to 52% would actually be County money. Mr. Netts observed that at the time a decision was made to move the Welfare Department to the Isaac Bear Buiiding, it was thougMt Lhat the State would pay a lump sum of $6,500 in the current fiscal year and a like amount pledged for the upcomino year of 1962-63. Since this is not the-case he offered a motion that the Welfare Depart- ment not be moved to the Isaac Bear Building and that the plans be abandoned f nr renovating it at this time bu± suggested that consideration be given to air con- ditioning the idelfare Department and authorize'the Welfare Board to secure bids and report back to the Board by next Monday at which time the Composite ABC Board i•?ould meet and this matter could be resolved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and it t,ras unanimous- ly passed. The Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to write the Board of Eddca- tion and inform them that they would not use the Isaac Bear Building at this time bilt that if in the future they found a need they will take the matter up wit.h them at that time. MJLLFARE BOARD APPOINTfvIENT - ? Firs. Helen B. Sneeden, Director of Public Welfare, reported that the term of office on the Welfare Board of iMr. Peter H. Sraak would expire on June 30 and requested that an appointment be fiade. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that Commissioner Leon E. Broad- hurst be appointed as a member of the Board for a 3 year term: It was seconded by Mr. Nfetts, and during the brief discussion, Nr. Broadhurst declined the appointment and offer- ed a motion that Nr. Peter H. Braak succeed himseif for a three year term. It was secon.d- ed by Tv`.r. Metts and unanimously carried. PETITION FOR RELIEF - An application for County ]iome care was presented by the Public Welfare Depart- ment for John Wesley Reynolds who was injured in an an accident and is ready for reiease from the hospital but Yias no place to go, Mr,. Braak moved that he be admitted to the County Home for recuperation and care. It was seconded by N,'r. Broadhurst and unanimousiy passed. / h J Minutes of the Meeting June 4, 1962 Continued (CHAiVGE OF STATUS - Vxs. Helen B. Sneeden, Director of the Public Welfare Department, reported that Mr. Guy Willetts, a former Public Welfare bdorker I has just rzturned from school where he took additional studies to prepare him for Case Worker I qualifications. She rea,uests that he be reinstated on the payroll on the basis of the Merit System Council's , recommended salary scale for that qualification.?' After discussing the matter thor- oughly, FIr. Metts offered a motion that he be"reconsidered for permanent pay when other ' salaries are discussed,during t]1e Budaet consideration. Jt was seconded by Mr. Isayhan and.' uhanimously cars'ied: ' '•?= remp loyed at a salary of $300':00 p2i:?:month;-for Jun? and that he . , ? _ . , ' • ` ? ?ALCOHOLIC EDUCATTOD? - Dr. B. Frank Hall, President of the New Hanover Council on Alcoholism, observed that his Council had no intention of asking for an allocation in the amount of 5% in gross profits from the operation of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Stores as per- mitted by the General Statutes but :aould like to have 2J0. He reported that 16 other counties with A.B.C. Stores were participatina in a similar prooram and he asked the Board Lo pass a Resolution endorsino his request for instituting a program of education and rehabilitation and to allocate such funds as it may deem necessary for the use of , the Council. After a brief discussion, the Chzirman requested Dr. Hall to present a Bvdget of the items which they considered necessary and by common consent, the Board authorized the Chairman to call a special meeting if in his discretion he felt it necess-' ary for the purpose of taking action on this matter. ?I ? UdILMINGTON COLLEGE TRUSTEES - Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of }.+lilmington Col- lege reported that the terms of Raeford G. Trask and Harry E. Payne had expired and? requested the Board to appoint two members to complete the full Board of Trustees. After a brief consideration, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Messrs. Trask and Payne be reappointed to the Board of Trustees for Wilmington Colleye. His motion was seconded by ail members oF the Board and so the Chairman declared the motion adopted. SURETY BONDS ? The Executive Secretary reported that Surety Bonds for Messrs, Fred Poisson and °ulilliam O. Humphrey, members of the Alcohol±c Beverage Control Board, had expired and he presented honds written by the I'dational Surety Corporation to replace them. The law provides for them to be approved by the County Attorney and the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the above bonds in the amount of $5,000 each be approved by the Board. It iaas seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. I HOLIDAY SCHEDULE - I? Mr. Nletts observed that in the past the Board had been requested to appro,ve Holidays as they came up on the,calendar and that in his opinion, it would be well to establish the holidays which the County i-iould observe so that all employees would be ? ' aware of them and it 4aouid not be necessary to pass on each one as they,came up. This e? subject was discussed and upon motion of Nr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, the foilowingl holidays are to be established for County employees on an annual basis: New Yearts Day, Nlemorial Day (N;ay lOth), Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans+ Day, Thanks- giving Day and Christmas and the day after. OCEAN HIGHInfAY ASSOCIATION - . Pursuant to an aoreement with the City Council, the Board by common consent, approved payment of one-half the cost of entertaining the Ocean Highiday Association , I? at the Cape Fear Country Club amour.ting to $218.75. This was on the occasion of their 28th Annual Meeting and in an effort to pronote traffic alonC the Ocean Hiohway U.S. 17. SPA ADUERTISIAIG - ?I The Executive Secretary presented the copy of an advertisement which has been run in the magazine published by the State Ports Authority with the request for I approval or disapproval for the insertion in the summer issue to be off the press on June 25th. Upon motion of Mr. Netts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously ' approved the same ad at a cost not to exceed $50.00 and the Executive Secretary was ? Iauthorized to notify Mr. L. C. Bruce, their public relations representative. i AIEWSPAPER ADUERIISIPIG - ? , A letter uras received from the Advertising Manager of the Star-IVews Tdewspapersi advising that the present flat rate contract of $225.00 per month for display,advertising, ? of the County would expire on July lst,1962. Attached to the letter was a new contract I? ? which is the same type as applies to reta;l advertisors and is based on the amount of space used each month. As the per inch cost decelerates in proportion to the increase I in the number of inches used they are agreeable to permitting a joint contract with the City which will aive both political subdivisions the benefit of,the lower rate however it will be necessary to appoint some one to clivide the number of inches used by eaclZ i department so that it can be charged with its proportionate share of actual advertising j space used. At present, the advertising invoices are being sent to the Tax Coliector ' and the appropriations for the flat rate advertising have been made through that depart- ? ment in the past. Sam W. Johnson, the present Tax Collector, has agreed to make the ? breakdown in the monthly invoices and allecate the amounts due by each department for their actual number of inches used if the Board agrees. After a discussion of the ad- ?I j vantages of this arrangement, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County sign the joint • I contract subject to the approval of ttie City Council, witn the understanding that each ? ! department will pay their proporti.onate share of the actual advert:sing which they use. \ It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ? BEER PERP7IT - The following appiication for a Beer Permit tiias neviewed by the Boar3 and upon motion of N?r. Metts, seconded by fl,r. Braak; was unanimously approved and referred II to the Sheriff for his consideration and investigation: Mabel L. Goidenberg T/A Four 'wlinds Restaurant Y.ure Beach, N. C. Inc, ?, u ,I ??? I r. ;:. a o: Minutes of the Ninutes June 4, 1962 Continued VFW COTNEI4TION - / The Execntive Secretary reported that the lfeterans of Foreign Wars iaere having a convention over the next weekend and had requested through Nm. Fred Everett, to decorate the front of the Court House at a cost of $22;50. A.fter discussing the various requests for advertising by the different organi2ations it was decided, by common consent, not to enter into this contract. The Executive Secretary was instructed to advise them according2ya GRAND JUt2Y REPORT - The Chairman read the Grand Jury report for the N,ay Criminal term made to His i Honor, Albert W. Cowper, Judge Presiding. No major exceptions i•fere taken and the Grand Jury was very complimentary of the improvements which are in the process of being mac3e at the County Home and the contemplated chanoe in the Negro Juv2nile Detention quarters. PIo action was necesspLPy..' STATE p:550CIAT,iM C9nNEDITIOAI - T?g Execiatdvei•SECretarg_•-remir_ded the.Board of the 55th Annual Convention of the ? State Association of County C,ommissioners scheiiuled to be held on June 17- 19 at the II Biltmore Notel at Norehead City. The Chairman urged ali members of the Board to go espec- ? Ially since they had agreed to extend an invitation to the Association Lo meet in New Hanover County in 1964- By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to make reservation for any lJYlO agreed to attend including t:e County Attorney. PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Director of the Piew Hanov er County Department of Ulel-'? fare, along with Mrs. T. J. Morris and Peter H. Braak, memb ers of the Board of Public h Weifare presented the administrative budget for 1962-63. After beginning the study of the Budget, the County Auditor pointed out an error in the proposed Budget and after a brief.consideration, the Board by common consent, asked the Welfare Board to reconsider the Budget proposal and present it in its corrected form. I 1962-63 SECONDARY ROAD^ANS - A letter 1•ras,.received from the Division Engineer of thec;9tate Highway Commiss- ? ion advising that the 1962-63 a22ocation for F,oads in IJet•a Hanover County amounted to i $18,730.00. He recommends that it be spent as follo4rs: , i, SR No, Lenqth Description Estimated Cost 1440 0.25 Gr2de & Pave, Maple St. &(}8th St. $3,500.04 From SR 1411 to 5h' 1439 i 1137 0.1 Grade & Pave, Stillman Dr. 1,300.00 From End of Pavt. to SR 1138 1343 0.3 Grade & Pave, S. Castle Hayne R.R. 5 t. 1,700.00 From 512 1002 to D.-E. 1336 3.0 Stabilize, Sidbury Rd, 5,800.00 From End of Pavt. to Co. Line 1526 Q.!} Stabilize, Williams Rd. 1,200.00 From SR 1148 to D. E. Additions 1.2 Drain 8 Stabilize, Shouiders 1,500.00 Streets in Pine Hills Subdivision Additions 0.8 Stabilize 3,000.00 Streets in Hm by Beach Subdivision $ 18,000.00 730.00 Total 1962-63 Ailocation $ 18,•730.00 REPORTS - The follorring reports and ?letters were reviewed and ordered filed for in- formation: 1- County Agricultural Agent's Report for May 1962 ? 2- Letter from the New Hanover County Rural Firements Association. 3- Letter from Senator B. Everett Jordan regarding proposed changes in f N3tional Guard and Reserve Divisions and its affect on basic units in North Carolina. ? 4- Letter and report from the State Director of the Commodity Distribution Frogram showing the cost of distribution to be only $2.30 per $100.00's . worth of food distributed in a recent survey by twenty-four counties out of twenty=s`even reporting. ' 5- Letter of thanks from A. S. k?atkins and Fran}c?Young f'or the courtesies - exterided the State Revenue Department while th'ey maintained their offices in the CourL House. 6- Brochure on the 27th Annual Conference of the National Association of ? ?3ounty Officials, 7- Copy of letter by J. V. l+lhitfield, Chairman,' State Stream Sanitation ? Committee endorsing aa all out effort of the Beach Erosion program by the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, ADJOURIVMENT - There being no further business to be bronght before the Board, Mr: Metts moved that the meeting be adjourned.. It uras seconded by h;r. Broadhurst and unanimoasiy adopted. 'G,r, ut f?e Secretary i ?? ??! ? ? ? BUDGET ESTIMATE Wilmington, N. C. June 28,1962 The County Accountant submitted the Budget Estimate for the ensuing ,Fiscal Year. The Board ordered one copy filed in the oYiice of the Clerk for public inspection and directed that a notice of the Budget Estimate be published in the Wilmington Norning Star not less than twenty days before the final adoption of the Budget Resolu'tion whtch is July 28th. In making the presentation, the Auditor made the following statenent; I TO THE YODIORABLE B04RD OF COU1tiTY COWII SS IOA!ERS : P.s required under the 5tatutes, I submit to you herewith a "Budget Estimate" for 1962-1963. This should be filed immed- iately for public inspection and must be published in one (i) News.paper. You must pass the Budget Resolation not later than July 28th, 1962. The requests as presented to you total $6,288,059.97 and I have pone through these requests and reduced them to $6,149,265•25• IVo doubt that there has been some cuts that are tiaorth while ex- penditures. I have endeavored to hold the tax rate as low as possibie and still render ali necessary operations of the County. P.11 Departments have asked for salary increases and tney are all needed. They are not included in rny estimate. To meet this Budget, I have estimated the followino revenues: Intangibles Bac}: Taxes Reserves Other Income Tax Levy $ 220,000.00 70,000.00 760,000.00 3,074,265.25 2,025,000.00 $ 6,149,265.25 I estirr;ate that we will coilect on $150,000,000 of tax values and a tax rate of $1.35 per hundred will raise $2,025,000.00. I do not have for you this morning a break down of all revenue estimates but will have at your next meeting. Respectfully submitted, /S/ T. D. Love County Auditor ? The Ekecutive Secretary was directed to comply with the G.S. 153-119 providing for e advertise- ment of this Budget Estimate within twenty days before the date of the Resolutio?pting the Eudget Appropriations. (The Estimate was run in the Wilmington Morning yS? 5, 1962) ve Secretary ?